WWE RAW LD 2nd February - An Earthquake or a Tremor?

what a bunch of fucking bullshit!! The Royal Rumble has lost its integrity. Reigns won fair and square. Getting screwed like this is unfair..what the hell man

Reigns should have told these people to piss off, Vince, HHH, the fans everyone. Not since Montreal have I seen a worse screw job!

And a loss!?! Fuck this shit!! I paid 9.99 to watch the Rumble and now you're telling me it doesn't mean shit!! And on top of that you give fastlane to fans for free because they threatened to abandon the product?? OHHHHH the WWE is gonna hear from me.

Fuck. This. Shit.

Vince needs to learn to stick by his decisions, I swear if they go back on this decision...ugh.
So if I'm reading this correctly: Bryan's going to win tonight and then beat Reigns who will then turn heel and lose his shit and whatnot as Bryan goes on to face Brock. That surely has to be why. Right? RIGHT?
Motherfucker. That was awful.

The idea of Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns sounds amazing, so of course there's no way that's happening.
Sure there is. WWE created this "controversy" and to get rid of it, they're having the two biggest baby faces fight for the right. It creates more depth to the Mania match.

If you're thinking a triple threat what exactly would that accomplish? Nothing.

No I'm not interested in a triple threat either. There's no "controversy" here. Reigns won the Royal Rumble and so he gets a title shot at WM, end of story. Bryan, Rollins, or whoever else get their title shot later. Anything else is illogical.
Seems to me that this whole thing is just supposed to be reverse psychology on the fans. "Oh, you don't like Reigns? The authority doesn't like him either. But we're gonna screw him and hopefully you'll rally behind him because you hate us."

I feel like WWE is still set on Reigns vs Lesnar so theres no way Bryan is winning tonight. Because if he goes on to lose to Reigns at Fast Lane, that isn't gonna fix any of his issues with the crowd.
So if I'm reading this correctly: Bryan's going to win tonight and then beat Reigns who will then turn heel and lose his shit and whatnot as Bryan goes on to face Brock. That surely has to be why. Right? RIGHT?

God, I hope not.
Why is Axel channelling Mr Anderson/Kennedy?

Oh good he is the new jobber to make Ambrose look strong.

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