WWE Summerslam 2016 LD

Here's the match quality you can expect with Ambrose as champion. Nothing but crickets.

I actually thought the feud was decent leading up to this, but this is just sad. JBL and Otunga dont help either.

Otherwise great show so far.
This match as been pretty good, but the crowd doesn't care. Could be Ambrose, but I think it's much more to do with no one buying Dolph as a real threat here.
Here's the match quality you can expect with Ambrose as champion. Nothing but crickets.

I actually thought the feud was decent leading up to this, but this is just sad. JBL and Otunga dont help either.

Otherwise great show so far.

Exactly. I like Ambrose just fine... but he doesn't have "it." Something needs to happen to push him over the edge.
Dean is certainly a better character than a wrestler, but he's also had some very good matches in his day. Just needs the right guy to work with, and Dolph ain't it.
As much as the crowd loves Ambrose they are always so dead during his matches no matter the city or his opponent.
It could also be that they've had to follow Styles/Cena and a New Day match. The placement of this hasn't done them any favors.
Dean doesn't feel like an alpha male. He feels like a midcarder in over his head. The lack of better apparel gives him that early Bret Hart singles run vibe.
Dean is certainly a better character than a wrestler, but he's also had some very good matches in his day. Just needs the right guy to work with, and Dolph ain't it.

Nobody was it. His matches against Wyatt were good. Not great. Same with matches against Jericho. Same with match with Lesnar. Same with every other match he's in. Ambrose does nothing to make me care about him.
When Dean goes into the ropes like that I wish one time someone would grab his feet and flip him backwards so he gets stuck between the top and middle rope.
He's crappy and sloppy in the ring, but I still think he's great. Love his no nonsense character.
Dean doesn't feel like an alpha male. He feels like a midcarder in over his head. The lack of better apparel gives him that early Bret Hart singles run vibe.

Pretty much how I feel about him. There is something missing about Ambrose that makes it hard to buy him in the position he currently is in for me.

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