WWE RAW 1/2/2012 - itbegins...with Punk vs. Ziggler

You know damn well most people here are going to create a bunch of threads all week long speculating as to what Jericho was doing. They will all look forward to Raw next week and tune in to find out. What's the problem?

The problem is that I'm reading posts and I see people using terms like "emotional investment". Jeezus fuck, guys. It's a return angle; that was clear from the get-go. What else was there to wait for? Someone came back and they wasted 10 mins of air time. Does it matter if he talked or not?

They wasn't booing Jericho in the way you think it was more that they was disappointed that he didn't say anything.

Oh, they wasn't? Oh, that'sa my bad. I thoughts they was'a booin' him the way I thoughts they was.

Ok, but seriously, I am almost entirely convinced that "X-Pac Heat" only exists when we are talking about "X-Pac" himself. Heat is heat. I like how they started small at first but kept growing as the smarkies of the crowd started getting butt hurt that he wasn't talking.

This was a set up move when we're clearly in the midgame of the story. There was far too much emotional investment here for them not to give us anything of substance. And no, finding out that it's Jericho is not substantial enough. Not at this stage of the game.

This isn't midgame. How is this midgame? I mean, for fuck's sake, the promos were all about this being THE BEGINNING. You know? IT BEGINS?

Mediocre show made nicer by the fact that the only Diva's match took place just when I felt the need to take a shit. Punk and Ziggler actually put on a good match, R-Truth may surprise me yet by finding more ways to extend his career, I'm happy to get some Sheamus, Cody, and Bryan in my life after not watching since TLC, and Kane is doing same old Kane things again with his mask on like it should be. Oh yeah, and Jericho trolled the WWE Universe. Life is not so bad, I guess.
I still haven't recovered from seeing IDR and shattered dreams complain about this. I think my Gall Bladder just exploded. It's like, how much sweeter can irony get?

What's ironic about it? I haven't been involved with anything WWE-related in close to two years outside of a minor interaction/posting of a few complaints in an LD a few weeks ago for what turned out to be the Slammy episode.
Brain, I can think of a dozen different ways to get Jericho loads more heat than he got tonight.

And I don't even get paid to do it.

Of course you can, I can as well, but everything that we could come up with would be the same old shit that every heel does. Isn't that something we have all been bitching about? How it is the same shit week in and week out? Now we know why WWE does it because whenever they try something different, like with what Jericho did, we get pissed off at that as well. WWE can't win with the IWC can it? Geeze, everybody just needs to calm down, and see where this goes.
To be honest with you, the last three or four RAW's have been meh to sucky, with tonight's being extra sucky.

I was told the same thing when I decided to give up on WWE in the first place two years ago. Sorry, but I'm not buying it anymore. I'm done.
Maybe - maybe, mind you - if it hadn't dragged out for ten minutes. This was just absurd. You cut a promo. It's how wrestling works. There are few inviolable tenets of wrestling, but when you build shit like this up, you cut a promo at the very least. It didn't have to be a substantial promo. If he had gotten on the mic and ran his catchphrases, that'd be fine. Ten minutes of Jericho running around the arena without a single word? It's an absolutely horrible way to finish the build. I don't care if he does explain his motives next week. We emotionally invested in six weeks of vignettes, and they threw it in our faces.

You're stuck in the past.

This was a promo

of the future
Really? Because he seemed to get a lot of heat from you.

You said it yourself. The WWE got heat from me, not Jericho. If they wanted heat from me, or from 90%+ of their audience, they could have done a hell of a better job of it.
Whats worse? People who are jumping the gun on this angle or people who jumping down the throats of those who have an opinon that they do not want to wait?
I have no idea where this is going. While that sounds like a good thing, it's not with WWE (Nash texted Nash, anonymous GM, Nexus burying 'Taker).

And really, his return didn't fit in with the promos at all. It makes no sense. Why would some dark character who claims this is the end of the world come back and shout "YEEEEAAAAHHHH BAAABBBYYYYY"?
Reading these reactions are hilarious. WWE wants you to hate Jericho and Everything he does, and that is exactly what happened. Mission Accomplished.

You are confusing heel heat with X-Pac heat. Sitting in the ring and doing nothing until people boo you isn't good booking. It is lazy and cheap.

Jericho IS a good heel, and I'm sure he will get back to working the crowd with his vicious ring antics and acidic promos ("gelatinous tapeworms"), but it does not excuse this. Screw Raw next week, I'm watching the Kings take on the Capitals instead.
You said it yourself. The WWE got heat from me, not Jericho. If they wanted heat from me, or from 90%+ of their audience, they could have done a hell of a better job of it.

Remember we're the 10%. Think about it from the point of view of someone who isn't a smark like us.
Shits going to go down tomorrow when Vince hears the outrage of tonights show i can see the "Vince Mcmahon pissed off over RAW" headlines.

...somebody slap this guy. He's clearly in a dream world. LULZ. Vince cares what people think.....this guy...lulz, this guy....

I still haven't recovered from seeing IDR and shattered dreams complain about this. I think my Gall Bladder just exploded. It's like, how much sweeter can irony get?

I know, right? That's like every other WWE toadie who pops into TNA LD's and keeps on like anyone gives a shit whether they liked the show or not.

Shattered and IDR didn't like the show. Boo fucking hoo. Thank heavens for Nate and The Brain.

Want to know a real disappointment, fuckers? My lovely girlfriend made me Chinese food for dinner, but I think we're out of Soy Sauce. Weep for me, boys. Adios.
What's ironic about it? I haven't been involved with anything WWE-related in close to two years outside of a minor interaction/posting of a few complaints in an LD a few weeks ago for what turned out to be the Slammy episode.

Because you're the guy bitching and moaning about an episode of Raw when you clearly weren't going to watch next week anyway. Why should the WWE book to your liking when you aren't going to follow up regardless? You come up with these excuses all the time for why you don't watch WWE programming anymore, but at the same time you steal TNA's PPVs, the company you're supposed to be backing. If you're not even helping support them, why should the WWE do anything to garner your interest? There's no upside.

Every time you pop up in one of these LDs, it's just to bitch about a negative segment. Hell, I'm finding it harder and harder to believe that you aren't sitting there watching every week.
You said it yourself. The WWE got heat from me, not Jericho. If they wanted heat from me, or from 90%+ of their audience, they could have done a hell of a better job of it.

Take a deep breath and think about things Harthan.

Your ranting is exactly what they wanted. They trolled the shit out of everyone. Not to say that this was a good episode or anything, but Jericho was the best thing about it.
For the record.... I understand the wait and see approach to this angle. Bit that's tied into the idea that creative isn't going to fuck it up. If you're asking me to wait, that's implying something great is coming out of this. And why should I trust creative at this point? The last time I was asked to wait and see, Kevin Nash jacknifed Punk. How'd that one go for the viewing audience?
Remember we're the 10%. Think about it from the point of view of someone who isn't a smark like us.

A kid who remembers " I have a stick up my ass" Jericho will be like
I remember that guy being a jerk, he came back high fiving people and then just left.

I mention a kid because that is the majority of the 90%

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