[OFFICIAL] Daniel Bryan Danielson Discussion Thread

X hits the nail on the damn head. Bryan Danielson does NOT need any help from Miz. He just doesn't. This may be the most absurd pairing of mentor/protoge I've ever seen in my life. Want me to put this in perspective. This would be the equivalent of putting RVD with Triple H back in 1999. HHH was as on fire as Miz is now, with numerous belts and a future extremely bright, and RVD, who isn't known for his mic work, but can work a better match than nearly anyone in the world.

Bryan Danielson is so far ahead of Miz, it's comical to me that they'd even pair the two up. I'm convinced it's an angle to get Danielson a shot at the US title as soon as NXT's season's over. And Danielson also does something better than Miz that may draw the ire of many fans in here... ring psychology. Danielson tells the story IN the ring, not out of it. That's how wrestling should be. Miz is a product of the WWE system. In the Indy's, he'd be no better than Buff Bagwell. Great look and charisma, but green wrestling skills.

And the name change on Danielson is absurd, too. And if I were him, I'd try to stick this out, minimize the damage, and try to jump to TNA.
Danielson tells the story IN the ring, not out of it. That's how wrestling should be..

To an extent yes. But he's trying to make it in World Wrestling Entertainment. A huge part of that is character development. Anybody that says Miz could teach Danielson anything about in ring work is incredibly naive. Like I said previously Danielson is one of the best in ring workers in the business in the past decade. In any indy league he's a god. But he's trying to make it in a company that is nearly incomparable to where he has worked before. He needs better mic skills and character to allow those areas to catch up with his work rate. I'm saying this as a huge Danielson mark. It's a different game now. It's yet to be seen how much he will need to improve in those fields and a lot of people could potentially eat their words and he'll fit right in.

I agree with Lariat about a US title match after the season is over. It's a natural built in feud and will automatically set him at a level he's ready for. And ultimately the whole rookie/mentor thing is only to get established star power on the show so people tune in. I seriously doubt anybody is teaching anyone anything. Any argument I have made was in response to Miz's kayfabe statement, or what I believe was said in kayfabe at least to some extent.
First of all, seriously.... I just can't get over the name Daniel Bryan. My God, it's so fucking awful. It really shows just how moronic some of the higher-ups in WWE truly are.

Anyway, I think this show will be entirely scripted, so it's not like the Miz will be the REAL mentor of Bryan Danielson. No, I think each 'mentor' will play their Raw/SD on-screen characters on the show, and shove their beliefs down the up-and-comers throats. Some will oblige, while others will clash with them.

The way I see it, being paired up with the Miz wasn't the worst that could have happened. The Miz is currently in the middle of a huge push, and Danielson will benefit either becoming a cocky heel like Miz (where, trust me, Danielson will outshine Miz at anything they do as a team, even as a heel, much like Morrison did when he and Miz were together), or he will be a "stand-up" guy who tells Miz to eat shit every time he tries to make Danielson do something douchey.

So, yeah... other than Danielson's ridiculous name, I have nothing to bitch about here. I like the premise of the show, and I think the Miz was a good choice to play (remember - not actually be) Danielson's mentor.
Something that's been lost in translation as far as "mentor" goes (and I'm guilty of this too)...

A trainer teaches a student how to wrestle.

A mentor watches over a protege to see how they progress and give pointers as needed.

The Miz is NOT going to teach Daniel Bryan anything. The WWE knew this would be a controversial pairing, and quite frankly, I think it's perfect. Bryan is going to win this entire competition, and I think it's the WWE's goal to make him their Forrest Griffin out of this whole deal. It's very possible it happens too. He'll get the audience behind him as he has to continually put up with Miz's shit. And with Miz/Bryan being THE featured story on WWE.com, between Miz's blog to talking up how "controversial" the pairing is, they're going to build a huge feud out of this and they'll have Bryan go for the US Title out of the gate against The Miz.

Plus, I'm going to c/p Bryan's bio straight from WWE.com:

With 10 years on the indy wrestling circuit, Daniel Bryan comes to WWE NXT as by far the most experienced NXT Rookie. Trained by none other than Shawn Michaels, Bryan proceeded to compete on multiple continents while honing his craft. His journeys served the young competitor well, as he became well-known for his hybrid of Japanese and American offensive styles, making good use of vicious elbow strikes, precision kicks, spine-jarring suplexes and various torturous submission maneuvers. With such a wealth of knowledge and variety of styles at his disposal, Bryan’s rival NXT Rookies will no doubt be left guessing as to what this talented young athlete's strategy will be for any given match.

His bio, by the way, is the longest out of everyone's. It also shows that the WWE isn't going to pretend he came out of their farm system, and they're basically saying, "Hey, ROHbots, don't worry, we're acknowledging he was trained by HBK and has a wide arsenal of moves. Miz won't be teaching him anything."

Any fan of Daniel Bryan's should be excited over the huge opportunity he has, and how the WWE already has a lot of faith in him to win this competition.
Are you fucking serious???? That was the shit!!!! Piss and moan about how WWE does their up and comers all you want, they just hit the nail on the head with this guy. The American Dragon wasn't selling himself short by any stretch either. There is one particular thing I noticed about him that I think made all the difference. There is this saying "Act like you've been there before" and he sure as shit did!!! That guy was comfortable, natural on the mic, and he made the Miz look like a fucktard to be honest. It didn't seem like he was just putting it on or anything.

I guess all that time in the indies did his ass a world of good. I've seen a little bit of his stuff in ROH, but I've never heard him talk much in ROH. He was mostly always wrestling, rather well at that. I thought most of the other guys who debuted were crap. Especially Heath Slater. He didn't seem legit at all, phony as fuck. Nothing special. I haven't watched the match with Jericho and Bryan yet, but if they are putting him in there with the likes of Jericho in his first televised match, I could imagine that he is off on the right foot.

When the Miz challenged him to try and come up with an original catchphrase like his "I'm Awesome" and Bryan came with "Snap or Tap" I shit my pants a little bit. He totally upstaged The Miz right there. It was insane. I am looking forward to seeing how well he really does here. If tonight was any indicator he should be in prime position in no time. Oh, by the way:

David Otunga sucks balls for breakfast, and cleans anal beads with his tongue for lunch.

Any of you agree? Do you think he should have been launched differently? Did you like his mic work? What would you have done to launch Bryan? If you saw the match, what did you think?
I Do agree, I think the so called SMARK IWC jumped the gun sayin HOW CAN THEY PUT HIM WIT THE MIZ:confused: Well now you see your not so SMARK are you? These two will play perfect off each other. Now my DAMN DVR only recorded upto the Y2J match so i didnt see it, and i was pumped for that WHY GOD WHY!!! But what i saw was AWESOME!!! And anyone else notice that they shot the show different than normal? Any thoughts?
Honestly I liked everything about Danielson tonight. I was afraid WWE was gonna change him around, give him some stupid gimmick, but they seemed to let him be himself and it worked for me.

Within 5 minutes of him in the ring (Mic Work) I was hooked, making sure I stayed on Syfy just to see what went down with him. His in ring work wasn't too shabby either, I mean, he got to work the World Champion whereas everyone else just... well whatever on them. (Anyone notice Otunga AKA Punk from I Love New York 2 fuck that Spinebuster up?) It was a short match but it looked like for a minute they were gonna let Danielson make Jericho tap.

All in all, everything meshed good tonight, he really connected with the crowd I think. He's lived up to everything in my opinion, I think we're looking at a future multi-time World Champion in WWE here. And thank God.
Quite honestly I really liked what they did with Bryan, they made him seem like he actually was the star of the show, and the minor "feud" that he's already having with The Miz will really pay off for him if you ask me.

Also pairing him with Chris Jericho for his first WWE match was absolutely brilliant, giving him the opportunity to fight a very established guy, and certainly one that can really make him seem legit and a worthy competitor.

Oh and MasterShake Iz4Real - As far as I know, the "Spinebuster" was supposed to be his Ura-Nage finisher, Youtube it :) but yeah it was still fucked up compared to the video's on Youtube, but it wasn't a fucked up Spinebuster thou :D
I thought Danielson was awesome tonight! When I first read that Danielson was paired with the Miz, i thought like everyone elese, wtf!?. I know he is a great in ring worker and thought he should have been paired with someone like Jericho. Danielson has been around way longer and has way more experience than the Miz. He is way better in the ring than the Miz. But after watching NXT tonight, I now see why they paired him with the Miz and it was brilliant. Since he is already good in the ring, then why not pair him with someone who can help him in his weaknesses. (mic skills, charisma, etc.) I thought he came off very strong on the mic. He impressed me and did a lot better than i thought he would on the mic. He had a couple moments were he seemed slightly awkward or nervous but nothing really to complain about. I think the Miz will only bring out the best in his character and really help to get him over for the fans.

It was awesome had they kind of built the whole show around him. Starting off with him in Miz and ending with a match against the champ. I thought him and Jericho's match was solid for only being a 10 minute match. Danielson had some good offense, his dive out of the ring and smacking the table was a cool spot in the match and his backflip over Jericho and his submission almost seemed like he might upset the champ. He looked impressive and by having the miz kick him and talk trash to him at the end to further their feud will only make it even more interesting next week.

I saw nothing but positive stuff out of Danielson tonight. The wwe obviously have lots of confidence in this guy and do see his talents otherwise they wouldnt have based the whole show around him with the stuff with miz and the main event match against jericho. Hopefully the wwe continues to run with this and dont mess it up. If tonight was a sign of whats to come, then i see a bright future for Bryan Danielson, or should I say Daniel Bryan in the wwe
Well, I don't think anybody doubted that Bryan wasn't "ring ready". For him, this whole experience is about getting him adjusted to promos and segments. Personally, I think he still needs a little work. He definitely has a natural charisma about him, he's perfectly comfortable interacting with other wrestlers in a non-match setting. He also exudes confidence, which will only help him improve. He just needs to learn to get the words out of his mouth quicker and smoother. I'm not sure if NXT is scripted or if these guys really are learning on the fly on live TV. If it's unscripted, then I think Bryan will be just fine, once he starts having Creative write his promos and segments for him. But it WAS scripted tonight, then he has a little work to do. He stammered a little, and clearly was a little uncomfortable having to talk in front of that big audience. He's definitely still an amateur in terms of mic work, but I can tell that by the end of this "season" he'll definitely be ready to become a breakout star.

Oh, and again, dunno if it was scripted or not, but the catchphrase "Tap or Snap" is well... AWESOME lol

WWE is better off not taking the risk rehiring Kurt Angle. They don't need the Olympic Hero. They've got the American Dragon.
Last night was the first time I was introduced to Danielson and, in my view, the smarks of the IWC are truly going to have to eat their words. The angle between the Miz and Danielson is working out just beautifully. Danielson impressed me overall last night by the time the episode was over, Danielson was over with the crowd. When he had Jericho locked up, the crowd was going apeshit.

The Miz played his role to perfection and I think that the WWE is pretty high on Danielson based on what I've seen overall. Danielson and the Miz have definitely generated the most buzz and it's paying off in my view. While I don't think Danielson has "the look" of some of the others, he wasn't nearly the dry bucket of sand that I've heard some call him and he can work his ass off in the ring.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if, by this summer, Danielson has the United States or Intercontinental Championship.
i couldn't agree with all of you more. bryan daniel... uh daniel bryan(wtf id this bizarro world) was pretty decent on the mic akward at first, but got into it later on. his match was good not his best but it shows that he can work a wwe style match. i was pumped to see him in the ring with jerich, but i am looking forward to him and c.m. punk in the ring again.
I expected a hell of a lot less from Bryan on the mic than what we got and I loved being pleasantly suprised :) I too have watched a fair bit of his in ring work but not much of his mic work and I think he did better than 3/4 of the existing roster in that department. He looked good in the ring too that heel hook was sick! He looks like he will form his own WWE style in no time. I just hope they ignore his lack of size and carry on on the path they laid out last night at NXT.

His exchanges with the Miz were just AWESOME!
When the WWE does something right, it's an amazing thing. Bryanson and The Miz is the hottest feud in the WWE right now and it's not even begun to start. The WWE is pretty high on Bryanson right now and by the summer, I strongly believe that he will be the US Champ and the breakout star of NXT.

Also, the WWE is also pushing The Miz. The Miz's stock is surging over these past few weeks with him teaming with Big Slow, AND winning the US Championship. I think this feud with Bryan will pretty much write itself.
Bit of a tan and a proper hair cut couldn't hurt, or he goes back to the monastic robed bearded weirdo look he sported a while back either way really. DB will be a star as he's already getting the crowd support and a real storyline right out of the gate. Surely WWE sees a long future with him. Hell even if he never becomes a focal point member of the roster, at worst he will eventually be in a Chris Jericho position of an excellent hand who can be trusted to make talent look good and be a transitional title holder when necessary, and while that isn't exactly Cena level stardom it will net him a comfortable paycheck for however long he chooses to remain with the organization, and that ain't too shabby.
Daniel Bryan is...really small. I've always known he wasn't above 6 feet, but in the indies he didn't look so small. Even standing next to Jericho he looked small. As a great a wrestler he is, I'm not entirely sure he will ever be a world champion in WWE. Rey Mysterio won the title to keep the mexican fanbase after Eddie died. Bryan is pretty vanilla, so I don't see him getting a run based on nationality. I know the glass ceiling appears to have been shattered by Jericho or Punk, but Bryan appears much smaller than them, which makes me question how far he can really go.

People have to remember, in the WWE, wrestling ability is probably the last thing they look for when it comes to a talent. Bryan has wrestling ability, but what else?
I'm absolutely loving this pairing, they can learn a lot from each other. It will be interesting to Bryan develop his character. However I feel he has another small issue. He just looks....... too plain. Some red tights and knee pads.Wow. He looks like one of those local guys you would see on ECW. Again, this is not a big deal, but it would be nice to see him develop a better look. It's only been one show, so whatever, but changing his attire would benefit him.

But all in all, love this pairing and can't wait to see what comes of it. I'll be watching these two closely
Danielson impressed me. Adimtedly he looks either insanely generic or from the seventies, but he had more charisma and character than I expected. He cut a half decent promo, which was well above what I'd call acceptible (if you're understandable and get the point across, it's acceptible). The match with Jericho was good, although kept strategically brief (so they can keep Danielson's true skill hidden until after he graduates from NXT) and just whetted my appitite to see those two in the ring again in a longer match.

The match also showed what WWE think of Danielson, as he was made to look competitive in a match with the world champion. Make no mistake, 2010 is the year of the Dragon, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Danielson can do.
Welp, cover your eyes blind marks.

He needs to stop acting like he is about to start fucking laughing at the beginning of every promo. He started smirking at the start of just about every one of them. That HAS to stop, especially on the few when he was to appear serious. He did shore up a bit towards the end of both appearances, especially during the back and forth with the miz. Well done.

For fucks sake man, lift a weight. Just one, one time. I beg of you. I knew he was small, but HOLY FUCK, the guy is like, Colin Delaney small. Probably the smallest guy on the whole roster. To be taken seriously, he NEEDS to get a bit bigger. Not so much were it will cut down on his athleticism, but enough to be taken seriously as a threat. The WWE wont book him into that, and im not even sure if this crowd would buy it if they tried. Also, put some fucking pants on man, goodness cripes sake.

Worked a fine match though. I still have some doubts since, hello, tough to put on a bad match with Jericho. Regardless, it was pretty damn good, for them getting, what, 5 minutes? Fine use of time, and I have no doubt we could see some fantastic matches with this guy if the WWE allows some time for it.

All in all, it was about as good as it could have been for a first time out. he could have done a bit better on the stick, but still did very well, and is seeming to get some decent crowd support already.
i find he way too small. he should and hopefully will never be near the mainevent. he put on a decent match. too whoever say he is the best in the world your WRONG. the best in the world is The Phenomial One AJ STYLES. if aj wrestled in nxt the crowd would be way into him after 2 minutes of wrestling.
Bryan definitely started the night off rocky IMO. His promos were shaky at best. And NorCal hit the nail on the head mentioning how he smiles at the start of all his promos. You can do that now and then but geez every time?! Also he came off just too cliched at first. It was like a poor man's Cena. He did slowly improve throughout the night though. It went from shaky to tolerable. There's no question he could be really good eventually. I think The Miz is a great person for him to work with in this aspect. Miz did awesome and could really help him along.

As far as his wrestling he did very well. He is a small guy though so he's going to have to continue to fly around and if he's really that good at submissions then that will help. I think his in ring ability is what really helped put him over with the crowd (I'm sure working with Jericho didn't hurt either). But this is a guy who just proves that they should bring back the cruiserweight division. Bryan is a guaranteed Cruiserweight champion for sure down the road. Also, this would make guys like Chavo, Bourne, Ryder, Noble and Tatsu relevant again. Not to mention you'd have the competition of Christian, JoMo, Mysterio, Punk and Kingston involved if they're not working the ME.

But seriously, this guy needs to change a few things. If I could only change one thing it would be his outfit. For fucks sake if you're gonna wear the tights get away from the 70's. And lose the old style robe too. His hair could use a change as well.
For fucks sake man, lift a weight. Just one, one time. I beg of you. I knew he was small, but HOLY FUCK, the guy is like, Colin Delaney small. Probably the smallest guy on the whole roster. To be taken seriously, he NEEDS to get a bit bigger. Not so much were it will cut down on his athleticism, but enough to be taken seriously as a threat. The WWE wont book him into that, and im not even sure if this crowd would buy it if they tried.
Norcal, normally when you're commenting on which wrestlers are too small and need to pump itron (bitch), I roll my eyes and ignore the thread (unless it's about Wade Barrett), but in this instance you're absolutely correct. Bryan Danielson is too fucking small. In my opinion no professional sportsman should be anytihng less than obese. I dont mean Big Daddy V, fat dripping off style obesity, I mean they should be muscuar (and muscle weighs more than fat, after all). Nobody on the roster that I can think of has a BMI of less than thirty apart from Danielson. He should check into a gym and stay there until he's muscular enough to have a BMI of greater than thirty.
Also, put some fucking pants on man, goodness cripes sake.
Oh so true Norcal.

In an on topic note, the pairing of the Miz and Danielson was a great move. It gives Danielson someone to work with in creating a character, and a ready made feud outside of NXT. Danielson is being pushed as the star of the show, and based on the premiere, he might just make it to the top.
It's HILARIOUS to me how people keep harping on Danielson's size as something that needs to be worked on. It's like the only way most of internet WWE fans could ever take Danielson seriously is if he has veins popping out of him and a shitload of acne on his back. It's ridiculous.

Danielson is the same height as Chris Benoit, and taller than Eddie and Rey Mysterio. Did all three of these individuals gain weight while in WWE? Sure, but two of them are now dead, and the other one is injury prone out his fucking ass.

I also find it funny to criticize Danielson for being too small, when he was in the same ring as Chris fucking Jericho, a guy currently with zero abs, and whose titties will start to rival JBL's soon.

Seriously, Danielson doesn't need to worry about weight right now. He needs to worry about adjusting to the WWE style (which he will), getting used to the big audience, and also playing to the camera. That should be his main focus, not sticking a needle in his ass. WWE is trying to make a star out of the Danielson that's there RIGHT NOW. If they didn't like the way Danielson looked, then he would have never got called out of FCW. They would have told him to stay there and bulk up. Instead, they decided to build an entire show around the guy, which tells me that they don't give a fuck about his size; they just want to see what he has to offer on the big stage, and if you ask me... he's off to a marvelous start.
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It's HILARIOUS to me how people keep harping on Danielson's size as something that needs to be worked on. It's like the only way most of internet WWE fans could ever take Danielson seriously is if he has veins popping out of him and a shitload of acne on his back. It's ridiculous.

What did you expect? We are talking with wrestling fans that have been brainwashed. Checking out a mans size. Come on! I don't see why his size should even matter in a FAKE show. "It's still real to me, damn it". Nothing about wrestling can be taken seriously. Absolutely nothing. Danielson will most likely succeed. He is better wrestler than Benoit, good mic skills, and got over with the WWE crowd in a matter of seconds.
Sorry, that's the right one^

If you click on this link right here, it'll take you to an article claiming that Vince McMahon was very impressed with Daniel Bryan after the debut episode of WWE NXT. He even went as far as to say that they were able to make him a star in one night. Now, assuming that this report is true, it would be a big weight off of the shoulders of the IWC. So what do you guys think? Is this a feeling that Vince will maintain? Or was even Vince McMahon caught up in the luster of the new show?

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