Should the WWE hire Bryan Danielson?

No, I didn't, I hadn't really seen much Punk when he debuted. Furthermore, they debuted him in probably the BEST place they could have, in front of fans that were going to give him heat.

So, no I didn't.

Fair enough, I guess.

And if he had done good, don't you think he would have been champion longer? John Cena was champion for over a year, Triple H for 9 months or so. What about Punk?

Umm... how long did it take for Cena to get that year long run? Let's see he debuted in 2002, and got the title in 2005... three years. Okay... Punk's now been in the company for 3 years, has 2 World Title reigns, and most likely will win the belt back again at Summerslam, which that reign could very well likely last for a while, if he does win it. So it's still too quick to judge, but by all accounts... WWE does not think he sucks, otherwise he'd have a role like Kendrick currently has.

Who cares if he's a better promo cutter? Sydal doesn't cut promos, he goes out and gets over by doing fancy aerial moves.

I'm just mentioning he has more to offer than just mat wrestling.

But, Danielson isn't a good promo cutter. Sure, he can rile up 300 nerds in Philadelphia, but put him in front of 10,000 fans every Monday night, and he's going to bomb worse than Jeff Hardy.

How do you know that for a fact?

But, he can't make a living doing high spots, and his selling is terrible, both in short term and long term. He's not a WWE style wrestler, and he's not a good traditional style wrestler.

He wouldn't have to make a living doing high spots; it's just something in his arsenal that he could pull out every now and again to impress the audience.

As far as his selling not being good... that's just extremely false. He sells way better than most wrestlers in WWE and TNA. That's a fact.

I've never heard he was offered the same money, but he was offered a contract at the same time. But, why did Danielson stay? Because he knew he wouldn't make enough money in the WWE to overcome what he would make on the indy circuit.

If Danielson or any wrestler thinks that, then they shouldn't be a professional wrestler, at all. But I'm pretty sure Danielson has enough confidence in himself to believe he'd make it in any company, if given a fair opportunity.

Besides, TNA has also offered Danielson a contract according to him, and he rejected that. Does that mean that he thinks he wouldn't be able to make it in TNA?

No, it doesn't. At the time in his life, he didn't like the product he was seeing being put out by TNA and WWE, and thought ROH was the best fit for him. But that in no way, shape, or form indicates that he thinks he wouldn't be able to make it in either company.

Last year huh? When was the last match he worked for the WWE?

Yep. And shortly after he signed a contract with ROH, so of course he couldn't do matches like that for WWE again.

What does Danielson have that Jamie Noble does not? Please elaborate.

He's bigger, better worker, and has more charisma.

What??? How can you possibly say this? This is pure assumption, and given the history of guys like Lesnar and Lashley, not a good one.

It would make zero sense for him to sign a WWE contract and then just leave for MMA. Lesnar signed a WWE contract, when he didn't even love the business to begin with. Danielson obviously loves professional wrestling. And Lashley left because he felt like he got fucked over and since WWE didn't offer him what he wanted, not because he wanted to fuck over WWE by pursuing MMA.
I'm just mentioning he has more to offer than just mat wrestling.
Yes, but as I said, we don't need more jobbers.

How do you know that for a fact?
I've heard his promos. They're not good at all.

He wouldn't have to make a living doing high spots; it's just something in his arsenal that he could pull out every now and again to impress the audience.
But, that's my point. He has NOTHING that will get him over. He's not good at ANYTHING, which makes him unique to the WWE.

As far as his selling not being good... that's just extremely false. He sells way better than most wrestlers in WWE and TNA. That's a fact.
Generally, jmt, when people use the word "fact", they're discussing truth. Apparently, you do not.

He sells way better than most? Not a chance. Not only is it unbelievable, it is spotty as hell, and convenience only. I remember watching one of his matches with Nigel and remember laughing at how absurd his selling was. I've noticed it in other matches as well, such as the one I've seen where he worked against Spanky.

If Danielson or any wrestler thinks that, then they shouldn't be a professional wrestler, at all.
Umm, Danielson himself said that:

Q: Why have you decided to remain with ROH and tour Japan rather than try to land with WWE or TNA?

Danielson: "One of the big things people don't understand is for a lot of WWE guys on TV who aren't on all the pay-per-views and working the undercards, I make more money than them in Ring of Honor and doing Japan.

Yep. And shortly after he signed a contract with ROH, so of course he couldn't do matches like that for WWE again.
I thought he did the dark match under contract with ROH. So, what are you saying?

You do realize that ROH contracts aren't like WWE contracts, right?

He's bigger, better worker, and has more charisma.
LOL :lmao:

I never figured you to be a blind Danielson fan. They're roughly the same height, but Noble is about 20 pounds heavier. Noble has shown an ability to play a character that provides entertainment, Danielson has not, and Noble is a superior in-ring worker to Danielson. That's why he is in the WWE and Danielson is not.

It would make zero sense for him to sign a WWE contract and then just leave for MMA. Lesnar signed a WWE contract, when he didn't even love the business to begin with. Danielson obviously loves professional wrestling.
I see.

So, Lesnar can sign a WWE contract and not mean it, but Danielson couldn't? I guess Danielson is the second coming of God, then. He really can do no wrong in your eyes, can he?

Poor poor jmt. I always thought better of you than this.

Did you forget your medication this morning? lol. Just kidding Sly.

No, he can't. Just because he does a bunch of fake looking chain wrestling that hasn't been relevant since the 50s, that doesn't mean he can outwrestle most in the WWE. The fact of the matter is that he's a below average wrestler, who relies on exploiting ignorant and conceited wrestling fans to get over.

Wrong. He doesn't use a bunch of "fake chain wrestling", he uses a vast array of technical wrestling moves, suplexes, and innovative offensive moves to entertain thousands of fans, not a few hundred as you call ROH's fanbase. And he is nowhere near below average, he is one of the better wrestlers in recent memory.

But doesn't have NEAR the marketability. Not even close. He doesn't have the family ties like Rhodes and DiBiase, nor is he anywhere near as good looking. He can't fly like Bourne, and he doesn't kick ass like Henry. At BEST, he'd be Jamie Noble part two.

You want to bet. Wrestling draws, Sly. I don't care, no matter what, there are always a majority of fans out there who enjoy wrestling alone, mixed with some mic skills and a good in-ring psychology. His in-ring actions make the crowd get into it, like when he enters the ring to Final Countdown, singing with the crowd, holding submissions holds until after five, barely escaping DQ, and then shouting to everyone "I have till five!", and the chants he inspires, notably "Your gonna get you fucking head kicked in". He can get the crowd into matches and entertain them during the match, proving he does have a personality and charisma.

Please. Not even close. You don't seem to grasp the fact that the wrestling he does in ROH doesn't come close to the type of wrestling they do in the WWE. Danielson is not a WWE wrestler...hell, he's a poor ROH wrestler. Sure, he's better than most in ROH, but that's because ROH is full of talentless hacks that aren't fit to shine the boots of the real traditional wrestlers that they attempt to emulate.

You are worse on this subject than the ROH smarks you try to downgrade. So, C.M. Punk? Low-Ki? Samoa Joe? Homicide? They are all talentless hacks also? WRONG!!! W-R-O-N-G!!!

Take, for example, Ricky Steamboat. Danielson's style isn't that dissimilar to Steamboat's style. But, he doesn't come CLOSE to being able to work a match like Steamboat could. The workrate simply isn't there, the believability isn't there, and the ability to move from spot to spot seamlessly and believably is not there.

Wrong. Danielson works good matches. They flow pretty smoothly, and there really isn't a problem with them. Plus, as mentioned above, he can get a crowd into the match, especially as a heel.


First of all, his in-ring ability doesn't come CLOSE to touching any one of those four. Second of all, Malenko was boring, Angle is a spot monkey, and Flair is a notorious overselling routine wrestler. You're not helping yourself in the least with this argument.

The only one of those that I would consider a true great in-ring worker would be Benoit, and Danielson isn't fit to spit shine Benoit's wrestling boots.

I respectfully disagree. Danielson is right up there with Benoit, and there are many similarities between the both. Danielson isn't any worse of a mic worker than Benoit was, Danielson has charisma also, and can get a crowd into a match just as well as Benoit, and they are both amazing in-ring workers.

As I said, they don't need any more jobbers.

He wouldn't be a freakin' jobber, how many times do I have to explain this to you. Are you blind, can you not read what I type which gives you solid proof he wouldn't be a jobber?

How so? You admit he doesn't have a good look.

Evan Bourne doesn't have a good look? You praise him. Rey Rey doesn't have the best look, pretty small actually. You haven't said anything about him. danielson actually looks like Bob Backlund did in his days, and baclund won A World Title in WWE. Plus danielson is a better in-ring wrestler.

you compare him to a guy who was boring, a guy who is a spot-monkey, and a guy who is a notorious overselling routine worker. His wrestling style doesn't fit the WWE style

You contradict yourself. You said earlier Benoit's style as a matter of fact did look similar to Danielson's, as well as Steamboat's. Yet you say that wrestling style doesn't fit the WWE. Then how in the hell did they make it in WWE? Exactly.

Danielson in the WWe would be a waste of everyone's time.

Not really buddy, not really.
You want to bet. Wrestling draws, Sly. I don't care, no matter what, there are always a majority of fans out there who enjoy wrestling alone, mixed with some mic skills and a good in-ring psychology. His in-ring actions make the crowd get into it, like when he enters the ring to Final Countdown, singing with the crowd, holding submissions holds until after five, barely escaping DQ, and then shouting to everyone "I have till five!", and the chants he inspires, notably "Your gonna get you fucking head kicked in". He can get the crowd into matches and entertain them during the match, proving he does have a personality and charisma.

First of all the majority of fans do not enjoy wrestling alone. Which is why guys like Hulk Hogan and John Cena are some of the biggest draws ever and guys like Dean Malenko never really accomplish shit. Secondly, it's a lot different working a ROH crowd then it is a WWE crowd.

You are worse on this subject than the ROH smarks you try to downgrade. So, C.M. Punk? Low-Ki? Samoa Joe? Homicide? They are all talentless hacks also? WRONG!!! W-R-O-N-G!!!

No, guys like CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Homicide have good looks and charisma. Danielson has neither. That's probably why those guys have made an impact in WWE and TNA and Danielson has stayed in ROH.

I respectfully disagree. Danielson is right up there with Benoit, and there are many similarities between the both. Danielson isn't any worse of a mic worker than Benoit was, Danielson has charisma also, and can get a crowd into a match just as well as Benoit, and they are both amazing in-ring workers.

Danielson is no where near Benoit in wrestling ability and especially not in charisma. Until Danielson goes in front of a WWE type crowd and proves he can be charasmatic and get the crowd into him I'm not going to buy you saying he has charisma.

He wouldn't be a freakin' jobber, how many times do I have to explain this to you. Are you blind, can you not read what I type which gives you solid proof he wouldn't be a jobber?

All I've read from you is that he can get a couple thousand ROH fans to like him and he has a "vast array" of technical moves and suplexes. There's plenty of guys like Paul Burchill, Brian Kendrick, and Jamie Noble who can do that and they are jobbers in the WWE.

Evan Bourne doesn't have a good look? You praise him. Rey Rey doesn't have the best look, pretty small actually.

Bourne and Mysterio are samll, but they have a lot of aerial moves that they can use to get the crowd into there matches. Mysterio is also far superior then Danielson when it comes to charisma and mic skills.

danielson actually looks like Bob Backlund did in his days, and baclund won A World Title in WWE. Plus danielson is a better in-ring wrestler.

Backlund was a NWA champion 30 years ago. He couldn't make it in todays WWE. And please don't mention ihs horrendous WWE title reign from 15 years ago because that was just a way to get the belt from Hart to Diesel without making any big stars look weak. And Backlund was at least crazy so that helped him be slightly entertaining.
No, guys like CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Homicide have good looks and charisma. Danielson has neither. That's probably why those guys have made an impact in WWE and TNA and Danielson has stayed in ROH.

So let me get this straight, the TNA crowds are a better indicator of a wrestler's ability to be successful than the ROH ones? They're the same exact crowds! The only people who watch TNA or ROH are the smarks like us! The fuck has Samoa Joe or Homicide done that Danielson hasn't? Been on a series of awful PPVs?

Danielson is no where near Benoit in wrestling ability and especially not in charisma.


Charisma?! What charisma?! Benoit never had an ounce of charisma in his entire life, the man ranks among the worst on the mic, ever.

Until Danielson goes in front of a WWE type crowd and proves he can be charasmatic and get the crowd into him I'm not going to buy you saying he has charisma.

Again, I'm at a loss for why you guys keep saying this. Are ROH fans no longer wrestling fans? I get they attract a different kind of fan, but I can't believe all of the hate for ROH that I'm seeing. How do you think all of the big stars of the old days like Hulk Hogan were discovered? By their success in the indies.

All I've read from you is that he can get a couple thousand ROH fans to like him and he has a "vast array" of technical moves and suplexes. There's plenty of guys like Paul Burchill, Brian Kendrick, and Jamie Noble who can do that and they are jobbers in the WWE.

All three of those men were attempted to give pushes, but the crowd shat all over them. All were saying is that giving Danielson just a CHANCE has absolutely ZERO negative impact on the WWE. Zip, nada. What's the worse that happens? He turns into another jobber? Oh well, the WWE is always in need of new jobbers, what does it matter if they just give him a damn chance?

Bourne and Mysterio are samll, but they have a lot of aerial moves that they can use to get the crowd into there matches. Mysterio is also far superior then Danielson when it comes to charisma and mic skills.

Mysterio is awful on the microphone. Absolutely terrible. And what "charisma"? The man's entire career and popularity are based off of doing high flying moves and being small. That's what gets him over with the crowd, not any kind of "charisma". The Rock had charisma, Stone Cold had charisma. Mysterio had a skill at jumping off the top rope.

Backlund was a NWA champion 30 years ago. He couldn't make it in todays WWE. And please don't mention ihs horrendous WWE title reign from 15 years ago because that was just a way to get the belt from Hart to Diesel without making any big stars look weak. And Backlund was at least crazy so that helped him be slightly entertaining.

...You know I like you Big Sexy, but you probably shouldn't judge a guy like Backlund if you can't even correctly cite his backround. Bob Backlund held the WWF title for FIVE YEARS from 1978-1983, one of the greatest title reigns in WWF history.
Yes, but as I said, we don't need more jobbers.

It's not a guarantee he would be a jobber, though.

I've heard his promos. They're not good at all.

His backstage promos use to really, really suck, but they have gotten better over the years; however, he's always been a good promo cutter in front of the crowd.

But, that's my point. He has NOTHING that will get him over. He's not good at ANYTHING, which makes him unique to the WWE.

He's good at plenty of things.

Let's say WWE booked Danielson to be himself and didn't saddle him with a gimmick, if someone like Chris Benoit could get over with the WWE audience, then surely Bryan Danielson can. I know you'll disagree, but Danielson is every bit as good as Benoit was in my mind, if not better.

Generally, jmt, when people use the word "fact", they're discussing truth. Apparently, you do not.

Yet, you're not disproving anything I'm saying, so I guess they are facts, eh?

He sells way better than most? Not a chance. Not only is it unbelievable, it is spotty as hell, and convenience only. I remember watching one of his matches with Nigel and remember laughing at how absurd his selling was. I've noticed it in other matches as well, such as the one I've seen where he worked against Spanky.

Every match I've seen Danielson in, he sells perfectly fine. If someone works a body part, he'll sell it the entire match and after on his way to the lockerroom. I remember when he had the shoulder injury, he sold it to perfection every single match he was in for nearly 4 months. And another thing... when Danielson's character gets hurt, it comes off real. Sometimes he'll go Superman like Cena or Hogan and get fired up and ignore the pain, but he has that right as the top guy.

His selling is just fine, Sly.

Umm, Danielson himself said that:

Nowhere in that statement did I see Danielson say that he thought he wasn't good enough to compete in WWE or TNA. All I saw was that he makes a lot of money working on the indies.

I thought he did the dark match under contract with ROH. So, what are you saying?

No, I'm pretty sure he didn't sign an official contract until August/September of 2008, and that dark match took place before that.

You do realize that ROH contracts aren't like WWE contracts, right?

Yes, but please point me to where since those contracts came to that a ROH wrestler has wrestled for WWE or TNA in a dark match or anything like it? It hasn't happened, whereas before it happened quite often.

I never figured you to be a blind Danielson fan.

Well, I've always figured you to be a blind Danielson hater, so no surprise on my end. ;)

They're roughly the same height, but Noble is about 20 pounds heavier.

Danielson is clearly 2/3 inches taller than Noble, and he's not some flabby, no muscle having dude either. Here's a photo of him from a couple of months ago:


Sure, he's not John Cena or Randy Orton, but he's still clearly more fit than guys like Punk, Hardy, and even Jericho.

Noble has shown an ability to play a character that provides entertainment, Danielson has not, and Noble is a superior in-ring worker to Danielson. That's why he is in the WWE and Danielson is not.

Lol... Danielson's not in WWE because he doesn't want to be. That is purely a fact.

And every time Danielson performs, people leave that place feeling like they got their money's worth, which is what a professional wrestler's job is. And Danielson does it better than ANYONE on the indy circuit, so yes... he does provide entertainment to thousands out there and I strongly believe he would be able to do the same in WWE.

So, Lesnar can sign a WWE contract and not mean it, but Danielson couldn't? I guess Danielson is the second coming of God, then. He really can do no wrong in your eyes, can he?

How in the World did you get that from my statement? Did you not see where I said Lesnar NEVER loved the business, but Danielson has loved it since he was a little kid? Why would he sign a contract with WWE and not oblige to it? That makes absolutely no sense and you know it.

Besides, Danielson's interest in MMA are just speculation anyway. Never has he come out and said he was pursuing the sport.

Poor poor jmt. I always thought better of you than this.

Pssh... whatever. You know you heart me and always will.
First of all the majority of fans do not enjoy wrestling alone. Which is why guys like Hulk Hogan and John Cena are some of the biggest draws ever and guys like Dean Malenko never really accomplish shit. Secondly, it's a lot different working a ROH crowd then it is a WWE crowd.

It's true, but you had guys like Chris Benoit and Ricky Steamboat, guys who both had arguably the same amount of mic skills and just slightly more charisma than Danielson, and they got over fine in the WWE. There is no reason why Danielson wouldn't.

No, guys like CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Homicide have good looks and charisma. Danielson has neither. That's probably why those guys have made an impact in WWE and TNA and Danielson has stayed in ROH.

So, what if Danielson doesn't have the best look. Many WWE Superstars, and I'm going to point out Bourne and Mysterio right now, don't have good looks. Bourne is just as bland as Danielson, and Mysterio doesn't have much charisma and is horrible on the mic. They get over because of their pretty little flips, and the fact that Mysterio is hispanic and wears a mask which caters torwards little kids. Danielson, as a relatively small guy himself, can do some of these flips himself, not to mention fast paced (or slow paced when needed), amazing technical matches that will keep most people glued to their seats, just like people like Benoit, Angle, and Steamboat do.

Danielson is no where near Benoit in wrestling ability and especially not in charisma. Until Danielson goes in front of a WWE type crowd and proves he can be charasmatic and get the crowd into him I'm not going to buy you saying he has charisma.

All I've read from you is that he can get a couple thousand ROH fans to like him and he has a "vast array" of technical moves and suplexes. There's plenty of guys like Paul Burchill, Brian Kendrick, and Jamie Noble who can do that and they are jobbers in the WWE.

Yeah, but they are jobbers because they could never get over. Noble was somewhat over his first go-round in WWE , and when he came back he was turned into a jobber without giving much of a chance. Burchill just wasn't booked right. And Kendric was seperated from Ezekial and stuck on the lower card without having a chance to get over. Of course, Vince probably would do the same to Danielson, but there is always a chance he wouldn't.

Bourne and Mysterio are samll, but they have a lot of aerial moves that they can use to get the crowd into there matches. Mysterio is also far superior then Danielson when it comes to charisma and mic skills.

Like I said before, Mysterio has hardly any charisma and no good mic skills. Bourne is bland. They both get over on pretty little flips, and Danielson can do a few ariel moves like them and then do more. Danielson>Mysterio and Bourne.

Backlund was a NWA champion 30 years ago. He couldn't make it in todays WWE. And please don't mention ihs horrendous WWE title reign from 15 years ago because that was just a way to get the belt from Hart to Diesel without making any big stars look weak. And Backlund was at least crazy so that helped him be slightly entertaining.

Uh, you forgot his succesful title reign in WWE.

Face it, I am right, and you danielson/ROH haters are wrong. Get over it. I point out fact after fact, and until you do something that can truly disprove it, I'll keep on.
Charisma?! What charisma?! Benoit never had an ounce of charisma in his entire life, the man ranks among the worst on the mic, ever.

Charisma is the wrong word. Benoit just had a certain vibe that he gave off that I don't see in Danielson. When Benoit was in the ring he had aggression and the crowd fed off that. I don't see that in Danielson.

Again, I'm at a loss for why you guys keep saying this. Are ROH fans no longer wrestling fans? I get they attract a different kind of fan, but I can't believe all of the hate for ROH that I'm seeing. How do you think all of the big stars of the old days like Hulk Hogan were discovered? By their success in the indies.

You said it yourself they attract a different type of fan. People watch ROH solely for the wrestling. They know there aren't going to be amazing promos and great storylines. The WWE is the opposite. It's more about the entertainment aspect.
All three of those men were attempted to give pushes, but the crowd shat all over them. All were saying is that giving Danielson just a CHANCE has absolutely ZERO negative impact on the WWE. Zip, nada. What's the worse that happens? He turns into another jobber? Oh well, the WWE is always in need of new jobbers, what does it matter if they just give him a damn chance?

I never said they shouldn't give him a chance. All I said was that I don't think he would succeed.
Mysterio is awful on the microphone. Absolutely terrible. And what "charisma"? The man's entire career and popularity are based off of doing high flying moves and being small. That's what gets him over with the crowd, not any kind of "charisma". The Rock had charisma, Stone Cold had charisma. Mysterio had a skill at jumping off the top rope.

It's still a lot more then Danielson has.
...You know I like you Big Sexy, but you probably shouldn't judge a guy like Backlund if you can't even correctly cite his backround. Bob Backlund held the WWF title for FIVE YEARS from 1978-1983, one of the greatest title reigns in WWF history.

I'm well aware of his 5 year WWF title reign, but wrestling was a lot different back then. The Bob Backlund from the late 70's early 80's wouldn't make it in today's WWE. If Danielson can build a time machine and go back 30 years then he'd be great in the WWE but in today's wrestling world I don't see him ever accomplishing anything outside ROH.
Charisma is the wrong word. Benoit just had a certain vibe that he gave off that I don't see in Danielson. When Benoit was in the ring he had aggression and the crowd fed off that. I don't see that in Danielson.

Well, it wasn't really charisma, but I think it was the intensity in the ring that helped Chris Benoit get over. It also helped that he was huge in Canada, which always provided for good TV whenever they were broadcasting from a Canadian market.

New York, a smarky crowd, had a great amount of respect for him and gave him a great ovation at Mania 20 when he won the title, too.

Benoit wasn't a great speaker, at all. And neither is Danielson. But WWE still made Benoit work. And I know they could do the same with Danielson.

You said it yourself they attract a different type of fan. People watch ROH solely for the wrestling. They know there aren't going to be amazing promos and great storylines. The WWE is the opposite. It's more about the entertainment aspect.

If that is what you think, then I think you have been blind to the changes that have been occurring in WWE these past two years.

This is the most heavily-concentrated Era on in-ring wrestling in any period of WWE's history, aside from the period before the first Wrestlemania. It is the highest quality of in-ring wrestling, as well. One bad match, and your job is on the line with the company, in this day and age.

Vince is so heavily focused on the quality of the in-ring action in the PG Era and spends so much time on it, yet this comes at the expense of good story-telling and investing time in getting characters over. Quite frankly, his plan seems to tone down all of that in favor of trying to condition his audience to derive their entertainment solely from the matches.

Aside from Raw, that is all you see on Smackdown, ECW, and Superstars. However, even Raw is more wrestling-oriented than what it used to be.

I would prefer Raw to the other shows, if it weren't for Vince's sophomoric humor he's added to the shows. I can't stand the Santino Marella skits, and I don't find Hornswoggle funny in any way, shape, or form.

So I think my problem is that I don't like a Ring of Honor-type product, which the other 3 shows are becoming. Because I don't find "just scripted wrestling bouts" entertaining. But I don't care for Raw currently either, because of the segments that are either geared towards kids or simply are poorly written with terrible comedy.

There is no doubt that Vince has been influenced by Ring of Honor these past few years with what he has done to the product. He wanted a PG Rating, first and foremost, however he had to think of a way to try to keep both the kids and adults happy, at the same time. So I think he tries to appeal to kids with segments with Hornswoggle, Rey Mysterio, uses John Cena as a role model, etc. while he wants the adults to instead of being interested in sex, violence, and vulgarity, he wants them to looking at the product from a technical point of view, and to be interested in simply the matches, from a quality perspective. That is highly comparable to how Ring of Honor fans view the product, and in turn, also how Japanese fans generally view the product, too.

If Danielson can build a time machine and go back 30 years then he'd be great in the WWE but in today's wrestling world I don't see him ever accomplishing anything outside ROH.

Well, then it's a good thing for Danielson that this is the type of product WWE is transitioning into, then. He'd be great for ECW, and then Smackdown.
I don't think the WWE should hire Bryan Danielson. I think he is overrated by the IWC. He's average on mic and he hasn't shown us that he is original in anyway. We've all seem his work before. He's also small, and doesn't have neither the 'it' factor, nor the look of even a mid-carder. It wouldn't be fair for WWE to hire, and waste time and money on him, (Yes, waste. Take that ROH fans.), rather than focus on and push the current middle card lurkers, that have much more to offer than him. Then again, WWE can't be considered fair in most ways, if any at all.
I don't think the WWE should hire Bryan Danielson. I think he is overrated by the IWC.

That should tell you something about the IWC, then. It is dominated by people who want to see American pro wrestling resemble Japanese pro wrestling. Hell, our crowds are already beginning to make the transition, with them becoming much more silent during the matches. Danielson coming to WWE is a dream come true for them.

He's average on mic and he hasn't shown us that he is original in anyway.

Hmmm. Sounds like he'll fit in just fine in today's WWE where we have a lot of very average to poor mic workers, who still make it to the main event.

See: Jeff Hardy, Batista, Big Show, Chris Benoit, etc.

We've all seem his work before. He's also small, and doesn't have neither the 'it' factor, nor the look of even a mid-carder. It wouldn't be fair for WWE to hire, and waste time and money on him, (Yes, waste. Take that ROH fans.), rather than focus on and push the current middle card lurkers, that have much more to offer than him. Then again, WWE can't be considered fair in most ways, if any at all.

His size is the thing that will hold him back. Vince still has his fascination for larger-than-life guys that can put on first-rate matches. And his size is the only thing that will be a problem fitting in with today's WWE. Other than that, he would fit in perfectly with what WWE is becoming.
I am a big fan of Danielson's work. But WWE hiring him would be the same thing as what Vince McMahon said about Bret Hart being signed by WCW: they won't know what to do with him.

Danielson is an undersized master technician lacking that special it factor that equals success for workers of his type in WWE. Benoit had unequaled ferocity that he channeled into his work, Eddie had his happy go lucky "Lie, Cheat and Steal" mantra, Rey Mysterio did unheard of acrobatics in the ring...Danielson is just a great worker. It's almost sad saying that, that being a great worker nine times out of ten isn't enough to make it in professional wrestling, isn't it? I mean, even Punk has his straight edge lifestyle to play off of, either being a respectable role model in his face persona or a downright self righteous asshole when playing a heel.

I fear that Danielson would receive the same treatment as Jamie Noble and his mentor William Regal. He would work great matches but would languish in ECW and thaat is hardly a fate worthy of such a respectable professional wrestler. I hope he chooses to remain in the indies or takes up MMA and finds success there.

This is not a slam on Danielson, I just don't see WWE being a good fit for him.
I'm not a Danielson hater but I think there is no way he can make a name himself in WWE like he did in ROH.

It's true, but you had guys like Chris Benoit and Ricky Steamboat, guys who both had arguably the same amount of mic skills and just slightly more charisma than Danielson, and they got over fine in the WWE.There is no reason why Danielson wouldn't.
You have a good point but there is a huge problem about Daniels.Benoit could made himself cared because of his intensity and Steamboat made himself cared with his fast paced and high flying moves.If Benoit didn't use moves like crippler crossface,german suplexes,diving headbutt and doing only various of different submission manuevers on the mat for 50 minutes crowd wouldn't have given him a shit.But Danielson does not have something to make himself cared in WWE.His moves are very boring for a crowd that cheers for every flips and flops.Thats what he lacks.He doesn't have anyting to make himself cared.Jeff Hardy makes himself cared with his high risk moves,Foley made himself cared with putting his life on the line,Rey Mysterio made himself cared with his luchador style.The wrestlers that has come out of minds are the good examples of without good looking(Mick Foley) or without good mic skills(Rey and Jeff) you can be succesful in wrestling business as long as you find a way to make yourself cared and having a great technical ability is not a way to make yourself cared(see Dean Malenko)
No. Danielson is great. Hell correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't he trained by one the best of all time SHAWN MICHAELS!?!? But even if he does join WWE, you have to remember Vince loves killing what is not his creation. But than again he can pull of a CM Punk and become a main eventer. But thats highly un-likely since there already a CM Punk. But there is hope, Shawn might be able to pull some strings. But thats un-likely. Just look at one Shawn's proteges, The Brian Kendrick who is going no where, such a shame. But if booked right, he could be a MAJOR player in TNA.
In the original post, most of the names listed were main event guys, or guys on their way up. How do you expect Danielson to debut at the level? I very very much doubt that WWE would be interesting in hiring him full time for anything other than a jobber. He is an AWESOME AWESOME wrestler but he has the most boring look of any wrestler in the history of the world. He's a super white, shaved head guy in plain trunks. From what I've heard of him, he's not a superstar on the mic.

Should the WWE hire him? Yes, if they want pure wrestling talent...but they don't. They probably won't hire him, and if they do he'll be a jobber or be released. If they had a stable with a mouthpiece I could see him as a their technical guy, or the wrestler to a charismatic tag team partner but not much more than that. It's a shame, but it's all about the entertainment not the wrestling.

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