WWE signs Brian Danielson

Oh, I get it... so since you wrote those "commandments" then they must be gospel, right? Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth some more...

You can throw up all you want, fact of the matter is that the mentalities are proven as accurate time and time again. And I just proved it in that example, case and point.

Who really gives two shits about what "types" of audiences there are out there??? The important thing to take out of this is the fact that whether they prefer actual matches, backstage drama, in-ring promos, or insider information, they're all FANS and they all WATCH. What is the point of breaking them all down and categorizing them?? I doubt that 100% of WWE's fans watch because of the drama and 100% ROH fans watch for the in-ring matches. The only thing that matters is that at the end of the day, they're all watching the programs and helping the product mature and grow.

The point in breaking them down and categorizing them is because of the concept of "majority". Do you understand that concept? The majority of Ring of Honor fans watch ROH because of its technical wrestling. Just like the majority of fans of the original ECW watched ECW because of its hardcore wrestling style.

So the concept is made so that when Danielson gets to the WWE, and he doesn't receive the standing ovation he got in ROH and people worshiping the ground he walks on ... maybe you will understand why. Different audiences have different expectations for their product.

I figured you'd agree with my point of view because I'm not a person who "guarantees" things like SOME people... I give a generalistic and realistic point of view with an open ending. People who sit in their computer chair day after day, barking out their "guarantees" and "spot-on predictions" are arrogant and pompous and need to check their unbelievable egos at the door. This is the different between a mark and a smark. I don't claim to know it all... I'm just a fan. How the hell can anyone possibly "guarantee" ANYTHING in the wrestling industry?!? I mean seriously... that is the most conceited and arrogant point of view that I have ever seen.

You are confusing arrogance, for confidence. I have confidence in my opinions because of how many years I have followed wrestling. I have the experience to make predictions. It's not arrogance, whatsoever. Arrogance would be having an "I'm better than you" attitude. I may do a lot of opinion writing on this forum, but I never say that "I am better than anyone else" or that I am a "better wrestling fan than anyone else". That is arrogance. And that is what the ROH fans do on a daily basis on forums.

On a side note... For the record, I've never watched ROH because it's not available in my area. But, just because I don't watch ROH, that doesn't this make me a "WWE-bot," does it??

No. Why would it?

I'm not sitting here and knocking ROH or making bold and boisterous statements like "The WWE is adapting to the ROH's style." That's just garbage. No one is adapting to anything. They are apples and oranges... ROH is a professional wrestling promotion and the WWE is a television show. The only fair comparison would be TNA vs. WWE. Everyone should keep that in mind when sharing their smark-pertise.

"No one is adapting to anything?" Really. No, you're right. There has been no change in style in WWE for the past year or two. Nothing different about anything at all. UFC doesn't influence WWE. ROH doesn't influence WWE. Hollywood doesn't influence the WWE. WWE simply has no influences whatsoever.

Everyone is saying how Danielson will be great on Smackdown, in particular, more so than Raw. Now, explain why people would say such a thing if Smackdown has not changed over the years. Why is it that those who praise Smackdown, just so happen to be the ROH fans? Why? Because it has transformed itself into a product that is representative of their liking. Match, after match, after match. With the match times increased to over 10 minutes a piece.

Danielson, in reality, will be right at home on Smackdown, since Smackdown is the Technical Wrestling show. And of course, Superstars will be great for him, as well.

At one point, ECW was also a technical wrestling-based show, as well. So that means 3 out of 4 WWE programs were altered from what they once were. What influenced WWE to make these changes?

Fact of the matter is that WWE wanted the PG rating to please their advertisers. So therefore, they had to come up with a strategy to attempt to keep both their kids and adult fans both happy at the same time. "Oh, take a look at what ROH is doing! They focus their shows entirely around the wrestling and their fans derive their entertainment from just watching matches! If we do that, then that means that we don't have to worry about putting on risky segments that will alienate kids, or we don't have to horde our show with kiddie segments that will alienate adults. What we will do is put our performers under intense pressure to put on 3-4 star matches weekly, cut out storyline segments since ROH doesn't need to do that. We can eliminate characters/gimmicks because ROH doesn't do that. And then, we just have to educate our fans to look at wrestling from a technical aspect .... and we'll be able to pull this PG rating off just great!"

And this is exactly why the ROH fans couldn't be more pleased with WWE, and why the traditional WWE fans are seen all over the Internet complaining about WWE.

So there are different breeds of fans. And it is imperative that one understands what motivates each of these groups so you can understand why either one embraces the product, where as the other pushes back on what they are seeing.

So when I say that Danielson won't be over in his WWE debut, I can say that with confidence (not arrogance) because I understand the WWE audience and I understand what motivates them. And that is only because I have watched wrestling for as long as I have. He will get some cheers undoubtedly from ROH fans who attend the WWE shows, but it won't be anything significant.

Fact of the matter is that Danielson will not get over and form that connection with the WWE fans, who won't even know who he is, until they get to know him and his personality through speaking on the mic.
It means exactly what I've been preaching for quite some time now. WWE is becoming more like Ring of Honor every day, and this is just one more case and point. He will have a nice spot waiting for him on Smackdown, the wrestling show.

Now, we can look forward to even more ROH fans infiltrating the WWE and shoving their views down everyone's throats about what wrestling "should be".

At long last, IWC. Your God, Bryan Danielson, has arrived.

I must admit, I will get the biggest chuckle if they simply start jobbing him out, just to hear the ROH fans bitch and whine about how he is being treated. But we'll see.

You've proving in this thread why so many people hate you. You make a lot of good points, but then you say something stupid like this, ridiculous.

Anyway, on to Danielson. I think that this is one of the WWE's biggest signings in years. I haven't seen much from Danielson, so I'm excited that the WWE brought him in. Assuming he is as great as a lot of people say he is, this will the mainstream wrestling audience a chance to see what he's all about.

Considering how talented he is and how much of a star he made himself in ROH, I doubt WWE is going to bring him in to be a jobber. Sure, he probably won't immeadiately be a main eventer, but he should be a solid mid carder, at the very least.
I really aren't understanding the big deal about this. He's just some new guy at the end of the day. If I'd never joined Wrestlezone the odds are I'd probably never have even noticed the guy and wouldn't be excited about his signing. Although, I'm not excited now. He's probably going to be a jobber, at first at least. He's not as amazing as people like to say, there's maybe a 1% chance he'll be a champion one day. A few ROH fans who know 'real wrestling' will watch him and bitch constantly about how he's not Main Eventing Wrestlemania. Danielson is just someone new, and the majority of fans either won't know about him, or won't care about his signing for the time being.
So it finally happens. Vince McMahon stick his hand through my chest and takes a piece of my heart. This is me being selfish, of course. I don't know what I'm gonna do without my monthly fix of Bryan Danielson.

Putting my personal selfishness aside, I still don't know what to make of this. Part of me is happy at shit that Danielson will finally get the opportunity to prove that he is as good as some say. He is every bit as talented as CM Punk- probably even more talented. Punk was the god of the indies before he signed with the WWE. Punk has been allowed to keep enough of his indie persona to be different and he has achieved monumental success thus far in his WWE career. My hope is that Danielson will follow his those footsteps. I hope he will be able to keep most of what makes him great and still succeed in the WWE.

On the other hand, the prospect of Bryan Danielson in the WWE scares the shit out of me. I can see it now: they give him some ridiculous name such as Scotty Smithers and dress him in some outlandish outfit with multi-colored rhinestones. That may reduce me to tears. It's been said a thousand times- Danielson doesn't have the prototypical look that Vince likes. I fear that Danielson will be stripped of all that makes him special in effort to make him more "marketable" for the casual wrestling fan.

I guess only time will tell what the future in the WWE holds for Bryan Danielson. I wish him the best of luck and have no doubt that he has what it takes to be successful. I just hope the creative team does him justice.
On the other hand, the prospect of Bryan Danielson in the WWE scares the shit out of me. I can see it now: they give him some ridiculous name such as Scotty Smithers and dress him in some outlandish outfit with multi-colored rhinestones. That may reduce me to tears. It's been said a thousand times- Danielson doesn't have the prototypical look that Vince likes. I fear that Danielson will be stripped of all that makes him special in effort to make him more "marketable" for the casual wrestling fan.

I'm with you on this. I'm not sure what to think, at the end of the day, Danielson is 185 pounds. And the guy isn't over like Rey Mysterio, he's not charismatic like Jeff Hardy, Cena, or Edge, he's not got the 'look' like Orton, and he's not a pretty-boy like John Morrison. But Danielson has a serious reputation in the indys and Japan, he'll survive whatever, if Vince decides to do bad to his career. I just think it's very co-incidental, that WWE sign Danielson when there where rumours a few weeks ago, about WWE wanting to raid ROH talent - whilst I know WWE has been trying to hire Danielson for a while now, but the thing is, if it was just money, Danielson would have signed years ago. It's one thing to take an unknown, give him a gimmick, and try to make him a star. It's entirely another thing to take an established well-known wrestler, erase his identity and give him a dumbass gimmick intended to embarrass him (at best) or kill his career (at worst). Vince has a history of doing just that. Those of us who know what depths that Vince will sink to, fear the worst for Bryan Danielson. My fingers are crossed that Vince actually has good intentions for Danielson, but i'm not sure, i'll just have to wait and see.
So it finally happens. Vince McMahon stick his hand through my chest and takes a piece of my heart.
What's funny is I feel the same way, albeit for completely different reasons. But, hey, at least we can finally agree on one thing. We both wish Danielson would stay in ROH.

On the other hand, the prospect of Bryan Danielson in the WWE scares the shit out of me. I can see it now: they give him some ridiculous name such as Scotty Smithers and dress him in some outlandish outfit with multi-colored rhinestones. That may reduce me to tears. It's been said a thousand times- Danielson doesn't have the prototypical look that Vince likes. I fear that Danielson will be stripped of all that makes him special in effort to make him more "marketable" for the casual wrestling fan.
I hope so. Watching a bald and untanned guy go in the ring and not say anything would bore the heck out of me.

I just think it's very co-incidental, that WWE sign Danielson when there where rumours a few weeks ago, about WWE wanting to raid ROH talent - whilst I know WWE has been trying to hire Danielson for a while now, but the thing is, if it was just money, Danielson would have signed years ago.
Actually, I think Danielson to the WWE was rumored even last yast year. Not really a surprise here.
I'm with you on this. I'm not sure what to think, at the end of the day, Danielson is 185 pounds. And the guy isn't over like Rey Mysterio, he's not charismatic like Jeff Hardy, Cena, or Edge, he's not got the 'look' like Orton, and he's not a pretty-boy like John Morrison. But Danielson has a serious reputation in the indys and Japan, he'll survive whatever, if Vince decides to do bad to his career. I just think it's very co-incidental, that WWE sign Danielson when there where rumours a few weeks ago, about WWE wanting to raid ROH talent - whilst I know WWE has been trying to hire Danielson for a while now, but the thing is, if it was just money, Danielson would have signed years ago. It's one thing to take an unknown, give him a gimmick, and try to make him a star. It's entirely another thing to take an established well-known wrestler, erase his identity and give him a dumbass gimmick intended to embarrass him (at best) or kill his career (at worst). Vince has a history of doing just that. Those of us who know what depths that Vince will sink to, fear the worst for Bryan Danielson. My fingers are crossed that Vince actually has good intentions for Danielson, but i'm not sure, i'll just have to wait and see.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. Not all WWE are the casual kind that don't know that other wrestling promotions exist. I get that your typical 12 year probably doesn't have a clue what ROH is, however, I do believe that many WWE fans are more informed that we all sometimes give credit for. Alot of people are going to know who Bryan Danielson is, at least in name. Giving him a different name and dramatically altering his appearance could severely hinder his appeal.

The only saving grace for me is that historically, the WWE has treated their former ROH talent fairly well. Obviously CM Punk would be the poster child for former ROH god turned WWE superstar. But look at London and Kendrick; they may no longer be on the WWE roster, but they both had very successful runs. They also are no longer part of the WWE roster as a result of their own stupidity, not lack of talent. Right now Evan Bourne is poised to be the next big thing, so maybe there is hope for Bryan.

Danielson may not be as charasmatic as Jeff Hardy, but he got loads of charisma. He may not be built like Randy Orton, but he has muscle mass and good definition. He may not be pretty like John Morrison, but in all honestly, I think Bryan Danielson is the hottest man I've ever seen (mojo ain't got shit on the Dragon). Danielson may not have as much "stuff" as some of the current WWE talent, but he has enough of all those characteristics to make a go of it. He has the "it" factor. Let's just hope he's given the opportunity to let it shine.
What's funny is I feel the same way, albeit for completely different reasons. But, hey, at least we can finally agree on one thing. We both wish Danielson would stay in ROH.

This is only because you wanted to go with me and see Dragon perform on an ROH stage. Don't stress- we still have one last opportunity. Mark September 10th on your calendar. I'll even buy your ticket for you. :)

I hope so. Watching a bald and untanned guy go in the ring and not say anything would bore the heck out of me.

Silly boy, Dragon has flowing golden locks right now. It's quite glorious.


And tanning is so last year. It's not necessary anymore.

Actually, I think Danielson to the WWE was rumored even last yast year. Not really a surprise here.

If this turns out to be a rumor, I plan to fly to MO to give you a big hug.
You've proving in this thread why so many people hate you. You make a lot of good points, but then you say something stupid like this, ridiculous.

Anyway, on to Danielson. I think that this is one of the WWE's biggest signings in years. I haven't seen much from Danielson, so I'm excited that the WWE brought him in. Assuming he is as great as a lot of people say he is, this will the mainstream wrestling audience a chance to see what he's all about.

Considering how talented he is and how much of a star he made himself in ROH, I doubt WWE is going to bring him in to be a jobber. Sure, he probably won't immeadiately be a main eventer, but he should be a solid mid carder, at the very least.

Well, firstly you have to understand something. I am not out to win a popularity contest on here. My principles are more important to me then necessarily "fitting in" with what the consensus may be on the forum. And nor am I going to be bullied or intimidated into thinking a certain way. So if a choice has to be made in which I feel one way, and the forum overall feels differently, I am going to choose my beliefs over what the forum may believe. If one agrees with my views and wants to rep me for it, then great. I appreciate it. If not, then so be it. I'm not losing sleep over being "hated" on Wrestlezone.

One can expect Danielson to debut on ECW to test the audience reaction to him. All I am saying is don't get your hopes up. ROH fans are delusional if they think that WWE fans are going to know who he is, much less give him some type of rousing ovation that will "blow the roof off of whatever arena he debuts in" ... which were the exact comments from someone in the TNA thread on him.

And for his sake, I sure hope they do give him some mic time, because otherwise, he will simply turn into another Shelton Benjamin ... a great wrestler, but in the end, a bland boring personality that nobody cares about.
I honestly feel that Vince and company will give Danielson a fair shake at building himself up to his potantial. Vince realizes that stars in the other organizations are generating revenue for his company. He took Christian and had him headline ECW. He took CM Punk and turned him into a monster star. I think he'll give Danielson a very good opportunity to make a name for himself, but he needs to capitalize on the opportunity.

Remember, Vince is out to make money. He wouldn't bring someone from another promotion and bury them out of spite.
Actually, I think Danielson to the WWE was rumored even last yast year. Not really a surprise here.

And he's been having contract talks since 2005, so I agree it's not a surprise. I just felt that the timing is a bit of a coincidence, after ROH moves to monday nights (i'm not saying they're competition), when Flair goes to ROH, and WWE have seen how sucessful Punk is. But whatever, that probably is what it is, a coincidence, because when Danielson took a break from ROH in 2005, there was loads of this talk that he was going to WWE, then he came back to ROH and said he wasn't going to go until he'd won the ROH title. Then he won the belt, held it until the end of 2006 and again alot of fans thought he would go, but he continued to stay because he felt like he wasn't ready. I guess that's why alot of people, including myself, have kinda been expecting it for awhile now. Anyway, I pray something good comes of it, especially since Danielson is a pretty huge name in the Independent Circuit, if not the biggest name.
Good for Danielson. He's had a great run on the indies, but it was time. What else was left to do?

I hope he gets to come into the WWE and be Bryan Danielson. What makes most really great wrestlers a cut above is that they stand out; they're distinct. In the WWE, where bodybuilder types like Masters and guys like Ziggler and Ted are a dime a dozen, a great wrestler with Danielson's look is very different. Let him be him. We got, for the most part, CM Punk not overly repackaged. It worked great for Punk because he wasn't turned into just another bland new guy. I think Danielson should booked the same way. Will he be a headliner? Probably not. But I do know that a guy like Danielson stands out more to me in the WWE than a guy like Ziggler.

Oh, and Danielson vs. Regal. Now, please.
I've never been a huge fan of Danielson to begin with. I think his size will hold him back from ever being more than a midcarder. It would be nice to see him make it like CM Punk but I see it as a way for Vince to take ROH's best talent to stop them from being a threat. Vince rarely pushes a small talent that wasn't his (aside from Punk and Mysterio) He will get a new ridiculous name (Brady Jameson sounds plain enough) and be given the Colt Cabana treatment before returning to ROH or going to TNA
Well, firstly you have to understand something. I am not out to win a popularity contest on here. My principles are more important to me then necessarily "fitting in" with what the consensus may be on the forum. And nor am I going to be bullied or intimidated into thinking a certain way. So if a choice has to be made in which I feel one way, and the forum overall feels differently, I am going to choose my beliefs over what the forum may believe. If one agrees with my views and wants to rep me for it, then great. I appreciate it. If not, then so be it. I'm not losing sleep over being "hated" on Wrestlezone.

You don't have to fit in or even be liked. However, there is not reason for every single thread you post in to turn into a discussion about ROHbots, Vince telling the fans what they want, and there is too much wrestling in the WWE. It's getting ridiculous at this point. You are just using this thread as an excuse to rip on ROH and all of their fans for no reason at all.

One can expect Danielson to debut on ECW to test the audience reaction to him. All I am saying is don't get your hopes up. ROH fans are delusional if they think that WWE fans are going to know who he is, much less give him some type of rousing ovation that will "blow the roof off of whatever arena he debuts in" ... which were the exact comments from someone in the TNA thread on him.

This is true, he isn't going to get a great reaction initially, no one who came from ROH did. However, he does have a better chance of ending up like Punk than Colt Cabana.

And for his sake, I sure hope they do give him some mic time, because otherwise, he will simply turn into another Shelton Benjamin ... a great wrestler, but in the end, a bland boring personality that nobody cares about

From the stuff I've seen, he is quite entertaining and humorous on the mic. Much better than Benjamin, but then again, isn't everybody?
It would be nice to see him make it like CM Punk but I see it as a way for Vince to take ROH's best talent to stop them from being a threat.
In what way is ROH a threat to the WWE? In what way is the loss of Danielson the one thing that will prevent ROH from taking the WWE by force?

Vince rarely pushes a small talent that wasn't his (aside from Punk and Mysterio)
Or Chris Benoit.

Or Eddie Guerrero.

Or Chris Jericho.

Ric Flair is evidently an inch shorter than Punk.

What were you saying?

He will get a new ridiculous name (Brady Jameson sounds plain enough) and be given the Colt Cabana treatment before returning to ROH or going to TNA
People are forgetting that Vince is rabid that he can't create new stars. Danielson, in ROH and other companies, despite being bald and pale, has shown to be immensely popular and has a rabid fan base. They chant all through his matches and they eat him up. If he can impress WWE fans with his impressive mat skills, he can get hot.

Does anyone remember a man named Chris Benoit? Well, blame WWE for your short term memory loss, because they want you to forget he ever existed. But he was one of the best technical wrestlers ever. And he had a huge fan base. He was short and had a missing tooth. He didn't have the best mic skills, but that's not all that measures charisma. He still got a huge following from gimmick-rabid WWE fans because had ring presence and was a great wrestler. If Benoit could succeed, there is no reason why Danielson doesn't have a chance as well.
Size hasn't mattered in a while. Jeff and Punk are doing perfectly fine. I don't see why Danielson can't succeed. The only thing I am worried about is that they will dramatically tone down his style.
I read somewhere that: there are more ROH guys that WWE signed, along with Danielson. Im curious as to WHO these guys are and if anyone has any info on them? Does ROH have a website where I can take a look at these "new wwe guys" other then Danielson?

Thanks in advance
Well this is sad for me personally, being a ROH Fan since 2004. I dont understand the move except for financially "just my opinion" But absolutely the best to Bryan! I considered going to NYC on 9-26 but I rather just leave "The ROH I grew on" In the heart and past because it's certainly not the same for me anymore since Sapolsky left, tv ect.
I read somewhere that: there are more ROH guys that WWE signed, along with Danielson. Im curious as to WHO these guys are and if anyone has any info on them? Does ROH have a website where I can take a look at these "new wwe guys" other then Danielson?

Thanks in advance

Aint nobody else, it's just mumbo jumbo bs talk from people who wanna piss off the ROH Fan Base. At least I hope so :shrug:
I wouldn't be surprised if they sign Nigel McGuiness as well, to give Danielson some company. I don't know what ROH was thinking by going on Monday nights. Now McMahon can just dismantle the company for his own pleasure. Whether intentional or not, this will send a stern warning to TNA.
I got mixed feelings about this signing. No way in hell will he remain with that ROH style of wrestling. DOn't get me wrong, I'm not bashing ROH, or anything like that. I'm just saying that in WWE, they work differently. He has to go through FCW, talent or not. And like D-Man said, it's a big roll of the dice when they signed him. They can give him all the pushes in the history of the 'E, but he has to step up...well, adapt is more likely, his style to make it in the E.

We, the IWC and WWE fans, just got to watch it unravel, expert predictions or not.
I wouldn't be surprised if they sign Nigel McGuiness as well, to give Danielson some company. I don't know what ROH was thinking by going on Monday nights. Now McMahon can just dismantle the company for his own pleasure. Whether intentional or not, this will send a stern warning to TNA.
The one hour show the comes on and ends before Raw and almost nobody knows about? That show?

What does Danielson getting picked up by the E have to do with that?
The one hour show the comes on and ends before Raw and almost nobody knows about? That show?

What does Danielson getting picked up by the E have to do with that?

Well, you might want to ask WWE that, since there was a news piece that got put out a week ago stating with ROH's move to Monday Nights, that WWE was going to be raiding their talent. And sure enough. Now, they have their top star.

With them going on Monday nights right before Raw, people who are sitting down and watching TV who are channel surfing will inevitably be exposed to the ROH product. WWE is simply looking to damage the company.

Here, WWE had all this time to sign Danielson, yet they wait until now with their move to Monday nights .... and you don't think this signing has anything to do with that?
Yeah actually Sidious is quite right here. If we are to believe the reports going about on the 'net, this is a strategic move by the WWE to try and kill off ROH before it can even be half as popular as TNA. They realize the company is in financial trouble right now, and that taking away some of it's top stars is going to be a big hit.

Hopefully that doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to bury the ROH stars they sign, because there's plenty of great talent in the promotion that could do very well on the big stage if given the chance. Here's to hoping they don't bury Danielson and instead decide to build him up in the way they did to Punk; bring him into ECW, put him on a streak, and slowly work his way up. If he works, we're in for a treat, if it doesn't work and the crowd shits on him, oh well, we get to see him participate in more great matches in ROH. Either way, this is still a good move for Danielson. Bad for ROH though, very bad.

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