WWE Wrestlemania 31 General Discussion thread

Taker vs Lesnar II needs to happen or not?

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While it would normally be a good match a couple years ago I don't know about now. It would also get a huge pop but I don't know what shape the Undertaker is in. Sting is well rested for a final bout but UT looks about 65+ for a guy that isn't even 50. It would also be a face vs face match and there's no storyline as to why they should be against each other. I could see Sting vs HHH.
If Taker is healthy enough to wrestle I have to think that WM31 would be the time to wrestle Sting. Time is literally against them as the two men aren't getting any younger and Taker seems to look worse and worse with every leaked photo that shows up here. Only reason I can think of them stalling is they're hoping for it to happen at WM32 at Taker's home state but that seems crazy since even today Taker's health is questionable at best. Or what they could do is just have Taker skip this year which gives him even more time to recover, plus storyline wise it's easier for Heyman to brag about the 1 in 21-1 when the 21 isn't around.
According to a report I read today, there's a strong possibility of The Undertaker being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame the night before WrestleMania XXXI. Taker's image is all over promotional advertising for WrestleMania but, as has been mentioned in numerous reports and in numerous posts over the course of the past 8 months or so, there's serious doubts as to whether or not Taker is able to wrestle. The reason he's in the advertising is because of the HOF back up, according to the report, if it turns out he feels that he's not up to wrestling.

It was pretty obvious at WrestleMania XXX that Taker just doesn't have the juice. Had he been in there with a more capable opponent, it's POSSIBLE that said opponent could have carried Taker through a good match but Lesnar just didn't have the necessary skills to do it. Because of that, I think we were given a genuinely clear and unfiltered view of Taker's physical condition overall. The spirit is willing, he genuinely tried his best and gutted it out despite being hurt, but the flesh is weak. As for Sting, he also isn't remotely what he was inside the ring 5 or 6 years ago, his last few matches in TNA were proof enough of that.

I understand that it'd be an extremely cool moment for Sting & Taker to be in the ring at WrestleMania XXXI. I get the nostalgia factor of it but, in my opinion, there comes a time when you've got to say fuck nostalgia and this is one of those times. If these two men can't deliver a great match to live up to the overwhelmingly high nostalgic hype that fans would build for themselves during WrestleMania season, then it's not worth it. When I watch a wrestling event, I want to see matches between wrestlers who're physically capable of putting on strong matches, not a couple of 50+ year old men who's bodies are ravaged by injury and the wear & tear of the business embarrass themselves.

Besides, if they did have a match and it turned out to be as lousy as many who're against it fear it would be, look how many of those same fans who wanted it would come out of the woodwork slamming Taker, Sting and WWE because the match didn't live up to their impossible expectations.
I disagree with alot of the above.
Taker has been stealing the show at mania since wm25 he had one bad match with the careless lesnar and suffers a concussion and all fans write him off as being a cripple. The mans had a full YEAR to recover. People seem to write him off every year but yet he shows.

Sting looks in great form much better to the shape he was in when in final days at TNA, I think Sting has been training hard knowing he has to go out looking good in his final run with WWE.

I think these two legends have the experience and wrestling knowledge to really tell a story in the ring and make the encounter unforgettable. Yes it won't be a wrestling masterpeice but it dosent need to be. Build up from RR onwards, awesome promo's, entrances, staredowns etc nothing will compete with that these two could create.

Storyline wise could all be about respect. In real life Sting has came to the WWE for Taker he has stated this may times in interviews. Sting wants it but i'm affraid HHH's ego has got in the way and hunter wants to be in the spotlight for Sting's only WWE match. You could put anyone in the ring with Sting in WWE and the millions will tune in to watch and the game knows that.
I don't know why Sting vs Undertaker isn't seriously being discussed by those in WWE. It really seems like it should be.

I think it would work much better going forward to have Sting vs Undertaker because you can have Sting lose in a good back and forth match and let Undertaker go out on a high note and then still have Lesnar be the one in the 21-1 and then whoever beats Lesnar is the one who beat the one in 21-1.

Otherwise, if Wyatt beat Undertaker then it's a 21-2 record and just seems less profound. I guess it might work since Lesnar is leaving to have one regular roster guy who can say he beat the Undertaker but I don't know. What I do know is if Wyatt vs Undertaker goes and Wyatt LOSES then it's yet another devastating loss for Wyatt and he'll need a lot of work AGAIN to build up credibility.

But so far, it looks like Sting vs Undertaker is going to be one of those missed opportunity matches that can only be done in your choice WWE video game.
Yes I agree, Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker is pointless. So is HHH vs Sting at Wrestlemania. It's win win for HHH, if Sting carries him through the match then they have a great match and HHH gets another notch on his belt. If the match is shit then he can go back and tell his friends how horrible the best that WCW had to offer was. I would much rather have Sting wrestle at the Royal Rumble or their Febuary PPV to earn the right to wrestle The Undertaker. Bray Wyatt is such a downgrade from The Undertaker's past Wrestlemania opponents. But given the fact that the streak is over, there's no draw. There's no mystique, there's nothing special anymore. Give the nostalgia fans one last hurrah with The Undertaker vs Sting and call it a day. There are no fantasy match ups left but this one. Don't waste it on HHH.
Yes I agree, Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker is pointless. So is HHH vs Sting at Wrestlemania. It's win win for HHH, if Sting carries him through the match then they have a great match and HHH gets another notch on his belt. If the match is shit then he can go back and tell his friends how horrible the best that WCW had to offer was. I would much rather have Sting wrestle at the Royal Rumble or their Febuary PPV to earn the right to wrestle The Undertaker. Bray Wyatt is such a downgrade from The Undertaker's past Wrestlemania opponents. But given the fact that the streak is over, there's no draw. There's no mystique, there's nothing special anymore. Give the nostalgia fans one last hurrah with The Undertaker vs Sting and call it a day. There are no fantasy match ups left but this one. Don't waste it on HHH and Bray Wyatt.
I think they could still work around it. They could some how build up a Orton/HHH feud, or HHH/Ambros feud, even a Reigns/HHH feud if they wanted for WM31, all of those would work although no one wants to see Orton/HHH again. But they could do one of those and let Undertaker and Sting get a feud going.

And get this: Lets say they put Sting in the Rumble, have Stings music hit, Sting comes down, but then the lights go out and maybe a casket shows up and Undertaker comes out and takes Sting out not even allowing him in the ring for the Rumble. Setting up a Undertaker heel turn, fans already growing stale of him anyway from last years WM. Then at Summerslam do the Sting/HHH match.

But either way, yes its HHH ego that will ruin everything. When Bryan was red hot, HHH had to make sure he had a match against Bryan at WM because HHH wanted in the spotlight, and even then he had to show up in the main event to steal the thunder from Batista and Orton. When the Shield was red hot, HHH had to show up in the middle of that. Who had to have 2 matches with Undertaker at WM, who had to have matches with Lesnar, all HHH putting him self in the spotlight.
My guess is Vince is pulling the ol proverbial wool over our eyes. We all know how much he hates when people know whats coming , especially for Mania. I can see him generating alot of talk backstage about Bray Wyatt and then after Elimination Chamber bringing Sting in to start a feud with the deadman.

My other thought is...by having that match you eliminate the possibility of having 2 big matches: Sting vs HHH, Taker vs Wyatt.

My OTHER thought is... by having Sting vs Taker, they might run into a problem with who goes over. Especially with Taker and/or Sting being inducted into the HOF.

Who knows...but I can always offer my thoughts, which I seem to be pretty good at. :)
Lmao...i cant believe that a bunch of lifelong wrestling fans actually think that Undertaker will be in the ring with anyone but Sting at WM31. Come on guys...Sting probably demanded he face Taker before he signed. Why the hell would Sting come to WWE to wrestle HHH? And why the hell would Taker, who already lost the streak, risk his health to face a freaking midcarder at Mania?

Undertaker vs Sting is happening!!!

I see a screwy finish to Sting vs Taker happening though. Like they both get attacked 20 mins into the match, than they clear the ring and shake hands.
I'm so sick and tired of the people who are so critical of part timers and their abilities. These people say the Undertaker can't go anymore, yet he and Punk have match of the year at Mania. Same people say that the Rock gets gassed easy and is lousy in the ring yet he and Cena have one of the best matches of 2012 as a Slammy nominee.

Wrestling is not that difficult for these legends. Sting and Taker can certainly put on a legitimate match...a respectable one too. Taker is notorious for working on his matches prior with his opponent...he and Sting could come up with some awesome spots and a finish. Wrestling is more about craftiness and creativity than physical ability. Obviously you need some of that ability and these two still have more than enough of it.

You guys expect every match to be Bret Hart vs HBK...there are other elements that make a match.

As far as a storyline is concerned...wtf kind of storyline did Undertaker and HHH have at Mania 27????? I mean one dude is in the ring and the other comes down, no words spoken, point to the Mania sign and then they leave. Like seriously? Stop acting like they need some granduous story which they don't, but guess what? They have pleeeeenty of time to create one. How can you doubt that? That's what writers do...they make stories. Smh. I mean come on, it's frikkin January...4 months away from Mania. That's 1/3 of a year.

Sting vs Undertaker should be made. I have ZERO interest in seeing Bray vs Taker or Sting vs HHH. I mean they are solid, but NOT for Mania when Sting vs Taker is a possibility.
The problem with 'Sting Vs Taker' is that there is no reason for them to feud. Who would play the heel? Fans would likely support Taker. Neither get anything from fighting and it would probably be a sucky match. Also, Taker has never been the best on the mic and Sting is best when he doesn't talk. The promos would be...interesting.

'Taker Vs Bray' would at least deliver some cool promos. 'Sting Vs Triple H' would be a better match and Trips is an excellent talker.
I honestly think it'll happen at WM32, in the home state of both men, in the retirement match for both. Taker goes over Wyatt, and Sting goes over Trips this year, giving both guys momentum heading in. Taker beats Sting (obviously), they shake hands then do the whole farewell thing.

I take these "Taker might not make WM" rumours as absolute nonsense now. We've heard it every year since the first Michaels match, and Taker has performed great in the ring every year until 2014. Gotta cut the guy some slack though, given that he suffered a concussion and was wrestling a poor worker in Lesnar (yup, he's been exposed - this ain't 2002 anymore baby).

Remember 2011, when dirtsheets were reporting that Taker had cancer? He'll wrestle at WM every single year until he tells the world it's his last one.
since it's never been suggested just throwing this out their but has having Sting wrestle at the 2015 Royal Rumble been considered?

After all it was Sting who put the Authority out of power in the first place

why not have Sting vs Triple H at the Royal Rumble for a warm up match to shake off the ring rust which'll lead nicely into Sting somehow launching into a feud vs the Undertaker @ Wrestlemania 31

of course that'll ruin the proposed WM match up of Wyatt vs Taker, but with people high on Sting-Taker, why not pull the trigger on that now?
he is misfit for wwe now. His return heavily affect title picture. Just put him against lesnar at fast lane. Lesnar destroy bryan and injured him. At wm bryan came and informed he retired from pro wrestling.
he is misfit for wwe now. His return heavily affect title picture. Just put him against lesnar at fast lane. Lesnar destroy bryan and injured him. At wm bryan came and informed he retired from pro wrestling.

I'm afraid Daniel Bryan is back and you're just going to have to deal with it, whether you like him or not you can't deny his connection with the fans AND his superb in-ring ability.

In regards of how to book him going in to Wrestlemania? It's a tricky one, his return has certainly shaken up things regarding the Rumble. Let's face it we were all convinced that Roman Reigns would win the match and headline 'Mania against Brock Lesnar.

But now that Bryan has returned, there's no real certainty regarding it. This is most definitely not a bad thing, unpredictable Rumbles are always more enjoyable.

Now if Bryan doesn't win the Rumble then he almost certainly has to be involved with stopping the Authority once and for all, that's the only booking that would make sense. Peronally I would love to see him feud with Seth Rollins over the WWEWHC, but I don't see that happening. I'm just worried any angle with him will involve Brie Bella again, and turning her away from the dark side...
I honestly think Bryan vs. Lesnar is the most logical main event for WM. Before we know Bryan would return the main event looked really bleak. Ambrose, Reigns, Ziggler etc. any of those would have made a lack luster main event at WM.

Of course there's a 0.0001% chance for CM Punk to return. Then they can do a Punk vs. Bryan but I wouldn't bet on those odds.

This puts Reigns out of the top spot, which is fine since I can see him work with Batista (if he wants to return) or Big Show (a win over Show is a very good boost at WM, look at Cena).

Though a Batista vs. Bryan isn't that bad of an idea as well. I can see Bryan reutrn make it to the final four but Batista make a surprise return an eliminate Bryan for revenge for last year. Only problem is it's iffy if Bryan vs. Batista will have any chemistry.
Some good replies. I guess if sting v hhh dosent happen at RR or it dosent happen at fast lane it then answers the question
Rumors are Lesnar will be walking out the door after WrestleMania. That is certainly his prerogative. I don't fault any man for following the money or following his dream. From a WWE standpoint however things are a bit more complicated. Will they let a UFC guy walk around as the only man to beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania? Will they have another talent beat Taker so they can, if nothing else, water down the accomplishment of a UFC fighter?

Ideally WWE would use a second Taker loss as an opportunity to push a full-timer. Guys like Bray Wyatt or Sheamus would experience a major career boon with a win over the Deadman.

Should Taker lose at WrestleMania one more time? Do you think WWE would water down Lesnar's signature win as a slight for leaving the company?
Nope. Look, if they did that, then all of Lesnar's booking this past year would have been for nothing and made no sense.......y'know what? Now that I think about it, I wouldn't put it past WWE to do it after all. But that really all depends on if 'Taker is ready for one more match.
It's not his prerogative it's the terms of the contract he signed, which is supposed to be up just after Mania.

Does anyone really think that we should ask the Undertaker to come back to lose again so Brock Lesnar can't boast about it? I don't, I have more respect for Undertaker than that. Besides once Lesnar leaves, that will go with him.

Will never agree with Lesnar breaking the streak, and not because he's UFC. It's because of all people he didn't need the rub, it should have been someone else who was coming up the ladder. Lesnar walked in a top star and has stayed that way, he's the last person that should have been given that honour. Oh well it's done and over with and we live it with it, but no Taker shouldn't come back just to please Lesnar again.
Depends on who its against.

Bray Wyatt? Absolutely. Full time young guy with a great future, and a similar spooky character.

Floyd Mayweather? (who then proceeds to wrestle John Cena 17 times and puts over precisely no one) Not so much.

It will be equally, if not more shocking if Taker' starts what I will call "the new streak"

Everyone will think "surely, he won't lose two Manias in a row"....and then he does.
Well, I do think The Undertaker should lose at Wrestlemania again, ONLY if he is facing the right opponent, and definitely not for the sole reason to try and slight Lesnar... that's just completely disrespectful to The Undertaker after 20+ years of giving it all to the WWE and Vince. Honestly, the only person I want to see defeat Taker (and this may not be popular) is Bray Wyatt. If it's Sting, Cena, or anybody else I would rather just have Taker leave on a high note.

The reason I would like Bray Wyatt to be the one to defeat The Undertaker this year is because I really think he has a strong, long career ahead of himself, and a win over The Undertaker at Wrestlemania would completely MAKE Wyatt... it would basically erase all complaints of Bray not "following through with what he says". Also, this would be a perfect passing of the torch scenario and I think Taker would happily take a loss in his last match to better the company in the future. It would be bittersweet, but in all reality, The Streak is dead... whether Taker loses once or twice, it really doesn't matter anymore. He still won 21 matches in a row at Wrestlemania, it's not like two losses would completely erase that accomplishment or make it irrelevant.
I don't think he should go 21-2 to anyone, if he wrestles I think he should walk out a winner. I think we're all fairly certain if he does it'll be the last time and he can beat a guy and still put him over, he is very good at that.

However, in saying all that I would be quite happy for him to leave his record at 21-1 because I am not sure with his injuries it's worth it for one more dance.

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