WWE signs Brian Danielson

I wouldnt say this means they are gonna bury the top ROH guys. Fairly sure that was CM Punk i saw winning the old NWA title in a TLC match the other night, on the second biggest show of the year...coulda sworn...

Anyway, I just hope they let him do what makes him...him. Allow him to be what he is, to do what he is good at. What that may be, I havent a clue, since ive never seen one of his matches, but I see people praise the ground he walks on around here, so I imagine he is fairly adept. I honestly would think his size will be a real drawback factor in this. WWE is trying to present themselves as squeky clean and steroid free, so pushing smaller guys shouldnt be a huge issue, I wouldnt think. I just hope they allow him to be the best he can.
While I don't think they will bury the ROH talents then sign away, I think the WWE will definitely try to take ROH completely out of business, not because they are a threat, but because he might be wanting to send a message to TNA, telling them, that there is no competition to the WWE, so don't even try. Hell when ROH in nearly out of business, I wouldn't be surprised if Vince doesn't swoop in and buy it. He might like to make it a farm league, another place to train up and comers. It would be a good move by Vince, one more company he took out then bought.
so it's now common knowledge to smarks that Bryan Danielson is working a contract for the WWE. now to those like me who believe that Danielson is the all around best wrestler on the indie circuit (if u count ROH as indie) then u were filled with 2 things upon hearing the news

"holy shit this is gonna be awesome!:)"

"oh fuck he is gonna get destroyed! :banghead:"

now you probably had thoughts similar to one or both of those phrases but still it's the American dragon he is just to good to let go to waste

as being someone who has been in the cattle mutilation (I'm not gonna say I'm a pro wrestler just me and my freinds are stupid) i can tell you it hurts but i don't think he'll be aloud to use it in the WWE for the fact that the WWE doesn't like cool finishers. i don't think it'll be called the cattle mutilation anymore either

now that i think about it allot of his ultra brutal moves he won't get to do anymore


go to that link to see what this guy is capable of if u haven't seen him before

but this guy is an amazing talent i just hope the WWE don't fuck it up

so what do u people think will happen to the best wrestler in the world while lingering in the dangerous waters of the WWE?

what do u think his move set will be like? still awesome or watered down?

what about his most famous finisher cattle mutilation? will he keep the name? or even the move?

give me your thoughts please gents'
I question this move by Danielson because while it is great for the WWE signing him its nothing but bad for Danielson. You aren't going to see the same wrestler you saw in ROH you will see a watered down chesseier version of the ROH wrestler fans of his loved.
I hope you guys don't think he's gonna be known as Brian Danielson anymore...CM Punk is gonna be the last indy star to keep his indy name.

WWE doesn't care who you are, they will change your name. (Unless you are a HUGE mainstream star or returning wrestler.)

Danielson will be renamed Chip Vanderway or Mark Allen or Don Lockings.

That's why the WWE is having trouble creating new stars. They try to start from scratch instead of capitalizing on the wrestler's name and fan basis. And all the new guys coming in have such generic names, the art of the gimmick is dead.

As I said, CM Punk is going to be the last indy star to retain his name going into WWE.
I'm really looking forward to this one. Not because I'm a fan of Bryan Danielson but at least it will prove who is right about Danielson. Some people on this forum or IWC that thinks Danielson is a wrestling god. Other than that I really don't care much about it and think IWC will turn on him just like they turn on everyone they'd supported.

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