Nigel McGuinness Signs With TNA, Allegedly Given Major Storyline

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Well I gotta say I love it. I must say this right away about it. Now idk how many of you have read to tna spoilers of the last 2 weeks but if not and your a stickler about not reading spoilers DONT READ THIS NEXT PART. Here Ill even skip abunch of lines now so its not right here where you are reading

Nigel in his first two appearances has started a huge fued with kurt angle. The 1st night he attacked him from behind then later did again and laid him out with the tower of london. The 2nd night they had a street fight and he used his sig lariat and they had kurt sell a injury.

Now Let me ask you this. If he went to wwe would they right away put him in a fued with one of their top guys and even make it so he came out on top and even making him look stronger then the top guy? Probably not. Not saying thats bad but honestly I think this will be more sucessful for Mcguiness then if he went to wwe. As for danielson he I think would fit best with wwe out of the two. They have 2 different yet similar styles to them. Alot of what makes nigel so great wwe would water down alot but with danielson alot of his stuff would be ok since many others do similar things. I for one cant wait to see how far Nigel goes
I've never personally watched McGuiness wrestle, but I have never heard anything bad about him, and I'm loving this move for a variety of reasons.

TNA has realized that WWE is not the only place to get outside talent. They did well to bring in women from other indy companies to fill out the Knockout roster, and now they've brought in one of the top indy guys to fill out their main event. I'm not sure who he'd be feuding with in a "major" storyline, but if it's anyone in the title scene, it can do nothing but good things for him.
What a debut! His first promo with Angle was very well done, and then the sneak attack was great. It sells Angle in his current face role, and makes Nigel look like a real badass.

The segment to close the show really mamde me mark out though. Angle came out while the ring crew was tearing down the cage, calling out Nigel. He gave him a minute to get to the ring, and then left to go looking for him. Literally out of nowhere, Nigel came out and whipped him all over the ring, and showed Angle how close he was to ending his career.

Nigel looks amazing, Angle gives the rub to someone brand new, and TNA keeps moving forward...
Great debut from Nigel tonight, of course most if not all of us already knew he was going to debut on tonight's episode, but I still marked out seeing Nigel walk up to Kurt Angle backstage and start talking to him. Maybe I'm weird, but god damnit I love Nigel's accent so much. With his voice he's just a natural and perfect heel. Having him jump Angle and then come out to fight him again at the end of the show was fantastic to see, because it shows that TNA is really interested in pushing Nigel, that they realize the special talent they have right now. If this is setting up for Kurt Angle vs. Nigel McGuinness at Turning Point, seriously, get the tissues now folks, because my smark-cock just exploded. That match and AJ vs. Daniels vs. Joe? Turning Point is shaping up to be one hell of an event.
Well done, Nigel! He has just single handedly made me a fan of TNA wrestling again. There's nothing like signing a contract and then be placed in a storyline with the company's biggest star. The first Angle/McGuinness segment was well done. As Xfear has previously mentioned, there's something about Nigel's voice that makes him a natural heel. The way he softly delivered his lines and then proceeded to attack Angle was just so perfect. This promos was then topped by the ending segment of the show where Angle called out Nigel. I love that he got to hit the Tower of London. As weird as it was for me to see Nigel McGuinness in a TNA ring, I think his debut was very well put together for as quickly as it happened. If things continue to play out this way, it looks as though Nigel will have a very successful run with TNA.
The Desmond Wolfe character that his portraying seems very interesting. I hate to compare it to other characters in the WWE. But it seems like a pre legacy Randy Orton type of character. A type of character TNA has been missing. The way he worked on the last impact, I am highly interested in seeing how TNA uses him. If they use him right a long with the new direction the company seems to be going in (similar to what the WWF did in the attitude Era, when getting rid of the stupid gimmicks), TNA could really break through with the American audience.
When Nigel debuted i marked out so hard i thought i was gonna lose my breath.. I cant find anything wrong with his debut promo, the feeling that he put into along with his accent really does make him seem like a natural heel. ( reminds me of a Randy Orton as well but hopefully he does it in a unique way) Kudos to TNA for pushing unknown talent to the top, hopefully more indy talent get signed to fill out the rest off the gaps on the TNA rooster, which should allow there ratings to increase into the 2s or above and they can get that second show they need per week (How does TNA Overdrive sound for there next weekly show?) Oh yea and as for the name Desmond Wolf, at first I didnt like it but after hearing him say it in that heelish fashion it kinda makes me think it fits him but I still wouldve preferred him to keep Nigel McGuinness.Please TNA creative, dont let us down please please.
I get this funny feeling that the WWE is going to try to sign back all the talent they released as of late to push their brand into the future with fresher talent as well as sign those other ROH talent they were reportedly interested in. TNA need to be smart in the new year and look for star of the new instead of just signing every old star that wants a come back.

I'm going to be honest here. I know OF Nigel McGuiness, meaning I've heard his name before, and I know he was a top ROH guy, and I have seen "Top 10 moves of Nigal McGuiness" But I have never seen a match or anything yet.

I was only able to watch the last half of Impact so I was only able to see Wolf and Angle's confrontation. But Wolf looks IMPRESSIVE!

I can't wait to see his matches in TNA so I can finally follow the hype! When he was punching Angle is looked so stiff that I was instantly drawn into his character.

Can't wait to see more from this guy!

TNA continues to grow!
I loved the debut of Nigel!!!

He's pro wrestling's version of Frank Martin (transporter) and Chev Chelios (Crank) combined, Be cool looking but when pushed, get very amped up. Funny how both characters in those movies was played by the same actor (Jason Statham).

I love both movies and both characters and transposing this to pro wrestling I think it is a brilliant idea for TNA to do. He even has the look of Statham in both movies.

That was the very first thing I thought of when I saw him on TNA for the first time.

I like the angle. It gives fresh blood to a stale product and I really believe that Kurt Angle will get so "motivated" beyond belief that we will see the Kurt Angle we loved in WWE, the brash and cocky

Let's see him drive to the Impact Zone in an black Audi A8 6.0 W12
This push can't be booked any better. After his arrival last week, he opened Impact tonight with one hell of a promo, and looked intense throughout Angle's mic time. The main event was also booked really well, with both men using the "Street Fight" stip to go at each other full force, and Nigel/Desmond nearly killed Angle with that lariat at the end.

The ending was perfect, giving them plenty of room to go forward, and playing off of Angle's injury history makes Nigel look like a legit badass heel.
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