I would really love to see this scenario go down. Since in my opinion Micheal Cole's whole tv personality has gained this "Smarkier than you are" attitude on NXT, starting with the Danielson story and continuing(coming from a Cole hater from day one), I'd like to see Cole revealed to be the mystery GM, and then the real ring leader of Nexus.
Cole is always safe in all of the Nexus beatdowns, since they started. He gets away. Also with the mystery GM giving Nexus license to touch anyone but "Superstars", it could be a hint as to the real intentions of the GM. So at some point you have Cole as mystery GM helping the Nexus group out in several ways. Then at some point you have it revealed that Cole is GM, and behind Nexus all together, and trying to forge his own legacy, because everyone thinks he's a cheap ripoff of JR.....like Danielson said on TV during their confrontations.
Once Cole is revealed, that is when Danielson comes back. He screws Barrett out of a title or match, or whatever. He's back as a face, for revenge on Micheal Cole who was the one who either "got him kicked out of Nexus" or "Fired from WWE", however they would play it.
You have built in feuds with Barrett, and any of the other Nexus guys, and eventually what everyone last one of us in the IWC wants to see could happen...... (If you say you don't want to see this.....I call you a liar)...... We get a match of some sort, that is Danielson destroying Cole. Just 5 minutes of Cole getting pummeled, ala Austin and Bischoff when Austin returned.
Danielson will come back with so much momentum that anyway they do, I'm thinkin it's a surefire hit for them. I honestly think, that the WWE is using this whole ordeal to finally open the doors to what is out there beyond them. They already started by showing pictures and things of matches Danielson and Low-Kaval had in other promotions and acknowledging their accomplishments in the indy scene during NXT. So when Danielson returns and Cole is ultimately the heel behind all of this, you can have Lawler and other announcers talking about what he did while he was gone. Challenging for World Championships and what not, drawing sell out crowds, all while Cole is yelling about him being a loser, and a nerd.
I think it's an awesome idea. What do you think?