Raw LD: The Macho Announcement!

"Decent pop"....yeah, I'll agree with that. It's "decent" at this point.

It was much, much better than decent a few months ago. He was the most over guy on the roster during the summer, and was still very over in early fall.

Now he gets "decent" pops.

Well, I wasn't among those going around claiming Ambrose is a "no.2" face, because he ain't close to that.

His feud with Bray was underwhelming, and it is clear there are others that WWE are pushing at this moment.

Nevertheless, whilst he has lost, he hasn't exactly been jobbed out a la Cesaro or like Ziggler was last year.
Which is why he is still getting favourable/decent pops at this time and is still very much relevant, as opposed to 'buried' as many are claiming.
Well let's see.

He lost in his big breakout match.

He lost in the rematch.

He lost the title shot he received over the summer.

He lost his first major war.

He then went on to Stun Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XIV and become the biggest star in the history of ever.

LOLOLOLOL!!! Austin won a TON of matches in that span too. Not to mention, he beat the hell out of people all the time.

Ambrose not only loses, he gets laid out all the time.
LOLOLOLOL!!! Austin won a TON of matches in that span too. Not to mention, he beat the hell out of people all the time.

Ambrose not only loses, he gets laid out all the time.

Like Ambrose winning matches and beating people up?

I put the question mark there as it's clear you only want to bash WWE because your hero isn't pushed ("Don't tell me who my hero is.") to the moon and also because it's fairly clear you have no idea how the idea of pushes and booking work.
Nah. Just those who lose every friggin match.

Well, Ambrose won at Tribute to the Troops over Bray a few weeks ago...so he isn't exactly losing 'every single' match.

Nevertheless, a guy being 'buried' or being 'de-pushed big time' doesn't get multiple segments on a single show like Ambrose did tonight.
Like Ambrose winning matches and beating people up?

I put the question mark there as it's clear you only want to bash WWE because your hero isn't pushed ("Don't tell me who my hero is.") to the moon and also because it's fairly clear you have no idea how the idea of pushes and booking work.

Don't try to figure out my motives. You don't know me. I know you converse with a lot of dorks like that on here(see you getting preemptively defensive with the "don't tell me who my hero is" line....wow, log off sometimes), but I ain't the one.

I'm just calling it like I see it.

Austin may not have gotten over the hump for awhile, but he never caught anywhere NEAR the amount of L's Ambrose has.
Don't try to figure out my motives. You don't know me. I know you converse with a lot of dorks like that on here(see you getting preemptively defensive with the "don't tell me who my hero is" line....wow, log off sometimes), but I ain't the one.

I'm just calling it like I see it.

Austin may not have gotten over the hump for awhile, but he never caught anywhere NEAR the amount of L's Ambrose has.

How much did DB get his ass whipped last year? I seem to recall that working out for him.

Ummm, in a bunch of 3 on 1(or more) beatdowns? Not nearly the same thing. He had the deck stacked against him every single week.

Ambrose started out that way with Rollins and the Authority and it was cool....it made sense, and he didn't look weak. Didn't even look dumb even though he was always outsmarted, because of his justifiable rage to get revenge. Now gets his ass kicked fair and square and looks like a friggin moron blowing TV's up in his own face and shit.
16,902 posts. You can probably predict the fucking future on message boards by this point.

Get some exercise or something, champ. Good God.

I get all the exercise I need chuckling at you. Go on now. Continue to entertain me with your tales. Dance for me puppet.
Sounds like the good 'ol days to be sure. Wow, y'all really lived it up.

Go brush your damn teeth.

Nah. Too many Cheese Doodles to eat and mages of the rosethorns or whatever the stereotypical fat D&D players who never leave their parents' basements do while jacking off to lesbian porn and getting closer to diabetic shock every day while counting the number of losses Dean Ambrose has this month.
Ummm, in a bunch of 3 on 1(or more) beatdowns? Not nearly the same thing. He had the deck stacked against him every single week.

Ambrose started out that way with Rollins and the Authority and it was cool....it made sense, and he didn't look weak. Didn't even look dumb even though he was always outsmarted, because of his justifiable rage to get revenge. Now gets his ass kicked fair and square and looks like a friggin moron blowing TV's up in his own face and shit.

You do realise Ambrose has been selling a knee injury since the Ambulance match(may even be before that), right?

Against Rollins, he was super over, no doubt, being featured heavily does that. Obviously, the WWE used Ambrose's overness to attempt to build Bray Wyatt back up and give the latter some credibility after he had obviously lost some momentum after SummerSlam.
But, by booking them in gimmick matches, which is Ambrose's specialty, they have explored his character rather well, and also, he hasn't been jobbed out cleanly at all.

Even tonight, he was, as I mentioned earlier, selling the knee injury, which means he actually wasn't beaten 'fair and square' as you are claiming.

So, basically, whilst he isn't top of the card, he also hasn't been made irrelevant at all. Just that WWE is interested in pushing others at this time, whilst Ambrose continues to bide his time, whilst being allowed to keep a certain level of momentum through some rather clever booking.

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