[OFFICIAL] Daniel Bryan Danielson Discussion Thread

I just think it's real silly what they're doing with Danielson here. The losing streak angle made a lot more sense back when he was having competitive matches and just coming up short against the WWE Pros, whether it was due to interference, or Miz being a dick. Now, he's just outright losing, whether it be to Darren Young, William Regal, or Skip Sheffield. He hasn't had much interaction with The Miz over the last few weeks it seems. Whatever momentum he had from a competitive match against Chris Jericho is gone, because "Future Enhancement Talent" Heath Slater actually picked up a win against him.

I think the only way this angle makes sense at this point is if he turns it up after the next poll and he just barely gets eliminated, which motivates him to turn it up start turning into Super American Dragon, and win NXT, choosing to get his title shot vs. The Miz. Other than that, I can't see much point of Danielson losing week in and week out with really no end in sight.
Why are they making him look like a pussy? The fake way he carried his ribs during the race thing tonight had the crowd turning on him. I don't get it, quit making the guy look like a fool, losing streaks are a worse storyline than undefeated winning streaks. Chavo, MVP, Body Donnas etc.
Why are they making him look like a pussy? The fake way he carried his ribs during the race thing tonight had the crowd turning on him. I don't get it, quit making the guy look like a fool, losing streaks are a worse storyline than undefeated winning streaks. Chavo, MVP, Body Donnas etc.

I believe why they choose to do that is cause they have to sell the fact that Daniel Bryan got his ass kicked by Batista, it wouldn't seem legitimate for a smaller guy who's not known to be incredibly tough (just yet) and to then take 3 Batista Bombs and not be showing the injuries the next day.

Besides, I'm not saying I'm right, but it could be that he actually is at least sore from selling the 3 Batista Bombs, and therefore actually did have some rips hurting here and there, then I really can't blame him for being allowed to sell it on-screen.
How many people have ever heard of the last name that ends with a first name like "Bryan"?

......My last name is Roy.

I think Danielson's losing streak is McMahon's way (maybe not personally) of killing his credibility so he can say he built another "superstar". Maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist though. Hopefully they have something outstanding for him in the next couple weeks. With 3 Batista Bombs there was no way he wasn't gonna be selling it the following day. What sucks though is that Batista's powerbomb is terrible.

With the way they booked Danielson to look against Batista has gotta go for something though. They let him bring out some of that ROH aggression he used to have.

Here's a question...

With Micheal Cole putting down Danielson for being in the Indy's for 10 years, does it irritate anyone that they are doing this and Danielson was not only the IWGP Jr. Tag Champion, but also a GHC Jr. Heavyweight Champ. Some may consider NOAH indy still, but NJPW?!?! Really?!?! Ugh....

Anyway I'm calling it now. Danielson is gonna win NXT, and lose his title match he gets following it.
I never got to watch Daniel Bryan when he was known as Bryan Danielson, but all the reports I've seen on the internet have been glowing for him. Since he's come to the WWE, he's become NXT's version of the Brooklyn Brawler, Frank Williams, and SD Jones. Unless they are going to have him beat Miz next week after the voting,so he start up momentum the way MVP did when he beat Big Show in the match after he was on that horrendous losing streak. Although, and this may be a bit off the subject, I have this feeling that Bryan may be that mystery guy for the Straight Edge Society. After all, it would fit into his lifestyle as a vegan. Just a thought...
This guys has a lot of potential and great moves. His match with Batista was actually very good and I couldn't help but root for him in the match. Such talent needs to be pushed. Vince better not blow this. He's already casted aside so many great young talents. He does not need to stoop to Hogan and Flair's young man's screw job tactics.

I'm not sure if he'll win NXT. But I wouldn't mind.
I feel that it's really gonna come down to Daniel Bryan and Wade Barrett. Both are remarkable athletes and Wade has great mic skills and charisma. It'll be close between those two
According to prowrestlingarena, bryan danielson is getting a repackaging and may still come out as the nxt winner. I know its sounds illogical but this is wwe we're talking about 75% percent of what they do isn't logical. But i digress hopefully this means the real american dragon will show up and start kicking heads in
Dunno if anyone else played the Smackdown vs Raw 1010 game but if you play as a custom character, you end up being 'invited' to fight the intercontinental champion (santino on the game) and you beat him evne though you're not officially signed and then Vince puts you through all these stupid 'trials' and stuff, anyway, since old people (i.e.Vince) think everyone in the IWC pays all their games, i wouldn't be surprised if they used this storyline for real, only with Bryan/Danielson and Miz. And i'd enjoy it i think because it'd give him a legit reason to become a badass if the whole company is trying to screw him over becasue he 'shouldn't be there'
Tonight we saw the start of Bryan Danielson's Raw career. I thought Bryan should have been the dominating guy in this match but at least he still won and threw Miz into Cole LMAO. What gets me is that I thought Bryan was supposed to wrestle under his original name after he cut a great promo saying Daniel Bryan is finished but Bryan Danielson has just begun. WWE needs to make him be announced as Bryan Danielson because people do not know Daniel Bryan and that name just does not click. We need the American Dragon and not this boring name that was quickly thrown together.
Most mainstream fans have no idea who Bryan Danielson is, they've never heard of him, only people that have are the IWC, and ROH fans, I'm not fond of his name, but i see no point in changeing now, WWE prolly trademarked his current ring name so any success he has uner that name they basically own
Well thought out thread idea... I think WWE will keep it as Daniel Bryan so they can have ownership of the name. I loved the match and love this idea of someone putting Cole in his (kayfabe) place... reminds me of the Rock "go frost your hair cole"
William Shakespeare once said "what's in a name?" and I tend to agree with the old bag. The name doesn't matter, as long as you are entertaining. Call him Skippy von Dickenmeyer for all I care. A good talent will make the most of any name you give them. If a name holds someone back, the talent wasn't that good to begin with in my opinion.
Even the Miz made a mistake and said Bryan Daniels when he was talking with Ashton tonight.
I'm not even sure the WWE roster knows what the hell to call him.
I miss Bryan Danielson :(

Honestly, renaming him Daniel Bryan was just dumb. First time I heard that happened I laughed my ass off at first just because of how really dumb that was. He's Bryan Danielson, and I'll only refer to him as such
Does it truly matter, is the more important question? Just because the name is reversed and missing some letters, does not mean the individual is any different or lacking of his natural ability.

Be it Daniel Bryan, or Bryan Danielson. He will become big if the fans take to him, or drop off the map within a year - once his style doesn't get over well with the fans of the WWE. I'm a Danielson fan, and wish him all the best. I'd love to see him compete against the bigger names and actually be matched up evenly as well.

However, to be perfectly honest. William Regal is a technical expert and the fans couldn't care less about him. Bryan Danielson is a technical expert and a submissions wrestler whom the fans are in love with, currently, because he's showing character in attacking Michael Cole.

I will admit the fans have quickly taken to him, almost in a similar fashion to the way they took to Punk. I hope that shows signs of a great future ahead. Yet once again, I would not unfortunately be surprised, if Daniel Bryan never achieved anything worth remembering in the WWE.
I agree with the Miz (;)), Bryan Daniels would just have been fine. They'd own the name and not change too much, just cut two letters. Plus, it sounds better than "Daniel Bryan" in my opinion.

I thought the match was okay, him winning was good and the throw-scene was nice. But he definately needs to gain weight. I just looked for the most successful wrestlers of this era and everyone has a BMI of at least 29 (except for Mysterio with 28), Bryan's is 27 and he is not even a high flyer. It would also be nice if he let his hair grow, just some inches.
I was thinking this exact thing.

Though I agree with JJYanks that a name shouldn't really matter...
They made a big deal about it and MADE it matter.
After he cut his promo referring to Daniel Bryan as inferior and Bryan Danielson as going on to have a huge career.

However, he continues showing up as Daniel Bryan.
And being referred as such.
They are just completely neglecting the promos an interviews they had posted on WWE.com.
It's like 2 weeks ago they decided, "You know what, let's keep the made up name anyway."

That's what gets me mad.
They already created Daniel Bryan as a loser who can't beat rookies.
Bryan Danielson was supposed to be the Real Deal.

Let's just see what happens...
It doesn;t matter if the wwe universe don't know who brian danielson is!! they will eventually find out...that guy is a technical master...

The name now, i don;t like, they've cut his name short and this name doesn't have success written on it...i think wwe have done delibratly so they don;t have to cound his ROH world title reigns..
It's a name. It's not like either name is really better than the other. It's not like we're going from Stone Cold to Chilly McFreeze. Either name is just fine and like just about everyone else has said, most people don't know who Bryan Danielson is. It's just not that big of a deal at the end of the day. As long as he has a reasonable name, everything will be fine as long as his in ring stuff is fine. This isn't that big of a difference either way though.
No matter how you splice the name...Whether its Daniel Bryan or Bryan Daniels, I think it is much more of a 'marketable' name then Bryan Danielson. Especially in this age where you want to have the crowd chant your name to get over...Bryan Danielson would not work compared to the first two options.

I kinda think the WWE took the HBK approach, and instead of being Michael Shawn, it became Shawn Michaels. It worked.
Personally, I think whichever name he uses is totally irrelevant. As stated by others, he will probably continue with the Daniel Bryan name simply to avoid a situation whereby he establishes himself in WWE under his own name, then uses this exposure to jump to TNA (where any gained exposure will disappear, but WWE still does not want this to happen).

Quite honestly, I still don't get the whole appeal of the guy under whichever name he competes. Don't get me wrong, I don't follow the indies at all, I've never ever watched ROH or any of the developmental groups, so I have little familiarity with his work. If I didn't frequent this website, I would have no idea whatsoever who this guy was, and I've seen nothing from him on RAW or NXT to overly impress me. Again, maybe he can do lots and he just hasn't been able/allowed to showcase it yet, I don't doubt he is every bit as good as many of you say.

He doesn't have the typical WWE look, which like it or not will be a serious roadblock for him to overcome. His mic skills, while better than I anticipated, are not great either. He's a great technical wrestler, apparently, but that typically holds little appeal for the average WWE fan. Just ask Regal and guys like that how far you'll get as a grappler in the WWE.

I'm pulling for him, I really am, and I hope he gets a chance to show myself and others what all the IWC hype is all about. But I've seen little to nothing yet, and Vince and the WWE universe are notoriously impatient. And that's the case whether he be Daniel Bryan, Bryan Danielson, or someone else.
Speaking of William Regal...he has gone as far as a mid-carder will and can in the WWE. He's won every major title EXCEPT the World title. Adding to his catalog of accomplishments, he's won the 2008 KOTR and has held both General Manager and Commissioner positions. Think however way that goes, but he's been quite successful. Sure, he has been used as mostly enhancement talent more than necessary, but that doesn't take away from his career at his current age.

Daniel Bryan on the other hand is just getting started in the WWE and he has a bright future ahead of him if he continues to do what he is doing. He received a huge pop from the crowd when he debuted in that dark match against Chavo Guerrero. It's everything you'd expect from a technical specialist of his calibre. Like it or not, he had one helluva bout against Chris Jericho. I doubt anyone else on NXT could've done the same. Give the development some more time and once Daniel Bryan starts beating bigger names, I assure you that his interesting angles and clashes will compensate for his lack of WWE physique, similar to Chris Benoit.
"Daniel Bryan" is in the midst of the most genius storyline to come out of the WWE in years. While I don't particularly like the name, it appears as though it's all part of the greater picture in regard to the angle. Who knows- the WWE may make no further references to the kick ass promos Danielson cut on the past few episodes of NXT where he referred to himself by his proper name. He may continue to use the name Daniel Bryan for the remainder of his WWE career, but that's not the point anymore.

It's about the performance and Danielson has been given the opportunity thus far to perform. Not in the way we have been used to seeing this happen for him. Danielson's career and entire reputation was built on his skills in the ring- in the WWE we haven't even seen a fraction of what he's capable of. He's been winning people over with his performance on the mic. Danielson has taken alot of criticism for not being a great personality and the WWE has been basing this fantastic storyline around that.

Danielson has been getting a great reaction from the crowd, along with the great performance of Michael Cole to help further things. In addition, we have the added layer of the Miz who put Danielson over with a clean pin last night on RAW. I couldn't be more excited to see how this story plays out.
Does anyone else think that Daniel Bryan's WWE gimmick is going to be the mouthpiece for the IWC? Hes been echoing a lot of things we rant about on here. Otunga can't wrestle, Gabriel can't speak, Cole being a poor man's JR and that Miz shoudn't have been his mentor because Bryan has more experience in wrestling than Miz.

What are your thought?

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