Nigel McGuinness Signs With TNA, Allegedly Given Major Storyline

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guys remember to watch tna at 12:00 midnight when dylan "wolfee" comes out to play lmao i wonder how they will get on in tna, but tna has a lot of stars and tht cud mean cuts. its confusing,
I also love how everyone assumes Vince took too long so Nigel walked away from the WWE. How do we know that? Isn't it very possible the WWE had second thoughts about him and decided he wasn't worth the money or time?

Umm, maybe because that's what the report says? What do you think we're talking about here? We can only "assume" based on what's being reported, if you have any other information to suggest an other explanation, please by all means post it. is reporting that former Ring of Honor talent Nigel McGuinness will most likely be heading to TNA Wrestling instead of WWE. It's being reported that McGuinness is currently backstage at the TNA Impact tapings in Orlando, and word is that he either has or is going to sign a contract with the company.

Additionally, it is being rumored that Bryan Danielson, another former Ring of Honor talent who announced he was WWE-bound, might also be considering signing with TNA. The feeling is that WWE has taken too long to sign both McGuinness and Danielson, so TNA decided to come in and sign them while they were still free agents.

Both talents announced awhile back that they had agreed in principle with WWE, which means that although discussions had taken place, no contract had officially been signed with WWE by either wrestler.

PLEASE TNA sign these two guys.

I love the WWE, but TNA needs to pick these guys up. I think TNA is trying to get rid of the older guys. If you had not notice, everybody is getting release or jobbing to younger talent. I think that is the way it should be. You cannot keep the torch lit forever and we all know who some of these wrestlers are.

This is from the heart: You guys need to stop trying to be main eventers and stop being bosses in the backstage area. You cannot job to somebody because it not a pay-per-view venue? Main Event or not, if I said you are going to job to make this guy look like a future star; then you are going to do it. You had your turn at fame but not it is time for a new generation to bring in the next form of fans.
I gotta say I'm less than surprised. Both of these guys are probably making a much better career move, maybe not in terms of money, but in-ring success. I think it's safe to say that WWE is where Indy stars go to die. The only way to make it in WWE it seems is to kiss up to HHH, Cena, Orton, Michaels, or whoever is really running that place. Matt Sydal(Evan Bourne) isn't going anywhere; right now he's a jobber to the mid-carders. Even CM Punk has been a moderate success, other than his feud with Jeff, his presence at the top of the card has been less than spectacular. So I say good for them.
Umm, maybe because that's what the report says? What do you think we're talking about here? We can only "assume" based on what's being reported, if you have any other information to suggest an other explanation, please by all means post it.

Please point out to me where in this "report" it says that either guy walked away from Vince and the WWE. All it says is that they are close to signing with TNA. It says nothing along the lines of them turning down a contract from WWE to sign with TNA.
Please point out to me where in this "report" it says that either guy walked away from Vince and the WWE. All it says is that they are close to signing with TNA. It says nothing along the lines of them turning down a contract from WWE to sign with TNA.

To your credit, if WWE was dragging their feet with signing them, I do think there is a very good chance they simply lost interest in them. The interest couldn't have been all that high to sign them if they took as long as they did (and apparently still haven't offered them contracts).
Please point out to me where in this "report" it says that either guy walked away from Vince and the WWE. All it says is that they are close to signing with TNA. It says nothing along the lines of them turning down a contract from WWE to sign with TNA.

No one said they turned down a contract to the WWE to sign with TNA, and if you had read the report, what is says is the following: said:
The feeling is that WWE has taken too long to sign both McGuinness and Danielson, so TNA decided to come in and sign them while they were still free agents.

The report says that both men feel that the WWE has been taking too long to sign them. Which would imply that atleast Nigel so far has left because of that.
No one said they turned down a contract to the WWE to sign with TNA, and if you had read the report, what is says is the following:

The report says that both men feel that the WWE has been taking too long to sign them. Which would imply that atleast Nigel so far has left because of that.

I did read the report. "The feeling" The feeling from who? It appears to me that this "feeling" is from the guy who wrote this report and no one else. It also could be that the WWE was taking a while because they were having second thoughts about signing him at all.
I did read the report. "The feeling" The feeling from who? It appears to me that this "feeling" is from the guy who wrote this report and no one else. It also could be that the WWE was taking a while because they were having second thoughts about signing him at all.

Which is why, once again, as I said, we can only go off of this report. Seriously, what's your issue here? It's actually irrelevant what the reasons for WWE taking too long to sign Nigel were, because now that he's signed with TNA, it doesn't matter even if the WWE had wanted him. But the fact that they approached him with an offer, and then he chose TNA instead, is just plain and simple fact, regardless of what was taking the WWE so long.
This is big news for TNA and kudos to them for pulling it off. My hope is that Russo gives them enough ring time to properly exhibit their talents. Going into Bound for Glory, TNA was loading Impact with alot of short matches. Few of them going longer than 5 minutes. That's about as long as their web matches.

With all the talent now on the TNA roster. I hope they give these guys 7-10 minutes a match to properly show off their talents.
i for one am excited to see these two in tna. yes wwe is the big time but their moves will be very limited in wwe. altho matt sidel still pulls off some good stuff. danielson and nigel would be perfect fits in tna. its just their style. xdivision maybe even going at aj for the world title. them being in tna is a better move imo. but i wont doubt that they'd be bigger in wwe obviously since wwe is bigger than tna.
Anyone who is not creaming themselves over the prospect of this (name change is not a factor) over these two signing for TNA should be ashamed of calling them a wrestling fan.

There are so many reasons for this being brilliant for TNA. The major thing being this will be awesome for the UK tour in January which i have tickets to.

But these two are awesome in ring and underrated on the mic. Even if they sign just McGuiness, it is a major coup. Signing both would be beyond awesome, a talent coup, the likes of which has not been seen this decade.

Dare I say it this may be most comparable in significance to the Radicalz turning up on Raw. As a TNA fan, it's THAT good to me.
If McGuinness and Danielson sign with TNA this would be great as a fan. First off, these guys have tons of potential. I personally think that McGuinness has a bit more due to his look. Danielson is GREAT but has a very very very bland look. These guys will get to wrestle a better style in TNA and probably will get more TV time. If they come to TNA and become stars and help them grow then everyone benefits, including WWE in the long term. I think we can agree that we need to have some level of competition to keep things fresh.

The only think I hate here is the name change. If TNA gets big enough to challenge WWE then we're going to have the old issue of guys jumping back and forth and constantly changing names. That's really annoying, but TNA is in fact doing this for trademark reasons. Also look at the last names of TNA stars, both old and new: Dylan Wolfe, D'Angelo Dinero, Alissa Flash, Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, Sojo Bolt, Taylor Wilde, Jethro Holliday, Eric Young, Robert Roode, James Storm and Jay Lethal. TNA has a habit of creating really generic old school names. At this point if if Danielson does sign I wouldn't be surprised if he was named something like Mike Action or Tom Brutal or something.

For those saying that it's a lateral move from ROH to are absolutely incorrect. They will very likely make more money in TNA. They will receive much more exposure than in ROH. They will have more opportunity with merchandise. And last but not least, TNA is larger than ROH. Whether you like it or not, on a business level, TNA is a step up from ROH.

Aslo, xfearbefore, you mentioned you thought TNA provides health insurance. I'm 99.9% sure that they do not. They do often (as done WWE) pay for major surgery etc... for their stars if they get hurt, but I'm pretty sure there is no actual insurance.
Now TNA can push these guys as homegrown names and hopefully creative is watching old wrestling tapes to come up with some idea for them. Also there is reports that Tomko is at the Impact Zone and will be part of the tapings, i wouldnt mind bring him back, he and morgan were suppose 2 be in a program but i dont believe it happened. Booker T is gone so is Scott steiner (not 100% sure) so now there is more money and room to shale things up for TNA. Im hoping for Mr. Anderson and Chris Hero to sign with TNA.
Great move for TNA here, if the rumoured Booker and Steiner exits are true it will set a ball rolling for TNA with the focus being on the next generation of wrestling talent.

Both men are pretty suited to TNA and as it has been said he will be used properly in TNA. Look at how the likes of Bourne and Cabana are/were used in WWE compared to how Joe was used in TNA. We'll see how it goes but great move.
I must admit I'm not a big wrestling fan as i use to be. I would always know who the young talent coming in were but i have no idea who these two are. But it seems they are pretty popular and good talents. I just hope Russo uses them in the right away. I know if Heyman was writing in TNA these guys and a lot of TNA guys could be major stars.
Congradulations for TNA in signing Nigel McGuinness. That was a very smart move to take out one of the WWE's possible biggest signings and newcomers which they really needed from under the carpet and swept him towards their roster. Nigel will have a better stay in TNA and will be treated with a good push. Not only is he in a company more suited for his style, but he can basically go back and start doing indy dates again for the extra money. Having him on the roster just makes it sweeter for me to tune into TNA Impact every week.

As for Bryan Danielson, he can still go both ways to the E or to the ImpactZone. It would be a great name for Danielson for TNA to pick up and add another person to the roster which they will need once all the older guys start to hang up the boots. I wouldn't mind seeing Danielson in the E either as they do need someone of him on their own roster, but for the purposes of his career, Danielson should sign with TNA. As for now, I'm glad for the Nigel/TNA signing and wish the best for both stars in mainstream television... except for the possibility of calling Nigel "Dylan Wolfe."

EDIT: Forgot Nigel worked for WWE... said something about him not working for them. Thanks Dewey.
Congradulations for TNA in signing Nigel McGuinness. That was a very smart move to take out one of the WWE's possible biggest signings and newcomers which they really needed from under the carpet and swept him towards their roster. Nigel will have a better stay in TNA and will be treated with a good push. Not only is he in a company more suited for his style, but he can basically go back and start doing indy dates again for the extra money. Having him on the roster just makes it sweeter for me to tune into TNA Impact every week.

As for Bryan Danielson, he can still go both ways to the E or to the ImpactZone. It would be a great name for Danielson for TNA to pick up and add another person to the roster which they will need once all the older guys start to hang up the boots. I wouldn't mind seeing Danielson in the E either as they do need someone of him on their own roster, but for the purposes of his career, Danielson should sign with TNA.

Who knows, these two men could be the next Sting's where they both never work for the WWE in their wrestling careers. As for know, I'm glad for the Nigel/TNA signing and wish the best for both stars in mainstream television... except for the possibility of calling Nigel "Dylan Wolfe."

I agree with most of what you said, but I feel the need to assure you: Nigel has worked for WWE in the past. Before OVW was the main developemental for WWE, yea, even before then, there was another faciltiy called HWA (Heartland Wrestling Association), here in Cincy. EVERYBODY in said promotion was under developemental contracts.

Anyhow, onto the topic at hand. I'm nothing short of elated for Nigel/Dylan. He's a hard worker, who is more than capable to be the "next big thing". I was a little concerned for him when it was announced he was headed to New York. I was afraid he'd have to go back 10 yrs. and relearn the WWE style of work. Now, I can rest easy that he can move forward, and work the same style he has been, and maybe learn some new tricks.

As for Danielson, I can't judge him one way or the other, as I'm not terribly familiar with him. Come to think of it, I might run out and buy some ROH DVD's. Anybody know where the best store to buy them is?
At the Impact tapings tonight, Nigel McGuinness made his debut in a backstage segment with Kurt Angle. During the course of the segment, Nigel attacked Angle.

What an epic way to debut. His new ring name is Desmond Hawk according to PWInsider.
Can we please get a spoiler alert?

But other then that I think this is awesome and awesome way to get a new young guy over I wish it was Danielson but I still they this is good. Overall i have a feeling im going to enjoy impact first time in a longtime.
PWInsider said:
Former Ring Of Honor star Nigel McGuinness, who debuted for TNA at tonight's taping by attacking Kurt Angle, will be known as Desmond Wolf in TNA.

So, I guess had the name mixed up, McGuinness' new name won't be "Dylan Wolfe", but rather "Desmond Wolf". Which, if anything, actually sounds a bit worse. Glad to hear this is all official now though and that Nigel has already made his debut for the company, looks like we're going to be seeing Nigel in TNA much sooner than I thought, sometime in the next few weeks. I'm DEFINITELY looking forward to this, this is great news, especially since he's reportedly going to be in a program with Kurt Angle. Perfect situation.
Nigel will get a huge push at the beginning, and then he'll slowly fade to the midcard and wind up with the British Invasion by the end of the year.

I don't know if I'm more pissed at Nigel for being impatient and signing with TNA, or pissed with the WWE for taking their time to sign him when there was no real reason to drag their feet and get a deal done. I just hope Nigel realizes that TNA is the same promotion that neutered Samoa Joe. He went from a powerhouse to gaining a lot of weight and being sloppy in the ring. He's also jobbed to the likes of The Amazing Red and Bobby Lashley lately.

Meanwhile, CM Punk has been booked really strong from the start of his WWE career, and right now he's feuding with The Undertaker. I hope Danielson realizes that the WWE would most likely book him right and stays on that path.
Intersting debut for Nigel i would have like to see him square of with Samoa Joe first but squaring him of against Kurt Angle could be huge for a young superstar like Nigel, Nice job TNA Management
I think people forget who ended Joe's undefeated streak... Kurt Angle.

Does anyone remember who ended Punk's undefeated streak?

Hint: He is no longer employed and is no longer useful to any major wrestling promotion.

Of course, each company handled each differently because they are two different talents. Though keep in mind, Samoa Joe held his belt for 6 months (182 days) but CM Punk, with 3 reigns, has held the belt for 160 days.

So while, you can make points of how WWE handled CM Punk better or visa-versa, but I don't think TNA really ruined Samoa Joe. Did you hear the reaction he got at BFG? He made the fans BOO Bobby Lashley.

But really, I understand both points, but TNA and WWE both could have done better handling those talents.
If it was taped tonight, than you will seeing him THIS THURSDAY.

Also, somebody said earlier that Dixie Carter has taken an idea from Vince by making new trademarks... well this is actually something TNA has been doing for quite some time with guys that aren't over on a world-wide scale.

Awesome Kong, Angelina Love, Velvet Sky, Suicide, Jethro Holiday, Brutus Magnus, Sheik Abdul Bashire, Kiyoshi, Madison Rayne, Cody Deaner, Dr. Stevie, Sojournor Bolt, D'Angelo Dinero, Raisha Saeed, Alissa Flash and Consequences Creed are ALL TNA Trademarks.

If Nigel does not get over with that name, worse that will happen is he will be repackaged with a better name or possibly as "Nigel McGuinness." But really, Nigel isn't the best name in the world either. Even if your name is Marcus Cor Von (which most thought was a terrible name when it first was announced) you may still be able to get over.

Anythings possible in the world where Google, Yahoo, Wii and Verizon are household names that are spoken by millions everyday.

Anythings better than Braden Walker though.
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