Bryan Danielson not resigning with ROH?


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Got this from another website:

"According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Ring of Honor’s Bryan Danielson is looking to pursue a career in Mixed Martial Arts when his ROH contract expires in May. The American Dragon has been training five hours a day at the Xtreme Couture in Las Vegas, and plans to continue his training in Thailand this summer."

Wow... I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, Danielson is my favorite wrestler currently in pro wrestling and I don't want to see him go, but on the other hand, I'm a bigger fan of MMA these days and God I hope Danielson does well if this is indeed true. With his work ethic and the fact that he's training with one of, if not THE, the best training camps in MMA, I don't doubt it for a second, though I'll be nervous as hell each time he fights. I just wonder if he's going to fight at Middleweight or cut down to Welterweight?

Anyway, this is a huge blow to ROH and their fans. Danielson is the face of the company, undoubtedly, and without him, there's no way to tell just how many fans will stop following the product.

But at the end of the day, I just hope whatever he does, it ends up being the best choice he could've ever made for himself and that it all works out extremely well for him. In the meantime, we just have to enjoy him while we got him. I'm sure if this is true, ROH will be planning one hell of a send off event for him, and that will be the definition of bittersweet.
This is interesting. My understanding was that he is be trained in MMA to add more dimension to his wrestling skills. I heard that he has no plans to begin an MMA career. Of course, I had heard this when he first began his training a few months ago. Maybe he has changed his mind and is planning to enter into the MMA world. That would be heartbreaking for me and a big blow to ROH. Danielson is one of ROH's biggest names and he has been around since the birth of the company.

All I can say is that I hope the Wrestling Observer Newsletter is full of shit. Of course, I would support Danielson in whatever his choice is. But, what T shirt would I wear to ROH shows if he leaves?
It would be the best option. There's not much else he can do in ROH. Nobody say otherwise, look at most main eventers in any promotion. The difference being that ROH isn't big league.

He may as well get away from the promotion, it's not like ROH won't have him back. Him & McGuinness need to get out there and prove they're as good as ROH fans say they are. It's no big deal if it doesn't work out for them.
So basically, he couldn't hack it in the Major promotions, like W.W.E or T.N.A (if you could even count T.N.A as a major promotion) and he's out grown his spot in R.O.H, so he's in limbo and ultimately has to fall back on M.M.A?

Sounds like the Brock Lesnar & Bobby Lashley's of the world. Minus the muscle, and better overall ability. :lmao: I kid, I kid.

Seriously though. This would almost hurt R.O.H for where they just took a giant step to. That being a television deal. That would leave them (to my knowledge) with Jerry Lynn as their top face, and McGuinness as their top heel. One of those individuals may likely retire within the next 2-3 years. So Danielson leaving R.O.H is going to hurt them, more than it'd hurt him.

As Jake said, he's honestly got nothing left in R.O.H to do, with the exception of defeat McGuinness, which assuming Nigel is back before Danielson's contract is up, I assume he'd do that and just be done with it. Unless the Company feels that he should only earn that elusive victory upon resigning a deal.

Personally, I couldn't see Danielson in M.M.A fighting. I mean, I suppose it's possible, but he wouldn't stick out like any of the rest of them. It'd be just another Pit Fighter added to the clusterfuck. I'd rather see him jump to T.N.A.. they seem to be a breading ground for R.O.H talent.

Either that, or Raw.. apparently. :rolleyes:
At the end of the first set of TV tapings, Danielson did a speech talking about how he doesn't have much longer he can go, so maybe he's just getting some other dreams out of the way first, like MMA. Hell, he may go run the Iditarod for all we know. Fact is, it's more than likely leading to him at least going a year in WWE...yes, they will neuter his moveset and probably make him come up with a new finisher (the Cattle Mutilation is not only a very un-PG name for a move, but it's also not that hardcore of a submission, it's just got snazz with the bridge, but doesn't effectively do any real damage), but he's got full support from a lifer (Regal) and his teacher (HBK), plus he does have great size (his legs are friggin' HUGE), so a good push with an ECW Title reign is probably already written for him...just a matter of when.

At this point, I think TNA is off the negotiating table, mostly due to the fact that Danielson hasn't show ANY interest in them at all...guess he can smell a rat from a mile away.
At the end of the first set of TV tapings, Danielson did a speech talking about how he doesn't have much longer he can go, so maybe he's just getting some other dreams out of the way first, like MMA. Hell, he may go run the Iditarod for all we know. Fact is, it's more than likely leading to him at least going a year in WWE...yes, they will neuter his moveset and probably make him come up with a new finisher (the Cattle Mutilation is not only a very un-PG name for a move, but it's also not that hardcore of a submission, it's just got snazz with the bridge, but doesn't effectively do any real damage), but he's got full support from a lifer (Regal) and his teacher (HBK), plus he does have great size (his legs are friggin' HUGE), so a good push with an ECW Title reign is probably already written for him...just a matter of when.

At this point, I think TNA is off the negotiating table, mostly due to the fact that Danielson hasn't show ANY interest in them at all...guess he can smell a rat from a mile away.

LOL!!! What makes you think that WWE is even remotely interested in that turd? Yeah, Vince is really gonna put the ECW title on some 5'9 175lb douche-bag with ZERO charisma. lol. WWE already has a Bryan Danielson on their roster, his name is Charlie Haas except Haas has a much better look than Danielson. MMA might be his best decision. You don't need to be marketable, you just have to win fights. I guess he finally realized that he will NEVER be a star so he is gonna try something he can actually exceed at. I think he can do well in MMA because he is skilled in wrestling and seems to know some submissions. Trust me, its the best decision he can make because he will never be anything in WWE or TNA. MMA is his best option unless he wants to be the next Kung Fu Naki. lol.
What makes you think that WWE is even remotely interested in that turd?

Hmm... how about the fact that they tried to sign him back in 2005? Or that he goes over cleanly in a dark match against someone who, at the time, was an upcoming heel for the company?

Yeah, Vince is really gonna put the ECW title on some 5'9 175lb douche-bag with ZERO charisma. lol.

Zero charisma? Danielson is one of the most charismatic wrestlers not signed with WWE. Have you ever watched him?

WWE already has a Bryan Danielson on their roster, his name is Charlie Haas except Haas has a much better look than Danielson.

How is Haas and Danielson ANYTHING alike? I would absolutely love to hear your explanation to comparing those two; should be a hoot.

MMA might be his best decision. You don't need to be marketable, you just have to win fights. I guess he finally realized that he will NEVER be a star so he is gonna try something he can actually exceed at. I think he can do well in MMA because he is skilled in wrestling and seems to know some submissions.

I think he should go to MMA as well, but if he decides not to, he'll be fine. Either he'll remain the biggest, most known wrestler on the independent scene, or he'll go to WWE. Either way, it's not too shabby.

Trust me, its the best decision he can make because he will never be anything in WWE or TNA. MMA is his best option unless he wants to be the next Kung Fu Naki. lol.

Lol... damn man, with such smarts, you should consider calling up Danielson and convince him to let you be his next agent. I mean, you really know what's best for him, huh? And you can also predict the future it seems. Danielson could definitely use someone like you.
Yes douche-bag I have seen him wrestle before on HDnet. That guy looks like a generic jobber. He used to be bald but now has a ridiculous Ashton Kutcher hairstyle. And Charismatic? lol. "I GOT TILL 5" WOW!! Thats charisma for you. lol. The Rock wishes he could have a classic line like that. I don't know why so many people kiss this dude's ass. He is nothing but a small guy who can't cut a promo worth a shit. He is a glorified Christopher Daniels except Daniels was actually somewhat entertaining as Curryman, Danielson is just a guy that flat out sucks.

And I compared him to Haas in that he can wrestle pretty decent but has ZERO personality. The only reason he looks good is because all the scrubs he wrestles against in ROH and NWA. He's like a guy that averages 27 PPG in the NBDL or hits .325 in the minor leagues. Once he gets to the big leagues he will be nothing special.
Yes douche-bag I have seen him wrestle before on HDnet. That guy looks like a generic jobber. He used to be bald but now has a ridiculous Ashton Kutcher hairstyle.

How does one look like a generic jobber? Does Chris Jericho look like a generic jobber since he cut his hair off? And I would love for you to elaborate on what a wrestler's hair style has to do with anything. There have been plenty of wrestlers who have been more than successful in the WWE who don't have exotic looks. To be honest, I think Danielson looks great and I'm loving the shaggy hair.

And Charismatic? lol. "I GOT TILL 5" WOW!! Thats charisma for you. lol. The Rock wishes he could have a classic line like that. I don't know why so many people kiss this dude's ass. He is nothing but a small guy who can't cut a promo worth a shit. He is a glorified Christopher Daniels except Daniels was actually somewhat entertaining as Curryman, Danielson is just a guy that flat out sucks.

First of all, it is correctly stated "I have until 5!". Don't quote the Dragon unless you have it straight. If you think this is the only thing Danielson brings to the table to get the crowd going, then you are sadly mistaken. Charisma doesn't have to be flambouyance. Comparing the Rock to Bryan Danielson is comparing apples to oranges. The Rock is not the same kind of wrestler. Danielson doesn't cut flashy promos because that's not his gimmick. He stays within his character.

The only reason he looks good is because all the scrubs he wrestles against in ROH and NWA. He's like a guy that averages 27 PPG in the NBDL or hits .325 in the minor leagues. Once he gets to the big leagues he will be nothing special.

So everyone in ROH or NWA are scrubs and will never be anything? I think that the ROH alumni who are currently working for WWE and TNA have done quite well for themselves. Let me throw out some names: CM Punk, Samoa Joe, MCMG, London & Kendrick (had a year long title reign) and Evan Bourne. Right now in ECW, Evan Bourne is all the rage. Fans pop like crazy. He's 5'8, 180 lbs. and he looks like the boy next door. In fact, he's having more success in the WWE then he ever had in ROH.
Bryan Danielson is that type of wrestler. You obviously don't like him, and that's cool. But there are many, many fans who do. He is extremely talented and charismatic and if he and the WWE ever come to an agreement, I think he'd hit .325 or better in the Big Leagues as well.
I didn't say all dudes from ROH and NWA are scrubs, just most of them. lol. You named 7 guys from ROH that managed to stick around in the big leagues and only CM Punk and maybe Styles are legitimate main eventers. Samoa Joe is a fat fuck and a joke, MCMG have pretty much reached their peak, Bourne might have a bright future depending on how long the fans support him and London and Kendrick haven't done anything extraordinary. WOW!!! 7 or 8 wrestlers in 7 years! IMPRESSIVE!!! lol!

I think you people over rate ROH. 90% of their roster are life time indy guys and nothing more. A few guys might break into the big leagues but thats all.

And Danielson is boring. How can a small guy be a boring wrestler? That should be against the rules. If you don't have the size then you have to be exciting like Bourne and Styles, not a fucking bore like Danielson. And Please point out what makes him charismatic? His horrible physique, his pasty white complexion? How about his lame ass maroon trunks? Face it, that dude will NEVER be a headliner. He will be lucky if he cracks WWE or TNA's mid-card. I see him getting the Scotty Goldman treatment.
Let me begin by saying I am an ROH fan and attend the shows in my area. And I agree and disagree with some of you on the Dragon topic. Yes, he is a pasty white motherfucker with boring maroon trunks,and blessed with a face only a mother or a woman with a brain tumor could love. I'm not saying he's an ugly dude, Steve Buscemi is ugly, Dragon is just painfully PLAIN. You put a straw hat and suspenders on him and the dude is amish. That being said, that's his gimmick. And somehow, someway, he gets the crowd to go apeshit when he comes out. People love him. Maybe that doesn't translate to television, I don't have HDNet so I don't know. And if it doesn't that could be a problem with him going to WWE. And if he does go to WWE maybe they change his character, but that is for the creative team and writers. Wrestling wise he is technically sound, hard working wrestler, more of a Benoit (without the craziness, hopefully) type of grappler. And apparently people well liked or pulling the strings in WWE like him which unfortunately is what matters. Vince loved Big Show and that dude is a terrible, terrible wrestler. If Big Show was 5'10" he'd be handing out stickers at Wal-Mart. But he is 12 feet tall and has had numerous belts. Not because he is a good wrestler, but Papa Vince gets a hard on thinking about him. I could see Dragon wearing the IC belt at his peak, I like him but don't see him being the MAN. And you can't knock ROH, they are the best independent out there right now. And like any independent you are going to have some retreads from WWE or TNA (like Jerry Lynn) and some guys that just suck. But then come along guys that are going to be something special, that's what makes it fun. Seeing those guys now, before they go big time. It's like going to see a minor league baseball game, since sometimes those kids that hit .325 go on to actually do something in the bigs. I saw Ryan Howard play for the Reading Phillies, I saw Jeff Bagwell play for the New Britian Red Sox (before the Red Sox traded him to Houston for Larry Anderson). Don't get me wrong, I saw some turds too. But that is why independent wrestling in great, sometimes you see the future. Sometimes that future involves handing stickers out at Wal-Mart, sometimes it involes wearing gold elsewhere on national tv.
I didn't say all dudes from ROH and NWA are scrubs, just most of them. lol. You named 7 guys from ROH that managed to stick around in the big leagues and only CM Punk and maybe Styles are legitimate main eventers. Samoa Joe is a fat fuck and a joke, MCMG have pretty much reached their peak, Bourne might have a bright future depending on how long the fans support him and London and Kendrick haven't done anything extraordinary. WOW!!! 7 or 8 wrestlers in 7 years! IMPRESSIVE!!! lol!

CM Punk, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Brian Kendrick, Homicide, Evan Bourne, Paul London, Allex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels. There's 10 just off the top of my head. Are they Kurt Angle or John Cena- no. But they have all had success in TNA or WWE and they have staying power, therfore the have to be considered successful. ROH develops plenty of talent for what you refer to as "the big leagues".

I think you people over rate ROH. 90% of their roster are life time indy guys and nothing more. A few guys might break into the big leagues but thats all.

And what exactly is wrong with that? Since you have made several baseball references, I'll go with that- Can you really say that minor league baseball players are scrubs because they haven't reached the major leagues yet? I should hope you know better than that. Being an indy wrestler doesn't mean you aren't good at your work. Many of the guys who are currently in ROH are very young in their career. ROH is the first stop for some on their way to bigger things. I have just as much fun taking in a minor league baseball game as I do a major league game. Same goes with wrestling. In fact, I enjoy ROH more than the WWE.

And Danielson is boring. How can a small guy be a boring wrestler? That should be against the rules. If you don't have the size then you have to be exciting like Bourne and Styles, not a fucking bore like Danielson.

How many Danielson matches have you seen? Yes, his token style is submission hold wrestling, but he's definately not a one trick pony. I've seen him do flips into the crowd, moonsaults off the top ropes and wrestle hardcore matches keeping pace with the Necro Butcher. He can do all of that, it's just not his gimmick. He is supposed to be a throw back, hard working old school type of guy.

His horrible physique, his pasty white complexion?

Horrible physique?? Really? Ok, you really seem to have an issue with this guy's appearance. So I'm gonna break this down for you: I am a straight female. I like men. If Bryan Danielson and Brad Pitt were standing next to each, Brad Pitt better get out of my way because I'm jumping all over Danielson. So his appearance really should be a non factor in this dicussion. He looks fine.

How about his lame ass maroon trunks?

So if he put little rhinestones on his trunks or wore yellow instead of maroon, he would be more successful? He does wear a sparkly robe during his entrance. It's really shiny.

Face it, that dude will NEVER be a headliner. He will be lucky if he cracks WWE or TNA's mid-card. I see him getting the Scotty Goldman treatment.

The thing is, Bryan Danielson IS a headliner. He IS "the man" everywhere he goes. He headlines show for ROH, NWA, PWG, and has held major titles in Japan. I get it that you aren't a fan of independent wrestling, and it's cool. But there really should be a little more respect for these guys who bust their asses just as hard as the John Cena's of the world. Just because Vince McMahon isn't handing out their paycheck doesn't mean their not successful
I have won this argument. It is OVER!! I NEVER LOSE!!! lol!! No more posts for me in this thread because I have WON!!! Face it, you now despise Bryan Danielson as much as I do. You hate to admit that you are wrong. Bryan Danielson = Dean Malenko with less personality. IS THAT EVEN FREAKING POSSIBLE? I guess so. lol.

Wow. You give up way too easily. I was getting exciting about debating Bryan Danielson- he's one of my favorite topics, ya know. I was hoping you'd throw out some more "he's boring because his trunks are maroon" comments. I like those. Anyway, thanks for playing.

RVDgurl: 1
Ballin247: 0

Since I have now converted you, I expect to see you add a Bryan Danielson sig. That would make my heart smile almost as much as Dragon himself does. ;)
Horrible physique?? Really? Ok, you really seem to have an issue with this guy's appearance. So I'm gonna break this down for you: I am a straight female. I like men. If Bryan Danielson and Brad Pitt were standing next to each, Brad Pitt better get out of my way because I'm jumping all over Danielson. So his appearance really should be a non factor in this dicussion. He looks fine.
Really? This is the brain tumor I was talking about.
If Brad Pitt and Dragon were standing next to each other I am pretty sure you would have Dragon all to yourself as the masses would be knocking each other over to get to Pitt.
Seriously, how does a guy who is currently training in Las Vegas stay so white? I had a cream filled donut for breakfast that was darker than Dragon's skin. Put a pair of maroon trunks on a bottle of MAYO and it would look like Dragon. But RVDGurl is correct, how plain a guy looks has nothing to do with his in ring ability. He is a hell of a wrestler.
Could he do MMA and ROH? Let's face it, he isn't going to get rich doing either and if he was in MMA he would fight maybe 2 or 3 times a year. And those guys usually have their own gyms where they train other people when they aren't fighting, to earn some extra dough. So Dragon could wrestle weekends to supplement his income.

Good lord what a pair of stoners, haven't see anything like that since the white castle movie. Yeah he is decent but he lost his chance with the WWE back in 2001-2.

#1 He never had a chance. The WWE was never interested in him. Just because you get to job to guys on Heat/Velocity doesn't mean they want you. He is a student of William Regal & Shawn Michaels, of course they are going to be asking him to job on tv when they are in his area.

#2 He has no interest in the WWE or TNA. Danielson LOVES pro wrestling. He wrestles in Japan, England, Germany, Mexico, & the US. He is a headliner everywhere he goes. He truely is a throw back to the old school wrestler.

He's mentioned in several interviews how he is financial set (Im guessing he's got a wealthy family) and that he is doing this for the LOVE of the sport. He gets to travel all around the world, he gets to wrestle/work when he wants, he gets to do what he loves, and he's got a lot of free time to spend with his loved ones.

And by the way Dragon & London are straight edge. Acting goofy doesn't make you a stoner.

Now to get back on topic, I think Dragon is doing the right thing by not resigning. It gives him the freedom to wrestle where he wants and when he wants. It also allows him to take time off, as he plans to go to Thailand to train in Muay Thai.
I have won this argument. It is OVER!! I NEVER LOSE!!! lol!! No more posts for me in this thread because I have WON!!! Face it, you now despise Bryan Danielson as much as I do. You hate to admit that you are wrong. Bryan Danielson = Dean Malenko with less personality. IS THAT EVEN FREAKING POSSIBLE? I guess so. lol.

They see me trollin',
I'm failin'

Meh, I don't see AmDrag doing MMA. He's too small in the heigh department, and he would probably get killed due to everyone having a reach advantage against him. He just doesn't have the body for MMA.

I'd like to see him become a permamnent fixture in NOAH for a year. he doesn't have much to do in ROH, so why not go to Japan? best option until WWE tries to sign him to me.
I have won this argument. It is OVER!! I NEVER LOSE!!! lol!! No more posts for me in this thread because I have WON!!! Face it, you now despise Bryan Danielson as much as I do. You hate to admit that you are wrong. Bryan Danielson = Dean Malenko with less personality. IS THAT EVEN FREAKING POSSIBLE? I guess so. lol.

What a douche!

But on to more important business. I don't think that pro wrestling (at any level) is the best option for a lot of talented "fighters" in the current climate. Think of how much of an idiot Kurt Angle feels like right now. Back in the day Kurt Angle used to rip Brock Lesnar apart shoot style. Now Brock is UFC World HW Champ pulling in $5 million a fight and Kurt is working 80 dates a year for probably a tenth of that money. Not to mention that pro wrestling is such a dirty word these days. Pro wrestling is not respected by anybody except the rare diehards who truly understand the business. Not that you can blame anybody for that assertion, after Vince used fat oily guys and midgets (among other things) as tools for turning this beautiful business into a laughing stock. Bryan Danielson appreciates the artform. What respectable professional wants to be associated with that shit?

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