WWE RAW 12/26/2011 - The (Chi-Town) Rumble Road

John Cena is one half of the greatest WWE title match in history.

Shut the fuck up. You look like an absolute idiot saying the man isnt anything other than an all time great wrestler.
That's fine, but I'll leave you with this thought: What's more important, being able to execute a lot of wrestling moves or being able to connect with the audience? Judging by your sig I'm guessing you'll pick the former and if that's what you like that's fine. I like it too but I think storytelling and emotion is more important. Give Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne 15 minutes and I'm sure they will flawlessly execute all kinds of moves, flips, and counters. They'll probably do a good job but how would that match hold up to Hogan vs. Rock at WM18? No one will call that match an example of crisp textbook wrestling moves but it is fondly remembered of one of the all time great matches. It's because both those guys could connect with the audience with just some simple mannerisms. John Cena can do that to.

There is enough room on the roster for variety. You may like Punk and Bryan best but if everyone wrestled like them than everyone would eventually be boring. Variety is good. Cena's style suits him and he's worked well with many. He's by far the most over guy in the company so he must be doing something right.

I'd just like to respond to the text I've added emphasis to. I don't presume that you hold this opinion, but sometimes there is an attitude that such a style of wrestling as the hypothetical Bryan vs Bourne match would employ is incapable of achieving the same level of success in storytelling and emotion that Hogan vs Rock did. Perhaps stated more broadly, it's the idea that the traditional WWE style inherently evokes more emotion than the traditional indy style, which should be recognized as false. Again, not that I accuse you of holding the opinion, but I felt it's worthy of addressing nonetheless.
John Cena is one half of the greatest WWE title match in history.

Shut the fuck up. You look like an absolute idiot saying the man isnt anything other than an all time great wrestler.

I know I'll probably get banned for this but I don't care anymore.

Here's an idea. Why don't you go fuck yourself. Take your petty insults and shove them up your loose asshole. I'm completely done with the people on this site. It is IMPOSSIBLE to have an opinion which differs from the masses without being ridiculed and put down for it. Again....GO FUCK YOURSELF.
I know I'll probably get banned for this but I don't care anymore.

Here's an idea. Why don't you go fuck yourself. Take your petty insults and shove them up your loose asshole. I'm completely done with the people on this site. It is IMPOSSIBLE to have an opinion which differs from the masses without being ridiculed and put down for it. Again....GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Yes, it is impossible to have an idiotic opinion and not get ridiculed for it. Thats kinda how planet earth works. I would like to be the first to welcome you, along with popping your mommas titty out of your mouth.
Yes, it is impossible to have an idiotic opinion and not get ridiculed for it. Thats kinda how planet earth works. I would like to be the first to welcome you, along with popping your mommas titty out of your mouth.

Idiotic according to who? Some schmucks on a fucking wrestling website? What makes your OPINION any more right than mine? You and others on here clearly think too highly of themselves. You're really a nobody. You should probably shut the fuck up now.
I know I'll probably get banned for this but I don't care anymore.

Here's an idea. Why don't you go fuck yourself. Take your petty insults and shove them up your loose asshole. I'm completely done with the people on this site. It is IMPOSSIBLE to have an opinion which differs from the masses without being ridiculed and put down for it. Again....GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Yes you can. It's quite easy if you're not an idiot. I can back up and defend each of the minority statements below.

Moves don't matter.
Seth Rollins is an absolutely terrible wrestler in every concievable way.
Justin Gabriel can cut a non shit promo.
Harry "DH" Smith is going to be very successful when all is said and done.
Idiotic according to who? Some schmucks on a fucking wrestling website? What makes your OPINION any more right than mine? You and others on here clearly think too highly of themselves. You're really a nobody. You should probably shut the fuck up now.

Idiot according to, uhm, reality? anyone with a fucking shred of common sense and wrestling knowledge?

What is the point of wrestling? To get a reaction. who gets easily, by far and away, the biggest reaction, week after week?

You guessed it.

I could site probably one hundred examples, but the two I just used, prove, ye verily, you have the opinion of an idiot.
I'd just like to respond to the text I've added emphasis to. I don't presume that you hold this opinion, but sometimes there is an attitude that such a style of wrestling as the hypothetical Bryan vs Bourne match would employ is incapable of achieving the same level of success in storytelling and emotion that Hogan vs Rock did. Perhaps stated more broadly, it's the idea that the traditional WWE style inherently evokes more emotion than the traditional indy style, which should be recognized as false. Again, not that I accuse you of holding the opinion, but I felt it's worthy of addressing nonetheless.

Right now it would be impossible for Bryan vs. Bourne to achieve that level of success in storytelling and emotion. They haven't established anywhere near the relationship with the fans that Hogan and Rock have. My point is it doesn't matter if you go out there and do a backwards 450 splash or work a simple match like Hogan and Rock did. Having an emotional relationship with the fans that is built up over time is what makes the most memorable matches.
Idiot according to, uhm, reality? anyone with a fucking shred of common sense and wrestling knowledge?

What is the point of wrestling? To get a reaction. who gets easily, by far and away, the biggest reaction, week after week?

You guessed it.

I could site probably one hundred examples, but the two I just used, prove, ye verily, you have the opinion of an idiot.

OMG just go die somewhere already. I'm just waiting to get banned and I'm not going to stop telling you to go fuck yourself until it happens.
Idiotic according to who? Some schmucks on a fucking wrestling website? What makes your OPINION any more right than mine? You and others on here clearly think too highly of themselves. You're really a nobody. You should probably shut the fuck up now.
Again, the problem is that you say he can't wrestle, yet he goes out there every damn night and wrestles.

If you just said what you really are trying to say ("Cena's wrestling style does not appeal to me" or "Cena's lack of technical wrestling doesn't appeal to me") then we would not be having this conversation.

And I brought up the 5 moves because, yes, "Cena can't wrestle" and "5 moves of doom" DO go hand in hand with people. They say that he can't wrestle because he only does 5 moves, which is clearly entirely untrue.
Again, the problem is that you say he can't wrestle, yet he goes out there every damn night and wrestles.

If you just said what you really are trying to say ("Cena's wrestling style does not appeal to me" or "Cena's lack of technical wrestling doesn't appeal to me") then we would not be having this conversation.

And I brought up the 5 moves because, yes, "Cena can't wrestle" and "5 moves of doom" DO go hand in hand with people. They say that he can't wrestle because he only does 5 moves, which is clearly entirely untrue.

See...that's the problem The conventional Cena hater has made it impossible for anybody to have a legit beef with Cena and not be labeled an idiot.
Right now it would be impossible for Bryan vs. Bourne to achieve that level of success in storytelling and emotion. They haven't established anywhere near the relationship with the fans that Hogan and Rock have. My point is it doesn't matter if you go out there and do a backwards 450 splash or work a simple match like Hogan and Rock did. Having an emotional relationship with the fans that is built up over time is what makes the most memorable matches.

No, I agree with all of this. I just felt it necessary to make that point.
OMG just go die somewhere already. I'm just waiting to get banned and I'm not going to stop telling you to go fuck yourself until it happens.

If calling people names was enough to get banned, none of us would be here. Log off, go to sleep, chill the fuck out and move on. You're in the wrong here, seeing Cena (A) makes WWE the most money (B) gets the biggest reaction (C) is consistent as hell in the ring (D) Works in the main event of a wrestling company, whose CEO has worked in the wrestling industry for 40 years all of which indicates that Cena can, in fact wrestle.
Idiotic according to who? Some schmucks on a fucking wrestling website? What makes your OPINION any more right than mine? You and others on here clearly think too highly of themselves. You're really a nobody. You should probably shut the fuck up now.

People that have praised John Cena and his work ethic and wrestling abilites... Vince MacMahon, HHH, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels...

^ You're saying that these people are all wrong, and your opinion is right? How fucking arrogant can you be.
Another stupid argument that starts with one poster's inability to distinguish between stating their opinion as an opinion rather than as a fact

"John Cena cannot wrestle" is an attempted stating of fact

"I think John Cena cannot wrestle" is an opinion, no matter how erroneous or flawed.

As for my opinion on Cena, I have never liked any of his gimmicks - his "raps" made me cringe and Marine/"Never Give Up" and now "Rise Above Hate" makes me want to puke. The seed of doubt placed during the Summer of Punk and carrying on through Rock's special appearances, Piper's Pit and now Devil's Advocate Kane is perhaps the first time I have ever been interested in Cena's character (of course, I realise that this would not have been the case without all that has gone before). That said, I very much enjoy his in-ring work. He can put on a clinic with any number of high-quality opposition - HHH, HBK, Angle, Punk etc.- but perhaps most importantly for his reputation, he has proven himself more than capable of dragging passable matches out of less than stellar opponents.

As for RAW itself, I am happy to see another Punk vs Ziggler contest next week from a purely wrestling POV but as part of the continued attempts to make Punk/Laurenitis into Austin/McMahon II, I am less happy. As much as I like him, Punk is not SCSA and as funny (unintentionally or no) as some of Laurenitis' throwaway lines can be, he cannot hold a candle to McMahon. Almost everything else had a tinge of filler/after the lord mayor's show about it, like they are not sure what to do with Ryder and Bryan now that they have won their respective titles
Kane's promo sure was fun, huh?

"I'm going... to say a lot of polysyllabic words... as slowly as possible. Menopausal penetration... emancipation proclamation. Experimental... jazz infusion. Onomatopoeia... antidisestablishmentarianism. Cena sucks."

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