WWE RAW LD 7/11/2011 - This Fire Burns

Okay, you're not very smart in the first place, and you obviously don't understand wrestling.

My suggestion? Walk away quickly, before I decide to actually expose your stupidity to everyone else. If they haven't already noticed.

Using personal attacks to justify your argument already proves you lost
Which is hardly surprising, as Boston has always been a "smark" audience. Cena usually isn't well received in Boston. The fact it's his hometown means nothing, as it's always a smark heavy crowd.

Are you really going to tell me that Punk wouldn't have gotten those pops elsewhere? Come the fuck on dude, stop making excuses to keep him down. He had everyone hanging on his every word, it wouldn't have mattered where they were at and definitely not to the level you're suggesting.

Judging quality based upon who the fans cheered more in a smarky environment just doesn't work. Using that theory, RVD was 10x better than Cena at ONS, despite the fact Cena easily was the star of the match carried RVD to a good match.

But wait, aren't you always telling people that the ''smarky audience'' is but a small minority of wrestling fans, live crowds or otherwise? Because it sure did seem to me like if they were cheering Punk because they were a ''smarky crowd'' then the entire fucking crowd were smarks. Weird how the smarks are a minority until someone wants them to be a majority. Their numbers sure do fluxuate :rolleyes:
The only thing I learned tonight is that now McIntyre has a reason for being mis-used and that America Live Tv is a crap, we had 8 commercial breaks, they killed Monday Night Raw for me...
Then your hearing is a bit off. :shrug:
I have nearly $3000 worth of surround sound equipment in my living room. I'm pretty confident I heard as well as anyone. :thumbsup:

It's my understanding that the main reason Punk is leaving because he is burnt out.
All the "reports" said the major sticking point was his name. :shrug:

Hell, and looking at the roster, it sure looks that way. Like it or not, Punk has star power.
Star power? What are you basing that on? The fact he's never been a draw for the WWE? The fact he's been little more than an upper-midcarder for the WWE?

What's this star power you speak of?
I'm pretty sure sly is just trolling now, since when has a persons spot on the card determined if they have star power or not?
I'm pretty sure sly is just trolling now

You're the sort that doesn't put padding on turnbuckles, eh?

Edit: He added that second clause afterwards. Kind of like pulling the pin out of the grenade, then tossing the pin at your opponent.
I have nearly $3000 worth of surround sound equipment in my living room. I'm pretty confident I heard as well as anyone. :thumbsup:

All the "reports" said the major sticking point was his name. :shrug:

Star power? What are you basing that on? The fact he's never been a draw for the WWE? The fact he's been little more than an upper-midcarder for the WWE?

What's this star power you speak of?

Well, big news guys!! CM PUNK fucking sucks, he is the worst superstar ever, I want to see Santino Marella shooting WWE
Tyler Reks Twitter Account said:
Amazingly, he's fine. He's one tough SOB. RT @neur0tica @tyler_reks It didn't look pretty. I really hope @TheDrewMcIntyre isn't hurt! =(

OMFG McIntyre is a baddass, I have to make a sig out of that!!

Its actually @TheDrewMcIntyre. And that dude took a fall to concrete tonight w/ only a light stand breaking his fall. Then he got up & walked away.
So since big show is is now an upper mid carder does that now mean he has no star power? Or how about MVP?
Sly I thought you were god, why do you need $3000 of sound equipment to help ypu hear. Surely your godly powers should cover this.
Name me one better, please...
John Cena. Done and done.

You are damn sure it is, if made Dolph Ziggler cut that promo people would be quiet, not booing and cheering, like they do with CM Punk....
Because Dolph Ziggler is not a smark favorite. But if Triple H had cut the same promo, then MORE people would have been into it. Or if HBK had, or if Steve Austin had. Hell, Steve Austin DID.

I know you are the boss here, but man in your standards Evan Bourne was better than CM Punk cutting a promo
No, he's not. I never said or even hinted at that.

But trying to say not being able to distinguish good/bad makes a good promo is silly.
Using personal attacks to justify your argument already proves you lost

No, it just proves you're not very smart. But you did a wise thing in not continuing to argue with me.
Are you really going to tell me that Punk wouldn't have gotten those pops elsewhere?
I'm telling you had that show been in Portland, Oregon, Cena would have popped Punk out of the building.

Your point was the Cena got outdone in Boston, which I said was hardly surprising given the fact Boston is a smark audience, just like New York, Chicago and a couple other locations.

But wait, aren't you always telling people that the ''smarky audience'' is but a small minority of wrestling fans, live crowds or otherwise? Because it sure did seem to me like if they were cheering Punk because they were a ''smarky crowd'' then the entire fucking crowd were smarks. Weird how the smarks are a minority until someone wants them to be a majority. Their numbers sure do fluxuate :rolleyes:
It's amazing how people don't see "the big picture".

First of all, I highly doubt "the majority" of the audience chose Punk over Cena. More likely, it was the vocal males who were close to the ring. If you watched, everytime Cena came out and they panned to a wide view, Cena got a great reaction and a very good pop.

But what you're trying to say is that those vocal fans close to the ring within earshot of the mic who chose Punk over Cena prove Punk was better than Cena. And my point is that's just a silly way to look at it, and I gave ONS as the example.

This isn't hard to understand.
I'm pretty sure sly is just trolling now, since when has a persons spot on the card determined if they have star power or not?
Uh since forever

See, this is what I suggested you avoid. Looking like an idiot.

Well, big news guys!! CM PUNK fucking sucks, he is the worst superstar ever, I want to see Santino Marella shooting WWE

Yes, because that's EXACTLY what I said. :suspic:

Sly I thought you were god, why do you need $3000 of sound equipment to help ypu hear. Surely your godly powers should cover this.

Who said anything about "need"? Do you have any idea who I am, and what my hobbies are?
I have nearly $3000 worth of surround sound equipment in my living room. I'm pretty confident I heard as well as anyone. :thumbsup:

Then I don't know what to say. But you are wrong. Just keep that in mind.

All the "reports" said the major sticking point was his name. :shrug:

He is really at the point where he just wants to get out of there.

This was said by (who I think is) his best friend Colt Cabana. I know his name has a lot to do with things, but this is something said by someone closest to him. I'm inclined to take this as a major reason for him wanting to leave.

Star power? What are you basing that on? The fact he's never been a draw for the WWE? The fact he's been little more than an upper-midcarder for the WWE?

What's this star power you speak of?

I agree with you that he has been little more than an upper-midcarder. An upper-midcarder with three World Heavyweight Championship runs under his belt. But hey, what does that matter right?

The fact is, he has been an upper-midcarder. But if this angle has proved anything, it's that CM Punk can hang with the best of them. Wherever he's been to in this angle, he's getting a great reception. Not just from the IWC, but from the fans in the arenas. And I'm sorry if you can't hear them hanging on every word he says - that's your problem. But they are. And in a few months, the buy rate for MITB will be released. Just then can everyone can see how wrong you are about his star power.
Punk was great. Fantastic, actually. Vince was outstanding. Everything else was just kind of.... there. There wasn't another guy who impressed me, or made me pay close attention, including Cena. I feel like he took away from the realism between Punk and McMahon. Loved that segment, until he came out.
So we are not going to talk about Drew McIntyre being a baddass?
He felt in the ground, not in the bed and he walked out of it with no fucking harm, the guy is amazing, he was like spitting in the ground and saying "You can't hurt me" (john cena joke, noticed?)

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