[OFFICIAL] Daniel Bryan Danielson Discussion Thread

What did you expect? We are talking with wrestling fans that have been brainwashed.
yep, call people who think that Bryan Danielson should put on a few pounds brainwashed. Doesn't harm your position at all. Hell you night as well call us sheep/sheeple too.
Checking out a mans size. Come on! I don't see why his size should even matter in a FAKE show.
And I dont see why his talent should even matter in a FAKE show. Same logic. It matters because, shockingly how a wrestler looks is actually important. For a start because they have to be recognisable (which Danielson isn't right now), but also because he's going to be on WWE TV for the next few years being looked at by millions of people, so he might as well look as good as he can. and finally because he's tiny. Yeah, wrestling isnt entirely serious but the suspension of disbelief would be helped if Byran Danielson wasnt much lighter than everybody else his size.
"It's still real to me, damn it". Nothing about wrestling can be taken seriously. Absolutely nothing.
obviously it is taken seriously seeing as people can honestly get into debates about whether or not Sheamus was a failed champion, and flame eachother about John Cena.
Danielson will most likely succeed.
Agreed. He's one heck of a tallent.
He is better wrestler than Benoit
Disagreed. Chris Benoit is joint first with Kurt Angle on my list of best wrestlers. Danielson's good but I dont think he's that good. However, once I've seen more of him that opinion may change.
good mic skills, and got over with the WWE crowd in a matter of seconds.
No he didn't. his introduction garnered a minute response. His entrance less. The only time that anybody who didnt already know who he was (which was a small amount of the audience apparently) reacted to him at all was after the Miz came out and woke the people up.

Suspension of disbelief? Are you serious? How can anyone do that when the stupidest things have transpired in pro wrestling. The little peoples court? Hornswoggle going through a wall? Takers whole gimmick? And of course talent matters in a fake show. How are you going to entertain the fans if you don't have talent in an entertainment show? Size doesn't matter. It's fake.

If you want to talk about storytelling in wrestling, then Daniel is one of the best. I know he is definitely a better storyteller than both Benoit and Angle. I've seen Benoit suplex a 500 pound man. I've seen Benoit give Austin 10 german suplexes in a row even though he had broken ribs and Austin was working on it the entire match. I've seen Benoit put A-Train in a freaking sharpshooter. People think he was such a good storyteller. I don't see how he was one. Angle has done the same stuff.
It's HILARIOUS to me how people keep harping on Danielson's size as something that needs to be worked on. It's like the only way most of internet WWE fans could ever take Danielson seriously is if he has veins popping out of him and a shitload of acne on his back. It's ridiculous.

Danielson is the same height as Chris Benoit, and taller than Eddie and Rey Mysterio. Did all three of these individuals gain weight while in WWE? Sure, but two of them are now dead, and the other one is injury prone out his fucking ass.

I also find it funny to criticize Danielson for being too small, when he was in the same ring as Chris fucking Jericho, a guy currently with zero abs, and whose titties will start to rival JBL's soon.

Seriously, Danielson doesn't need to worry about weight right now. He needs to worry about adjusting to the WWE style (which he will), getting used to the big audience, and also playing to the camera. That should be his main focus, not sticking a needle in his ass. WWE is trying to make a star out of the Danielson that's there RIGHT NOW. If they didn't like the way Danielson looked, then he would have never got called out of FCW. They would have told him to stay there and bulk up. Instead, they decided to build an entire show around the guy, which tells me that they don't give a fuck about his size; they just want to see what he has to offer on the big stage, and if you ask me... he's off to a marvelous start.

Oh, look, one of the rose colored glasses wearing indyking appologists. Took you long enough. No one here is saying he needs to fucking roid up and look how Eddie and Benoit did, but shit, he looks ridiculous. Its funny you sight Jericho as looking funny, when Jericho's physique puts Daniel's to shame as far as looking the part of a pro wrestler. Bryan looks like my fucking neighborhood paperboy right now. Do I think he should muscle up to Benoit size? No, pretty fucking sure I never said that. But to be by far and away the fucking runt of the WWE isn't good either.

Goodness forbid there is one tiny chink in the armour of the shining knight of the indies, oh no, fuck forbid. We aren't allowed to even HINT and saying something negative of something needs to be improved huh?

Im not asking for him to look like Chris Masters, just fill out more, and cover up your chicken legs. Get a fucking grip, man.
Yes, the name is incredibly stupid. From the second that I heard his name was "Daniel Bryan" I thought "and that's the end of another Indy Wrestlers WWE career. However, on Tuesday night WWE booked him in the main event against the WHC. And it wasn't even a squash match. I'm seriously loving the direction Daniel Bryan is going in. The match with Jericho was awesome, and the relationship between him and the Miz is most likely going to lead to a match between the two. Miz's mic skills will make the buildup solid, Bryan's ring skills will make the match solid. I'm getting excited just thinking about it!
LOL.... I was hoping to get that kind of rise out of you, Norcal. :icon_wink:

Oh, look, one of the rose colored glasses
wearing indyking appologists. Took you long enough.

This coming from perhaps the biggest HHH fan on the forums, huh? Ironic...

No one here is saying he needs to fucking roid up and look how Eddie and Benoit did, but shit, he looks ridiculous.

All I'm saying is that his mind right now shouldn't be on weight gaining. That's not what the WWE is looking from him. Like I said... if they wanted him bigger, they would have specifically told him to stay in FCW and bulk up. Did they do that? No, they brought him up with the way he looks RIGHT NOW, and broadcast an entire hour of WWE programming around him. You and only a handful of other internet fans are worried about his size. It's really no big deal, man. What is a big deal, however, is him adjusting to the WWE style (both in the ring, and on the mic), and that's what he should be worried about. That's all I was trying to say in my post.

Its funny you sight Jericho as looking funny, when Jericho's physique puts Daniel's to shame as far as looking the part of a pro wrestler. Bryan looks like my fucking neighborhood paperboy right now.

Picture of Jericho from Tuesday night:


Yet, I'm the one with "rose colored glasses" on, huh? :lmao:

Do I think he should muscle up to Benoit size? No, pretty fucking sure I never said that.

Did I say you said that? No, I didn't...

But to be by far and away the fucking runt of the WWE isn't good either.

What you call runt, I call underdog, my man.

Goodness forbid there is one tiny chink in the armour of the shining knight of the indies, oh no, fuck forbid. We aren't allowed to even HINT and saying something negative of something needs to be improved huh?

Nah, that's not true. I, and everyone else here, can admit Danielson doesn't have the best physique for a professional wrestler, but we don't obsess over it, and we won't let that flaw alone keep us from enjoying his work like you're apparently doing.

Im not asking for him to look like Chris Masters, just fill out more, and cover up your chicken legs.

Fair enough, but you bring it up in every Danielson post I've seen you make. We get it already. There's no need to ram the point down our throats over and over again.

Get a fucking grip, man.

Lol... I'm cool, man. Like I said, this shit is just hilarious to me.
Bryan Danielson. I've heard of the guy and I don't watch ROH. You could not be a wrestling fan of the past five years and not know who Bryan Danielson is. I haven't seen much of him in the ring aside from his match with Jericho, but from what I saw, he is good. The WWE is obviously putting alot of stock in him, y'know with him not only main eventing NXT but fighting the World Heavyweight Champion in his first televised match. When I first heard of Danielson, I thought we were going to get a bland, square loser, who only got praised because 99.9 % of wrestling fans have massive, raging, veiny boners for teh flippyz. But I was pleasantly surprised. I loved how Danielson hinted at turning on the Miz. I also liked how he took an average script and made it entertaining. The Miz and Danielson is an interesting pairing. They are beginning to look like Peanut Butter and Egg Whites. Or something like that.

Danielson is what the WWE needs: a underdog with some personality. Sure, we have had underdogs, Chris Benoit, Rey Mysterio, Evan Bourne, etc. But they've all had the personality of a mute asian ****e. None to be exact. Danielson looks as if he can go in the ring, but won't bore us to shreds when he picks up the mic. So, hopefully he won't disappoint on the next NXT. But so far, with David Otunga and Brian Danielson among the rookies in WWE, things are looking up for the future of wrestling.
What you call runt, I call underdog, my man.

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History supports my claims far more than yours. I want him to succeed, were you are just happy to see him on the Tv with the WWE logo down in the lower right corner.

For him to succceed past being put in weekly matches with ultra heat magnets, the crowd is gonna have to buy into him, and they won't be able to when he begins to fight bigger guys. You can make fun of Jericho all you want, it only hurts YOUR argument, since Bryan Daniel looked like a child next to him. So if Jericho is to be made fun of and not taken seriously, then what the fuck is Bryan?

it doesn't ruin his work for me at all. Its awesome how you sited the paragraph in my post which came DIRECTLY before me saying how much I enjoyed the match, and wished they had longer to work. This isn't even about MY personal preferences, so much as me saying what needs to be done for him to maximize the oppurtunity. Unlike some people, I have the ability to like something and still be able to have an impartial asessment of it.
For over ten years, Daniel Bryan has traveled the world as one of the most renowned athletes on the independent wrestling circuit, utilizing his unique combination of submission maneuvers and Japanese-style striking to win acclaim on multiple continents.
Now, Bryan has joined the cast of WWE NXT as the most experienced of any of the NXT Rookies, and is an internet favorite in the competition. But nothing is ever easy, as the competitor found out on the debut episode of WWE NXT, clashing with his WWE Pro, The Miz, and putting his body on the line in a match against World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho.
WWE.com&#8217;s Aubrey Sitterson caught up with Bryan to discuss his mentor, his fellow NXT Rookies, and the differences between competing in the independents and squaring off against the best WWE has to offer.

SITTERSON: First off, after having watched you on the independent circuit for years, I want to say how excited I am that not only are you in WWE, but you&#8217;re doing so well on your first night out. Are you as excited as your fans are?

BRYAN: Well, thank you. I&#8217;m super excited. Nobody knew what WWE NXT was going to be when we went in. The show started and we knew nothing so it was an exciting process to just find it all out as it went along and I&#8217;m thankful for the opportunity. I forget what they said the rating was, but I wrestled in front of more people on Tuesday night than I&#8217;ve probably wrestled in front of in my entire career, so that&#8217;s fantastic. I just hope the number holds up.

SITTERSON: I&#8217;m sure it will, because it was a great debut, and the match between you and the World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho, was awesome. How are you feeling after that?

BRYAN: Physically I&#8217;m a little banged up, but I&#8217;m no stranger to that. Mentally I feel very good about the show, and now I know a little more about what to expect, and that&#8217;s to expect anything. Any second they can pop up and say &#8220;Hey, say something!&#8221; and you have to be ready. You could just be standing backstage and all of a sudden they grab you and go &#8220;Hey, what do you think about what&#8217;s going on in the ring?&#8221; and you&#8217;ve got to be ready to say something.

SITTERSON: Is that exciting for you, or just nerve-wracking?

BRYAN: For me it&#8217;s exciting, because I&#8217;m confident in my ability to speak. For years, the knock on me has always been &#8220;Oh, he might not be a very good interviewer&#8221; or &#8220;He&#8217;s not good at talking&#8230;&#8221;

SITTERSON: Which is something I never understood &#8211; I never got that criticism of you.

BRYAN: Well, it&#8217;s well-founded if you look at me in 2002-2005. You know, everyone has to work on things, and I&#8217;ve always been someone who in my regular life, I don&#8217;t say a whole lot. I&#8217;m very quiet, I keep to myself, and so it really took a lot of work for me to feel comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. I can go out there in the ring and feel very comfortable, but you put me in front of a camera against a blank wall, and it&#8217;s kind of intimidating. So I was glad I got that opportunity, and now, because I&#8217;ve been able to do that, I&#8217;ve really been able to work on that for probably the last four years, that&#8217;s really what I&#8217;ve been working on. And I&#8217;m still not the best at it, but I hope doing this and being around guys who are good at that will help me improve.

SITTERSON: Well, I think you certainly held your own with The Miz on Tuesday night.

BRYAN: I watched it back and you can see certain things &#8211; his body language is fantastic. I&#8217;m not on the internet much, I&#8217;m not very computer-savvy, but a couple of my friends forwarded this blog that The Miz posted last week, and it&#8217;s partially correct. There are a lot of things that I have to learn about being a WWE Superstar. The Miz in the ring, I feel, isn&#8217;t as good as I am, but when it comes to public speaking and the way he presents himself, he&#8217;s fantastic.

SITTERSON: He catches a lot of heat online, but he&#8217;s definitely got his own skill-set.

BRYAN: Right, he has his own skill-set and there&#8217;s definitely something to be learned from that. The only negative is how antagonistic he is about how good he is at it.

SITTERSON: Getting back to your first WWE match on Tuesday night, that suicide dive was a pretty risky maneuver, and you really hit the announcer&#8217;s table hard. How are you feeling? Did you crack any ribs?

BRYAN: It hurts, but I&#8217;ve been in matches where I&#8217;ve detached my retina and still wrestled, so for me, this isn&#8217;t a big deal. The doctors at the show wanted to take an X-Ray, thinking that I had a couple broken ribs, but I declined. This is the biggest opportunity I&#8217;ve ever had in my career, so I can&#8217;t afford to take any time off right now.
SITTERSON: Can you talk more about competing against Jericho? Not only is he World Heavyweight Champion right now, but he&#8217;s a WWE Legend in his own right. Were you a Jericho fan growing up?

BRYAN: I was super excited to be in the ring with Jericho, because he was one of my favorites when I was in high school. He came into WCW probably 1996, 97ish and he was the guy on TV who was never given that great opportunity to be with the main-eventers, but he was always the most entertaining guy on the show. It was awesome, and then his ring-work of course is impeccable. He was one of the first guys who showed, him and Eddie both, were some of the first guys that showed that smaller guys can not only be great in the ring but charismatic on the microphone as well. They were pushing the cruiserweights, and as a cruiserweight he was so good at antagonizing people and that sort of thing. And then he comes into WWE with the Y2J thing and he&#8217;s been phenomenal ever since. He&#8217;s one of those guys who as a smaller guy, I look up to and say &#8220;I&#8217;d like to be as good as that.&#8221; So getting into the ring with him was a dream come true.

SITTERSON: I know it&#8217;s early on in the process, so you might not have too many thoughts on this, but how do people&#8217;s in-ring styles differ from what you&#8217;re used to on the independent circuit? Is there a big difference?

BRYAN: There&#8217;s definitely a huge difference. For one, guys here are a lot more powerful than guys on the independent circuit. You can see it just in the way they&#8217;re hitting. The plus side for me is that they move a lot slower than they do on the independent circuit. I&#8217;ve wrestled guys who are 155 pounds and move like lightning, so the speed is slowed down from that, which gives me a little bit of an advantage. The other thing is that there aren&#8217;t many guys in WWE who are throwing the level of kicks that I&#8217;ve experienced in Japan. They have their own things that they&#8217;re good at, but going in there against Japan&#8217;s best, you really get rocked with those kicks. In WWE I&#8217;m going to be one of the better kickers, so I think that&#8217;s to my advantage as well. One of the negatives is that I&#8217;m one of the smaller guys on the roster &#8211; I&#8217;m definitely the smallest guy on WWE NXT. I need to get used to wrestling bigger guys because even in Japan they have some big heavyweights over there, but I&#8217;ve traditionally only wrestled guys who are under 225 lbs.

SITTERSON: You mentioned it already, but the WWE NXT roster is massive. On average, they might be bigger than the rest of the WWE roster.

BRYAN: Yeah, especially like Skip Sheffield &#8211; he is an enormous man. I have a big head, right? I watched the show back and was like &#8220;Man, I&#8217;ve got a big head.&#8221; But Skip&#8217;s arms are bigger than my head, so you know, that&#8217;s huge.
SITTERSON: With the size of guys like Skip, are there NXT Rookies who you&#8217;re concerned about, or aren&#8217;t looking forward to facing in the ring?

BRYAN:I&#8217;m not concerned about facing anyone in the ring. I&#8217;ve dealt with guys who are super-strong and I&#8217;ve dealt with big guys. My biggest concern is that nobody knows how they&#8217;re voting for the winner on WWE NXT. So there are easily some guys on the show who are more charismatic than I am, and that&#8217;s one of the things I definitely need to work on.

SITTERSON: Can you point out anyone in particular?

BRYAN: If you look at a guy like David Otunga, he&#8217;s got all the media behind him and all that kind of stuff. He&#8217;s a very good public speaker and he even went to Harvard
SITTERSON: Well, and he&#8217;s handsome too, right? I mean let&#8217;s just get it out there.

BRYAN: [Laughs] Well, yeah. I was watching the show on TV and I am not a handsome man.

SITTERSON: [Laughs] Ok, don&#8217;t go fishing for compliments from me
BRYAN: [Laughs] No, I&#8217;ve got this big head, my haircut looked so goofy, and all these guys have their Superstar haircuts.

SITTERSON: Speaking of fancy Superstar haircuts, aside from personal grooming, is there anything you could stand to learn from your WWE Pro, The Miz?

BRYAN: You know, I could learn a lot from The Miz if he was a better teacher. He&#8217;s got a lot to offer, but he just doesn&#8217;t seem overly interested in passing any of it on.

SITTERSON: Moving forward are you concerned about your interactions with The Miz? Are you going to be able to salvage that Rookie-Pro relationship?

BRYAN: I&#8217;m a little concerned in the sense of where do we go from here? You know, he jumps me after the match, so does he expect me to listen to him now? Is that proving some kind of point? I&#8217;ve been in this business for longer than he has, twice as long as he has, butI know that there are things I can learn from him &#8211; you can learn from everybody. That said, when you&#8217;re trying to learn something, you don&#8217;t want to be talked down to, regardless of who it is. And there are a bunch of people who might talk down to me. I was caught off guard by Matt Striker interviewing me after Miz slapped me &#8211; I feel like he talked down to me. You know, I&#8217;m very laidback, but as soon as you start talking down to me, especially guys like The Miz and Matt Striker, who I&#8217;ve been in this business longer than they have, gone and done more things outside WWE than they would ever be able to do if WWE didn&#8217;t sign them, then I&#8217;m going to stand up for myself. So it&#8217;ll be interesting to see how all that plays out.

SITTERSON: What about in the rest of the WWE roster, are there guys that you&#8217;re excited about the prospect of facing?

BRYAN: There&#8217;s so many guys that I&#8217;d love to be in the ring with. I would love to be in the ring with Rey Mysterio. I have a very similar style to William Regal&#8217;s, so to compete against him would be incredible. I was trained by Shawn Michaels&#8230;my god, the opportunity to get in the ring with Shawn Michaels. Then there are younger guys too. I&#8217;ve wrestled CM Punk on the independent scene countless times, and so getting to do that on a major stage like WWE would be so cool. I think for our hardcore fans that would be awesome &#8211; a lot of them would love to see that. So there&#8217;s a ton of guys up at WWE that I&#8217;d love to get in the ring with.

SITTERSON: I believe it. Is there anything else that you&#8217;d like to let the WWE Universe know?

BRYAN: Just to expect the unexpected and be open to new ideas. In recent years WWE hasn&#8217;t had a lot of submission grapplers, and me being a smaller guy and not a high-flyer like Mysterio, coming in with submissions, people might be taken aback. But be open to it and realize that I think that&#8217;s a big part of the future of sports-entertainment.

That's just an interview up on WWE.com. Now I'll try and fill up this paragraph so it doesn't become spam. Uh, yeah. They're showing a lot of confidence in Daniel Bryan, and even acknowledging all that fandangled indie stuff, along with some quriks that the WWE has, such as size and build. They also mentioned Otunga, so I think that could possibly be the feud of NXT, seeing as they are such great contrasts. Interestingly enough, the Miz and R-Truth are heel and face, whereas it seems the reverse for their proteges, which could have some bearing on the feud. In any case, its an interesting look at Bryan.
History supports my claims far more than yours. I want him to succeed, were you are just happy to see him on the Tv with the WWE logo down in the lower right corner.

Exactly, history, Norcal. It's 2010 now man, not 1985, or 1995 for that matter. Size doesn't mean as much today as it did back then. You look at MMA, or even movies for that matter. Who were the biggest stars in the eighties? Arnold and Sly, correct? When those two blew up, it's no coincidence that's when Hogan's era came, too.

Now, who are today's biggest stars? Johnny Depp, for example, is one of them, which is why someone like Jeff Hardy is so over today. Who are the biggest action stars? Shit there aren't any; it's all been replaced by comic book movies. Tobey McGuire as Spiderman, Christian Bale as Batman, Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man... these are the action stars of today. Why are they so? Because of their talent, not size. Talent > Size all day long, man, especially in today's era... an era in which WWE is trying their hardest to get away from the steroid stereotype pro wrestling has I might add.

History is just that: History. It's now time to make new history, and that's what WWE is trying to do.

For him to succceed past being put in weekly matches with ultra heat magnets, the crowd is gonna have to buy into him, and they won't be able to when he begins to fight bigger guys.

...And that he will be able to. Read that interview MRC posted, obviously Danielson is going to be a type of submission master who can catch anybody in any submission at any given time. It's takes no strength to pull off submissions, and even WWE fans will be able to buy into that.

You can make fun of Jericho all you want, it only hurts YOUR argument, since Bryan Daniel looked like a child next to him. So if Jericho is to be made fun of and not taken seriously, then what the fuck is Bryan?

I just make fun of Jericho to show that size doesn't matter. Admit it: He looks like shit right now body wise, but does it matter? No, which was my point.

it doesn't ruin his work for me at all.

Glad to hear that. And like I told you and Xfear in the Bar Room, I think Danielson will eventually turn you into a big fan, regardless of whether or not he puts on muscle.

Its awesome how you sited the paragraph in my post which came DIRECTLY before me saying how much I enjoyed the match, and wished they had longer to work.

I quoted everything in your post that was towards me - you didn't mention a thing about that. That was in your post on the previous page, one I did not respond to at all in the post that you quoted me on first.

This isn't even about MY personal preferences, so much as me saying what needs to be done for him to maximize the oppurtunity.

I understand that and respect your opinion; all I'm saying is that we don't need a reminder about Danielson's size every time you post about him, lol.

Unlike some people, I have the ability to like something and still be able to have an impartial asessment of it.

I'm able to do that as well; we just disagree on how important this matter truly is. And time will tell which one of us is right.
Exactly, history, Norcal. It's 2010 now man, not 1985, or 1995 for that matter. Size doesn't mean as much today as it did back then.
yeah size isnt as important. But when Bryan is smaller than every non criuserweight in the company there's something wrong. for the record, both the guys who trained him that are in WWE (Regal and HBK) have BMIs over 30. Danielson has no excuse not to bulk up a bit,
You look at MMA, or even movies for that matter. Who were the biggest stars in the eighties? Arnold and Sly, correct? When those two blew up, it's no coincidence that's when Hogan's era came, too.
1) if you're talking about Arnold Schwarzenegger he was probably on roids before his movie career (seeing as he was a body builder). And 2) of course it's not a coincidence that Hogan's era was in the 80s. Vinny Mac fucking chose him to be the big star over Bob Backlund. He did so cince he was both more charasmatic than Backlund as well as having a big guy fetish.
Now, who are today's biggest stars? Johnny Depp, for example, is one of them, which is why someone like Jeff Hardy is so over today.
bullshit is Johnny Depp the reason for Hardy being as over as fuck. Hardy's been as over as fuck since the 90s. It's because he does insane shit in the ring and gets cheered for it. [quote[Who are the biggest action stars? Shit there aren't any; it's all been replaced by comic book movies. Tobey McGuire as Spiderman, Christian Bale as Batman, Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man... these are the action stars of today. Why are they so? Because of their talent, not size. Talent > Size all day long, man, especially in today's era... an era in which WWE is trying their hardest to get away from the steroid stereotype pro wrestling has I might add.[/quote]yeah, Talent > Size. However Danielson isnt just small, he's tiny in comparason to everybody who doesnt finish their match with a backflip. Hell some of the flippers are bigger than him. He's not just small in comparason to fucking everybody worth a damn on the roster, he's fucking tiny.quote]History is just that: History. It's now time to make new history, and that's what WWE is trying to do.[/quote]that sentence made no sence.
...And that he will be able to. Read that interview MRC posted, obviously Danielson is going to be a type of submission master who can catch anybody in any submission at any given time.
yeah, you gould also have figured that out when Miz put him over as a submission machine, his catchphrase being 'Tap or Snap' and telling mis that he'll submit him right now.
It's takes no strength to pull off submissions
That's why Regal, Benoit anf Jericho all have BMIs > 30, right?
I just make fun of Jericho to show that size doesn't matter.
except that he's FAR bigger than Danielson, disproving your point.
Admit it: He looks like shit right now body wise, but does it matter? No, which was my point.
yes he does. However, manboobs and no abs aside he does look like he's bigger and stronger than Danielson and that because of that he can hurt you alot more effectively than Danielson can.
Glad to hear that. And like I told you and Xfear in the Bar Room, I think Danielson will eventually turn you into a big fan, regardless of whether or not he puts on muscle.
Danielson's good in the ring. Ok on the mic. He'll go far but that doesnt mean that he shouldnt bulk the fuck up. I agree that it shouldnt be his number one priority. However, his Bob Backlund look and his shrimpy ass body needs to go. It's part of the transition to WWE main eventer from Ingie god.
I'm able to do that as well; we just disagree on how important this matter truly is. And time will tell which one of us is right.
It'll probably be NorCal. Danielson will make it to the top. He just wont make it until he titches his indie image, which includes putting on 19 pounds and not dressing like Bob fucking Backlund.
wow... i don't know what to say. I've now seen 2 matches from Daniel Bryan in WWE.... and i've also seen two majorly botched spots. last week he overshot Jericho and earned himself a set of bruised ribs because of it...and this week he slipped off the rope and tried to make it look intentional. both times i got myself excited to see him due to all the excitement that i've heard about him. but all i'm seeing is someone who needs alot of work.

for the record... i DO hope i'm wrong. but i see the WWE putting a few too much faith in him. i'm reminded of when I heard the same kind of hype about Dr Death Steve Williams... and they even created a segment to show how tough he was. anyone remember Brawl For All. well... Dr Death lost to Bart Gunn by getting his ass knocked out. Bart Gunn went nowhere. in fact...i remember reading that management was angry at him for winning. lol... i digress.

there is alot of talent on NXT. i'm not sure yet who i see becoming a breakout star.... but Daniel Bryan is NOT it.

it's not necessarily his mic skills... since he seems very comfortable in front of a crowd... i trust that he could be very impressive in due time. his look is VERY bland. watching him in the ring reminded me of Zack Gowen... more or less feeling bad watching him get his ass handed to him by Jericho and Miz last week... and Jericho and Barrett this week. in fact... take off one of Daniel Bryan's legs.. and he's pretty much Zack Gowen.

get rid of that cheap looking robe... or get a new one. lay off the donuts... from what i've seen... this guy was in KILLER shape only a year or two ago... a tad flabby right now.

in conclusion... 10 years experience... know where you are in the ring and the ringside area. don't count on jericho to save you from your stupid mistake...because if he injured the current world champion with that lame ass stunt... Vince would execute him in front of his family.

....aaaaand... watch your footing.
Bryan is playing the sympathy role at the moment. He's the injured underdog of the show that just looks as though he's fighting an uphill battle. His mentor is completely 100% against him and he's banged up. Bryan sold his ribs/back well tonight and could be an intriguing story.

The one concern I'm overly worried about is the botched springboard. If it was planned, then it plays along great with the storyline. If it was a legitimate botch, however, then Bryan's stock in the WWE may have just fallen considerably.
Those "Botches"...weren't botches. Danielson's ribs were severely (kayfabe) injured. His ribs started acting up, so he slipped off the ropes. Last week wasn't a botched spot either. He slammed into the announce table, thus setting up for this week's match. Simple.

Bryan sold very, very well tonight. I was very impressed. When Barrett kicked Bryan's ribs, Bryan made sure it looked like it hurt. Bryan made everything seem extremely believable, and I like that.
Those "Botches"...weren't botches. Danielson's ribs were severely (kayfabe) injured. His ribs started acting up, so he slipped off the ropes. Last week wasn't a botched spot either. He slammed into the announce table, thus setting up for this week's match. Simple.

Bryan sold very, very well tonight. I was very impressed. When Barrett kicked Bryan's ribs, Bryan made sure it looked like it hurt. Bryan made everything seem extremely believable, and I like that.

I actually agree.

Bryan is doing a great job right now, and all of the botches aren't that at all. It's an old game of ring psychology.

This is Bryan Danielson. The token "Best in the World" didn't dawn on him for nothing.
i've been watching wrestling since 1984. i've never... EVER seen anyone sell injured ribs by clumsily falling off the ropes. no. that was a botch.

as you mentioned... yes.. he was selling last weeks injury very well. and playing the underdog card perfectly. but i will never sit here and believe that he preplanned a spot where he threw himself out of the ring and smashed himself into the announcers table the way it happened. you don't risk your body like THAT in pro-wrestling. and there isn't anybody in the back that would've went along with it. had they intended on having him appear injured on tonights show... i'm sure Jericho would've smashed his ribs with a chair or some other kind of "controlled" spot.

my verdict is... botched a move last week... they wrote it in this week...and failed yet a second time. next week had better be flawless...otherwise i can't imagine anyone defending him after a third lackluster performance.

there's alot riding on him. he needs to turn his shit around. i don't care about all the amazing matches he's HAD... that means very little.

hasn't anyone ever heard the phrase:.... "in pro wrestling... you're only as good as your last match"

i understand that from a storyline perspective, he's not supposed to be booked strong for these 2 matches. i totally get that. i get that he's supposed to have the odds stacked against him. all i'm saying is that even in the role he's playing... he's not impressing me.

and why the hell does michael cole turn heel ONLY when Daniel Bryan is in a match? the rest of the night he seems to be a good guy? :confused:
I've been hearing about Brian Danielson on the web alot people say he's unveleivable and all. I tune into NXT and see the man all you bloggers speak about "the amazing" Daniel Bryan! And I saw nothing special. Sure he's a great wrestler but he doesn't have the whole package: The personality, Charisma, Mic Work and The Look.
Let me get this straight what's so special about Daniel Bryan?
Look at the other guys on the roster: Justin Gabriel for example, he's amazing he has the whole package kinda reminds me of AJ Styles
so tell me what's so special about bryan?
WWE seemingly think he's something special, they made him the focus of the very first show and he played a large role on yesterday's episode.

There's only so much you can do in a 6 minute TV match, but Deswond Wolfe has proven that a slow wrestling game can work in shorter matches.

You've made an assesment on Daniel Bryan after two matches, which is fair enough, but you've also claimed that Justin Gabriel is amazing. That'd be after a very average tag match in which he barely featured.
WHAT!!!!!! Justin Gabriel is not even in Bryan's level or AJ Styles level. Look Yesterdays match between Wade and Bryan was very shitty. Also WWE is making him look very weak, By the way that MIZ and Y2J been kicking his ass.

Bryan Daniels is very awesome in the ring he knows how to you that ring very good, he is a great submission specialist. Yeah he is not that great in the mic but thats what NXT is all about to help you with what ever your not good at. And that the reason why he choose not to go to RAW or SD because he was rusty and his mic skills were not that good.

Just keep an eye on him and next thing you know you will be a big fan of him.
i made my argument in the other thread. but anyway. there's nothing special about him at all. you're right... he's NOT the total package. there are guys that work outside of WWE that can be the best in-ring workers of all time with huge followings. if they don't have the rest of the ingredients, they just won't work out in the wwe.

Jerry Lynn - ECW LEGEND/WWE jobber

when are people going to realize that the WWE is not the same as ROH? this guy will be brought to RAW... and end up in mid-card hell. and then eventually jobbed out and released. he will NOT be headlining Wrestlemania. EVER.

what kind of merchandise do you think they're going to sell of him? t-shirts that say..."Regardless of the odds...I can still win"..? or "I Was Big In ROH"..? flabby action figures with cheap robes?

and i'm not impressed with the argument that "obviously wwe sees something in him"...because that would imply that they were always right and....no.

EDIT: oops... looks like this got merged already.
he's NOT the total package.

Very few wrestlers are and very few people have claimed Daniel Bryan to be a total package.

this guy will be brought to RAW... and end up in mid-card hell. and then eventually jobbed out and released. he will NOT be headlining Wrestlemania. EVER.

Mid card hell is where most wrestlers ply their trade, and that might be the case, but WWE are pushing him as the star rookie of the NXT show, so currently, on the face of things, you'd have to say the chances of him succeeding seem bright.

what kind of merchandise do you think they're going to sell of him? t-shirts that say..."Regardless of the odds...I can still win"..? or "I Was Big In ROH"..?

T-shirts witch a phrase on them, yes. I'm sure they'll come up with something.

flabby action figures with cheap robes?

As opposed to the expensive robe my Rick Rude action figure is wearing?

and i'm not impressed with the argument that "obviously wwe sees something in him"...because that would imply that they were always right and....no.

But if WWE sees something in somebody, they often give them an oppertunity. There are very few wrestlers that WWE have given up on without good reason.
i made my argument in the other thread. but anyway. there's nothing special about him at all. you're right... he's NOT the total package. there are guys that work outside of WWE that can be the best in-ring workers of all time with huge followings. if they don't have the rest of the ingredients, they just won't work out in the wwe.
Except that Danielson DOES have all the ingredients. He's got ring skills going spare, just enough charisma, and is a costume change away from looking acceptible too. Admitedly he's never going to be Wade Barrett on the mic but he can get by. and He's only going to get better in that department (see Miz's transformation on the stick since his debut). Bryan will make it, NXT is being designed to make the WWE universe care about him and he'll be able to do that within 4 months no problems.
Jerry Lynn - ECW LEGEND/WWE jobber
I'll counter your unover, unpushed performer with another two great workers that were over in Regal and Benoit. Not to mention that Bryan is A) being pushed (which Lynn wasnt) and that WWE actually has a clue how to use little technicians now, wheras they didnt so much then.[quote[when are people going to realize that the WWE is not the same as ROH? this guy will be brought to RAW... and end up in mid-card hell. and then eventually jobbed out and released. he will NOT be headlining Wrestlemania. EVER.[/quote]disagreed. WWE is doing all in their power to get him over. They're building a feud for him on Raw already (vs. The Miz) and if they book him as well as they booked Miz this year he'll be MEing by Mania 30. He's not going anywhere near the main event for a year or so and nowhere near the Mania ME for longer.
what kind of merchandise do you think they're going to sell of him? t-shirts that say..."Regardless of the odds...I can still win"..? or "I Was Big In ROH"..? flabby action figures with cheap robes?
How about T-Shirts with 'Tap or Snap' on, or 'American Dragon' on, THey sound much more serious and probably than what you said. He's using his ROH nickname on his robe so he's keeping it for now atleast. Face it, WWE is positioning him to be the next big thing. Right or wrong they are putting an effort in with him and if they dont act moronically with him he'll win the US title, be booked seriously and make it to the ME within a few years.

I seem to remember a lot of your arguements against Bryan being applied to CM Punk, who has not only made it in the WWE, but has become one of their most entertaining wrestlers with his ROH inspired Straightedge Society gimmick. We wont know whether or not he can cut it until he's let out on Raw, but he's off to a great start and being groomed for success.
I'll counter your unover, unpushed performer with another two great workers that were over in Regal and Benoit. Not to mention that Bryan is A) being pushed (which Lynn wasnt) and that WWE actually has a clue how to use little technicians now, wheras they didnt so much then.

this is true. Jerry Lynn wasn't pushed. he should've been of course. a better example for me to use would've been someone like Ultimo Dragon. do you remember the hype that was surrounding this guy? same thing... we were to believe that this guy was the next Rey Mysterio Jr. i remember him being in the wwe for about a year before he was jobbed out and his contract was not renewed. we all KNEW how good Ultimo was. we've seen his amazing matches. but clearly... hype and talent were not enough to get him by in WWE. plus... the poor guy fell on his ass during one of his entrances.

disagreed. WWE is doing all in their power to get him over. They're building a feud for him on Raw already (vs. The Miz) and if they book him as well as they booked Miz this year he'll be MEing by Mania 30. He's not going anywhere near the main event for a year or so and nowhere near the Mania ME for longer.

i truly hope not... i DO hope it's a slower more gradual buildup like the one you suggest. i ALSO hope that with his already 10 year career..his ego can stay in check and he realizes that it WILL be between 4 and 5 years before he headlines anything major like WM.

How about T-Shirts with 'Tap or Snap' on, or 'American Dragon' on, THey sound much more serious and probably than what you said.

not bad! :blush:

I seem to remember a lot of your arguements against Bryan being applied to CM Punk, who has not only made it in the WWE, but has become one of their most entertaining wrestlers with his ROH inspired Straightedge Society gimmick. We wont know whether or not he can cut it until he's let out on Raw, but he's off to a great start and being groomed for success.

i never had a single doubt CM Punk would be where he is now. in fact... i expect he will be even BIGGER in the next few years. he was the ultimate villain on the indy circuit. and showed up in WWE playing a killer good guy. the guy is fantastic in the ring. amazing on the mic. a great look. and most importantly CLEAN! he's not gonna drop dead... EVER...(well... not from drugs anyway). if Vince was worried about anybody's health at any point.... he could put the title on Punk and feel secure knowing that he's not going to get pulled over and arrested for pot or alcohol. he's a PR dream! lol
Bryan seems to be in a WWE video game right now. Each night, they give him that small time feel, where life is extremely hard, and he is beat down by that one guy on the WWE roster. Really seems like I am playing a WWE game, and Daniel Bryan is the main character. I see it playing into his favour, despite the fact that he is already 0-2. WWE seems to have this guy on his mind when they are talking WWE potential, so this entire season will be a test for him. If he fails, then I am sure there are others that can step up.
The name change for Daniel Bryan doesn't really bother me much. He's impressed me in the past couple of weeks the most out of the rookies. Bryan might not necessarily "need" help from the Miz to become a star, but I think this is a good pairing because Miz can help Bryan with his promos, something Miz excels at. I'm excited to see where this pairing goes.
Good week for Danielson. Looked good in his promo, and put on a nice little match with Barret. Than flying falcon knee thingy off the apron was fuckin badass. True, he sorta got squashed, but he was going against a giant villian, and he was hurt, so I wouldn't look at this week as a negative on his rise. If anything, they know they can use him in any fashion, so they are doing so. Its also building up sympathy for him, clearly trying to get him crowd approval for his gutty preformances in the face of wrestling injured. It will likely be a storyline the enitre season.

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