WWE No Mercy 2016 LD

Is JBL seriously impressed with the Double AA on Ambrose and Styles? They weigh less than the Big Show and I've seen him AA Show and Edge at the same time.
Ambrose is like the kid in recess basketball that everybody kind of likes because he understands the game, never hogs the ball or jacks up selfish shots to pad his stats, doesn't turn the ball over, but only scores like one basket every other day.

He's fine to have on your team, until the extra lunch tickets are on the line, then you'd rather just have him be "the coach".
AJ Styles just forgot he had another hand like Hillary Clinton when told how to handle classified intel!

And you're loading up the waterskis near the shark tank.

Side note: years ago I made an All-Star thread about the GOP in its current form dying if things kept going. You told me I was wrong in a very long reply. Given the current nominee and all their turmoil, would you care to rescind that?
I like that false finish.

one of the better ones I've seen in a while.

Can't say Cena doesn't put people over. getting pinned 3 times in one year by the same person just doesn't happen when you're John Cena
AJ and Cena both lost. I'm thinking Dean should be champion.

Ahhhh, but Juan only lost to AJ. He had Deano dead to rights.

What a well written little dealy here. Also kinda benefitted from going on first, because if the show ended like this it'd be kinda a bummer

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