WWE My Way: 2011 & On

The fans boo as Drew Carey's induction video plays on the Titantron.

******Burn in my Light******
Randy Orton's music hits to an Insane pop as he makes his way out.
Lillian Garcia: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 235 lbs.....Randy Orton!​
Jim Ross: Randy Orton with the chance to be a seven time WWE Champion if he can get the job done this Sunday.

The King: You gotta believe in Destiny JR. The Legend Killer is flying under the radar and he deserves this title shot.

Jim Ross: Yeah right...

The King: What?

Jim Ross: All Randy Orton did was complain to Mr. McMahon until he put him in the match.​

******I came to Play******
Lillian Garcia: His partner, from Cleveland, Ohio weighing in at 220 lbs....The WWE Champion.....The Miz!​
The Miz makes his way out with the WWE Title and his security guards to boos from the crowd.
Jim Ross:Look at this ass.

The King: Wait what?!!

Jim Ross: Our WWE Champion is that afraid of Triple H that he has to have security wherever he goes.

The King: JR, we both know, the security is there to hold Miz back from hurting Triple H. You know how Miz can snap at any minute.

Jim Ross: For god sakes...​
******Ain't No Make Believe******
Lillian Garcia: And their opponents, first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in 215 lbs....John Morrison!​
John Morrison makes his way out to a great pop. He stops at the top of the ramp, takes off his shades and coat and runs down to the ring!
Jim Ross: Morrison not wasting any time!

The King: I always knew this kid was one fry short of a Happy Meal, look at this!​
Morrison slides in the ring and immediately get pounded on by Randy Orton and The Miz. Miz holds up Morrison and Orton takes shots at him until...

******My Time******
The King: Oh No, Miz look out!

Jim Ross: By God, now we've got ourselves a Tag Team Match and Triple H brought the sledgehammer!​
Match 4:
Randy Orton & The Miz vs John Morrison & Triple H

Triple H sprints in the ring, but the ref quickly takes the sledgehammer away from Triple H. Miz comes from behind and attacks Triple H. Triple H is ready and he starts taking shots at The Miz. John Morrison then follows up with shots on Orton. He then sends him out of the ring in front of the security guards. The Miz is being stomped on in the corner by Triple H. Morrison makes a blind tag and Triple H gives him an evil look. Morrison comes in and stomps on The Miz as well. He whips Miz off the ropes and takes him down with a flying sidekick. He then hits a sick looking clothesline to Miz. He makes the cover: 1,.......,2......KICK OUT! Miz gets his shoulder up. He whips Miz into the corner again. Morrison charges and Miz gets his boot up. Miz goes to the top rope looking for a cross body, but Morrison catches him on the way down with a dropkick! He makes the cover: 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Miz gets his shoulder up before 3! Morrison brings him to the corner and Triple H tags himself in. Morrison gives him a look and Triple H gets in his face.

Miz takes advantage and rolls up Triple H. 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Triple H is able to get out of it. Triple H is back up and clotheslines Miz inside out! He makes a cover: 1,......2,.......NO! Orton is in and breaks the count. Triple H picks Miz up and brings him into the corner and delivers a sick chop to Miz. He goes to whip him in the corner, but Miz reverses. He charges, but The Game ducks and goes for Orton, knocking him off the apron. Miz is ready and takes the game down with a running DDT! He makes the cover: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Triple H gets his shoulder up as he won't be beaten that easily. Miz picks Triple H by the hair and bangs his head across the turnbuckle. He goes to work on The Game with right hands in the corner now. The ref tells him open up those fists, but Miz shoves him away and Triple H takes advantage and comes back with rights of his own. He fights out of the corner with right hands. He whips off the ropes and Miz catches him with a reverse elbow. He makes the cover: 1,.......2,......NO! Morrison dives in and makes the save. The ref tries to get John Morrison out of the ring. Triple H looks for the pedigree, but Miz low blows Triple H without the ref seeing it! Miz now crawls over to his corner.

Miz then quickly dives and tags Randy Orton. Triple H wastes no time and brings him in the ring! He whips Orton off the ropes and takes him down with a HUGE spinebuster! He makes the cover: 1,.....2,.....KICK OUT! Orton is able to get his arm up before the count of 3. Triple H then leaves the ring and goes out to get the sledgehammer! He gets in the ring with it and looks to take Orton's head off with it, but the referee tries to take it away again and Triple H knocks down the referee! He turns around into an RKO! Morrison runs in and decks Orton with a right hand. He then drops him with the moonlight drive! Miz comes in and attacks Morrison from behind. They trade blows in the middle of the ring until Morrison gains the upper hand and throws Miz out of the ring to the feet of his security guards! Morrison climbs the top rope and comes off the top with a HUGE Corkscrew Moonsault talking out The Miz and his Security Guards! Back in the ring Triple H is still out from the RKO and Orton has the sledgehammer. Triple H turns around and Orton belts him in the face with it! Orton wakes up the ref as Orton makes the cover: 1,.......2,.......3!​

Winners: Randy Orton & The Miz (9:43)
Jim Ross: I'll be damned! Randy Orton took out Triple H with the sledgehammer!

The King: I told you Randy Orton was flying under the radar JR! Look at who's the last man standing tonight!​
Back outside, The Miz finally comes to and is able to grab his WWE Championship and run to the back and Morrison spots him and gives chase!

Orton's music is still playing in the ring as he does his pose on the top rope. Before he leaves, the places the sledgehammer across Triple H's chest and leaves.
Jim Ross: I'll tell ya what, Orton sending one hell of a message to The Game before Sunday.

The King: RKO JR! Remember the letters because he could the next WWE Champion!​
Alex Riley is standing by a pickup truck with the engine running and he hears a voice yelling from a distance and he sees The Miz running down with his title!
The Miz: Get in the car! Go! Go!​
Morrison isn't too far behind as Riley gets behind the wheel and Miz hops in the trunk. The truck speeds off leaving Morrison in the dust. Miz is seen up yelling and holding up the WWE Title as the truck drives off in the distance.

Morrison stands by with a angry look on his face.
Jim Ross: The Miz escaped Chicago with the title tonight, but there's gonna be nowhere to run this Sunday on Pay Per View!​


******You're not enough for me******
LayCool make their way out to the ring with their usual entrance, but Layla is carrying some sort of bag with her.
Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! On her way to the ring, being accompanied to the ring by Layla, one half of the Co-Divas Champions....Michelle McCool!​
The King: Wow JR, talk about going from Beast to Beauty! Abdullah The Butcher! Blechh! It's time for more puppies!

Jim Ross: Abdullah The Butcher the next Hall of Fame Inductee, but I'm curious as to why Layla is carrying a bag out here.

The King: Why are you so nosy JR? Maybe they came back from the Mall or something?

Jim Ross: What are you? Their personal assistant? A bodyguard?

The King:
Well JR, I am with the F.B.I.

Jim Ross: The F.B.I. eh?

The King: Yea, Female Body Inspectors Haha!​
LayCool get in the ring and Michelle McCool asks for a mic.
Michelle McCool: Let me say, it's a great night to be....

Layla & Michelle: FABULOUS!!

Michelle: You wanna know why? Well, you see it all started...​

******It's Time to Rock and Roll******
Trish and Lita make their way out to an enormous ovation from the Chicago Crowd.
Lillian Garcia: And her opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Lita....Trish Stratus!​
Jim Ross: Thank God!

The King:
Wait a minute, I wanted to hear why they felt so Fabulous! Trish sure is rude.​
Trish then runs to the ring and is looking to get this match started!

Match 5:
Trish Stratus vs Michelle McCool

Trish comes to the ring and spears down Michelle McCool and both women are going at it. Layla is able to pull Michelle out of the ring to stop the onslaught on Trish. Trish bounces off the ropes and connects with a baseball slide taking out LayCool. Trish sends Michelle back in the ring. She goes over to work on her, but Michelle gets in a thumb to the eye. She whips Trish into the opposite corner. She charges, but Trish dives out of the way and Michelle crashes into the turnbuckle. Trish is stalking Michelle waiting for her to get up. She bounces off the ropes, but gets tripped up by Layla. This prompts Lita to run over to her side of the ring, but the ref comes out and gets in Lita's way. Layla slides in the ring and Trish gets taken down with a Double DDT.

She leaves and Michelle makes the cover: 1,.......,2......KICK OUT! Trish gets her shoulder up and is not gonna let the match end this way. Michelle hooks Trish up now looking for a suplex, but Trish keeps her feet planted. She gets a shot on Michelle and delivers a suplex of her own and rolls over into a cover: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Michelle gets that shoulder up. Michelle is in the corner and Trish makes her way over, but she comes back with some shots to the body and forearm shivers. She whips Trish off the ropes and hits a crossbody and goes for the cover: 1,.......2,.......KICK OUT! Trish gets her shoulder up again! Michelle gets frustrated and picks Trish up by the hair, but she counters. She whips off the ropes, ducks under a clothesline and Trish comes back with flying clothesline. She goes for the cover: 1,......2,......NO! Layla pulls Trish's foot to stop the count. Lita slides in the ring, shoves the ref aside and hits Layla with a baseball slide sending her into the baracade. She leaves the ring and hammers away on Layla. Back in the ring and Trish is up and is looking for the Chick Kick. She sets up for it, but Michelle lays her out with the Divas Championship! The ref sees this and calls for the bell!​

Winner by DQ: Trish Stratus (5:45)

Michelle continues to stomp away on Trish until Lita gets in the ring and spears down Michelle. She hammers away until Layla makes her way in and clobbers Lita in the back. LayCool then proceed to stomp away on Lita. Layla holds up Lita and Michelle lays her out with the Divas Championship. Layla then gets the bag she brought to the ring earlier and pulls out two spray cans.
Jim Ross: Wait a damn minute, I don't like where this is going..​
Layla passes one of the cans to Michelle. Layla proceeds to spray paint "TRAMP" on Lita's back and Michelle spray paints "****" on Trish's stomach.
Jim Ross: What a hideous display by LayCool. Just blatant disrespect...

The King: Oh you talk about hideous, what about what happened to LayCool last week?

Jim Ross: That was something completely different for god sakes. LayCool got just what was coming to them last week.

The King: Okay, and LayCool responded back. All is fair in love and spray paint JR.

Jim Ross: LayCool better wipe the smiles off their faces because Trish and Lita won't take this lying down and I'll bet my bottom dollar that Trish and Lita will damn sure be ready to go on Sunday.​
LayCool leave the ring all smiles and skip to the back as we head to Commercial.
Back from the Break and Todd Grisham is standing by with John Cena.

Todd Grisham: John, I would just like to ask you how you're feeling on your face off tonight with The Undertaker.

John Cena: Well Todd, if you must know, tonight is probably the only time I'm going to say everything I have to say to The Undertaker's face and it'll be something he won't forget for a long time.

Todd Grisham: Well, John also, last week on RAW, The Undertaker made the ring collapse and you were smiling. Why?

John Cena: Why? Because I am NOT afraid of The Undertaker. I don't Fear him, but I respect him. I want to let him know that his scare tactics aren't phasing me. I want him to look me in the eyes when I say to him: John Cena WILL end The Undertaker's streak at WrestleMania this Sunday and there isn't a thing he can do about it.​

He walks out of the Locker Room.

******This Fire Burns******
The crowd rises to their feet and out CM Punk and The New Nexus. The crowd is going absolutely bonkers for Punk. They get cheered all the way to the ring.
The King: Listen to this ovation JR!

Jim Ross: The Chicago faithful on their feet for CM Punk!​
The Nexus stand in the ring as the fans start a CM Punk chant.
CM Punk: This Sunday is WrestleMania. The greatest spectacle in Sports Entertainment. And on this night, Careers will be made and careers will be broken. And for one person in particular, Wade Barrett, will see what he worked so hard to create all come crashing down when The Nexus defeats The Corre at WrestleMania. Because WHEN we beat them, they won't be allowed to be a group, or whatever they are, EVER again.​
Jim Ross: Stakes are high this Sunday no doubt about it.​
CM Punk: Let's face it, I am everything Wade Barrett wishes he could be. A known superstar across the globe, unlike him, I've held championship gold in the past, and I seized control of The Nexus from under him and now I will lead them into WrestleMania and eliminate The Corre from existence. This little power struggle has gone on far enough, but it WILL end this Sunday, I guarantee you that.​
The King: A guarantee JR!

Jim Ross: Either The Nexus or The Corre will be permanently disbanded after Sunday.​
CM Punk: Now, when I got to the arena, I heard this ridiculous rumor that Wade Barrett and The Corre will be HERE on RAW. Now, I know for a fact that Wade Barrett and his misfits would not DARE step foot on Chicago soil and not have me say something about it.​
The fans pop and start another CM Punk chant.
CM Punk: So, I say this....​
We quickly cut to a camera backstage and Todd Grisham is seen running to the Parking Lot and The Corre exit a Limousine!
Todd Grisham: I'm sorry to interrupt you Punk, but The Corre is here!​
The fans pop.
The King: Uh-Oh!​
The Corre come up to Todd and shove him away.
Wade Barrett: CM Punk. I could not stomach your trash talking for another second. If you have what it takes, bring the Nexus to the Parking Lot and we can settle this like men instead of waiting for Sunday.​
The camera cuts off.
CM Punk: Wade Barrett's first mistake was coming to Chicago to find me. His second mistake is calling out The Nexus. Whoever is in the back, tell Wade Barrett that The Nexus is on the way!​
Jim Ross: Uh-Oh! You better take a deep seat here!

The King: Oh Man JR!

Jim Ross: These two aren't gonna wait until WrestleMania!​
The Nexus leave the ring and make their way to the back.
Jim Ross: King, I've just been told that we gotta take a Commercial Break!

The King: What?!! Not now!!​
Back from the Break and The Nexus are still making their way out to the Parking Lot. They stop and spot The Corre side by side waiting for them. Punk gives them all a look and they charge into battle! The Nexus and Corre all start going at it in The Parking Lot!
The King: Here we go JR!

Jim Ross:
It's an old fashioned Chicago Street Fight!​
There's action all around! Punk and Barrett are going at it. Mason Ryan puts Tyler Reks head through a car window and the 10 men continue to battle until a HUGE Wave of Security, Referees, and other personnel show up from the back and try to separate these men!
Jim Ross: My God, it's a War Zone out there! 10 men are tearing each other apart and can't wait to get to WrestleMania!

The King: Who knows if there's gonna be anything left of these guys before WrestleMania!​


Jim Ross: Well Ladies and Gentlemen, I'll tell you what, we need to get the 82nd Airborne to control the Corre and Nexus in the parking lot.

The King: What a night JR! Imagine what'll happen Sunday!

Jim Ross:Ladies and Gentlemen, don't forget this Sunday at WrestleMania, a special starting time of 7 pm Eastern Time, 4 pm pacific time. 4 hours of the WWE. It only happens once a year, WrestleMania is this Sunday and it's a joint production of RAW and SmackDown. To see what SmackDown has in store, let's take you to our colleagues standing by Michael Cole and Matt Striker!

The King: Hey Michael Cole!​

We then head to a WWE Backstage production set where Michael Cole and Matt Striker are standing by.
Michael Cole: Thanks JR and King, we're getting ready to call all the great SmackDown action this Sunday at WrestleMania and partner and how about this one: Kevin Nash vs The Big Show!​


Matt Striker: Kevin Nash came all this way and did a hell of a lot to awaken the Monster sleeping inside the Big Show. I don't think Nash knows quite what's he getting himself into at WrestleMania.​


Michael Cole: 10 Man Tag Team Intergender Match. Sean O' Haire leads The Revolution and Vickie Guerrero against Rey Mysterio, Booker T., "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters, Natalya, and Beth Phoenix!

Matt Striker: The Revolution will be televised Michael and Sean O' Haire has been waiting for this moment since he came back. A win for his team on this stage will be HUGE and Rey Mysterio has been his target. But Rey's not gonna let O' Haire run the show any longer. We'll see who's team prevails at WrestleMania.​

Michael Cole: And then....

Matt Striker: Oh Man, I can't wait for this one!​


Michael Cole: Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Championship! Drew McIntyre defends the gold against Curt Hawkins and MVP!

Matt Striker: This all started because Kelly Kelly didn't want a love sick puppy following her around and McIntyre was a real man. MVP just might take advantage of this whole thing and sneak away with the Gold Michael.

Michael Cole: Well, Hawkins will hope to get a measure of revenge and The Champ's title is in jeopardy.​


Michael Cole: Kane is going to one on one with the Aristocrat Alberto Del Rio!

Matt Striker: Like JR would say, Kane has Hellfire and Brimstone on his mind and Alberto Del Rio can bring all the back up in the world, but I don't know if it'll help against The Big Red Machine. Remember, it was Del Rio who screwed Kane out the World Title a few weeks ago

Michael Cole: And folks, the World Heavyweight Championship is on the line.​


Michael Cole: One on one. Edge vs Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Matt Striker: Like I said, nobody knows Edge better than Christian. I think this is his time to win the World Title Michael. It all comes down to this.

Michael Cole: WrestleMania. Showcase of the Immortals all this Sunday. We're coming Atlanta! JR, King, back to you guys!​
The camera heads back to JR and King at ringside.

Jim Ross: Alright, guys Ladies and Gentlemen...

The King: What's up with Michael Cole and Matt Striker getting more air time than us on RAW?!

Jim Ross: Aww don't worry about it. They know the executive producer. Ladies and Gentlemen, this Sunday! Pay-per-view Extravaganza! This is the big dance!​


Jim Ross: We just saw these two go at it in the Parking Lot King. The Nexus and The Corre in one final showdown and the losing team must disband forever.

The King: Well JR, CM Punk stole The Nexus away from Wade Barrett. What better way to get revenge than beat The Nexus at WrestleMania of all places and make sure Nexus never comes back.​


Jim Ross: Can Daniel Bryan make Sheamus tap out for a third time and in the process win back the United States Title?

The King: I don't JR. I would've called you crazy last week, but after tonight, I don't think I like Sheamus' chances this Sunday.​


Jim Ross: The Tag Team Titles are on the line King. The Naturals are gonna put it on the line against Carlito and Primo!

The King: There's a reason why these guys are The Tag Team Champions JR and The Colons are gonna find out the hard way that The Naturals don't play any games and are all business.

Jim Ross: Is that a prediction?

The King: Of course.

Jim Ross: I'll hold you to that.​

Jim Ross: And then Ladies and Gentlemen...

The King: Oh man...​


Jim Ross: The stakes are so high. The danger element is...is so high. 8 men will put their careers on the line in a Money in the Bank Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match.

The King: We haven't had a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match at WrestleMania in 10 years JR! The winner is the one who grabs that briefcase and can challenge for either the WWE Championship or the World Title at any time. I can't waiy!​

Jim Ross: And King, I know you're gonna love this one

The King: Woo Hoo!​


Jim Ross: Trish and Lita will team together for the first time in 8 years and take on the Divas of the year and Co-Divas Champions, Lay-Cool.

The King: Lay-Cool has been steamrolling the women's division and finally they have two females who can legitimately take down Lay-Cool. The puppies and stratusfaction will be in full effect JR! Woo Hoo!​


Jim Ross: The WWE Championship is on the line! The Miz walks in as the Champion and he will defend against Triple H, Randy Orton, and John Morrison!

The King:
It's put up or shut up for all four of these guys JR and The Miz is in a lot more trouble than he thinks.

Jim Ross: Four men that will stop at nothing to capture the richest prize in the WWE. The Champion doesn't have to be pinned to lose his title and King, The Champ's title is in serious jeopardy and unlike tonight, there's gonna be nowhere to run this Sunday.​


The King: And then JR, It's John Cena vs The Undertaker! Oh Man!

Jim Ross: I'll tell you what King! I wish it was tonight. The Match of the Year! John Cena has NEVER lost a one on one match at WrestleMania, but The Undertaker is 18-0. John Cena will step into the ring with The Phenom and by the end of the night, one man's streak will be broken.​

John Cena is walking down a hallway and as he walks the lights dim and a voice is heard laughing demonically. He ignores it and keeps walking.

The King: More mind games JR!

Jim Ross: John Cena looks to be unimpressed with The Undertaker's antics. The face off is next, but first let's reveal the final Hall of Fame Inductee...​
After the video finishes, the camera shows the crowd as the cheer and clap for their Chicago Natives, The Legion of Doom and treat the video to a HUGE pop as we fade to black and head to a Commercial.

After the promo, Bret Hart is in the ring as his music fades and he has a microphone in his hand.

Bret Hart: I would like to welcome the WWE Universe to the official Face Off between John Cena and The Undertaker before they make history and step into the ring with each other this Sunday at WrestleMania. The premise of this face off is for both men to say exactly what they feel about each other to their faces. Let me introduce the first man: The Doctor of Thuganomics, this is John Cena!​

******My Time is Now******
John Cena makes his way out to a BIG ovation!
Jim Ross: Here comes the man who's going to try to do the impossible this Sunday at WrestleMania. John Cena is going to try to do something no man has ever done and end The Undertaker's perfect WrestleMania record.

The King:
Well JR, it was like John Cena said a few weeks ago in that interview, Cena has never lost a one on one match at WrestleMania.

Jim Ross: Well, I'm a big John Cena as much as the next guy, but he has the tallest mountain to climb in his career this Sunday.​
Cena stands in the middle of the ring as his music fades.
Bret Hart: And his opponent this Sunday, The Phenom, The Deadman, the one and only, Undertaker!​
The Lights go out as the fans start cheering.
The bell tolls and The Undertaker's theme music hits. He slowly makes his way out to a HUGE pop.
Jim Ross: This sold out crowd on their feet for the conscious of the WWE, The Undertaker!

The King: JR, I just can't seem to forget last week when John Cena had that smile on his face at The Undertaker! I mean does John Cena have a death wish?!!

Jim Ross: John Cena has made it clear that he is not afraid of The Undertaker...

The King: But JR, everybody says that, and look what happens to them! What makes John Cena so different?!!

Jim Ross: Because Cena is the top dog in this business King. He's at a level beyond any superstar on the roster today. He's not afraid to deliver the FU to the Undertaker like he did and challenge The Undertaker to his face. He does believe that he has a chance to defeat The Deadman this Sunday.​
The Undertaker disrobes and then takes his hat off and then stares down John Cena as his music stops.
Bret Hart: Alright to make this fair, seeing as how John Cena is a RAW Superstar and Undertaker is technically a SmackDown superstar and we are on Monday Night RAW, John Cena, you may go first.​
The fans start booing as Cena picks up the mic.
John Cena: Undertaker, I wanna start by saying that I have nothing but respect for you and your winning streak at WrestleMania. You're 18-0. Undefeated. But here's something you probably don't know, I haven't lost a one on one match at WrestleMania either. I noticed a pattern forming as our roads came close and closer together. We've even beat the same people: Names like Batista, Triple H, The Big Show, and Shawn Michaels. We're going to make history this Sunday. You already made history at WrestleMania last year when you ended the storybook career of Shawn Michaels. After everything that's happened between the two of us leading up to this match, I would like nothing more than to make history and be the first man to beat you at WrestleMania. To be honest, I've always wanted to face you at WrestleMania, but I wanted to wait for the right moment, and this seemed like the perfect moment to challenge you. Do you remember the first we met 'Taker. I don't think you do. I don't think any of these people do. So, why don't take a trip down memory lane? If you guys in the back can roll the footage.​

The King: Wow....remember that JR?

Jim Ross:
Yes I do..​
John Cena: Fast Foward to today. 9 years later and I've been United States Champion, Tag Team Champion, a Multi-Time WWE Champion, and whether these people Love me or Hate me, I come out here and put my body on the line every week and I've become THE face of the WWE! I've had the career that most people can only dream about!​
The King: That is true JR.

Jim Ross: Cena has no doubt become THE man in this industry.​
John Cena: Now, Undertaker, I want you to look into my eyes. Your tricks haven't worked on me, your scare tactics don't scare me, and I am the only guy to laugh in your face at an attempt to scare me. And with all due respect, you maybe 18-0 now, but in 6 days....you are going to be 18-1.​
Cena puts the mic down and Undertaker looks like he's about to speak.
The King: Wow JR, what do you even say to that?​
Undertaker: You think you have it all figured out don't you? 18 men thought they had it all figured out and look where it got them. 18 men have stepped up and 18 men have been sat down. This Sunday, John Cena, you will become #19. You talk about me ending Shawn Michaels career? Shawn Michaels gave me the best WrestleMania matches of my career. He came so close, twice. He almost beat me, twice. But he lost, twice and he lost his career in the process. Now, you are NO Shawn Michaels. What makes you think YOU can do what 18 men have failed to do?​
Cena takes off his hat and shirt and throws them into the crowd and gets in The Undertaker's face.
John Cena: Because it's like I said before, John Cena is NOT afraid of The Undertaker. John Cena is NOT going to WrestleMania to lose! John Cena is going to WrestleMania to WIN and there isn't a damn thing YOU can do about it! Because how do you intimidate somebody who's not afraid of you? You can't. Deep down inside, you know I am the only person who can beat you and I WILL beat you!​

Undertaker:I remember when I first met you. That video jogged my memory. I knew you'd become something big in this business. I knew you were the future, the next big star in the WWE. But here's a news flash, that was 9 years ago. This is the future. And your future doesn't look too good. Your future sees John Cena going down as #19 and another notch in my belt. You seem to be mistaken, I don't need to prove anything to you. You think I give a damn whether or not you're scared? I do what I do because I am who I am. I've faced the best and I've beaten the best and you will be added to that list. This Sunday, it's put up or shut up. The time for talk will be over and there's going to be nothing to save you from ME!​
The fans start to pop.
Undertaker: So, you can bring all you've got. Bring your body, your heart and your soul....but it won't be enough. It is inevitable. John Cena, this Sunday, you will....Rest....In.....Peace!​

John Cena: I'll keep that in mind AFTER I beat you this Sunday.​
Cena then backs up and puts up his guard as Undertaker looks like he's about to attack!

Undertaker turns around to leave and then goes to attack Cena. Cena ducks and starts teeing off on Undertaker with right hands and backs him into the corner.
The King: Here we go JR!

Jim Ross:
John Cena and The Undertaker not waiting until Sunday. Both men are going at it and Cena is teeing off on The Deadman!​
Bret Hart tries to break it up, and Cena turn his back to 'Taker and argues with Bret. Undertaker then grabs Cena and throws him in the corner and starts unloading on Cena!
Jim Ross: Oh My Gawd! Undertaker right and lefts and rights and lefts finding their mark and taking John Cena down!

The King:
WrestleMania's come early JR!​
Bret Hart now grabs a hold of 'Taker to get him off, but he grabs Hart by the throat and delivers the Chokeslam!
Jim Ross: The Undertaker just chokeslammed The Hitman all the way to Hell!

The King: The Undertaker's lost it!​
Undertaker turns around and Cena lifts him up on his shoulders. He then delivers the FU to The Undertaker!
The King: Whoa!!

Jim Ross: By Gawd, John Cena has put The Undertaker Down!​
Cena then lifts up his hand does the "You Can't See Me" to a fallen Undertaker. He then looks to the crowd and smiles then leaves the ring as his music plays.
The King: Haha you can't see me Undertaker!

Jim Ross: My Gawd, John Cena has sent one hell of a message to The Undertaker!​
Cena makes his way up the ramp, turns around and points to the WrestleMania logo.

Back in the ring, The Undertaker sits up and stares down Cena. He rolls his eyes into the back of his head and sticks his tongue out!
The King: Look at the look on the face of The Undertaker JR!

Jim Ross: My Gawd, The Undertaker is staring a hole right through the man who wants to end his streak Sunday in John Cena! Will The Undertaker's streak continue to live or will it die at the hands of John Cena?!! What's gonna happen Sunday?!! WrestleMania!! Live and only on Pay Per View!!​
Cena smiles at the camera and salutes and then puts his arms up and the show goes off the air.
RAW goes off the air.
Great show HD. Great to see you back.

-A solid opening contest but I thought these guys needed some more time on the show. A promo first up and a match later in the night (perhaps before the Cena-Taker showdown) would have worked.

-Nothing much to say about the Divas. A good match. I am looking forward to the tag-team divas match at WrestleMania.

-I loved the Punk promo. Barrett too was nailed perfectly but he could have had something more to say. Anyways, that's very-very minor. The backstage showdown was understandable and I loved how the angle played out. And I am seriously waiting for WM. You've got an excellent card right there.

-Cena-Taker showdown. Awesome. I loved Cena's lines and you had him perfectly written. But there could have been minor improvements in Taker's promo. He sounded a mere 5% off-track and OOC. But that's very-very minor again and everything else was superb except that I believe there shouldn't have been a brawl between the two. That would have made the WM match more epic. But anyways, that's just my opinion.

Overall, excellent show and I can't wait for WM but I guess SmackDown! is going to delay it. But I'm looking forward to it too I guess. Good luck and keep writing.



Michael Cole: Welcome to the Hottest Show on Friday Nights! This is Friday Night SmackDown! We are Live in Miami, Florida getting ready for WrestleMania this Sunday on pay per view! Michael Cole along side Matt Striker and partner, what's going to happen just days before WrestleMania?!!

Matt Striker: I don't know but I can't wait! Kevin Nash, Big Show, Edge, Christian, Kane, Del Rio! Everybody is here tonight and this promises to be an explosive night as we get ready for the greatest show on Earth, WrestleMania!​

***Bell Rings***

Tony Chimel: The following contest is a 6 Man Over the top rope Battle Royal. In this contest, the only way to be eliminated is to be thrown over the top rope with both feet hitting the floor!​

******Get on you knees******
Jack Swagger makes his way out to a warm reaction to the crowd.
Tony Chimel: On his way to the ring, from Perry, Oklahoma weighing in at 260 lbs, The All American American....Jack Swagger!​
Michael Cole: Conspicuous by their absence in this match are Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes. The two of them will square off later on tonight.

Matt Striker: That promises to be a classic Michael. The offspring of two legends going at it, it should be a great match.​
******J-Pop Drop******
Yoshi Tatsu makes his way out to a good pop from this crowd.
Tony Chimel: From Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 211 lbs...Yoshi Tatsu!​
Michael Cole: Yoshi Tatsu will make his WrestleMania debut this Sunday and what a way to debut than be in the first ever Money in the Bank Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match!

Matt Striker:
A match dangerous in its own right Michael. There hasn't been one of these matches in over 10 years and it promises to be something special!​
Kofi comes out and shows off his pyro display to decent pop.
Tony Chimel: From Ghana, West Africa weighing in at 221 lbs....Kofi Kingston!​
Michael Cole: Kofi Kingston plans on stealing the show this Sunday en route to getting a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship!

Matt Striker: Kofi Kingston always known for his unorthodox style and has pulled some incredible feats with Ladders over the past years. He's looking to do it again this Sunday!​
******Born to Win******
Evan Bourne makes his way to another good pop.
Matt Striker: You talk about stealing the show? This what Evan Bourne plans on doing with no problem at all. Look at what he did in last year's WrestleMania!

Michael Cole: Well, with all due respect, that was just with Ladders. You throw in some Tables and Chairs and this whole match is 10x more dangerous. Who knows what Evan Bourne plans on doing to his body.​
******I Am Perfection******
Dolph Ziggler makes his way out with Vickie Guerrero to an insane amount of Heat.
Tony Chimel: Being accompanied to the ring by Vickie Guerrero, from Hollywood, California weighing in at 214 lbs.....Dolph Ziggler!​
Matt Striker: Oh yea, now here comes my pick Michael!

Michael Cole: Dolph Ziggler is no doubt a darkhorse pick for most.

Matt Striker: For most? Come on now Michael, this guy is the total package. Money in the Bank is gonna be just another stepping stone for him.

Michael Cole: Well, he has a tall mountain to climb. It certainly won't be easy.​
Zack Ryder makes his way out to a BIG pop.
Tony Chimel: From Long Island, New York weighing in 214 lbs.....Zack Ryder!​
Michael Cole: What about Zack Ryder? A lot of people have Zack Ryder as the favorite heading into Sunday!

Matt Striker: This Looney Toon? Come on Michael, I thought you were smarter than that.

Michael Cole: What's wrong with Zack Ryder?! Everybody loves him and he's gained so much momentum.

Matt Striker: He's gonna need a lot more than fist pumping and bad fashion sense to win a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match this Sunday.​
Match 1:
6 Man Over the top rope Battle Royal
Jack Swagger vs Yoshi Tatsu vs Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne vs Dolph Ziggler vs Zack Ryder

The bell rings and everybody pairs off and starts going at it. Ziggler and Tatsu are trading blows, Kofi is hammering away on Bourne in the corner and Jack Swagger and Zack Ryder are trading blows as well. Kofi lifts Bourne up and tries to throw him out of the ring, but Bourne has a strong grip on the ropes. Tatsu starts delivering some sharp kicks to the thigh muscles of Ziggler. He bounces off the ropes and Ziggler catches him with a dropkick. Ryder whips Swagger into the corner and charges with a clothesline. He then proceeds to stomp on Swagger. There's action all around the ring here. Bourne kicks Kofi in the side of the head. He climbs the top and comes off with a cross body taking Kofi down! Ziggler goes for the Zig Zag, but Tatsu side steps it and kicks Ziggler in the back. He goes for his Tajiri Kick, but Ziggler ducks his head and delivers a low blow to Tatsu. He grabs Tatsu by the hair and throws him over the top rope and Tatsu is outta here!​

Yoshi Tatsu has been eliminated.

Swagger now has Ryder in the corner and he's stomping away. Ziggler is getting a little breather, but Swagger makes his way over and starts going to work on Ziggler. Meanwhile, Kofi whips Bourne off the rope, he ducks a right hand, springs off the ropes and catches Kofi with a reverse DDT! He turns around and eats a superkick from Ryder. Swagger whips Ziggler into the corner. He charges, but Ziggler is ready and gets his boot up. Ryder catches Swagger on the rebound and hits a reverse Twist of Fate type of maneuver! Ziggler then flies in and drops Ryder with the Zig Zag! He picks Ryder up and sends him out of the ring!​

Zack Ryder has been eliminated.

Ziggler is on fire as we're down to four superstars and we take our first Commercial Break!​
Back from the Break and all four men are going at it. Kofi is facing off with Ziggler in the middle of the ring and Swagger is hammering away on Bourne in the corner. Bourne starts to mount some offense and come back, but Swagger uses his power and clobbers the back of Bourne. He then picks Bourne up and lifts him over his head throwing him into Kofi and Ziggler taking all three men down. Swagger poses to the crowd for some boos before going back to work. He goes right to Kofi who starts battling back. Kofi and Bourne then drop Swagger with a double dropkick. Ziggler picks him up and throws him over the top rope, but he lands on the apron. Kofi and Bourne charge him and hit him with another double dropkick eliminating him.​
Jack Swagger has been eliminated.
Ziggler starts talking down to Swagger and turns around to Bourne and Kofi staring him down. Ziggler quietly slides under the ropes. Bourne and Kofi turn around and start trading rights and lefts in the middle of the ring. Ziggler comes in and tries to take advantage, but Bourne and Kofi greet him with a double clothesline. They turn back to fighting each other now. Bourne whips Kofi off the ropes, but Kofi ducks and hits Bourne with float over DDT! He then bounces off the ropes and hits Bourne with the Boom Drop! He brings Bourne over to the corner and starts hammering away on him. He then picks Bourne up and places him on the top turnbuckle. Kofi is looking for a superplex, but Bourne is hammering away. Both men trade blows looking to jock for position. Dolph Ziggler then comes out of nowhere and shoves both Kofi and Bourne off the top rope and both men hit the floor!​

Winner: Dolph Ziggler (12:13)

Dolph Ziggler's music hits as he celebrates his win.
Matt Striker: What did I tell you Michael?!! Dolph Ziggler is riding the wave of momentum right into WrestleMania!

Michael Cole: The opportunist Dolph Ziggler takes advantage and outsmarts Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne! We'll see if Ziggler has the keys to victory on Sunday! If he's gonna be successful, he's going to have master Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!​
Ziggler leaves with Vickie as has music continues to play.
Josh Matthews is standing by with Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre and Kelly Kelly.
Josh Matthews: Well Drew, I expect that you have a lot on your mind. Not only do you defend the Intercontinental Championship against both MVP and Curt Hawkins this Sunday at WrestleMania, but tonight you team with Kelly Kelly to take Curt Hawkins in a Handicap Match.

Drew McIntyre: First of all, the only thing I'm thinking about is the celebration Kelly Kelly and I are gonna have after WrestleMania when I successfully defend the Intercontinental Championship. I am the chosen one and MVP and especially Curt Hawkins aren't in my league, but they'll find that out first hand now won't they?

Kelly Kelly:
And as far as tonight is concerned Josh, I've been waiting for a long time to get my hands on Curt Hawkins and after tonight, I'm gonna smack that stupid smile off his face. He's been waiting a long time to get his "revenge." Well, Curt, I want you to enjoy it because it'll be the only chance you get close to this ever again.

Drew McIntyre:
It's very simple Joshua, we're going to go out there and embarrass Curt Hawkins and if MVP sticks his nose in my business, then he'll get dealt with all the same.​
They both walk off as we head to a Commercial.
Sean O' Haire and Kaval are talking until Kaitlyn runs up to them, out of breath and scared.

Sean O' Haire: What's going on?

Kaitlyn: I got away, but they got him.

Sean O' Haire: Who?

Kaitlyn: Rey Mysterio and his friends! They ganged up on Chris as soon as we got in the arena, but Beth Phoenix and Natalya weren't with them, so I managed to escape.

Sean O' Haire: Rey Mysterio wants to play this game? Fine. I'm gonna go find Dolph Ziggler and see if Vickie is safe because if Beth and Natalya didn't go after you, they're probably going after her. The two of you find Chris. If I know Rey like I think I know him, he has Chris tied up somewhere in this building. Find him and Report back to my Locker Room in 10 min.​
They all go their separate ways as we head to the arena.
In the Arena:

MVP makes his way in a suave looking suit to a great pop in his Hometown making his way out the commentators table.
Tony Chimel: Please welcome, from Miami, Florida....Montel Vontavious Porter....M....V....P!​
Michael Cole: It looks like we're being joined by MVP. MVP is on his way to compete in a Triple Threat match for the Intercontinental Championship involving Curt Hawkins and the Champ Drew McIntyre.

Matt Striker: MVP has a chance to capture the Intercontinental Championship for the first time in his career on the grandest stage of them all...WrestleMania.​

MVP takes a seat and greets Cole & Striker.
Michael Cole: Well MVP, I guess you're here to scout your competition.

MVP: Oh yeah, this Sunday is a big night for me because I have the chance to walk out as the Intercontinental Champion. I'm basically here to see Drew McIntyre get his ass whupped.​
******In the middle of it now******
Curt Hawkins makes his way to a decent reaction.
Tony Chimel: The following Handicap Match is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring from Queens, New York weighing in at 223 lbs....Curt Hawkins!​
Matt Striker: What about your good friend Curt Hawkins? I'm sure you two know it's every man for himself on Sunday.

MVP: No doubt about it. We're good friends in and out of the ring, but he's gotta realize that this Sunday it's all about the Intercontinental Championship and there's gonna be no questions asked and may the best man win.​
******Broken Dreams******
The boos start up as McIntyre makes his way out hand in hand with Kelly Kelly.
Tony Chimel: And his opponents, Kelly Kelly and The WWE Intercontinental Champion....Drew McIntyre!​
Michael Cole: Well, here's a man that both you and Curt Hawkins have no love lost for.

MVP: Well, he's a great athlete, but he's got a bad attitude. This Sunday, he's definitely going to be taken down a peg when he loses the gold.

Matt Striker: What about that delicate flower, Kelly Kelly?

Michael Cole: That damn Kelly Kelly is such an evil young lady.

Matt Striker: How could you say that Michael?

Michael Cole: Look at what she did to Curt Hawkins at No Way Out. Ringing any bells?

Matt Striker: This is what this match is all about isn't it Michael? Because Kelly Kelly didn't want a lovesick puppy following her around. She went for a real man. Now they're in this match. I mean, as if Hawkins hasn't been humiliated already. Hawkins would love to get his hands on Kelly Kelly, in more ways than one.​
Match 2:
Handicap Match
Curt Hawkins vs Drew McIntyre & Kelly Kelly

Hawkins is talking trash to Kelly Kelly until McIntyre steps in his face. Both men are talking trash now until Hawkins knocks McIntyre down. He then starts chasing Kelly Kelly. She runs outside the ring and slides back in. Hawkins follows where McIntyre is waiting, but Hawkins takes him down with a reverse elbow. He picks McIntyre back up and brings him into the corner and delivers a BIG chop. He whips McIntyre into the opposite corner now. He charges and eats a big boot. McIntyre goes for a backslide: 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Hawkins is able to get out of it. McIntyre grabs Hawkins by the hair and throws him over the top rope and to the floor. He goes out to the floor and stalks Hawkins, but he pulls McIntyre in and sends him into the ring post. Kelly Kelly goes to attack, but Hawkins turns around and surprises Kelly Kelly. She begs off, which allows McIntyre to attack Hawkins from behind.

He throws him back in the ring now. He whips Hawkins off the ropes, he ducks under a right hand and accidentally knocks down Kelly Kelly! McIntyre catches Hawkins on the rebound with a flapjack. Kelly Kelly is back up and she wants the tag. McIntyre unwillingly tags her in and she comes in and stalks Hawkins. She connects with a kick to the stomach. McIntyre holds up Curt Hawkins and Kelly Kelly slaps him in the face a number of times. She starts celebrating around the ring. Hawkins is able to shake free from McIntyre and knock him down. Hawkins lifts Kelly Kelly up over his head! The crowd cheers until McIntyre gets back up and delivers a chop block to the back of the knee of Hawkins taking him down. McIntyre goes back to work and repeatedly stomps away on Curt Hawkins. He then hooks up Hawkins and connects with the Future Shock! He goes to pin, but he isn't the legal man and Kelly Kelly wants to pin him. She makes the cover: 1,........2,........KICK OUT! Hawkins gets his shoulder up and refuses to be beaten this way.

McIntyre tags himself back in and he goes for the cover: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Hawkins won't die as he gets that shoulder up! McIntyre can't believe it. He goes back to work, but Hawkins kicks him off. McIntyre runs back in, but Hawkins is ready and drops him with a spinebuster. He then hooks up McIntyre's legs and catapults him into Kelly Kelly! He delivers a bodyslam to McIntyre and goes to the top rope. He plays to the crowd and comes off the top with a heat seeking elbow drop! He makes the cover: 1,......2,......3!​

Winner: Curt Hawkins (9:12)
Michael Cole: What win for Curt Hawkins! He gains momentum heading into WrestleMania along with a little measure of revenge!

Matt Striker:
I hope Kelly Kelly is ok. She definitely didn't deserve any of that!

Well boys, I should go give credit where credit is due.​
MVP leaves the announce position, grabs the Intercontinental Title and gets in the ring.
Michael Cole: What's gonna happen here?​
MVP stares Hawkins down and holds up the Intercontinental Championship. Hawkins then takes the title from MVP and holds it up himself.
Michael Cole: A show of sportsmanship, but can one of these men dethrone the Intercontinental Champion this Sunday at WrestleMania?!!

Matt Striker: The Champ is down now, but we'll see who the last man standing is after this Sunday.​
Sean O' Haire is pacing around in his Locker Room and there's a LOUD Bang on the door. O' Haire opens it and there's a note on the floor. He reads it and he looks pissed. He kicks the door and starts throwing stuff around. He then leaves the Locker Room.
Matt Striker: What the hell has Rey Mysterio done?

Michael Cole: O' Haire looks like he's coming out here!​
Josh Matthews is standing by with The World Heavyweight Champion, Edge.

Josh Matthews: Well, Edge you requested this time and I just wanted to get your thoughts just days before you defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Christian at WrestleMania.

Yeah, I did request this time because I invite Christian to be my guest on The Cutting Edge later on tonight. I'm going to tell Christian EXACTLY what I feel about him and then some. I don't think he's ready. Nobody is.​

Sean O' Haire is walking down a hallway and stopped by Dolph Ziggler.

Dolph Ziggler: Have you seen Vickie? I left her in the Locker Room and...

Sean O' Haire: Look, I stopped by there earlier and nobody was there.

Dolph Ziggler: I knew It! This is YOUR fault! You dragged her into this issue you have with Rey Mysterio! I'm holding you personally responsible and if anything happens to her, I'll be sure to hunt you down like the dog you are!

Sean O' Haire: First of all, your threats mean nothing to me. Secondly, You don't seem to to know just what's going on here do you? This is bigger than the both of us. This thing I have with Rey Mysterio will end this Sunday at WrestleMania and I guarantee that. Everything is going to fall into place. I have everything under control whether you like to believe it or not. I'm on my way to the ring to take care of this. You go do what you have to and I'll go do what I have to do.​

O' Haire leaves Ziggler and continues his walk to the ring.

Tiffany is standing by with The Corre.
Tiffany: Well, Wade Barrett, it goes without saying that this Sunday is a BIG night for The Corre when you take on The Nexus in a Winner Take All match and one of the groups will disband. But tempers were certainly flared last Monday on RAW.​
Back from the Break and The Nexus are still making their way out to the Parking Lot. They stop and spot The Corre side by side waiting for them. Punk gives them all a look and they charge into battle! The Nexus and Corre all start going at it in The Parking Lot!
The King: Here we go JR!

Jim Ross:
It's an old fashioned Chicago Street Fight!​
There's action all around! Punk and Barrett are going at it. Mason Ryan puts Tyler Reks head through a car window and the 10 men continue to battle until a HUGE Wave of Security, Referees, and other personnel show up from the back and try to separate these men!
Jim Ross: My God, it's a War Zone out there! 10 men are tearing each other apart and can't wait to get to WrestleMania!

The King: Who knows if there's gonna be anything left of these guys before WrestleMania!​
Wade Barrett: You know, growing up, I learned that there were two types of people in this world: Those who talk without acting and those who act without talking. What we did on RAW was merely a message that we sent to the Nexus. CM Punk did have a point last week on RAW through his ramblings. There is a power struggle between The Corre and The Nexus, but I assure you, the struggle is over. You'll see just what I mean when we go to the ring later on tonight.​
SmackDown! Replay
Chavo gets up and takes Kaval down with a Hurricanrana! He moves Kaval into place and climbs the top rope again, but this time Kaitlyn gets on the apron. This distracts Chavo long enough for Kaval to jump up and catch him with a sick kick to the back of the head! The fans cheer as Rey Mysterio and Beth Phoenix come sprinting down to ringside!​
Michael Cole: Wait a minute, here comes the cavalry!

Matt Striker: These guys have no business out here!​
Beth Phoenix pulls Kaitlyn down from the apron and starts hammering away as the ref yells at them. Mysterio gets in the ring. Kaval goes for kick, but Rey ducks and dropkicks him into the ropes. Mysterio then calls for it and then connects with the 619!​
Michael Cole: The 619! Mysterio hits the 619 on Kaval!

Matt Striker: Turn around ref, don't you see what's going on here?!!​
Mysterio leaves the ring. Beth tosses Kaitlyn around and leaves with Rey as they leave back up the ramp. Chavo is back up and climbs the top rope again and hits the Frogsplash! The ref makes the count: 1,.......2,........3!​
Michael Cole: Chavo has done it! With the aid of Rey Mysterio and Beth Phoenix, Chavo Guerrero upsets Kaval!

Matt Striker: They had no business out here Michael!

Michael Cole: Kaitlyn had no business on the apron and Rey Mysterio and Beth Phoenix came out here and got a measure of revenge on The Revolution and made sides even for Chavo.

Matt Striker: Wait until Sean O' Haire gets word of what happened!​

Sean O' Haire: Rey Mysterio, you're actions have not fallen on deaf ears. I assure you of that. You've made your statement and it's time we made ours. And Rey, WrestleMania looms closer and we're getting ready to suck the life out of that team of yours. You must feel so big and bad having back up. Well, I've got news for you, people like you Rey always get their comeuppance. Then again, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.​

Michael Cole: Some voice yelling Rey's name, but where is it coming from?​
Finally the titantron goes white and Sean O' Haire walks on camera.
Sean O' Haire: Rey Mysterio. All you had to do was say Yes. Was that so hard? I asked you to be a part of my Family, but you refused. You had to be the good guy to impress all these people and for what Rey? To get some cheap pop. You come out here and perform for people who probably won't even remember you when you die. But I will applaud on this. What you've done, is get my attention. You fired the first shot tonight by costing Kaval his match and I took it upon myself to respond the only way I knew how.​
A camera is seen going backstage and goes into Mysterio's Locker Room. Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Booker T., and Chris Masters are all laid out! Medics can be heard calling for help!

Michael Cole: Oh my God! Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Booker, and The Masterpiece! They've all been laid out!​
The camera returns to Sean O' Haire.
Sean O' Haire: Hurry Rey, I don't know how long they're going to last.​
He does this creepy evil laugh as Rey leaves the ring and sprints to the back.

Rey Mysterio sprints to his Locker Room and opens the door and everybody is still laid out. Beth starts to stir and Rey goes over to her. He asks if she's ok and she struggles to say, "Behind You"

Rey turns around and O' Haire decks him with a right hand. He stomps away and then sends him into the wall! He fixes his attire and finally leaves without saying a single word.

******Come On!******
Sean O' Haire makes his way out to the ring carrying that note he had before the Commercial Break.
Michael Cole: You talk about a power struggle? What about Sean O' Haire and Rey Mysterio? They've formed two armies and they're gonna collide this Sunday at WrestleMania!

Matt Striker: Yeah, but what game is Rey Mysterio playing here?!! He knows better than that!

Michael Cole: You saw what happened last wee! O' Haire and his cronies jumped Mysterio's teammates including Beth Phoenix and Natalya! When Mysterio went to check on them, he...

Matt Striker: He found out the hard way Michael. Because Rey interfered in Kaval's match earlier and he paid for it!

Michael Cole: And now Rey is getting revenge and playing mind games of his own!

Matt Striker: This is the wrong guy to play games with. I'll tell you that!​
Sean O' Haire: Rey...Mysterio. You are playing a very dangerous game. A Game that has severe consequences. A Game that you can NOT win. You're nine lives have finally ticked down to 0 and believe me when I say this Rey. I have a way of getting what I want and if you don't stop whatever it is you're doing, WrestleMania will be the WORST night of your live. What I did last week was just a warning. Consider this your second warning. There WILL NOT be a third Rey. You do NOT know what I am capable of. I don't consider that you try me. Then again, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know. So, why don't you come out here and tell me where my Family, along with Vickie Guerrero is and end this game before it goes too far? Before it goes to a point of no return?​
Michael Cole: Sean O' Haire sounds pretty confident for a man with no backup and with Rey having the upper hand in this whole thing.

Matt Striker: You sure Rey has the upper hand Michael? Or is that what Sean O' Haire wants Rey to believe? You forget what a powerful man Sean O' Haire really is.​
******Booyaka Booyaka******
Rey Mysterio's music hits to a BIG pop! He makes his way out in his wrestling attire.
Matt Striker: Here we go Michael. I knew Rey wasn't stupid enough to continue playing this game.

Michael Cole: You think Rey Mysterio is afraid of Sean O' Haire? He's not afraid of anybody!

Matt Striker: Well then, he'll find out the hard way sooner than later.​
Rey Mysterio: Sean, there's something wrong with this picture. Where's your crew at Sean? Damn, it looks like you all by yourself man. Did you get a chance to really read that note I sent you? For those of you who don't know what it says, it simply said, 4 down....1 to go! That one....being YOU!​
Fans pop.
Rey Mysterio: Payback is a B**** Sean! You think I was just gonna let last week go? Taking out my friends, my team. I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine and now, here we are.​
Fans pop.
Matt Striker: Rey Mysterio sure is underhanded.​
Rey Mysterio: I don't care a word about what you said because this Sunday, the games are over and we're gonna see what you're made of. But since you're out here and you look ready to wrestle and so do I...​
Matt Striker: Oh wait a minute...​
Rey Mysterio: Why don't we have a little Team Captain's Match right here tonight!​
Fans pop.
Michael Cole: Rey Mysterio laying down the challenge to Sean O' Haire!​
Sean O' Haire: I already beat you once Rey. You want me to embarrass you again before this Sunday? Fine! Let's settle this like men!​
Matt Striker: Whoa!

Michael Cole:
An impromptu match between Rey Mysterio and Sean O' Haire! Team Captains this Sunday will square off when we come back!​
Match 3:
Sean O' Haire vs Rey Mysterio

Back from the break and Mysterio is hammering away on O' Haire against the ropes. He whips Sean O' Haire off the ropes, but he comes back with a flying shoulder block. He picks Rey up and throws him into the corner. He then buries into Rey with a series of shoulder thrusts. He then whips Rey with force into the opposite corner and he hits the corner hard falling flat on his face. He walks over to a fallen Mysterio and picks him up. He whips Rey off the ropes and elevates Mysterio into a HUGE back body drop! He goes for a pin: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Mysterio won't go down as he gets his shoulder up! He brings Mysterio to the corner and starts hammering away. The ref starts to step in, but he gets shoved aside. Mysterio then starts battling back and firing back with right hands. He gets O' Haire off balance and connects with some kicks to the back of the thigh until he gets him down to one knee. He climbs the top rope and takes down O' Haire with a cross body! He gets into a pinning combination: 1,.......2......KICK OUT! O' Haire kicks out at 2!

Mysterio bounces off the ropes and dropkicks at the knees of O' Haire. He whips himself off the ropes again and connects Tornado DDT! He climbs the top rope again. He waits for O' Haire and comes off the top rope, but is caught in mid air! O' Haire catches him and hits a fall away slam. He makes the cover: 1,.....2,.....KICK OUT! Mysterio shows his tenacity and is able to get that shoulder up! O' Haire looks frustrated as he looks at the referee. O' Haire drags Mysterio to the corner. O' Haire climbs the top rope now looking for the senton bomb. O' Haire calls for it and comes off the top, but Rey moves out of the way and O' Haire crashes down to the mat! Mysterio was able slide out of the ring at the last second and O' Haire crashed and burned! O' Haire is finally able to to get up and rest himself on the ring ropes. Mysterio flies back in the ring and nails O' Haire with a 619! O' Haire goes down and Mysterio climbs the top rope and comes off the top and connects with a frogsplash! He hooks the leg and makes the cover: 1,.......2,.....3!​

Winner: Rey Mysterio (8:32)

Mysterio celebrates his win and O' Haire bangs the mat in frustration and then....
Anonymous Voice: Hey! Hey Sean!​

The titantron shows Beth Phoenix and Natalya.
Natalya: So sorry you lost your match Seanie Boy! But look who we found in the Boiler Room!​
They pan on the camera on the rest of the Revolution members along with Vickie Guerrero tied up to chairs with tape around their mouths.
Beth Phoenix: Yeah, it just goes to show you that two can play this game. It goes to show you that this Sunday at WrestleMania, you are GOIN DOWN!!

Natalya: But hey Sean, we're not telling you anything that YOU don't already know!​
The camera feed dies and we go back to O' Haire in the ring who looks pissed.
Michael Cole: Sean O' Haire got a dose of his own medicine! Sean O' Haire is all by himself!

Matt Striker: Wait a minute! Who are Beth and Natalya to disrespect Sean O' Haire?!! Do they know what they've done?!!

Michael Cole: Sean O' Haire is unaware of what is awaiting him when he turns around!

Matt Striker: Oh no....​
O' Haire turns around and Rey Mysterio is standing with Booker T. on his left and Chris Masters on his right. O' Haire tries to beg off, but they all jump him instead!
Michael Cole: Team Mysterio getting some payback and beating the hell out of Sean O' Haire!​
Booker and Masters hold O' Haire on the ropes and Mysterio connects with the 619 for a second time!
Michael Cole: Mysterio, again, hits the 619!

Matt Striker:
Oh no, not this!​
Masters hoists up O' Haire and locks him in the Masterlock!
Michael Cole: The MasterLock is Locked in!​
Masters drops O' Haire and Booker plays to the crowd. He kicks O' Haire in the sternum and connects with the Scissors Kick!
Matt Striker: This is not fair!

Michael Cole: Sean O' Haire has been laid out!​
Booker then does the spinarooni! His music hits as Masters, Booker, and Mysterio celebrate in the ring. Natalya and Beth Phoenix come down and join in. Team Mysterio then raise each other arms in unison!
Michael Cole: Rey Mysterio's team is standing tall tonight!

Matt Striker: Well Michael, I'll tell you this, don't underestimate Sean O' Haire! Mysterio's got the upper hand tonight, but we're gonna find out this Sunday if his team is gonna be the last one laughing!​
Big Show is walking down a lighted hallway and he looks quite upset.
Matt Striker: Oh no, now what?!!

Michael Cole:
The 500 lb Monster Big Show! He looks like he's on his way out here! Maybe we'll get a response from Big Show after what Kevin Nash said last week!​
Christian is seen entering the arena and is stopped by Josh Matthews.

Josh Matthews: Christian, I just wanted to inform you that Edge has invited you to be on The Cutting Edge tonight.

Christian: Oh is that so? Well, you can tell Edge I'll see him in the ring.​
******Crank it up******

The Big Show makes his way out to a great pop and he walks to the ring with the same pissed look on his face.
Michael Cole: Here comes the Big Show and he looks to be in a very foul mood!

Matt Striker: Well, I would be too if a guy bigger than me jumped me from behind and then talked trash to me when I wasn't even in the arena!

Michael Cole: I think Kevin Nash did accomplished whatever it is he did because this Sunday, he's gonna get every bit of The Big Show.

Matt Striker: That's what I'm afraid of...​
Big Show has a mic and soaks in the crowd reaction before he starts speaking.
Big Show: Kevin...Nash. 2 weeks ago, Kevin Nash came into this ring and took me out. Nobody has ever done that to me before. The last time I saw Kevin Nash was the Royal Rumble. The last time I wrestled Kevin Nash, he dropped me on my neck. And now, we have a one on one match this Sunday at WrestleMania.​
Fans pop.
Big Show: But Kevin Nash didn't want to leave it that, no, he took it one step further.​
Footage from Nash's promo last week is shown:
Kevin Nash: Let's face it. The Big Show went from throwing Stone Cold Steve Austin into a Steel Cage breaking the Cage to dancing around with Santino Marella and hanging out with a little leprechaun. It's pathetic and I was embarrassed for him. So what better way to piss off a Giant? You step on his toes and kick his ass!​
Big Show: Kevin Nash, I know you're here and I wanna say...Thank You. You made a great comeback and you sure as hell made your actions clear. But in doing so, you've awoken something inside of me that's been sleeping for a long time.​
Matt Striker: Uh-oh...​
Michael Cole: What has Kevin Nash done?​
Big Show: This Sunday, you're gonna get all 500 lbs of The Big Show! This Sunday at WrestleMania, it WILL BE SHOWTIME!!​
Matt Striker: What is the Big Show gonna do to Kevin Nash at WrestleMania?!!​
Big Show stands around and is about to speak again until....
Voice: Hey! Big Show! Up here ya big doof!​
The titantron shows Kevin Nash and it doesn't look like he's in the arena.
Michael Cole: Where the hell is Nash? He said he'd be here tonight.

Matt Striker: Well, obviously Nash took the high road and decided to sit at Home.​
Show finally gets a look at Nash and he starts clapping.
Kevin Nash: Big Show, Big Show....Big Show. Let me be the first to congratulate you on tapping into your inner Monster. But I think it's too little, too late there Big Man. Lucky for you, I'm not in that arena, because I would come down to that ring and do what I did to you 2 weeks ago. But upon further deliberation, I decided to save myself for WrestleMania. And Show, everything I said was true. I meant every word of what I said. Even when we were in WCW, you were NEVER the monster that you could be. You'd get beaten by guys a third of your size. I did you a favor when I attacked you. You were always all bark and no bite and let me tell you something PAUL! I got tired of sitting around and watch you parade around the ring like a drunken moron, week in, week out. You been pissing me off and I've been waiting for this rematch for a long time Big Man! I'm one person in this business that you don't want to get angry! And I'll tell you something else, Kevin Nash is coming to WrestleMania and as long as I've got breath in lungs, this Sunday, I will put you out of your misery for good!​
Nash removes his wire and leaves the area. The satellite feed dies and we return back to Big Show who is visibly shaking from anger. He looks like he's going to explode any minute!
Alberto Del Rio's music hits to some boos and he comes obnoxiously blaring his horn in a sweet looking Escalade. Del Rio emerges from the Driver's Seat, Ricardo comes out of the passenger seat in wrestling attire and Brodus Clay right behind them.
Michael Cole: Out comes Alberto Del Rio and you can feel it in the air partner. WrestleMania is this Sunday and Del Rio goes one on one with Kane!

Matt Striker:
What a way to debut at WrestleMania! Going one on one with The Big Red Machine and beating him!

Michael Cole: I wouldn't go that far.

Matt Striker:
Look at Alberto, Michael. All smiles, you think he's worried about Kane this Sunday.

Michael Cole: Well, Kane isn't a pushover. Del Rio better damn well get focused because Del Rio screwed Kane out of the World Title and that has not set well with Kane ever since then.​
Del Rio and his cohorts stand side by side in the ring as he gets ready to speak.
Alberto Del Rio: My Name....My name is Alberto Del Rio!! But you already knew that.​
Mixed reaction from the fans.
Alberto Del Rio: And this Sunday, I will make history when I debut in my very first WrestleMania this Sunday! And I will defeat Kane. It will be as simple as 1....2.....3! You people need to understand that Alberto Del Rio is the future, and NOT Kane. Look at me and look at Kane. The problem with you people is that you don't know greatness when you see it. After I defeat the Big Red ******, I will finally get the respect that I deserve.​
He then starts speaking in Spanish until....
Kane's Pyro explodes at the top of the rampway and here he comes!
Del Rio flees from the ring while Brodus Clay goes out and meets Kane!
Match 4:
Handicap Match
Kane vs Brodus Clay & Ricardo Rodriguez

Ricardo stands in the ring as Brodus Clay immediately meets Kane at the bottom of the ramp and they start going to work on each other. Clay starts to overcome Kane with bigger right hands. Kane finally comes back with an uppercut and starts teeing of on Clay himself. Clay then comes back with a thumb to the eye. He goes to send Kane into the ring post, but Kane reverses and Clay goes flying into the post. He then turns his attention to Del Rio. Kane chases Del Rio around until they finally end up in the ring. Del Rio then shoves Ricardo right into the arms of Kane. Kane lifts him up for the chokeslam, but in comes Clay as he chop blocks the back of the knee of Kane. The fans show their displeasure and Clay stomps away on Kane. Clay whips Kane into the corner where Ricardo gets in a cheap shot. Kane turns around and grabs Ricardo by the throat, but Clay charges and takes him down smashing him in the corner. He then starts going at Kane with body shots. He whips Kane into the ropes and drops Kane with a HUGE powerslam! Before he can even make the cover, Kane sits up! Clay goes back to work, and takes Kane down with a clothesline. He climbs the top rope and comes off, but is caught by Kane! He gets Clay ready for the chokeslam, but Ricardo comes and tries to cheap shot Kane. Kane then decks him with a right hand. Del Rio comes in and runs into a big boot! Clay then takes Kane from behind. He goes to whip Kane in the corner, but he reverses and takes Clay out with a chokeslam! He makes the cover and this one is over!​

Winner: Kane (5:36)

Kane gets up, but Del Rio is in the ring with a Chair. He cracks the chair right over the back of Kane!
Michael Cole: Del Rio with a chair! Just laid out Kane!​
Kane turns around Del Rio WACKS Kane right in the face with the Chair!
Cole & Striker: OH!!!

Michael Cole:
What a shot! Del Rio has taken out The Big Red Machine with that damn chair!

Matt Striker: This is what I mean Michael. Desperate times call for Desperate measures.​
Del Rio isn't done as he continues to wear out Kane with the chair. Hitting him in the back, legs, chest, arms, all over his body!
Michael Cole: Del Rio is acting like a madman! Just wearing out the Big Red Machine!

Matt Striker: This is what WrestleMania does to people Michael. It makes them insane! You can feel the tension!​
Del Rio finally stops and throws the chair down. He starts yelling in Spanish to a downed Kane and leaves with Ricardo and Clay.
Michael Cole: I'll tell you what, Kane sure as hell won't forget this night. He's gonna have his on Sunday!

Matt Striker: Michael, Look!​
Kane tries to sit up and he's halfway there, but he collapses back down. Clay and Ricardo raise Del Rio's arms in victory as they all celebrate.
Matt Striker: Alberto Del Rio has left Kane in a heap in the center of the ring!

Michael Cole:
There's no telling the state of mind Kane will be in come Sunday!​
The Corre is on their way to the ring.

Matt Striker: Speaking of state of mind, what do The Corre have to say just days before WrestleMania? We'll find out next!​
******End Of Days******
The Corre's music hits and they make their way out side by side.
Michael Cole: A focused and dangerous group of individuals are The Corre and they can't wait to get WrestleMania this Sunday.

Matt Striker:
It's all on the line this Sunday Michael. The Nexus and The Corre, one of these two factions are going down.

Michael Cole: It's been an ongoing war ever since January. I can't wait to see how it all ends.​
They all stand by side by side in the ring as Wade Barrett grabs a microphone.
Wade Barrett: It's been almost a year and you people still don't understand. You people fail to realize and fail to see just what is standing in front of you. I, along with Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel took The Nexus, and the other Season 1 rejects and made them relevant again. It proves two things: 1. I'm surrounded by intelligence and talent and 2. I am a Natural Born Leader. You see, when I was in charge of The Nexus, we were always been 100% behind a common purpose. What was this New Nexus done? Absolutely nothing! CM Punk likes to feed his own ego, so he surrounds himself with people inferior to him. But it all ends Sunday.

Justin Gabriel: This is what Wade has been saying for the past 2 months. The Corre is superior to The Nexus in every way. We're better athletes, we all are leaders on The Corre, there is no brainwashing cult leader like CM Punk is. I came in with The Nexus, but I'm sorry to say, they're just one 450 splash away from being gone forever.

Ezekial Jackson:
What you people aren't getting is that we aren't the bad guys. What we've done on SmackDown is for your own good. Myself and Tyler Reks have been overlooked and we joined The Corre so people like you will show us some respect and the only way we're gonna earn it is by beating The Nexus this Sunday on the grandest stage of them all......WrestleMania.

Wade Barrett: Do you get it now? Is it beginning to sink in? Because if it's not, it better! And here's something else.....​
******This Fire Burns******
CM Punk's theme interrupts Barrett to a great pop and he makes his way all smiles with the rest of The Nexus.
Matt Striker: Uh-oh, here we go Michael!

Michael Cole: The Nexus is here on SmackDown and I wonder what they have to say about what The Corre said.​
CM Punk: Excuse me Wade, but were you just describing yourself? Because I know you don't mean me. I've excelled since taking control of The Nexus. This is no longer some silly gang of rookies who make their living by beating people up. No, I've molded these men into something far greater.​

CM Punk wants to continue, but David Otunga takes the mic away!

David Otunga: Wade, it seems to me that YOU don't get it yet! You're like a broken record. You come out here and say the same things, but you don't mean a word of what you say. The Nexus was all about Wade Barrett and the minute you sensed a threat that somebody was going against YOUR orders, you snapped and tried to take them out. CM Punk is a prime example. He wanted to lead us somewhere YOU never did. He changed all our beliefs. He didn't use us to make himself Champion. I chose to stay with Punk because unlike Justin and Heath, I know what's coming. I guarantee it. You guys won't make it to Summertime.​
Fans give it a great reaction.
Michael Cole: Strong words from David Otunga.​
CM Punk: And that is exactly why The Nexus will put you our of your misery come WrestleMania. This group will not die so easily and David Otunga stated it so perfectly. Your ego will eventually take over and the 5 of you will cease to exist. That's one more thing about you Wade, you're hard headed. You don't like to listen to reason. You insist on preaching about what you're going to do. Well, I have news for you Wade, I've been to WrestleMania, I've won back to back Money in the Bank matches. I've had my moments. YOU Wade, I'm talking you personally, YOU are walking into the biggest match of YOUR career Wade. Everything you stand for, everything you just said is on the line. How will it feel to lose The Nexus AND The Corre in a 4 month span? This Sunday, as far as I'm concerned, you will be humbled and you will fall. How appropriate it will be when you fall victim to your own narcissism on the biggest stage in Sports Entertainment.​
Punk's music hits as he waves goodbye to The Corre. The Corre members all look at each other as Wade continues to stare at Punk.
Back from the Break and Dolph Ziggler, Yoshi Tatsu, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, and Evan Bourne have all taken a seat at ringside ready for this next match.
******Smoke and Mirrors******
Cody Rhodes makes his way down to the ring with his mask and hood, shoving the camera out of the way if it gets too close.
Tony Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring, from Marietta, Georgia weighing in at 215 lbs......Cody Rhodes!​
Michael Cole: Cody Rhodes looking for some payback after last week on RAW when Dibiase went crazy and took out everybody out here showing his dominance.

Matt Striker: Ted Dibiase is out to prove to the world that he IS what he says he is, but this Sunday, it's all on the line. These 8 men are going to go through it all Michael to take that next step in this business.​
******I Come For Money******
Dibiase makes his way out with Maryse by his side to some boos.
Tony Chimel: And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Maryse, from West Palm Beach, Florida, weighing in at 214 lbs......Ted Dibiase!​
Matt Striker: Cody Rhodes has been waiting for this moment for quite some time Michael. It was Ted Dibiase who caused Rhodes to get mask put on his face. It was Dibiase who DDT'ed Rhodes into a Chair last week on RAW. This is personal.

Michael Cole: It's gonna be a momentum boost for one of these men to get a win heading into WrestleMania this Sunday.​
Match 5:
Cody Rhodes vs Ted Dibiase

Both men circle the ring as the rest of the Money in the Bank participants look on from ringside. They lock up and Dibiase immediately gets Rhodes in a side headlock. Rhodes fights Dibiase to the ropes and whips him off the break the hold. Dibiase runs through Rhodes with a shoulder block. He whips off the ropes, leap frogs over him, and Rhodes goes for an arm drag, but Dibiase counters and goes for one of his own, but Rhodes reverses that and clotheslines him down. He goes for a quick cover, but Dibiase quickly makes his way up. Rhodes goes for another right, but Dibiase and slaps Rhodes in the face, but he hit the mask and now he holds his hand in pain. Rhodes then whips Dibiase into the corner. He charges and eats a boot from Dibiase. He climbs the top rope and executes a bull dog from the top rope. He makes the cover: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! He picks Rhodes and drops him with a headlock takedown. Rhodes tries to get out, but Dibiase keeps the pressure on. Rhodes finally is able to get to his feet and put Dibiase down with a back suplex. He makes the quick cover: 1,......2,......KICK OUT!

Dibiase just gets that shoulder up! Rhodes gives the ref a look. He brings Dibiase to the corner and delivers a couple of sharp chops until it gets reversed and Rhodes gets hammered on in the corner. He whips Rhodes into the corner and he hits hard and fall on his stomach. Dibiase poses to the crowd to boos as he goes back to work on Rhodes. He grabs Dibiase and tries to get himself up, but he gets knocked back down by Dibiase. He drags Rhodes to the middle of the ring and looks to lock the Figure Four, but Rhodes reverses and kicks Dibiase into the ropes. He comes back Rhodes tattoos him with a BIG dropkick sending him to the outside! Rhodes then goes outside too and looks under the ring and pulls out a table to a pop from the crowd. He sets it up right where he is. He walks over to Dibiase and drags him over to the table. Rhodes looks for a suplex which could get him disqualified. He tries, but Dibiase keeps his feet planted and reverses suplexing Rhodes on the mat as both writhe in pain on the floor. The ref checks on them as we go to a Commercial Break.​
Back from the break and Rhodes has Dibiase in an abdominal stretch. Maryse is on the outside cheering on Dibiase, willing him to get back in this thing. Dibiase slowly and surely makes his way up and reverses the hold and kicks Rhodes into the turnbuckle. He charges and Rhodes does a split to avoid the charge as Dibiase goes shoulder first into the ring post. Rhodes then rolls him up for a pinfall: 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Dibiase manages to get the shoulder up! Rhodes looks at the ref again. Rhodes then picks Ted up and starts going at him with right hands. He whips him off the ropes, Dibiase ducks a right hand and turns Rhodes around and starts going to work on him. He whips him into the ropes and takes him down with a spinebuster. He then looks to lock in the sharpshooter, but Rhodes quickly leaves the ring to avoid it. Maryse then turns him around and tells him to go back in the ring. Rhodes then grabs a hold of her hair. Dibiase then hits a baseball slide sending Rhodes into the baracade.

He goes to the outside and starts stomping away. He whips Rhodes into the post in front of the other Money in the Bank participants. Dibiase then sends Rhodes into the ring. He starts talking to trash to everyone before heading back in the ring. Rhodes is up and drops him with a clothesline. He then takes his mask off and looks to use it as a weapon. Maryse slides in the ring and tries to grab the mask from Rhodes. He finally gets it away and accidentally takes the referee out. Dibiase is still down and Rhodes waits and lays him out with his mask. He goes for the pin, but the referee is down. He leaves the ring and knocks Evan Bourne off his chair and brings it in the ring. Before he has a chance to use it, Bourne is back in the ring and takes Rhodes down and starts hammering away. This brings the other Money in the Bank participants in the ring and everyone starts brawling! The fight then spills out to the floor! Swagger then pulls out a Ladder from under the ring. Rhodes from nowhere hits a baseball slide into the Ladder into Swagger! Rhodes then drags the Ladder into the ring. He waits for Dibiase and uses it to knock him out! He starts shaking the ref to wake him up. He makes the cover on Dibiase: 1,.......2,.......3!​

Winner: Cody Rhodes (15:19)
Michael Cole: Cody Rhodes gets the win, but damn it, he needed the assistance of a Ladder to do it!

Matt Striker: That's what it's all about this Sunday Michael! Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!​
Jack Swagger comes in and clotheslines Rhodes. He picks the chair up and and goes outside. He takes out Kofi Kingston, nails Bourne in the back, drives the chair in the ribs of Ryder, then slams him in the back! He turns around and Tatsu kicks the chair right back in the face of Swagger! Tatsu celebrates until Ziggler delivers a low blow. He sends Tatsu into the ring. He waits and delivers the Zig Zag!
Matt Striker: Look who's standing tall Michael! My pick!

Michael Cole:
He may not be for long!​
Dolph Ziggler is on the turnbuckle celebrating until Swagger runs back in and shoves Ziggler off the top rope and through the table!
Michael Cole: Dolph Ziggler! Sent right off the top rope and through the table!

Matt Striker:
Jack Swagger looks like he's got the momentum now.

Michael Cole: Swagger has the most experience, he's been Champion, what will he do his body this Sunday to be a two time Mr. Money in the Bank?!!​
Swagger stands tall in the ring as his music celebrates.
The World Champion Edge is on his way to the ring!

Matt Striker: Here we go Michael!

Michael Cole:
This should be good. The Cutting Edge with Christian as the guest. What will happen between Edge and Christian just days before WrestleMania?!!​

Michael Cole: Welcome Back to Friday Night SmackDown everybody and Matt what a night it has been!

Matt Striker: We are just days away from WrestleMania and tonight is all about making a statement to get that upper hand heading into Sunday and I know we've seen a lot of that.

Michael Cole: You hear the theme song, "Written in the Stars" by Tinie Tempah and Eric Turner. We wanna thank them for providing this theme song for WrestleMania and remember a special start time this Sunday. WrestleMania will be 7pm/4p and it's a joint production of RAW & SmackDown and standing by right now is Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler!​

We cut JR and King who are sitting by in an empty arena at their announce table.

Jim Ross: Thank you Michael Cole and Matt Striker and King, I've worked for 18 years, I've called a lot WrestleManias and I can't wait for this one.

The King: Well JR, after we saw last week on RAW, no doubt there are gonna some scores to settle at WrestleMania.​


The King: JR, you said Daniel Bryan has what it takes to beat Sheamus, I can't help but think that you're right.

Jim Ross: Sheamus has gone down at the hands of the LeBell Lock two weeks in a row. Daniel Bryan is looking for the Hat Trick and reclaim The United States Championship.​


Jim Ross: The Tag Team Titles will be on the line when The Naturals defend against Carlito and Primo.

The King: The Naturals have been on top of their game, and they have the clear edge over Carlito and Primo. It's gonna be a great match, but you just gotta believe in the Champs! You gotta trust them JR!

Jim Ross: Be that as it may, it's WrestleMania and anything can happen.​


The King: Oh JR! Puppies and more Puppies! Trish and Lita tag for the first time in 8 years to take on LayCool!

Jim Ross: The Divas of the new Generation take on the Divas of the past. It's a clash of realities King, and only one team of Divas will come out on top.

The King: Oh yeah, I love Divas come out on top JR. I can't wait!​


Jim Ross: And then Ladies and Gentlemen, we will then get serious. The richest prize in the game is on the line. The Miz will defend the WWE Championship against Triple H, John Morrison and Randy Orton.

The King: The Miz has had this big bullzeye on his chest. He's called himself the most must see WWE Champion, but this is a HUGE challenge. It's put up or shut up time for one of these guys.​


Jim Ross: And then My Gawd Ladies and Gentlemen, it doesn't get any bigger than this. John Cena vs The Undertaker. Can John Cena do it? Will John Cena be able to do the one thing that nobody has ever done and give The Phenom his first loss at WrestleMania?

The King: John Cena has all the momentum JR, he's never lost a one on one match at WrestleMania, he's THE face of the WWE, it's going to be a great match!

Jim Ross: It should be something special no doubt about it. WrestleMania Live this Sunday on Pay Per View. It only comes once it a year, you don't wanna miss it. Michael Cole, Matt Striker, back to you guys!​
Michael Cole: Thanks guys, can't wait to see those matches, but what about the matches from SmackDown?!!

Matt Striker: After what we've seen tonight, I can't wait, we might just steal the show!​


Michael Cole: The 10 Person Intergender Tag Team Match! Sean O' Haire leads The Revolution and Vickie Guerrero into battle against Rey Mysterio's team which consists if himself, Booker T., Chris Masters, Beth Phoenix, and Natalya.

Matt Striker: The mind games are over, enough talk and it's time to get down to business. Who's time is it to step up and make a name for themselves this Sunday?!!​


Michael Cole: I know you can't wait for this one. Drew McIntyre defends The Intercontinental Championship against MVP and Curt Hawkins!

Matt Striker: These men have a lot of animosity and a lot of Bad Blood towards each other and it only can be settled at WrestleMania and it's all for The Intercontinental Championship!​


Michael Cole: We saw the intense confrontation between these two men earlier tonight. The battle of the big men!

Matt Striker: Kevin Nash came to face The Big Show, but he wanted to face The Monster and we saw the Monster come out tonight. Be careful what you wish for Nash, because The Big Show is going to bring all his anger to Atlanta and to WrestleMania. What a moment it's gonna be!​


Michael Cole: This one is not going to be pretty. It won't end well for one of these two guys as Kane battles Alberto Del Rio!

Matt Striker: Del Rio proved tonight that he's not afraid of Kane. He proved that he can wear Kane out and that's exactly what he plans on doing Sunday, but I don't think he knows just what he's in for. When you anger The Big Red Machine, prepare for some severe consequences.​


Michael Cole: It's The Nexus and The Corre. This company isn't big enough for both of these factions and one of them has go to go.

Matt Striker: Wade Barrett created The Corre to take over SmackDown, he's always had a deeper agenda then that and that was to take out CM Punk, the man who took The Nexus from right under his nose. Wade Barrett has the chance to make Punk eat his words this Sunday. Will it be The Corre, or The Nexus?!! Both men are gonna put it all on the line and one faction is going Home a winner, and one will disband forever!​


Michael Cole: For the first time in 10 years, at WrestleMania, a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. 8 men will put everything they have on the line to become Mr. Money in the Bank and challenge for the World Title, or WWE Title.

Matt Striker:
8 young, up and coming superstars in this business. But there can only be one Mr. Money in the Bank. Who will take the biggest chance? Who has that desire to become Mr. Money in the Bank?!​


Michael Cole: And then it all comes down to this. Edge vs Christian one on one for the World Heavyweight Championship!

Matt Striker: Two men who know each other better than anybody. Opportunity, Destiny, it's Edge vs Christian, the match a lot of people have been waiting for. Who is really destined be The World Heavyweight Champion?!! WrestleMania is this Sunday on Pay Per View!!​

Christian is seen walking down a hallway and he looks like he's on his way to the ring!

Matt Striker: Speaking of Christian!

Michael Cole: We already saw Edge tonight and here's the man who looks to become the new World Champion after this Sunday. The Cutting Edge is Next!​
Edge's music hits to a great mixed reaction. He makes his way out with the World Title looking as cocky as always.
Michael Cole: Could this be the last time we see Edge walk down that with the World Heavyweight Championship?

Matt Striker: All the momentum is in Edge's corner. He has the upper hand, he's the World Champion, he's Main Evented WrestleMania and Christian hasn't and look at what Edge has done to Christian. Having him arrested, spearing him through a table, and so on.​
He makes his way into the ring and asks for a mic. He pauses as the crowd reacts before he speaks.
Edge: Welcome to the WrestleMania edition of The Cutting Edge! Speaking of WrestleMania, for those of you that THINK that I'm going to leave Atlanta an ex champion, you are WRONG. And just like I have in the past, I'm going to beat Christian. So, let's not waste any more time and bring him out here. Christian, if you will?​
******Just Close Your Eyes******
Christian makes his way out to a Massive reaction from this crowd!
Michael Cole: What an ovation for the man who this Sunday could be the next World Heavyweight Champion!

Matt Striker:
If anybody knows Edge better than Edge himself, it's Christian. He's going to need every trick in the book he's learned from Edge to beat him because I guarantee you Michael, he won't go down without a fight.

Michael Cole: Edge is a great athlete, but you talk about being even in every aspect, Christian is that guy.​
Christian grabs a mic and the crowd starts a little Christian Chant.
Edge: Well, well. Christian. Can you believe that after all we've been through in this business, that it all comes down to this Sunday? How does it feel that everything for you is on the line? After this Sunday, and I beat you, it's over, there will be NO rematch. There will be NO second chances. You and all these fans are going to learn when I finally put you in your place for good.

Christian: You know Edge, it sounds to me like you're scared. Yeah, I get it. You're scared because you know that I have your number. You know that you don't have a chance in hell of beating me. Deep down in your heart, you're saying all these things to make YOURSELF feel better so that when you lose, it won't hurt as much. So, that you can feel better about yourself. I mean look at you, look at what you've become. I don't even know who you are anymore. The first time we went one on one, I beat you, or have you already forgotten?

Edge: Who am I? WHO AM I?!! You wanna know who I AM!! I'm the guy that you aren't good enough to be! I'm the guy that you will NEVER BE! You are nothing more than my Tag Team Partner. Edge AND Christian. That's it! That's all you are, that's all you'll EVER be! When you retire, people will only remember you as Edge's tag team partner, Edge's Brother, PLAYER 2!! Whether you believe it or not, you need me. YOU need ME! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have survived in this business. I carried you for over 13 years and I have finally reached heights that most superstars can only dream of! It's not my fault, that I achieved heights that you will NEVER achieve! You bring up The Past. That's exactly what that was: The Past! Things have changed quite a lot haven't they? This Sunday Christian, you better pray that you don't lose. If you lose, no, WHEN you lose, you will be driven back into that hole you crawled out of. I will beat you and send you back there. This could be your last match and how proper would it be to end your career once and for all at WrestleMania where WE made History. Now, what do you have to say to that?

Christian: You know something Edge, you may have a point. Maybe I'm in way over my head. Maybe the WWE did groom you to be the next big superstar in this business, but you see that's why I came back. You forget, you wouldn't have all the accolades without me! If Edge and Christian never became the greatest Tag Team in the WWE, you wouldn't be where you are. In a way, I helped you get to the top. I came back for ONE reason. To beat YOU for the World Heavyweight Championship. I won The Royal Rumble, I'm going to WrestleMania! And Edge, YOU better pray that YOU don't lose because everything YOU have is on the line. Your Pride and your Title. How is it gonna feel to be outdone by me again? You called me a lot of things a just now. You can call me your tag team partner, you can call me Player 2, but this Sunday, people will call me the NEW World Champion. You know what they'll call you? The Former Champion, the LOSER, the man who LOST his World Title at WrestleMania to somebody he should've beaten with ease. You know it and I know it. Hold that Championship tight Edge because it'll be the last time you hold it.

Edge: Christian, you know something? The last few weeks, I just....​
Before Edge can finish he bashes the mircrophone in the face of Christian!
Michael Cole: Come on! Damn, what a cheap shot!​
Edge waits for Christian to get up and hits him with the Spear!
Michael Cole: What a spear! He almost speared him in half!

Matt Striker: This is what WrestleMania does to people Michael! It's all about the World Title!​
Edge isn't done as he leaves the ring and grabs two chairs.
Michael Cole: Wait a minute Edge, Come on now!​
Edge places Christian's face on one of the Chairs and raised the other one high up in the air!
Michael Cole: Come on Edge, don't do it!​
He then proceeds with the one man Conchairto bashing Christian's head with that chair!
Michael Cole: Damn it! Come on Edge! Enough is enough! You made your point!

Matt Striker: I think Edge is far from making his point Michael!​
The fans are booing Edge as he grabs the mic and kneels down to Christian.
Edge: Like I said, this Sunday, I put the final nail in the coffin and put you out of your misery once and for ALL!​
His music plays as he drops the mic and he looks at Christian with a sadistic look.
Michael Cole: Edge has made his point and Christian is out cold!

Matt Striker: Edge has come to SmackDown to prove a point. To prove that Christian can't beat Edge!

Michael Cole: This Sunday, The World Title will be on the Line! Edge and Christian! One match for all the marbles!

Matt Striker: It only happens once a year! WrestleMania is where dreams come true Michael! Will it be a fairytale ending for Christian?!!

Michael Cole: Or will it be The Rated R Superstar who makes good on his promise?!! WrestleMania this Sunday on Pay Per View!!!​
Edge raises the World Title high over Christian's unconscious body as the show goes off the air.
SmackDown goes off the air.


We are shown a Live shot of the fans piling into the Georgia Dome! We hear Todd's voice:

Todd Grisham: The Center of the WWE Universe today is Atlanta, Georgia and The Georgia Dome, the site of WrestleMania 27! We welcome you to Sunday Night Heat just under an hour away and the Georgia Dome has been sold out for months in preparation for WrestleMania tonight on ppv. Fans have come from all over the world including over 20 foreign countries, all 50 states, and 5 Canadian Provinces. Fans have diverged from all the continents everywhere to see WrestleMania tonight.

We cut to Todd and Tiffany inside the Georgia Dome with fans behind them.

Todd Grisham: Todd Grisham alongside Tiffany and the clock is ticking, the anticipation has been building all weekend, and Tiffany, the time for talking is over, it's time to get down to business, it's time for WrestleMania.

Tiffany: Without a doubt Todd, this is the greatest sports entertainment spectacle in History, a Worldwide International Event, a global phenomenon. It only comes once a year and I have a feeling this just maybe the biggest WrestleMania of all time.

Todd Grisham: WrestleMania has had quite a following and the WWE Superstars and all the fans got a chance to get up close and personal as we celebrated the festivities all weekend. Let's take you back and show all the sights and sounds and festivities of WWE Axess.


Todd Grisham: Ladies and Gentlemen, what a great weekend it was and it all ends tonight with WrestleMania. Tiff, just how do they order?

Tiffany: Well Todd, they can call their local cable, or satellite provider and tell them you want to order WrestleMania, for those with IO TV, all you have to do is go to Channel 92 and buy WrestleMania, but if you can't do that, don't worry, because you can go on WWE.com and order the ppv there and you can have live streaming video of WrestleMania 27!​

Earlier Today:

Drew McIntyre arrives with Kelly Kelly.

Todd Grisham: Check it out, this is earlier today as Drew McIntyre showed up to the Georgia Dome arm in arm with Kelly Kelly with the Intercontinental Championship and they look to be all business.

Tiffany: Drew McIntyre is going to defend his Intercontinental Championship against both Curt Hawkins and MVP and he's at a complete disadvantage. Two guys that hate his guts and want his Title.

Todd Grisham: Big Night for The Intercontinental Champion as Heat continues live from the site of WrestleMania 27!


Back from Heat and Fans continue to pile into the arena.

Todd Grisham: Back on Sunday Night Heat and Ladies and gentlemen, earlier today, we asked the WWE Universe who they think will win the match between John Cena and The Undertaker tonight.​
Fan #1 (Kid) - I think John Cena is going to win because he's never quit and he won't start tonight.

Fan #2 (Young Adult Male) - The Undertaker is going to go to 19-0 and John Cena will Rest....In.....Peace!

Fan #3 (Young Adult Female) - I think it's John Cena because he's like so Hot. WOOO!

Fan #4 (Old Person) - It's gotta be The Deadman. I've seen a lot of WrestleMania opponents face The Undertaker, but I haven't seen someone influence so many people like John Cena. It should be a good match and...may the best man win.​
Todd Grisham: It looks like everybody has a different opinion Tiffany.

Tiffany: That's right and what a match it's going to be tonight. John Cena vs The Undertaker.


Todd Grisham: John Cena has the opportunity to do what no man has ever done and that's end the winning streak of The Deadman at WrestleMania. Can John Cena get it done? We'll find out tonight.​
Tiffany: Well Todd, we showed scenes from WWE Axess on Friday, but the night afterwards was the Hall of Fame Ceremony for the induction of the 2011 Class for the WWE Hall of Fame.

Todd Grisham: That's right, WWE Superstars and fans around the world on hand to see some Legends from the Past get inducted in the Hall of Fame.

Tiffany: Let's now take you back and show you some scenes from last night's Hall of Fame Ceremony.​


Todd Grisham: It was such a memorable night and we're going to see all of them back here tonight at WrestleMania taking their bows before the crowd. It's going to be amazing. But you noticed we left out Shawn Michaels in that clip and that's because later on tonight, we're going to show you The Heartbreak Kid's emotional, touching speech later on Heat tonight.

Tiffany: Well Todd, tonight at WrestleMania, all the titles will be on the line and that includes the WWE Tag Team Titles.


Todd Grisham: That's right, The Colons are going to challenge The Naturals for the WWE Tag Team Championship in what has been a personal issue. Right now, Lillian Garcia is standing by with AJ Lee and the WWE Tag Team Champions.​


Lillian Garcia: Well AJ, Chase, Andy, this your WrestleMania debut and clearly it's a big challenge as you put the Tag Team Titles on the line against Carlito and Primo.

Andy Douglas: There were a lot of people who said we wouldn't get here. A Lot of people doubted our success in the WWE. Look at us now. We're the WWE Tag Team Champions and we're moments away from our first successful title defense.

Chase Stevens: You see, Carlito and Primo may think they have us figured out, but they're wrong. We're The Tag Team Champions for a reason, and they're going to find that out first hand. They're in for a long night.

AJ Lee: Do you get it now, Lillian? Has it begun to sink in yet? To make it really simple; Carlito, Primo, playtime is over.

Just Now:

The Colons are getting ready.

Todd Grisham: Well, The Tag Team Champions and AJ Lee certainly mean business and speaking of their opponents, The Colons are also getting ready and getting their minds set on the task at hand tonight.

Tiffany: We hope to get a word with them before WrestleMania tonight as Sunday Night Heat continues!


We head back to Todd Grisham and Tiffany who are in a press box room overlooking the arena, the set, and all the fans.

Todd Grisham: Big matches all around the card and you can see behind us that the fans are still piling in this Georgia Dome and all these seats you see will be filled to capacity readying the night for WrestleMania.

Tiffany: I think it's time we got to the bigger matches on the card Todd.​

Todd Grisham:​
Tiffany, I could not agree with you more and one match I certainly can't wait for is the first ever Money in the Bank Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match.


Tiffany: 8 young superstars in their prime are going to take risks we probably haven't see before. It should be interesting to see who comes out with the win. Not just the fans at Home, or the fans here, everybody in the back, we're all dying to see just how this match is going to go.

Todd Grisham: Someone will take that next step in their career no doubt about. What about you Tiffany? What match catches your eye tonight?​

Tiffany: I know one match that's probably intriguing that people aren't talking about as much is the 10 Person Intergender Tag Team Match. Sean O' Haire, The Revolution and Vickie Guerrero take on the combined forces of Rey Mysterio, Booker T, Chris Masters, Beth Phoenix and Natalya.


Todd Grisham: The minds game are over, and it's put up or shut up. Sean O' Haire is a very dangerous man, and there's no telling the state of mind his team is in after last week. Rey Mysterio's team is definitely ready.

Tiffany: Oh yeah, and Todd, this all started after Sean O' Haire defeated Rey Mysterio in a match on SmackDown a few weeks ago, and wanted him to be in Sean O' Haire's Family.​


After the video package plays, Josh Matthews is standing by with Sean O' Haire.

Josh Matthews: Sean O' Haire, I guess the only question I have is what is the state of mind tonight of your team going into this 10 person Tag Team Match after what Rey Mysterio and his team did on SmackDown this past Friday?

Sean O' Haire: Don't you worry your little head about OUR state of mind Josh. Everything will become clear tonight at WrestleMania. But I will say this. Rey, you deserve a pat on the back. Not many people have the guts to do what you did on SmackDown. You must feel pretty good about yourself. If you do, then you should stop...now. Because I warned you not to play this Game, because it will only end badly for you, but you did it anyway. The only reason you feel good is because I am allowing it. I'm going to make it short and sweet for you Rey, all that you know, will come to an end tonight. Your first strike was not accepting my invitation to join my Family. Strike two was costing Kaval his match. Last week was your third strike. Three strikes and you're out. Just remember Rey, what takes place in that ring, what The Revolution does to your pathetic team, is on your head. Their blood is on your hands. You asked for this. You did this to yourself. Don't say I never warned you because tonight will be your Day of Reckoning. But I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.


During the Break:

Randy Orton is shown arriving the Georgia Dome.

Todd Grisham: During the Break, Randy Orton arrived here at the Georgia Dome.

Tiffany: He looks focused and he should be.

Todd Grisham: Tonight, the WWE Championship is on the line in a Fatal 4 Way Match and the odds don't favor the Champion at all.

Tiffany: Our cameras caught up with The Miz earlier today to get his thoughts on defending the WWE Championship here at WrestleMania.



Todd Grisham: We can only wonder what is going through the mind of these four individuals. Possibly the biggest title defense in Miz's career as he has no clear advantage. He doesn't have to be pinned or made to submit to lose the title.

Tiffany: It's a big night for John Morrison and The Miz. Triple H and Randy Orton have been here and they know what the spotlight feels like.

Todd Grisham: John Morrison has come a long way to get here, The Miz has reached this far with his title and as you said Tiffany, we already know how good Triple H and Randy Orton are, but the question is, who is going to walk out as the WWE Champion?​


After the video package, we head back to Todd Grisham and Tiffany.

Tiffany: Wow, I mean it was really one of the hot topics this weekend. Is this John Morrison's night to become the WWE Champion?

Todd Grisham: It's almost like everything is falling in place for him. John Morrison himself had a busy weekend; getting ready for tonight, and all his training.

Tiffany: I also heard he's debuting a new look tonight.

Todd Grisham: Let's look at how John Morrison has been getting ready for WrestleMania.


Todd Grisham: Could it be John Morrison's night to become the new WWE Champion? WrestleMania is a little under 30 minutes away as Sunday Night Heat continues!


Triple H is backstage having some coffee.

Todd Grisham: Welcome Back to Sunday Night Heat and there you see The Game Triple H. His focus has to be on tonight's Fatal 4 Way Match for the WWE Championship. But we before we get into that, Triple H last night inducted his Best Friend Shawn Michaels into the 2011 Hall of Fame. Let's hear what The Heartbreak Kid himself had to say.


Todd Grisham: Wow, I'll tell ya, The Heartbreak Kid has had one storybook career in the WWE and it must pain him to be watching WrestleMania from the sidelines this year.

Tiffany: But I know he's gonna cheer on his best friend Triple H as he goes for the WWE Championship tonight.

Todd Grisham: When you think of WrestleMania, you think of so many moments.

Tiffany: You think of all the title changes that took hands at WrestleMania with guys like Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, Batista, Triple H, Stone Cold, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker and so on.

Todd Grisham: And you think of all the different moments like Hogan slamming Andre, Piper and Mr. T, Stone Cold shaking hands with Mr. McMahon. All the great, great matches that took place at this event.


After the promo, Lillian Garcia is standing outside The Colons Locker Room.

Todd Grisham: We heard from the Tag Team Champions earlier tonight, but when we come back we're gonna hear from the challengers for the Tag Team Titles.


Lillian Garcia is with The Colons.

Lillian Garcia: Well guys, I'm sure you had a chance to hear what The Naturals AND AJ Lee had to say, but the question is what are your thoughts heading into this Tag Team Championship Match?

Primo: I'll tell you this, AJ can run her mouth all she wants, but you know the old saying, he who laughs last, laughs best. On a more personal note, what AJ and I had is dead and gone. I see her for the true B**** that she is and tonight is the icing on the cake when me Carlito win back our Tag Team Titles.

Primo walks away as Carlito gets ready to speak.

Carlito: You know what's cool? Becoming the WWE Tag Team Champions....Again. Because it's what The Colons do best. We're going to go out there in front of the whole world and win as a team. Now, that....THAT is cool.

Tiffany: Wow..

Todd Grisham:
I'll tell you what Tiffany, we said it earlier. You can feel the tension in the air, it's all around us, especially in the Divas Championship Match tonight.​

Tiffany: The Self-Proclaimed Co-Divas Champions Lay-Cool will put the gold on the line against the team of Trish Stratus and Lita! They haven't teamed together in 8 years!

Todd Grisham: It's a clash of generations and Lay-Cool has been on a roll ever since coming together, but they have never faced a test as tough as Lita and Trish.​


Tiffany: I don't know Todd, it's hard to count out Trish and Lita, but Lay-Cool has dominated the Divas Division here in the WWE. I don't know if even Trish and Lita can stop Lay-Cool.

Todd Grisham:
Well, we're gonna see which team of Divas prevail tonight.

Tiffany: I personally can't wait to see it. After what Lay-Cool did to Trish and Lita, no telling where they could be thinking tonight.​


Todd Grisham: Also, tonight at WrestleMania, it's Edge vs Christian.

Tiffany: Christian won The Royal Rumble and he knew what he's been wanting to do for a long time. He knows Edge probably better than Edge knows himself. This maybe Christian's one shot at the World Title.

Todd Grisham:
Edge had some harsh words to say to Christian last Friday on SmackDown, but that brings us to here tonight. Christian has scratched and clawed for this moment to finally silence Edge. Will it be Christian who walks out as The Champion, or will this WrestleMania be Rated R?​



Following the promo, the camera shows the HUGE amount of fans in the audience tonight.

Todd Grisham: Welcome Back to Sunday Night Heat as the WWE is getting ready to set an attendance record here at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.

Tiffany: WWE recorded over 70,000 fans at last year's WrestleMania and It looks like we're going to get an even bigger turnout here tonight.​
Todd Grisham: Well, let's turn our attention to the Battle of the Giants. The Big Show vs Kevin Nash.


Tiffany: Kevin Nash made his return 3 weeks ago on SmackDown and attacked The Big Show, then the next week, he said he pretty much did it for the Big Show's own good.

Todd Grisham: He said he was tired of watching The Big Show make a fool out of himself, but little did Kevin Nash know that he awoke the monster sleeping inside of The Big Show.​
Big Show has a mic and soaks in the crowd reaction before he starts speaking.
Big Show: Kevin...Nash. 2 weeks ago, Kevin Nash came into this ring and took me out. Nobody has ever done that to me before. The last time I saw Kevin Nash was the Royal Rumble. The last time I wrestled Kevin Nash, he dropped me on my neck. And now, we have a one on one match this Sunday at WrestleMania.​
Fans pop.
Big Show: But Kevin Nash didn't want to leave it that, no, he took it one step further.​
Footage from Nash's promo last week is shown:
Kevin Nash: Let's face it. The Big Show went from throwing Stone Cold Steve Austin into a Steel Cage breaking the Cage to dancing around with Santino Marella and hanging out with a little leprechaun. It's pathetic and I was embarrassed for him. So what better way to piss off a Giant? You step on his toes and kick his ass!​
Big Show: Kevin Nash, I know you're here and I wanna say...Thank You. You made a great comeback and you sure as hell made your actions clear. But in doing so, you've awoken something inside of me that's been sleeping for a long time.​
Matt Striker: Uh-oh...​
Michael Cole: What has Kevin Nash done?​
Big Show: This Sunday, you're gonna get all 500 lbs of The Big Show! This Sunday at WrestleMania, it WILL BE SHOWTIME!!​
Matt Striker: What is the Big Show gonna do to Kevin Nash at WrestleMania?!!​
Big Show stands around and is about to speak again until....
Voice: Hey! Big Show! Up here ya big doof!​
The titantron shows Kevin Nash and it doesn't look like he's in the arena.
Michael Cole: Where the hell is Nash? He said he'd be here tonight.

Matt Striker: Well, obviously Nash took the high road and decided to sit at Home.​
Show finally gets a look at Nash and he starts clapping.
Kevin Nash: Big Show, Big Show....Big Show. Let me be the first to congratulate you on tapping into your inner Monster. But I think it's too little, too late there Big Man. Lucky for you, I'm not in that arena, because I would come down to that ring and do what I did to you 2 weeks ago. But upon further deliberation, I decided to save myself for WrestleMania. And Show, everything I said was true. I meant every word of what I said. Even when we were in WCW, you were NEVER the monster that you could be. You'd get beaten by guys a third of your size. I did you a favor when I attacked you. You were always all bark and no bite and let me tell you something PAUL! I got tired of sitting around and watch you parade around the ring like a drunken moron, week in, week out. You been pissing me off and I've been waiting for this rematch for a long time Big Man! I'm one person in this business that you don't want to get angry! And I'll tell you something else, Kevin Nash is coming to WrestleMania and as long as I've got breath in lungs, this Sunday, I will put you out of your misery for good!​
Nash removes his wire and leaves the area. The satellite feed dies and we return back to Big Show who is visibly shaking from anger. He looks like he's going to explode any minute!
Todd Grisham: Did you see the look on Big Show's face? I would NOT want to be Kevin Nash tonight.

Tiffany: Todd, the last time these two went at it was in WCW and Nash dropped The Big Show on his neck! No telling what Nash may do to beat The Big Show. Now, it's personal.​
Todd Grisham: It's going to be a long night for one of these guys and also, you talk about personal, what about Kane going one on one with Alberto Del Rio!


Tiffany: Alberto Del Rio says he's the future of the WWE and it's Destiny to become the World Heavyweight Champion. He went so far as to screwing Kane out of a World Title Match 2 months ago and now Kane has been on Del Rio's trail ever since.

Todd Grisham: No more running for Del Rio. He's going to have go one on one with The Big Red Machine and earlier today, we caught up with Alberto Del Rio hoping to get some comments on his match.​

Josh Matthews is standing by with Alberto Del Rio.

Josh Matthews: Well, later on tonight at WrestleMania, it's Alberto Del Rio one on one with Kane.

Alberto Del Rio: These people think that Kane is going to crush Alberto Del Rio tonight at WrestleMania. They think he's going to beat me down, but they're wrong. You see, everything I've done has been a message to Kane. That I am not afraid of Him, and that Alberto Del Rio is the future and his time...is up. He can bring all the, how do you say, Hellfire and Brimstone? He can bring all that and it will mean nothing when he faces Alberto Del Rio. I will humble The Big Red Machine because it is my Destiny to debut at WrestleMania and win, but you already knew that.


Back on Heat and Todd Grisham and Tiffany are still in the press box overlooking the WrestleMania set and crowd.

Tiffany: What do you think of Sin Cara debuting soon Todd?

Todd Grisham: Should be fun for the whole Family.

Tiffany: Haha, were you just trying to make a joke?

Todd Grisham: Well....maybe. Was it funny?

Tiffany: Aww Todd, you're so cute when you try to be funny.

She then pinches his cheeks.
Todd Grisham: Getting back to business, Tonight at WrestleMania, The United States Championship is on the line.


Tiffany: Daniel Bryan has made Sheamus tap out two weeks in a row, but can he make it three in a row and win the United States Championship?

Todd Grisham: Sheamus won the US Title in a Street Fight from Bryan last month and since then the challenger has made life for the Champion a living hell.

Tiffany: I'm definitely rooting for the Underdog in this one.​

Todd Grisham: Daniel Bryan is going to be taking part in his FIRST WrestleMania and our cameras caught up to him earlier today to get his thoughts on being apart of this big show here tonight.


Tiffany: Daniel Bryan isn't the only one with WrestleMania jitters. Our cameras caught up with Wade Barrett earlier today about his personal thoughts on competing here tonight at WrestleMania.


Todd Grisham: Speaking of Wade Barrett, I'm sure we all know where his thoughts are.

Tiffany: Oh yeah, he isn't fooling anybody. In his first WrestleMania, it's already the biggest match in his career to date.


Todd Grisham: The Corre vs The Nexus. A 10 Man Tag Team Match. Five men on each team.

We know both teams won't play fair and everything they've worked so hard for is on the line.

Todd Grisham:
Just so everybody out there is caught up to speed, it was Wade Barrett who brought The Nexus in, it was CM Punk who took control from The Nexus right under Barrett's nose and beat him at The Royal Rumble.

Tiffany: And then, Wade Barrett formed The Corre to take over SmackDown when really, Wade's true mission was to get at CM Punk and The New Nexus and take them out of the WWE.

Todd Grisham: And tonight, both factions will go at it and the losing team must disband. Let's take a look back at the Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of The Nexus and the birth of The Corre.​

After the video package, Zack Ryder is getting ready as Rosa looks on worried.

Zack Ryder: Baby, you've been standing there for the past 10 minutes giving me the same look, what's wrong?

Rosa Mendez: Zack, I'm really worried about you and this match tonight.

Zack Ryder: What's there to worry about?

Rosa Mendez: Um Hello! It's a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match! You may not even be able to walk out of this match in one piece Zack!

Then she starts raising her voice and speaking in Spanish until Zack Ryder gets up and hugs her.

Zack Ryder: Don't worry, I'm going to go out there and get this done. I'm going to bring this Briefcase back here and we're going to celebrate and fist pump all night long.

Rosa Mendez: Ok, be careful.

He leaves the Locker Room as Rosa still looks worried.

Tiffany: Aww Todd, you can tell she's legitimately worried for Zack Ryder.

Todd Grisham: Well, she's got a good reason to be. Tonight's Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Money in the Bank Match could make or break somebody's career.




After the promo we see Tiffany and Todd backstage in the Locker Room area.

Todd Grisham: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, WrestleMania is less than 10 minutes away, the electricity is in the air, this is what this night is all about.

Tiffany: Also, we just want to thank Tinie Tempah and Eric Turner for the WrestleMania 27 Theme "Written in the Stars" and Todd, like you said, you can feel how magical this night is going to be. I can't wait! If you have Pay Per View or Satellite Capabilities, order NOW! You don't want to miss the biggest WrestleMania of all time. But if you don't, the best way to watch WrestleMania is online at WWE.com to stream Live video and audio of WrestleMania 27!

Todd Grisham: 6 Titles will be decided tonight, along with personal issues and Bad Blood that will be settled here tonight. For Tiffany, I'm Todd Grisham, we Thank You for staying with us here on Heat counting down to WrestleMania. We hope you enjoy tonight's event. I know we will. And now, let's take you down to Michael Cole and Matt Striker!

We cut to a Live shot of the arena and there's a countdown clock on the Titantron as we hear Michael Cole and Matt Striker and then we see them at their announce table.

Michael Cole: Thanks Todd and Tiffany. Great Job tonight and Ladies and Gentlemen, the atmosphere is simply amazing. This is the biggest night in Sports Entertainment History. I'll tell you partner, we have well over 65, 000 fans from where I'm sitting and we're expecting even more.

Matt Striker: 70, 000 fans are expected to be here tonight here in Atlanta, Georgia as WWE looks to shatter the attendance record here tonight. This is what it's all about. The chance to live forever. This is WrestleMania. It's going to be HUGE!

Michael Cole: Of course, WrestleMania 27 is a joint production of RAW and SmackDown and what would WrestleMania be without our colleagues from RAW, Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler!

The camera then shifts over to JR and King.

Jim Ross: Thank You Michael Cole and Matt Striker! Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler here at ringside and King, we've called a lot of WrestleManias together, and I just don't have the words to describe this atmosphere.

The King: JR, we've heard it all night. The atmosphere, the electricity, the tension. This is WrestleMania! I got a feeling about this WrestleMania JR, it doesn't get any bigger than this!

Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Big Dance. It's an event where legendary status can be obtained in one night. If you don't order now, you're gonna regret it for the rest of the year. 6 Titles to be decided, but King, the focal point tonight is THE match.​


Jim Ross: I'm talking about John Cena vs The Undertaker.

The King: John Cena has the chance tonight to do what no man has anybody has ever done and that's beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

Jim Ross: Is John Cena the man that has The Undertaker's number? Or will The Phenom reach 19-0? Let's take you back on The Road to WrestleMania between John Cena and The Undertaker.​


Heat goes off the air.


The show opens up with a look around the arena and the building is PACKED.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to WrestleMania!!!

The fans let out a Huge reaction.

Lillian Garcia: Here to sing "America The Beautiful" please welcome, Grammy Nominated, Multi-Platinum Recording Artist, and Atlanta's own......Keri Hilson!!!

Keri Hilson sings "America The Beautiful" She Rocked It. Fans gave her a standing ovation.



Jim Ross: We welcome you to Atlanta, Georgia! We welcome you to the Georgia Dome! With over 75, 000 Fans and a Worldwide Television Audience, We welcome you all around the world to the greatest Sports Entertainment Spectacular of All Time! The Global Phenomenon! This IS WrestleMania 27! Jim Ross alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and King, I just can't find the words to describe this feeling here tonight.

The King: JR, we've called A LOT of WrestleMania's Together and just by looking at all these people, it's gonna be the greatest one yet! Look at this place, they're at a fever pitch. I can't wait!

Jim Ross: It doesn't get any bigger than this, and we would to thank You the fans joining us wherever you are. Let's take you now to our outstanding Broadcast Colleagues from SmackDown, Michael Cole & Matt Striker!

The camera shifts over and shows Cole & Striker.

Michael Cole: Thank You Very Much JR and King! Partner, this is something special. The world is watching and I'm so excited. This is the fabric of Americana, this is WrestleMania!

Matt Striker:
The Greatest Show on Earth and a chance for superstars to live forever and etch their names in the very Timeline of History. I have a feeling we're going to see A LOT of WrestleMania moments before this night is all said and done.

Michael Cole: Let's take you now to our Spanish Colleagues, Hugo Savonivich and Carlos Cabrera.

Hugo and Carlos speak in Spanish for a little while and then we are taken to the ring.

The Bell rings and the camera shows Lillian Garcia in the ring looking extra sexy tonight.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Tag Team Championship!​



Carlito and Primo come out to to a Great pop from this crowd as they look pumped!

Lillian Garcia: Introducing the challengers, from the Carribean, weighing at a combined weight of 463 lbs, Carlito and Primo....The Colons!
Jim Ross: Carlito and Primo are in the house! We have 12 matches signed for WrestleMania tonight. 6 Titles are on the line and this will be the first.

The King: And JR, what a way to start of WrestleMania. With the Tag Team Titles. I've been looking forward to this one.

Jim Ross: The Colons definitely have revenge on their mind, but they can't shy away from the focal point of this match which is the Tag Titles.

The King: Oh JR, please. With these guys, if brains were chocolate, theirs wouldn't fill an M & M!​



AJ Lee comes out and leads out the Tag Team Champion Naturals to some boos from the crowd.

Lillian Garcia: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 431 lbs, being accompanied to the ring by AJ Lee, the WWE Tag Team Champions, Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas...The Naturals!
Jim Ross: The Naturals arrived on the scene 2 months ago King, and have dominated The Tag Team Division, but have not faced The Colons yet.

The King: Well, every time The Colons and Naturals crossed paths, The Champs have looked like the stronger team. And with a manager like AJ Lee. Oh, they just look like Champions JR.

Jim Ross: Be that as it may, there is a lot of Bad Blood in that ring King. A lot of Pride is on the line and also the issues with Primo and that Jezebel AJ Lee.

The King: How can you say that about AJ Lee?

Jim Ross: Have we been watching the same program? Have you been seeing what she's caused?

The King: I see a sweet Angel.

Jim Ross: You starting already aren't ya?​

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
The Naturals (c) w/AJ Lee vs The Colons

Carlito and Andy Douglas circle the ring and finally lock up as this crowd is cheering. Douglas backs Carlito in the corner and the ref calls for a clean break. Douglas slaps him in the face. Carlito smiles, then he takes his apple and bites into it. The ref warns him not to do it. Stevens walks across the apron to talk trash and Carlito spits the apple in HIS face! The crowd loves it as Douglas attacks from behind. He starts stomping away on Carlito in the corner. He whips Carlito with velocity in the opposite corner. Douglas drags Carlito to his corner and tags in Stevens. Stevens comes in and violently clobbers the back of Carlito. He whips him off the ropes and catches him with a dropkick. He goes for quick cover: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Carlito is able to get that shoulder up for the first near fall of WrestleMania.

Stevens brings Carlito into the corner and starts delivering chops. After the second chop, Carlito reverses and starts chopping him. He whips him into The Colons' corner and Primo gets the tag. He hits a springboard elbow drop from the outside back in on Stevens. He goes for the cover: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Stevens gets that shoulder up. He drags Stevens to the corner, but he gets some shots in on Primo. He then picks Primo up and drops him with a back suplex. He drags Primo to the ring ropes and starts choking him on the bottom ring ropes. The ref counts until Stevens has to break it. He then tags Douglas back in. Douglas bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Primo in the face! He makes another cover: 1,.......2,.......KICK OUT!

Douglas tries again with more weight and Primo still kicks out. He lifts Primo up and whips him into the ropes. He lowers his head and Primo kicks him. He bounces off the ropes and Douglas catches him with a pretty sick version of the Lo-Down! He makes the cover: 1,.....2,.....NO! Carlito flies in and dropkicks Douglas in the face to make the save. Primo then gets the tag into Carlito. He climbs the top rope and hits a flying crossbody on Douglas. He makes the cover: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Carlito starts mounting Douglas and connecting with right hands. He picks him up and connects with a snap suplex. He makes another cover: 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Douglas is able to get out again. Carlito whips Douglas into the corner and charges, but eats a boot. He then levels Carlito with a clothesline. Douglas then tags back in Stevens. He runs in and Carlito is ready with an arm drag takedown. He then catches him with another and sends him out of the ring. He tags in Primo who immediately climbs the top rope and takes Stevens out with a HUGE crossbody off the top!

After a couple replays, Douglas then comes in out of nowhere and superkicks Carlito out of the ring. He goes outside and throws Primo back in and wakes up Stevens and throws him back in. Stevens crawls over on Primo for the cover: 1,.......2,.....KICK OUT! Primo is up and the fans are cheering for him to get back to his feet. Primo gets to one knee. Stevens comes from behind looking for a suplex, but Primo plants his feet. He counters and hits a front suplex. He goes for the cover: 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Stevens is able to get that shoulder up off the mat. Primo then climbs to the top rope and AJ Lee hops on the apron to meet him. She starts yelling at him which distracts Primo and allows Stevens to dropkick the top turnbuckle and cause Primo to lose his balance. He poses to the crowd for some boos as AJ claps and smiles as he tags Douglas back in. Douglas has his hands locked around Primo's waist and Stevens hits Primo with a superkick into a German Suplex Pin by Douglas!

He makes the cover: 1,......2,......NO! Carlito makes the save at the last second in order to save the match and the titles! The ref tries to get him out as Douglas continues to stomp on Primo. He drags Primo to the middle of the ring and locks in an surfboard submission. Primo tries to fight it as the crowd wills him on, but Douglas applies the pressure. Primo is in agony, but starts to fight his way back up to a vertical base. He finally fights to his feet and reveres the move and connects with some shots to Douglas. He bounces off the ropes and gets kneed in the back by Stevens. Primo turns around and decks him with a right hand. He turns around into a superkick by Douglas. He falls on Primo and makes the cover: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Primo amazingly gets his shoulder up when it looked like it was over! He starts moving towards his corner. Douglas grabs his foot, but Primo hits him with an Enziguiri. Stevens gets in the ring and the ref is busy getting him out and misses the tag to Carlito. Carlito comes and the ref is quickly on him to get out as he didn't see the tag. The fans start booing and it couldn't be more loud. Douglas is back up drags Primo back to his corner and he and Stevens just stomp the holy hell out of Primo in the corner. AJ even got in a cheap shot from the outside! Carlito is pissed as the fans continue to boo the ref.

The Naturals then whip Primo off the ropes. He ducks under both and comes back with a flying double clothesline! The fans are on their feet as Primo desperately needs to make a tag. Stevens grabs a hold of Primo's foot. He gets to his feet and takes Stevens down with an Enziguiri. He then dives to Carlito and makes the tag as this places comes unglued! Carlito climbs the top rope and takes Stevens down with a flying reverse elbow! Douglas attacks and Carlito nails him with several clotheslines. Douglas though gets the upper hand with a thumb to the eye. He whips Carlito off the ropes, but stops, springs off and takes out Douglas with a back elbow. He drags Douglas to the corner, goes on the apron, and hits this springboard moonsault from the inside back in! He makes the cover: 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Douglas is able to break the count and get that shoulder up. He whips Douglas into the ropes and connects with a Tornado DDT. He makes another cover: 1,......2,.....NO! Stevens dives and makes the save!

Primo is back in and catches Stevens with a Springboard dropkick and sends him out of the ring! The Colons hook up Douglas looking for a double suplex, but he counters and drops The Colons with his own double suplex! Douglas makes the cover on Carlito: 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Carlito gets his shoulder up! Stevens is in and has one of the Tag Team Belts and the ref grabs it from him. Meanwhile, AJ slides in the other belt to Douglas. He tattoos Carlito with the belt and throws Primo out of the ring, all behind the ref's back! What a sneaky, but intelligent move by the Champs. Douglas makes the cover: 1,.......2,.....KICK OUT! Carlito just gets that shoulder up before 3! The fans are going nuts and can't believe it! They thought it was over!

AJ's face is Priceless! Douglas tries a pinfall again and gets another two count! They set up Carlito now for the Natural Disaster, but Primo is back in and hits a flying leg lariat to Stevens taking him out and hits a Big Time DDT to Andy Douglas! He makes the cover: 1,......2,.....NO! AJ pulls the ref's foot and breaks the count! Primo looks pissed and AJ gets in the ring. She starts talking trash and goes to slap Primo, but he grabs her hand and plants a BIG kiss on her as the fans pop! He then picks her up over his head and throws her out of the ring and into the arms of Stevens as they both go down! Primo turns around and Douglas hits him a sweet looking spinout powerbomb. Carlito then comes back in and brawls with Douglas. Carlito whips him into the ropes and lowers his head. Douglas then delivers a stiff kick. He hooks up Carlito's tights and looks to deliver a suplex. He picks Carlito up, but he amazingly counters it in mid air, turning it into the Backstabber! He makes the cover and hooks the leg: 1,........2,......3! We got New Tag Team Champions!

Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions: The Colons (12:43)

The fans erupt as Carlito drops to his knees as he can't believe it. Primo runs in the ring with the Tag Titles and The Colons embrace in the middle of the ring!
Jim Ross: Oh what a way to kick off WrestleMania! What a Moment! We got New Tag Team Champions!

The King: I was sure The Naturals had it JR. They tried every trick in the book, but it just didn't seem to work.

Jim Ross: The Tag Team Champions along with that Jezebel did EVERY thing possible to keep The Titles, but Carlito and Primo have come to WrestleMania and are leaving the NEW Tag Team Champions!

The King: I gotta hand it to Carlito and Primo. What a way to kick off WrestleMania indeed!​
After some replays of the finish, the camera cuts back to The Colons holding up The Tag Titles halfway up the ramp.
Jim Ross: These 4 men put one a hell of a match, but on this night, There are your Tag Team Champions!​


We go backstage and we see Funaki!!!

Funaki: This is Funaki! SmackDown #1 Announcer! And I am here to get story with Christian.

The camera shifts and shows Christian and he gets a great pop!

Funaki: Christian, you tonight face Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship. Your thoughts?

Thanks Funaki and I wanna say, it's great to see you back in the WWE. Now, let's get down to business. The only thing on my mind tonight is becoming the World Heavyweight Champion. Edge may have some said some things, but they're not gonna mean a damn thing once he steps in the ring with me. I didn't come here to lose and I certainly didn't...

He looks off camera and The Miz and Alex Riley walk into the shot.

The Miz: Really? Really? Funaki's first night back and instead of interviewing the Most Must-See WWE Champion in History, he interviews a guy that will never be WWE Champion in his career? Christian, let me fill you in on something, Edge was right with what he said on SmackDown, so why don't you just pack up and Go Home? Because I plan on successfully defending the WWE Championship tonight. I'm not going to out and get my ass handed to me like the Atlanta Falcons did to Green Bay Packers in the playoffs.

The fans pour on the boos as Miz takes a cheap shot at The Falcons and the boos are LOUD.

Christian: Miz, I find it pathetic that you had to interrupt me just to get a little air time. But you see, you have to face Triple H, John Morrison, and Randy Orton. If anybody has a higher chance of losing tonight, it's you. You're lucky that I wasn't the one facing you because I definitely would've kicked your ass. But we'll see who's Champion once the night is over.

Miz and Christian have a staredown until we hear....


Miz and Christian look puzzled, then look at Funaki. He looks at them and says "What?" and the Fans laugh.

We cut back to the arena and the bell rings as Tony Chimel is now in the ring.

Tony Chimel: The following contest is a Triple Threat Match scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Intercontinental Championship!


MVP makes his out to a great crowd reaction.

Tony Chimel: Introducing the challengers, first, from Miami, Florida weighing in at 252 lbs, Montel Vontavious Porter, M...V...P!
Michael Cole: How about the return of Funaki to SmackDown Partner!

Matt Striker: I forgot how funny Funaki used to be.

Michael Cole: This will NOT be funny. The Intercontinental Title is on the line and I'll tell you, there are serious issues that must be settled between these three men tonight.

Matt Striker: Oh yeah, this is WrestleMania, where feuds are put to rest and this for one of the most prestigious titles in the WWE.

Michael Cole: It was MVP who stood up to Drew McIntyre when Curt Hawkins was out and could've won the Intercontinental Title if not for Kelly Kelly.

Matt Striker: Or maybe because Drew McIntyre is a fighting Champion.
***In the middle of it Now***

Hawkins makes his way to a warm reaction from the crowd as he jumps around excited to be at WrestleMania.

Tony Chimel: From Queens, New York, weighing in at 223 lbs...Curt Hawkins!
Michael Cole: Here comes what I see as the victim in this whole thing.

Matt Striker: Wait...what?

Michael Cole: Yeah. It was Kelly Kelly who screwed Hawkins out of his match with Drew McIntyre at No Way Out and played him for a fool.

Matt Striker: That's just going to show Hawkins that being a good guy is overrated. Like they always say, nice guys finish last Michael.

Michael Cole: Hawkins got a measure of revenge this week on SmackDown, but I have a feeling that he won't rest until he takes the Intercontinental Championship off of Drew McIntyre.​



Drew McIntyre and Kelly Kelly make her way out and the fans start booing them and start a small "****" chant towards Kelly Kelly.

Tony Chimel: Being accompanied to the ring by Kelly Kelly, from Ayr, Scotland weighing in at 231 lbs, the WWE Intercontinental Champion...Drew McIntyre!
Michael Cole: Here comes the man that has been the epicenter of this whole controversy.

Matt Striker: Let's not forget that he's the Intercontinental Champion Michael with the hottest Diva in the WWE!

Michael Cole: I haven't forgotten. He stole Kelly Kelly away from Hawkins, and started issues with MVP and made Hawkins life a living hell. He's walking into a 2 on 1 situation.

Matt Striker: And how fair is that? Ever since McIntyre got back with Kelly Kelly, he's had nothing but success. I think Teddy Long is conspiring against our Intercontinental Champion.

Michael Cole:
Well, I think you're full of it, but let's just see how far he does when he has two challengers coming for his head and the Intercontinental Championship.​


Triple Threat Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
Drew McIntyre (c) w/Kelly Kelly vs MVP vs Curt Hawkins

The bell rings and Hawkins and MVP come face to face. They start talking trash to each other. McIntyre is trying to get some attention as MVP and Hawkins focus on each other and ignore him. McIntyre gets in between them and starts talking to both of them. Hawkins and MVP deck him with a right hand. They whip him off the ropes and take him out with a double flapjack. McIntyre rolls out of the ring to the floor as Hawkins and MVP battle each other. Hawkins battles MVP into the corner and starts stomping away. He whips him into the other corner and charges, but eats a boot. MVP then takes Hawkins down with a nasty clothesline and goes for the first cover of this match: 1,........2,......NO! McIntyre pulls MVP out of the ring, sends him into the steel steps, slides in the ring and covers Hawkins himself: 1,.......2,......KICK OUT!

Hawkins gets the shoulder up! McIntyre picks him up by the hair and hammers away on him. He whips him off the ropes and lowers his head. Hawkins grabs McIntyre and plants him with a DDT and goes for the cover: 1,......2,....KICK OUT! McIntyre gets his shoulder up as Kelly Kelly looks on. Hawkins drags McIntyre to the corner and stomps away violently on him in and the ref has to step in. Hawkins throws the ref aside and McIntyre rakes the eyes. He whips Hawkins off the ropes and hits a spinebuster. He makes the cover: 1,.....2,.....KICK OUT! Hawkins gets that shoulder up before 3! McIntyre whips him off the ropes again, but MVP low bridges the ropes and Hawkins spills out to the floor and into the barricade.

MVP slides in and goes after McIntyre. He rushes and misses a clothesline. McIntyre catches him off the rebound and goes for a hip toss, but MVP drops him with a clothesline. He goes for the cover: 1,.....2,.....KICK OUT! McIntyre is just able to get the shoulder up. MVP connects with a bodyslam. He bounces off the ropes and hits the Ballin' Elbow Drop. He makes another cover: 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! McIntyre shows his tenacity and gets up again. He picks McIntyre up and goes for a suplex, but McIntyre plants his foot, refusing to be picked up. Kelly Kelly gets on the apron and distracts the referee. This allows McIntyre to deliver a low blow to MVP and kill his momentum.

Kelly Kelly drops from the apron as she smiles and twirls her hair and the fans start a **** chant. McIntyre stomps away on the back of MVP before locking in a Camel Clutch. He cranks the pressure as MVP is in pain. He looks like he's about to give up before Hawkins flies in and delivers a sweet dropkick to the back of McIntyre's head. He throws McIntyre into the corner as he covers MVP: 1,......2,......NO! McIntyre is there to break the count up. McIntyre starts hammering away, but the momentum quickly shifts as Hawkins comes back with rights and lefts of his own and starts going ballistic on McIntyre hammering away on him before he sends him out of the ring to the floor.

Hawkins then waits for McIntyre to get to his feet. He charges and takes him out with a Suicide Dive! He gets up all amped up and gets a reaction from the crowd before heading back in the ring to deal with MVP. He heads right back in the ring and stomps away on MVP before picking him up and dropping him with a DDT! He makes the cover: 1,......2,.......KICK OUT! MVP gets that shoulder up before the ref can make the 3 count. Hawkins looks visibly upset and picks up MVP, shoots him into the ropes and takes him up high and back down with a spinebuster! He makes the cover again: 1,.......2,.....KICK OUT! MVP, again, gets the shoulder up! Hawkins goes to shoot MVP into the ropes, but it gets reversed into a snap suplex. 1,.......,2.......KICK OUT! Hawkins this time gets his shoulder up saving the IC Title!

MVP sends Hawkins hard into the corner. He goes to work, hammers away and gets him in superplex position until McIntyre makes his way back in. McIntyre gets under MVP and we have the Triple Tower of Doom as all three men crash down to mat as the fans cheer it on!!! McIntyre rolls out of the ring and looks to be in pain. MVP crawls over to Hawkins who took the worst of the move and goes for the cover. 1,.........2,.......KICK OUT! Hawkins just shoots that shoulder up and MVP can't believe it as he thought he had the IC Title won!! He hooks Hawkins up, looking for the Playmaker, but it gets reversed and MVP is dropped with a DDT. Hawkins climbs the top rope and hits the heat seeking elbow! He makes the cover and this one should be over. 1,........2,.........NO! Kelly Kelly pulls the referee's foot and it looked as if Hawkins was going to win the Intercontinental Championship, but it was foiled by Kelly Kelly! Hawkins ask the ref what happens and he points to Kelly Kelly. Hawkins leans over the ropes and grabs her by the hair!

He lifts her up onto the apron, and looks like he was about to strike her, but McIntyre comes from behind and rolls him up with tights! 1,......2,.......KICK OUT! Hawkins just BARELY gets out as McIntyre almost stole one! Hawkins is up and shoots McIntyre into MVP. McIntyre falls down and MVP is sent to the outside. The ref goes to check on him as Hawkins goes back to Kelly Kelly. He leans over again to grab her and Kelly Kelly tattoos him with the Intercontinental Championship! Hawkins falls back and he's out cold. McIntyre crawls over to him, picks Hawkins up and drops him with the Future Shock for good measure. He makes the cover: 1,.......2,.......3!​

Winner and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Drew McIntyre (09:38)​

McIntyre's music hits as the fans boo him. Kelly Kelly slides in the ring and gives McIntyre the Intercontinental Championship as she tries to help him to his feet.
Michael Cole: I'll tell you what, Drew McIntyre won this match, but Kelly Kelly had a hell of a lot to do with it.

Matt Striker: A win is a win Michael. Besides, Kelly Kelly didn't do anything but cheer her man on.

Michael Cole: The hell she didn't! She got involved in the match more times than I can count and nailed Hawkins with the title allowing McIntyre to get the win.

Matt Striker: All I saw was The Future Shock and then the 1, 2, 3. Drew McIntyre, STILL, our Intercontinental Champion.

Michael Cole: Drew McIntyre must be damn proud of themselves after tonight.

Matt Striker: They're gonna have one hell of a celebration tonight Michael.​
McIntyre and Kelly Kelly make their way up the ramp as we fade to black.


We cut back to the arena and there are several cameras that show all the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs around ringside.
Jim Ross: Well Ladies and Gentlemen, as you can see, we're getting ready for the seventh Money in the Bank Ladder Match in WrestleMania History.

The King: Yeah, but this year, The Money in the Bank Ladder Match is a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match JR! Tables and Ladders and Chairs Oh My!

Jim Ross: No doubt the danger element is high in this match.

Michael Cole: You're absolutely right JR and the men in this match are looking to take it to the next level.

Matt Striker: There's 8 young, hungry superstars in this match gentlemen and all of them want to get that briefcase and get a shot at the World Championship, or maybe the WWE Championship.

Michael Cole: 4 superstars from RAW and 4 superstars from SmackDown.​
We are then shown The Money in the Bank Briefcase hanging high above the ring.
Jim Ross: And there you see, The Money in the Bank Briefcase that all these men are going to vying for.

Matt Striker: This is a scary situation.​

***Bell Rings***

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is The Money in the Bank Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match!

The fans pop and man are they LOUD!

Lillian Garcia: The rules are as followed. The first person to climb the Ladder and retrieve the Briefcase will win the match and earn a shot at the WWE Championship or the World Heavyweight Championship at any time in the next 12 months!​



The fans all rise up and give Zack Ryder a HUGE pop as he's the first man out!

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, from Long Island, New York, 214 lbs....Zack Ryder!

Matt Striker: Oh not this guy...

The King: Haha listen to these people, they love him.

Jim Ross: Zack Ryder, making his WrestleMania debut, is a fan favorite here no doubt about it.

Michael Cole: He's cool and all, but seriously, what chance do you guys give him?

The King:Anything can happen in this match, Michael Cole, which means anybody can win this thing.​

***Get On Your Knees!***

Jack Swagger makes his way out to a mixed reaction and does his traditional pushups halfway on the entrance ramp.

Lillian Garcia: From Perry, Oklahoma, weighing in at 260 lbs, The All American, American....Jack Swagger!

The King: Here comes JR's fellow Oklahoman!

Michael Cole: How bout it JR, you gonna put some money on Jack Swagger?

Jim Ross: Jack Swagger is a great athlete, no doubt about. He won this match at last year's WrestleMania, cashed in the Briefcase, and went on to become The World Heavyweight Champion.

Matt Striker: That's not much of an answer there JR, you pickin him or not?

Jim Ross: Why don't we call the match and see how it turns out? How about that?

Michael Cole: You never know, a SmackDown superstar just might steal the show and win this whole thing.

The King: Or a RAW Superstar.

Matt Striker: That too.​

***Born To Win***

Evan Bourne's music hits to some cheers from the crowd as he makes his way out.

Lillian Garcia: From St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 165 lbs....Evan Bourne!

The King: How about being quiet over there Michael Cole? It's every man for himself.

Michael Cole: Exactly right, it's every man for himself.

Matt Striker: If that man happens to be from SmackDown, it makes it all the better.

Jim Ross: Getting back to business, the high flying Evan Bourne looks to take the ultimate risk tonight and become Mr. Money in the Bank in the process.

The King: Certainly more of a risk than any SmackDown Superstar would take that's for sure.​

***I Am Perfection***

Dolph Ziggler makes his way out to a strong mixed reaction from the crowd.

Lillian Garcia: From Hollywood, California, weighing in at 214 lbs.....Dolph Ziggler!

The King: Here comes a dark horse, ain't that right Striker?

Matt Striker: I've been saying it for a while King, this is MY pick to win this match.

Jim Ross: Dolph Ziggler has all the tools of a superstar and a champion in the making. Phenomenal Athlete in my book.

Michael Cole: Only one place you're gonna see this guy is on SmackDown.​

***J-Pop Drop***

Yoshi Tatsu runs out and jumps in the air and is greeted to a
nice pop as he's pumped up to be at WrestleMania!

The King: How about Yoshi Tatsu guys?

Matt Striker: I respect Yoshi Tatsu. His Japanese Background and Martial Arts style incorporated into his wrestling makes him a lethal threat in this match.

Michael Cole: Except for the fact that he can't speak much English, but he lets his feet do the talking. Educated feet, right JR?

Jim Ross: No doubt about it. One went to Harvard and one went to Yale.​

***Smoke and Mirrors***

Cody Rhodes' music hits and the fans boo the pants off him as he comes out with his hood, refusing to show his face to the camera.

Lillian Garcia: From Marietta, Georgia, weighing in at 215 lbs....Cody Rhodes!

Jim Ross: Talk about a guy goofier than a petcoon.

Michael Cole: What do you mean by that?

Jim Ross: Rhodes had stitches about a month ago and the cut should've healed by now.

Matt Striker: Well JR, you don't know that for sure.

The King: What?!! He uses that mask as a weapon all the time.

Matt Striker: So you guys do watch SmackDown.

Jim Ross: Never mind the fact that he used it on RAW a couple weeks. We'll just leave that part out.​


Kofi Kingston makes his way to a BIG pop from the crowd.

Lillian Garcia:From West Ghana, Africa, weighing in at 221 lbs....Kofi Kingston!

Michael Cole: You wanna talk about Evan Bourne stealing the show? How about Kofi Kingston?

Jim Ross: Kofi Kingston making his third WrestleMania appearance and his thrid Money in the Bank appearance and has no doubt shined in each performance. Tougher than a $2.00 steak.

Matt Striker: How much is a $2.00 steak over there JR?

The King: $1.99.

Michael Cole: Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne are great friends, but there's no friends in this one.​

***I Come For Money***

Ted Dibiase makes his way to some boos as he's the last man out.

Lillian Garcia: From West Palm, Beach Florida, weighing in at 214 lbs....Ted Dibiase!

The King: Here comes the Mastermind behind this whole match guys!

Matt Striker: Great idea by Dibiase no doubt. It's been 10 long years since we've seen a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match at WrestleMania.

Jim Ross: Dibiase maybe an arrogant, young man, but he is his daddy's boy.

Michael Cole: You can feel in in the air with these 8 superstars. This is going to be special.

Matt Striker: Without question Michael, this maybe the greatest Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match of them all. But who is ready to take the ultimate risk?

Jim Ross: Let's find out.​


Money in the Bank Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match
Ted Dibiase vs Zack Ryder vs Evan Bourne vs Yoshi Tatsu vs Cody Rhodes vs Jack Swagger vs Dolph Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston

The bell rings and All 8 men are in the ring staring up at the Briefacase. The RAW superstars stand side by side and are face to face with the SmackDown superstars. After a few seconds, they all go at it and the match is underway! Everybody is battling until the fight spills out to the floor leaving Cody Rhodes and Zack Ryder in the ring. Dibiase is working on Yoshi Tatsu by the announcer tables. We cut over to another shot where Swagger sends Bourne into the steel steps. Ziggler has Kofi against the barricade and delivering right hand shots to Kofi. Yoshi Tatsu fights back and hammers away on Dibiase, takes him out with a superkick, and slams his head in the announce table. Tatsu heads in the ring and hits a double clothesline taking about both Cody Rhodes and Zack Ryder.

Dibiase gets in the ring with a Ladder, but it gets dropkicked right back in his face by Tatsu! Tatsu sets the Ladder against the ring ropes facing the bottom of the ramp. He climbs the Ladder all the way to last rung and turns around so his back faces the outside of the ring. He does the Japanese Greeting to the fans, where he bows his head, and then hits an AMAZING Corkscrew Moonsault off the Ladder taking out Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, AND Kofi Kingston! WOW! The "Holy S***!" Chant emerges loudly from the crowd!

Back in the ring and Rhodes is working on Ryder in the corner as the fans start a "Ryder" chant. A Loud one. Rhodes stops and tells the fans to shut up and Ryder comes back with rights and lefts. He starts to stagger Rhodes a bit. He bounces off the ropes, and Rhodes catches him with a powerslam. Rhodes goes for the Ladder and places it in the middle of the ring and starts to climb. Ryder is up and goes after him. Rhodes and Ryder are at the top of the Ladder now trading rights and lefts. Rhodes right hands knock Ryder down a rung, and he reaches for the Briefcase. Ryder comes back with a shot to the abdomen.

Dibiase is in with another Ladder and drives it in the back of Zack Ryder taking him down. Dibiase goes after Rhodes, but he kicks the Ladder away. Dibiase drops the Ladder he had and pushes the one Rhodes is on and he goes down, crashing into the ring ropes and rolls out of the ring and to the floor. He starts to celebrate and he turns around and eats a shot from the Ladder by Ziggler. Ziggler sets it up and starts his climb. He's halfway there and out of nowhere Kofi flies in and dropkicks Ziggler off the Ladder! Kofi Kingston gets a good pop for his move and he starts to climb the Ladder, but here comes Evan Bourne.

Bourne and Kingston trade rights and lefts at the top of the Ladder. Here comes Jack Swagger with another Ladder now in the ring, sets it up next to the Ladder Kofi and Bourne are battling on. He starts hammering away on both men until Yoshi Tatsu makes his way up the Ladder and starts going to work on Swagger. All four men are now battling it out. Tatsu sunset flips over Swagger and powerbombs him to the mat! Kingston hooks the tights of Bourne, but he fights out of it and hits a stiff right hand. Kingston comes back with an ever harder right hand. Kofi climbs to the top of the Ladder and dropkicks Bourne in the face as both men go down! WOW! And we have another "Holy S***!" Chant.

Dibiase is in the ring now and looks to take advantage and sets up a Ladder and starts to climb. He moves a few rungs up the Ladder and Zack Ryder moves in now. He climbs and starts hitting some right hands and Dibiase finally falls off the Ladder and down to the mat. Ryder is by himself now and has the Ladder in his grasp! Ziggler comes out of nowhere and slams a chair into Ryder's lower back! Ryder falls off the Ladder and down to the mat to boos from the crowd. Ziggler turns around and Bourne comes off the top rope and dropkicks the chair right back in Ziggler's face!

Bourne scoop slams Ziggler and pulls his legs over his head. Kofi Kingston is on the top rope. Wait a minute...Bourne looks at the crowd, looks back at Kofi and says..."Wazzzuuupp" Kofi looks back at Bourne and says "Wazzzuuuuppp!" Too! Kofi then comes off the top and buries his head deep in the groin of Ziggler. Bourne and high fives Kofi and yells, "Get The Tables!" The fans come unglued as Kofi and Bourne pay Homage to The Dudley Boyz! Before Kofi and Bourne can get to the outside, Swagger gets back in the ring and cracks a chair in the back of Kofi Kingston! Bourne turns around and Swagger throws the chair in his face ala Sabu! Swagger drops the chair, turns around, and eats a HUGE Chairshot right in the head by Dibiase!

Tatsu comes in and drops Dibiase with a Ladder shot! He places the Ladder down in the middle of the ring and hits a snap suplex on Dibiase on the Ladder! Tatsu then proceeds to bring the first table into this match. He sets it up in the middle of the ring and Zack Ryder comes back in and clobbers Tatsu in the back. Tatsu quickly rebounds with stiff kicks. He bounces off the ropes and Ryder catches him up high and plants him with a spinebuster right through the table! Both men are down as the fans are cheering.

Ziggler gets back in the ring with a Ladder and props it up in the middle. He begins to climb, but Swagger is back in and he still looks like his brains are scrambled from that chair shot earlier. Ziggler stops and deals with Swagger. They trade rights and lefts until Ziggler starts getting the better of Swagger. Dibiase comes charging, but Ziggler side steps and sends him into Swagger and both men spill out to the floor. Ziggler looks around and he's the only man in the ring, looks at the briefcase and goes back to climb the Ladder. He climbs and he's touching the briefcase, but Cody Rhodes is up and he's going after Ziggler. He takes off his mask and lays Ziggler out with the mask and down he goes!

Rhodes now is up and he's trying to unhook the briefcase, but Kofi springboards off the ropes and onto the Ladder like Spider-Man! He connects with rights until Rhodes staggers. Kofi goes for the briefcase, but Rhodes connects with a shot to the abdomen. Rhodes hooks the tights of Kofi and connects with a HUGE Superplex off the top of the Ladder down to the mat! WOW! The fans are on their feet and cheering this effort! Jack Swagger is at the bottom of the ramp setting Four Tables. Meanwhile, Zack Ryder is back in the ring and so is Dibiase. Ryder charges and takes Dibiase out with a spinning wheel kick, then backs up as he has something else in mind. He charges, but Dibiase back body drops him out of the ring and he goes right through a Table on the outside!

Dibiase takes this opportunity and grabs a Ladder. Swagger gets back in the ring and grabs the other Ladder. Cody Rhodes and Kofi Kingston are up and facing back to back. Dibiase and Swagger sandwich the Ladders between both Rhodes and Kingston! Tatsu is back in and dropkicks Dibiase in the back. Swagger goes for a Ladder shot, misses, and Tatsu drop toe holds him right into the Ladder! He sets up the Ladder in the corner and sends Dibiase into it. He backs and charges, going for a splash, and hits it! Tatsu turns around and eats a Ladder shot from Swagger. He places the Ladder down and hits Tatsu with his Gutwrench suplex on the Ladder! He poses afterwards to boos from the crowds.

Bourne is back and charges taking himself and Swagger out of the ring. Bourne looks under the ring and pulls out another Ladder. He nails Swagger with a right hand and places him on the two tables set up by the barricade. He sets up the Ladder and begins to climb. The fans are on their feet and loud and they know what's coming. Bourne sits on the top of the Ladder egging the crowd on to cheer louder. He stands up and hits The Air Bourne off the Ladder, on Swagger through two tables!!!! AMAZING!!!

The fans are going absolutely crazy! Replays are shown of this amazing move and then we head back to the ring as we have four men beating on each other. Ryder is getting stomped on by Dibiase in the corner and Rhodes is working on Kofi in the other corner. Rhodes goes for the Cross Rhodes, but Kofi counters and hits a swinging neckbreaker. He drags Rhodes to the middle of the ring, scoop slams him on the Ladder, and hits the Boom Drop! He panders to the crowd until Dibiase throws Kofi into the corner into the ring post. Dibiase sets up a Ladder in the middle of the ring now, but here comes Rhodes with a Chair and nails him in the back. He then takes him out with a shot to the head and sends him right out of the ring. Rhodes turns around and gets the chair superkicked right back in his face by Kofi Kingston!

Kingston sets up the Ladder in the middle of the ring and slowly starts to climb. Ryder makes his way up and he starts to climb opposite Kofi Kingston. They both exchange rights and lefts at the top of the Ladder. Ryder grabs the briefcase and slams it in Kofi's face! He goes to unhook it, but Kofi comes back with a right of his own. Both men continue to exchange rights and lefts and the fans love it! But Dolph Ziggler slides in the ring, pushes the Ladder and Kofi Kingston and Zack Ryder go CRASHING THROUGH FOUR TABLES on the outside of the ring!!! WHOA!!! The fans are absolutely electric and can't believe it and break out in another HOLY S***! Chant! Ziggler sets the Ladder back up in the middle of the ring and starts climbing the Ladder. He unhooks it and Dolph Ziggler has done it!!!​

Winner: Dolph Ziggler (21:32)​

Ziggler's music plays as the half the fans are cheering and half the fans are booin.

Jim Ross:​
Dolph Ziggler has done it!

Matt Striker: What did I tell you guys?!! Dolph Ziggler is the future of the WWE!

The King: Look at the carnage all around the ring guys! The things they did to each other!

Jim Ross: I'll tell you this, my hat goes off to all 8 of these gentlemen. Bah Gawd, this was amazing!​

Vickie comes running down the ramp cheering and she embraces Ziggler as he leaves the ring.

Michael Cole: These superstars have given us a match that I don't think we're gonna forget about for a long time gentlemen. And the elation in Vickie Guerrero's face. Her client, her boyfriend Dolph Ziggler has the chance to be the World Heavyweight Champion.

Jim Ross: Look at the destruction, look at the bodies. When you think the bar couldn't have been raised any more, these 8 young superstars have done it.

Michael Cole: And Dolph Ziggler now has the chance to cash in the Money in the Bank Briefcase at any time in the next 12 months.

Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll return momentarily, but right now we're take you back and show you the events from WWE Axess.​



The Nexus members are lined up side by side and CM Punk walks in. He goes down the line looking at every member of The Nexus and starts speaking.

CM Punk: Gentlemen, I don't think I need to tell you how important tonight is. I don't think I need to go into this match saying how important it is. We are bonded by Faith. Let me explain to you what I mean. We are together because we are the best to offer. All of you are in The Nexus for your own reason. David Otunga, my right hand man. Husky Harris, the big guy. Michael McGuillicuty, the technical expertise that you are. And Mason Ryan, the silent muscle, the silent killer. I took control of The Nexus to make it the most powerful organization in this business. Wade Barrett has formed The Corre to take us out. Are you going to let Wade Barrett stop you from accomplishing your dreams?

Nexus Members: NO!

CM Punk: Are you going to let him and The Corre walk out there and be right?

Nexus Members: NO!

CM Punk: Are we going to lose to The Corre tonight?

Nexus Members: NO!

CM Punk: There's no going back. This our last chance. There is no tomorrow if we lose this match. Let's go out here tonight and do this.

Nexus Members: YEAH!!


Nexus Members: YEAH!!!

He repeats this and they start yelling and chanting before we cut away to the Arena.


***Bell Rings***

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE United States Championship!

***Ride of the Valkyries***

Daniel Bryan comes out and looks around the crowd smiling. He salutes the crowd before making his way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing the challenger, from Aberdeen, Washington, weighing in at 192 lbs....Daniel Bryan!

Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan making his WrestleMania debut here tonight and King, he must be feeling pretty confident about his chances in this match.

The King: Daniel Bryan has made Sheamus tap out 2 weeks in a row. But you forget, Sheamus is the Champ JR. I wouldn't be surprised if Sheamus came out and beat Bryan within an inch of his life like he did last time.

Jim Ross: Sheamus beat Daniel Bryan in a Street Fight a few weeks ago to win the United States title and Bryan has been on his case ever since, making him tap out 2 weeks in a row. Will tonight be the trifecta?​

***Written in my Face***

Sheamus comes out to some cheers. There are more people cheering him than booing him actually. He beats his chest and extends his arms out to the crowd before making his way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: His opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 272 lbs, The United States Champion....Sheamus!

The King: Here comes the Champ JR!

Jim Ross: Sheamus making his second appearance here at WrestleMania and this rivalry between Sheamus and Bryan for the title has no doubt been physical. And this should be a physical matchup.

The King: I'll tell you this JR, Sheamus seems pretty confident to me. He's coming out here normally and not even dignifying that Bryan exists.

Jim Ross: Well, the Champ better get his mind on business because if he gets caught in that Labell Lock, we very well could have a new Champion.

The King: Keyword: If.​


WWE United States Championship Match
Sheamus (c) vs Daniel Bryan

Both men lock up and Bryan is immediately sent to the ground as Sheamus shows off his power. They lock up again more aggressively this time and Sheamus backs Bryan into the corner. Ref calls for a clean break and Sheamus delivers some knees to the abdomen area. He sends Bryan hard into the opposite corner. He charges, but eats a boot. Bryan bounces off the ropes and takes Sheamus down with a flying forearm. Sheamus is up on his knees and Bryan sizes him up and delivers some sharp kicks to the his chest. He then alternates and kicks Sheamus in the chest and back.

He continues this a couple times and finishes with a dropkick to his face. Bryan makes the cover: 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Sheamus shows his resiliency and gets that shoulder up. Bryan raises Sheamus up and goes to deliver some more kicks, but he ducks his head this time and drops Bryan with a back suplex. He makes the cover: 1,........2,........KICK OUT! Bryan is able to get that shoulder up. He shoots Bryan off the ropes now and catches him with a BIG spinebuster. He makes the cover again: 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Sheamus gets frustrated as Bryan continues to kick out. He gets up and argues with the referee. Bryan takes advantage and rolls Sheamus up! 1,..........,2........KICK OUT! Bryan almost surprised Sheamus there.

Bryan shoots off the ropes and dropkicks Sheamus in the back of the leg, taking him down. He sends Sheamus into the corner. He backs up and charges him, but Sheamus catches him in mid air and fall away slams him out of the ring as he hits the floor hard. Sheamus starts walking around and posing to boos from the crowd. He laves the ring and grabs Bryan by the head. He brings him over to the ring post. He goes to slam his head, but Bryan stops the progression and kicks Sheamus in the chest and smashes his head of the ring post and sends him back in the ring. He gets on Sheamus for a cover. 1,.........2,........KICK OUT! Sheamus gets the shoulder up to keep his title. Bryan attempts a sleeper hold, but Sheamus quickly gets to his feet and backs into the corner to shake Bryan loose. Once he gets free, he charges, and eats a boot. He charges again, but Bryan ducks and connects with some sharp kicks to the chest of Sheamus. Bryan back up and hits a double knee attack to the body of Sheamus. He goes down as Bryan hits an Oklahoma Roll. 1,..........2,..........KICK OUT! Sheamus kicks out of that just in time to save his title.

Sheamus is quickly up and turns Bryan inside out with a HUGE clothesline. Sheamus poses to the crowd and gets booed. He picks Bryan up and clobbers away on the back. He tries to deliver a suplex, but Bryan reverses and takes Sheamus down with a suplex of his own. He rolls over into a cover, but quickly rolls Sheamus onto his back and attempts the lock in the Labell Lock trying to surprise him, but Sheamus frantically shakes free and slides out of the ring. Sheamus has a shocked look on his face and Bryan stares Sheamus down saying he was "that close" to getting caught.

Sheamus walks around the ring for a little while and grabs his title. It looks like Sheamus is heading for higher ground. Bryan runs out after him, clobbering him from behind. He grabs Sheamus and sends him back in the ring. Sheamus tries to use the US Title, but Bryan ducks and catches Sheamus with a straight kick to the side of the head! Sheamus goes down and Bryan goes for the pinfall. 1,.........2,......KICK OUT! Sheamus gets that shoulder up before the 3 count! Bryan climbs to the top rope and waits for Sheamus. He turns around and Sheamus gets caught with a HUGE Missile dropkick. Bryan makes the cover again. 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Bryan starts getting frustrated as he thought he had the match won there. Bryan is up and looks to go for the Labell Lock. He tries to apply it, but Sheamus is able to get out and again slide out of the ring. Sheamus gets on the apron and hangs Bryan on the ring ropes. He gets back in and looks for the Celtic Kick, but Bryan ducks and Sheamus catches the referee!

Sheamus gets frustrated and turns around right into the Labell Lock! Bryan took a while to apply it, but he finally gets it in! Sheamus struggles for a while, but finally taps out! The match should be over, but the referee is out cold! Bryan looks around for the ref, but he's still out! Bryan releases the hold and wakes up the referee. Sheamus is leaning on the ropes and gets dropkicked out of the ring. Bryan attempts a suicide dive, but he flies right into the Celtic Kick from Sheamus! WOW! Sheamus throws Bryan back in the ring, but not before throwing the US Title back in there as well. Sheamus then lifts Bryan on his back and connects with the Celtic Cross onto the United States Title! He throws the belt out of the ring as the ref starts coming to. Sheamus makes the cover. 1,........2,.......3!

Winner and STILL United States Champion: Sheamus (7:40)

Sheamus is up and holds the title up high and beats his chest in victory as he leaves the ring celebrating his win.

The King: What did I tell you JR? I told you Sheamus wasn't going to lose this match.

Jim Ross: He damn sure should've lost. The man tapped out. Bryan should be the United States Champion, but the damn referee was out.

The King: What do you mean, I didn't see Sheamus tap out.

Jim Ross: You gotta be kidding me.​

Replays show of the ending of the match.

Jim Ross: Look at that. Sheamus was tapping like a drunk man. Clearly the damn match should've been over.

The King: Shoulda, woulda, coulda JR, but on this night, Sheamus, still the US Champion.

Jim Ross: Well, there will be another day for Daniel Bryan, but it was not to be tonight.​


The Corre is backstage and look to be in deep thought.

Justin Gabriel: Guys, this is our time. This is WrestleMania. We can make history tonight and finally take out CM Punk and The Nexus.

Ezekial Jackson: I don't think you guys get how big this is. This match is what makes or breaks this group. We have the chance to go out there tonight and show the difference between a loser and a winner! What do you guys want to be known for after tonight? Winning or Losing?!!

Heath Slater: Winning!

Tyler Reks: Blood will be shed, bodies will be broken, and after the dust clears, The Nexus will be no more.

Wade Barrett: That's the kind of passion that we need out there tonight. Once we go out there, all bets are off. The time for talking is over. Let's go to this ring and get this done.

They all leave the Locker Room and the match graphic is shown.


Jim Ross: Well Ladies and Gentlemen, coming up in a matter of moments, it's The Nexus against The Corre. One of these groups are going to disband forever after this match. Let's take you back to see how these two factions got to WrestleMania with everything on the line.


After the video package, we are taken to the ring and Lillian Garcia.

***Bell Rings***

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is a 10 Man Tag Team Elimination Match! And the losing team of this contest must disband forever.

***This Fire Burns***

CM Punk's theme song hits to a BIG pop as The Nexus makes their way out led by CM Punk.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing first, the team of Husky Harris, Michael McGuillicuty, David Otunga, Mason Ryan, and CM Punk.....The Nexus!

The King: JR, it's all on the line.

Jim Ross: Certainly is. These two teams have come a long way and it's going to end for one of them tonight.

The King: This is a big match. I mean JR, one of these two groups are gonna be done. For Good! I can't imagine what's going through the minds of these ten guys.

Jim Ross: Well, I'll tell you this. The pressure is on. The Corre is loaded with talent. No question about it, but so are these men.​

***End of Days***

The Corre come out at the top of the rampway side by side and stare down The Nexus before making their way down to the ring.

Tony Chimel: On their way to the ring, the team of Tyler Reks, Heath Slater, Ezekial Jackson, Justin Gabriel, and Wade Barrett.....The Corre!

Jim Ross: The Nexus representing RAW and The Corre representing SmackDown, but this match is bigger than RAW vs SmackDown. One of these teams are going to be gone and gone for good.

The King: As much as I like Wade Barrett and The Corre and I'm a fan JR, but I can't help but cheer for The Nexus.

Jim Ross: It's definitely hard to choose from because both of these teams have not made a lot of friends in the WWE and I for sure would like to see these men off of RAW. That's for damn sure.​

The Corre enter the ring and are side by side facing off with The Nexus.

The King: This is gonna be something JR.

Jim Ross: Tension is high no doubt about it.​


10 Man Tag Team Elimination Match - Losing Team Must Disband
The Corre vs The Nexus

The bell rings and both teams go to their corner and it looks like the Team Captains are gonna start things off. Barrett and Punk lock up and fight their way into the corner. Barrett has Punk in the corner and the ref calls for a clean break. Barrett backs off and smiles. Punk walks up and slaps Barrett in the face. Barrett with a clothesline attempt, but Punk ducks and hits a pretty sweet leg sweep taking Barrett down. He goes to work on the leg with a half Boston crab. Punk releases the hold as Barrett gets closer to the ropes and drops an elbow across his back. He drags Barrett into the corner and tags in Husky Harris. Punk holds Barrett down on mat as Harris connects with a big splash across Barrett's back. He rolls him over and goes for the first pinfall. 1,.......2,......KICK OUT!

Barrett gets the shoulder up as the leader of The Corre was almost eliminated. Harris brings Barrett back to the corner and tags in David Otunga. Harris holds Barrett, exposing the abdomen as Otunga takes a shot. He shoots Barrett of the ropes and takes him down with a spinebuster. He goes for another pin. 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Barrett again gets the shoulder up. Otunga shoots Barrett into the corner. He charges and eats a boot. Barrett then charges out of the corner and takes Otunga down with an even bigger boot. He makes the tag to Tyler Reks and he comes in and beheads Otunga with a clothesline. He then proceeds to stomp all over Otunga. He shoots him into the Nexus corner. He charges, but Punk shoves Otunga out of the way and Reks runs into the right hand of Mason Ryan. Otunga makes the tag to Ryan and he comes in and immediately scoop slams Reks.

He picks Reks up and sends him into the corner. He charges, but Reks moves out of the way and dives to make the tag to Ezekial Jackson. Ryan tries to shake off hitting the turnbuckle and turns around into the face of Ezekial Jackson. Both men are staring each other down waiting for the other to blink first. Both Big men trade right hands in the middle of the ring, staggering each other after each hit, and Jackson finally explodes with a HUGE clothesline taking him down. He makes the cover now. 1,........2.......KICK OUT! Jackson picks him up and sends him into the corner and charges, but Ryan moves and decides he wants no more of Jackson as he tags Otunga back in. Otunga doesn't want to come in, but Jackson brings him in forcefully. He picks Otunga up and delivers a Big Time Powerbomb! He makes the cover. 1,........2,.......NO! Ryan comes in and delivers a boot to break up the count. Jackson then lifts Otunga up on his shoulders for the Torture Rack! He racks him and racks him and racks him until he gives up! Otunga is gone!​

David Otunga has been eliminated.​

Jackson flexes his muscles as he awaits his next opponent. Otunga tries to apologize to the Nexus and Punk berates and yells at him to go to the back. He leaves in disdain as Punk enters the ring. Punk slowly tries to size up with the big man. They go for a lockup and Punk ducks and connects with a stiff kick to the back of the thigh. He connects with more stiff kicks. He bounces off the ropes and gets caught and spinebustered by Jackson. Jackson makes the tag to Justin Gabriel. Gabriel sits Punk up and connects with a dropkick to the face. He then locks in a Half Boston Crab looking to make Punk tap, but again Mason Ryan comes in beheads Gabriel with a boot to the face. Punk crawls over to his corner and tags in Mason Ryan. He comes in and picks up Gabriel with ease and hits a powerslam. He makes the cover. 1,.......,2......,NO! This time, it's Ezekial Jackson who comes in and makes the save for Nexus. Ryan tries to confront him, but the ref holds him back. Gabriel rolls him up for a two count. Gabriel then tags Reks back in. He charges and takes Ryan down with a big boot.

He makes the save, but Ryan powers out at 1! Reks is up and has Ryan in a sleeper hold. Ryan tries to shake him off, but Reks then grapevines his legs around Ryan as both men go down to the mat. Ryan shows his amazing strength as he fights his way to his feet and drops hard to the mat slamming Reks down as well. He gets to one knee and Reks is up in the corner. He charges with a boot, which is caught by Ryan. He gets himself up and clotheslines Reks with Authority! He goes for cover, but stops it himself because he's not done. He lifts Reks up and drops him with a BIG powerbomb! He makes the cover, hooks the leg and stares down Ezekial Jackson. 1,........2,.......3!​

Tyler Reks has been eliminated​

Ryan taunts The Corre before he makes the tag to Michael McGuillicuty for the Nexus. Heath Slater comes in now for The Corre. They circle the ring and finally lock up. Slater gets a side headlock. They back up against the ropes and McGuillicuty shoots him off the ropes and takes him down. He bounces off the ropes and gets taken down with a deep arm drag takedown by Slater. He connects with another one and locks McGuillicuty in an arm bar. McGuillicuty is able to make his way out of it and take Slater down with a leg sweep. He bounces off the ropes and connects with a high knee drop over Slater's forehead. He makes the cover. 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Slater gets that shoulder up. McGuillicuty tags Punk back and he connects with a kick. Punk wrings the arm of Slater and delivers several chops and back him into the corner. Punk backs up and charges, but eats a boot. Slater makes the tag to Gabriel who immediately comes in and takes Punk down with a spinning wheel kick. He then hits Punk with a series of dropkicks. Punk goes for a right, but Gabriel counters and gets Punk into a backslide! 1,.........2,.........NO! Mason Ryan is in and breaks up the count. He then drops Gabriel with a clothesline!

Punk crawls to his corner and tags in Husky Harris. Harris saunters in all cocky. He then starts stomping away on Gabriel and taunting the other Corre members. He whips himself off the ropes and goes for a Big Splash which hits. He rolls him over for the cover. 1,........2,........NO! This time it's Wade Barrett who makes his way in and interrupts it. Harris shoots Gabriel into the corner and charges with a HUGE splash. Gabriel is crawling to his corner and Harris taunts him. He then drops an elbow across his back as Gabriel got closer. He drags him back to his corner and tags McGuillicuty back in. McGuillicuty comes in and drops a legdrop. He then starts setting up for what looks to be the Figure Four, but Gabriel sends him into the turnbuckle and into the ring post. Gabriel bounces off the ropes and takes McGuillicuty down with a running Enzuguiri. Both men are down now as they crawl to their respective corners. Gabriel is able to make the hot tag. In comes Jackson from the Corre and Harris comes in without a tag. He shows no fear and charges the big man. Jackson catches him and drops him with a spinebuster. Punk runs in and Jackson sends him right out of the ring. Mason Ryan comes in and drops Jackson with a boot. He bounces off the ropes and Jackson catches him and takes him down with a HUGE Powerslam which gets a pop from the crowd! Jackson waits for McGuillicuty to get up and gets him in the Torture Rack. He racks and racks and McGuillicuty has given up and he is gone!

Michael McGuillicuty has been eliminated

The Corre now have a 4 to 3 advantage. Jackson is on Fire as he awaits his next opponent. Punk comes in and jumps him from behind, but here comes the rest of The Corre and it's broken down here in Atlanta! Both teams are battling on the outside as Ezekial Jackson is left in the ring with Mason Ryan. Ryan charges, but misses and instead gets dropped with a clothesline. Jackson feels the momentum and picks up Ryan and takes him down with a fall away slam. Jackson is dominating and starts getting pumped up. Punk comes and runs into a clothesline, which allows Ryan to take out Jackson with a big boot. Ryan sets up Jackson for the powerbomb, but he gets back dropped. Jackson symbols for the Torture Rack. Harris runs into the ring and Jackson sends him right back out. Jackson hoist Ryan up on his shoulders and has him in the Torture Rack! He racks him and racks him until finally the ref calls for the bell!

Mason Ryan has been eliminated

Ezekial Jackson has eliminated the last three members of The Nexus by himself. Members of the Corre and Nexus are still stomping away at each other. The ref is trying to get these guys back in and leaves the ring. In the midst of all the chaos, Mason Ryan slides back in the ring with a chair. Jackson's back is turned and Ryan slams him in the back with the chair! He throws the chair down on the mat and powerbombs Jackson right on the chair! The fans are booing as Ryan leaves the ring with the chair. CM Punk, through all the chaos, crawls back into the ring and makes the cover on Ezekial Jackson. 1,..........2,........3!

Ezekial Jackson has been eliminated

The Corre still have the advantage but have lost their big man as The Corre is down to Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, and Heath Slater and The Nexus have CM Punk and Husky Harris. Slater is in and starts going to work on Punk with shots to the back. Slater attempts a DDT, but Punk counters and connects with a series of slaps to the face and ends with a straight kick to the side of the head. He shoots Slater into the corner and charges with a running knee lift. He goes for the running bulldog, but Slater counters and sends Punk flying. He connects with a snap suplex on Punk for a near fall. Slater climbs the top rope, but Harris shoves him off and Slater goes flying into the barricade on the outside. Barrett and Gabriel come in, but the ref stops them. Harris drops from the apron and sends Slater into the steel steps and back in the ring and Punk makes the cover. 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Slater gets his shoulder up to Punk's disbelief. He hoists Slater on his shoulders and connects with the GTS! He makes the cover. 1,.........2,........3! Slater is gone as Punk smiles at Barrett.

Heath Slater has been eliminated

Punk backs up and leans in the corner and is smiling as it's now a 2 on 2 match. Gabriel wants in and he comes in now. Both men size each other up. Punk goes for a kick, but Gabriel counters and takes him down with a leg sweep. He bounces off the ropes and connects with what looked to be a shining wizard to a downed CM Punk. He makes the cover. 1,..........2,.......KICK OUT! Punk gets that shoulder up as he's not ready to quit just yet. Gabriel makes the tag to Barrett to get his second shot at Punk. Barrett sizes him up and connects with some forearm shots. He hammers away on Punk and shoots him off the ropes, misses a right hand, but catches him on the rebound with a sidewalk slam into a cover. 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Punk gets that shoulder up. Barrett gets frustrated and locks in an abdominal stretch and immediately cranks up the pressure. Punk is trying not to give up, but it's hard. Husky Harris can't take it anymore and clobbers Barrett. Gabriel flies and starts going at him with some shots, but the ref starts to send him back to his corner. This allows Harris and Punk to stomp all over and work on Barrett. Punk is relentlessly stomping away on Barrett in the corner. He backs up and charges with a face wash. He whips Barrett off the ropes and connects with a flying reverse elbow. He poses before he makes the cover. 1,.........2,........KICK OUT! Punk tries again, but gets another near fall. He gets frustrated and tags in Husky Harris who comes in and connects with a DDT and makes the cover. 1,.........2,.......KICK OUT! Harris gets frustrated as he can't put Barrett away.

Harris drags Barrett to his corner, but he releases himself and tags in Gabriel. He comes in and dropkicks Punk off the apron and goes to work on Husky Harris. Harris starts to overcome him and shoots him off the ropes. He catches Gabriel looking for a powerslam, but Gabriel counters and hits a DDT! He makes the cover and hooks the leg! 1,........2,........NO! Punk dives in and makes the save. Barrett comes in and sends Punk right back out of the ring Barrett waits for Harris to get up and drops him with the Wastleland. Gabriel takes advantage and makes the cover. 1,........2,........3!

Husky Harris has been eliminated

Punk immediately comes in and starts clobbering on the back on Gabriel. Punk starts working on Gabriel and connecting with stiff shots to the ribs. He gets on the apron and takes Gabriel down with a springboard clothesline. Punk makes the cover now. 1,..........2,.......KICK OUT! Gabriel gets the shoulder up as Punk looks pissed as he knows he's all by himself. He frantically then tries to lock in the Anaconda Vice, but Barrett is in and puts a stop to that. The ref tries to get him out. Gabriel is up and Punk and takes him out with a low blow. Gabriel goes down and Punk goes for the pin. 1,.........2,........KICK OUT! Gabriel gets his shoulder up! Punk can't believe it as he's sure he had 3! He's up and grabs Gabriel by the head and connects with an impressive double underhook backbreaker. He makes the cover. 1,.........2,........KICK OUT! Punk bangs the mat in frustration as he can't put Gabriel away. Barrett is on the apron smiling. Punk fights with the referee and Gabriel rolls him up! 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Punk barely just kicks out of that!

Gabriel makes the tag to Barrett who comes in and takes Punk down with a double ax handle shot. Barrett taunts Punk and goes for the Wastleland, but Punk elbows him in the face. He backs up and goes for a dropkick, but Barrett ducks and the referee gets taken out! Barrett comes back and delivers a clothesline to Punk. He picks him up and drops him with the Wastleland, but the referee is out. Barrett drags Punk to the corner and makes the tag to Gabriel. Gabriel is on top looking for the 450, but Punk pushes Barrett into the ropes, straddling Justin Gabriel. David Otunga is seen making his way back down with a steel chair. He trips Barrett up and drags him out of the ring. Barrett turns around and Otunga blasts him with the steel chair! He slides the chair in the ring, grabs Gabriel and DDT's him in the chair! The fans are booing as Otunga helps Punk up. Punk congratulates him and embraces Otunga. Just as everything seems fine, Otunga drops Punk with a clothesline!!! The fans are in shock as Otunga took out his Nexus leader! Otunga drops the chair and leaves the ring. The fans are confused as they don't know what's going on! Otunga makes his way up the ramp and doesn't look back. Gabriel struggles to make his way back to the top and connects with the 450 Splash! He hooks the leg as the ref crawls over and makes the count! 1,...........2,...........3!

Winners: The Corre (16:32)

The Corre's music hits as Barrett embraces Gabriel in the ring.​
Jim Ross: My Gawd King! What have we just seen?!!

The King: I have no idea JR! I thought David Otunga was Nexus through and through!

Jim Ross: David Otunga came out here with a chair and we thought he was going to lay out both remaining members of The Corre which he did, but then he took out CM Punk. But King, I mean what the hell does this mean?

The King: It means that thanks to one of The Nexus' own, they're gone! Asta la vista! Kaput! Done!​

Replays of the finish keep showing as Barrett and Gabriel make their way up the ramp in victory.

Jim Ross: There's another look at it.

The King: I still don't get it JR, I mean what was that?!?!

Jim Ross: We don't know and maybe we'll never know, but tonight at WrestleMania, The Corre lives and The Nexus Dies!
Punk is in the ring as the Corre's music fades and he looks pissed.

Barrett comes back out with a microphone.

Wade Barrett: Hey Punk, I'll hand it you, that was an outstanding performance. And after that, there's really only one thing left to say: Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye! Everybody join me!

The fans join in and the chant gets louder and louder as all Punk can do is sit in the ring and stare down at the mat.
The King: Wait a minute JR, this is terrible! How can these fans do this?!!

Jim Ross: The WWE Fans paid a lot of money to be here King and they're allowed to say whatever they want.

The King: These fans are so disrespectful! This isn't fair!

Jim Ross: The Nexus lost the match. A win, by hook, or crook, is a win. Nothing left to do now, but start over. This maybe the last we see of CM Punk.​
The chant continues as Punk makes his way to the back.


Michael Cole: Well Partner, what about that last match The Corre defeating The Nexus.

Matt Striker: The Corre looked as though they dominated all match long with Ezekial Jackson eliminating 3 straight Nexus members, but as soon as he went down, it looked as though it was over and David Otunga who looked like he was going to help The Nexus win this match, but then he blindsided CM Punk. I'm still in shock.

Michael Cole: Well The Corre is coming back to SmackDown with a win and they're probably going to have a lot to gloat about come this Friday.

Matt Striker: As they should, it was a win mired in Controversy, but a win nonetheless.

Michael Cole: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, coming up in a few moments is a match I know I can't wait for.


Michael Cole: It's The Big Show vs Kevin Nash.

Matt Striker: Who can forget the showdowns these two men had in the old WCW days? It's history in the making Michael. A regular battle of The Giants.

Michael Cole: Kevin Nash said the Big Show has gone soft and promises to put Show out of his misery tonight at WrestleMania. And Kevin Nash made his grand return when he took out the Big Show just a few weeks ago.


***Crank It Up***
The Big Show comes out to a warm reaction from the crowd and he looks to be all business as he slowly approaches the ring.​
Tony Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring, from Tampa, Florida, weighing at 500lb.....The Big Show!
Michael Cole: The 500lb Monster....The Big Show! He looks to be focused on this match here tonight!

Matt Striker: After what Kevin Nash said to the Big Show last Friday on SmackDown, you gotta believe that Big Show is looking to put Kevin Nash down for the count.

Michael Cole: There's one thing I wouldn't want and that's to face a 7 Foot, 500lb, angry Monster.

Matt Striker: And if there's one guy in this business right now that is NOT afraid of The Big Show....it's Kevin Nash.​

Big Show stands in the center of the ring and awaits Kevin Nash as there's a little dramatic pause.

***RockHouse - nWo Theme***

Kevin Nash slowly makes his way out to a HUGE reaction. He throws up the Kilq sign, points to the Big Show and continues his walk down the ramp.

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 328 lbs...Kevin Nash!​
Matt Striker: Listen to this ovation Michael!

Michael Cole: Big Daddy Cool has been here before, he knows what WrestleMania feels like. He looks completely calm, cool, and collected.

Matt Striker: Did you ever think in your wildest dreams that you would see these two step in the ring together again? Did you ever think that first seeing these guys wrestle back in 1998, that 13 years later, we would see Kevin Nash vs Big Show once again? THIS is what WrestleMania is all about!

Michael Cole: You can feel it in the air!​

Big Show vs Kevin Nash​

The bell rings and both men slowly come face to face. Big Show looks as if he's gonna kill Nash, who just smiles at him. Nash then starts talking trash and starts digging his finger in Show's chest. Show then shoves Nash and he goes into the corner. Both men circle the ring and finally lock up. They jock for position until Nash gets him in a side headlock. They bounce off the ropes and Show shoots Nash into the ropes. Nash comes back and runs into the Big Show and goes down. Show mocks Nash by showing his strength. Nash gets up and slaps Show in the face! Show trembles in anger and charges, but Nash backs off into the ropes and is halfway out and the ref gets in between them. Show picks the referee up, turns around and places him in the middle of the ring. He turns around into a thumb to the eye from Nash. Nash goes to work and hammers away on Show with some forearms. He whips Show into the corner and charges with a clothesline. Then, he starts burying knees into the midsection of Show and following it up burying his shoulder into the abdomen as well. The ref starts to get in the middle of them and Nash backs off. He poses to the crowd for a mixed reaction.

Show then rebounds out of the corner and clotheslines Nash. He stalks him and takes Nash down with a couple of clotheslines. He then lifts Nash up and drops him with a scoop slam. He bounces off the ropes and connects with a legdrop and goes for the cover. 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Nash kicks out and rolls out of the ring as he needs a breather. Nash has his hands on his hips and looks pissed. He gets on the apron looking to get back in the ring, but he drops and turns around, looking like he's leaving as the fans boo him.

Big Show shoves the referee out of the way and goes after Nash. He grabs him by the hair, drags him back to the ring side and goes to throw him back in the ring, but Nash reverses and sends Show head first into the ring post. Nash smiles as he works on Show more. He stomps on him and sends him into the barricade. He brings Show over to the announce table area and chokes him with the monitor cord. He slams his head on the announce table and finally sends him back in the ring. Nash takes his time getting back in the ring as he poses again to boos from the crowd. He then starts slapping Big Show in the back of that bald head of his. He sends Big Show into the ropes and catches him with a clothesline that takes Show down! He goes right for the cover. 1,.......2,......KICK OUT!

Show is able to get his shoulder up and keep this match going. Nash connects with some shots to the back and looks to lock in a camel clutch, but Show fights every step of the way. Nash slams the mat in frustration. Show goes for a boot, but ducks and gets caught with a boot by Nash. Nash changes up his gameplan and struggles before finally locking Show in a tight body scissors. Nash applies the pressure and Show still continues the fight. He battles back and forcibly removes Nash's legs from around his body and breaks the hold! Show is still on one knee as Nash makes his move. Nash begins to stalk show plants him with a DDT! He goes for the cover again. 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Show gets that shoulder up again and Nash gets even more upset.

He sends Show into the corner once more. Nash is choking him, starts talking trash, yelling in his face and then tops it off by slapping Big Show in the face!! Big Show's facial expression changed dramatically. His eyes widen and his teeth are showing. He grabs Nash and throws him into the corner. He starts burying his shoulder into Nash's abdomen and hits a couple of BIG and LOUD Chops to the chest of Nash. He then manhandles Nash and throws him out of the corner and halfway across the ring! Nash stumbles for a bit on his way back up and eats a Boot from Big Show and goes down. Show bounces off the ropes and connects with an elbow drop and again, goes for the cover. 1,........2,.......KICK OUT!

Show then signals for the chokeslam! He waits and wraps his hand around Nash's throat. Before Show gets a chance, Nash grabs the referee and throws him into the Big Show, throwing off his rhythm. The ref falls and Nash is able to deliver a low blow and stop the move from happening. Nash bounces off the ropes and connects with a sick looking kick to the side of the head.

Nash leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair. He heads back in the ring, looking to use the chair, but Show punches it out of his hand! He grabs a hold Nash and connects with the Jackknife Powerbomb! WHOA! He makes the cover, but the referee is out! Show is pissed. He gets up and grabs the ref by the belt, picks him up and drops him looking to wake him up. Nash is back up and connects with a SICKENING chair shot to the back of Show! Nash then looks to set up for the Jackknife powerbomb, but stops as he knows that wouldn't be a good idea. He grabs Show by the throat and delivers the chokeslam on Show on the chair!

He slides the chair out of the ring, covers Show and hooks the leg! The ref crawls over to both men and starts to count the fall. 1,.......2,.........NO! Big Show shoots up that shoulder as Nash looks like he's about to cry. He slams the mat in anger and frustration and he can't take it! He wants to put Show away NOW. Nash grabs him and looks to hit the Jackknife, but he gets backdropped! Nash turns around right into the arms of Show! Show delivers the Chokeslam with Authority! He covers and hooks the leg. 1,..........2,..........3!

Winner: Big Show (11:40)

Michael Cole: What a Battle of the Giants we have just witnessed!

Matt Striker: Kevin Nash came at the Big Show with everything he had, but the Big Show proved tonight why HE is the TRUE Giant of these two men.

Michael Cole: Kevin Nash wanted to make a statement and for a moment, it looked like he had Big Show out for the count.

Matt Striker: It's WrestleMania Michael. Superstars tap into an inner strength and once they do that, it's impossible to defeat them. The Big Show proved that tonight.​

They look back the replays leading to the end of the match.

Matt Striker: I thought Big Show was done for after he got chokeslammed.

Michael Cole: Kevin Nash used that chair, but it still didn't work.

Matt Striker: The true Giant of the WWE: The Big Show. What a win tonight at WrestleMania.​

Big Show does his chokeslam pose at the top of the stage before heading to the back.


Lay-Cool are sitting at a make up set. Michelle McCool is putting on her makeup, while Layla is fiddling through her stuff until Rosa Mendez comes up to them.

Rosa Mendez: Lay-Cool, I just wanted to ask if you guys are ready for your match against Trish Stratus and Lita later on tonight?

Michelle McCool: Um, Hello? Did you not see what we did to Trish and Lita last week on RAW? We like totally humiliated them.

Lay-Cool: Totally!

Rosa Mendez: But aren't you guys nervous that you guys are a bit outmatched tonight?

Lay-Cool: Rewind! Real Talk!

Michelle McCool: Lay, can you PUHHLEEASEEE put little Miss wears too much makeup in her place?

Layla: It breaks down like this Rosaline, or whoever you are, Michelle and I have prepared for this moment. Trish and Lita think they're going to make some grand return at our expense? Uh-Uh. Not tonight.

Michelle McCool: I don't think she gets it Lay. This is about the future and the future looks absolutely....

Lay-Cool: Flawless!

Layla: A lot of the women in the WWE, and these "females" in that crowd can learn a lot from us.

Michelle McCool: Yeah, let's start with that tacky dress you're wearing Roslyn. You look like you need a couple of makeovers. But getting back to business, Trish and Lita are history after tonight. They started something with us that they can't finish, but we CAN and we WILL after it's all said and done.

They walk off and Rosa rolls her eyes as we head back to Michael Cole and Matt Striker.

Matt Striker: Well Lay-Cool sound ready and focused for their match tonight.

Michael Cole: Should be a great contest from RAW, but Ladies and Gentlemen, coming up from SmackDown, it doesn't get any more personal than this:


Michael Cole: 10 Person Intergender Tag Team Match. One fall to the finish as The Revolution and Vickie Guerrero team up to take on Rey Mysterio, Booker T., Chris Masters, Natalya and Beth Phoenix.

Matt Striker: Michael, I have to be honest, I've been looking forward to this match. The line in the sand has been drawn and the power struggle has come to WrestleMania and it's taken such a personal turn. I can't wait for this one!

Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, let's take you back in time and show you the birth of The Revolution.


After the video package......


Vickie Guerrero: EXCUSE ME!!!

Matt Striker: Ugh....​

The fans POUR on the boos as soon as they hear her. The boos get even louder as she appears to the crowd.

Vickie Guerrero: I SAID EXCUSE ME!!!

The boos get even louder.

Vickie Guerrero: I would like to introduce my partners for the forthcoming match....Sean O' Haire and The Revolution!!!

***Come On!***

The boos get louder again as O' Haire leads his group onto the stage. The five of them make their way down to the ring with O' Haire leading the charge.

Matt Striker: What a unit. You have to admit, Sean O' Haire has assembled a fine looking stable. The power of Chris Harris, the deadly beauty of Kaitlyn, the quickness and speed of Kaval and of course the Mastermind himself, Sean O' Haire. Let's not forget Vickie Guerrero who is the unsung part of this 5 person team.

Michael Cole: I don't approve of what they've done over the past weeks on SmackDown. Their actions have been heinous.

Matt Striker: You heard O' Haire on Heat earlier tonight, he said whatever happens tonight is on Rey's hands.

Michael Cole: I want to know why O' Haire is so confident. For weeks, he warned Rey to not go to War with him.

Matt Striker: It's all Mind Games Michael.​

The Revolution and Vickie Guerrero stand in the ring and await their opponents.

***Can You Dig It? SUCKA!!!***

The crowd comes to their feet as Booker T. makes his way out to a great Pop!

Tony Chimel: The following 10 Person Intergender Tag Team Match is scheduled for one fall! From Houston, Texas weighing in 256 lbs......Booker T.!

Michael Cole: Booker T.'s first WrestleMania in Four Years! And what a way to come back partner!

Matt Striker: Listen to these people Michael! They can dig Booker T. and I know he's missed this for quite sometime. But tonight, it's all business. What a moment!​

Beth Phoenix makes her way out to a nice reaction and joins Booker T.

Tony Chimel: From Buffalo, New York....The Glamazon, Beth Phoenix!​

Michael Cole: Beth Phoenix looks to be all business. She got a measure of revenge on O' Haire and The Revolution last week.

Matt Striker: She's been fighting them from the start Michael, and she looks to put an end to it tonight.​


***New Foundation***

Tony Chimel: From Calgary, Alberta Canada....Natalya!​

Michael Cole: Natalya has had her share of problems with Vickie Guerrero.

Matt Striker: Oh yeah, Natalya and Beth Phoenix would love to get their hands on Vickie Guerrero after making them look foolish on separate occasions.​


Chris Masters to a surprising good pop. He does his usual muscle and firework display before making his way to join his team.

Tony Chimel: From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 265 lbs...The Masterpiece, Chris Masters!​

Matt Striker: Well Michael, same with Beth Phoenix, Chris Masters has been fighting them from the beginning and his issues aren't done with them yet.

Michael Cole: Sean O' Haire tried to recruit Chris Masters as he did with Mysterio and The Revolution ambushed him for it. The score will be settled tonight.​

***Booyaka Booyaka***

Rey Mysterio makes his way to a BIG pop from these fans!

Tony Chimel: From San Diego, California weighing in at 175 lbs....Rey Mysterio!​

Michael Cole: Here is the man who is at the epicenter of this match. A few weeks ago on SmackDown, Rey Mysterio and Sean O' Haire had a classic match on SmackDown and he saw something in Rey and wanted him in his fold.

Matt Striker: And THAT was a wrong move. Mysterio said no and O' Haire didn't take no for an answer.

Michael Cole: This is what Rey's team has worked toward. This one match. All the weeks of Mind Games and antics are over.

Matt Striker: Let's see who's Army came to play tonight. Both teams look focused Michael.

Michael Cole: This match is one fall to the finish and so much is riding on it.

Matt Striker: Not just Bragging Rights, but emotional pride is on the line as well. This is WrestleMania and one of these teams is going Home as the losing squad.​


10 Person Intergender Tag Team Match
The Revolution (Sean O' Haire, Kaval, Chris Harris, and Kaitlyn) and Vickie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio, Booker T., Chris Masters, Beth Phoenix, and Natalya

Mysterio's Team sprints to the ring as the Revolution and Vickie scatter the ring extremely quickly. Mysterio's Team are in the ring dominating the moment as O' Haire and his squad have to regroup. After a short huddle, Kaval slides in the ring as the man looking to start things off for his team. Mysterio wants to start things off, but he wants O' Haire in the ring first. Kaval makes the tag and O' Haire steps in. Both teams take their places on the apron and this match is ready to get underway. O' Haire and Mysterio lock up and Mysterio is thrown to the ground. O' Haire taunts Rey as his team cheers. Both men go to lock up again, but Mysterio ducks underneath and connects with some kicks to the thighs of O' Haire trying to take him down. He bounces off the ropes and dropkicks him in the leg, taking him down to one knee. He shoots off the ropes again and dropkicks O' Haire in the head and goes for a quick cover. 1,..........2,.........KICK OUT! O' Haire is able to get up before the 3 count.

Mysterio goes to bounce off the ropes once more, but O' Haire grabs him by the back of his mask and uses it to slam him down to the mat. O' Haire starts violently stomping away on Mysterio. He hooks up Mysterio for a suplex, but Mysterio counters in mid-air and drops O' Haire with a DDT. Mysterio then makes the tag to Chris Masters, and O' Haire wants no part of it as he tags out to Chris Harris. Harris looks confused and doesn't want to get in either, but Masters brings him in against his will. Masters shoots Harris off the ropes and takes him down with a HUGE Powerslam and a quick cover. 1,.........2,........KICK OUT! Harris is able to get that shoulder up to keep his team's hopes alive.

Masters sends Harris in the corner and follows it up with a clothesline in the corner. Harris tries to fight back, but Masters over powers him, then throws him out of the corner halfway across the ring! He poses to the crowd for some cheers. Harris crawls to the corner with Masters stalking. Harris is able to trip Masters and drop toe hold him in the turnbuckle. He drags him to his corner and makes the tag to Kaval. Kaval is in and does incredibly looking sick kick to the back of Masters head. He shoots him off the ropes and takes him down with an impressive spinning wheel kick. He makes the cover. 1,.......2,.......KICK OUT! Masters gets that shoulder up and he's up to one knee as Kaval looks dominant. Booker is in the corner and he wants the tag! The fans are clamoring and making noise. Masters makes the tag to Booker and he comes in to a great pop! Booker is in and fans are chanting "Booker T." Kaval is not impressed and isn't backing down.

Both men lock up and Booker gets Kaval in a side headlock. Both men bounce off the ropes and Booker sends him. Kaval bounces off the ropes and runs into a tackle from Booker. He shoots himself off the ropes, Kaval attempts an arm drag, but Booker counters and takes Kaval down with an arm drag of his own. Kaval is up and charges, but Booker ducks, rebounds, and takes Kaval out with a HUGE flying sidekick to a pop from the fans. He makes the cover. 1,.......2,.......NO! Sean O' Haire flies in and stops the count. Kaval backs into his corner and Vickie makes the tag!

Vickie saunters in and pushes Booker T. and poses to the crowd and gets booed heavily. Vickie starts poking and taunting Booker knowing he can't physically strike per the rules of the match. She climbs the top rope to pose and unbeknownst to her, Booker tags in Beth Phoenix. Vickie turns around, shrieks and drops to her knees to beg off. Beth grabs her by the hair and lifts Vickie up over her head! Kaitlyn is in and dropkicks Beth in the back. Vickie crawls and makes the tag out to Kaitlyn. She's in and immediately gets an Oklahoma Roll in on Beth. 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Beth gets out just in time! Kaitlyn grabs Beth by the hair and sends her in the corner. She starts going to work on her with forearm shots and burying her shoulder into Beth's midsection. She whips Beth into the opposite corner and she charges again, but this time, eats a boot. Beth then explodes and takes her down with a clothesline. She makes the tag to Natalya now.

She takes Kaitlyn down with a suplex and immediately attempts to lock in the Sharpshooter! Vickie Guerrero runs in and pushes her! Beth comes back in and and tosses Vickie out of the ring. Kaitlyn rolls up Natalya and hooks the tights! 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Even with her tights being hooked, Natalya makes her way out. Kaitlyn is on the move, but Natalya stops her progress with some right hands. Both women trade rights and lefts until Natalya over powers her and gains the advantage. Natalya whips Kaitlyn into the corner. She charges, but eats a back elbow. Kaitlyn then takes Natalya up to the second turnbuckle and connects with a Superplex!! Both women are down in the middle of the ring and make their way to their corners. Kaitlyn makes the hot tag to Kaval and Natalya makes the tag to Mysterio and here we go!

Mysterio flies in and ducks under a Kaval kick, springs off the ropes, and takes him down with a head scissors! Harris is in and gets a shot to the gut. Mysterio grabs Harris' wrist, springs off the ropes and takes him down with a deep arm drag! O' Haire is in and drops Rey with a clothesline. O' Haire looks to hit a suplex, but Rey drops behind him, hitting a Reverse DDT! He gets on the apron, and hits a springboard headbutt. He goes for the cover. 1,.......,2........NO! Vickie Guerrero of all people is in to break up the count! Beth sprints in the ring and takes her down! Natalya is also in and goes back to work on Kaitlyn! Masters goes over and starts brawling with Harris. All hell has broken loose! Fights are breaking out on the outside and the ref leaves the ring trying to break it up!

Back in the ring, Mysterio whips O' Haire into the corner now. Rey charges, but Kaval cuts him off with a superkick. Kaval whips Rey into the corner, does a cartwheel, gets back up and connects with a sick looking kick to the face of Mysterio! WOW! He connects with kicks to the chest until Booker T. hits the ring. He grabs Kaval and starts going to work on him with right hands. He whips him off ropes and takes him down with a spinebuster. He picks Kaval up and connects with some chops. He shoots Kaval off the ropes, misses a right hand, and catches Kaval on the rebound with a sidewalk slam. He then waits for him get up and drops Kaval with the Axe Kick! Booker then drops to the mat and the fans know what's coming! Booker then sets up and does the SPINAROONI!!

The fans are on their feet as Team Mysterio looks to have this win wrapped up! Booker turns around and gets clotheslined....by Chris Masters!!!! The fans are shocked as Masters reveals a smug smile on his face. Then he locks Booker in the MasterLock! Mysterio charges, but Masters is ready and takes him down with a clothesline! Masters picks Mysterio up and drops him with a THUNDEROUS PowerBomb! O' Haire is on the top rope in the meantime and connects with the Senton Bomb! He makes the cover and the ref is in! 1,........2,........3!

Winners: The Revolution & Vickie Guerrero (12:17)

O' Haire and Masters finally lock eyes, and they both smile at each other. Masters helps him up and they shake hands!

Michael Cole: My God! What have we just seen?!?!

Matt Striker: Is this what Sean O' Haire meant when he said whatever happens tonight is on Rey's hands?!?!

Michael Cole: Why? I mean why would The Masterpiece align himself with the Revolution?

Matt Striker: Sean O' Haire warned Rey Mysterio. He warned him not to go to War with him.

Michael Cole: How long ago was this Alliance formed?!?! How long has there been this cohesion?​

The New Revolution and Vickie Guerrero then raise their arms in unison and dominace celebrating their victory.

Matt Striker: Maybe we'll never know Michael. But on this night Sean O' Haire, The Mastermind showed everyone why you don't go to war with him because he always wins in the end.​

Replays of the ending of the match are shown.

Michael Cole: Booker was dominating and this match looked to be in the bag and then Chris Masters from nowhere, just blindsides Booker!

Matt Striker: Look at the smile he had on his face Michael. He's known about this for a while.​

Natalya and Beth check on their teammates in the ring as the Revolution and Vickie make their way up the ramp.

Michael Cole: I mean damn it! What does this mean for Friday Night SmackDown?!?!​



The cast of Tough Enough is shown in the crowd very briefly, and the show is plugged once more.

The fans explode into boos and cheers as John Cena is shown backstage getting ready for his BIG match later tonight with The Undertaker!

Jim Ross: Well Ladies and Gentlemen Tough Enough returns Tomorrow Night following Monday Night RAW, but there you see him. John Cena. The task he has ahead of him tonight is monumental. He will attempt to take on the Undefeated Streak of The Undertaker.

The King: I can't wait for that match JR, but I also can't wait for what we have up Next! Woo-Hoo!


Jim Ross: Well Ladies and Gentlemen, coming up in a matter of moments, it's a battle of Divas Past and Divas Present. Lay-Cool defend their Divas Championship belts against Trish Stratus and Lita.

The King: JR, I'm ready for 100% Stratusfaction! It's been a while since we've seen Trish or Lita at WrestleMania, and I think they have their work cut out for them.

Jim Ross: Let's take a look back at how these four females made their way to WrestleMania.


***You're Not Enough For Me***

Lay-Cool make their way out with their Divas Championships and do their back to back entrance before coming down to the ring to a few boos.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Divas Championships! Making their way to the ring, the Co-Divas Champions......Lay-Cool!​

The King: Ohhh Baby! Here we go JR!

Jim Ross: It was a little over a year ago King, when Lay-Cool broke out on the scene and dominated the Women's Division. Michelle McCool even won Diva of the Year in 2010. These two women, despite their personality, are great athletes and are deserving of this WrestleMania spot.

The King: What do you mean their personality JR? You're just mad that these are the kind of girls that turned you down in High School! Ahaha!

Jim Ross: Yup, broke my heart, made me cry.

The King: Ahaha, oh JR, you gotta love it! Oh Baby! Look at Layla!

Jim Ross: Lay-Cool sent a message to their Trish and Lita spray painting on their backs last Monday Night on RAW.

The King: I'd love to spray paint...

Jim Ross: Alright King for God Sakes, let's keep it G-Rated.​

Lay-Cool are in the ring and await their opponents as the fans break out into a "Lita" Chant.


Lita's Theme music hits and she makes her way to a HUGE pop from the crowd!

Lillian Garcia: Their opponents, first from Atlanta, Georgia! Lita!​

Jim Ross: Listen to the ovation for Lita! Lita has not competed at WrestleMania in 5 years!

The King: Wow JR, talk about an ovation, look at these people!

Jim Ross: Lita made her return a few weeks ago on RAW as a guest of Trish.

The King: She hasn't lost it JR, she's still as gorgeous as ever.

Jim Ross: This should be quite the contest no doubt about it.​

***Time to Rock and Roll***

Trish's music hits and she comes to another great ovation!

Lillian Garcia: And her Tag Team Partner, from Toronto, Canada....Trish Stratus!

The King: Ohhh Daddy! You ready for some Stratusfaction JR?!?!

Jim Ross: Trish, also like Lita, competing in first WrestleMania in five years and teaming with Lita for the first time in 8 years. Trish Stratus is a seven time Women's Champion, and I'm sure she has to be in a foul mood as well after last Monday.

The King: She's also one of the Tough Enough Trainers JR.

Jim Ross: No doubt about it, one of the most decorated WWE Divas in the WWE.​


Divas Tag Team Championship Match
Lay-Cool (c) vs Trish & Lita

Trish and Lita stand side by side, look at each other and charge the ring where Lay-Cool await them. The bell rings and here we go! Trish tackles down Michelle and Lita starts hammering away on Layla. Trish and Michelle are rolling around the ring until they finally end up out of the ring and onto the floor. Lita is going to work on Layla until the ref gets in the middle of them. Layla then gets a thumb to the eye of Lita. Layla bounces off the ropes and connects with a swinging neckbreaker. She hooks the leg for the first fall of the match. 1,......2,........KICK OUT! Lita gets her shoulder up just in the nick of time. Layla brings Lita back to the corner and delivers some chops, and follows it up with a snapmare takedown.

She bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Lita in the back of the head. She goes for another pin. 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Lita again gets her shoulder up. Layla drags Lita to her corner and tags in Michelle. She comes in Lay-Cool hit a double suplex. Michelle quickly goes for a pin. 1,.........2,.........KICK OUT! Lita gets that shoulder up showing her resilience. Michelle whips Lita into the corner, charges, but eats a boot. Lita climbs the top rope and takes Michelle down with a crossbody into a pin. 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Michelle gets her shoulder up in the nick of time. Lita drags Michelle into her corner by the hair and tags in Trish, who gets a good pop.

Trish comes and nails Michelle with a forearm. She whips Michelle back in her corner and connects with several chops. Trish licks her hand and hits Michelle with a final chop. She takes Michelle by the hair and throws her down to the mat and connects with a stiff kick to the back. Trish bounces off the ropes, but gets a knee in the back by Layla. Michelle tries to take advantage, but Trish sends her out of the ring and down to the floor. Layla goes to check on her and Trish dives off the apron and takes Lay-Cool down with a double clothesline. Lita then makes her way to the turnbuckle, climbs the top rope and hits a Litasault off the top rope taking out Lay-Cool again!!! The fans start up a Holy S*** Chant!

Lita struggles to make her way back to her feet and sends Michelle back in the ring as Trish goes back in as well to avoid the countout. Trish goes for pin. 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Michelle gets that shoulder up before the 3 count. Trish tags in Lita and Michelle scurries out of the ring. Lita chases her and runs into a clothesline from Layla. Trish leaves to go help, but the ref cuts her off and Lay-Cool double team Lita by sending her into the barricade and then against the ring apron. Michelle finally sends Lita back in the ring and goes for a quick cover. 1,.......2,.......KICK OUT! Lita isn't giving up yet as she kicks out. Michelle tags in Layla as she taunts Trish and looks as if she spit in her direction!

Trish rushes in and the ref again has to restrain her. Lay-Cool then continuously stomp on Lita in the corner until Michelle finally leaves the ring. Layla takes Lita down with a snapmare and then locks in a very impressive Dragon Sleeper and really cranks on the pressure. Trish, in the corner, bangs on the turnbuckle and try will the crowd back into the match and will Lita back into this thing. Lita slowly makes her way up as the fans make some noise. She gets up and reverses the hold, and hits a Northern Lights Suplex for a pinning combination. 1,..........2,..........KICK OUT! Layla just barely gets the shoulder off the mat.

Lita took the worst of it and is still down as Layla makes the tag to Michelle McCool and she rushes in with a clothesline to Lita and a cover. 1,.......2,........KICK OUT! Lita gets her shoulder up again! Michelle starts showing her frustration. She drags Lita to her corner, but gets stopped and hit with several shots from Lita. Lita then connects with several right hands. Michelle goes for a clothesline, ducks, and Lita plants her with a DDT! Lita now slowly starts crawling to her corner as Michelle makes the tag. Layla grabs Lita by her leg, but gets kicked off and Lita dives and makes the hot tag to Trish!

Trish runs in and delivers several clotheslines to Layla and follows it up with a dropkick. Michelle is on the top rope, but Trish spots and hits the Stratusphere on her! Layla comes back looking for a clothesline, but Trish ducks it using the Ma-Trish and Layla ends up nailing Michelle McCool! Layla turns around into a DDT! Trish makes the cover! 1,.......2,......NO! Michelle McCool at THE last second makes the save as Lita comes back in. Layla crawls out of the ring and Lita grabs Michelle and throws her in the corner. Layla is back in the ring and being stalked by Lita. She grabs Layla by the hair, but gets clocked with one of the Diva Title belts! Lita goes down as Layla rushes over to make the pin!

1,..........,2..........NO! Trish at THE absolute last second saves the match for her team when it looked like Lay-Cool was going to steal it. Trish grabs Layla by the hair and talks trash to her. Michelle tries to ambush her, Trish sidesteps, and Layla ends up getting hit! Michelle turns around and gets leveled with the Chick Kick! Lita is on the top rope and hits the Litasault on Layla! Both Divas cover Lay-Cool and the ref counts both falls. 1,.........,2........3!

Winners: Trish & Lita (10:47)

Trish and Lita jump, celebrate and embrace as they've won! The ref hands both females the title belts and the celebration continues!

The King: What a win JR! What a moment! Welcome Back Lita! Welcome Back Trish!

Jim Ross: I'm proud of Lita and Trish King! They showed no fear and great poise. They came to play and what a tag team combination! 8 years and they haven't lost a beat.

The King: Well JR, this is not gonna sit well with Lay-Cool.

Jim Ross: Lay-Cool came to fight and did everything they could, but it was not to be on this night! Trish and Lita are now the new Co-Divas Champions!​

Replays of the finish are shown again and we go back to the arena as Trish and Lita celebrate with the titles at the top of the ramp.

Jim Ross: Great effort by all four of these women. But again, it's Trish and Lita who came to WrestleMania and they left with the Gold.​


Backstage we see Snoop Dogg with Teddy Long.

Teddy Long: Let me just start off and say Welcome to WrestleMania playa.

Snoop Dogg: I'm happy to be here baby, and you know I'm lookin for some talent to go on this tour with and I'm lookin for the finest talent, ya feel me?

Teddy Long: Oh I can believe dat playa. Well you came to the right place. I got some superstars who heard you was comin and were dying to audition and show you what they workin wit.

Snoop Dogg: Well, let's get down to it, night is young baby.

They sit at a table.

William Regal comes in to audition and starts to rap. He's actually pretty good.

William Regal: Is that Gangster enough?

Snoop Dogg: Nah Homie. Next!

Teddy Long: That was harsh playa. I thought he was pretty good.

Now we got The Great Khali and Eve are next singing "Summer Lovin'" from Grease.

Teddy Long: Next!

Snoop Dogg: The big dude can bounce, but can that fine young thang, stay wit me?

Teddy Long: Sorry playa. Next!

Trent Barretta comes in and attempts to sing the WrestleMania Theme Song. Roddy Piper shows up behind him and knocks him out with a coconut to the head.

Snoop Dogg: Haha, my man Rowdy Roddy!

Piper salutes him as he makes his way off camera.

Snoop Dogg: Next!

R-Truth comes in to a good pop and does his "What's Up" Song that gets a good pop.

Teddy Long: What you think playa?

Snoop Dogg: The flow was nice, ya feel me? I was bumpin to it in my head and he got the crowd goin. I definitely need something like that on Tour. Teddy, I think we found...


Hornswoggle is shown next, and he’s simply giggling.

Snoop Dogg: I think the Little Man wants to Audition.

Teddy Long: That ain't gonna work Playa. Hornswoggle can't talk.

Some music hits and Hornswoggle puts on some sunglasses and music, and little ‘swoggle raps while the Bella’s dance behind him.

Teddy Long: Say what?

Snoop Dogg: Now, that's what I'm talkin bout!

Hornswoggle is all smiles, until a shadowy figure appears behind him. The camera shows the figure to be Ron Simmons!!

He stares at the camera and stalls for a little bit and lets out a "Damn!" as we head back to Michael Cole & Matt Striker.


Matt Striker: Ahaha! I Love It! You gotta love Ron Simmons Michael! Damn! Haha!

Michael Cole: Well Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been an amazing night here at WrestleMania. Over 70, 000 Fans here in the Georgia Dome and partner we are far from done here tonight!


Matt Striker: Coming up next, it's put up or shut up time for Alberto Del Rio. He goes one on one with the Big Red Machine Kane!

Michael Cole: Let's go back and see how this one all came together.


After the video package, we head to the ring.

Tony Chimel: Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time, allow to me introduce to you, Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer...Ricardo Rodriguez!


Brodus Clay is already at ringside and Ricardo is in the ring looking snazzy as usual and the fans boo him as Del Rio's Music hits and he begins his announcement.


Ricardo Rodriguez: Las Personas de damas y Caballeros de Atlanta Y las personas de todo el mundo es mi gran honor de introducir a usted UN hombre. De gran Realeza UN hombre con una Inteligencia superior que Hace su presentación aquí en Wrestlemania que introduzco a usted la esencia de excelencia y el orgullo de México. ¡El Hombre que derrota La Máquina Roja Grande, Kane que es, Albertoooo Del Rrrrrrrio!

Alberto Del Rio drives out to the top of the ramp in a pretty sweet looking Porsche. He gets out of the car all excited to a lukewarm reaction. His pyro goes off and he makes his way down to the ring.

Matt Striker: Oh yeah, here we go. What a way to make an entrance at WrestleMania!

Michael Cole: Alberto Del Rio looks ready no doubt about it, but he better be physically and mentally ready. It was last month when Del Rio screwed Kane out of the World Title because it's Del Rio's destiny to be Champion and Kane is just a has been.

Matt Striker: Well Michael, there isn't a bigger rising star in the WWE right now than Alberto Del Rio.

Michael Cole: Del Rio's been ducking and dodging Kane for quite some time now and it's time to put up or shut up.​




Kane's Pyro EXPLODES at the top of the ramp and here comes The Big Red Machine out to a HUGE pop!

Tony Chimel: And his opponent.....Kane!

Michael Cole: As JR would say, Hellfire and Brimstone at WrestleMania!

Matt Striker: Kane walking with purpose. Del Rio has nowhere to run, nowhere to hide and Kane knows that. This is why he's taking his time walking to the ring. He knows he's going to have all the time in the world to do whatever he wants to Del Rio.

Michael Cole: Look out! Here we go!​


Alberto Del Rio vs Kane

Brodus Clay is the first man who meets Kane at the bottom of the ramp. The Big guys exchange rights and lefts, but Clay is eventually overpowered. Kane starts teeing off with right hands. He brings Clay back to the ringside area and sends him right into the ring post. The match has not officially started so anything goes right now. Ricardo Rodriguez ambushes Kane from behind and hits him in the back with the ring bell! Kane though, shakes it off as if he didn't even feel it. He grabs Ricardo by the throat, but Del Rio hits a baseball slide to cease any further actions. He starts hammering away on Kane on the outside and is viciously going to work on him.

Del Rio goes for a boot, but Kane catches his leg and clotheslines him! He sends Del Rio back in the ring and follows him in as this match finally gets underway despite the absence of the bell ringing. Del Rio crawls into the corner begging off, but Kane continues the assault and rains down a few shots. Kane grabs Del Rio and throws him halfway across the ring. Ricardo is seen sprinting across the ringside area and grabs Kane's leg. He kicks him off and gets tagged with a running Enziguri by Del Rio. He quickly goes for the cover. 1,..........2,.........POWER OUT! Kane powers out and Del Rio is sent right out of the ring! The ref tries to get him back in the ring which gives Brodus Clay ample time to run and drop Kane with a HUGE Belly to Belly Suplex and quickly leave the ring!

Del Rio gets in the ring and takes advantage by stomping all over Kane. He then starts working on his arm locking in an armbar. Kane refuses to give up and Del Rio breaks the hold. He grabs a hold of Kane's arm and works it into a sort of key lock and cranks on the pressure. The ref is trying to see if Kane is giving up, but Kane isn't flinching as Del Rio breaks the hold again. He brings Kane to the corner, but gets cut off by some right hands. Kane then throws Del Rio into the corner. He charges, but eats a boot by Del Rio. He grabs Kane's arm and climbs the top rope and connects with a Tornado Armbar takedown from the second turnbuckle!

He then goes back to the cover. 1,........2,........KICK OUT! Kane gets that shoulder up, but comes up a bit gingerly now. Del Rio goes at Kane with some right hands and goes for a snap suplex, but Kane reverses into a suplex of his own and into the first cover for Kane now. 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Del Rio gets that shoulder up. Kane is up to his feet holding that arm of his and Del Rio dropkicks Kane in the arm. He then starts going at Kane with kicks to the back of the thigh and gets Kane down to one knee. He bounces off the ropes and hits an Enziguri on Kane he still doesn't go down! Del Rio bounces off the ropes again and dropkicks Kane in the face and finally he goes down! He crawls over looking for the win here. 1,.........2,.......KICK OUT! Kane gets up and this match is still on!

Del Rio is showing signs of frustration and goes back to work on Kane's arm, but he tags Del Rio with a shot to the jaw which makes him stumble back a bit. Kane is up and goes back to work on Del Rio with more right hands in the corner, until he gets a thumb to his eye. Del Rio then chopblocks Kane at the back of the knee. He now tries to take away Kane's legs by going to work on the knee. He locks in a half Boston Crab to further hyper-extend the knee. When Kane doesn't give, Del Rio switches to a Texas Cloverleaf, but Kane ultimately gets out of it before it can be thoroughly locked in. Del Rio charges back at Kane but gets powerslammed for his efforts.

Kane now climbs the top rope nursing his injuries, but Brodus Clay distracts him long enough for Del Rio to dropkick Kane off the top rope sending him crashing down to the floor. The ref hols Del Rio back while Brodus Clay goes to work on the big man. Clay goes for a clothesline, but misses and gets a Big Boot. Del Rio comes out of nowhere and takes Kane out with a Suicide Dive. Del Rio is all smiles and poses to the crowd as he looks to have everything in hand, but Kane sits up! Del Rio turns around and can't believe it! Kane grabs Del Rio by the throat and sends him back in the ring.

Kane tries to get back in the ring and is met by Rodriguez who holds his leg keeping him from getting back in. Clay then attacks from behind all behind the referee's back. Clay finally sends Kane back in the ring after his barrage. Del Rio leaps into action and goes for the cross armbreaker. After struggling, Kane is finally able to make to the ropes. Del Rio stalks Kane again. He runs up to Kane and runs right into his big gloved hand! Kane then drops Del Rio with a one-armed chokeslam! Kane then signals for the tombstone piledriver!

Ricardo again gets on the apron and Kane has had enough and brings him in the hard way! Kane sends Rodriguez in the corner and starts going to work on him. Clay is also on the apron and Kane boots him off. Kane climbs the top rope and hits clothesline all the way down to the floor taking out Brodus Clay! Kane makes his way back into the ring and one arm chokeslams Ricardo Rodriguez! Del Rio is up and rolls up Kane with the tights for the steal here! 1,........2,.........KICK OUT! Kane just barely gets his way out of the pinning combination. Kane is upset and grabs Del Rio and chokeslams him again! Then, the coup de gras; he gets Del Rio up on his shoulder and delivers the Tombstone Piledriver! He pins Del Rio and this one looks just about over! 1,.........2,.........3!

Winner: Kane (10:45)

Kane still nurses his injuries as he celebrates his win!

Michael Cole: And this one is emphatically over as Kane picks up the win here at WrestleMania!

Matt Striker: Look at the carnage and bodies left by the Big Red Machine! Brodus Clay is still down on the outside, Ricardo is still laid out, and Del Rio was the victim of TWO chokeslams and a Tombstone Piledriver!

Michael Cole: Del Rio came with all the schemes in the book and this match was pretty much a 3 on 1 Handicap Match at times. But with all the obstacles thrown at Kane, the Big Red Monster takes down Del Rio and his henchman and gets a little measure of revenge.

Matt Striker: Cover your ears Michael!​


Kane lifts his arm up and summons the Hellfire Pyro! He looks around at the bodies left laying as he leaves the ring and makes his way up the ramp.

Michael Cole: Kane knows he went through War Michael. Alberto Del Rio had a solid gameplan that simply backfired.

Michael Cole: Be that as it may, Kane came to WrestleMania and got the win, but I have a feeling the issue between these two still isn't over.​


The camera cuts from Kane and we see Mean Gene Okerlund who gets a good pop!

Mean Gene: My guest at this time...John Morrison.

Morrison appears on screen to a pretty good pop.

Mean Gene: John, this was originally supposed to be a one on one match between you and The Miz for the WWE Championship, but tonight it's you along with Triple H, Randy Orton, and the WWE Champion, The Miz, battling it out for the gold.

Morrison tries his best Ric Flair impersonation...


The fans like it a bit so they cheer and applaud.

John Morrison: This is WrestleMania. I can say to my kids one day that I competed for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania. But let's get to tonight. The Miz has been walking around with that Title thinking that he owns the world and I've had just about enough. I won a Tournament to get here tonight. I've worked hard to get here and I'm not going to leave without the WWE Championship. Everything that I want, everything that I need, everything that I've worked, I can get tonight. I don't care if it's Randy Orton, I don't care if it's The Miz, I don't even care that it's Triple H. WrestleMania is where dreams come true and it's time for MY Dreams to come true. It's time for John Morrison to become the next WWE Champion.

He walks off camera.

Mean Gene: Gentlemen, Back to you.

Jim Ross: Thanks Mean Gene, let's take it up now to Howard Finkel.

Howard Finkel: Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce the new Attendance Record at the Georgia Dome.....71, 617!!

The fans pop a little bit while the WrestleMania theme music plays in the background.

Howard Finkel: And now Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce to you the Hall of Fame Class of 2011!

2011 WWE Hall of Fame Inductees:

The 2011 WWE Hall of Fame Inductees are introduced, one by one.

Abdullah the Butcher;


Paul Ellering and Road Warrior Animal, representing the Road Warriors who come out to a good pop;

Drew Carey, who gets a ton of heat from the crowd. I'm talkin loads of Heat;

Bullet Bob Armstrong;

Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

And then, HBK's music hits and The Heartbreak Kid makes his way out to the ramp to a BIG pop. Probably the biggest of the night so far.

Howard Finkel once again introduces the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2011.

Jim Ross: King, I can't tell you how proud I am to be in the WWE Hall of Fame with you and guys like Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bret "The Hitman" Hart and among others. I've been in this business for over 20 years King and seeing this every year just gets to me.

The King: Well JR, you can tell that these fans love Shawn Michaels along with the rest of the Hall of Fame class and it's really just an amazing feeling and I can't wait to see who gets revealed for the 2012 Hall of Fame Class at Next Year's WrestleMania.

Jim Ross: And King, speaking of WrestleMania, there were two cities in the running to host this spectacular event and I know the city that won it is amazing. I know the fans are going to love to join us at Next Year's WrestleMania here:


After the promo, we head back to the fans who are cheering and hollering.

The King: Oh JR! Miami! Ohh Baby! Beaches and Puppies!

Jim Ross: WrestleMania 28 live from Miami, Florida April 1st, 2012, but King before we get there, we gotta get through this one first and it's time for the match for the richest prize in this business.


Jim Ross: The WWE Championship is on the line and there is no doubt in my mind that the WWE Champion The Miz, is a HUGE Marked Man in this matchup.

The King: After everything he's done to these guys over the past few weeks, I can't see how he's not JR!

Jim Ross: 4 Men with one goal; To leave Atlanta with the WWE Championship.


***Bell Rings***

The bell rings and Lillian Garcia is ready to go in the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall it is the Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Championship!

The fans explode for this one and they're ready!


An amazing video comes on highlighting The Miz's rise from The Real World to WWE Champion and the fans give it a good applause. Very well done.




A HUGE Inflatable "AWESOME" is at the top of the ramp.The Miz's music hits and the fans rise to their feet to praise with boos and cheers. The Champ comes out along with Alex Riley and they look pumped. Miz raises his Title with Riley by his side to some pyro in the background and make their way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: On his way to the ring, accompanied by Alex Riley, from Cleveland, Ohio weighing in at 220 lbs, The WWE Champion....The Miz!​

Jim Ross: The Miz is the WWE Champion! The top man in this business and he's gonna stay there unless somebody takes the WWE Championship away from him.

The King: Look at the poise, look at the confidence of the WWE Champion JR! Look at Alex Riley. He's pumped too. Does that look like the face of a guy who's nervous?

Jim Ross: In any event, The Miz won the WWE Championship cashing in his Money in the Bank Briefcase on Randy Orton a few months ago and here is now ready to take on 3 challengers for the WWE Championship.

The King: What do you think is going through his mind?

Jim Ross: Survival King. The last time the WWE Championship was defended in a Fatal 4 Way match at WrestleMania was 12 years ago where Triple H retained the title. The Champion does not have to be pinned or made to submit for the WWE Title to change hands. Will the Champion survive?​


***1, 2....This On?***

***My Time***

Triple H's old theme music hits and the fans give him a HUGE pop! He got a Louder ovation than HBK did. He stops at the ramp, looks around at the crowd and makes his way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Introducing the challengers, first from Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 265 lbs....The Game, Triple H!

Jim Ross: You talk about being the best in the business King! Triple H has always prided himself on being the best and I believe there's nothing that he won't do to become the WWE Champion once more.

The King: He sure looks like a cold blooded killer. Guess that's why he's the Cerebral Assassin.

Jim Ross: The Game making his 14th appearance at WrestleMania. The Game loves that WWE Title more than life itself.

The King: Sounds like a nut JR. I wonder where that sledgehammer is that he walking around with earlier.

Jim Ross: You can feel this tension in the air King.​


***Burn In My Light***

Randy Orton makes his way to a Big pop. He was getting more cheers than boos from this crowd. He does his pose as his Pyro rains down from the WrestleMania Logo. Awesome sight. He makes his way down to ring.

Lillian Garcia: From St. Louis Missouri, weighing in at 235 lbs....Randy Orton!

The King: You wanna talk about cold blooded? What about Randy Orton? Not many people are talking about him JR. He's been here before.

Jim Ross: You're right. Randy Orton walked into WrestleMania 24 and 25 as the WWE Champion. He's no stranger to the WrestleMania Main Event.

The King: That's right, he's got a lot of experience in big match situations.

Jim Ross: The task is indeed difficult tonight. Four men; one title. As we await the final combatant.​


***Ain't No Make Believe***

John Morrison makes his way to a Great pop wearing all black and it looks pretty cool. He does his slow motion entrance before making his way down to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 215 lbs.....John Morrison!

Jim Ross: I got this entrance set up in my backyard.

The King: Ahaha, do you now?

Jim Ross: Yup, on the front porch. In any event, John Morrison won a Tournament on RAW to get a Number one contendership to the WWE Title, but now he finds himself against the odds in a Fatal 4 Way Contest.

The King: Welp, too bad about John Boy's luck, eh JR?

Jim Ross: I'm sure this will only drive Morrison more. In his opinion, if he does win the WWE Title, it makes the win that much better knowing he beat three of the best.

The King: If? John Morrison may be good, but c'mon JR, I think that Cowboy Hat cut off all the blood flow to your brain.

Jim Ross: I don't see what's wrong with John Morrison. The fastest rising star in the WWE, a phenomenal athlete, and maybe the next WWE Champion.

The King: If John Morrison wins the WWE Title tonight, I'll eat your hat.

Jim Ross: I won't forget the barbecue sause.​


Fatal 4 Way Match for the WWE Championship
The Miz (c) vs John Morrison vs Triple H vs Randy Orton

The bell rings and all four men stare each other down. Triple H and Orton are trash talking each other and move to the center of the ring. HHH then turns and tackles The Miz and starts hammering away with right hands and Morrison goes after Orton and works on him in the corner. Orton reverses and works on Morrison with right hands and stomps to the midsection. Triple H whips Miz off the ropes, misses a clothesline, but catches him on the rebound with a high knee. Triple H turns around and Orton is in his face. They trash talk until Orton finally has had enough and slaps Triple H in the face! HHH smiles and slaps Orton back even harder! So hard that Orton dropped to a knee! Miz jumps Triple H from behind and Morrison comes from behind and dropkicks Orton in the back, sending him outside to the floor. Miz hammers away on the Game in the corner, but Morrison from behind clobbers Miz and sends him in the corner. He turns around and eats a right hand from Triple H. He shoots Morrison into the ropes and takes him down with a spinebuster and follows it up with a cover. 1,........2,.......NO! Orton pulls Triple H right out of the ring, stopping the count.

Miz takes advantage and starts choking Morrison in the middle of the ring. Back outside and Orton and HHH are exchanging rights and lefts. Orton gets overwhelmed and drops down to one knee and The Game continues to hammer away and knock him down. HHH reaches under the ring and pulls out the sledgehammer to a BIG pop! He goes over to Orton who is begging off. He raises the Hammer, but Miz out of nowhere baseball slides Triple H into the barricade. He leaves the ring and brings Triple H over to the announce table. He drives HHH's head into the SmackDown announce table and brings him over to the steel steps. Triple H comes back with a thumb to the eye and then a clothesline. Alex Riley charges, but HHH sends him into the steel steps. He picks Miz up and throws him into the Spanish Broadcast team and follows it up with a tackle!

Back in the ring, Orton is stomping away on Morrison in the corner. He chokes him with his boot and the ref gets in there. Morrison battles back out of the corner with several rights. He bounces off the ropes, but gets caught by Orton with a powerslam into a cover. 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Morrison gets that shoulder up before the ref can get the three count to fall. Orton shoots Morrison into the ropes and connects with beautiful dropkick! He makes the cover again. 1,.....2,....KICK OUT! Morrison again shows his toughness and kicks out! Orton grabs Morrison by the hair and drags him to the corner and starts working on him more and choking him out. He backs up and charges, but Morrison does this sweet move to get out of the way and rolls Orton up with a sunset flip. 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Orton was close to getting beat! Morrison is up to one knee, and The Miz gets in the ring and hits a running knee lift on Morrison and makes the cover. 1,.....2,.....NO! HHH dives in and interrupts the count.

Triple H starts going to work on Miz. He shoots him in the corner and charges, but eats a boot. Miz charges, but Triple H ducks and hits him with a swinging neckbreaker, covers, and hooks the leg. 1,....2,....KICK OUT! Miz gets the shoulder up saving his WWE Title! Triple H is up but Orton clobbers him from behind. He then takes Triple H down with a inverted neckbreaker. Orton goes for the cover, but before the ref can make the count, Miz pulls his leg off. Orton gets up and slaps Miz in the face! He goes for a right, but Orton ducks and drops Miz with the same inverted neckbreaker and makes the cover. 1,.....2,....KICK OUT! Miz gets the shoulder up! Orton drags Miz to the corner and starts delivering some hard chops. He sends Miz into the opposite corner, charges, but gets cut off by Triple H who takes him down with a clothesline. Morrison is in the ring and charges the ring, hitting Miz with a running knee lift. Miz collapses and spills to the outside where Morrison follows. He drags Miz over to the announce table, but gets countered and sent into the barricade.

In the ring, Triple H mounts Orton and hammers away relentlessly. Back on the outside, Miz charges Morrison, but gets backdropped over the barricade and onto the floor into the fans! Morrison climbs over the barricade and fights Miz among the fans. In the ring, Triple H shoots Orton off the ropes, misses a clothesline but catches Orton with knee bash. He hooks up Orton looking for the Pedigree, but gets backdropped for his efforts. Back outside and Miz is sent over the barricade and back to the ringside area. He drags Miz and sends back in the ring where Orton continues to fight Triple H in the corner. Triple H fights out of the corner and dominates Orton with right hands and finally sends Orton over the top and out of the ring.

Miz is on his knees in the middle of the ring and gets up with Triple H in his face. He backs up and John Morrison is behind him. He turns around Morrison unloads with right hands. He ends with one big right hand, he turns around and Triple H connects with a right. Triple H and Morrison take turns getting some good shots in on Miz. Morrison ends it with an Enziguri which knocks Miz out and he rolls out of the ring and to the floor. HHH and Morrison now lock come to face to face and exchange words. The fans pop and here we go!

HHH and Morrison exchange rights and lefts in the middle of the ring. HHH comes back with a knee in the midsection and sends Morrison in the corner. HHH charges, but he eats a kick by Morrison. He then springboards off the ropes and takes The Game down with a great spinning back kick! He makes the cover. 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Triple H just barely and I mean barely gets the shoulder up off the mat. Morrison drags Triple H back to the corner and climbs the top looking for starship pain, but Orton is on the apron. Morrison kicks him in the face, sending him down to the floor. Morrison turns his attention to Orton now and connects with Starship Pain off the top to the outside taking him out!

HHH uses the ropes to help himself up, but on the outside, Alex Riley hands The Miz the sledgehammer and he heads in the ring. The referee is telling Miz to get rid of the hammer, but he's not buying it. Miz charges and HHH is ready for him and takes Miz down with a spinebuster and The Game is pumped up! Triple H picks up the Hammer now and looks to use it on The Miz. Alex Riley is on the apron and quickly drops as Triple H approaches him. The Miz is up and spears Triple H down and goes for a quick cover. 1,.....2,.....KICK OUT! Triple H gets the shoulder up and Miz shows his frustration as he cannot put the Game down. Miz is up and stalks Triple H looking for the Skull Crushing Finale. He grabs a hold of him, but gets reversed and dropped with The Pedigree!!! Triple H has done it! He rolls over for the cover and hooks the leg! 1,.......2,.......NO!

Alex Riley pulls the referee out of the ring and decks him! Riley gets in the ring and is met with a clothesline. Triple H grabs a hold of the sledgehammer again and connects with the midsection of Riley and takes him out! Orton is in and Triple H drives the hammer in his midsection. Morrison gets on the apron and Triple H charges with the hammer taking him off the apron! The Miz is up and Triple H knocks him OUT with the Hammer as it connects with the face of The Miz! He throws the hammer out of the ring, picks The Miz back up and connects with another Pedigree! He covers and hooks the leg, but there's no referee! HHH is up and he's pissed! He looks around and the ref is still out! HHH shakes him and stands him up against the apron trying to wake him up, but he's looks out of it. Another ref comes running down to the ring out of nowhere! Triple H goes back to The Miz and makes the cover! 1,..........2,.........KICK OUT!!!!

The Miz got his shoulder up at THE last second! Triple H looks like he's just seen a Ghost! He can't believe The Miz got his shoulder up! Triple H gets so pissed he decks the referee! He turns around and Orton drops him with the RKO! The original referee who was knocked out slides back in the ring! Orton makes the cover and hooks the leg! 1,.......2,........KICK OUT! HHH kicked out of the RKO! Orton pounds the mat and can't believe it! Orton pounds the mat, looking for another RKO, but Morrison heads back in the ring to meet Orton. Morrison misses a clothesline, Orton attempts an RKO, but it gets countered! Morrison sends Orton into the ropes and Morrison takes Orton down with The Moonlight Drive!! This could be it!!! Morrison covers and hooks the leg!! 1,........2,.......KICK OUT! Orton gets the shoulder up JUST barely before the ref can count the 3! The fans groan as everybody in the building thought it was OVER!!!

Morrison can't believe it as he had this match won! Morrison is up again and looks to hit the Moonlight Drive again, but Orton gets out of it and this time connects with The RKO!! Before Orton can even cover him, Triple H charges Orton and clotheslines him out of the ring as both Orton and HHH crash to the floor. Back in the ring, Miz crawls over to the Morrison and looks to take advantage! He makes the cover. 1,......2,......KICK OUT!! Morrison gets the shoulder up and he will NOT DIE!!! Miz looks like he's about to cry and throws a fit in the ring! He gets up stalks Morrison now and looks for the Skull Crushing Finale. He gets a hold of Morrison, but he counters and looks for the Moonlight Drive! Miz counters again and connects with the Skull Crushing Finale!!! He makes the cover and hooks the leg! 1,........2,..........3! Miz has done it!!!

Winner and STILL WWE Champion: The Miz (18:36)

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner and STILL The WWE Champion......The Miz!

Alex Riley rushes in with the WWE Championship and helps The Miz up as he struggles to hold up the WWE Title.

The King: Do you believe it JR?!?!

Jim Ross: Miz is still the WWE Champion!

The King: What do you think now JR? Nobody gave Miz a chance coming into this thing and after everything that happened in this match, he's STILL the Champion.

Jim Ross: Well damn it, I'll say this, Triple H had the damn match won on two occasions, but the referee was out thanks to that damn Alex Riley.

The King: What about Randy Orton? He had the match won, but was stopped by Triple H. I don't hear you complaining about that.

Jim Ross: By Gawd King, think about it! Alex Riley pulled the referee out of the ring, if not for that, Triple H would be the WWE Champion right now.

The King: But he isn't and give the devil his due JR. Even with Riley out on the floor, he still beat John Morrison fair and square.​

Replays of the finish are shown.

Jim Ross: Well, you're right King. The Miz came to WrestleMania as the Champion and is leaving with the Title in what was a by gawd War that went down to the last minute.

The King: Maybe now, people will start to respect The Miz a little more.

Jim Ross: Four men laid it all on the line and gave it everything they could, but it was The Miz who leaves with the title.​

Miz and Riley celebrate at the top of the ramp with the WWE Title.

Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen, let's take you to Mean Gene Okerlund who's standing by with The World Heavyweight Champion, Edge.​

Mean Gene: Well Edge, I'm sure you heard what Christian had to say earlier and now, the match is at hand.

Edge: There's not much left TO say. I did all my talking last week, and now I'm going to prove that actions speak louder than words. You see Christian, the Main Event spotlight is finally shining on you. This truly is the biggest match of your career. Oh yeah, you've come a long way. You made a great comeback, won the Royal Rumble, and now here we are. But here's where's the buck stops. I'm going to put an end to your story once and for all. You see, it's not going to end with you taking my World Title. No, no. It's going to end with you laid flat on your back, knowing you just lost the only shot you will ever have at the World Heavyweight Championship. It ends tonight. I'm going to put you away for good, I shut all these people up, but more importantly, I prove once and for all, that without a shadow of a doubt, that I am better than you. It's go time.

He walks off.

Gene Okerlund: It certainly is a personal confrontation.

We cut back to ringside area and are joined by Michael Cole and Matt Striker.

Michael Cole: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, you can already see that Edge is more than ready for this matchup.

Matt Striker: Ready? Edge is focused. I don't think I've ever seen a more focused, more intimidating Edge in my career Michael.

Michael Cole: Coming up next, The World Heavyweight Championship is on the line.


Matt Striker: I've been waiting all night to see this match Michael. 10 years in the making, and we're going to see Edge and Christian fight for the first time in a long time for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Michael Cole: For both of these men, it's more than just a match for the World Heavyweight Championship. It's personal.



***Bell Rings***

Tony Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for The World Heavyweight Championship!

***Just close your Eyes***

Christian's Theme music hits and the crowd gives him a Great Pop! He comes out wearing some throwback attire from 2005.

Tony Chimel: Introducing the challenger, from Toronto, Ontario Canada weighing in at 212 lbs.....Christian!

Matt Striker: Could write a story any better than this Michael? Christian made his return to the WWE and won the Royal Rumble and now for the first time in his career, competing for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania.

Michael Cole: It would certainly be a great tale if Christian won tonight, but it was like you said last Friday on SmackDown, these guys know each other better than anybody.

Matt Striker: It's going to be a great match Michael. You think there's any butterflies setting in for Christian?

Michael Cole: It's hard to tell, some superstars perform differently on the big stage. Look at The Miz just a few moments ago. But Christian looks ready.

Matt Striker: He better be.​



Edge's music hits and he gets greeted with an even Bigger Pop than Christian! There's a lot more cheers in this crowd than boos surprisingly.

Tony Chimel: And his opponent, from Toronto, Canada, weighing in at 241 lbs, he is the World Heavyweight Champion.....Edge!

Matt Striker: I mentioned WrestleMania butterflies, but this man knows no fear at WrestleMania. He knows what it's like to be in big WrestleMania matches. The multiple Money in the Bank Ladder Matches, his Hardcore Match with Mick Foley, the countless World Championship Main Event Matches. Edge is a certified Gamer when it comes to WrestleMania.

Michael Cole: And for Christian, it's like opposite ends of the spectrum. The last WrestleMania Christian was apart of was WrestleMania 21 and before that, his WrestleMania track record will mostly be remembered by the TLC Matches.

Matt Striker: Christian defended the European Championship at this event Michael and he had a great victory of Chris Jericho at this event, but this his first time EVER in a Main Event WrestleMania match.

Michael Cole: Edge is ready to put the final nail in Christian's coffin.

Matt Striker: It's really all or nothing for Christian, he needs this more than anything.​


World Heavyweight Championship Match
Edge (c) vs Christian

The ref holds up the title and asks for both men to come to the center of the ring. He explains the rules to them as both men give each other the death stare. After he's done, he asks them to shake hands, but they don't. The referee rings the bell and they circle the ring for a while until they finally lock up. They jock for position and roll around the ring ropes and end up in the corner. The ref then calls for a clean break and is given one. Edge backs up and waits for Christian. They lock up again, and this time Edge overpowers Christian and backs him into the corner forcibly. The referee again calls for a clean break and is given one again, but this time Edge takes it a step further and slaps Christian in the face! He backs up and starts laughing. Christian keeps his cool and goes back to lock up with Edge. He gets him in a side headlock. Edge makes his way to the ropes and shoots Christian off. He goes for an arm drag, but Christian counters and takes Edge down with an arm drag of his own. He takes him down with a couple more and Edge goes sliding into the corner. He gets back up and Christian is waiting for him with a hard slap of his own! Edge looks pissed and he charges at Christian, but he sidesteps and sends Edge over top and down to the floor. He gets on the turnbuckle and poses to his peeps to good pop from the crowd. Edge is still on the outside and Christian goes out there to meet him, breaking the ref's ten count. Edge is crawling to the steps. Christian grabs him by the hair, but gets dropped face first on the steps.

He grabs a hold of Christian and slams his head on the apron one more time before he sends him back in the ring. He stomps away on Christian and hammers away more. He drags Christian into the corner and chokes him with his boot until the ref calls for a break. Edge gets cocky and poses to the crowd. Christian is up and takes Edge down with a tackle and he starts hammering away. Edge kicks him off and goes for the spear, but runs into a knee from Christian. He gets Edge in an Oklahoma Roll for the first pin of this match. 1,.......2,.........KICK OUT! Edge just barely kicks out to save his World Title. Edge backs into the corner and calls for time, but Christian isn't having any of it. The referee gets in the middle of them, Edge takes advantage and hits Christian with a thumb to the eye. Then, he takes him down with a bulldog and goes for a pin of his own. 1,.......2,......KICK OUT! Christian gets the shoulder up and keeps this match going. Edge grabs a hold of Christian looking for a sleeper hold and locks it in. Christian is fighting, but can't shake Edge off him. He uses his brain and backs into the corner and forces Edge off. He unloads on Edge with right hands, but Edge gets a knee to the midsection and starts hammering away on Christian himself. He hooks Christian's tights, looking for a suplex. He lifts him up, but Christian reverses, drops behind him and takes Edge down with a reverse DDT. He hooks the leg and makes the cover. 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Edge gets the shoulder up before the ref can count the fall.

Christian brings Edge over to the corner and starts delivering some hard chops to his chest. Edge fights out with chops of his own. They go back and forth alternating chops. Christian has had enough and goes for a right, but Edge ducks and hoists Christian on his shoulders and takes him down with an Electric Chair slam! He goes for another cover. 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! He drags Christian to the middle of the ring and locks in an unusual inverted sharpshooter called The Edgeucator putting pressure on Christian's lower back. Christian is writhing in pain as Edge continues to crank on the pressure. He crawls to the ropes in agony after each attempt. He stops, and raises his hand like he's about to tap out, but he continues to fight and scratch and claw his way to the ropes. He's almost there, but Edge continues to apply pressure. The fans are making some noise as Christian is almost there. He finally grabs a hold of the ropes to Big pop from the crowd! Edge releases the hold and stomps on the lower back of Christian. He drags him back to the middle of the ring and looks to apply the hold again, but Christian kicks him off and sends Edge in the corner. He catches him on the rebound with flapjack sending straight into the mat. Christian climbs the top rope now, awaiting Edge to get up. Edge sees Christian out of the corner of his eye, grabs a hold of the ref and throws him into the ropes, straddling Christian on the top turnbuckle.

Edge climbs the top rope now and looks to go for a superplex, but Christian throws him off and sends him down to the mat. Christian comes off the top and takes Edge down with a cross body into a pin! 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Edge just gets out of the pinning combination in time to save his World Title and keep this match going. Edge crawls over to the ropes, using them to get to his feet. Christian charges, but Edge backdrops him over the top, but he lands on the apron. He grabs Edge from behind and suplexes him over the top and down to the floor, while Christian still stands on the apron. He gets back in the ring and takes out Edge with a springboard cross body taking himself and Edge down! Christian looks he took the worst of the move as both men are down and the ref begins his count. They start to stumble around the 4 count and Edge is in the ring by the count of 6. Christian struggles, but finally gets back in the ring at the 9 count, to Edge's displeasure. Christian uses the ropes to get up, but Edge is on the move and starts smacking him in the head. Christian starts firing at Edge with right hands. He battles him over to the corner and shoots him into the opposite corner. He charges, but Edge meets him halfway and drops him with a clothesline. He climbs the turnbuckle and does Christian's pose which gets some boos. He picks up Christian, shoots him off the ropes and takes him down with a spinning wheel kick. He makes the cover and hooks the leg. 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Christian gets that shoulder up. Edge covers again with more body weight and pressure, but still gets a near fall.

He stomps on Christian's back some more and locks in a Camel Clutch putting some more pressure on that back. The ref is asking Christian if he wants to give up as Edge cranks on the pressure, as well as pulling on Christian's face. The fans are trying to get Christian back in the thing and he uses that as momentum to fight his way out. But before he can break the hold, Edge delivers an Axe handle to the back of Christian. He goes to send Christian in the corner, but he gets reversed and sent into the corner instead. Christian charges, but eats a back elbow. Edge comes out of the corner and runs into a powerslam from Christian! He hooks the leg! 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Edge just barely gets the shoulder up! Christian brings Edge to the corner and bounces his head off the top turnbuckle several times. He picks up Edge, putting him on the top and climbs up to meet him. Both men trade right hands, but Christian stops the momentum and delivers a headbutt. He hooks up Edge's tights and hits a BIG Superplex off the very top rope as both men crash down to the mat and they are down!! The fans are cheering this match and the ref begins his count. He gets to 5 and neither man is moving. Christian starts to move around the count of 6 and makes his way over to Edge. He gets his shoulder on Edge and the ref makes the count. 1,.....,2......KICK OUT! Edge at the last second gets that shoulder up! Christian starts showing signs of frustration. He makes his way and grabs Edge by the hair, but gets dropped with a facebuster. Christian stumbles back against the ropes. Edge is up and dropkicks him over the top, but he lands on the apron. Edge then hits Christian with a Spear taking himself AND Christian out of the ring and down to the floor!

Both men are down yet again and the ref begins his count. Edge starts to stir around the 5 count. He gets his way up around 7, slides halfway back in the ring and back out, breaking the referee's count. Edge starts taking apart the Spanish Announce Table and the fans cheer as they know where this is going. Edge then grabs a hold of one of the monitors and plans on using it. He turns around into a Spear from Christian! The fans are cheering as Christian looks to have hit his second wind. He gets back in the ring now as Edge uses the Spanish Table to help himself up and leans on it. Christian climbs the top rope and attempts a cross body, but Edge moves out of the way at the last second and Christian goes crashing face first into the Spanish Announce Table! Edge makes his way over to Christian and sends him back into the ring. He slides back in and goes right for the cover. 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Edge is up and gets a little upset as he stares down the referee. He shoots Christian off the ropes, misses a clothesline and gets rolled up! 1,.....2,....KICK OUT! Oh so close! Christian nearly had the three and the World Title! Edge is up quickly and takes Christian down with a superb version of the Perfect Plex. The ref makes the count. 1,.....2,....KICK OUT! Christian isn't gonna quit either as he makes his way up! Edge makes his way to the turnbuckle and climbs the top rope and attempts a cross body himself, but Christian catches him in mid-air and takes him down with a powerslam! He goes for the cover! 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! And again, Edge just barely gets that shoulder up to save his title!

Christian is up and stalks Edge, waiting for him to get up. He hooks up Edge's arms looking for the Unprettier, but Edge counters and drops Christian with the Edge-O-Matic! He hooks the leg for the cover! 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Christian kicks out and Edge gets in the referee's face, proclaiming that was a three count! Edge has had enough. He backs up and sits in the corner, waiting to hit the spear. Christian turns around and here comes Edge! He charges and takes Christian down with a Thunderous Spear! He rushes over and makes the cover! 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Christian Kicks Out of the Spear!!! Edge is up and he's going crazy! Banging the mat and kicking the ropes! He grabs the referee and he looks like he's going to cry at any minute! He drops to his knees, realizing it's going to take more to beat Christian. In the midst of Edge's complaining, Christian comes behind and rolls him up! 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Edge was just a heartbeat away from losing his World Title! Edge is up to his feet first, grabs a hold of Christian and drops him with the Impaler DDT! He makes the cover again. 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Christian will not give up here as he gets the shoulder up! Edge runs his fingers through his hair in anger and he's pissed. He backs up, squats in the corner and looks to hit the Spear again. He charges, but Christian leaps over him, causing Edge to crash in the corner. Christian grabs him from behind and hits The Unprettier! The fans are going nuts! Christian covers and hooks the leg! 1,......2,......3! It's Over! Christian has Won the World Title!!!

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Christian (26:19)

The fans are going crazy and Christian's eyes bug out as he can't believe it! The ref hands him the title and he hugs it like a newborn baby!

Tony Chimel: Here is your winner and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion......Christian!!​

Matt Striker: This is what WrestleMania is all about Michael! Christian has proven to these people that Dreams do come True! Listen to this Ovation! And as a fan of Christian's, Congratulations Man, you have finally done it!

Michael Cole: Christian has been waiting for this moment for the longest time. You couldn't have written a scenario any better than this partner. He comes back, wins The Royal Rumble, and here at WrestleMania, in front of a Sold Out Crowd to win the World Title against the man who said he couldn't do it!

Matt Striker: He was in Edge's shadow for a long time Michael. He came to WrestleMania confident and he's leaving as the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. Now THIS is a WrestleMania Moment the fans of Atlanta will remember forever.​

The fans are still cheering as Christian holds up the World Title and shows it off to his peeps. He drops to his knees and he starts tearing up as he realizes that he's finally done it!

Michael Cole: Wait a minute, what's going to happen here?​

Christian turns around and Edge is staring him down. He holds out his hand. Christian looks around to the people and shakes Edge's hand. Both friends embrace in the middle of the ring and the fans give them a standing ovation.

Matt Striker: What sportsmanship shown by Edge here Michael.

Michael Cole: Edge knows he lost to the better man tonight and he's giving credit where credit is due. What a moment!

Matt Striker: These fans are giving a great ovation. What a moment these fans are experiencing. They can say, "I was there when Christian won the World Heavyweight Championship and I was there when Edge and Christian shared a moment in the ring!"​

Edge then puts the World Title around Christian's waist and raises his arm once more. The fans cheer as Edge claps for Christian as he celebrates again with his peeps. He leaves the ring and dives into the audience showing off his World Title! Edge makes his way up the ramp and looks to be crying as Christian is back in the ring on his knees thanking God for this Title.

Matt Striker: What a moment, what an atmosphere! This is something I don't think I'm ever going to forget for as long as I live Michael.

Michael Cole: Once again, Christian is the NEW World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania. What a match, what a finish, what a moment.​


The King: Wow!

Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen, hats off to Christian. I would also like to congratulate Christian on winning The World Championship. King, what a journey Christian has been on and I'm happy that it came full circle as he won the World Championship. That was just a classic match King.

The King: What I liked JR, is the sportsmanship shows by Edge by shaking Christian's hand and putting the title around him. It takes a real class act to do that.

Jim Ross: That was a tough act to follow indeed, but Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we have just the match to top it.


Jim Ross: The time has finally arrived King. John Cena is going to go one on one with The Undertaker.

The King: 18 men have tried and 18 have failed JR. John Cena is attempting something so Huge.

Jim Ross: Earlier tonight on Heat, I said WrestleMania is a night where Legendary Status can be achieved in one night and King if John Cena can pull of the impossible, then he will truly be on the Road to Legendary Status, if he's already not there.

The King: If anybody is just as large as The Undertaker, anybody who had such a following, and such momentum heading into one match, and anybody who would be favored over Undertaker, it's John Cena.

Jim Ross: John Cena and The Undertaker are gonna get it on here tonight. Let's take you back in time and show you how these two men got to WrestleMania.


After the video package....

Tony Chimel: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Special Guest Ring Announcer for the forthcoming contest, Michael Buffer!!

Michael Buffer gets a HUGE pop from the crowd!

***Bell Rings***

Michael Buffer: Ladies and Gentlemen, from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia, it is now time for WWE WrestleMania 27 Final Match of the Evening. Sanctioned by the State of Georgia Athletic Commission and when the bell rings, the referee of this event will be Michael Chioda. And now this is the Moment we have all be waiting for. The Face of the WWE takes on The Undefeated Streak of the most Iconic Character of the WWE. Are You Ready?!?!

The Fans let out a BIG Pop!

Michael Buffer: Wrestling Fans.....Are...You...RRRRRRREADY?!?!?!

The Fans react even louder and let themselves be heard.

Michael Buffer: For the thousands in attendance and the millions watching all around the world. Ladies and Gentlemen.....LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!

***My Time Is Now***



Michael Buffer: On his way to the ring, a Man that need no Introduction. He has been the face of the WWE and has taken over for the superstars of the past. He has influenced Millions of Children all around the World and lives by the moniker, Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. He inspires others to follow him to never give up and never quit when the going gets to tough. Tonight, he attempts his biggest challenge to date. A man that is fearless. Ladies and Gentlemen, from West Newbury, Massachusetts, he is JOOOOHHHHHHHNNNNNNNN CEEEEEEENNNNNNAAAA!!

Jim Ross: Michael Buffer couldn't have said it any better. John Cena is fearless in his own right King.

The King: John Cena is a lot of things, but I know he has to feel a bit of nerves. He's facing The Undertaker of all people. I don't think he knows just what's he's in for.

Jim Ross: I'm sure he does King. The eyes of John Cena tell the whole story.

The King: This is gonna something JR.

Jim Ross: We now await the conscious of the WWE, The Undertaker.​



The Fans Roar with a HUGE Ovation!

***Graveyard Symphony***


The Undertaker slowly and eerily makes his way out as his old music changes into a new theme.

Michael Buffer: And now, a man that also needs no formal Introduction. He has been the most Iconic Figure in the WWE for over 15 years and he still haunts the nightmares of those who dare to do wrong by him. The Specter of Darkness is 18-0 at WrestleMania. He has defeated all who have dared to stand against him and looks for Number 19 tonight. He is the conscious of the WWE, the man, the myth, The Lord of Darkness!!! This is TTHHHHEEEEE UNNNNNDDDEERRRRRTAAAKKKKKKERRRRRR!!!!

The King: You talk about eyes telling the story JR, look at The Undertaker's!

Jim Ross: Undertaker always has his Game Face on in Big Match situations, especially at an event where is Undefeated.

The King: Triple H, Ric Flair, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, Shawn Michaels and Kane Twice! Just to name a few JR!

Jim Ross: The Undertaker is perfect at WrestleMania, but his eyes tell the story like you said King. He knows that this just might be the toughest challenge of them all. John Cena is unlike anybody Undertaker has ever faced at WrestleMania.

The King: What a Moment JR!

Jim Ross: This is what WrestleMania is all about King! Is it John Cena who ends the streak of The Undertaker, or does The Deadman go 19-0? This is going to be a slobber knocker without question.​

John Cena vs The Undertaker​

Both men are in their respective corners and stare each other down as the fans start cheering. A "Let's Go Cena, Cena Sucks" chant breaks out. Undertaker makes his way to the center to the ring, followed by Cena. Both men are face to face. What a Moment. The crowd is popping like crazy as both men won't take their eyes off each other. They look around at the fans once more, the bell rings and here we go! Cena gets in a wrestling stance and Undertaker gets in his fighting stance. Both men start moving around and Undertaker immediately tries to corner Cena. Once he gets him to the corner, he goes for a right, but misses. Cena then unloads on 'Taker in the corner with right hands. He unleashes a flurry on the Deadman, who is trying to cover up. The ref gets in the middle, but Cena shoves him off. Undertaker grabs him by the throat, throws him in the corner, and starts unloading on Cena with soup bones, alternating rights and lefts. The ref tries to break it up, but Undertaker scares him right out of the ring. Cena comes back with right hands of his own, taking 'Taker all the way to the ropes. He whips him off the ropes, lowers his head and 'Taker catches him with a BIG time DDT and makes the first cover of this match. 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Cena gets the shoulder up for the first near fall of this match. 'Taker gets a hold of Cena and throws him in the corner. He sizes him up and starts delivering elbows to the side of Cena's head. He backs up, charges, and eats a boot to the face. Cena then comes out of the corner and takes him down with a clothesline.

Cena bounces off the ropes, already going for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but Undertaker sits up and stares at him to big pop from the crowd. He comes to his feet and Cena goes at him with right hands, but 'Taker comes back and overwhelms Cena with stronger right hands. He whips him off the ropes, misses a right hand as Cena slides behind the Undertaker and takes him down with a back suplex and he goes for the his first cover. 1,....2,....KICK OUT! 'Taker is up for a nearfall. Cena is up and stalks Undertaker, but gets a boot to the midsection for his efforts. 'Taker brings Cena to the corner and drives his head into the top turnbuckle. He goes at Cena driving his boot deep in his midsection a couple times. He backs up, charges, but Cena is ready with a back elbow. He climbs the top rope and takes Undertaker down with a flying shoulder block. He goes for a cover. 1,....2,...POWER OUT! Undertaker powers out and Cena goes flying. Cena is back on the move and stomps away on 'Taker. 'Taker is eating all of these hits as he struggles to make his way back up to his feet. Cena has him against the ropes and is going off with rights and lefts. He bounces off the ropes, but Undertaker puts him down with a Boot to the face. He rolls Cena over and goes for the cover. 1,....2,....KICK OUT! Cena kicks out and keeps on fighting. 'Taker picks Cena up and starts wringing and twisting Cena's arm. He climbs the turnbuckle, looking for Old School but Cena grabs a hold of 'Taker's arm and takes him down to the mat. Undertaker is up and Cena clotheslines him out of the ring. He gets amped to a few boos from the crowd.

Cena isn't aware that Undertaker landed on his feet. 'Taker grabs Cena by the legs, trips him up and drags him out of the ring. Once outside, 'Taker grabs a hold of Cena and drives his back into the apron. He catches his breath for a minute and does it again. 'Taker gets Cena in a bear hug position and drives him back first into the ring post. He grabs Cena and brings him over to the announce table position and goes to slam his head, but Cena is ready, counters and drives Undertaker's head into the RAW Announce Table. Cena then strikes at The Undertaker with right hands. He backs up and drives Undertaker back first into the apron and finally sends him back in the ring. Cena slides back in the ring and walks into the The Undertaker's hand around his throat. He looks for the chokeslam, but Cena fights out of it, and hoists Undertaker on his shoulder looking for the FU. Undertaker connects with elbows to Cena's jaw and he's forced to drop him. Undertaker gets a head of a steam and takes Cena down with a flying clothesline and makes the cover. 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Undertaker shows a bit of frustration as Cena kicks out. Undertaker picks Cena up and locks him in a Bear Hug. Some fans start chanting for Cena as Undertaker cranks on the pressure. Cena tries to unlock the Undertaker's hands from around his waist, but it doesn't work as 'Taker hols on and fights Cena every step of the way. Cena resorts to biting The Undertaker and that forces him to finally release the hold. Cena bounces off the ropes, but 'Taker is quickly on him and clotheslines Cena out of the ring.

Undertaker catches his breath as Cena gets on the apron. 'Taker charges and hits Cena with boot, sending him into the RAW announce table. Undertaker backs up, gains a head of steam and leaps over the ropes and takes out Cena!! WOW!! Fans are popping and start a Holy S*** Chant. Both men are down as the referee checks on them. Replays are shown of Undertaker's move a couple times. Back to Live action and Cena and Undertaker struggle to get to their feet. The ref is in the ring now as both slide in the ring. Both men struggle to their feet in front of each other. Cena hits a right hand first as the fans boo. Undertaker comes back with a right hand as the fans cheer. Cena now hits a right and the fans boo him again. Undertaker hits another right and the fans cheer. This scenario continues as Cena starts overwhelming 'Taker. Cena throws right hands with the fans booing with each shot he throws. He gets 'Taker down to one knee, shoots himself off the ropes, but 'Taker comes back and takes Cena down with a HUGE Arn Anderson like Spinebuster! He covers Cena and hooks the leg. 1,.....2,.....KICK OUT! Cena shoots that shoulder off the mat to show the fight left in Cena. 'Taker picks Cena up and drives a forearm in the back of Cena's head. He shoots him off the ropes, but Cena ducks. 'Taker goes for a right hand, but misses. Cena gets 'Taker on the rebound and hits him with an impressive belly to belly overhead suplex. He makes the cover now. 1,......2,.....KICK OUT! Undertaker isn't letting the match end like that as he gets that shoulder up. Cena brings 'Taker over to the corner and starts working on the ribs of The Deadman. Cena now has 'Taker on the top turnbuckle and looking to hit a superplex. 'Taker starts using his head and delivers a headbutt to Cena and clocks him with right hand sending him down. Cena is back up and goes back to 'Taker, who's waiting with another right hand. Cena doesn't go down this time, but he starts throwing rights of his own. 'Taker throws him down again. Cena races back up the turnbuckle and hits a Belly to Back suplex off the top rope!!!

Fans are cheering and applauding this great matchup as both men are down. Cena crawls over and gets an arm on Undertaker. 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Cena rolls over and bangs the mat and is showing some frustration as 'Taker kicks out. Cena is up, but 'Taker catches him with a quick shot to throw Cena off balance. He shoots Cena off the ropes, lowers his head, but Cena rebounds and kicks 'Taker in the face. 'Taker pops up and gives Cena the Death Stare. Cena shoots off the ropes, but 'Taker grabs a hold of him and throws Cena right out of the ring and down to the floor. 'Taker gets a second to catch his breath and leaves the ring. Cena is able to get a second wind and he comes at 'Taker with a serious haymaker and 'Taker stumbles a few feet back. Cena makes his way over to the Deadman, but he grabs Cena and throws him onto the barricade and connects with some haymakers of his own. He ends up dropping Cena face first on the barricade, then makes his way over to the Spanish Announce Table. He starts stripping the table getting ready to drive Cena through it. He turns his attention back to Cena, who flies off the barricade and takes Undertaker down with a flying clothesline. Cena brings 'Taker over to the spanish announce table and goes to plant his head on it, but 'Taker comes back with some body shots. He then grabs Cena by throat looking to chokeslam him through the announce table, but Cena avoids it. Cena hoists 'Taker on his shoulders and plants him Through the announce table with the FU!!! Fans are going crazy as they start up a Holy S*** Chant!

Both 'Taker and Cena are out on the outside! The ref checks on them as we see replays. Cena starts to stir a little bit after a while, but 'Taker is still out on the debris that was the Spanish Announce Table. After a few moments, Cena finally is able to make to his feet and Undertaker starts to stir a little bit. Cena picks Undertaker up and sends him back in the ring. The ref is back in as well and Cena crawls over to 'Taker, places his arm around him and hooks the leg. 1,.....2,.....KICK OUT! The fans explode and Cena can't believe it!! His eyes are bugged out and he looks like he's seen a ghost! Cena goes for the cover again. 1,......2,......KICK OUT! Cena is frustrated now as he makes his way to his feet. He bounces off the ropes and hits 'Taker with a shoulder tackle, and then another. 'Taker misses a right and Cena takes him down with a spinout powerbomb. He raises his hand in the air as the fans boo him. He bends over to give him the "You Can't See Me" but 'Taker gets his hand on Cena's throat! He uses that to get to his feet and goes for the chokeslam, and Cena avoids it again and traps 'Taker in the STFU!! The fans are split as some are booing and some are cheering. Cena has 'Taker locked in that submission and 'Taker is far from the ropes at the moment. Cena cranks on the pressure and 'Taker is trying to make his way to the ropes and he's moving at a very slow pace. The closer he gets to the ropes, the more pressure Cena applies. The fans start up and Undertaker chant as Cena applies more and more pressure. 'Taker moves more and more to the ropes and he's almost there! Cena is turning it up even more and Undertaker can't seem to take it! He looks like he's about to tap! But NO! Undertaker keeps on scratching and crawling and he eventually makes his way to the ropes to a HUGE Pop!

Cena rolls over on his back and puts his hands on his head and can't believe it. What does Cena have to do?! He makes his way up and over to 'Taker, but he gets caught in Undertaker Hell's Gate Submission Hold! Cena now finds himself close to tapping out! Undertaker cranks an insane amount of pressure immediately and Cena drops to a knee! Cena looks like he's out cold! The ref raises Cena's hand in the air once, but his arm stays in the air. Cena tries to get out of it, but 'Taker is latched on to the hold and won't let go! Cena stops and uses his other arm to grab the other leg of 'Taker. In an Amazing display of strength, Cena lifts 'Taker off the mat and drops him back down with a Power Bomb forcing 'Taker to break the Hold! WOW! The fans even start cheering Cena now after that one. Now a vaguely clear Cena chant starts up! Cena goes for a right, but 'Taker counters with a right of his own. He sends Cena into the corner and follows it up with a splash. 'Taker grabs Cena's arm and climbs the top turnbuckle. This time, 'Taker connects with Old School! He goes over for a cover attempt, but Cena rolls him up with a small package! 1,......2,......KICK OUT! 'Taker kicks out the absolute last second before the ref can make the 3 count! Cena slams the mat thinking he almost had 'Taker. Cena charges and so does Undertaker and both men take each other down with a double clothesline!

Both men are down as the ref starts his count. Cena starts to stir around the count 4 and Undertaker is still down. Cena struggles and gets to one knee around the count of 7 while 'Taker is still down! Cena uses the ring ropes to get his way and the ref is up to 8. As soon as the ref hits 9, Undertaker sits up and stares right at John Cena to a pop from the crowd. Cena goes for a kick, but his foot is caught and he gets clotheslined for his efforts. He raises his arm for the chokeslam. Cena turns around and turns right into the hand of the 'Taker! He raises Cena up, but he counters and gets out of it! Cena hoists Taker on his shoulders and goes for the FU, but Taker gets out of it himself. Cena turns around into the hand of the Deadman and this time gets caught with the chokeslam! He makes the cover and hooks the leg! 1,......2,......KICK OUT!! Cena gets his shoulder up after the chokeslam and the Undertaker is pissed! He gets up and calls for the Tombstone Piledriver! He waits for Cena to get up and sets him up for it. He has Cena is position for the Tombstone, but Cena uses his strength and reverses it! Now Undertaker is in Tombstone Position! But instead of attempting the Tombstone, Cena uses his strength to hoist Undertaker on his shoulder and hit the FU!! This could be it!! Cena makes the cover, he hooks the leg: 1,.......2,........NO!!! Undertaker kicks out!! Cena's eyes bug out and he looks like he's seen a Ghost! He can't believe Undertaker kicked out of the FU!! The fans are on their feet and they can't believe it! Cena is up and calls for the FU again. He attempts the FU, but Taker quickly counters and picks Cena up and drops him with the Tombstone Piledriver!! He makes the cover! 1,........2,..........3! Undertaker has beaten John Cena!!

Winner and 19-0: The Undertaker (27:19)

Both men are out and exhausted in the middle of the ring as Buffer makes his announcement.

Michael Buffer: Here is your winner and 19-0 at WrestleMania!! THHEEEEE UNNNDDERRRRTAAAAKKKKERRRRRR!!!​

Jim Ross: By Gawd, Ladies and Gentlemen, have you ever witnessed a match like this?!?! That was the damndest contest I think I have ever had my privilege of calling!

The King: We said it was going to take everything both men had to win JR and that's just what happened.

Jim Ross: My Gawd King, John Cena gave it everything he had! EVERY THING he had, but it was not to be! The Undertaker was too much for John Cena on this night!

The King: There were points in this match where I thought John Cena had it won JR!​

Replays are shown.

Jim Ross: I thought it was over after the FU. I thought the streak was finished, but The Undertaker at the last second King, didn't die!

The King: That goes to show how badly The Undertaker wanted to win this match JR!

Jim Ross: Both men came to fight and they left it all in the ring and you couldn't ask for a better performance!!​

Undertaker's music fades as Cena gets to his feet. Undertaker extends his hand out and Cena shakes it. Both men embrace in the ring as the fans give both men a standing ovation.

Jim Ross: What a class act King. That is why John Cena is John Cena.

The King: Love him, or hate him JR, you gotta admire everything John Cena gave us tonight. He put on the best performance of his career on the biggest stage of them all!

Jim Ross: John Cena should keep his head up. This was an amazing, AMAZING match and there will be another day for these two men. I guarantee it!​

Cena stops at the top of the ramp and salutes The Undertaker before leaving. Undertaker gets down on one knee and does his salute right back to Cena as a HUGE Pyro display goes off with 19-0 on all the titantrons around the arena.

The King: I don't think I'll ever forget this night JR!

Jim Ross: Ladies and Gentlemen, what a night! What a WrestleMania it has been!! For Jerry "The King" Lawler, This is Jim Ross saying Good Night everybody from WrestleMania in Atlanta, Georgia!!!​

End of Show.
The GrandSword Review

Hi Mr HD. Congratulations on producing an absolute epic of a show, you've indeed done the spectacle known as Wrestlemania justice and beyond. From the graphics to the storyline descriptions to the commentary to the matches themselves, it is indeed a BT masterpiece, and something I think you willbe remembered for around here.

As I said in the Discussion thread, much of what you have produced is what many people believed WM 27 should have been especially with such matches as Edge vs. Christian and Taker vs. Cena.

Your show is too epic to mention everything you've done for your show, so I'll do my best to give you my thoughts...

I found that going with The Undertaker vs. John Cena as your main event a double eged sword. Don't get me wrong, in today's WWE, they are indeed the two top guys in the company and no doubt would be the most anticpated match on the card.

Now for me I always believe that your main event should be the the WWE or World Championship, (depending on which one is valued more by the company at that particular time (usually it is the WWE title)). However with having two titles does this devalue both? I know Hogan vs. the Rock stole all the energy out of the HHH/Jericho Unidsputed Match several years ago and so booking Cena/ Taker is of course probably the best way to go...

You've booked it right, with the matches that you have, therefore maybe your big title matches are not up to scratch??? In any case this is WWE "your" way and you've had Miz retain, Christian win and the Undertaker keep his streak against the face of the WWE on the grandest stage of them all (which I really, really liked!!!). the ending seemed to come out of nowhere though, and was hoping for a little bit more description, but Taker beat Cena, so awesome sauce!

I like that The Corre defeated the New Nexus and really liked your Sheamus/Bryan match.

The other matches for me, I didn't really care too much for, but then again, I'm not a big WWE guy.

In any case you've put together a mammoth job and I indeed applaud you sir. Well done!
Bearded Review

-Finally, WRESTLEMANIA! Let's skip the chit-chat and get right into this som' bitch.

-I'll be here for ages if I do each and every segment like I usually do, so I'll shorten it up a bit.

-I really only had one dislike regarding this and that was the show felt cluttered. I mean you had two ten person tag matches, two tag team matches, a triple threat, a MITB, a fatal four way. It seems like you tried too hard to get the majority of your roster on your show.

-You really hit the nail on the head with your three big matches. Miz retaining the WWEC in odds that didn't favor him makes him look strong as champion. Christian accomplishing the dream after winning the Rumble and against his best friend was a great moment. Same with the embrace at the end. Felt a little bit Shawn Michaels like, but a great booking move and match. And of course Taker/Cena. That match was the best of the night and the right choice in the main event. Only issue I had was the embracing. Maybe more of the salute with a head nod and point from Taker would have been better, but I'm just nitpicking really. Glad the streak continues.

-Ziggler winning the MITB is a great move. I look forward to seeing what you do there with him. He has the potential in the world to be a star (just look at him now) and if you can get him down and book him to the top you have yourself a mainstay in the main event.

-The problem I had with the 10 person matches was that they both had swerves in them. Otunga turning on Nexus and Masters turning on Rey. And the crowd doing the goodbye song with Barrett made no sense as you said Punk came out to a nice pop prior to the match. Why would they sing him goodbye? Right team won there though as now Punk can go onto bigger and better things (hopefully).

-Trish and Lita winning the divas title was the right move. Now I want to see them battle to unify that into one championship. Onto ADR/Kane. I think ADR should have went over even though he looked strong in the process. A win over Kane would have made ADR look legit and built him up even more as a future world champion.

-For anything I didn't mention it is due to the fact I didn't feel the need to bring it up as it wasn't significant or did it catch my attention. The show itself was long, but an enjoyable read nonetheless. Plus it helped me pass some serious time on night shift, so thank you.

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