WWE RAW LD 2nd February - An Earthquake or a Tremor?

I don't think they can have Reigns win because of interference. I think if they go with Reigns, he has to win clean over Bryan. But the backlash will be big. Having Ziggler turn would take the heat off Roman, but make him look weak in the process.

Has to be either or...

I just think that if the WWE want Reigns go into Mania as the Babyface, there is better chance of it happening with Bryan being screwed, than him beating Bryan cleanly(since Kayfabe is practically dead now so the 'smark fans' will see through that easily) which will mean a heel turn going into Mania vs Lesnar.

Personally, I always felt that Reigns needs to go BadAss(as he seemingly has since the Rumble) and demolish all in front of him(One vs All) on the way to Lesnar at Mania. Face/Heel be damned given what transpired at the Rumble.
However, tonight, he lost to Big Show and that programme looks set to bizzarely continue for a couple more weeks at least...so fat chance of my ideal scenario happening...
Russev vs Daniel Bryan could steal the show the more I think about it... I can easily picture the crowd heavily booing Russev and cheering loudly and passionately YES YES YES for Bryan.
Maybe what we see in Wyatt right now isn't his complete form. He needs to merge with the soul of Taker to reach his next stage.
Maybe what we see in Wyatt right now isn't his complete form. He needs to merge with the soul of Taker to reach his next stage.

You know in the 90s this could've been a legitimate way to pass on the Undertaker's torch.
Considering Brock is pretty much a face right now, they could just embrace the smark hate for Reigns and have him go full heel on Bryan to win and have him go into Mania as the heel.

I think they should just forget Face/Heel stuff at this point for Reigns vs Lesnar and just try to make that an all-out brawl at Mania. I just can't see either match, be it vs Rollins or Bryan that will get fans 'back' on Reigns side.
At least he seems to have dropped the cartoon shit for once.

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