Bryan Danielson Wrestles a Dark Match with WWE

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It'll be really interesting to see wherever or not Danielson has to change his ring style to suit the office. I do think that they might give him some leverage but that is yet to be seen.

I realitically see him either:
.Joining ECW and having an accelerated C.M. Punk push before taking the belt off Christian, perhaps in time for Christian to be drafted and allow Bryan to be the new face of the brand.
. Go to SmackDown! and go into a program with Punk either against him or joining this seemingly Raven's Flock-like group he's making.

Personally I'd prefer him to have a go at ECW, I think he has what it takes to carry the brand.
New news today says Danielson asked to be sent to FCW to work off ring rust.

I dont know anything about this guy- besides what i've heard in these forums. But I like what Im hearing here, honestly! The guy doesnt think hes at the top of his game, so he asked to be sent down. Rather then not being able to put on his A-game on one of the TV shows. Tells me ALOT about this guy!! Had a chance to be on TV sooner then later, but decided he wasnt fully ready. Im assuming just because he wanted to make the best impression possibe, once he hits TV.

Good for you Mr. Danielson! You just earned alot of respect from me & im sure more fans that dont know too much about you. My hats off to you sir!

New news today says Danielson asked to be sent to FCW to work off ring rust.

I dont know anything about this guy- besides what i've heard in these forums. But I like what Im hearing here, honestly! The guy doesnt think hes at the top of his game, so he asked to be sent down. Rather then not being able to put on his A-game on one of the TV shows. Tells me ALOT about this guy!! Had a chance to be on TV sooner then later, but decided he wasnt fully ready. Im assuming just because he wanted to make the best impression possibe, once he hits TV.

Good for you Mr. Danielson! You just earned alot of respect from me & im sure more fans that dont know too much about you. My hats off to you sir!


At first I thought it was a bad idea, but then I thought about it and Danielson earned a lot of respect from me as well with this decision. I now completely support his decision because it will give him more training and he will be able to make a more massive impact when he finally does debut on one of the bigger shows. I'm going to look up some of his ROH matches so I can see more of what he's capable of, I'll be looking forward to his real debut when it happens.
This all makes me think.
Does WWE plan to really push Danielson?
What brand do you think he would work best on?
Are you looking forward to his debut?

I think that WWE definitely have plans to push Bryan Danielson. I personally, had never seen one of his matches and when he wrestled the dark match on Raw, I was interested to see what he was like. I went onto Youtube and found a few matches. After sifting through them, I could tell that this guy was an incredible wrestler. The fact that they had not picked him up sooner is a shock to me and whilst he may not have gotten any sort of push right now, I can definitely see him getting one in the future. He is widely regarded as one of the best wrestling talents out there and if the WWE were smart, which they are, they should push him sooner rather than later. With all of the pushing of the young guys that is going on, with JoMo, Swagger, Kofi and Miz, it would make the most sense to push him now. Having said that, I do think that he definitely has the talent to hang with some of the best talents on the WWE roster. This brings me neatly onto the next question.

In my opinion, Bryan Danielson should probably go to Smackdown. Whilst Smackdown seems to be without big name stars, with the exclusion of The Undertaker and Batista, it does have a lot of intriguing matches that could come Danielson's way. Take for instance CM Punk. Punk and Danielson could certainly have a great match and whilst it would not be headline stuff, it would certainly show people what both of them can do in a ring. I think both of them would work astonishingly together and that is something that WWE should look into further. I don't think ECW is the place for him. Personally, I think he would get lost in the card of no-names and nobody would care. Sure, he would be exciting to watch but the last guy who was like that is Evan Bourne and the WWE now seem set on ruining his career. After a great start, he is now getting crushed by Sheamus. The same would probably happen to Bryan Danielson. I think that Smackdown is probably the best place for him so that he is not just another name. He could make some pretty big waves on Smackdown.

Yes, I am looking forward to his début, regardless of who he faces on that night. After watching his match with KENTA, I would love to see him compete with Rey Mysterio or CM Punk on his first start. That might not be an option for the WWE but I would certainly like to see it.
Alledgedly he's gone to developmental, which is probably a good thing. If he wants to be his best for the company, then that is surely a good sign. I think the WWE will play it by ear with him, to be honest. He'll be debuted in ECW, like Punk, and built slowly, like Punk. Danielson is quite a unique talent, and the WWE will probably want to make the most out of that. His gimmick should be that he doesn't have one, he just lets his wrestling do the talking and he should spurn the excesses of wrestling. It could work as a face, saying that people like Zack Ryder etc. are ridiculous, or as a heel, being seen as a spoilt sport. Either way, he will be playing to his strengths which is in both his own and the company's interest.
I think WWE's gonna push him the same way they did Punk. Hopefully they don't do what they did with Colt Cabana; which is my fear to be honest, but then again, I think they realize just how good Danielson truly is. The guy wants to go to developmental because he feels he needs to rid himself of ringrust, that proves to the 'E' that the guy is passionate about performing and I'm sure they see that as a good thing over there but w/e.

The show he should go to, ECW. Just so the man can get familiar with audiences. Maybe win the ECW title, he could damn sure put on great matches with Christian and William Regal, I'd tune in for that. After ECW, move him to smackdown. Like everyone's been saying; Matches with Punk, Mysterio, Jericho, Edge (if he stays there, i heard somewhere he might be goin' to Raw. dunno where though.) so many people he can put on a great match with.

Am I excited for his debut? Yes

I only have seen a few matches but I already consider myself a fan. Plus i saw a thread talking about Danielson where RVDGurl (i think it was her lol) said somethings about him (b4 i registered) and he just seems like a great guy. I see this guy as this generations Malenko/Benoit/Guerrero all in one. He just has this aura to him, with the few matches i've seen to the things ive heard, I'm very excited and i buy into all the hype. And i gotta feelin i wont be disappointed.
I think Danielson is awesome but the problem is he is a wrestler not a sports entertainer. There are no wrestlers in the WWE anymore. They will do everything they can to try and transition him to this by putting him in embarassing skits with Horrnswoggle, Santino etc. Not sure if it will work or not.
Asked to be sent to developmental is a very very smart move by Danielson from a political/ locker room point of view. He's showing the locker room that he doesn't deserve special treatment and that he's just like them and will have to pay his dues. It doesn't matter who you were in the indies, you still go through the same process as everyone else, and that type of mentality will earn him some respect.

The guy's smart and patience and knows his time will come, he won't need to display his complete arsenal of moves to get over, because he understands wrestling. So he'll most likely use a couple of suplexes, a few strikes and Cattle Mutilation.

He's close to Regal and Shawn Micheals, who are both tight with Triple H, so he won't be wasted.

I agree what with most have said, either stick him in a program with Punk or on ECW with/ against Regal.
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