[OFFICIAL] Daniel Bryan Danielson Discussion Thread

Great pairing, Miz needs to work with this guy on his mic skills (for real, not kayfabe) and he'll be a good superstar.

I would like to see a wardrobe change and a haircut out of the guy though. He doesn't need to do much drastic, but just a little flash or pizazz would be nice.

As far as his size, the only problem I have there is when he inevitably will be put in a match with the Big Show, Kane, Triple H, Batista...the big boys. It'll look just like Mysterio in there, a little kid trying to wrestle his daddy. It's so hard to believe that little guy can bet those monsters. I know they CAN and HAVE, it's just not believable to me.

Still, he'll be an asset to the WWE if he plays his cards right. And gets a new outfit. LOL
I am absolutely loving this pairing. These guys have awesome chemistry off the bat and they work really well together. Daniel Bryan's got the ring-skills and psychology down to a tee, while The Miz is gold on the stick. I foresee a long US title feud between these two when Bryan is pulled up to the "main" roster on either SD! or RAW.

That's right, you heard it here first: DANIEL BRYAN vs THE MIZ (c) for the US CHAMPIONSHIP at SUMMERSLAM!
I thought this was a pretty decent showing for the protege of the Miz this week. he lost, but he looked pretty good. If only the guy he went against had the same ability. Otunga slowed him down, causing Bryan to look choppy. But after the match was over, we got a little laugh seeing The Miz get pinned. Bryan just looked on and got the moral victory.

I was more impressed by Danielson this week than I have been since he joined on to NXT. If he can keep this up, trying to one up The Miz, I will be a lot more happy with his flow here. Also helps when the Miz is threatening to get him fired:P
I love the pairing of these two, and I think they play off each other really well. Bryan is making a good name for himself because he won't let Miz push him around. But will Miz be the downfall of him? How is a guy who had more experience than most of the people in NXT, pros included in some cases, 0-4? I know it doesn't really matter, because it's all scripted out and not a real reality show, but that makes him look weak. A lot of the guys who have no chance of making it have good records, but this guy hasn't one a match? I think when the pros analyze the rookies in two weeks, the only reason this guy will be safe is because he stood up to Miz, and all the other pros hate Miz.

Honestly, I love NXT and it's one of the better things to watch that WWE puts out these days, but if Daniels leaves the WWE with nothing, I'm going to be pissed. It's just a year of his life he could have spent being awesome in ROH or TNA.
I hate how WWE had to switch Bryan Danielson's name to Daniel Bryan. Are the WWE that insecure that this kid could be that big that they want to make sure if he leaves the company he won't be able to use the name people will know him by? All they did was switch his name around...why even bother?? My answer = Bryan is going to be a big success in WWE...WWE knows it...and they want to build up the 'Daniel Bryan' name so if he were to leave the company he doesn't even have his name.
Before I post what I'm about to, let me go on record saying that I hope to god that I am wrong.


Personally, I don't think that Daniel Bryan will be making it in this season of NXT. As much as I love his in-ring performance, and as much as he deserves it, I just don't see WWE using this show to launch him in WWE. Sure he's having high profile matches right now, but so do a lot of people who are nobodies now. If you ask me, I think WWE is just using him to show that "their product is better" and will send him back to FCW. I mean, let's take a minute and look at who he previously jobbed out to. Khali, who is a joke, beat Bryan. How in the world does ANY upstarting WWE star come back from that, let alone Daniel Bryan.

Like I said, I am hoping to god that I am wrong about this, but I don't see Bryan advancing to Smackdown or Raw. At least, not just yet.
I know that Daniel Bryan is supposed to be the big ticket item on NXT, but after 0-4, how could any of the pros actually vote for him? If they do, I think it is a little silly, as we will hopefully see the results from the first vote, I think he will have 0.

But he has a good match tonight. Khali is no longer a monster, but at least he is still a path to the main event. Bryan lost, but he still looked good doing it. He took Khali down with the sleeper, and even pinned him for a two count.

He locked good in his match, which is why I still think he loses NXT, but moves over to start a storyline on one of the main shows.
I dont see that they vote him but I do see that he gets the contract in some other manner(like to be USA Champion).I just dont see logic in him being 0-4,Heath Slater is 3-0 and he isnt that good.

Then again,he could be losing another one and then win all the way to the end(to be 7-5).MVP was losing for 6 months and then was undefeated for couple of months(before he lost to Kofi and his push was forgotten)
I actually do think he could get voted through, even with an 0-4 record. While he has lost all 4 of his matches, they've all been pretty competitive bouts, well, maybe not the Wade Barrett match, but he was selling the injury. What I see happening either this week or next, is a match between him and Miz. Not sure who will issue the challenge, either Miz to teach him a lesson, or Daniel Bryan because he is tired of putting up with Miz. Anyway, what will end up happening is Daniel Bryan will win the match, embarassing Miz. If this happens, I see him going through on the vote. There has just been too much built up around him on the show for him to be one of the first voted off, after all he is one of the few rookies to have been on all the shows so far.

Well Bryan has the worst record of the bunch, but it is obvious to me that he will probably either get a vote, or will not be considered the worst. As the announcers said, difficulty of opponent will be measured, and Bryan did had the harder matches.

He however did cost his team the loss in this match this week. Instead of tagging in Tarver to go in against Otunga, he pushed Otunga right into Tarver, knocking him off the apron. He was pinned for the fourth time in 5 matches, and that can't look good.

Bryan did look good in the ring however, had some great submissions. These four men put on a fucking great main event.
this is a great pairing and i think the miz can help him with his mic skills. but i think daniel is goingto win the whole NXT just because hes the most experienced. wade barret should come in a strong second.

but if daniel is putt into matches against guy like triple h, john cena, big show etc. its going to be a total squash
WWE NXT rookie Daniel Bryan has updated his WWE Universe blog with his thoughts on Shawn Michaels' retirement, as well as people backstage in WWE who do not think he's got what it takes to be a star.

Bryan, who was trained by Shawn Michaels' Texas Wrestling Academy school a decade ago, says he spoke with his former teacher following WrestleMania. "I was able to speak with him briefly Sunday night, and he told me that it was my time now and if I ever needed anything to just let him know. Words cannot express my gratitude for the great training he gave me, and for his support. I’m sure he will miss wrestling, but wrestling will miss him even more."

Bryan, who broke into wrestling through Shawn Michaels's TWA training school ten years ago, also talked about not being liked by "some backstage" and continued to play up the TV storyline where his perceived lack of charisma and size is an issue.

"I know I’m not what WWE usually looks for in a Superstar. It’s quite obvious by Michael Cole’s commentary that he doesn’t think I have what it takes and I know there are even more people in the back who think the same thing. They doubt my mic skills and they doubt whether the WWE Universe can get behind someone who looks as plain as I do...but none of them doubt my in ring ability," Bryan said.

"I may not be what the WWE looks for when they’re recruiting, but most of the people they recruit don’t have the passion for this business that people like Shawn Michaels have. I do, and I’ve proven it over the last ten years. I will outwork, outsmart and outclass 99.9% of the muscleheads and pretty boys that they think have the right 'look.'"

I'm hoping he makes it because I agree that it's would be nice to have someone who doesn't look like a body builder winning a title.
Shit his promo was bad. It made Michael Cole look like Stone Cold last week. I was disgusted actually hearing him tell the other rookies he is better than them. He didn't draw any emotion, so he is lucky he can wrestle.

After getting eliminated early in the Battle Royal this week, his spot at #1 is over. I suspect Barrett surpasses him. He could also drop to #3 if Utunga passes him.
Shit his promo was bad. It made Michael Cole look like Stone Cold last week.

Completely disagree. He was a little nervous and forced, but it went all right. And the Michael Cole comparison is hardly valid on NXT. His shot at Cole was humorous, as was his jab at Otunga.

I was disgusted actually hearing him tell the other rookies he is better than them. He didn't draw any emotion, so he is lucky he can wrestle.

Draw any emotion from whom? Himself, where he gave the impression that he's having fun but is nervous, which fits extremely well? Or from the crowd, who was very supportive of him?

After getting eliminated early in the Battle Royal this week,

No he wasn't. And HEath Slater had to eliminate himself in order to eliminate Bryan. He had a very good showing in the Battle Royal.

his spot at #1 is over. I suspect Barrett surpasses him.


He could also drop to #3 if Utunga passes him.


Bryan did well on the mic this week, and who DIDN'T mark out for Cattle Mutilation? Sadly, he's gained another loss. I just hope this becomes some epic storyline between him and The Miz.
Well with me getting catched up, The Miz vs Daniel Bryan will happen I think at NOC or MITB. With the stip added if you win the NXT Show you will get a championship match with any champion of your choosing. This makes it obvious that Bryan will win and face Miz. With that these two are going to put on a very good match, and I see Bryan winning the U.S Title. But I hope the U.S Title will get drafted to SD, so Bryan can get more exposure there
After getting eliminated early in the Battle Royal this week, his spot at #1 is over. I suspect Barrett surpasses him. He could also drop to #3 if Utunga passes him.

I dont think Otunga is going to finish ahead of Bryan at all he isnt very good on the mic or in the ring. Barrett may surpass Bryan he seems to be very good in the ring and has good charisma on the mic.

I thought Daniel Bryan was good on the mic in the last few nxt shows and the match with jericho was Awwwwwwwwwwwwwsome!!!!!!!!!
I've been really disappointed with how Daniel Bryan has been booked. I'm not mad about the losses, but it is the length of the matches that has upset me. He could wrestle a cardboard box to a decent match, but he hasn't had time to do that. His best match was against Jericho, and unsurprisingly it was the only match when he got more than 3-5 minutes. His mic skills are a bit lacking, but guys have gotten a lot farther with worse mic skills. I love Danielson and hope to see him succeed in the WWE.
In fairness though Thriller, not many matches on NXT have been that long either. It really does need to be longer than an hour (which will probably happen for season 2, as SyFy are already doing a two hour NXT block). It's a shame because most of the rookies could put on far better matches if they were given the time to do so. It'd also allow for more mic time, which those rookies need to both get over and improve on the stick infront of a big audience.
I'm actually going to say that out of all the terrible burying of talent there was today on the mic, Bryan's at least was done in style. He acknowledged his being interrupted and it seemed to me as though he was making fun of wrestlers that used cheap pops, but it was really a bad, bad promo. The whole segment was bad.

He didn't get near enough time with Regal. They could have at least tried to make him look credible.

However, this leads to more tension between him and Miz, and Miz's rant at Bryan was gold.

This week's booking of him was just bad. I hope things improve.
Like I said in the LD, time is something Bryan's got a lot of. He can strut his stuff once WWE decide to pull the trigger on his grudge match with The Miz. He's being booked in short matches where he uses one or two of his submission holds. Not enough that you can get a reading on how many he can pull out of his (or apply to his opponent's) ass at any moment, just enbough that you know he's got some moves.

Once WWE let him go nuts (live on PPV), the crowd will go from seeing him as a jobber, to seeing him as the immensely skilled wrestler he is. THat's what I guess their plan must be. He's not being kept back because they're undermining him.

Bryan can give Bill a shot at his US title after he makes the Miz tap out, and then they can have their wrestlefest. Possibly on the first episode of season 2 (to 'inspire' the new rookies)
I don't think they should let Danielson win NXT. He doesn't need to win it to get over. We can already see the feud starting between him and Miz. We know the US title will be on the line in this.

As far as his match with Regal, I wish it were longer. But he did a good job in it. And did anyone else notice that Danielson was bleeding from the mouth? They could've cut one of those video promos down a few minutes (I think anyone watching NXT is well aware of the WWE PPV events as they probably watch the other shows).

They should save the title match for Wade Barrett to get him in the IC running.
I had an idea about where the current Daniel Bryan/Miz storyline could go if it isn't going there already. One thing I noticed was after his match with Regal, Miz actually attacked Regal pushing him out of the ring. If you also remember Bryan mentioned how he wished he had Regal instead of the Miz and even talked about Regal on his blog.

Now we all know Regal's rookie Skip Sheffield will be eliminated sooner or later.. so say the next poll Daniel Bryan is in the spot before last. Later on Regal would come up to Bryan backstage and tell him that he still knows everything he has taught him but he has become too careless and arrogant in the ring as he keeps losing due to making some fatal mistake. Regal now without a rookie offers to help mentor Bryan while Miz remains absent as usual. Meanwhile Otunga comes in at 5th place again and his pro R-Truth tells Otunga he did not approve of his heel-ish tactics leading to Otunga wanting to seperate away from RTruth.

Then with the help of Regal, Bryan miraculously gets his first win. Then Bryan goes from losing streak to winning streak. This makes the Miz angry and jealous that the Regal/Bryan pairing is outshadowing him which eventually leads to the Miz reminding Regal that Bryan is his rookie and Regal's rookie has already been eliminated. Otunga still upset about his place finds himself backstage with the Miz who in turn offers to help him as a way of stealing the glory away from his rookie Bryan. Eventually this will set up a tag match between Miz/Otunga v Bryan/Regal. During the match Otunga will get frustrated and walk out as he did in his match with Cena only to be stopped by R Truth who chases him back into the ring only to have Bryan steal the victory. Thus setting up feuds in the future for whatever respective shows they wind up on
Once WWE let him go nuts (live on PPV), the crowd will go from seeing him as a jobber, to seeing him as the immensely skilled wrestler he is. THat's what I guess their plan must be. He's not being kept back because they're undermining him.

I completely agree with you Remix, I really really hoped they would've let Bryan put on a proper match against William Regal last night, because knowing the match these guys can pull off (watching some indy matches between them) and while I do think there were some okay moves performed here and there, knowing if they'd been given at least 5 or 10 minutes more, the match would have put Bryan over as the great wrestler he really is.
If Barrett is my favourite, Daniel Bryan is a close second. He's a brilliant wrestler, and the Miz feud has definitely made me like him even more. I just want to see longer matches, and some wins couldn't hurt.
Honestly, I'll give Bryan his due. He's got a lot of wrestling talent, not a bad look in a clean-cut college boy sort of way, and has already proven (with example after example) that he can job and sell pain with the best of them. As it would seem Bryan was brought into this "competition" to win it, I definitely think that the WWE has further plans for him.

The real flaw with Bryan is he can't talk. Seriously, each time he opens his mouth he ceases being a credible wrestler and becomes a tongue-tied kid with a voice that sounds as if he's drunk or at least has a really bad head cold. It's not a situation where the audience doesn't know what he's going to say next (which worked with people like The Rock), it's that he doesn't know what he's going to say next, which doesn't work. I cringe whenever Bryan must speak and it only makes me embarrassed for the guy.

My recommendation for when Bryan moves up from NXT is to basically make the guy a deaf mute. Give him a manager and have him or her do the talking, at least until Bryan proves he can work the mic without sounding like a wuss with a headcold.

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