WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 4/18/2011 - London, England...WHAT'S UP?!?

I think at this point it's Cara hasn't adjusted to the WWE style. Most of those guys don't know how to wrestler lucha libre style so it'll take a little time

thats exactly the issue im seeing. The WWE guys dont have the slightest fucking clue how to do the timing of that style.
That was a really sweet springboard backflip forearm by Sin Car..... Oh wait, he was supposed to do a moonsault, which is a body press, not a forearm.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a face.

I cant blame that moonsault on the 'WWE style' he just flat missed it.

'You're not worth the paper your contract was printed on' comes to mind.


I can't watch his shit anymore, his voice is so fucking annoying. He's a great character too, I just wish someone more audibly tolerable got the part
Sin is excited, but it just seems too spotty. like when he held miz's hand and waiting for a-ri to get up and stuff so he could jump on both of them. it just seemed like he was delaying so he could call his spot and get all set up. but it was interesting. Maybe they are trying to team cena with cara so that he could get some more cheers.
Looked good from where I was sat. Of course he didn't hit him fully but at least he actually hit him. Morrison fucks up Starship Pain all the time.
thats exactly the issue im seeing. The WWE guys dont have the slightest fucking clue how to do the timing of that style.

Right, but I mean he'll adjust in time. So he's botched a couple moves. The potential there is clear for him to be the next Rey Mysterio. Guys like Guerrero and Mysterio were totally different in WCW, but did well in WWE in time
Sin Cara REALLY should have gone down to FCW for a month or so. Not because he isn't good enough, but because he needs to learn WWE style matches, and how to work with WWE guys.
Dude just came from a completely different style of wrestling and is doing fairly well at adjusting to a new style.

You should change your name to "mildly-******ed."

Seriously man?

I can understand why the WWE style makes the timing of his matches awkward and why some of his transitions look dodgy, but when the finish is a moonsault where you get basically none of it...

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