[OFFICIAL] Daniel Bryan Danielson Discussion Thread

I think its rather clever, personally. Obviously, they aren't going to be putting on without a name they select, but at the same time, it will be a nod to the sect of fans whom have grown to love him over the years. I think its a fair enough name, and I like what they did with it.
The Miz/Danielson pairing is brilliant. Sure, loads of people complain that Danielson needs no mentor, but you're really acting like what you see on TV is the whole truth. You seem to forget that things happen backstage. They probably paired these two wrestlers together so they could learn from each other. Miz can learn a lot from Danielson in terms of in-ring skills, while Danielson can learn how to have a big presence and draw reactions from the casual crowd. Plus, there is a ready-made story to groom Danielson into the next US Champion, dealing with the brash and overbearing Miz. It should make for some really interesting TV.

As a mark for both men, I am looking forward to this.
Now in terms of "on screen WWE life" I guess this makes sense since Bryan is a "rookie" and The Miz is Tag/US Champ. But in real life terms, do you think deep down Bryan thinks this is a joke? I'm sure he's happy to be in WWE wrestling for a living...but saying The Miz is his mentor has to be a little upsetting on a personal level.
Miz is going to mentor Danielson? Miz needs a mentor! In the ring that is, not so much on the mic. To tell you the truth, I hope Danielson teaches Miz a thing or two about developing a really good moveset.
It was announced on ECW that Daniel Bryan is a rookie that thinks he knows everything there is inside the ring. So with that being said, what a perfect pairing.

No matter what way you look at it, Danielson would have had a WWE Superstar announced to be his mentor and the IWC would complain about this. By choosing The Miz who isn't exactly legendary inside the ring (though gets far too much abuse for his in-ring skills) it caused a huge reaction. And isn't that what WWE wanted? Smarks will want to tune in because of such controversy. To people who don't even know who Danielson is, they'll want to tune in because The Miz is quite over atm.

Now with my first statement in mind, by having Danielson have such a heel persona, its more likely that him and Miz are going to clash throughout the series. Therefore it is probably not going to be showcased that Danielson is actually being mentored. It'll be more like he is refusing any form of help because in the ring he quite rightfully doesn't need it.

Plus as Doc said, Miz can learn some things inbetween the ropes, and Danielson can learn how to generate reactions from the WWE fans even. So it is a two-way deal.

I think they gave Bryan Danielson the best mentor, by actually giving him the least experienced in the ring. Therefore it is as if Bryan is only learning the promo skills (While he is good on the mic, the WWE tend to have their own way) as opposed to the ring skills he already has. Plus with someone like Miz beside him, it will help him get over with the WWE fans who have no idea who he is.

EXCELLENT move. Can't praise it enough.
Here's what I'm thinking.

Both Miz and Bryan are supposed to be heels. So how do you work that out?

Make Bryan have a sense of entitlement. "I was wrestling and winning championships before you even got offered to be on tough enough. Just stay out of my way," then Miz can be his regular Miz "I'M AWESOME!" character and they can feud while still keeping them both as heels. Bryan comes out and says something like "Nobody can beat me, I'm the best, I have the most experience, I'm better than not only all of the rookies but all of the vets on this show" etc etc and he plays up to be the perfect cocky heel

I love it!
I didn't see a topic for this, but there's a blog up on wwe.com by The Miz. He addresses the issue about a lot of fans thinking it's backwards that The Miz would be mentoring Bryan Danielson (now Daniel Bryan).

I'd like to know everyone's thoughts on what he had to say and do you see it playing out on NXT? I feel he's partly in character, but a lot of what he says seems to be a shoot on the internet wrestling community who are known for believing they know what's best for wrestling.

There has been a lot of controversy this week about me mentoring Daniel Bryan on WWE's new show, WWE NXT.

I've read a lot of interviews, blogs, ect. about the matter and they all seem to be asking the same thing. "Why is The Miz mentoring Daniel Bryan when Daniel Bryan has wrestled all over the world for 10 years plus?"

It's come to my knowledge that some members of the WWE Universe think they know everything about WWE and what it takes to be a WWE Superstar. They think that if a guy does well in the independent minor leagues, then all of a sudden he should be in the WWE.

They think that if a guy can main event in front of a hundred people at a bingo hall, then he's ready to main event at WrestleMania. Just because fans on the Internet say you’re ready doesn't mean you really are.

Just because a fat guy with no teeth who sits in the front row, buys your T-shirt and says you're the king of wrestling, doesn't mean you really are.

What the WWE Universe doesn't understand is there is so much more then I can describe in a single blog involved in being successful in the WWE.

My job is to make Daniel Bryan a star in the WWE, because let's face it, if you look at a picture of him right now, do you think STAR?

No, Daniel Bryan looks like my accountant ... ordinary and bland.

Maybe if he had The Miz's charisma and look, he would have been in the WWE by now. Don't hate on me because it didn't take me a decade to get a WWE contract and go down in WWE history to be the first Superstar to win the United States Title and Unified Tag Team Titles.

Don't get me wrong, Daniel Bryan has all the talent in the world, but every wrestler has weaknesses. And that's what my job is, to find his weakness and make him the biggest star possible.

I just hope Daniel Bryan doesn't believe himself what these ignorant members of the WWE Universe believe about him, or WWE NXT is going to be a nightmare for him.


I wasn't too big a fan of The Miz, but after the reading this, I think I am now. This gets away from the overly scripted nature of the WWE product, and he comes off really raw (no pun intended) which is exciting when you consider how it can play out on NXT.
Bryan has this natural charisma about him, sure he is not the Miz on the mic but honestly Miz is coming off a bit like a jackass and this is coming from a fan of his, i am happy that they have decided to sort of ditch kayfabe for NXT. I will compare Bryan to Bret Hart, Bryan much like Bret is not good on the mic, yet he he is amazing in the ring. And look at where Bret got to with his amazing ring skills. The Miz is coming off like he is naive. While i know that is not the case he still must not of heard of Chris Benoit or Bret Hart. Bryan's ring skills more than make up for his faults... Plus Bryan got a pretty damn good pop at his dar match against Chavo, the guy is already freaking over.
I'm a HUGE Bryan Danielson fan, I've watched him wrestle tons of matches in ROH against Nigel, Davey, Hero, etc. but let's face facts, the Miz is 100 percent correct. Everything he said was just spot on. How can someone be the best wrestler in the world if they're not in the #1 company in the world? That's like saying my 13 year old little cousin is the best baseball player in the world because he is tearing it up in little league baseball.
UPDATE: Just like I predicted it's gonna become a feud. Look at Miz's new WWE blog

There has been a lot of controversy this week about me mentoring Daniel Bryan on WWE's new show, WWE NXT.

I've read a lot of interviews, blogs, ect. about the matter and they all seem to be asking the same thing. "Why is The Miz mentoring Daniel Bryan when Daniel Bryan has wrestled all over the world for 10 years plus?"

It's come to my knowledge that some members of the WWE Universe think they know everything about WWE and what it takes to be a WWE Superstar. They think that if a guy does well in the independent minor leagues, then all of a sudden he should be in the WWE.

They think that if a guy can main event in front of a hundred people at a bingo hall, then he's ready to main event at WrestleMania. Just because fans on the Internet say you’re ready doesn't mean you really are.

Just because a fat guy with no teeth who sits in the front row, buys your T-shirt and says you're the king of wrestling, doesn't mean you really are.

What the WWE Universe doesn't understand is there is so much more then I can describe in a single blog involved in being successful in the WWE.

My job is to make Daniel Bryan a star in the WWE, because let's face it, if you look at a picture of him right now, do you think STAR?

No, Daniel Bryan looks like my accountant ... ordinary and bland.

Maybe if he had The Miz's charisma and look, he would have been in the WWE by now. Don't hate on me because it didn't take me a decade to get a WWE contract and go down in WWE history to be the first Superstar to win the United States Title and Unified Tag Team Titles.

Don't get me wrong, Daniel Bryan has all the talent in the world, but every wrestler has weaknesses. And that's what my job is, to find his weakness and make him the biggest star possible.

I just hope Daniel Bryan doesn't believe himself what these ignorant members of the WWE Universe believe about him, or WWE NXT is going to be a nightmare for him.
So it looks to me there is gonna be a jelousy factor being played up. Am I good or am I good? Sorry just wanted to say that. I don't mean anything by it. I think many saw this coming and I'm jsut glad they are doing something with these two because Danielson is one of the best wrestlers in the world and Miz is one of the best talkers right now. I think these two can really help each other out to deliver a great feud with many memorable promos and matches.
The Miz does make some great points. If you frequent forums like WrestleZone's or some of the other wrestling news websites, you'll often run across a number of posters that do feel as if they could run the WWE better than its being run. Now, there's always even the smallest possibility that it might be true, but how likely is it? There are lots within the IWC that think they know who will be the superstar of tomorrow. They think that they can predict how an audience will ultimately warm up to certain wrestlers or matches or storylines or whatever. But, when it's all said and done, their guesses and hypotheses don't have any consequences to them. One can spout off all they like about what they think sells, but millions of dollars and jobs aren't on the line based on their guesses and what they feel will make compelling television.

Now, I don't know much about Danielson, or Daniel Bryan if you prefer. I just know what the IWC says about him and the IWC isn't always realistic. Now, what the Miz said about being a big deal on the independent circuit and big in a nationally viewed promotion is two different things whether the collective IWC likes it or not. Danielson might be an outstanding in-ring wrestler and that's great. But, can he make five million people care about what he's doing? Will viewers change the channel in droves when he comes out to do his thing? Maybe, maybe not. The point the Miz was making is just because Danielson can get over in front of a few hundred people doesn't mean that 20,000 people in Madison Square Garden are going to be hanging on everything he does.
Miz is absolutely correct: Bryan does not have the charisma and mic skill to pull off promos the way, honestly, Miz can. Evan Bourne is one of the best wrestlers I've seen lately, fantastic worker, and AMAZING high flyer...but how many times have we EVER seen him speak anything more than his little challenges? He doesnt have the experience on the mic. He either A) Should be on NXT or in Developmental for a little bit (not a demotion, but more of a refresher) and learn to work the crowd, or B) get teamed with someone like Jericho or Miz who KNOW how to deliver promos well. Daniel Bryan is VERY fresh to a lot of WWE fans, and while I know he'll adapt (he wouldnt be trying this hard and doing NXT unless he was absolutely certain he wanted to work for WWE), he has to learn every angle of the business. While NXT is still going to be handled by WWE Creative, he'll be pushed properly and he'll get better experience than he will flopping around in FCW waiting to get called back up.
I like what the Miz said in that blog ...

But I'm not naive enough to believe it as anything more than a work. As a PR professional who works in the sports industry, I can attest to how big social networking websites truly are - and it wouldn't surprise me if the WWE was using these websites to enhance storylines.

In my opinion, the WWE writers felt that his "mentoring" an established wrestler in the indy scene and a star in the eyes of many within the IWC would be shit on "smarks." So they used his blog to tell the IWC to shove it for thinking that.

Besides - the WWE has a PR staff that monitors the wrestlers social networking sites, and if this was real, then they'd probably have it removed.
First things first Miz is totaly right there is a diffrence in getting over on the indy circuit as apposed to the WWE. There have been hundreds of wrestlers who were big in the indys that never make it in the WWE. There are also stars who had to completely change tier style or gimick to make it. The audiences are completely diffrent I have been watching wrestling for 25 years and I have never one watched indy wrestling I don't care who you are untill you reach the majors. As for his wrestling every where in the world for 10 years then he clearly didn't have what WWE was looking for and the Miz does. The Miz has alot to teach any one nobody has a harder path to respectability then anybody before him even to this days there are stupid internet fans that say shit like go back to the real world to those fans I say this is the real world and the Miz is Awesome. Finally some one said that this new guy is a great wrestler and just look at Heart, and Benoit to see where that will ge you it will get you a title run but no one can argue that had heart HBK"S mike skills he would have one more if benoit had Eddie Guerrero's he would of one more to the point is you have to have both to be trully great and Miz may not be able to teach him how to wrestle bettter but he sure as hell can teach him how to percevire and how to be a star in short he can teach him how to live up to his talent.
Bryan Danielson is one of those guys everybody love to watch, but he is not WWE material. He very bland on his micphone skill but have a natural in ring ability. I would say that B.D. moveset will carry him over, but without a great WWE mouth, you will never make it big in the league.
Trust me when I say that 90% of the people at a WWE live event don't know who the fuck Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan is. And Miz never said that Danielson didn't have what it takes or that he's bad in the ring or anything of the nature. He said exactly what people have been saying about Danielson for years and that is that he has the looks of bag boy at the local supermarkert.

I'm a huge fan of Danielson. Anybody that considers themself a fan of this business should at least be familiar with him. In my honest opinion he is one of the best in ring talents in the world today. He has every tool required to make it. In the indys. And I mean that in the best way possible. If we're being honest though he doesn't exactly scream WWE superstar. If he didn't want to make it as a huge star in that company he wouldn't be one of the new stars on it's brand new show. He clearly wants to be a WWE superstar.

The Miz's stock in the WWE and with it's ''universe'' is rapidly rising. He is consistently one of the most entertaining part of Raw. He may not be at the top right now but the man clearly knows something about character. It may seem like an odd pairing at first, but really Miz is the best choice for the job of mentoring Danielson. They're going right for the throat with this one. Danielson has very little character or anything that will allow him to be seen as a WWE superstar. That's what The Miz was saying and he's right.
I'm impressed, I honestly thought I would see more people shitting on The Miz for those comments, maybe people are starting to wake up and see things correctly. Yes Danielson is an amazing talent, one of the best to come along, but as Armbar said, fuck if outside of wrestling forums and hardcore wrestling fans if Danielson is known, he's not.

He's one of those unknown gems in this business that has been discovered. I can't wait for him to get into the WWE and show them what he can do. However I admit if you were to toss him into the ring right now with the likes of some of the WWE's major superstars, fans would think he is an amazing wrestler, but that's it. So pairing him with The Miz is a fantastic idea. Like him or not, The Miz knows how to be charasmatic. He's articulate on the mic, has perfect annuciation and proper usage of words. He knows how to work a mic, Danielson doesn't, so perfect mentor for him in that department.

Danielson has a cult following, and is a extremely accomplished wrestler, but he's not an entertatiner. He can tell a story in the ring, but he can't work a crowd as well as he can wrestle. The Miz can work a crowd, he can have them hanging onto every word his saying. Again perfect person to mentor him there.

Danielson doesn't need to be mentored in the wrestling aspect, The Miz knows this, we know this, but we seem to be admitting that he does need mentoring in many more aspects of what it takes be a WWE Superstar. With the teachings and mentoring of The Miz and I am sure many other top talents behind the scenes, Danielson will finally become this awesome awesome superstar.

So The Miz had every right to say what he said and he is 100% correct in what he said. The Miz is going to be around for a long time to come, The IWC seems to be finally accepting this, but there are still numerous out there who can't wrap their brains around the fact that The Miz is indeed a superstar and does know what he is talking about.
The whole blog was in character in order to plant the seeds for a feud, but it is pretty much right. I am a Danielson mark, but even I know ring skills can only get you so far. Danielson has charisma but he needs to be taught how to connect with a casual crowd and develop a big persona for TV. Who better to do this than the number 2 heel and best mic worker in the company?
Personally I would have prefered him keeping his real name.

But in the last five or so years when has the WWE ever done anything for their tried and tested fan base. They seem to just be looking for younger fans. This is getting off topic but Daniel Bryan is a tad terrible.

Everyone knows him as Bryan Danielson and I think the hardcore fan base that he had would have continued to follow him. In all honesty though, I'm just glad he is now on the roster. He is a great technician who will, if the company allow him, be able to put on some great matches.

We will just have to wait until NXT week...you see what I did there. HA!
Man am I getting sick of reading all of the bullshit in this thread about how Bryan Danielson needs to learn from Miz how to work a WWE crowd. Umm...excuse me, considering he's never had the fucking chance, just how exactly do all of you seem to "know" that he needs help in that department? He's had no problem connecting with the crowds in FCW, ROH, Dragon Gate, etc, etc all over the entire globe. Danielson has wrestled in front of as many as 40,000 people in Japan before, he knows damn well how to entertain a large crowd.

This whole thing was most likely just Miz being in character to plant seeds for a feud, but holy shit I just had to step in and stop all of this nonsense about how Danielson can't work a WWE crowd---HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT? He's never wrestled in front of a real WWE crowd (excluding his Velocity match years ago).
Listen, X, those crowds are different from the WWE crowd. WWE crowds are, for the most part, fucking stupid. They don't care about ring skills, or people they feel are "nobodies".

Maybe Danielson can connect to a casual crowd. You are right in saying that we don't know because he hasn't had the chance. However the Miz has and maybe he has a few pointers either in kayfabe or real. I doubt Danielson knows everything there is to know, no matter how much we want to believe it.
Listen, X, those crowds are different from the WWE crowd. WWE crowds are, for the most part, fucking stupid. They don't care about ring skills, or people they feel are "nobodies".

You know, people keep saying this, and I don't see it. I know everyone likes to hate on Shelton Benjamin, but how many consecutive Wrestlemanias did the man have crowds of 80,000 chanting his name? 2-3?

WWE fans are not as stupid as some of you make them out to be. When they see something awesome going on in the ring, they'll be into it 9 times out of 10.

Maybe Danielson can connect to a casual crowd. You are right in saying that we don't know because he hasn't had the chance. However the Miz has and maybe he has a few pointers either in kayfabe or real. I doubt Danielson knows everything there is to know, no matter how much we want to believe it.

Kayfabe, sure, whatever, but no the Miz has nothing to actually teach Bryan Danielson when it comes to professional wrestling. Fortunately I'm almost certain Miz's little blog entry was in-character, so I really don't see what the big deal people are making here is either. But I just could not sit by and read person after person say Danielson doesn't know how to work a large crowd---yes he does, he's done it before.
Man am I getting sick of reading all of the bullshit in this thread about how Bryan Danielson needs to learn from Miz how to work a WWE crowd. Umm...excuse me, considering he's never had the fucking chance, just how exactly do all of you seem to "know" that he needs help in that department? He's had no problem connecting with the crowds in FCW, ROH, Dragon Gate, etc, etc all over the entire globe. Danielson has wrestled in front of as many as 40,000 people in Japan before, he knows damn well how to entertain a large crowd.

This whole thing was most likely just Miz being in character to plant seeds for a feud, but holy shit I just had to step in and stop all of this nonsense about how Danielson can't work a WWE crowd---HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT? He's never wrestled in front of a real WWE crowd (excluding his Velocity match years ago).

I definitely don't think he can't work a WWE crowd. He's extremely entertaining in the ring. I don't think his in ring work is going to hold in back. He has all the tools Shelton has times ten, and his mic skills are on the same level which is what he needs work on. Just the character part. Not everyone can be Benoit and get over on work rate alone, and even Benoit had somewhat of a character. In order for Danielson too see his full potential, the areas he needs work on is character development and mic work, both of which Miz can help with. I don't think Miz is actually going to train him in anyway, it's just all a gimmick for the NXT show. Not to mention that Danielson could teach Miz a thing or two as well.
You know, people keep saying this, and I don't see it. I know everyone likes to hate on Shelton Benjamin, but how many consecutive Wrestlemanias did the man have crowds of 80,000 chanting his name? 2-3?

WWE fans are not as stupid as some of you make them out to be. When they see something awesome going on in the ring, they'll be into it 9 times out of 10.

For every example, there is a counterexample:


I know you're a big Lance Storm fan. The man was a wrestling machine. I saw his match against Chris Jericho at ONS05 and was floored. It was awesome, and that wasn't even his best match! The man was incredible in the ring, and there's no arguing that.

But he was the recipient of the "Boring" chants. He was chanted at so much they adapted it into his gimmick as Boring Lance Storm, who made Stone Cold fall asleep. I know he isn't boring. You know he isn't boring. But that crowd thought he was, and eventually they made him "Boring", despite being far from.

All he had were his in-ring skills, and that didn't fly too well.

Kayfabe, sure, whatever, but no the Miz has nothing to actually teach Bryan Danielson when it comes to professional wrestling.
None of us are too good to learn. The Miz is one of the best mic workers in the WWE. Yes, Danielson has charisma and is nowhere near horrible on the mic, but maybe, just maybe, he could stand to learn a little something about conducting himself in front of a TV camera.

Fortunately I'm almost certain Miz's little blog entry was in-character, so I really don't see what the big deal people are making here is either. But I just could not sit by and read person after person say Danielson doesn't know how to work a large crowd---yes he does, he's done it before.

Same here, about the blog entry And yes, he can work a large crowd, but he isn't used to working in front of a live, huge TV audience, and that is something much different from wrestling just in front of a crowd. If something slips up on TV, it's there forever. Not saying Danielson is one to slip up, but the possibility is there. No one is perfect.

I don't want him to become Boring Daniel Bryan, that's all.
This is my thoughts on the Miz/Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan, even I think that name sucks) "Mentoring". Danielson is probably the person that needed the least amount of mentoring on the show, which is why they put the Miz with him. And yes, to the casual fan that doesn't know who he is, he does look like an accountant. But you are going to get the fans looking him up on Wikipedia, and then looking him up on Youtube. They will find his matches with guys like Azrial, where he really starts to fuck with his opponent.

I think partnering him with the Miz was just an excuse to get him on the show, and maybe get a little better on the stick.

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