WWE Wrestlemania 31 General Discussion thread

Taker vs Lesnar II needs to happen or not?

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He should definitely put Wyatt over if he wrestles again.

Another idea I had was making it a Buried Alive match, having Harper and Rowan appear to help Bray, then as one of them goes to drop the dirt Taker drags Bray into the grave with him and they're both buried. After a few moments of uncertainty have Bray dig himself out. The image of Bray covered in dirt celebrating on the grave just seems incredibly badass in my mind.
If he was to wrestle once more, it would make zero sense and would be so disrespectful to the Undertaker if the company used the streak to slight Brock Lesnar. If Lesnar wants to leave, let him go. They don't use him properly anyway. If Taker went 21-2, it must be for the absolute right reasons for the WWE and both wrestlers involved. Bray Wyatt seems like a popular and logical candidate.

The Undertaker is too banged up though, in my opinion. In retrospect, I can watch the WrestleMania XXX match without grimacing because I know something historic is about to happen. Other than that ending, it was a terrible match. I hate to say it, because since WrestleMania XXV onwards, Taker was having match of the night every year.

I don't think it's necessary for the Undertaker to wrestle one more time. He's given us over twenty years of unbelievable memories, and will go down as one of the greatest to ever step foot in a wrestling ring. Maybe 21-1 to Lesnar was the right way to go out. Give him his night to celebrate his career with the fans, and let that be it. Lesnar can go, Taker can retire. I understand it's WWE, but even they surely wouldn't slight Lesnar by fucking with the streak; I'm sure Mark Calloway himself would have something to say about that.
No and know the Streak is over, I am hoping WWE don't include him in a match at this years event. Don't get me wrong I will always be a massive Taker fan, But with all the health issues the guy has, I would much rather see him call it a day. If WWE really wants a special attraction at this years Mania, Then they can always have Sting make his in ring debut on the night and with the Stinger looking to be in far better condition, I would not be surprised if he competed at Wrestlemania 32.
I've thought about this recently.

You could have him put over Wyatt at WM31 but beat Sting in a double-retirement match at 32 to end his career on a massive high. Makes for one final storyline for him.

He'll probably just beat Wyatt at 31 though.
If he goes out a loser at this Mania his WM aura would have been destroyed and he won't draw as big at future WM's!

He needs to do more if his body can handle it; Beat Bray, Beat Lesnar and then lose to Cena
That one loss hurt his legend. Instead of having a part time Brock Lesnar, who is going back to UFC a after WM, The Undertaker should have been allowed to go undefeated and retire. But that was all Vince. As Vince hated when Hogan left for WCW around the steroid trial, he said he creates a character and he would end it when he chose. Vince created UT and he would decide when when it was over. No reason for UT to return at all let alone a loss.
If his opponent is Wyatt, then absolutely. Wyatt should've been the one to end the streak in the first place in my opinion. Imagine how much it would've benefitted him when he was red hot back at Mania 31. Lesnar was already well established. Multiple time champion, not to mention he had already beaten Taker several times. He could've wrestled anyone else, and still look dominant against Cena at SummerSlam, and he'd have looked just as good.

Bottom line: they booked WM31 wrong. Wyatt needed the win against Taker, Lesnar didn't.

To stay on topic though...Taker should win if his opponent is Sting, Cena, or anyone else...except Wyatt.
I don't care if Undertaker fights Sting, Lesnar, Triple H, John Cena, Bray Wyatt.......or all of 'em at once.

Presuming this is his last match, he doesn't lose. After the Streak, after all he's done these years, especially at Wrestlemania......he wins.

Then, he poses, we celebrate..... everybody goes away happy, and the poor guy can take his poor, tortured body back to Arizona to McCool off for the rest of his life.
They might feel like their hands are kind of forced to book him in the main event against Lesnar, but he had his huge moment last year. He beat Triple H and then won the title in the main event. So I don't think they owe him the main event this time around. Plus, why give him the title again when his health is obviously an issue? You run the risk of being in the same position as this spring when they had to strip him.

My solution? And I don't think it's much of a step down...put him against Rusev and give him his first loss. That would get a pretty big reaction too, having him be the American who was finally able to accomplish what all others have failed at.

They hinted at a program anyway a few weeks ago when Bryan was guest GM of Raw. If and when Bryan shows he is 100%, you can have him drop the US Title back to Rusev (or someone else) and then put him back in the World Title picture.

My 2nd choice would be against a heel Jericho. They could have a match that would without a doubt steal the show.
I personally can't see Vince wanting Bryan to get the rub by beating Lesnar, but it should be Bryan vs Lesnar I reckon. I worry if Reigns wins the Rumble he will end up like Del Rio or Sheamus, too much too early.

The problem with booking Wrestlemania is Vince typically likes a face to win the main event. I would like Rollins to cash in on either Lesnar or Reigns, not Bryan.
They might feel like their hands are kind of forced to book him in the main event against Lesnar, but he had his huge moment last year. He beat Triple H and then won the title in the main event. So I don't think they owe him the main event this time around. Plus, why give him the title again when his health is obviously an issue? You run the risk of being in the same position as this spring when they had to strip him.

If this happens again, I think WWE has a better backup plan. That if an injury should happen it would be a great opportunity for Rollins to cash in his MITB. Besides I think Bryan will be fine, he was out for so long I doubt he was rushed back into the active roster.

My 2nd choice would be against a heel Jericho. They could have a match that would without a doubt steal the show.

Jericho said he's not going to be part of WM.
I am not of the mind that Undertaker should lose at WrestleMania. But Vince McMahon is a hard person to read. I can't remember where I read this, but apparently WWE pays Undertaker $1 million a year. I wonder if McMahon thinks he pays Taker enough to book him however he wants, whether Taker deserves better treatment or not.

It stunk watching the streak end. If I was booking I would have Taker go over Lesnar in a rematch. I still think that match would sell huge. But I doubt that will happen.

My sense: Vince McMahon is zany enough to slight Lesnar at Taker's expense.
I need to preface my comments with a warning. I have mixed feelings about Daniel Bryan's return, and I anticipate contradicting myself.

I am a huge fan of Daniel Bryan. I broke my brothers couch, obnoxiously (and drunkenly) "YES"ing at the end of Wrestlemania 30. His rise was meteoric, and more importantly organic, which is why I'm unsure they can recapture the magic of last year. Daniel Bryan vs The Authority was lightning in a bottle, and while the connection between Bryan and the audience endures, it feels like it's dissipated to an extent (consider the crowd reaction from Raw against, say, Bryan whipping Bray Wyatt in the steel cage). Daniel Bryan and the Authority took us on a journey, a complete story with a beginning, middle and end, with the magic of the audience supporting it.

Even while on that journey from SummerSlam to Wrestlemania, I knew that this would be the best use of Daniel Bryan in his entire career (liberal use of "knew", I know). The right elements were in place, proper use of protagonists and antagonists, and certain intangibles that made it absolutely perfect. As I said, it felt like lightning in a bottle, and you shouldn't try replicating that.

Now here's where I contradict myself; I really want to see Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. Mick Foley said it best when he called it the "ultimate David versus the ultimate Goliath", and it would be just that. Even last year, when we saw Bryan versus Authority, we all thought at some point the parallels with Austin vs McMahon. Any other David vs Goliath story line after WM31, I think would forever be compared to Bryan vs Lesnar. That's a legacy that is indispensable for both men and WrestleMania.

The story might even be so good that lightning strikes twice.
Bryan and Lesnar would be a great match, even if it takes more to suspend belief that a guy Bryan's size can beat such a huge dude like Lesnar.

Bryan should be in one of the main events simply because he'll tear the roof down. He got screwed out of his first run. I'd like to see what he can do in his second.

I guess it all depends on just how much trust their is in Reigns between now and then.
It's terrifying to me that there are people who want Undertaker to lose to Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania. Undertaker's legacy hasn't been destroyed enough, now they want him to lose to a rookie nobody with no upside? Why not just have to lose to Adam Rose in a squash match? The people on this site are so stupid it's truly scary.

Undertaker should not lose again at WrestleMania. He shouldn't even wrestle again. The only reason for Undertaker to come back would be to avenge his loss to Lesnar by beating him clean by submission in a WrestleMania rematch (and then we'd have the morons on this site crying about how Lesnar is "legit" and shouldn't lose to "fake wrestlers").
According to a report I read today, there's a strong possibility of The Undertaker being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame the night before WrestleMania XXXI. Taker's image is all over promotional advertising for WrestleMania but, as has been mentioned in numerous reports and in numerous posts over the course of the past 8 months or so, there's serious doubts as to whether or not Taker is able to wrestle. The reason he's in the advertising is because of the HOF back up, according to the report, if it turns out he feels that he's not up to wrestling.

Flair entered the HOF the night before he lost to Michaels. I don't see much bearing in regards to an active wrestler with such little time left to enter the HOF and wrestle the next night. Considering just how hurt Taker got last year, I can see this year finally being his last year.

A Wyatt match would be great. Maybe even better than Punk's, storyline wise. Match wise, I don't know. But at least Wyatt could carry Taker better than Sting could.
I think they could still work around it. They could some how build up a Orton/HHH feud, or HHH/Ambros feud, even a Reigns/HHH feud if they wanted for WM31, all of those would work although no one wants to see Orton/HHH again. But they could do one of those and let Undertaker and Sting get a feud going.

And get this: Lets say they put Sting in the Rumble, have Stings music hit, Sting comes down, but then the lights go out and maybe a casket shows up and Undertaker comes out and takes Sting out not even allowing him in the ring for the Rumble. Setting up a Undertaker heel turn, fans already growing stale of him anyway from last years WM. Then at Summerslam do the Sting/HHH match.

But either way, yes its HHH ego that will ruin everything. When Bryan was red hot, HHH had to make sure he had a match against Bryan at WM because HHH wanted in the spotlight, and even then he had to show up in the main event to steal the thunder from Batista and Orton. When the Shield was red hot, HHH had to show up in the middle of that. Who had to have 2 matches with Undertaker at WM, who had to have matches with Lesnar, all HHH putting him self in the spotlight.

If you look at the storyline, that really wasn't the case. HHH had to insert him into the match with DB in order to get to the main event. And HHH being there at the end made a lot of sense because he didn't want to see DB win.

HHH will lose if it's right and fits a storyline. If it's Sting/HHH, trips will have zero problems putting him over.
Yeah, no. Wyatt couldn't get a good match with John Cena, the guy that the entire wrestling world knows can drag a good match out of a steel pole. He couldn't get a good match with Ambrose, yet. Wyatt is probably the least talented in ring performer on the current roster. Sting won't be that much better. And Taker's last showing proves that HHH should have ended the streak. But putting Taker with Wyatt will be a shitfest unseen on a Wrestlemania stage.

If you're going to make the decrepit grandpa wrestle, have it be with the balding brown haired guy with silver wingtips that's dressed in Sting's gimmick. Let them battle in a match that should have happened in 2001. Put Wyatt with someone that can carry him if you're intent on having him in Wrestlemania. Even John Cena again. But please don't let it be Taker v. Wyatt.

Full disclosure, Undertaker is possibly my favorite wrestler of all time. But that's the Undertaker from 1990 until about 2009. After that, it just got really weird.
Am I the only one that thinks this is a terrific option for a match if Daniel Bryan (or someone else) wins the Rumble to face Brock Lesnar instead of Roman Reigns? This one could steal the entire damn show. Especially if you make it a falls count anywhere match. First off, I don't think Reigns is ready to be World Heavyweight Champion, but I DO think Seth Rollins is and I believe 100% that WM31 will end with him cashing in on whoever the champion is, as I've said in another thread I created. But to make it less predictable, he needs to appear to be injured so badly that you would think there's no possible way he's cashing in on this particular night. Maybe even show an ambulance taking him from Levi's Stadium, although that could make it a bit too obvious.

Next, the Ambrose/Rollins feud was never really resolved. Ambrose lost at Hell in a Cell due to interference from Bray Wyatt and they have been in a program ever since. Rollins moved onto Cena and hasn't crossed paths with Ambrose since, which is just ridiculous in my opinion. It needed a definitive winner. Rollins has unifinished business with Orton too, and I really want to see them go 1 on 1 at Mania as well, but I would choose this triple threat between all 3 former Shield members over the Orton/Rollins match. In fact, Rollins vs Orton could even happen as soon as the Royal Rumble.

I would have Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose be 3 of the last 5 in the Ruble match (along with Daniel Bryan and Ziggler/Orton/Wyatt). Perhaps Ambrose is trying to get rid of Rollins, when Reigns comes up and tosses them both out, beginning some dissention between Reigns and Ambrose. The match truly should have happened last year. When they were hinting at a Shield breakup for months leading up to WM30 and then they got back on the same page only to face...Kane and the New Age Outlaws? You gotta be kidding me. Yes, if they had broken up this time last year and the match had happened, we would've missed out on those Shield vs. Evolution matches, but you can't tell me they weren't misused at WM30. That was a joke.

So yes, it could've and should've happened last year...it could happen next year and be for the title, but I want to see it at Mania 31 because it's just simply better than anything else you can write up for them.

As long as it's not for the title, I'm all for it. None of these guys are ready for main event status and this match would keep them away from the big matches. But these three should be on the WrestleMania card, and this would be a great opener to the show.
This was totally my idea a few days back, but I'm glad this was brought into attention. Firstly, OP is 100% correct in the fact that Reigns IS NOT ready for the main event whatsoever, much less going against a man who has both ended the Streak and captured the WWE world heavyweight title in the past year. There are only a handful of wrestlers with the caliber, and more importantly, the CREDIBILITY to wrestle Lesnar. The list includes The Rock, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, and John Cena. (Unless WWE pulls some drastic swerve and HHH somehow ends up in the main event at Wrestlemania, then HHH as well. Very unlikely, but let's face it, Vince has been bonkers for a while now.) While I believe to the bottom of my heart that Cesaro should be the man instead of Reigns, that is a topic for another time.

Ambrose has nothing to do after the Rumble, which he won't be winning. The great thing is, Ambrose doesn't need to be billed as a villian like Rollins; just a guy looking to be the best star out of the Shield. Rollins can help elevate this match as well, with his ring intellect and highflying maneuvers.

Reigns can win this match for all I care. Personally I'd like him to wrestle midcard until he earns the spot WWE is giving him, but that won't happen. This match can definitely help push him to a higher level.

As for match type, I agree with the Falls Count Anywhere stipulation. Just one request ... Somebody please put Reigns through a couple of tables early in the match so we are saved from his horrible wrestling for a good portion of the match.
It's terrifying to me that there are people who want Undertaker to lose to Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania. Undertaker's legacy hasn't been destroyed enough, now they want him to lose to a rookie nobody with no upside? Why not just have to lose to Adam Rose in a squash match? The people on this site are so stupid it's truly scary.

Undertaker should not lose again at WrestleMania. He shouldn't even wrestle again. The only reason for Undertaker to come back would be to avenge his loss to Lesnar by beating him clean by submission in a WrestleMania rematch (and then we'd have the morons on this site crying about how Lesnar is "legit" and shouldn't lose to "fake wrestlers").

:lol: Agree wit you 100%. People on this shit are either stupid or just ******ed. Bray wyatt doesnt deserve to face or beat taker at wrestlemania. Bray isnt a good wrestler, bad on the mic and overral not good.

bray is very overrated. I dont get what everyone sees in him
He is a mediocre wrestler
I think sheamus should main event wrestlemania31. Sheamus is rumoured to be the next beast incarnate so, he must defeat lesnar. Lesnar vs sheamus will surely tear the house down. He can become the top heel imo.
It's going to be Ziggler beating Lesnar for the title. Reigns was obviously the plan, but his three months out due to injury, resistance from large sections of the crowd, and overall inexperience, have curtailed his push for now. Bryan is back, sure, but I'm not even convinced he's healthy. Any old physical wreck can throw a few punches in a 30-man match. And anyway, I don't think they'd be giving him the monster push two years in a row.

Ziggler is a tremendous worker who has previously held world titles and headlined pay-per-views without ever being truly green-lighted as a top guy. He's as over as he's ever been, and WWE are going with him as a trustworthy and reliable second choice. They want to monetize the guy while they still can.

And if that sounds far fetched, look at the push he's had since November, as well as the new moniker of "The Man" that they've bestowed upon him lately.

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