WWE Summerslam 2016 LD

Wait a minute... is that 5 person women's match on the main show? I really hope they just scrapped it.
What in the world? That was just a beyond dirty contest by Charlotte. Foley needs to do something here. Make this right Mick.
Mauro's face at that finish was exactly the same as mine, sans the fists. What the hell? I know Summerslam is good to heels, but JESUS!

You can't have a heel say "I'm better than you!" And then win clean.
I hope Sasha isn't really hurt. I think something is legit wrong. The way she's crying in the ring looks like she's frustrated that she knows something isn't right.
Guys guys, don't hate. They obviously gonna blow this feud at the next PPV, give us another great match and have Sasha finally win.. possibly in a very good Falls Count Anywhere match.

They just want to build Charlotte as an even against Sasha. Which sounds right to me.

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