WWE Summerslam 2016 LD

Yes it was. You don't give the heel a clean win over somebody who JUST won the title in a moment like we had on Raw.

If you want Charlotte to win, you have her cheat. But I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you.

Dude chill, we're having a nice small conversation here.

That way you say it, have her cheat, yeah I think it would be better.

We can both agree that having Charlotte walk out as the champ wasn't the bad decision, but the way it came.
I expected Miz to retain, but that's 3 straight heel victories so far. This is slowly approaching Wrestlemania 32 levels of "all of your heroes go down".
The ending to the women's match is difficult to figure out because it should have been dirty not clean but at the same time Sasha shouldn't have lost but then we have the possibility of Sasha taking the title back.

The show for the most part hasn't been bad. It's been lAcking a bit.

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