I want to get excited I really do, but I can't. As much as it would do TNA good to remove Steiner and Booker and Nash and replace them with pure "wrestlers", I just don't buy that these two have it.
Christopher Daniels is a top notch wrestler, very very great. He was THE Independent Wrestler of the 90's. He did nothing, for several different companies. I can't say why. Fat Joe, INCREDIBLE wrestler, debuted excellent with TNA. Then he gets punked by Angle and has been crap since. Point is, blah blah blah. I hear the same crap year after year. THIS guy will SAVE (insert promotion). Or THIS guy will HELP in a huge way. I call BS. Punk made it. He is one of the select few who has. And don't give me that crap about WWE wouldn't use them right. Thats horsecrap. Maybe at first, sure, but if the talent is there they WILL become stars. Austin, Rock, HHH, all had horrible gimmicks to start with, but they shined. Benoit was brought in through the Radicalz, and he shined. Eddie was underused when he came in, but he didn't quit. And he shined.
Is WWE crap right now? Sure it is. But that's hardly Vince's fault. It's real easy to say Vince was A LOT better creative wise, when his roster was stacked with Austin, HHH, Taker, Angle, Rock, Mankind. WWE won't EVER be great again until it has stars that EVERYONE can relate too.
To use the old saying, at the end of the day I'm not getting excited about these two going anywhere cause wrestling, pure great wrestling can only take you so far. I hope these two guys prove me wrong, cause I'd LOVE to be able to WANT to watch wrestling again. To have that NEED to not want to miss a week. Right now neither WWE or TNA gives me that can't miss wrestling product