Nigel McGuinness To WWE

WWE gains nothing from destroying ROH so it's a stupid business move even TNA is not a true competition for WWE.

Exactly, WWE should view ROH as a free development channel for them. It may even benefit them to subsidise ROH like they used to do with ECW.
Exactly, WWE should view ROH as a free development channel for them. It may even benefit them to subsidise ROH like they used to do with ECW.

I think it's rather obvious that this is a swipe at ROH. It isn't merely a coincidence that ROH's two top guys are signed away only a few months after ROH begins airing on Monday nights. Obviously ROH isn't much of a competition to them, and I think they'd like to keep it that way.

And as for the WWF subsidizing ECW, that's another bit of Vince McMahon's re-written history. Giving a company that's losing millions a few thousand dollars and some of your lowest level talent isn't "subsidizing". Vince didn't do jack shit for ECW.
My question is where was TNA while all this was going on? Yeah Kennedy will be good for them, but they could have grabbed up these two young stars marketed them on a national level and been much better off. Nigel will take off big time I have no doubt. This man is the best pure wrestler in the ring in a long time in my opinion and that seems to be the way WWE is going. Danielson will probably take off as well I imagine these guys getting big the way Benoit did on pure ability alone. TNA has once again severly dropped the ball. If I was TNA I would have thrown the bank at these two. Having them plus Joe and A.J. they would have had four of the top stars in wrestling for the next fifteen years on their roster. TNA should quickly rebound and try to grab up Tyler Black, Chris Hero, and the American Wolves before they catch the WWEs eye as well.
I really don't think WWE see's themselves in competition with ROH. ROH are angled at the wrestling audience, WWE are angled at entertainment audience. One crosses up, but the other doesn't cross down. I think the signings are targeted at strengthening the WWE product rather than weakening the ROH product.
at least WWE is trying to FIND and sign new stars, but yes, this is a huge hit for ROH and I'll be interested in how they respond to their two top stars leaving for the "E". Hopefully Vince uses them to the best of their abilities
Okay, can somebody PLEASE tell me why I am supposed to be giving a fuck that the WWE has signed yet another half way broken down ROH sub-star? I mean seriously. This is like you people getting all nipple fucked over someone going out and buying a Yugo. I mean sure the car was iknda okay, but it was still a shitty pile of crap when it was all said and done.

And while Nigel was a pretty damned good wrestler, he is 1. coming off a long term injury that had him completely out of the ring for how long? And 2. he has less charisma on the mic than if Rob Conway fucked Chris Masters and they had a kid and he got on the mic. So yeah, McGuiness isn't that good and is pretty dry. He's like William Regal, before he got off drugs. And while wrestling skills make the world go around, the WWE likes guys who can use a mic and get over as well. And Nigel ain't no Cm Punk. So he won't get a chance to suck Triple H's "stroke" to buy him some time to work through it.

So with ROH losing BOTh McGuiness AND Danielson to WWE, what does this mean? Well it's plain and simple. It doesn't mean shit! ROH is full of unknown and there's enough unemployed big names to make cameos and to keep HD-Net interested. And their fans have the attention span of zoo monkeys playing in elephant dung as many of them forget that ROH is going for broke, literally.

So, as WWE signs ROH's bigger names, and mark my words on this, the second tier guys will be making their way to TNA. After Savio Vega was canned a month ago, people started pulling for TNA to bring back Jerry Lynn as an agent. And with him, he will definitely bring a couple of guys with potential who WWE is bound to overlook like Tyler Black, Claudio Castagnoli, and Brent Albright. And I'm sure Chris Hero would get a look or two.

And before you start saying that these guys would be signed by WWE, you have to remember that Black flies under the radar and both Claudio and Brent have been on the WWE payroll before and were never able to adapt to WWE style. But TNA's faster style as well as the prospect of getting more shows on either Spike or other networks means that the time would be rip to pick leftovers from ROH's dead and dried corpse once WWE signed away their top three stars. Come on people, do you really think that they are not going to make a run at Austin Aries? You can hope and ream, but once, he's gone(and he will be) ROH will be on life support. Much like ECW during it's later days.
Oh my goodness people, really?

If any of you think this is the end of ROH, or anywhere NEAR the end of ROH, you're just blind haters. Seriously, this has happened to ROH. Punk, Styles, Joe, and Daniels were gone all in the space of a year or so. It was the end of ROH as we knew it, right? Well, uh, not so much. ROH still has a very deep roster with a shit ton of guys ready to step up and make the main event, and they will STILL have a deep roster even if another 5 guys get pulled out. Tyler Black, the Briscoes, Steen and Generico, KENTA, Strong, Cabana, Albright, Castagnoli, Richards, Hero, and Delirious are ALL guys that could main event ROH and carry it's world title, so really, don't make me laugh. ROH loses two big guys - you think the fans care that much? ROH fans are dedicated to the product much moreso than any one wrestler, and while it'll be unfortunate not to get a Bryan or Nigel match on the card, the card will still be excellent, and the hardcore fan base that has kept ROH alive and well for 7 years and counting is gonna show up at every show, buy every DVD, and keep it kicking for years to come.

Honestly, Bryan and Nigel aren't even necessary to the product. Fuck, I'll say it - ROH will be better without them. Bryan has been filler for the last six months, engaged in one off title matches and really doing a whole lot of nothing, while Nigel was in the twilight of a title reign and then injured, and now nothing but filler, just like Bryan. They're taking up main event spots, and with them gone, new talent can get in there, and improve the overall ROH product. Seriously, Bryan and Nigel have done everything there is to do in ROH and there's really nothing left. Let them try their luck in WWE, and if they succeed, great, I'm happy, and if they don't, they come back in two or three years and can actually be an integral part of the product.

In the long run, ROH loses nothing. The names aren't important. Nigel and Bryan were good for a good match, sure, but they've wrestled everyone worth wrestling twice or more. ROH won't lose attendance, they won't lose DVD revenue, and they'll gain open main event spots to let some of their burgeoning main event stars take hold. This is a huge win/win situation and I can't believe you're even considering that this is the death of ROH.
Ahh..Harthan, while I respect your opinion, you're wrong here. ROH is in serious financial trouble right now, canceling shows left and right. They're absolutely hemorrhaging money right now, and the loss of two of their biggest stars is only going to hurt them in any way you look at it. ROH has been heading downhill fast ever since Gabe left, and this is just another huge blow to them. While I don't think this in particular will mark the end of the company, this is certainly a huge loss for them, and they're already hurting. If they don't make a serious change pretty damn soon, and start turning a profit, their future doesn't look very bright.

And Spawn...laughable. As your shit always is.
Wow. I thought this thread was going to be about Nigel McGuiness. Turns out that most of it has been about ROH going under because they lose two top guys. Believe me, ROH will miss both of them dearly- but they have overcome worse. As Harthan has already pointed out, WWE signed CM Punk while he the the ROH champion. And they recovered. TNA pulled Somoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, AJ Stylea, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin and Homicide from the ROH roster... all on the same day and Homicide was the ROH champion at the time. ROH recovered from that, too. They will also recover from this. Right now Austin Aries is the man. He will be able to carry this company with the help of a very good supporting cast. No worries people- ROH will survive.

Now onto the topic at hand....Nigel McGuiness. If Nigel can stay healthy, he'll be alright. He has had a string of bicep injuries that have plagued him for nearly 2 years now. By all accounts, he is healthy at the moment. If this is the case, we can look for Nigel to also bypass developmental and make his debut on what will probably be ECW.

As cool as it is for Bryan and Nigel to come in together, I think I would rather see them debut with no connection to each other. Right now William Regal's Round Table would be the perfect place for Nigel. Obviously, he's British so it's a natural fit. Nigel is a natural heel with his cocky "I'm better than you because I'm British" attitude. Also, Nigel works a style that is similar to Regal's. I will be anxiously awaiting Nigel's debut and I wish him all the luck in the world.
I predicted that this was going to happen as soon as they signed Danielson. Just one more step in WWE becoming the next Ring of Honor.

I think it's great that we have some new talent to put on excellent matches for the company, however they absolutely can not revolve their entire programming around just the matches. They have absolutely got to come up with some personalities to market for these two, because there is no way in Hell they are going to get over just solely based on their wrestling alone with the WWE audience.

The Ring of Honor promotion mine as well throw in the towel. What is happening to them right now, is what happened to ECW in its final days. Plus with Dragon Gate taking off and even Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler doing autograph signings for them (according to Ross in his blog), ROH is going to have to take their ball and go home.

Actually, I fucking agree with Sidious here.

Usually when someone says that WWE is becoming the next ROH, I ignore it, but hopefully, the WWE doesn't rely on a more match based product in the coming months. They need to focus more on the storylines.The WWE has never been popular for it's spectacular matches. We've had some gems like Taker-Michaels, but it's never been WWE's number 1 goal to have 5-Star Matches. Most of the icons of the WWE (Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock, John Cena) haven't have great matches, they've just had great buildup. The buildup makes the match. Sure, Rey Mysterio and John Morrison may have had a great match tonight, but neither of them got as big of a pop as The Undertaker, because tonight, it was all about the story getting developed between Punk and Taker. And if the WWE really does start to take a more match-based approach, then I will honestly switch to TNA. I know people love to bluff about this type of shit, but I would hate to see the WWE drop what made it successful, just because it worked for ROH and semi-worked for TNA. Cena and Orton's match at Breaking Point will get the most reaction, because it's had the best buildup. And I still think Raw is the best wrestling show today, simply because of it's shock factor, buildup, and story.
Honestly can't see why people actually claim WWE is going to be the next ROH. WWE has never ever been a purely match product for as long as i can remember.

I for one hope these guys can actually find a gimmick that will work for them because they have rarely showed an ounce of stage presence, acting or charisma in the ring to the style WWE expects.
I am going to ignore this whole ROH is in trouble thing as this thread is dedicated to about Nigel McGuinness to the E. I have to say, I am extremely impressed by the E's signings with Nigel & Danielson as they both have something to offer to the table. These guys can be considered the benchmarks of professional wrestling in determining whether you are good enough to make it to the big time.

It is about time Nigel got to the mainstream company WWE. No disrespect to the ROH company, but he needs to be pushed to stardom & soldify himself right now, as he isn't getting any younger. The E sorely needs to build main eventers for the future... & these two can fit the description well if they are brought up correctly. I expect Nigel to brought into ECW for on-screen training to get used to WWE audiences & wrestling styles. He won't need long to adapt & be transfered to the RAW/SmackDown rosters.
Yes well i'm not going to hold out any hope for these guys until they actually have a microphone in front of them more than once a month or are given a fued to work with, because otherwise they'll only follow the same path as:-

Chris Harris
D'lo Brown
Colt Cabana

And those other random dudes who were on Smackdown around the same time as Cabana, i totally forget their names, but they were there for like 3 months and were gone again.

Anyway, those are all guys who've been released in the last year, some of which had a lengthy run and were sacked for good reason, others like Umaga were sacked for seemingly no reason at all, and others were hired just to be dumped within weeks, despite their talent.

Don't go dreaming up wish-list matches for these guys just yet is all i'm saying.
This is great for WWE if they use Nigel right as I could see Nigel catching on better with the WWE audience than Danielson seeing as how he had better mic skills than AmDrag. This is a great pick-up for the company.

As for what this means for ROH, I tend to buy into Harthan's theory that these guys had done just about all they could for ROH. Is it a blow? Sure. Is it the end? No, their leaving specifically is not the end. If they are having financial trouble, that's a different story. But I don't think saying ROH is on life support because of the loss of these two is really the truth. ROH has plenty of guys ready to step up so their roster will be fine. Let's give it some time and see how this plays out for them.

That said, if this is actually a raid... am I the only one who wants JeriShow vs. Steenerico for the tag belts? :cool:

Lord Sidious said:
Just one more step in WWE becoming the next Ring of Honor.
How much ROH have you watched?
Well, all in all, This is NOT the death toll for ROH, nor a huge coo for WWE unless they don't use him.

The fact that this isnt the first time that ROH has lost huge stars. We've seen the list in this thread already

Aj Styles
Samoa Joe
Christopher daniels
Chris Sabin
Austin aries (though he came back)
Jerry Lynn (Though he came back)
Cm Punk

And honestly, The big four, in my opinion (Daniels, Joe, Punk, Styles) are WAY more entertaining and big names than Daniels and Mcguiness in the idea of being able to cross over to sports entertainment, rather than just ROH wrestling pure style. And ROH survived those loses, and this was when they DIDNT have PPV or as much of a global name.


They lose daniels, and Nigel. (Whom by the way is number 9 on yahoo's most popular searches) Is this the end? NO, People who say that either:

1)Dont watch ROH often enough to know they STILL have huge talent
2)Dont have faith in said left talent to hold the company
3)Just dont know what their talking about

ROH is NOT Ecw. ROH is not competition for Wwe, so Vince isn't trying to ruin them. He hardly sees TNA as competition, so why of course ROH isnt.

Seriously, TNA and ROH are no where near WCW in terms of mattering to WWE. So they will survive

In regards to Nigel, If they can keep his gimmick and style accurate to his ROH persona, I believe he can be very popular as a heel. Matches between him and Regal, Danielson, Jericho, Orton,Punk, and even bourne if they let him off his leash and many others can make this an amazing catch
The big debate is if Nigel and Danielson would be used correctly. I think with the media coverage in signing these two people, WWE would be looked at largerly by all other promotions. Do you know what this means? More people are going to watch WWE to moniter these 2 guys movements. It smart, so they are going to get over as vince sees fit. I see Nigel going to ECW for a little while to heal up more and work with Regal and then turn on him. I see Danielson going to SD! working some great matches and becoming a new face for SD! He would eventually get over with a couple of matches with Morrison, Ziggler, Rey, and of course what most people want to see, Punk vs Danielson.
And Spawn...laughable. As your shit always is.

Wow, I always figured that rebuttals required more explanation in order to present a valid counter point, but I guess that I will work with what was presented to me in order to respond accordingly.

I'm not really sure what you find laughable. Is it the fact that ROH is hemorrhaging more money than Fanny Mae when the housing market crashed or that their two most notable figureheads have just been signed away to the land of milk and money, the WWE.

Is it laughable that this is pretty much the exact blue print that WWE used to put ECW out like an oversmoked cigarette butt? I bet you're one of the guys who sat there and said "so what WCW took Raven, Saturn, Guerrerro, Mysterio, and several other big names while WWE did the same, but they will be fine." Well actually WWE loaned their subpar stars to ECW, let Heyman make them into actual good gimmicks and then bent ECW over the bed and spanked her by taking them back. I bet that guys like you were sittin there say that Dreamer, Roadkill, RVD, and Jack Victory were going to hold down the fort until Heyman could come up with some fresh ideas and talent and that fans would pay millions to see them. Yes. Laughable indeed.

Is it laughable that ROH's young talent that is worth taking will now find their way out the door? I mean people need paychecks right? And if ROH is canceling shows and TV tapings(which they did a month ago), then you have to wonder where is the income that will support their talent. Thing is, these guys are an offer of 5 bucks and a Quiznos sub away from jumping ship to ANY stable promotion out there. Remind you of any other promotion we know? Hmm. Well if you're stumped, then scroll back to the paragraph above and reread it.

Is it laughable that TNA will see this as a chance to pull some of ROH's audience their way by taking Tyler Black, Chris Hero, Brent Albright, and more than likely Jerry Lynn(who may be brought back as a backstage agent) without even needing deep pockets to do so? I mean Scotty, Booker, Nash, Sting, and The Dudley's can't wrestle forever. And Bobby is a part timer. So they need that little bit of freshness from known faces. And who better than the man being pushed in the world title picture right now, Tyler Black.

Is it laughable that all ROH will have left is some out of phase wannabe's like Eddie Kingston and Bobby Dimpsey? I mean come on, who in the fuck else would put these guys in front of a camera? Shit, I think it's laughable that they don't put these guys in front of an Ab Roller rather than a camera.

So if you are saying that thinking that these tidbits won't happen is laughable, then yeah I would have to agree. Cuz I am laughing at the fact that you aren't seeing the writing on the wall as ROH becomes the next WCW. But I will tell you what. Let's meet right here, a year from now, and see just who is laughing then. I got a chuckle or two saved up for the occasion. What about you?

ha ha ha.
The big debate is if Nigel and Danielson would be used correctly. I think with the media coverage in signing these two people, WWE would be looked at largerly by all other promotions. Do you know what this means? More people are going to watch WWE to moniter these 2 guys movements. It smart, so they are going to get over as vince sees fit. I see Nigel going to ECW for a little while to heal up more and work with Regal and then turn on him. I see Danielson going to SD! working some great matches and becoming a new face for SD! He would eventually get over with a couple of matches with Morrison, Ziggler, Rey, and of course what most people want to see, Punk vs Danielson.

Um yeah, I think that the world would be more interested in my bowl movements than these two. I mean, not to take anything away from the abilities that they once possessed, but they are pretty much used now. Nigel should have kept his spiked hair, at least that would have given him a unique quality. But now, he looks like that one Hade Vansen guy. You know. They guy who they did those Undertaker vignettes for than then cut before they actually let him debut. I heard that guy was actually a pretty damned good English wrestler too.

As far as Danielson goes. There is indeed the potential for some good matches with the likes of CM Punk hiding somewhere in there. But if I had to put my money on it, I would say that I don't see them. Danielson was there once before and got cut because he didn't have "it". And he still doesn't have "it". But what he does have is a nice juicy WWE contract to roll his lazy ass around his bed in. But don't hate on WWE when his skill set is a bit lackluster. I guarantee you that they won't be telling him to hold shit back. he will be doing it on his own.
Wow, I always figured that rebuttals required more explanation in order to present a valid counter point, but I guess that I will work with what was presented to me in order to respond accordingly.

It wasn't a rebuttal. It was a statement.

I'm not really sure what you find laughable. Is it the fact that ROH is hemorrhaging more money than Fanny Mae when the housing market crashed or that their two most notable figureheads have just been signed away to the land of milk and money, the WWE.

What I find laughable is that you completely dismiss ROH and any of it's talent.

And yes, ROH is losing money, but to say they're hemorrhaging more money than Fanny Mae is absolutely ridiculous.

Is it laughable that this is pretty much the exact blue print that WWE used to put ECW out like an oversmoked cigarette butt? I bet you're one of the guys who sat there and said "so what WCW took Raven, Saturn, Guerrerro, Mysterio, and several other big names while WWE did the same, but they will be fine." Well actually WWE loaned their subpar stars to ECW, let Heyman make them into actual good gimmicks and then bent ECW over the bed and spanked her by taking them back. I bet that guys like you were sittin there say that Dreamer, Roadkill, RVD, and Jack Victory were going to hold down the fort until Heyman could come up with some fresh ideas and talent and that fans would pay millions to see them. Yes. Laughable indeed.

And this is what I mean. You always make asinine assumptions about people with absolutely no foundation in reality. Please don't "bet" on my thoughts, because you don't know what my opinion is. Stop making asinine assumptions.

Is it laughable that ROH's young talent that is worth taking will now find their way out the door? I mean people need paychecks right? And if ROH is canceling shows and TV tapings(which they did a month ago), then you have to wonder where is the income that will support their talent. Thing is, these guys are an offer of 5 bucks and a Quiznos sub away from jumping ship to ANY stable promotion out there. Remind you of any other promotion we know? Hmm. Well if you're stumped, then scroll back to the paragraph above and reread it.

What's humorous here is that you think WWE or TNA will want to sign away the rest of ROH's talent. You think the WWE is a Quiznos sub away from signing a guy like Delirious or Tyler Black or Austin Aries? Not going to happen.

Is it laughable that TNA will see this as a chance to pull some of ROH's audience their way by taking Tyler Black, Chris Hero, Brent Albright, and more than likely Jerry Lynn(who may be brought back as a backstage agent) without even needing deep pockets to do so? I mean Scotty, Booker, Nash, Sting, and The Dudley's can't wrestle forever. And Bobby is a part timer. So they need that little bit of freshness from known faces. And who better than the man being pushed in the world title picture right now, Tyler Black.

That assumption uses the logic that TNA makes intelligent booking and creative decisions. They don't.

Is it laughable that all ROH will have left is some out of phase wannabe's like Eddie Kingston and Bobby Dimpsey? I mean come on, who in the fuck else would put these guys in front of a camera? Shit, I think it's laughable that they don't put these guys in front of an Ab Roller rather than a camera.

So if you are saying that thinking that these tidbits won't happen is laughable, then yeah I would have to agree. Cuz I am laughing at the fact that you aren't seeing the writing on the wall as ROH becomes the next WCW. But I will tell you what. Let's meet right here, a year from now, and see just who is laughing then. I got a chuckle or two saved up for the occasion. What about you?

ha ha ha.

ROH the next WCW? Do you realize just how terrible of a comparison that is?

What I find laughable basically is you Spawn. Not just your posts, but you. You amuse me.
I actually wasn't going to bother replying but since you saw a need to postt he same statement three times, I guess it would be rude of me not to.

It wasn't a rebuttal. It was a statement.
Actually it was less than a statement, it was a one liner. I expect more from you than such my friend. You are a great mind and I expect nothing less than such from you my friend. I found it a bit "disappointing" to see a one lined pot shot. You're better than that.

What I find laughable is that you completely dismiss ROH and any of it's talent.

Actually, I'm not sure where you made than assumption. I gave kudos to their talent. I dismissed the guys who are left if they lose their talent. Guys like Cheech and Clody and Bobby Dempsey are novelty acts. Not something I would build my company around if my big stars left. I mean while I enjoyed watching The Baldies, Amish Roadkill, and Danny Doring, they weren't must see tv. And if you only have one big name or two left and the rest are random names that you throw on tv to give the appearance of a roster, then it's pretty bleek. ANd you would have to be a fool to think that ROH's competition isn't going to see talent's willingness to leave for a steady paycheck as an opportunity to pick their bones dry. I mean shit, you saw it when WCW was even taking names like Vito and Mikey Whipwreck just out of spite. Think of it more as precognition than a dismissal. A view of the possible future.

And yes, ROH is losing money, but to say they're hemorrhaging more money than Fanny Mae is absolutely ridiculous.

Wait, so canceling shows and having to reschedule tv tapings because you can't afford to pay your talent for that much use of their time is making money? Come on XFear, you don't need a business degree to see that they are trying to stop a gunshot wound with a bandaid. And losing two of their most well known names is a huge blow and you know it. When ECW lost Raven, they were limping towards the finish line. But when they lost both Awesome AND Taz at the same time, they collapsed right there in the dirt. And ROH is what, Austin Aries and Tyler Black away from seeing their own knees buckle. And I can see WWE taking Aries because he has a good ring presence and TNA taking Tyler out of spite. And I[m sorry, but there are like only less than a handful of wrestlers who would stay for the pay who even ROH faithfuls would be willing to pay to see on a regular basis.

And this is what I mean. You always make asinine assumptions about people with absolutely no foundation in reality. Please don't "bet" on my thoughts, because you don't know what my opinion is. Stop making asinine assumptions.

Well I see that youa re doing the same. If reading were fundamental, then you would be drooling on yourself right now because I did not say I was betting on your thoughts. I said that I would be willing to to hedge my theory against yours on the possible outcome in ROH's situation a year from now. My theory is that ECW's fall created the outline by which ROH is now prescribing. Your theory? Well it's somewhere between overinflated bullshit and Robin Williams' "What Dreams May Come". Either way, it's quiet the delusional jumbled mess.

What's humorous here is that you think WWE or TNA will want to sign away the rest of ROH's talent. You think the WWE is a Quiznos sub away from signing a guy like Delirious or Tyler Black or Austin Aries? Not going to happen.

When the chink hit ECW's armor, did WCW and WWE not start picking them dry of any recognizable talent that was willing to leave? These men have families to feed and bills to pay. And ROH canceling of shows and money problems isn't going to help them with any of that. You people think having "Honor" in the name of the company you work for means that you are willing to work for peanuts. What real world do you live in? We are in an unstable economy right now where a regular paycheck is a premium. And while I'm not saying that deep pockets are going to be tossed into the fray, you do remember that actually getting paid swayed away guys like 911, Mikey Whipwreck, EZ Money, and Kid Kash when ECW tried to build up names to take over for their big names they lost. It's only a matter of time. Yeah, maybe I went overboard with the Quiznos Sub comment. Maybe I should have said a toasted hot pastrami from Blimpies instead. lol

That assumption uses the logic that TNA makes intelligent booking and creative decisions. They don't.

Silly boy. WCW and WWE didn't need intelligent booking to cripple ECW's roster. They just needed a couple of free dollars. Come on, read your history books.

ROH the next WCW? Do you realize just how terrible of a comparison that is?

Actually, I'm surprised that someone who posted the same post three times in a row would not realize that I mistakenly said WCW, when I meant ECW. But I guess in every mishap you find a hint of truth. I mean what can do they do if their homegrown talent does jump ship? Start signing WWE rejects and castoffs to replace them? I mean it seems logical as they will need to have some known names to try to gain a few more viewers to please HDNet. But in the process they may turn away their own fanbase. But how many of them really will stay when they can watch their favorites on WWE and TNA tv in matches against some of their all time favorites like CM Punk, Matt Sydal, Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles. Damn, I get all giddy just thinking about it myself.

What I find laughable basically is you Spawn. Not just your posts, but you. You amuse me.

You know XFear, you are one of the very few adversarial people that I respect around here. You and Sam have always challenged me, but you do so in such an intelligent way that I can't help but respect and bow if bested. But one liners are not you. Not what I expect or demand from you my friend. It's very unbecoming of you to not even try in your retorts. But you are still loved. :-D
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