WWE My Way: 2011 & On

Da Prophet Review

Well I'm bored and have nothing else to do, this got me attention when it was posted. This thread has been good so far, and I have just skimmed over the PPV, it looks very good. No poster= :( , no real video package. I really would have thought it was something everyone what do. They don't do anything major, but gives the event a fun feel. More like a PPV than a normal show. Good move starting with the IC title match, going to give the young guys some time here. I found it hard to fine the pinfall attempts, wish you would have done it with writing the numbers. Kofi retains in a solid match, with him possibly defending at WrestleMania.

I really don't like the amount of spaces between the written, nothing huge just a personal thing. Also I like the other way of speech, putting the name in front of the talking instead of above it. Christian vs Edge hint, why does everyone go with that match? Nice interaction, next match.

No entrances for both men? That doesn't happen on PPV, I suggest you check out other PPV's around here. Two guys who I care nothing about, in a match. How long has Harris been in this thread? Why are they facing off tonight? Haven't checked this thread in a long time, a video package or some hints from the announcers would have been nice. The match was ok, not a huge fan to be honest. This PPV is going from match to segment, what about the after match stuff? Simple mistakes, which I understand.

Backstage stuff with Kelly Kelly, nice way to give some decent build to the next match. No really entrance again, I really think it is something you should do for a PPV. Huge mid card push from the event so far. Good match, I liked it more than I thought I would. A turn from Kelly is good, something was bounded to happen. You don't have to write after match, we can figure that out. You did a fine job with writing this match, I'm interested in this storyline now. I smell another match between these two. This is going to get me watching this thread. Nice job with this.Good job with this match. Another backstage segment for this feud is good. Keep pushing this.

No entrance again, come on man. Think about these little things, this is a PPV, not a RAW or Smackdown. Solid match, I don't have much to say on this. Not really following this angle or whatever it is.I can't judge this when I have little to no information on the events that got us to the PPV. It is my fault, don't think it is yours.

Barrett on the mic is good, don't a fan of the Corre however. Think he could do more without them. Tag match now, as I'm moving faster to get this posted. Huge eight man tag match here, with Booker T involved. New member for the Corre is in Tyler Reeks. He could be a huge player in this thread. I'm interested in what you have planned.

The backstage segment is way to short, nothing in it. I really thought this seemed like a filler to me when you couldn't think of anything. The cage stipulation may have been to much, with the feud not to that level IMO. Things like that need to be build to the peak or something near it. The match was good, maybe a little to short.

No doubt Christian was winning the match, not doubt what so ever. You had the Edge thing before so that sealed the fate of Alberto. I really would have liked actual match graphics for the PPV. Instead of just writing match graphic is here. They can be requested in the request forum we have here. Another solid match, my favourite of the night. I didn't like that Del Rio went for Christians finisher, don't think he would do that in such a big match. Probably stick to the arm bar. I did like this match very much.

To the World Championship, this match was WAY to short. This could have been 2000 words, very short match. I thought you could have put way more into it, with the addition of the LMS match. With my PPV ME it had nearly 3000 words. Now I don't have a stand on word count, but this should have been longer. In the end it was a decent match, which I enjoyed. I wasn't sure about draw however. You are heading to the biggest event of the year, a triple threat match isn't something you put on last. They usually have one person being left out in the build. Think about it.

Looking back this was a decent show, nothing amazing but it was well done. You had some really well written matches, and enjoyed it. You can improve before Mania, and make it a huge event. This is really a filler PPV, Mania needs to be massive. It must be perfect, nothing less than an A grade PPV.

Grade: C+
Thanks for the review Proph! Good to know I'm getting better and trust me, I'll fix everything for WrestleMania.

Thanks for the advice on the McIntyre/Hawkins/Kelly Kelly Angle. I got big plans for them as we head towards WrestleMania.



JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Monday Night RAW! We are on the Road to WrestleMania! The Joe Louis Arena is jacked and ready for action. Jim Ross alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler and King tonight, John Cena is going to call out The Undertaker!

King: JR, I don't know how wise that is. I don't think John exactly knows what he's doing. He must have some kind of death wish. We both know The Undertaker. He doesn't take to kindly to being called out.​

In the Arena:
The Miz comes out with Alex Riley to his theme.

King: Looks like the WWE Champion is going to grace us with a few words JR.

JR: The Miz will defend the WWE Championship against John Morrison at WrestleMania. I wonder what he has to say after he blinsided Morrison last week.

The Miz: Last Week on RAW, there was a #1 Contenders Match to decide who get a shot at the WWE Champion on the Grandest Stage of them all: WrestleMania. I admit, I came out here tonight hoping to address John Cena, CM Punk, maybe The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton, but out of all the great superstars in that tournament, the person who won is a man that I carried for over a year when we were Tag Team Champions. A man that I can beat single handedly if I wanted. A man who had to change his gimmick to be accepted by you people. That man is my opponent at WrestleMania 27: John Morrison.​

Fans cheer for Morrison.

The Miz: Yeah, that guy. John, allow me to explain something to you. I am the WWE Champion. I've done something that you tried years to do, but the best you've been was the ECW Champion and that's not really saying too much. Ever since we broke up as a Tag Team, I went on to bigger and better things! I went on to become The United States Champion, Mr. Money in the Bank, and Finally, the WWE Champion! What have you done? Nothing. This is why, John, I'm out here tonight to give you a chance to back out of this match with me at WrestleMania. Because if you decide to go through with this match with me, I promise, no, I guarantee that I will not only retain my WWE Championship, but will publicly humiliate you in front a Worldwide Television Audience on the grandest stage of them all. Whaddya say John?​

*****Ain't No Make Believe*****
Morrison makes his way out now.

He gets in the ring and asks for a mic.

John Morrison: I was listening to you running your mouth out here and I decided to come out here and I think I speak for all these people when I say, you talk too WAY too much!​

Fans cheer.

John Morrison: And to quote a great superstar, I'm asking you nicely to please "Shut the Hell Up!"​

Fans pop even louder!

John Morrison: Miz, you know what you're problem is? You're Jealous. You really think you carried me? Lest we forget, I was the bigger star when our team was formed, you were nothing more than an afterthought. If not for my Charisma, you wouldn't be WWE Champion and while we're on that, yeah you're the Champion and I congratulate you, but guess what? People actually like me. These people don't like you.​

Fans cheer and start a "Miz Sucks" Chant.

Miz stands there with a blank expression as Riley tries to quiet the crowd down.

John Morrison: Now, you made a guarantee out here a little while ago. I'm making one of my own. I've worked my ass off for this moment, and I will NOT let you, Alex Riley, or anybody else stand in the way of me becoming the WWE Champion. As far as I'm concerned, you have 6 weeks left as the WWE Champion and at WrestleMania 27 when it's all said and done, you are looking at the NEW WWE Champion!​

Bret Hart appears on the titantron.

Bret: Excuse Me! May I have your attention?!! It seems to me like you two gentlemen are ready to get it on right here, right now. Since you two want to fight so bad, I'm booking a match. Tonight, the team of The Miz & Alex Riley will do battle with John Morrison & R-Truth! Good Luck.​

Riley charges Morrison, but gets sent out of the ring.

Miz goes to hit Morrison with the WWE Title, but Morrison turns around in time and Miz stops in his tracks. Morrison is yelling "Come On!" Miz slides out of the ring and leaves with Riley as Morrison's music plays and we head to Commercial.


Match 1:
6 Man Tag Team Match
Tyson Kidd & The Naturals (w/AJ Lee) vs David Hart Smith & The Colons

Carlito kicks this match off with Andy Douglas. Both men tie up and Douglas backs Carlito into the corner until the ref calls for a clean break. Douglas goes in for a cheap shot, but Carlito ducks and unloads on Douglas with some right hands. He whips Douglas into the corner and charges, but Douglas explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. He drags him to his corner and tags in Chase Stevens. They hit Carlito with a double DDT. Stevens covers for a two count. Stevens stomps away and the chokes Carlito on the bottom ring rope. He drags Carlito to the middle of the ring and hits a front suplex for another nearfall.

He picks him up, but Carlito starts to battle back with rights to the chest. He bounces off the ropes and hits a Hurricanrana for a nearfall. He tags in Primo and he climbs the top rope. He comes off the top and takes Stevens down with a missile dropkick for a two count. Douglas rushes the ring, but gets thrown out immediately. Stevens quickly rebounds and hits Primo with a German Suplex into a pinning combination, but gets a nearfall. Stevens gets the tag to Kidd and he comes in and immediately attempts the sharpshooter, but Primo kicks him off.

Kidd then sends Primo into The Colons' corner. Smith blind tags him unbeknown to Kidd. Kidd whips Primo into his corner. Smith runs in and takes Kidd down with a HUGE release German Suplex which sent Kidd flying! Smith brings Kidd to the corner and stomps away and goes at him with a flurry of right hands. He whips Kidd into the corner and charges, but Kidd moves out of the way and send Smith into the ring post. Smith turns around and Kidd tags him up with a dropkick. He locks Smith in the sharpshooter, but Carlito runs in and drops Kidd with a bulldog.

Both men are down now. Kidd gets the hot tag to Douglas and Smith makes the hot tag to Carlito. Carlito rushes in and clotheslines Douglas a few times. Stevens comes in and hits a reverse DDT. Kidd comes and whips Carlito into the ropes, but he stops, springs off the ropes and nails Kidd with a springboard elbow. Douglas picks up Carlito and drops him with a sitdown spinebuster. He covered, but Primo kicks Douglas square in the back to stop the count. Smith comes in and spears Kidd out of the ring.

AJ Lee runs to the timekeeper's desk and grabs one of the Tag Team Championship Belts. She gets in the ring and stares down Primo. The ref is distracted with the action outside in the meantime. AJ Lee goes to hit Primo, but he grabs the belt out of her hand. Stevens comes in and low blows Primo and throws him out of the ring. The Naturals drop Carlito with Natural High, Douglas pins him and the ref counts the fall.​

Winners: Tyson Kidd & The Naturals

After the match:
David Smith and Primo check on Carlito as Kidd & The Naturals celebrate. The Naturals hold up their titles and AJ blows Primo a kiss.

Ted Dibiase is seen walking with a serious look on his face with Maryse by his side. We’ll hear from him Next!


In the Arena:
*****I Come For Money*****
Ted Dibiase’s music hits and out he comes carrying a Ladder and Maryse is walking with him.

JR:We're back Ladies and Gentlemen and Ted Dibiase Jr. coming out here with the lovely Maryse carrying a Ladder. Wonder what this all about.​

King: I don't JR, but look at Maryse. Woo Hoo! Is she looking good tonight or what?​

JR: I think you need to get your mind back on your work there Tiger.​

He sets up the Ladder in the middle of the ring and Maryse hands him a mic.

Dibiase Jr: We are 6 weeks away from WrestleMania 27! The Granddaddy of them all! The Biggest Sports Entertainment Spectacle in WWE History! And ever since WrestleMania 21 6 years ago, there's been one match that more or less steals the show and helped shaped the careers of many superstars. Names like Edge, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, and even our current WWE Champion The Miz. The match I'm referring to is the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. It allows the winner to cash in a Title shot against either World Champion whenever he sees fit.

Well, it got me to thinking. After long, strenuous talks with Mr. McMahon over the weekend and the both of us came to a conclusion. It's all about Money. It's all about the All Mighty Dollar. So from now own, The Money in the Bank ppv will be scrapped and replaced with a better pay per view and I regret to inform you people that there will be NO Money in the Bank Ladder Match at this year's WrestleMania.​

Fans start booing….loudly. Serious heat on Ted. Some fans start a "You Suck!" Chant.

Dibiase Jr: Wait a minute. Gimme a chance. Just hear me out for a second. I say all this because this year at WrestleMania 27 for the first time in WWE History, the Money in the Bank Ladder match will now be....... a Money in the Bank Tables, Ladders, & Chairs Match!​

Fans explode and start going crazy!

JR: Oh My Gawd! Good Gawd! Tables, Ladders, & Chairs Money in the Bank Match at WrestleMania!

King: Tables, Ladders, & Chairs Oh My!

Dibiase Jr: On the grandest stage of them all, 8 Superstars will battle through Tables, Ladders, & Chairs and put their careers at risk in order to call themselves #1 Contender at WrestleMania!​

His music hits and he leaves the ring with Maryse with the Ladder still in the ring.


Match 2:
United States Championship #1 Contender's Match
Sheamus vs Mark Henry

Both men tie up and immediately Henry sends Sheamus out of the ring and down to the floor showing his power. Sheamus paces around the ring for a while until he gets back in to stop the ref's count. They both tie up and Henry backs Sheamus into the corner The ref calls for a clean break, then Sheamus rakes the eyes of Henry. He explodes out of the corner and hits Henry with a clothesline. He covers, but only gets a two count. Sheamus picks Henry up and he starts going at him with shots to the body. He whips him into the ropes and powerslams him! He covers Henry, but gets another two count.

He drags Henry over to the corner and starts choking him out with his boot. He charges and hits Henry with a running knee to the face. He poses to the crowd as they boo him. Henry makes his way back up and starts going at Sheamus with some right hands. Sheamus goes for a right, but Henry counters and nails Sheamus with a right and some more rights. Henry battles Sheamus over to the ring ropes. He whips him into the ropes and runs into with a stomach attack type of move.

He covers Sheamus, but gets a two count. He bounces off the ropes for the World's Strongest Splash, but Sheamus moves out of the way. Sheamus is up and kicks Henry in the head. He backs up and stalks Henry looking for the Celtic Kick. He charges and Henry catches Sheamus' boot and clotheslines him down with authority. He bounces off the ropes and connects with the World's Strongest Splash. 1,....2,....NO! Sheamus just gets the shoulder up. Sheamus crawls over to the corner and uses the ropes to get up. Henry charges, but Sheamus moves out of the way. Sheamus sprints off the ropes and lays out Henry with the Celtic Kick. He covers and this one is over.​

Winner: Sheamus

John Cena is sitting in his Locker Room staring into space.

JR: And there we see John Cena who plans on doing the unthinkable in calling out The Undertaker tonight.

King: I don't know how smart this is JR. I knew Cena was dumb, but how can you just call out The Undertaker of all people? The Undertaker, JR!

JR: Well, we're going to have to wait and see what happens because that Face Off is still to come tonight.


Match 3:
Daniel Bryan & Yoshi Tatsu vs The Usos

Tatsu kicks it off with Jey Uso. Jey attacks Tatsu from behind when the bell rings and gets the upperhand. He stomps away on Tatsu now. He whips him into the ropes and catches him with a great dropkick for a two count. He tags in Jimmy and they do a unique double team move where Jimmy wraps his arm around Tatsu, Jey superkicks him into Jimmy and he follows it up with a German Suplex pinning combination, but gets a two count.

He drags Tatsu over to the corner and connects with some kicks to the body. Tatsu fires back with some chops. Both men trade chops until Tatsu kicks Jimmy square in the head. He climbs the top rope and hits him with a diving kick. He bounces off the ropes and hits a pretty cool version of RVD's Rolling Thunder onto Jimmy Uso for a two count.

He drags him over to his corner and tags in Daniel Bryan. Bryan comes in and works on Jimmy's arm and gets him in an Arm Wringer. He then takes him down with a cool looking leg sweep. He sits Jimmy up and kicks him in the back. He bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Jimmy in the face. He covers, but Jey comes in and interrupts the count. Tatsu flies and catches Jey with a spinning wheel kick, sending him out of the ring.

Tatsu climbs the top rope and hits a crossbody off the top rope taking out both himself and Jey Uso. Jimmy is awaiting Bryan. He goes for a superkick, but Bryan catches his foot and locks in the Ankle Lock, but he floats over beautifully and hooks in the Lebell Lock and Jimmy has to tap out.​

Winners: Daniel Bryan & Yoshi Tatsu

After the match:
Bryan and Tatsu celebrate their wins until Sheamus runs down to the ring and clotheslines Tatsu from behind. Bryan turns around and Sheamus decks him with a right hand. Sheamus stalks Bryan and levels him with the Celtic Kick. He picks up Tatsu and drops him with a powerbomb. He holds up the United States Championship to a chorus of boos.

Randy Orton is on his way to the ring and he looks like he means business.

King: Uh-oh, it's The Legend Killer JR, wonder what's on his mind.​

JR: Randy Orton looks like he means business and he's headed our way!


In the Arena:
*****Burn In My Light*****
Orton makes his way out to the ring and he looks to be all business. He gets in the ring and asks for a mic.

Randy Orton: I want you people to take a good look at me. Get a look at the greatness that stands in this ring before you tonight.​

There are some boos.

Randy Orton: I've been in this company for 9 years. I debuted in 2002, and my accomplishments are endless. I was one of the longest reigning Intercontinental Champions in this company's History, I was The Legend Killer, I became the youngest World Champion in WWE History at Summerslam 7 years ago. I RAN the WWE for the 9 years I was in the business and in those 9 years, I worked my ass off to get to where I am today. I kicked ass and took names. I beat everybody in this business. Everybody you see in this ring today, I have beaten. NOBODY is better than Randy Orton!

Fans start booing and there's a mild "You Suck" Chant.

Randy Orton: This brings me to my next point. WrestleMania 27 in Atlanta. The Main Event is going to be The Miz defending the WWE Championship against John Morrison. There's only one thing missing. "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton. Whether you people want to believe it or not, I am the BEST wrestler in this business and I deserve, no, I DEMAND that I be added to the WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania. I am mentally and physically better than every person in this business. There's not a man on the face of this earth that is better than Randy Orton......Legend.......Killer. Besides, I already have some unfinished business with our WWE Champion anyway and I want to finish it on the biggest stage of them all. So, with that being said, Bret, I know you're in the back and I know you can hear me. I want you to come to this ring and add Randy Orton to the WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania.​

There is a little pause and nobody comes out.

Randy Orton: Bret, we can do this the easy way, or.........​

******1, 2.....This On?*****

The crowd explodes.....and it's "The Game" Triple H! The crowd is going nuts as Triple H makes his out to the ring to his old "My Time" Theme.

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, feel the electricity in the air! Bah Gawd, it's all about playing The Game! Triple H is back!

King: JR, can you believe this? It's The Game! He's Back! Listen to all these people!

JR: Look at the look on Orton's face! He can't even believe it! This crowd is absolutely electric!

Triple H gets in the ring and asks for a mic. There's a loud "Triple H" Chant.

Triple H: Let's get right down to business. First of all, it feels damn good to be back in a WWE ring in front of all these people!​

Fans pop and start up the "Triple H" Chant again.

Triple H: And I figured it'd be pretty cool to come back to this theme because everybody loves it so much.​

Fans pop again.

Triple H: Now, let me start with you. Randy, you have come a long way from the shaggy haired rookie you were back in 2002 when your first came to the WWE and all those accolades you named is something to really be proud of, but let's get one thing straight, right here right now, you are NOT the best in this business. You wanna know why? Because I am still in this business and I know for a fact that you are NOT better than me.​

Fans cheer again.

Triple H: I was listening to you in the back and you were running your mouth about how you beat this guy and how you beat that guy, how you beat The Miz and how you beat John Morrison, well I've got news for you. I'm not The Shaman of Sexy, I'm The Game! I sure as hell ain't Awesome, I'm just that...damn....good.

Another Triple H chant starts up.

Triple H: You couldn't be better than me on your worst day and you sure as hell can't be better than me on your best day. And let's not also forget, I brought you under my wing as a part of Evolution. It's because of me that you have all the accolades you have. Now then, you said, you've beaten everybody there is to beat in this business and that's true and you say you're better than everybody in this business, let's find out. Right here, right now. Take me on and prove to everybody that you're better than The Game. Because you seem to forget, I was the one that got you over. I made you and I can break you.​

Randy Orton: You want to take me on? You're on!​

Fans pop and Triple H takes off his Jacket.

Randy Orton: ....Just not tonight. I don't need to prove myself to you or to any of these people.​

Fans boo, and Orton drops the mic and turns to leave the ring.

He waits until Triple H turns his back and Orton strikes, but Triple H comes back with a knock down. He tries to get Orton in the pedigree, but Orton avoids it and slides out of the ring.

HHH's music plays as Orton backs up and Triple H continues to talk trash.


In the Arena:
*****We Are One*****
The Nexus' music hits and they make their way down to the ring.

They get in the ring and Punk asks for a mic.

CM Punk: Before my match, there's something I have to get off my chest, or better yet somebody. Last week, in my Tournament Match, I had Randy Orton beat, but there's somebody out there who found it necessary to stick their nose in my business. That somebody is Wade Barrett. Let me explain something to you Wade, don't think your actions have gone unanswered. You cost me an opportunity at wrestling for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania and I'm not going to let that slide. Wade, you keep knocking on the Devil's Door and sooner or later, somebody's going to answer you. I want you to remember that because this is your first and final warning.​

JR: Strong words from the leader of The Nexus.​

King: I bet Wade Barrett is shaking in his boots right about now.​

JR: I highly doubt that, but that's a story for another time.​

He drops the mic and Evan Bourne's music hits.

Match 4:
CM Punk vs Evan Bourne

Bell rings and Punk goes to tie up with Bourne, but Punk rakes the eyes of Bourne. He goes at him with right hands and goes for a kick, but Bourne catches Punk's leg and hits him with a leg sweep takedown. He bounces off the ropes and hits a standin moonsault for a two count. He sits Punk up and kicks him in the chest. He sends Punk into the corner now. He charges, but Punk gets his foot up. Punk charges, but Bourne catches him with a sweet powerslam for a nearfall.

He bounces off the ropes, but gets tripped up by Husky Harris. Bourne then hits him with a baseball slide and sends Harris into the barricade. Punk attacks from behind with a kick catching Bourne in the back of his thigh muscle. He brings Bourne over the corner and works on that leg a little more. He goes for a right, but Bourne comes back and catches Punk with some forearm shots.

He explodes out of the corner, but Punk catches him with a tilt a whirl backbreaker for a two count. He picks up Bourne looking for a suplex, but he stalls and Bourne counters and hits a snap suplex of his own. Bourne sprints to the corner and gets on the top turnbuckle and hits him with a diving Hurricanrana for a two count. Punk is up and misses a right hand. Bourne comes back and hits a great Tiger Suplex, but Punk is able to kick out. Harris gets on the apron now and gets the ref's attention.

This allows Mason Ryan to come in and completely flatline Bourne with a boot to the face. Punk picks up Bourne and drops him with the GTS afterwards. Ryan leaves the ring, Harris drops from the apron, and the ref counts the fall for Punk.​

Winner: CM Punk


Match 5:
The Miz & Alex Riley vs John Morrison & R-Truth

Morrison wants to start off with The Miz, but he refuses and Riley is going to start this off with Morrison. Riley immediately goes for a right hand, but Morrison ducks and catches him with a sweet looking Pele move, but gets a two count. He brawls him over to the ropes and Irish Whips him. He catches Riley with a dropkick and gets a nearfall.

Morrison tags in Truth and he comes in and chops Riley. He whips Riley off the ropes and catches him with an impressive flying forearm shot. He bounces off the ropes, but Miz low bridges him out of the ring. Morrison comes in, but the ref quickly stops him. Miz sends Truth into the steps, then sends him back in the ring. Riley now stomps away on Truth now. He Irish Whips Truth into the corner hard.

He picks him up and hits a running powerslam for a two count. He sits Truth up and puts him in a chinlock. Truth battles his way back up to his feet and gets some elbows to the chest of Riley. He brings Riley with him to the ropes and whips him off. They both run into each other with a double clothesline. They're both down for a little while until they move around the ref's 5 count.

Riley crawls and gets the tag to Miz. Miz runs in and grabs Truth's foot, but Truth kicks him off. He dives and gets the tag to Morrison! Morrison comes in and we have a standoff. Morrison ducks a right hand and starts going to work on Miz with right hands. He battles him into the ropes. He whips him off the ropes and catches him with an amazing dropkick for a two count.

Riley comes back in, but Morrison ducks a boot and catches Riley with a spinning wheel kick. Truth comes in and clotheslines Riley out of the ring taking himself out too. Morrison in the meanwhile is being worked on in the corner. The ref is trying to get Riley & Truth back in the ring. Morrison is going for Starship Pain, but Miz delivers a low blow. He hooks him up and hits a running neckbreaker for a two count. He gets frustrated and goes outside and grabs the WWE Championship belt. He sizes up Morrison and and charges, but he ducks and clocks Riley with the belt! Miz turns around into the Moonlight Drive for the win!​

Winners: John Morrison & R-Truth

After the match:
Morrison holds up the WWE Championship over The Miz as his music plays.

King: Wait a minute, that belt is not his, The Miz is the Champion!

JR: Morrison holding up the WWE Title. Could we be looking at the future WWE Champion come WrestleMania!

John Cena is all business as he plans to confront The Undertaker next!

JR: Well, King here we go. Cena is headed our way. I can only shudder to think what can happen when John Cena and The Undertaker come face to face next!​

In the Arena:

*****My Time is Now*****

John Cena makes his way out and he looks to be in a bad mood.

JR: What could be on the mind of John Cena?​

King: I don't know JR, but he better watch his words, cause they could his last words.​

John Cena: I came out here tonight for one reason only Ight, so Imma make this real quick. Undertaker, I would like for you to come down to this ring. We have some unfinished business.​

The lights go out and the gong sounds in the arena......

*****Graveyard Symphony*****

Undertaker's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.

Undertaker gets in the ring and is face to face with John Cena.

JR: Bah Gawd, John Cena is face to face with The Phenom, The Undertaker. Ladies and Gentlemen, if only you could be here to feel this moment!​

King: It's not too late John. You can make it to the back if you run.​

JR: Are you kidding me? Cena isn't afraid of anybody. He's not going to back down.​

John Cena: Undertaker, I'm going to make this really quick. I have nothing but respect for you. You're The Undertaker, you're The Deadman, you're practically a Legend in this business, and I have nothing but respect for what you've accomplished in this company since you debuted.

However, it seems as though you have a problem with me. The night after The Royal Rumble, we were in a Tag Match and I accidentally hit you with a Chair when I meant to take out CM Punk and you chokeslammed me. I realized what I did and knew you were The Undertaker and you'd be out for revenge, that's why I wasn't surprised when you got in my face and said it wasn't over.

That's why that night when you came out to help me beat The Nexus, I gave you an FU! I wanted to make it clear to you and everybody here that John Cena was not afraid of The Undertaker!​

Fans have a mixed reaction.

John Cena: But you? No, you took it one step further. Last week on RAW, in the #1 Contender's Tournament, it was thanks to your Chokeslam that I lost in the First Round and ended any opportunity I had of challenging for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania.​

Cena now gets in 'Taker's face.

John Cena: THAT is when it became personal. THAT is when you crossed the line. THAT........ is when you got my attention.​

Another mixed reaction by the crowd and they start oohing.

John Cena: You don't know how much the WWE Championship means to me! It means just as much to me as it did to you when you carried it multiple times in the past! Now, I want to hear from your mouth just what you problem is with me.​

Undertaker: You listen up and you listen good Cena. I did what I did because It's like I said before, this issue wasn't personal. As far as last week goes, it was nothing personal, just business. There's something you need to learn boy. When you do something, don't assume that it's over just because YOU want it to be. YOU wanted it to be over, but I don't forget things so easily. And you better understand this, once you attack the Dog in his own yard, the Dog won't stop until he gets the better of his prey. Now, that I did that, I say, it's Over.​

Undertaker turns to leave, but Cena grabs his arm and turns him around.

John Cena: I'm not done talking to you yet!​

The fans started oohing and going crazy.

JR: Oh my Lord.​

King: Does Cena have a death wish JR?​

John Cena: You costing me a shot at the WWE Championship means that you have more than just a little problem with me. So, here's the way I see it. There's only one place where we can settle our issues. What I'm talking about is....

John Cena vs The Undertaker at WrestleMania!​

Fans explode with cheers over the announcement!

JR: My Gawd, John Cena is challenging The Deadman to a match at WrestleMania!

King: Now I know Cena's lost it!​

John Cena: Let's end this once and for all. You have a problem with me, now I have a problem with you. What do you say? The Biggest Match in WrestleMania History. Me and You. One on one on the biggest stage of them all.​

After a dramatic pause, Undertaker scoffed and turned to leave the ring.

The fans started to boo a little bit.

Taker then turns around and does the Throat Slash Motion to Cena.

King: Ahhh!

JR: Oh my Gawd, Undertaker telling Cena he's going to Rest in Peace!

Cena comes back and does the "You Can't See Me" to Undertaker.

JR: And John Cena is letting The Undertaker know what he thinks of The Deadman!

King: JR, does this mean we have our match?

JR: I don't even.....wait a minute

Undertaker and Cena then get in each other's face.

King: Uh-oh, JR, things are getting ready to explode right here!

JR: John Cena and The Undertaker one on one at WrestleMania! Good Gawd, what a Main Event Match! Oh what a moment!

Show goes off the air with Cena and Taker face to face.

RAW goes off the air.
OK man, am going to review the PPV. I haven’t followed this closely recently as I’ve been busy but you seem to be moving quickly. Glad you slowed down as we suggested early on, let’s have a look at NO WAY OUT then. First up, it’ll be Kofi and Swagger and Ziggles for the IC Title. Good, detailed match for the PPV, glad to see it. And Kofi gets the win ... I’d have had one of the other two taking the IC Title there because I prefer to see it on a heel heading into Mania but I guess Kofi is a solid champion. Who will he face at Mania I wonder?

Tension between Edge and Christian but that could be a mistake mate. I’m predicting it now – Edge vs. Christian at WM27. Which means I think – 99% sure – that I know the outcome of two of your matches. I’d think about letting things burn slowly a little more if I were you. Maybe, after the problems they had previously, you could have left it and have them wait until after the matches to confront each other? Chris Harris and Masters – meh. Not really interested in this. I’d be off to the bathroom right now! Another well written match and a win for Harris who should get a shove up the rankings now. More tension now between Drew and Curt and Kelly is stuck in the middle. Bless her, I can rescue her if she wants? :)

Here she comes! Great match as well and Kelly is a double crossing minx! Tut tut ... Will be reading SMACKDOWN for her explanation, well done mate, good call.

Kaitlyn and Beth, interesting twist with the masked assault as I thought Beth was nailed on for this one. Corre vs. the rest of Smackdown (almost) – good match again, good to see Corre winning this one. Your match writing has improved loads since the start of your BT, well done. Tyler Reks in Corre is a good call as well, that is a good place for him to get his career back on track now. What I will say is – and you had it mentioned in commentary – we haven’t had a clean win in the last three matches now. Maybe these surprises needed spacing out more?

Another solid match in the Cage with MVP and Sean O’Haire. And a win for O’Haire which makes sense as you are clearly building him up for something bigger. Another win that wasn’t entirely clean though (low blow this time) ... that’s four in a row. OK, Christian interview. It’s time for his match with Del Rio. Not possible for him to lose this one – if Del Rio wins, he’ll face Kane as you’ve already built E&C and we know that Kane and Del Rio won’t headline Mania in a match between two heels. You need to think about that a bit more IMO. Too obvious! Read it, good match and Christian wins it. Stand by for Edge retaining the World Title later!

Edge vs. Kane – a draw? Hmmm, a little twist. I’m sorry, a superplex through the announce table? Impossible my friend! But a draw could mean one of two things: triple threat with Edge, Christian and Kane? Or Kane looking strong for a returning Deadman maybe? A little twist anyway, well done for catching me out a little!

Overall, the matches were solid, the promos were OK and it was better than your early efforts. You’ve got WrestleMania to build to now, make it good! You need to work on the layout still, too spaced out and hit and miss with the fonts but it is readable now without being a strain. Good work, mate!
Let me drop my main views on RAW by ya bro. First, I like The Miz/Morrison feud. I like these two and have been waiting for a proper feud between the two, and I can't wait to see their Mania match. HHH/Orton should be interesting. I loved Triple H's return and his promo, I think you nailed it. Can't wait to see how it goes. Punk calling out Barrett is interesting and it should be pretty cool. I hope it leads to a nice little feud between the two. Taker and Cena was really intense, and I loved Taker's lines and how he accepted the match (presumably). Cena stepped up and showed his set to the WWE Universe and it looks like that year of frustration with Nexus is coming to a head against the Deadman. The match itself should be epic. Can't wait to see the Road to Wrestlemania heat up. Good show.

No Way Out Highlights play showing all the match highlights from the event.



Michael Cole: Welcome to Friday Night SmackDown! Michael Cole alongside Matt Striker at ringside and off the heels of No Way Out, what will be the fate of the World Heavyweight Champion, Edge?

Matt Striker: We've been hearing rumors circulating around the back that General Manager Theodore Long plans to address what happened at No Way Out.

Michael Cole: The World Heavyweight Championship Match ended in a Draw and it apparently didn't sit well with Theodore Long and we'll hear from him tonight.​

In the Arena:
You know it's the Mad Militant!​
Theodore Long’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring and asks for a mic.
Teddy Long: Lemme holla at ya playas! Last Sunday at No Way Out, The World Heavyweight Champion Edge faced off against Kane in a Last Man Standing Match for the World Heavyweight Championship and they beat each other nearly to death, but the match ended in a Draw.​
He shows the footage of the match on the Titantron.

Teddy Long: Now, according to the rules, Edge remains the World Heavyweight Champion.​
Fans start booing.
Teddy Long: I know, I know, but there seems to be some dispute afterwards, because that leaves us with the fact that Kane did not have a fair rematch because there was no winner and Edge is still the World Heavyweight Champion. And as SmackDown General Manager, I will not let that stand. So, here's what were gonna do; tonight on SmackDown! To quote Mr. McMahon, “In the Interest of Fairness” I am ordering a 3rd and Final Match between Edge & Kane tonight for the World Heavyweight Championship!​
The fans start cheering.
Matt Striker: Wait a minute, he can't do that can he?!!​
Michael Cole: He can do whatever he wants, he's the General Manager.​
Teddy Long: So, both men will step in this ring and fight until there is a winner in this match and.......​
Alberto Del Rio’s music hits interrupting Teddy Long and strangely enough, he's walking to the ring instead of driving a rolls royce. He does not look happy as he makes way down to the ring.
Alberto Del Rio: Amigo. You are making a big mistake. Alberto Del Rio was the runner up in the Royal Rumble. I am more deserving of a title shot than Kane. He’s had two title matches already and has LOST them both. It’s not fair to me.​
He starts saying something in Spanish.
Alberto Del Rio:I am the greatest superstar and the future of the WWE, not Kane. Instead of giving Kane a third title shot, I think all these people would love to see me get that shot.​
He smiles and the fans boo him.

Teddy Long: Well, Del Rio, as persuasive as those arguments are, I can't give you the title shot.​
Fans cheer as Del Rio's facial expression changes.
Teddy Long: I'll explain to you why. First of all, you LOST to Christian this past Sunday at No Way Out. Which means, if you want a title shot that badly, you're going to have to wait until AFTER WrestleMania playa because as of right now, Christian is going to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship. But for now, Kane is going to get one more title shot because the last two times, he never got a fair decision.​
Del Rio and Long start arguing until.....
The World Champ's music hits and he comes down to the ring and takes the mic away from Teddy Long.
Matt Striker: Oh yea! Here we go!

Michael Cole: Let's see what the World Champion has to say about this.​

Edge: So, let me see if I can understand this correctly. I beat Kane TWICE! I beat him at The Royal Rumble and I escaped a Last Man Standing Match at No Way Out and I am STILL The World Heavyweight Champion!​
Fans start booing.
Edge: And now, you're making me face that Big Red Freak for a third time for MY World Title? Teddy, I'm finally convinced there is something seriously wrong with you. Now, I know you're not all there in the head. I DON’T need to face Kane for a third time. So you can take your title match and go to Hell!​
Fans boo and start an Asshole Chant.
Teddy Long: Edge, let me tell you something playa. First of all, when are you going to learn that I make the rules on SmackDown, not YOU. I am The General Manager playa and what I say goes. So tonight, you will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Kane. But hey, you can back out of the match. And you can even go Home now if you wanted, but I'll tell you this, it’s either you defend the World Title against Kane tonight, or your forfeit the title and Kane takes your spot as Champion in the WrestleMania Main Event. What it's gonna be playa?​
Edge is about to say something, but Kane’s pyro explodes at the entryway and here he comes! Long leaves the ring as Kane gets in the ring.

Edge charges Kane, but gets thrown out of the ring. Del Rio comes from behind with a chopblock. Then, he tries to take off Kane’s Mask, but Kane grabs Del Rio and delivers the Chokeslam. He summons his Hellfire Pyro as we go to Commercial.
Replays showed from No Way Out when Kelly Kelly turned on Curt Hawkins and helped McIntyre win his match.
*****Broken Dreams*****
Drew McIntyre's theme music hits and he makes his way out to the ring with Kelly Kelly holding hands. They get in the ring and McIntyre asks for a mic.
Matt Striker: Aren't they a cute couple Cole?

Michael Cole: I think these two need to explain themselves.

Matt Striker: What do you mean? It was one of the most exciting moments of No Way Out.

Michael Cole: McIntyre and as JR would say, that Jezebel Kelly Kelly conspired to screw and humiliate Curt Hawkins and I know he won't this slide at all.​
Immediately, there's loud boos.
Drew McIntyre: Get a look at the NEW power couple in the WWE. I suppose all you people are wanting an explanation for what happened last Sunday? Well, I'll let Kelly Kelly explain for herself.​
He hands the mic to Kelly Kelly to some boos. There was even a slight "****" Chant.
Kelly Kelly: Well, well, well. It's the not the ending most of you thought is it? Now, before you all sit there and start judging me....

A **** Chant breaks out.

Kelly Kelly: Where do I begin? Let me start by saying you all fell for it! You all bought it, Hook, Line and Sinker! We made fools out of all of you!

Matt Striker: Haha, you're a fool Michael!

Kelly Kelly laughs as the fans shower her with boos.

Kelly Kelly: Let's start from the beginning. Yes, me and Drew did have legitimate problems. That part was real. But then Curt started getting involved. I understand he was looking out for me, but I never wanted, nor did I ask for his help, but he was a great rebound guy and a saving grace. I admit, I did have a little crush on him. But, like all good couples do, me and Drew made up. All we needed was one night of hot, steamy passion to solve everything.

She grabbed Drew and they started making out to boos from the crowd.

Kelly Kelly: Oh, and we talked and had counseling too so that made everything better. Now, there was Curt. What to do with him? I figured, how low could we take Curt Hawkins? So, me and Drew planned this whole thing. From us "fighting" to my tears, and I knew Teddy Long would book that match in the midst of all the chaos, but I never saw me being the guest ref coming. That was just the icing on the cake. Then, No Way Out came. The final act in the play. Drew was about to bash Curt Hawkins' brains in with a Chair. I took it from him and I bashed in Curt Hawkins in the back myself! And god, it felt so good!​
Fans boo.
Michael Cole: These two planned this whole thing. That Jezebel and her no good...

Matt Striker: Hey hey, calm Down Michael, they aren't done yet.​
Kelly Kelly: Me and Drew have too much history. Curt wasn't man enough for me. Drew? He's a real man. He's all man. He knew how to handle me. He still handles me as far as I'm concerned. The way he handled Curt at No Way Out turned me on. I had to control myself throughout that whole match.
Michael Cole: Wow, that's a little too much information.

Matt Striker: Ahh, she's just crazy in Love.

Michael Cole: Man, I would not want to be these two when Hawkins arrives to this arena and he's on his way.

Kelly Kelly: Sorry, Curt, I actually started to like you a little but, as they say, that's the way the cookie crumbles. I'm sorry that I had to use you in our little game, but we were bored, what else were we gonna do?​
Fans booed her again and started a "****" chant.

She laughs and makes out with McIntyre again and hands him the mic.
Drew McIntyre: Now, do you all get it? It's not that hard to figure out. Kelly Kelly didn't want some lovesick puppy following her around, jumping when she says your name. She wants someone like me. Somebody who's rough. She wanted a man.​
Fans boo him and start an Asshole Chant.
Drew McIntyre: Curt, maybe now you'll get it next time. Maybe you'll be careful next time. You can never trust a pretty girl, but in the end, I got the girl, not you. And another thing....​

Kofi's theme hits and the Intercontinental Champion makes his way down to the ring.

Matt Striker: Hey!
Michael Cole: Thank God! Kofi, along with everybody including me were tired of hearing them.
Matt Striker: Well, I'm sure McIntyre won't take to being interrupted.
Michael Cole: McIntyre challenges Kofi for the Intercontinental Championship when we come back!​


Match 1:
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Kofi Kingston © vs Drew McIntyre (w/Kelly Kelly)

The ref holds up the belt and calls for the bell. Both men tie up and McIntyre goes to a waistlock on Kofi. Kofi runs to the ropes holds on and thrusts backwards to shake McIntyre off. Kofi charges, but McIntyre comes back with a dropkick for a quick two count. He picks up Kofi by the hair and whips him into the corner. He starts pummeling Kofi, until he starts battling back and both men exchange hands until the ref steps in and breaks it up. The ref is in McIntyre's face and Kelly Kelly grabs onto Kofi's foot. She lets go and McIntyre clobbers Kofi from behind.

He drags Kofi to the middle of the ring and hits a running knee drop out of the corner for two. He gets Kofi in a side headlock now. Kofi starts to fight back and deliver some elbow shots to the body of McIntyre. Kofi tries to run, but McIntyre pulls him down by the hair. He climbs the top rope as Kofi is still down. He blows a kiss to Kelly Kelly, but Kofi is up and leaps up to hit McIntyre in the head with a sick looking kick which sends him down to the floor. Kofi gets ready like he's about to do a high flying move, but Kelly Kelly is standing in front of McIntyre and Kofi gets off the top rope.

Instead he goes out to the floor and McIntyre rakes the eyes of Kofi. He then whips him into the steel steps. He begins to stomp on him on the outside. He slides in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. Kofi comes back with a boot to the chest. He then hits McIntyre with a dropkick. He backs up and waits for McIntyre to get up. He hops on the baracade. He runs along the baracade and takes McIntyre down with a clothesline! He gets back in the ring now. He waits for McIntyre to get up again. He bounces off the ropes and hits McIntyre with a corkscrew plancha as both men crash to the floor. Kelly Kelly looks on in concern as we head to a Commercial Break.​


Back from the break and McIntyre has Kofi in a head scissors submission hold. Everytime Kofi would try to get back up. McIntyre would lift his legs up and crank up the pressure. Kofi is able to battle back and lift up his body and reverse and does this sweet reverse and leaps over McIntyre into a bridge pin combination, but McIntyre breaks the hold and kicks out at two. McIntyre is back up drops Kofi with a clothesline for another nearfall. He tells the ref count faster. He bounces of Kofi off the ropes, goes for a right but he ducks under and catches McIntyre with a flying forearm and both men are down again.

The ref starts his count and both men get to their feet around the 6 count. McIntyre goes for a right, but Kofi counters and hits his own. McIntyre goes for another right, but Kofi counters and hits him again. Kofi then starts to tee off on McIntyre with right hands. He whips McIntyre into the ropes and puts his head down. McIntyre stops and plants Kofi with a DDT. He covers, but only gets a two count. Kofi is back up and goes for a superkick, but McIntyre ducks and drops Kofi with the Future Shock! He covers: 1,......2,......,NO! Kofi kicks out! McIntyre and Kelly Kelly couldn't believe it!

Kelly Kelly is pacing around the ring and walks over to the timekeeper's table. McIntyre is trying to get some right hands on Kofi, but he comes back and starts teeing off on McIntyre and hits him with Trouble in Paradise! Kofi covers: 1,.......2,......Kelly Kelly pulls the ref's foot and stops the count! Kelly Kelly slides the Intercontinental Championship into the ring without the ref noticing and the ref gets in her face. Kofi shoves the ref aside and gets in Kelly's face. Kelly goes to slap him, but Kofi catches her hand. McIntyre grabs the ref and throws him into Kofi. He goes back and picks up the Intercontinental Championship. Kofi turns around and gets blasted! He throws the belt out of the ring and covers him. The ref crawls over to both men and counts the fall and we have a new Champion!​

Winner and NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Drew McIntyre

After the match:
McIntyre & Kelly Kelly celebrate as he is the NEW Intercontinental Champion!

Curt Hawkins crashes the party and rushes the ring. He hits the ring and spears McIntyre down and starts hammering away. Officials come down and pull Hawkins off of him, allowing McIntyre and Kelly Kelly to escape.
Back from the break and McIntyre is leaving the arena with Kelly Kelly.
Matt Striker: Looks like McIntyre and Kelly Kelly are heading for higher ground here.​
Michael Cole: Rightfully so because Curt Hawkins wants both of them.​
Matt Striker: I wouldn't want to be those two when Curt Hawkins gets his hands on them.​
The camera cuts back to Cole & Striker standing by at ringside.
Michael Cole: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, due to what happened, General Manager Teddy Long has booked a match next week between Drew McIntyre and Curt Hawkins for the Intercontinental Championship!​
Matt Striker: That should be something.​
Michael Cole: And that's not all Ladies and Gentlemen, Teddy Long made another match before SmackDown went on the air. After what happened at No Way Out between Team Big Show and The Corre, a 10 Man Elimination Tag Team Match has been booked with now all 5 members of The Corre against Big Show's team and Trent Barretta. All that plus the World Heavyweight Championship Match tonight.​
Matt Striker: What a night it's gonna be Michael!​
Michael Cole: And speaking of The Corre, Tiffany is standing by with all 5 of them.​
Tiffany: Thanks Michael, I'm standing by with all 5 members of The Corre and Tyler Reks was apparently added to The Corre this past Sunday at No Way Out and Wade, I have to ask, how did you guys recruit Tyler Reks into The Corre?​
Wade Barrett: Well, Tiff, first and foremost, I would like to say to Tyler Reks, on behalf of the group, welcome to The Corre. And to answer your question and not leave you in the dark. The Corre didn't recruit Tyler Reks. As much as you want to believe it, He came to US. He offered his services to us and we used it to our advantage, hence his apparent interference in our match last Sunday at No Way Out. So, basically, The Corre is already stronger that I had envisioned. But while I have time, I would like to address CM Punk who had some candid words for us on RAW this past Monday. I believe he said, "Knock on the Devil's Door and sooner or later somebody will answer you." Well, Punk as you can see I have not forgotten The Royal Rumble. As you can see, the issue between you and me is not over and as you can see, the War between The Corre and The Nexus is on the horizon. And as far as what you said goes, well, let's just say, if we ever arrive at the Devil's Door, I assure you we won't knock, we'll break the damn door in. And one last word to our opponents tonight, it's time we put you people in your place for good.​

Match 2:
Chavo Guerrero vs JTG

Both men tie up and we get some great chain wrestling between both men.
JTG finally gets the upper hand and catches Chavo with an arm drag takedown. He charges and takes him out a flying forearm. He covers, but gets a quick two count. Chavo backs up and begs off, but JTG stomps away on Chavo in the corner. He backs up and charges, but Chavo is able to counter and send JTG in the post and he falls to the outside. Chavo goes outside and stomps away on Chavo and talks trash as well. He whips JTG into the baracade. He charges, but JTG backdrops him and he lands to the concrete floor near the fans.

JTG races back in and breaks the ref's count and slides back out of the ring. He goes back to the baracade. Chavo is up and rakes the eyes of JTG. He gets on the top of the baracade and hits a sunset flip off the baracade on JTG on that padded floor below. Chavo is back up and gets back in the ring. JTG finally gets to his feet and gets in the ring before the ref can count him out. Chavo grabs JTG by the hair, but he counters and hits Chavo with some shots to the body. He whips off the ropes and catches Chavo with a tilt a whirl hurricanrana. He dragged Chavo to the corner. He climbs and goes for a moonsault, but misses! Chavo takes advantage, climbs up and drops the frogsplash on JTG for the win!​

Winner: Chavo Guerrero

Josh Matthews is standing by with LayCool.
Josh: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guests at this time.....Lay-Cool! And ladies, tonight, one of you will have to take on Natalya for the Divas Championship tonight, but she won't be alone because she'll have Beth Phoenix in her corner.​
Lay-Cool look at each other and push Josh away and turn towards the camera with all smiles.
Lay-Cool: Hi, Natalya! Hi Beth!​
Michelle: Y'know Lay, I was sitting around the house a few days ago and you won't believe what I was watching....​
Layla: *gasps* Tell me, tell me!​
Michelle: Our Tables Match with Natalya and her boyfriend at TLC.​
Layla: Ugh, it still makes me sick.​
Michelle: But Lay, it got me to thinking, we are....​
Lay-Cool: Lay-Cool!​
Michelle: And we're.....​
Lay-Cool: Flawless!​
Michelle: So, this is why I thought it'd be for the best if I face Natalya. That way once I win, we can become Co-Divas Champions again because face it, everybody wants and needs Lay-Cool as their Champions.​
Layla: Yay! We're going to get our titles back! Better you than me because I have a bad crick in my neck.... But wait 'Chelle what about Beth Phoenix?!!​
Michelle: Lay, Real Talk....you have nothing to worry about.​
Layla: Nothing?​
Michelle: Nothing.​
Layla: Pinkie Swear?​
Michelle: Pinkie Swear.​
They hook their pinkies together and do a pinkie swear as we go to Commercial.
In The Arena:
*****Come On!*****
Sean O’ Haire’s music hits and out he comes with Kaitlyn, Chris Harris, & that Masked Man from No Way Out. While they came down, replays are shown from No Way Out when that Masked Man helped Kaitlyn defeat Beth Phoenix.
Matt Striker: Uh-oh Michael, we have company.

Michael Cole: The Revolution went 3-0 last Sunday at No Way Out and that Masked Man had a lot to do with it. Maybe we'll find out just who he is.​
They all get in the ring, then Harris, Kaitlyn and the masked man line up as O' Haire gets on the mic and there some boos before he could open his mouth.
Sean O' Haire: If I can be serious for just a minute....​
His comment gets a chorus of boos from the crowd.
Sean O' Haire: Last Sunday at No Way Out, The Revolution went 3 for 3 just like I said we would. The three of us came out to this ring on Sunday Night Heat before the show went on the air and we said what we were going to do and we went out there and did it. This is why we are all better than you. We keep our word. We did what we said we were going to do.​
Fans boo him and start and Asshole Chant as he walks over to Chris Harris.
Sean O' Haire: Chris Harris said he was going to beat "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters and he did.​
He shakes his hand and moves down the line and stops at Kaitlyn.
Sean O' Haire: Kaitlyn said she was going to beat Beth Phoenix and she did.​
Matt Striker: It was a good win.

Michael Cole: Yea right

Matt Striker: She had to win a tough match Michael.

Michael Cole: And she had plenty of help doing it didn't she?​
He strokes her chin and she blushes as he goes back to the middle of the ring and faces the crowd.
Sean O' Haire: And then you have me. MVP, I told you what was going to happen. It was inevitable. I walked into the Steel Cage and not only did I win, but I beat you and I embarrassed you. We proved that we are the strongest entity in the WWE and we got a little stronger last Sunday with our new addition.​
He turns and faces the Masked Man.
Sean O' Haire: Before I remove this mask, this is a message to WWE Management. You need to really think twice before you let superstars.​
He removes the mask and it's Kaval!
Matt Striker: It's Kaval!

Michael Cole: Kaval was release from the WWE a few months ago!

Matt Striker: Has he been hired back?

Michael Cole: I have no idea.​
Sean O' Haire: This poor soul was released by the corrupt officials of the WWE and I demanded that they rehire Kaval. His talent, his attitude, his charisma are all extraordinary traits that will fit MY Revolution. This country was founded as people like us getting along. All our traits makes us so unique. Kaitlyn's beauty and brawn, Harris and his "I don't take S*** from anybody" attitude, Kaval's extraordinary talent, and of course my leadership and Charisma. What you see before you is the most powerful entity today, in the past and in the future and we are just getting started! But hey, I'm not telling you people anything that you don't already know.

His music hits and they all raise their arms in unity.
Beth Phoenix is walking down a hallway and runs into Vickie Guerrero.
Vickie: Hey Beth, where are you off to?​
Beth: Not that it's any of your business, but I'm going to meet up with Natalya because I'm going to be in her corner when she faces Michelle McCool for the Divas Championship and I'm going to make sure Layla doesn't do anything funny.​
Vickie: Natalya? Oh, I saw her in here.​
She points to a Locker Room and opens the door.
Beth: This is just a closet...​
Then, Vickie pushes Beth in and tries to close the door but Beth powers out and pushes the door, sending Vickie to the floor! She stalks Vickie, but then Kaitlyn comes out of nowhere and smashes some glass object over the back of Beth Phoenix's head! She drags Beth into the closet and closes the door!

Ziggler then comes out of nowhere with all these locks and chains and put them around the door trapping Beth in there. Vickie and Kaitlyn high-five and leave with Ziggler as we head to a Commercial.
Back from the Break and Lay-Cool's theme hits!
*****You're not enough for Me*****
Michael Cole: Well, I'm sure these two are proud of themselves.

Matt Striker: What do you mean?

Michael Cole: Come on Matt, you really think they didn't have anything to do with Beth Phoenix and Dolph Ziggler locking Beth Phoenix in that closet?

Matt Striker: Did you see Lay-Cool there?

Michael Cole: No, but....

Matt Striker: Ok then, don't point fingers if you can't back up the accusations Michael. Obviously, Kaitlyn still has some issues with Beth Phoenix.

Michael Cole: I'm just saying, Laycool was talking about having Beth under control earlier and all of sudden, she gets attacked by Kaitlyn and Vickie Guerrero and then gets locked in a closet.

Matt Striker: She should learn to be more careful.​
Natalya's theme hits and she makes her way out and she has a mic.
Natalya: You know something, I don't care what issues Kaitlyn and Vickie Guerrero have with Beth Phoenix, but I'll tell you this, I know you two had something with what happened to her. But unfortunately for you, she would want me to come out here and win the Divas Championship I'm more than capable than pulling the hair from both your heads right now!​
She rushes the ring and spears down Michelle as this match is underway!

Match 3:
Divas Championship Match
Natalya (c) vs Michelle McCool (w/Layla)

Natalya hammers away on Michelle until Layla gets on the apron. Natalya brings Layla into the ring and stomps away on her until Michelle attacks Natalya from behind. She hammers away on her and whips her into the ropes. Natalya ducks a right hand and comes back with a flying forearm taking out Michelle McCool. She covers, but only gets a two count. Michelle backs up and pleads, but Natalya grabs her by the hair. Michelle drags Natalya in and sends her into the ring post. The ref gets in her face which allows Layla to get a cheap shot in on Natalya. Michelle starts stomping away on Natalya in the corner as Layla is clapping at ringside. She whips Natalya into the opposite corner. She charges, but runs into a big boot from Natalya.

Natalya runs and hits a clotheslines. She drags Michelle back to the corner and hits a Tornado DDT. She covers, but gets two. Layla gets on the apron and tries to distract the referee, but Natalya decks her with a right hand. She turns around into a dropkick from Michelle. Michelle covers, but gets two again. She hooks Natalya up and hits a great suplex and floats over into a pin, but gets another near fall. Michelle waits for Natalya to get up again. She runs into a spinebuster. She hooks Michelle into the sharpshooter and Michelle is nowhere near the ropes.

Layla tries getting in the ring to distract the referee. Michelle is tapping, but the ref doesn't see it. Natalya gets up and pulls the ref aside. She turns around and Michelle plants her with a DDT. Beth Phoenix makes her way back down to the ring. She grabs Layla and decks her with a right hand. Vickie Guerrero comes down now and hits Beth in the back. Beth turns around and grabs her by the throat and decks her with a right hand. Layla comes from behind and nails Beth with the Divas Championship and tosses it in the ring. Natalya comes back out and decks Layla with a right hand of her own. The ref tells Natalya to get back in the ring. The ref goes to get in the ring, but Layla grabs a hold of the ref's leg. This allows Michelle to DDT Natalya on the title! She slides it out of the ring and the ref counts the fall.​

Winner and NEW Divas Champion: Michelle McCool
Michael Cole: Damn it, I can't believe this!

Matt Striker: What do you mean? What a win for Michelle!

Michael Cole: C'mon, it took Layla, Vickie Guerrero, and the Divas Title to beat Natalya!

Matt Striker: Well, the Divas Championship is back in the fold of Laycool!​
All 3 women celebrate in the ring, but then Beth Phoenix rushes the ring with a bat in her hand! Laycool and Vickie scatter from the ring. Beth is staring a hole through all 3 women before checking on Natalya.

Laycool and Vickie continue to celebrate as we go to Commercial.
Match 4:
10 Man Tag Team Elimination Match
The Corre (Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Ezekial Jackson, & Tyler Reks) vs The Big Show, Booker T., Rey Mysterio, “Dashing” Cody Rhodes, & Trent Barretta

The newest member of The Corre, Tyler Reks will start it off with Trent Barretta. Both men tie up and Reks backs Barretta into the corner. The ref calls for a clean break, but Reks goes at Barretta with right hands and boots until he's down on the last turnbuckle. He drags Barretta over to his corner, but Barrett connects with some shots to the body. Barretta goes behind Reks and hits a German Suplex for a two count. Barretta makes the tag to Cody Rhodes as Justin Gabriel gets the tag in for The Corre.

Rhodes and Gabriel tie up and Rhodes gets him in an arm wringer. Gabriel then does a flip, springs off the ropes and takes him down with arm drag takedown. He covers and gets a two count. Gabriel bounces him off the ropes, Rhodes ducks a right hand and catches Gabriel with a dropkick. He covers, but gets two. Rhodes stomps away and tags in Mysterio. Gabriel makes the tag in to Slater. Slater charges, but Rey ducks and catches him with a springboard DDT. He climbs the top looking for a moonsault, but nobody there. Slater covers and gets a two count. Slater bounces off the ropes, but Rey catches him with a baseball slide and a dropkick to the face. Slater crawls over to the ropes, but Mysterio spots him and hits him with the 619. He springs off the ropes and hits a seated senton. He covers; 1.....2.........3! Slater is outta here!​

Heath Slater has been eliminated.

Barretta gets the tag and he comes back in. Jackson gets the tag and Barretta runs into a clothesline from Jackson for a two count. He picks up Barretta and whips him into the corner. He charges, but Barretta gets his boot up. He runs out of the corner and Jackson catches him with a powerslam for a two count. He tags in Reks and he comes in and drops Barretta with the Day of Rekkoning for the elimination.​

Trent Barretta has been eliminated.

Big Show steps over the ropes and the crowd starts roaring as Show gets in. Reks isn't backing down as Show is ready. Reks goes for a right and Show gives him a headbutt. He brings Reks to the corner and delivers a big chop to his chest. Barrett comes in and Show headbutts him. Gabriel runs in and Show throws him out of the ring. Jackson comes in and Show kicks him in the chest sending him down. Team Show comes in and deals with the rest of The Corre. Reks turns around into the arms of the Big Show. Show chokeslams him with authority and Reks is gone!​

Tyler Reks has been eliminated.

Show poses and this match will continue after the commercial break.

Back from the break and Barrett has Booker in a side headlock. Booker connects with some elbows to the chest. He bounces off the ropes and Barrett takes him down with a reverse elbow. He stomps on him and starts talking trash. He turns to Big Show's corner and looks at them. Booker trips up Barrett with his legs and takes him down. Mysterio comes in and hits a legdrop from the top rope. Booker bounces off the ropes and hits a knee drop to the back of Barrett's head. He picks up Barrett and starts chopping him into the corner. He starts unleashing a flurry of right hands. Jackson comes in from behind and attacks Booker. This allows Barrett to stomp away on Booker. He tags Jackson back in. Booker clotheslines Barrett and superkicks Jackson. Booker tags in Rhodes and he comes in and dropkicks Jackson. He starts hammering away on Jackson, but he shoves Rhodes out of the way. Rhodes comes back, but Jackson takes his head off with a big time clothesline.

He tags in Gabriel and plants Rhodes with a suplex. He drags him to the corner and goes up top looking for the 450, but Big Show comes in and chokeslams Gabriel off the top rope to the mat! He leaves and both men are down. They crawl to their corners for the tag. Booker and Barrett get the hot tags. Booker comes in and catches Barrett with a spinning wheel kick. Gabriel comes in and gets bodyslammed. Barrett gets back up and Booker works him over with some right hands in the corner. Jackson comes in and clobbers him in the back. Rhodes comes in now and dropkicks Jackson out of the ring. Both team members are brawling all over the ring as Barrett and Booker are in the ring. Jackson goes around and gets a steel chair. Barrett whips Booker into the ropes and Jackson catches him in the back with a chair. Barrett takes advantage and hits the wasteland. He covers and eliminates Booker.​

Booker T. has been eliminated.

Rhodes comes back in and starts going to work on Barrett. He goes for the Cross Rhodes, but Barrett counters and sends him into the arms of Jackson who delivers a big time belly to belly suplex. Barrett finally tags Jackson back in legally and starts parading over Rhodes. He goes down to pick him up, but Rhodes surprises him with a small package and rolls him up, but only gets two! Jackson is up and he picks up Rhodes and drills him to the mat with a sitdown powerbomb. He covers and Rhodes is outta here.​

Cody Rhodes has been eliminated.

Jackson points to Big Show and he wants him as The Corre have a 3 on 2 advantage. Show gets in and we have a standoff. Both men tie up and Show throws Jackson down to the mat. Show is telling him to "Come On" as the crowd cheers. Jackson is up and starts going at Show with right hands, but he won't go down! Jackson bounces off the ropes and runs into the arm of Show. Jackson counters by chopping at the arm and bodyslams The Big Show! He covers; 1......2......NO! as Mysterio interrupts the count. Jackson goes after Rey, but he ducks and dropkicks Jackson into the turnbuckle. Jackson turns around into the arms of Show and gets dropped with a chokeslam! He covers Jackson and he is gone!​

Ezekial Jackson has been eliminated.

It's now 2 on 2: Wade Barrett and Justin Gabriel vs Big Show & Rey Mysterio. These 4 will get it on after this break!

Back from the Break and Rey Mysterio flies off the top rope and takes out Barrett with a diving crossbody. He covers, but Gabriel is there for the save. Mysterio tags in Show and he immediately goes to work on Barrett and works on him in the corner. Gabriel runs in and hops on Big Show's back. Big Show turns around and backs Gabriel into Barrett in the corner. Rey comes in and Big Show and Rey connect with Poetry in Motion on Barrett and Gabriel! Barrett and Show take their action to the outside as Mysterio stomps away on Gabriel. On the outside Barrett sends Show into the ring post. Rey climbs the top rope, but Barrett clocks Rey and straddles him on the turnbuckle. He falls to the mat and Gabriel gets in great position now. He climbs and comes off the top with the 450 splash! He covers Rey; 1......2.....3! Rey is outta here!​

Rey Mysterio has been eliminated.

Big Show is all alone now. Show is still out from the ring post as Barrett rolls him in the ring. Barrett tells Gabriel to hit another 450 splash. He climbs the top and comes off the top and hits it, but Show comes up with his hand around Gabriel’s throat! Whoa! He hoists Gabriel up high and delivers a Chokeslam to Gabriel and eliminates him.​

Justin Gabriel has been eliminated.

It's now down to Barrett and Show. Show is pleading for Barrett to come in the ring, but Barrett was very hesitant.​

Matt Striker: Wade Barrett is all by himself!

Michael Cole: Come on big man, get in the ring! Face The Big Show!​

Gabriel comes back and clobbers Show in the back. He picks up Gabriel again and lays him down with another chokeslam! The ref now is trying to get Gabriel out of the ring. Show turns right into a Chair Shot from Wade Barrett! What a shot! He drops the chair and delivers a DDT to Show on the chair. He then throws the chair out of the ring. Barrett covers him; 1........2.........3! It's Over!​

Winners: The Corre

Michael Cole: Damn it! Barrett couldn't beat Show one on one, so he had to use a Chair to get the job done.

Matt Striker: It doesn't matter how they won Michael, but they did. The Corre is as strong as ever Michael.​

The Corre members come back and raise their arms in Unity over Big Show’s body.
Edge is walking down a lighted hallway with a look of concern.
Michael Cole: Well folks, there is the World Champion Edge on his way with a Final one on one match with the Big Red Monster for the World Title. Edge, Kane, The Worlds Title is on the line, Next!​
Back from the Break as Edge's music hits and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion! He makes his down to the ring still with a look of concern.
After a dramatic pause....
Kane's pyro explodes and here he comes! Halfway down the ramp, Edge runs into Kane and brings the fight to him and starts hammering away. Edge starts getting some shots in on Edge until Kane comes back with an uppercut. Kane charges, but Edge sends him into the ring post. He picks up Kane and sends him back in the ring as this match is officially underway!​
Match 5:
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Edge © vs Kane

Edge goes for a quick pin and Kane powers out. Edge is up and gets back on the attack. He starts working over Kane with some right hands and gets Kane in an arm wringer. Kane twist around and clotheslines Edge down. He picks up Edge and whips him into the ropes and drops Edge with a powerslam for a two count. Kane drags Edge to the corner and tags up Edge with some uppercuts until the ref calls for a break. Kane goes for a right, but Edge ducks and he starts going to work on Kane with right hands. He goes to Irish Whip Kane into the other corner, but Kane counters and sends Edge into the corner. He charges and Edge gets his boot up. He then goes after Kane's knee with a chopblock. He starts working on that knee now. He starts stomping away on it. He drags his leg over to the ring ropes and drops his weight on the leg of Kane a couple of times. Edge now goes out of the ring and drags Kane's legs over to the ring post. He then wraps Kane's leg around the ring post. He tries to pull Kane in, but he countered and used his feet to send Edge into the baracade.

Kane leaves the ring now and goes after Edge. Kane finally gets to him and gets drop toe holded into the steel steps. Edge then grabs a Chair and aims for Kane's head, but he moves out of the way. Kane is up and drops Edge with a clothesline. He picks up Edge and hoists him on his shoulders. He sizes up Edge and sends him into the ring post. Kane now goes over and strips the announce table. Edge is up now and drops Kane with a spear on the outside! He grabs the monitor cord and drags it around Kane's neck and starts choking him out until the ref gets in Edge's face. Edge then starts bullying the ref around. Kane grabs Edge by the hair and throws him across the announce table! Edge is laying down and out at the feet of Cole and Striker. Kane picks him up and sends Edge back into the ring. He covers Edge, but gets a two count.

Kane picks up Edge and sends Edge into the corner. He charges and hits a thunderous clothesline on Edge in the corner. He then chokes out Edge with his boot in the corner. The ref calls for a break and Kane scares him off. Edge is up and trips Kane as he hits the middle turnbuckle. Edge backs up and goes back to work on Kane. He climbs the top rope and waits for Kane. Edge comes off the top and hits an amazing crossbody on Kane. 1,.......2,.......NO! Kane powers out at 2 1/2! Edge goes for the spear, but Kane moves out of the way and Edge gets the referee! Edge turns around and Kane looks for the chokeslam. He picks him up and drops Edge with force! He covers, but there's no ref as he's been taken out. Del Rio all of a sudden hops the baracade on the side by Cole & Striker and grabs the World Title belt. In the ring, Kane is up on the turnbuckle and comes off the top with a top rope clothesline!

Del Rio slides in the ring and lays out Kane with the World Title! Del Rio is celebrating and Kane sits up! Del Rio doesn't notice it and Kane grabs Del Rio at the back of the head. He goes for the chokeslam, but Del Rio low blows Kane and gets out of the ring. Kane turns around and Edge lays him out with a spear! Del Rio wakes up the ref and he comes to. Edge crawls over and covers Kane. The ref starts his count; 1,........2,........3! Game Over!​

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Edge

Matt Striker: Whaddya say Michael??!!

Michael Cole: That damn Alberto Del Rio screwed Kane out of the World Title! Kane has been shafted out of the World Title by Del Rio!​

Edge leaves the ring with the World Title. Kane sets up and looks around until he can find Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio is seen grinning from ear to ear and Kane stares him down.

Matt Striker: Well, Alberto Del Rio is sending a message to Kane: "If I can't be World Champion, you can't either!"

Michael Cole: Can you imagine what Kane is going to want to do when he gets his hands on Alberto Del Rio??!! Del Rio has screwed Kane out his last shot at the World Title! Damn it!​

SmackDown goes off the air.
Avitus25: Smackdown Review

I’ll be doing this live... just prefer to do it that way...

Nice decision to put another Kane v Edge match... maybe elaborate a bit on what you mean by “final”? Is it like a last chance match or what?... I liked Del Rio’s involvement, interested to see if he’ll be slotted in at some point soon? I’m guessing Edge will retain (because a Christian v Edge feud is just too good to miss up) and that Kane and Del Rio will feud head into Mania... sounding like a good line up there...

I liked the conclusion to this match on the PPV and you’re following it up here... Explanation was good... little bit different to anything you’d see on WWE and that’s definitely not a bad thing... Loving Michael Cole’s awkward outbursts here by the way... Was expecting Hawkins rather than Kofi so that was a nice surprise... Really nice match, liked Kelly Kelly’s interference, and I think it’s a perfect time to put the IC Belt on them... Was wondering when Hawkins would interfere... Am I sensing a three way going in to Wrestlemania?? Hawkins v McIntyre next week for the title? What about Kingston’s rematch?

Nice promo by Barrett... really like Reks as an addition to the group... Hoping there’ll be some kind of build for Chavo from here... Otherwise this match doesn’t seem particularly useful? The Laycool promo was just like them and was a nice build... nothing too major but filled a nice gap...

Nice choice for Kaval as the masked man... hope he gets a nice push from now on... this group is looking like it could be a major factor in your BT going forward... hope that’s true...

Knew something fishy as soon as Vickie was being nice... nicely done angle here... the match later on should be interesting now... Made Beth seem a little bit gullible to believe Vickie maybe?

Gonna go with McCool wining due to some interference here... Good match... yeah was right... glad to see you’re pushing LayCool strongly... I like how you’re using the Divas... Are LayCool maybe nearing the end of their run though?

Corre vs everyone... can see Corre going over here... would be strange if Reks wasn’t pushed strong... Mhmmm not sure about Reks going so early... Agree with the result though... hope this leads to a push for Barrett... two matches in a row ending with a DDT onto a foreign object though??? Maybe could’ve gone with something else for one of them...

Kane v Edge... would be surprised to have Kane win the title here... Maybe interference from Del Rio at some point? Ahhh good match... I was right... good to see Edge win... hope Del Rio might more specifically explain why he did what he did next week...

Really good show... liked how you’ve started building towards Mania... looking forward to the rest of the build up... if I had one comment to make it would be that only one of you 5 matches ended with a clean win, and that was one that seemed rather irrelevant? Maybe just something to think about? Keep it up though great work!

Hope to get a review back if you get chance...



JR: The TD Banknorth Garden is rockin as we welcome you to Monday Night RAW! Hello again Ladies and Gentlemen, Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler at ringside and King, after what was a very eventful RAW, Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena, and The Nexus are all in the house tonight!

King: JR, the match of the century has been made for WrestleMania, I'm talking about John Cena vs The Undertaker and you have the opportunity to interview Cena in that ring tonight!

JR: Tonight, Cena is going to tell us just why he challenged the Deadman and what this match means to him. Also, how about tonight's Main Event, it'll be John Morrison one on one with CM Punk. This going to be one volatile night!​

Match 1:
WWE Tag Team Championship Match
The Naturals (c) w/AJ Lee vs Evan Bourne & Mark Henry

Douglas is going to kick things off with Mark Henry. Both men tie up and Henry throws him down to the mat. Douglas gets up and charges him, but Henry drops him with a Belly to Belly suplex. He covers, but only gets two. He brings Douglas over to the corner and starts hammering away at the chest with some right hands. He whips him into the opposite corner and charges, but Douglas moves out of the way, bounces off the ropes and takes down Henry with a flying forearm. He covers, but gets two again. Douglas tags in Stevens and they drop Henry with a double suplex!

Stevens proceeds to stomp away on Henry, but he soon begins to come back. Stevens stops his momentum and whips him into the corner. He charges at Henry, but he gets caught and thrown back down to the mat. He tags in Bourne and he comes in and starts unloading with some right hands on Stevens. He starts nailing Stevens with some kicks to the body and ends with a kick to face. Douglas comes in and Bourne and gets backdropped for his troubles. He goes back to Stevens and he catches Bourne with a shot to the body. He whips Bourne into the ropes. Bourne ducks under a right, springs off the ropes and comes back with a Tornado DDT! He covers, but Douglas stops it.

He picks up Bourne and hits him with a great snap suplex. Stevens gets up and stomps away on Bourne. He whips him into the ropes and Henry blind tags him. Stevens drops Bourne with a HUGE flapjack. Henry comes up from behind him and hits a cool looking back suplex. Henry bounces off the ropes looking for the World's Strongest Splash, but Stevens moves out of the way. He tags in Douglas now. They pick up Henry and whip him into the ropes. Henry ducks under both men and drops them with a double clothesline! Henry crawls and makes the tag to Evan Bourne. Bourne comes and hits a step up Inziguiri on Stevens. He goes over to Douglas and hits a German Suplex.

He drags Douglas to the corner and goes up top for the Air Bourne. The ref is trying to get Henry out of the ring. AJ gets on the apron and shoves Bourne off the top turnbuckle and he crashes down to the mat. Henry now leaves the ring and stalks AJ Lee. She backs up as Henry stalks her. The ref is busy in the ring. Stevens runs around and levels Henry in the back with one of the tag title belts. Back in the ring and Bourne is working over Douglas in the corner until Stevens comes and superkicks Bourne in the back of the head. They hook up Bourne now and connect with Natural High. Douglas pins Bourne and this one is over!​

Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: The Naturals

The Naturals celebrate their win until.....
The Colons music hit and they make their way out with the microphones.
Primo: Well, well, well, congratulations on that win. I guess we see just why you two are the WWE Tag Team Champions. But here's the thing, you've been ducking and dodging us for some time now.

Carlito: You see, The Tag Team Championship belts are too cool for the two of you to be walking around with. Primo and myself see ourselves as the #1 Contenders. Long story short, we're out here to propose a challenge.

Primo: That's right, why don't you bring those Tag Team Titles to WrestleMania and Carlito and I will be more than happy to take them from you.​
Fans start cheering as AJ asks for a mic.
AJ: Primo, I never knew what I saw in you, but now I know. You don't think, you don't use your head. You've been riding The Naturals ever since we got to the WWE. But the two of you need to understand. We are the best team in the WWE and we're going to stay that away until somebody takes us off and it sure as hell won't be two losers like you.​

She hands the mic to Chase Stevens.

Stevens: You boys seem to have this game all mixed up. You don't tell us when to defend OUR Tag Team Titles. Who the hell died and left Cheech and Chong in charge of who faces who around here?​

Then, he hands the mic to Andy Douglas.

Douglas: It's simple, when we feel like defending the Tag Titles against you, it'll be our pleasure to hand the both of you your asses on a silver platter, but until then, the both you can go back to the Islands for all we care!​
King: Hahahaha

JR: Oh yeah, what great Tag Team Champions we have. What are they so afraid of? Afraid they'll get beat?

King: I doubt that JR, they're The Tag Team Champions.

JR: Then why don't they accept the damn challenge?

King: They just defended the tag titles JR and besides, you don't come out here and tell the Tag Team Champions what to do.​
Primo: Well, I guess we'll just have to change your minds.​
They both drop the mics and rush the ring and the fight is on! AJ flees from the ring as Carlito unleashes on Stevens. Primo dropkicks Douglas out of the ring and Carlito delivers some more right hands to Stevens and finally sends him out of the ring.
The Primo's music hits as they stand tall in the ring sending the Tag Team Champions away pissed.
Todd Grisham is standing by with Triple H.
Todd: Well, Triple H, last week you made a shocking return to the WWE and confronted Randy Orton. Well, I guess I'm just asking why last week, why that moment, and why Randy Orton?​
Triple H: I was standing in the back and I was listening to Randy Orton run his mouth about how he was the best superstar in the WWE and going on about he is the best wrestler right now. Now, I've been around this company for a while and that was something I had to address. I had to remind Randy Orton just where he came from and who got him where is now. Not to mention, he flapped his gums about how he could beat anybody at anytime. So, I'm right here, whenever he wants to.......​
Before HHH can finish, a chair slams against his back and he falls to the concrete. The camera pans up and it's Randy Orton! He kneels down to HHH and starts talking trash.
Orton: I couldn't help but notice that you were talking about me Hunter. Let's get something straight, only one man is responsible for my success and that's me. I'm warning you Hunter, you screw with me, I will take you out and this time you won't make a comeback because you'll be out for good.​
He then starts stomping away on The Game and hits him with the Chair one more time before we go to away to a Commercial.
JR: Welcome back to RAW Ladies and Gentlemen and just a few moments ago, Todd Grisham was trying to conduct an interview with Triple H and Randy Orton attacked him from behind.​
Replays are shown of what happened.
King: Well, I guess that's what HHH gets for running his mouth.

JR: For your information Einstein, he was not running his mouth, he was conducting a damn interview and Orton attacked him from behind like a coward, but I'll tell you this, Orton better hightail it out of Boston because I know Triple H and he is NOT going to let this slide.

King: Oh, Randy can take care of himself.​

Match 2:
Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Sheamus vs Yoshi Tatsu

Both men tie up and Sheamus backs Tatsu in the corner. He lets go and starts wailing on him with right hands and shoulder thrust until the ref finally gets him off. Tatsu comes back with some kicks to the body, but Sheamus quickly stops his momentum and clobbers him in the back. He whips Tatsu off the ropes. Tatsu ducks under a right hand and kicks Sheamus in the back of the leg. He whips off the ropes and dropkicks Sheamus in the back, sending him to the floor.

He goes over to the ropes. He sets up Sheamus for a springboard crossbody, but Sheamus catches him in mid air and drops him with a fall away slam on the floor. He slides in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. He picks up Tatsu and sends him into the steel steps. He poses to the crowd and gets booed. He picks him up and sends him back in the ring. He covers him, but only gets a two count. He stomps away on Tatsu. Then, he gets him in a chinlock. The fans start clapping and willing Tatsu to his feet. Tatsu catches Sheamus with some elbows to the body. He whips off the ropes, and Sheamus catches him with a powerslam for a two count.

He picks up Tatsu and Irish whips him in the corner. He charges and runs into Tatsu's boot. Tatsu climbs the top and comes off with a crossbody block. He covers Sheamus, but only gets two. He waits for Sheamus to get up and starts going at his body with several kicks and finally ends with a spinning back knocking Sheamus down. He whips Sheamus off the ropes and catches him with a flying forearm shot. Tatsu whips Sheamus into the turnbuckle and charges him but Sheamus elevates him up and over and out of the ring! The ref goes over to the ropes and starts his count. Then, all of a sudden, Daniel Bryan rushes the ring from the back and gets on the top rope. Sheamus turns around and Bryan takes him out with a HUGE dropkick. He waits for Sheamus to get and he tags him with the United States title, then he leaves the ring. Tatsu gets back in the ring and crawls over to Sheamus and covers him: 1,.......2........3! Tatsu has won!​

Winner: Yoshi Tatsu

JR: Yoshi Tatsu has upset the Celtic Warrior and he's on his way to WrestleMania to compete in the Money in the Bank TLC Match at WrestleMania!

King: Wait a minute JR, what about Daniel Bryan?

JR: What about him?

King: He clobbered poor Sheamus with the US Title.

JR: What about when Sheamus beat the hell out of Bryan last week?

King: I don't think I remember that.

JR: Oh no, of course not. Bottom Line Ladies and Gentlemen is that Yoshi Tatsu is the first man to Qualify for the Money in the Bank match for WrestleMania.​
After the match:
Bryan and Tatsu celebrate on the ramp as Tatsu moves on to the Money in the Bank TLC Match at WrestleMania as Sheamus is still knocked out in the middle of the ring.
Rosa Mendez is standing by with The Nexus.
Rosa: Well, Punk I'm sure you heard what Wade Barrett said on Friday Night SmackDown about The Nexus. Do you have a response to what he said?

CM Punk: You know Wade Barrett and that Poor Man's Nexus of his love to run their mouths every chance they get. But you know I don't blame him. If I were the leader of a faction and the group rebelled against me and kicked me out, I'd be pretty sore as well. That's all Wade Barrett is; a sore individual who had to conjure up some lesser faction to make himself feel relevant again and that's sad. But I will say this, as far as this "War" he mentioned on SmackDown between The Corre and The Nexus, I told you not to knock on The Devil's Door Wade, and now you got The Devil out of his chair and he's coming to the door. Don't let him open the door Wade. You are not ready for what awaits on the other side. I'm warning you for the last time.​
They walk off as we cut to ringside.

In the Arena:
*****I Came To Play!*****
The Miz theme music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with Alex Riley. He gets in the ring and asks for a mic as the fans boo him.
Miz: I'll make this short and sweet. Last week on RAW, Alex Riley and myself faced off against John Morrison and his Busta Rhymes wannabe Tag Team Partner. And in this ring, John Morrison pinned me 1,....2,....3.

Fans start cheering.

Miz: But if you think that this is the beginning of momentum for John Morrison, you are all WRONG!

Fans boo him and start an "Asshole" Chant.

Miz: You people are cheering for John Morrison and that's fine by me. That way, when I beat him at WrestleMania and show up on RAW the next night as WWE Champion, I tell you all to your faces that you were wrong! John Morrison is going to lose at WrestleMania and when I emerge still your WWE Champion.....

Bret Hart: Hey Hey, Miz!

Bret appears on the titantron to cheers as he interrupts The Miz.

Bret Hart: It hasn't been long, but I already can't stand the sound of your voice. You will have your chance to say everything to John Morrison to his face, next week as we are going to have the official contract signing for the match at WrestleMania. As far as tonight goes, I was going to book the two of you in singles matches against John Morrison and R-Truth, but since they both have matches, I can't do that, but I CAN however put the two of you in a Tag Team Match against the team of Carlito & Primo, The Colons! Good Luck Gentlemen.​

JR: Man, oh Man! The WWE Champion and Alex Riley against The Colons tonight!

King: This is not fair to our WWE Champion, JR!

JR: Well, that's what he gets for coming out here and running his mouth.​

R-Truth is seen making his way down to the ring.
JR: Well, R-Truth is on his way and Yoshi Tatsu has already earned his spot in the Money in the Bank Match, will R-Truth join him? He faces Ted Dibiase, Next!​
Match 3:
Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Ted Dibiase w/Maryse vs R-Truth

Both men come face to face and Dibiase slaps Truth in the face. Truth starts hammering away on Dibiase with some right hands. He battles him all the way to the corner and dropkicks him in the face with great agility. He backs up and charges Dibiase, but Maryse pulls him out of the ring. He leaves the ring and Dibiase uses Maryse as a shield to keep Truth at bay. Then, he pushes Maryse into Truth, then clotheslines him. He checks on Maryse before he sends Truth back in the ring. He stomps away on Truth before getting him in a side headlock. Truth starts to come back and gets to his feet. He backs Dibiase into the corner. He waits for him and hits a sidekick knocking him down. He waits for Dibiase and hits him with some right hands. He whips him off the ropes, misses a right hand, Dibiase goes for a shot, but does a split to duck, he comes back and hits an incredible dropkick. He covers, but only gets a nearfall. Maryse now gets on the apron to distract Truth and the referee. Dibiase grabs Truth from behind and goes for Dream Street, but Truth counters and drops him with a neckbreaker. He covers, and the ref makes the count, but Dibiase gets his shoulder up at 2. Truth stalks Dibiase and hits the Axe Kick! He makes the cover. 1,.......2,.....Alex Riley then pulls the referee out of the ring!​

JR: Wait a minute, what the hell is this? That damn Alex Riley!

King: Wait, JR Look!​

Then, Miz slides in the ring and drops Truth with the Skull Crushing Finale and leaves the ring as Riley sends the ref back in the ring. Dibiase then crawls over and makes the pin and the ref counts the fall.​

Winner: Ted Dibiase

King: Can you believe it JR! What a win for Ted Dibiase!

JR: Truth had this match won damn it. If it hadn't been for the WWE Champion and his sidekick.

King: Give Dibiase his due. He made the match and now he's in it! There's only one person to blame for this and that's John Morrison.

JR: How in the hell do you figure that?

King: Well, Truth and Morrison are good buddies, so that makes Truth a target as well.

JR: Well, Ted Dibiase has advanced to the Money in the Bank Match at WrestleMania, but I'll tell you this Miz and Riley are gonna get what's coming to them and it might be when they face The Colons later on tonight!​
In the Arena:

*****Burn In My Light*****

JR: Oh for God sakes...

King: What? It's Randy Orton.

JR: I know who it is, but why the hell is he still here? Hasn't he done enough damage tonight?

King: What do you mean? He didn't do anything.

JR: Aww the hell he didn't. He attacked Triple H from behind with a Chair.​

Orton saunders on down to the ring and does his pose before he asks for a mic.

Randy Orton: I know you people in Boston are somewhat brain damaged, so I'm going to speak slowly for you.​
The fans erupt into boos.
Randy Orton: I came out here to just refresh people's memories of what happened from last week up until now. Last week on RAW, I came out to this ring and all I did was ask to be added to the WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania because I still have unfinished business with The Miz. Then, out came Triple H and....​
Fans start cheering interrupting Orton.
Randy Orton: Yeah, he came out and got in my face and wanted to fight me. Triple H is nothing more than a violent man who loves to fight people all the time.​
King: He's got a point JR.​
Randy Orton: That's why I left the ring before I did something that I was going to regret. Now, he got in my face and that's something you don't do. So, let's fast forward to tonight. I was listening to Triple H run his mouth about the usual crap he always runs his mouth about. He went on about how great he was and how he got me to where I am today. But let me remind you of what happened after that. You see, after he got done running his mouth, I came in and preceded to kick his ass!​
JR: Yeah, from behind. Add that. Why don't you tell the truth?​
Randy Orton: Now, while he's in the back still getting my foot removed from his ass, I stand out here as the greatest superstar who has ever lived.​
Fans start booing and start up a "You Suck" Chant.
Randy Orton: Now, then let's move on to more pressing matters. Don't think I forgot about my case for the WWE Championship. You people know it and the fans sitting at Home know that I deserve to be in the WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania. And since Bret Hart won't give me another shot at The Miz, it looks like I'll have to take matters into my own hands. And what that means is.....​
JR: Wait a minute, it's The Game!

King: Randy look out!​
Triple H hops the baracade, gets in the ring and takes Orton down and starts hammering away on him. He takes off his jacket and starts going at Orton with right hands. Orton comes back and gets Triple H with a thumb to the eye. He goes for the RKO, but Triple H counters and goes for the Pedigree, but Orton low blows him and leaves the ring.

His music plays as he does his pose on the ramp and HHH stares him down as we go to Commercial.

JR: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, we're back here on Monday Night RAW and King last week, John Cena confronted The Undertaker and after an intense confrontation, Cena challenged The Undertaker to a one on one match at WrestleMania and The Undertaker accepted.​


JR: At WrestleMania, it will be John Cena one on one with The Undertaker.​

King: JR, I still don't know what Cena was thinking challenging The Undertaker, but I will tell you this. If there's one man who can take out The Undertaker, it's John Cena. Will he? I don't know JR and I doubt Undertaker is even remotely worried about him.​

JR: Well, I had a chance to sit down and have a one on one talk with John Cena about his match with The Undertaker.​
We cut to a taping of JR and John Cena sitting in a well lighted room with both of them sitting on a couch with plants and other paintings in the room.

JR: Well, John let's cut right to the chase. Why did you challenge The Undertaker to a match at WrestleMania?​

John Cena: Well, JR, it's all about Respect. It goes all the way back to a few weeks ago on RAW when I inadvertently hit Undertaker with a Chair and we both know I didn't mean to hit him. But I guess, he took it a lot more personal than I thought. I tried to explain it to him, but well, you saw what he did. Then, the next week he got in my face and told me it wasn't over until HE said it was over. So, when The Nexus beat me down and he came out, I knew he wasn't really out to help me, but to get another shot at me, so I struck before he did and gave him an FU. But he took it to another level and cost me the one thing I bust my ass for week in week out and that's a shot at the WWE Championship. THAT is when he really got my attention. So, to answer you JR, It's time for revenge. You may think it's just about him costing me the WWE Championship, but it's more than that. A lot of pride and a lot of respect are in this too.​

JR: And what about The Undertaker's unbeaten streak? Do you have any stake in that too?​

John Cena: To be honest with you JR, I didn't think about the streak until just last week before I challenged The Undertaker. That also made me challenge him. I thought about it. He cost me a shot at the WWE Championship and what better way to prove myself to him than to be the one to end his unbeaten streak. His streak is one of his biggest assets and I would like nothing more to beat him and not only earn respect, but end his streak. And to be fair to The Undertaker, I have a little streak of WrestleMania of my own. You see, I have never lost a one on one match at WrestleMania before because everybody doubts me and I love to prove them wrong and I don't intend on losing at WrestleMania.​

JR: Well, that brings me to my next question. Do you think you can end The Undertaker's streak? Of all the men that have tried: Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Randy Orton, Mark Henry, Ric Flair, Kane and the list goes on, do you think you can be the one to give The Undertaker his first loss at WrestleMania?​

He takes a deep breath, smiles and finally answers.

John Cena: Yes, I do. I've been in this company for a long time and I've grown and learned a lot and I've accomplished a lot. I fear nothing and I regret less and I'm not afraid of The Undertaker and I walk down to the ring at WrestleMania, I won't be afraid of The Undertaker. I'm nothing like the other guys he's faced. Don't get me wrong, I'm not boasting. I know it's going to take every thing I have to defeat The Undertaker, and I'm going to give Undertaker all of John Cena and then some.​

JR: Well, John, I guess I just have one last question: Where do you go from here? What happens to John Cena? And how do you plan on preparing for The Undertaker at WrestleMania?​

John Cena: Well JR, I have a few weeks before WrestleMania so I obviously have to get ready, train, do my Homework, because Undertaker isn't going to let his streak die so easily and I know I'm going to see him again before WrestleMania and JR, I'll tell you this, while there's breath in my lungs, I will NOT lose. I need to win and I WILL win.​
Match 4:
The Miz & Alex Riley vs The Colons

The Miz is going to start it off with Carlito here. Both men tie up as Miz back Carlito into the corner. The ref calls for a clean break and Miz goes for a right hand, but Carlito ducks. Carlito starts going at Miz with a flurry of right hands and ends with a big right hand that almost sends Miz out of the ring! He picks him up and Irish whips him into the opposite corner. He charges, but Riley pulls him out the way and Carlito goes right into the ring post. Miz now takes advantage and starts hammering away on Carlito and targets that arm. He wraps his arm on the top ring rope and applies pressure until the ref calls for a break. He whips Carlito into the ropes and puts his head down. Carlito flips off his back and dropkicks Miz in the back and he lands all the way out of the ring!

He tags in Primo and Miz and Riley are still on the outside. He goes out side and bangs the heads of Miz and Riley together. He grabs Miz and sends him back in the ring. Riley comes from behind and low blows Primo before sending him back in the ring. Miz starts stomping away on Primo and tag in Alex Riley. They hook up Primo and hit him with a double suplex. Riley goes for a cover, but he only gets a two count. He picks him up and whips him off the ropes. He misses a right hand, Primo misses a right, and Riley hits a great reverse elbow. Riley goes over to taunt Carlito which draws him in and distracts the referee. Riley, in the meanwhile, drags Primo back to his corner and he and Miz stomp away on Primo.

Miz gets the tag back in and drops Primo with a neckbreaker. He gets him in a surfboard submission now. Primo struggles for a minute and the fans get behind him as Primo starts to move and get up a little bit. He gets up and finally reverses the move and executes a northern lights suplex, but only gets a two count. Primo starts to crawl to his corner while Miz tags in Riley. Riley rushes over to Primo and grabs his foot, but Primo gets up and hits Riley with an Inziguiri. He dives and gets the hot tag to Carlito. He comes in and clotheslines Riley a couple times. Riley misses a right and Carlito dropkicks him. He runs over to Miz and dropkicks him off the apron.

Truth all of a sudden runs down and starts stomping away on Miz. He grabs Miz by the hair and sends him into the post and leaves the ringside area. In the ring, Carlito bodyslams Riley and hits a springboard elbow drop from the apron back into the ring on Riley. Then, Chase Stevens hops the baracade and pulls Primo down from the apron and sends him into the steel steps. AJ Lee comes down to the ring and gets on the apron and distracts the referee. This allows Andy Douglas to slide in the ring and blast Carlito with one of the Tag Title belts. He leaves and The rest of The Naturals leave the area. Riley crawls over to Carlito and puts his arm over him. The ref counts the fall and it's over!​

Winners: The Miz & Alex Riley

King: Wow, what a win for our WWE Champion and Alex Riley!

JR: Oh yeah, it took the whole 82nd Airborne for them to win this thing. Our Tag Team Champions and that Jezebel of theirs got involved every which way and they made damn sure The Colons didn't win this match.

King: Oh what are you talking about? What about the great effort by Alex Riley by getting the pinfall and beating Carlito?

JR: Are you blind or did you not see The Tag Team Champions take out both Carlito and Primo?

King: All I saw was a great Tag Team win by The Miz and Alex Riley!

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, you'll have to excuse the King. His head is so far up The Miz's ass.....

King: Hey hey hey JR! This is a kid's show y'know.​
There's a split screen with John Morrison on the left and CM Punk on the right.

King: Uh-oh JR, look at this.

JR: Ladies and Gentlemen our Main Event is only a heartbeat away and it should be a good one. CM Punk the leader of The Nexus will battle John Morrison. It's Live and it's Next!​

Match 5:
CM Punk vs John Morrison

Both men circle the ring for a while until they finally lock up. They both jock for position for a while until they finally find themselves in the corner. Punk starts hammering away on Morrison and putting the boots to his midsection, but Morrison fights back and comes back with right hands. He bounces off the ropes, but gets tripped up by Mason Ryan. Punk takes advantage and hits a legdrop on the back on Morrison's neck. He rolls him over and pins him, but only gets a two count. He sits him up and kicks him in the back. He bounces off the ropes and delivers a dropkick to Morrison's midsection taking him down. He covers, but gets another two count.

Punk sends Morrison into the corner. He backs up and charges into Morrison, but does a cool move to get out of the way and onto the apron and Punk goes shoulder first into the steel ring post. He gets back in the ring, springs off the middle ring rope and catches Punk with a kick to the face taking him down. He goes for a cover and gets a two count. He picks up Punk and delivers some right hands until they get to the ropes. Morrison Irish whips him, but Punk reverses and catches Morrison on the run with a knee to the midsection. He walks over to Morrison and stomps away on him working over that midsection. He picks Morrison up and hits a great snap suplex and floats over into a pinning combination, but only gets a two count.

He looks at the referee and goes back to work on Morrison and gets him in a chinlock. The fans cheer on Morrison and he finally gets to his feet. He connects with some elbows to the chest and forces Punk to break the hold. Morrison bounces off the ropes and Punk catches him with an amazing powerslam out of nowhere. He covers, but he gets a long two count. Both men get to their feet and Punk nails Morrison with a right hand. Morrison comes back with a right hand of his own. Punk goes for a right, but Morrison counters with a right of his own. He hits Punk with two more right hands. Morrison misses the third right, but Punk ducks and catches Morrison with a kick to the side of the head.

Morrison falls down and Punk covers him. The ref counts. 1,......2,.....NO! Morrison just gets that shoulder up off the mat. Punk starts getting frustrated and attacks Morrison again. He works Morrison over to the corner. Punk sets up Morrison for a monkey flip, but Morrison lands on his feet. Punk runs into a HUGE flapjack by Morrison. He drags Punk over to the corner and sets up Starship Pain and hits it! He hooks the leg. 1,.....2......, NO! Punk gets his shoulder up off the mat. Morrison now calls for the moonlight drive. He gets Punk's head, but Husky Harris gets on the apron. He dropkicks Harris in the legs and he falls off the apron. He turns and Punk drops him with a belly to belly suplex.

He covers, but gets another near fall. The Miz and Alex Riley make their way down to ringside now and it does not look good for Morrison. Morrison gets to his feet and starts hitting Punk with some right hands. He backs up and falls on the ropes. Punk charges, but Morrison backdrops Punk over the top rope and into the arms of Mason Ryan. The Miz gets in the ring, but Morrison quickly throws him right out of the ring. Alex Riley starts going at Morrison, but he counters and drops Riley with the Moonlight Drive. The Nexus huddle at ringside and surround the ring until.....​

*****End of Days!*****

JR: Wait a minute, that's The Corre's music.​

Wade Barrett comes out and walks down the ramp by himself.

JR: King, it's Wade Barrett!

King: I see, but what's wrong with this picture JR? There's only one of him and 5 members of The Nexus.​

Wade Barrett then points to up in the stands and coming down the stairs are Ezekial Jackson and Tyler Reks. He points the opposite side of the Arena and on that side are Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel!

Barrett starts laughing as The Corre members surround The Nexus! Barrett says "Now" and all the members of The Corre charge The Nexus and both factions begin to brawl!

King: Ahhh!

JR: Here we go King! The fight is on in Boston! The Corre and The Nexus are gettin it on before our very eyes!​
Back in the ring and Miz and Riley are double teaming John Morrison, but R-Truth rushes the ring and evens the odds. Truth goes to work on Riley and knocks him out of the ring and follows him out. Morrison starts working over Miz in the corner and clotheslines him out of the ring! Back on the outside and Barrett throws Punk back in the ring. Morrison grabs him from behind and drops him with The Moonlight Drive! He covers him; 1,......2,.....,3! Morrison wins it!​

Winner: John Morrison

The Corre and The Nexus continue fighting all the way to the back, but back in the ring. Riley sends R-Truth into the steel steps. Morrison is celebrating his win and Miz comes from behind and low blow. He places the title on the mat and drops Morrison with the Skull Crushing Finale on the WWE Championship!​

JR: For the love of gawd, the skull crushing finale on the title belt!

King: I knew it JR! I knew The Miz wasn't going to let Morrison have all the glory!​

Miz's theme music plays as he and Alex Riley stand tall over Morrison and Truth is still knocked out on the outside.

JR: The WWE Champion is standing tall tonight, but you better believe there's going to be hell to pay next week on RAW!​

RAW goes off the air.
I'll egt you a review for RAW bro. The show was interesting. The Naturals have been built up as a solid and tough to overcome team, but The Colons are going to try. I'm interested to see where it goes, but I have a tough time seeing The Naturals going down easy.

Orton attacked Triple H, tonight. Not sure what it accomplishes in terms of him wanting another shot at the title, but he showed The Game not to mess with him, but I feel that he is going to regret it.

Yoshi with the win over Sheamus with help from D-Bry, a huge shocker but Bryan and Sheamus are heating up, let's see where they go.

Miz and Riley running their mouths as usual. Sound pretty cocky and it's going to come back to bite them in the butt. Haha. Colons vs. Riley and Miz isn't the most exciting but it'll do. And they cost R-Truth a shot at Money in the Bank, getting their revenge for their loss last week.

Orton sounding cocky again, nothing new, but he explains himself. And Triple H wants revenge. Orton with the low blow, harsh. I am interested to see where this goes.

Cena interview, and he explains why he wants at Taker. Simple, yet effective, and it makes sense. This will be one HUGHE match with major implications. I'm expecting it to main event and I will be disappointed if it is anything short of amazing.

Miz and Riley steal the win, and they look good still, I like it. And The Naturals get revenge in the process, nice.

Main Event time. Morrison and Punk battle it out like only they can, writing another chapter in their long history. And here come's The Corre. Faction Warfare, all hell is breaking lose! These two stables are boiling and want to resolve their differences the WWE way - through fighting. And Punk loses yet doesn't look too weak, and Morrison gets the win, I like it. He is gaining momentum nicely, could be a real threat to The Miz on the grandest stage of them all. And Miz and Riley with the attack to end the show, and they look strong still, and Miz will be tough to beat, no doubt.

Solid show overall, good work bro.



Michael Cole: Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to Friday Night SmackDown! The Rose Garden in Portland, Oregon is jacked and ready for SmackDown action! Michael Cole & Matt Striker here at ringside and partner, what a night we have lined up.

Matt Striker: You said it, we are going to have 2 Money in the Bank Qualifying Matches and not to mention Drew McIntyre defending The Intercontinental Championship against Curt Hawkins!

Michael Cole: I can't wait to see that and also, I want to hear the explanation as to why Alberto Del Rio screwed Kane out of the World Heavyweight Championship last week.​

In the Arena:

*****You know it's The MacMilitant*****
Theodore Long's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring and he looks like he's all business. He gets in the ring and gets on the mic.

Theodore Long: Let's not waste any time and let's cut right to the chase playas! Alberto Del Rio! Come out to this ring, right now and explain your actions!​

Alberto Del Rio's theme hits and he comes out his signature Rolls Royce honking the horn obnoxiously.
Michael Cole: Looks like we won't have to wait long to find out about Alberto Del Rio.​
He gets in the ring with Ricardo Rodriguez and he has a big smile on his face.
Theodore Long: Well Alberto, let's not waste any time and beat around the bush. Why did you attack Kane last week and cost him his World Heavyweight Championship Match with Edge?​
He hands the mic to Alberto Del Rio and the crowd starts booing and start a "You Suck" Chant.
Del Rio: Teddy Long, Amigo, you should be thanking me for what I did. I did what was best for SmackDown. Nobody wants to see Kane as The World Heavyweight Champion. I did you a favor and saved SmackDown's WrestleMania Main Event. These people want....no these people need Alberto Del Rio as their World Heavyweight Champion. And if I can't be World Champion, nobody can.​
Fans erupt into boos and start an Asshole Chant.
Del Rio: My Amigo Christian is an exception because he actually beat me. But I will not allow that "thing" to hold such a precious title. Not as long as Alberto Del Rio is on SmackDown. It is MY Destiny to win the World Heavyweight Championship, not Kane's. He had two title matches and LOST them both and a third was not necessary. That is why I did what I did. And one day these people will thank me for it.​
Fans continue to boo him as he passes the mic back to Theodore Long.
Theodore Long: Well, that's quite an explanation playa, but it does not excuse what you did last week. So, here's what we're gonna do playa, I looked through your schedule and I looked through Kane's schedule and the both of you are free around WrestleMania.​
Fans start cheering.
Matt Striker: Uh-oh, wait a minute.​
Theodore Long: It's very simple playa, Alberto Del Rio one on one with Kane at WrestleMania!​
Fans erupt into cheers as Del Rio is irate as Ricardo tries to calm him down.
Michael Cole: Oh My! Kane and Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania!​
Del Rio: Wait a minute, you can't do that!​
He starts speaking in Spanish until Long cuts him off.
Theodore Long: Hold on playa, you seem to forget that I run this show and I can do whatever I want playa. You want to play games, you won the Grand Prize: A Match with Kane at WrestleMania!​
Matt Striker: This is an abuse of power. Our General Manager is on a Power Trip!

Michael Cole: Del Rio is getting just what he deserves if you ask me.​
Theodore Long: And as far as tonight goes, you're going to have your first taste of the Kane because I'm making a match. It'll be Kane and a partner of his choosing and they will take on Alberto Del Rio and a partner of his choosing! Holla Holla Holla!​
Michael Cole: Wow!

Matt Striker: This is not right!​
Long's music plays as Del Rio is still talking trash and being held back by Ricardo Rodriguez.
Michael Cole: What a way to start off SmackDown! Alberto Del Rio will face Kane at WrestleMania, but not only that, but both men will have to find partners to face off in a Tag Team Match here tonight!

Matt Striker: This is not fair to Alberto Del Rio. He was just doing what was right for SmackDown.

Michael Cole: Well, Kane is going to be gunning for Del Rio. We'll see what happens and what partners both men are going to choose.​


Match 1:
Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston

Both men circle the ring and Gabriel gets on the apron which distracts Kofi and he goes after him. Barrett attacks Kofi from behind and begins going to work on him. He whips Kofi off the ropes now. Kofi ducks under a right hands, comes back and catches Barrett with a flying reverse elbow. He covers and gets a two count. He picks Barrett up and hits him some forearm shots. He goes whip Barrett into the ropes, but he reverses. Kofi goes off the ropes and gets tripped up by Heath Slater. Slater brags, then Kofi hits Slater with a baseball slide sending him into the baracade. He turns around and gets beheaded by Barrett with a clotheslines. He crawls over for a pin, but gets a two count.

He drags Kofi over to the ring ropes and chokes him out on the bottom ring rope. He goes over and poses to the crowd as the other Corre members clap and cheer for him. He goes back over to Kofi and he catches him with some shots to the body. He whips off the ropes, but Barrett catches him on the rebound and puts him down with a knee to the midsection. He picks him and whips him hard into the corner. He saunders over to Kofi. Kofi hits Barrett with shoulder thrust and he takes him and down and rolls him up into a bridge pinning combination. The ref makes the count, but Kofi gets a long two count. Barrett gets back up quickly and takes Kofi down with an elbow to the jaw.

He brings Kofi over to the ropes and starts laying into him with shoulder thrusts. He hammers away on Kofi until the ref calls for a break. He whips Kofi into the corner, but amazingly Kofi runs up the turnbuckles, turns around and takes Barrett down with a HUGE moonsault into a pinning combination. But Barrett manages to get his shoulder up at 2. He whips Barrett into the ropes and Kofi leaps over him with amazing agility! Barrett stops and catches Kofi with a sweet looking Dragon Suplex for a two count. He sits Kofi up and gets him in a chinlock. The fans will Kofi on and he makes his way up finally and starts getting shots to the body. He gets Barrett to break the hold and he whips off the ropes, but Barrett catches him with a powerslam. He covers, but gets another near fall.

He whips Kofi into the corner. He runs into him, but Kofi gets his boot up. He climbs the ropes and comes off the top with a HUGE crossbody. What elevation! He covers Barrett, but gets a nearfall. He catches Barrett with a dropkick, bounces off the ropes and hits the Boom Drop for a two count. Slater gets on the apron and distracts the referee while Tyler Reks gets in the ring and drops Kofi with a powerbomb and leaves the ring. Barrett crawls over to Kofi, then all of a sudden.....​

*****We Are One*****
Michael Cole: Wait a minute, that's The Nexus' music!

Matt Striker: What are they doing here?!!

Michael Cole: The Nexus and The Corre got into it on RAW Last Monday night. It's time for Round 2!​
The Nexus' theme hits in the Arena and drives the fans into a frenzy. The 4 Corre members outside of the ring walk halfway up the entrance ramp waiting for the Nexus to come out as the ref is looking that way too.​

Matt Striker: Well, where are they? Don't tell me they chickened out.

Michael Cole: Wait a minute, look!​

CM Punk hops the baracade in the midst of all this, slides in the ring and low blows Barrett. He picks him up and drops him with GTS and leaves the ring. The Corre members finally spot him, but Punk quickly retreats through the crowd! Kofi crawls on top of Barrett. 1,......2,......3! Kofi wins!​

Winner: Kofi Kingston

Matt Striker: Come on now Michael, you know this is not right.

Michael Cole: Well, fair or not, The Nexus get a measure of revenge for RAW and cost Barrett a shot at the Money in the Bank Match at WrestleMania. Kofi advances, but we another Qualifying Match still to come tonight!​
Laycool are backstage, walking down a hallway with equipment all over the place.

Michelle: Speaking of Men, how funny was it when Beth Phoenix got locked in that broom closet?

Layla: OMG, it was so funny, I almost tweeted it. Talk about Dum with a capital Duh.

Michelle: A capital what Lay?

Laycool: Duuuhhhh!!!

Michelle: But it all worked as I am the new Divas Champion.

Layla: Don't you mean, we are?

Michelle: Um, sure Lay.

She laughs and they run into Vickie Guerrero.
Vickie: Well, well, if isn't my good friends Laycool. I need your help. Beth Phoenix is looking for me and I need you two to protect me.

Michelle: Whoa, hold on, that Big Amazon is your problem, not ours.

Vickie: But...

Layla: Yeah, we didn't tell you and Kaitlyn to beat her up and lock her in the Broom Closet.

Vickie: Yeah you did!

Michelle: Vickie, real talk, I think you're starting to lose it.​

Amidst all this, Teddy Long makes his on the scene.

Teddy Long: Hey Ladies, I was looking for the two of you. It's nice to see that Laycool has their Divas Titles back. Almost looks like you're Tag Team Champions. And that gives me a great idea. Seeing as how all 3 of you wanna screw around with Beth Phoenix, here's what we're gonna do. Tonight, on SmackDown, Laycool, the two of you will face the team of Beth Phoenix & Natalya for those same Divas Championships.​
Laycool start to argue and Vickie laughs out loud.
Teddy Long: Laugh it up Vickie because seeing as how you and Kaitlyn were involved in luring Beth into the Broom Closet in the first place, you have the task of facing Beth Phoenix one on one next week on SmackDown!​
Fans erupt into cheers as Vickie is speechless.
Teddy Long: Holla Holla Holla!​
He says that and walks off as Laycool try to conceal their laughter, then burst out in laughs.
Layla: You ok Vickie? You want a Soda?

Michelle: Yeah, do you need a hug?​
Vickie walks off like she just got the worst news of the day as Laycool continue to laugh as we head to a Commercial Break.
Tiffany: Welcome back to SmackDown everybody and my guest at this time, The NEW Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre and Kelly Kelly!​
The camera pans to both of them as Kelly is all over Drew and rubbing his IC Title.
Tiffany: Drew, how do you feel that later on tonight, you'll have to defend your Intercontinental Championship against Curt Hawkins?​
Kelly: Babe, can I get this one? Curt, let me explain something to you. You have some nerve ruining my baby's celebration when he became the new Intercontinental Champion last week. Tiff, Curt Hawkins is nothing more than a bitter little child that got his heart broken. Boo-hoo.​
She laughs and gives McIntyre the mic.
Drew: Curt, my good friend. Somehow, I figured you weren't gonna learn your lesson after that beating I gave to you at No Way Out. Maybe after tonight, you will finally learn your lesson. But just remember, you asked for this. You made you bed and now you have to sleep in it Laddie. Tiffany, you want to know what I'm going to do to Curt Hawkins? I'm going to take the last bit of his Pride and crush it. It'll be as easy as 1,...2,....3.​
They both laugh and walk off.

Match 2:
Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Dolph Ziggler vs Chris Masters

Both men circle the ring. Ziggler stops and shows off his muscle to Masters and shows off his abs. Masters scoffs and looks the crowd and shows his physique and the girls go crazy. Ziggler tries to attack him from behind, but Masters backdrops him out of the ring. He leaves the ring and starts hammering away on Ziggler before sending him into the steel steps. Vickie stalks Masters with her boot, but he spots her. He starts to go after her, but Ziggler pushes Masters into the ring post. He slides in and out of the ring to break the ref's count. He brings Masters over to the baracade and bounces his head off the ropes and starts hammering away. He finally sends Masters back into the ring. He slides into the ring and goes for a quick cover, but only gets a two count.

He picks Masters up and hammers away. He bounces him off the ropes. Masters ducks under a right hand, but Ziggler catches him on the rebound with a sweet dropkick. He covers again, but gets another two count. Then, he starts arguing with the referee. He starts stomping away on Masters. Masters begins to fight back and he fights back up to his feet and hammers away on Ziggler. He bounces him off the ropes lowers his head, and Ziggler nails him in the face with his boot. Ziggler bounces off the ropes again and Masters catches him and picks him up into a Gorilla Press Position. He press slams him down to the mat and shows off his muscles.

Before he could capitalize, Sean O' Haire makes his way out, but stops at the entrance ramp. Masters spots him and he wants him to come down to the ring. Ziggler attacks him from behind now. He starts hammering on his back until Masters pushes him down to the mat. He waits for Ziggler to get up and clotheslines him inside and out! He goes for a covers, but Ziggler, gets his shoulder up at two! Ziggler crawls over to the ropes and the ref checks on him. Chris Harris hops the baracade and grabs Masters foot and Vickie gets on the apron. Masters kicks Harris in the face and down to the floor, but the ref is busy with Vickie Guerrero. Ziggler comes up from behind and low blows Masters. Vickie drops from the apron and Ziggler drops Masters with the Zig Zag and gets the win.​

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match:
Ziggler and Vickie celebrate as Sean O' Haire and Chris Harris leave like nothing even happened.

Michael Cole: Sean O' Haire and Chris Harris look like they have unfinished business with The Masterpiece and cost him a slot in the Money in the Bank Match at WrestleMania.

Matt Striker: Michael, why don't you focus on the important news, Dolph Ziggler is one step closer to becoming the next Mr. Money in the Bank!​

Laycool is walking down the hallway.

Matt Striker: Oh Michael, look.

Michael Cole: The walk of shame for Laycool. Will it be a short reign for the Divas Champions as they put both belts on the line against Natalya and Beth Phoenix, next!​


Match 3:
Divas Tag Team Championship Match
Laycool vs Beth Phoenix & Natalya

The Bell rings and Natalya looks like she's going to start things off and Laycool are playing Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who will start it off. Beth and Natalya get fed up and attack both Divas. Beth drags Layla outside and starts hammering away on her and Natalya goes to work on Michelle in the corner. She whips her into the opposite corner. She charges, but Michelle manages to slide out of the ring. Beth comes up from behind and throws Michelle back in the ring. Michelle is yelling at Beth and Natalya comes up from behind and drops Michelle with a back suplex. She then precedes to get Michelle in the sharpshooter, but Layla runs in and clotheslines Natalya to break the hold and quickly scoots out of the ring. Michelle takes advantage and stomps on the lower back of Natalya. She picks her up and connects with a suplex and floats over into a pin, but gets a two count.

She brings her over to her corner and tags in Layla. They come in and hit a double suplex on her. Layla continues to work on that lower back as she locks in a Boston Crab submission. Natalya is able to make it to the ropes and Layla has to break the hold. Michelle claps and cheers as Layla bows to her. She brings her over to the corner and starts working on the abdomen of Natalya, but she quickly fires back with right hands and takes Layla down with a dropkick. She waits for Layla to get up and takes her down with a series of clotheslines. Then, she nails Michelle for good measure knocking her off the apron.

Beth pleads for the tag and Natalya tags her in. She comes in and can't wait. Layla turns around and Beth picks her up hoisting her high over head! Michelle comes in now. Beth press slams Layla and powerslams a charging Michelle. She covers, but only gets a two count. Layla is lying down in the corner and Natalya charges, but Layla trips her and she lands face first into the middle turnbuckle. Layla then throws her out of the ring. Vickie Guerrero now makes her way down to the ring and starts talking trash to Beth Phoenix. Beth is telling her to bring it on. Michelle tries to attack from behind, but Beth picks her up and press slams her out of the ring and onto Vickie Guerrero! As she celebrates, Layla rolls up Beth and hooks the tights for the win!​

Winners and STILL Divas Tag Team Champions: Laycool

Michael Cole: Hey, wait a minute!

Matt Striker: What?

Michael Cole: What do you mean what? She had the tights!

Matt Striker: I saw Layla pin Beth Phoenix in the middle of the ring.

Michael Cole: Are you watching the same match I am? You didn't see Layla grab a handful of Beth Phoenix's tights?​

After the match, Laycool and Vickie escape with the Divas Championship belts and celebrate on the top of the ramp before leaving.

Matt Striker: I saw a great victory by Laycool.

Michael Cole: Well, Vickie will damn sure get hers next week when she goes one on one with Beth Phoenix!​

Curt Hawkins walked out his Locker Room and he looks all business.
Michael Cole: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, Curt Hawkins has a chance at some revenge on Drew McIntyre as he challenges Drew McIntyre for the Intercontinental Championship. It's Next!​
In the Arena:
*****In the Middle of it Now*****
Curt Hawkins theme hits and he makes his way down to the ring.
After a dramatic pause.....
*****Broken Dreams*****
Drew McIntyre's theme hits and we await the arrival of the Champion, but he doesn't come out. Instead, Kelly Kelly comes and makes her way down to the ring with a microphone in hand smiling to a chorus of boos from the crowd.

She gets in the ring and gets ready to speak before the crowd starts a **** Chant.

Kelly Kelly: Curt, curt, curt. It's been a quite some time since we've been face to face hasn't it. I'm trying to remember the last time we were in the same ring. Oh, that's right, isn't that when I hit you in the back with a Chair?​
Michael Cole: She has some nerve.

Matt Striker: Quiet Michael, I can't hear her.​
Crowd boos and Curt starts smiling.
Kelly Kelly: I'm sorry I had to do it Curt. I mean after all, you just....weren't my type. I'm with a real man now. You may have heard of him. Drew McIntyre? The Intercontinental Champion? The man who embarrassed you at No Way Out? Or better yet, the man who's going to beat down what's left of you in just a few minutes?​
She laughs and Curt grabs the mic out of her hand, changing her facial expression.
Curt: You know, Kelly, I thought long and hard about what I was going to say when we were finally face to face. You see, I could complain, but where would that get me. I'm about to quote one of my favorite wrestlers because Kelly, I see now for what you truly are.​
Fans start cheering a little bit.
Michael Cole: Uh-oh

Matt Striker: Wait a minute, don't you dare.​
Curt: And that is....a filthy, dirty, disgusting, brutal, bottom-feeding trash bag tramp!!​
Kelly's jaw drops and she goes to slap Hawkins, but he grabs her hand and bends her over her knee. He goes to spank her, but McIntyre hops the baracade, slides in the ring and clobbers Hawkins in the back of the head with the Intercontinental Championship.

Crowd boos as McIntyre precedes to stomp away on Hawkins. McIntyre leaves the ring and grabs a chair from the ringside area. Kelly starts stomping away on Hawkins herself now.
Michael Cole: Somebody stop this! These two are getting out of control!

Matt Striker: Curt Hawkins made his bed and now he's sleeping in it Michael.​
McIntyre asks Kelly Kelly to move out of the way. Hawkins gets up and turns around and McIntyre BLASTS him with a HUGE Chair shot!
Michael Cole: My God! What a shot with the Chair right in the head!

Matt Striker: I admit, it's a bit much, but at least a lesson is being taught here Michael.​
Hawkins is now a bloody mess and McIntyre begins hammering away on him even more. Kelly is even smiling through all of this. A wave of officials and other personnel make their way down from the back and take McIntyre off of Curt. McIntyre and Kelly Kelly then start hammering away on some of the referees. McIntyre grabs Hawkins and hits him with The Future Shock.
Michael Cole: Damn it! That's enough!​
McIntyre and Kelly Kelly look on at the damage they did. They make out in the ring and leave as McIntyre's music hits.
Matt Striker: Michael, you may not like it, but it had to be done.

Michael Cole: How dare you even condone what just happened. What else can happen here tonight?​
Michael Cole: Well folks, we're back here on Friday Night SmackDown and words can't even describe what we just witnessed a moment ago. It was supposed to be Drew McIntyre defending The Intercontinental Championship against Curt Hawkins, but Kelly Kelly came out instead and after their war of words, this happened.....​
The replay of McIntyre & Kelly Kelly beating down Hawkins is shown again.
Matt Striker: It was a horrible attack, but now maybe this issue between these two will finally be over.

Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, we hope to bring you an update on Curt Hawkins condition later on tonight.​
Josh Matthews is standing by.
Josh: My guests at this time are The Corre!​
Camera pans over to The Corre who do not look to be in a good mood.
Josh: Well gentlemen, I know you all are upset at the Nexus, specifically you Wade since CM Punk delivered the GTS to you costing you a spot in the Money in the Bank TLC Match at WrestleMania.​
Wade looks at Josh and gives a look to Tyler Reks. Reks then knees Matthews in the midsection and sends him into some crates. He picks up the mic and hands it to Wade.
Wade Barrett: Punk, you know what. You didn't learn your lesson Last Week on RAW when we all beat down The Nexus on your own Home turf. No. You had to come out here and cost me a match to get into the Money in the Bank Match at WrestleMania. Well, let's get something straight right now, on RAW, you called us a Poor Man's Nexus? Let's clarify something, the only thing poor in the WWE is that sad Nexus I see on RAW every week. A former shell of what they used to be. But Punk, you've made it clear that you want a War. You want a war, The Corre will be more than happy to bring it to you. You want a War? Well, buckle down Punk and get ready because the WWE isn't big enough for the both of us and someone has to go.​

Match 4:
Sean O' Haire vs Rey Mysterio

Both men circle up and Rey looks around as The other members of The Revolution as they're all around the ring. O' Haire tries to jump Rey from behind, but he misses and Rey start tagging him up with right hands. He whips O' Haire off the ropes now and takes him down with a flying forearm. He climbs the top rope and waits for him. He sets up for a moonsault, but O' Haire catches him and drops him with a fall away slam. He covers, but gets a nearfall. He gets up and takes both his hands ans wraps it around Rey's head wrenching his neck like a vice of some sort. Rey is able to get his feet after a few moments. He gets some shots to the body, but O' Haire's hands are still around his head. Rey slides out of the ring through the middle rope dragging O' Haire down and his neck bounces off the top ring rope. Rey gets back in the ring and dropkicks O' Haire in the back and he lands on the ropes. Rey sets up for the 619. Kaval grabs his foot, but Rey kicks him off. He goes for the 619, but Kaval & Kaitlyn pull O' Haire out of the ring. Rey backs up and bounces off the ropes. He charges and hits a corkscrew plancha on O' Haire and Harris! Kaitlyn managed to move out of the way. Rey goes back in the ring and amps up the crowd as O' Haire and Co. are down as we go to Commercial.​
Back from Commercial and O' Haire is working over Rey in the corner. He goes at him with shoulder thrusts. Rey starts to fight back with fore arm shivers, but O' Haire quickly stops his momentum and catches him with a thumb to the eye. He whips Rey across the ring in the opposite corner. He charges, but Rey gets his boot up. He climbs the top and takes O' Haire down with a dropkick that catches him in the body. He covers him, but O' Haire powers out at 2. He's up and misses a boot. Rey then kicks O' Haire in the back of the leg. Rey bounces off the ropes and O' Haire takes him down with a spinebuster. He covers, but only gets a two count. He picks up Rey, but he connects with some elbows to the body. Rey bounces off the ropes and dropkicks O' Haire at his knees. He starts delivering some kicks to his legs until O' Haire goes down. Rey bounces off the ropes again, but O' Haire grabs Rey by the throat. He picks him up for what looks to be a chokeslam, but he turns into a chokeslam sitdown powerbomb! Wow! Rey's shoulders are down and the ref counts the fall, but Rey just barely gets his shoulder up at 2!​

O' Haire bangs his fists on the mat in frustration as he rises to his feet. He picks Rey up and holds his arm. He pulls him in and drops him with a clothesline. He goes to whip Rey in the corner, but he counters and reverses. Rey charges and dropkicks O' Haire in the body. He hammers away and hits a running bulldog. He covers, but gets a two count. Rey is quickly to his feet and he's on the move. Rey is up and dropkicks O' Haire in the face. He climbs the top rope. He comes off the top, but O' Haire catches him with a shot to the body on his way down taking him out. He goes for a spinning back kick, but Rey catches his foot and takes O' Haire down with a leg sweep. He bounces off the ropes and does a cartwheel and ends with a moonsault. He covers, but gets a two count. Harris gets on the apron and Rey dropkicks his ankles taking O' Haire off the mat. O' Haire charges with a clothesline, but Rey, springs off the ropes, moonsaults on O' Haire into a reverse DDT! Wow! He covers, but gets a near fall!

O' Haire is up and groggy. Rey kicks him in the leg again and dropkicks O' Haire in the back and he falls on the ropes again. He goes for the 619, but Kaitlyn is on the apron shielding O' Haire. Rey does the 619 anyway hitting both O' Haire and Kaitlyn! The ref goes to the outside to check on her and Kaval gets in the ring. He picks up Rey and hits an amazing Release German Suplex! He stomps on Rey and climbs the top rope. He comes off the top and hits the Warrior's Way! He puts O' Haire over Mysterio and leaves the ring. The ref gets back in the ring and starts his count. 1,......2,.....NO! Rey gets his shoulder up. Kaval can't believe it and O' Haire looks as if he's about to cry. He stalks Rey and picks him up. He yells while he connects with the Widowmaker. The ref counts; 1,.....2,......3!​

Winner: Sean O' Haire

Afterwards, the other members of The Revolution come in and start stomping away on Mysterio.

Michael Cole: Oh Come on, the match is over Damn it!​

They continue to hammer away on Mysterio. They all hold him up for O' Haire and he starts getting his licks in. Then, Booker and Chris Masters hit the ring!

Matt Striker: Oh Boy!

Michael Cole: Here comes the cavalry!​

Kaitlyn flees from the ring and Booker starts hammering away on Sean O' Haire and clotheslines him out of the ring. Masters takes Harris out of the ring. He spots Kaval working on Booker and grabs him. He picks him up and hoists him high over his head and throws him out of the ring onto the rest of The Revolution!

Masters & Booker stand tall as they check on Mysterio. Booker's music plays as the faces and heels exchange insults before we head to Commercial Break.

Michael Cole: I'll tell ya, Booker isn't done with these guys by a long shot and I think this is turning into a heated issue right before eyes.

In the Arena:
Edge's theme hits and he makes his way down to the ring all smiles as he raises his World Title high in the air. He gets in the ring and asks for a mic. He smiles as the boos rain down on him.
Edge: You know, I hate to say I told you so, but....​
He raises up the World Title as the fans boo him.
Edge: But you know, I came out for 2 reasons. One is to shove my World Title in everyone's face after I beat Kane for a THIRD time last week on SmackDown. I also came out there for another reason. I came out here to talk about my opponent for WrestleMania: Christian.​
Fans start cheering and start up a little Christian chant.
Edge: Go ahead, cheer. Cheer for him all you want. That won't change the fact that WrestleMania will be the most embarrassing night of his life. You see, Christian can run his mouth and talk all the trash he wants and you people can boost his head and cheer him on all you want. Christian will have the whole world on his side heading into WrestleMania. That way, when I beat him, it will make the win that much better because not only did I beat Christian, I beat all of you and THAT will be something to brag about. Then, after WrestleMania, I'll come out to this ring and say to everyone of you that you were all WRONG.​
He starts pointing out random fans.
Edge: I'll say it to this idiot in the front row, I'll say it to this fat boy right here, I'll say it to this nerd right here, I'll say it to this stupid tye-dye haired girl here, all you people up in the nosebleeds, and I'll even say it to this little kid wearing a John Cena shirt.​
Fans start booing him and start a Asshole Chant.
Edge: Boo me all you want. I promise you after WrestleMania when I am STILL your World Champion, you will understand how inferior Christian is to me. You will all finally understand.....​
Christian appears on the titantron looking to be in some sort of parking garage and starts shouting Edge's name.
Christian: Hey Edge! Hey!​
He finally gets his attention and Edge turns and faces the titantron.
Christian: You talk about me running my mouth. Hell, I was here in the back just waiting for you shut your mouth. You see Edge, you don't know it yet, but what you're looking at is the next World Heavyweight Champion. You keep telling yourself you're good and hopefully, somebody will believe you. Because you know deep down, I am the only one that can take your World Title from you. You're going to look right into my eyes at WrestleMania and realize it'll be the last time you are called The World Heavyweight Champion. But since you're out here running your mouth so much, I have just the thing to shut you up.​
He goes off camera for a minute. He comes back on camera holding a 2 X 4. He tells the camera to follow him and he stops at what looks like a rental car.
Christian: I'm pretty sure I saw you enter the arena in this car if I'm not mistaken.​
Edge: Whoa! You don't want to go there with me. Don't you dare. If you even lay a finger on my car....​
Christian smashed the driver seat window in with the 2 X 4! He walks over to the front of the car and smashes in the windshield!
Matt Striker: What's he doing?!! Does he know how expensive that car is?!!

Michael Cole: Christian sending a message to Edge!

Matt Striker: This isn't a message, it's Vandalism!​
Edge is going crazy in the ring as Christian has smashed in every window by now and starts going to work on the roof and doors. He finally stops and throws the 2 X 4 in the backseat. He looks at the camera, smiles and walks away like nothing happened. The camera pans over to the car and it is a mess! Edge is visibly angry and his face tells the story.

Michael Cole: Our World Champion looks upset.

Matt Striker: This isn't funny Michael. Christian is going to get what's coming to him. I guarantee you Edge isn't going to take his car being vandalized and where was the police anyway?!!

Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, stay tuned. We are going to take our last break as Alberto Del Rio and his mystery partner will face Kane and his mystery partner. It goes down next!​
In the Arena:
Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Alberto Del Rio and he makes his way out to the ring with his signature Rolls Royce. He makes his way down to the ring smiling as always. He gets in the ring and asks for the mic from Ricardo.
Matt Striker: Who do you think his partner's gonna be?

Michael Cole: Well, Ricardo Rodriguez has a wrestling background, but judging by how he's dressed, I don't think it's him.​
Del Rio: Amigos, let me introduce to you, the biggest, baddest, hombre you've ever seen. Get up and show some respect to.....Brodus Clay!​
Del Rio's music hits again and this BIG dude comes out. He's all tattooed and has a mohawk haircut. Man, this guy is big.
Michael Cole: Who in the hell is this guy? Look at how big this guy is?

Matt Striker: Haha, Alberto's outdone himself this time. He looks like a weapon of mass destruction Michael.​
He gets in the ring and high fives Del Rio, but.....
Kane's pyro hits and interrupts the celebration as he makes his way down to the ring. He gets on the apron and summons his Hellfire pyro and stares down Del Rio and Brodus Clay. There's a little pause until......
*****WELLLLLL, It's the Big Show!*****
Michael Cole: Oh My! How's that for a partner! a 500 lb Monster!

Matt Striker: This is not looking good for Alberto Del Rio at all!​
Big Show gives Kane a head nod and they both get in the ring and Del Rio and Clay quickly leave the ring.

Match 5:
Kane & Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio & Brodus Clay

Del Rio and Clay look at each other and turn around to leave. Kane and Show leave the ring and chase after them and take them down. Kane starts stomping away on Del Rio. He throws him up against the baracade and starts lacing into him with big time right hands. Big Show has Brodus Clay back at the ringside area and sends him into the steel ring post. He picks him and throws him back in the ring. Kane is choking out Del Rio with a monitor cord back on the ramp way. Del Rio tries to crawl away, but Kane grabs him, but Del Rio low blows him. He gets up and hits Kane with a running knee lift. Big Show has Brodus Clay in the corner and he's laying into him with right hands until the ref calls for a break. Clay thumbs Show in the eye. He explodes out of the corner and clotheslines Show taking him off his feet! Del Rio is walking back to the ring with Kane giving chase. Brodus Clay is hammering away on Show on the ropes. He backs up a bit and charges, but Show backdrops him out of the ring.

Del Rio is back in and goes after Big Show. Show grabs him by the throat and picks him up hoisting him over his head. He throws him out of the ring right into the arms of Kane! Kane caught Del Rio and he takes him down with a fall away slam! Kane finally gets on the apron and in his corner. Big Show brings Brodus Clay back in the ring and into his corner. He tags in Kane and in he comes. Kane starts tagging Clay with some uppercuts. He whips Clay into the ropes, but he reverses Kane. He bounces off the ropes and Del Rio catches Kane with a knee in the back. It didn't even phase Kane and he nails Del Rio with a right hand. Kane turns around into a powerslam from Clay. He makes it to his corner and tags in Del Rio. He saunders in and starts going to work on Kane. He tries to lock in that armbar, but Kane is able to use his strength to get up and get out of the hold. He shoves Del Rio off and goes for the chokeslam, but Clay comes in and clotheslines him.

Big Show runs in and boots Clay in the face. Del Rio starts hammering away on Kane. He whips him off the ropes, but Kane reverses. Del Rio ducks a right hand, but Kane catches him on the rebound with a big boot to the face. He brings Del Rio and starts working on Del Rio until Brodus Clay gets back in the ring. Clay starts hammering away on the back of Kane. They whip Kane off the ropes and hit Kane with a double flapjack. Big Show is trying to get back in the ring, but Ricardo Rodriguez has some sort of weapon in his hand and nails Show in the thigh muscle with it taking Big Show down. Kane is being double teamed in the corner, but quickly fights out of it. He boots Del Rio down and nails Brodus Clay. Ricardo gets in the ring and Kane catches him and chokeslams him. Clay comes in and he gets chokeslammed too. Kane grabs Del Rio now and sets him up for the tombstone. He drops him with the tombstone piledriver! He crosses his arms and covers him and this one is over.​

Winners: Kane & The Big Show

Matt Striker: Oh No, Del Rio!

Michael Cole: Kane getting a measure of revenge on Alberto Del Rio!​

Big Show gets in the ring and shakes Kane's hand. Big Show stands behind Kane. Kane raises his arm and drops them to summon his pyro as Show does his chokeslam motion move to the crowd.

Michael Cole: Kane and Big Show standing tall in the ring. Kane will meet Del Rio at WrestleMania, but on this night Kane has brought Hellfire and Brimstone to Alberto Del Rio!​

SmackDown goes off the air.



JR: The Scope in Norfolk Virginia is red hot for Monday Night RAW! Jim Ross alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler. And Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready for one hot sizzling night? Tonight, King, we're going to have the official contract signing for the WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania between John Morrison and the WWE Champion The Miz!

King: Oh yeah JR, and on top of all that, we're going to have 2 more Money in the Bank Qualifying Matches and I had a chance to sit down with The Undertaker and man, we're gonna see that interview tonight.

JR: The Nexus is in the house and they're going to have something to say about The Corre, not to mention Randy Orton, Triple H, and the Divas Champions, Laycool! They're all in the house King!

King: Oh man JR, what a night it's gonna be!​

*****We Are One*****
The Nexus' music hits in the arena and they make their way down to the ring led by CM Punk.
JR: Well, we're not gonna have to wait long to hear from The Nexus and King, the war between these two really escalated last week on RAW.​
Replays of the Corre/Nexus brawl are shown from last week.
King: Well, it started out as CM Punk vs John Morrison, then it turned into The Corre vs The Nexus right before our eyes.​
JR: It turned into a pier 6 brawl no doubt about it and I wonder what the esteemed leader of The Nexus has to say about all this.​
The camera goes back to the arena and Punk has a mic in the ring with The Nexus in a Horizontal line with Punk in the middle as the crowd boos them.
CM Punk: I'm going to make this short and sweet so that all of you can return to your bleak and feeble little lives.​
Fans boo him.
CM Punk: You know, ever since The Royal Rumble, Wade Barrett has been out for some sort of revenge on myself and The Nexus because the five of us simply decided, he wasn't leadership material and threw his ass out of the group. So, what does he do? He goes over to SmackDown and forms some second rate stable known as The Corre. You see, The Corre has stuck its nose in our business time and time again and I'm sick of it. Let's put an end to it. I'm issuing a challenge to Wade Barrett and The Corre. The challenge is to a match at WrestleMania between The Corre and The Nexus.​
Fans start cheering.
JR: Oh Man, CM Punk challenging The Corre to WrestleMania!​
CM Punk: Because you see, Faith has brought us together and come WrestleMania, we will unite for the common good and eliminate The Corre and wipe them off the face of the WWE. Because what you see before you standing in this ring right now is the most dominant force this industry has ever seen! So Wade, I warned you not to open Pandora's Box and now you have. I told you not to knock on the devil's door and now you've gotten his attention. There's no turning back from what you've started. If you have the guts to accept my challenge, then you bring that two bit side show carnival act to RAW next week and accept my challenge face to face. And I know The Corre will be on SmackDown and I'll be looking forward to hearing what you have to say.​
Their music hits and they all raise their arms in unity before leaving the ring.
King: What do you think JR? Think The Corre has the guts to accept that challenge?

JR: I'm sure The Corre will be more than happy to accept this challenge King.​

Randy Orton has entered the arena.
King: JR, Look!

JR: The Legend Killer with that arrogant, smug look as always has just arrived and you better believe Triple H will be looking for him as soon as he gets here.​

Bret Hart is standing by with the Co-Divas Champions, Laycool.

Michelle: I think it's unfair that we have to defend these titles tonight.

Layla: Totally unfair, who do you think you are?

Bret Hart: I think I'm the General Manager of RAW and as long as you're on my show, I make the rules. The two of you want to flaunt around like Co-Divas Champions, well, from here on out, the both of you will be defending those belts like they were Tag Team Championship belts and it starts tonight!

Fans start cheering.


Layla: Hold on Hitman, I refuse to listen to a grown man who wears pink.

She turns around to look away and looks back at him.

Layla: Even if it is a nice shade of pink.

Michelle: Lay please. So just tell us who we're facing.

Bret Hart: You'll be taking on the team of Melina & Gail Kim!

Fans start cheering again.

Layla: What?!! Those two? The crybaby and pork fried rice girl?

Bret Hart: I could make it worse than it already is and book a battle royal for the belts.

Michelle: Alright look, we'll defend the belts and once we win, you'll know that Laycool is....

Laycool: Flawless!

Michelle: Let's go Lay.

Layla: Yeah, it reeks in here.

Laycool leave. Once the door closes, Bret smells his armpits, shrugs and walks off camera.

Match 1:
Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Zack Ryder vs Daniel Bryan

Both men circle the ring until they lock up. Bryan is able to back Ryder into the corner until the ref calls for a break. Ryder explodes out of the corner, but Bryan quickly counters and takes him down with a great arm drag takedown. He has Ryder in an armbar, but he manages to break free. He does a flip and sweeps Bryan down by his legs. He waits for Bryan to get up and hits a great dropkick for a two count. He picks up Bryan and Irish whips him into the ropes. He charges, but Bryan gets out of the way. He starts to lay into Ryder with some chops to the body. He ends with a monkey flip sending Ryder out of the corner, but he lands on his feet. Ryder goes for a superkick, but Bryan catches his leg and sweeps his other leg down and kicking at the back of his knee. He goes for a Boston Crab of some sort, but Ryder fights out of it and slides under the ropes and out of the ring looking frustrated. Ryder is facing the fans and Bryan comes up and baseball slides him into the baracade. Bryan gets back in the ring and poses on the turnbuckle as we take a break in the action.​


Back from the break and Bryan is going to work on Ryder with some right hands on the RAW announce table. He sends him back in the ring because of the ref's count. He gets back in and picks up Ryder, but he counters and hits a jawbreaker. Ryder bounces off the ropes and takes Bryan down with a leg lariat. He covers, but gets a two count. He waits again for Bryan to get up. He bounces off the ropes and misses a right. Bryan hooks Ryder and hits a release German Suplex! He crawls over to Ryder and makes the cover, but he only gets a two count. Bryan is up and starts kicking Ryder around his back and arms. He bounces off the ropes and misses a clothesline. Ryder is able to get back on the move and take down Bryan with a reverse elbow. He covers, but gets a two count.

He gets frustrated now. He hooks up Bryan looking for the Zach Attack, but Bryan counters and tries to lock in the Lebell. Ryder desperately tries and finally succeeds to fight out of it. Bryan is up and goes back to work on Ryder. He whips him in the corner. He charges, but Ryder backdrops him out of the ring, but Bryan lands on the apron. Ryder starts to get cocky, then Bryan kicks him in the back of the head. He climbs the top and gets serious elevation and drops Ryder with a dropkick. He covers again and gets another near fall. He gets up and now and waits for Ryder. He bounces off the ropes, but Ryder catches him and hits a great version of the sky high dropping Bryan. He covers, but gets two again.

Sheamus now makes his way down to the ring smiles and all to some boos from the fans. Ryder climbs the top rope and starts posing to the crowd. He took long and Bryan dropkicks him off the top rope and down to the floor. Sheamus gets on the apron now and grabs Bryan by the back of the head, and he is able to get free. Sheamus goes for a right, but Bryan ducks and kicks Sheamus in the thigh. He comes back up and dropkicks Sheamus off the apron. Zach tries to take advantage, but Bryan quickly locks in the Lebell Lock! Sheamus gets back on the apron and distracts the ref and Ryder is tapping out! Bryan is up and shoves the ref out of the way and kicks Sheamus square in the side of head and he falls to the floor. Ryder comes up and low blows Bryan and delivers the Zach Attack. He crawls over and hooks the leg of Bryan for the pin. The ref counts. 1,.....2,....,3! Ryder has won!​

Winner: Zack Ryder

King: Oh My Gosh JR! Can you believe it?

JR: Thanks to assist by Sheamus, Zack Ryder is on his way to WrestleMania for the Money in the Bank Match!

King: Oh what are you taking about JR, this is probably the biggest win in Zack Ryder's career!

JR: I'll tell you this, when Daniel Bryan gets up, Sheamus will be a dead man King.​

Ryder runs around the ring celebrating like he won the WWE Championship. He yells, "Rosa, I did it!" into the camera and celebrates up the ramp and to the back.

JR: What else can happen here tonight?​
Back from the break and Daniel Bryan and Sheamus are brawling in the back. Both men brawl until Sheamus throws Bryan into the parking garage door. They keep brawling until officials and several other trainers try to break them up. They continue to separate them as head back to the Arena.

Match 2:
Divas Tag Team Championship Match
Lay-Cool vs Melina & Gail Kim

Laycool started playing Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who would go first, but they were jumped by Gail Kim and Melina. Gail clotheslines Layla out of the ring and goes after her while Melina stomps on Michelle McCool in the corner. She whips her into the corner. He goes over and starts connecting with some kicks to the midsection and nails her with some fore arm shots. She places Michelle on the turnbuckle setting up for a superplex. Layla comes up from behind and clobbers her in the back. She goes under her and connects with a powerbomb from the top rope. She leaves the ring and allows Michelle to cover her, but she gets a nearfall.

She drags Melina over to her corner and tags in Layla. They each take an arm and drop Melina with a double suplex. Layla goes for the cover, but Gail interrupts the count. Layla stomps away on Melina. She picks her up and whips her off the ropes and lowers her head. Melina comes back and kicks her in the face and connects with a DDT. She floats over for a cover, but she only gets two. Melina brings Layla over to the corner and calls for a Tornado DDT. Michelle comes in, but Melina kicks her in the face. She hooks up the both of them and connects with a double Tornado DDT off the top rope!

She starts to crawl over to her corner and makes the hot tag to Gail Kim. She comes in and takes out Michelle with a dropkick. She takes down Layla with a series of clotheslines. Layla finally rakes the eyes of Gail. She misses a right and Gail hooks her up with a Tiger Suplex. The ref counts, but Michelle is in to make the save. Melina comes in and spears down Michelle taking her to the outside. Gail gets Layla in a Boston Crab type maneuver. On the outside, Michelle sends Melina into the steps and gets back in the ring to break up the submission. She drags Layla to her corner and gets back on the apron allowing Layla to tag Michelle. She runs and Gail kicks her in the stomach. She bounces off the ropes and looks for a hurricanrana, but Michelle catches her in mid move and connects with the McCool Clash. She covers her and this one is over.​

Winners and STILL Divas Tag Team Champions: Lay-Cool

King: Go ahead and say it JR!

JR: Lay-Cool with a great victory over two impressive Divas on Monday Night RAW and I'll tell you something King, it's going to be hard to find a duo that can take down Lay-Cool when they work this well as a team.

King: It's the power of the puppies JR! Woo-hoo!​
Bret Hart comes out of his Locker Room and runs into Rosa Mendez.

Rosa: Excuse me Bret, I just wanted to get your thoughts on what happened with Sheamus and Daniel Bryan earlier tonight.

Bret Hart: Well Rosa, I have to get things ready for this Contract Signing, but I'll tell you this, it looks like Sheamus wants the US Title a lot more than I thought and a simple match won't solve this. So Next Week on RAW, Daniel Bryan will defend the United States Championship against Sheamus in a No Holds Barred Match and we'll find out just who the better man is.​

Randy Orton is in his Locker Room on his Cellphone and we can hear things like "I understand sir" and "I'll talk to him" and we cut away to another live shot.
Triple H walks through the door and enters the arena!
King: Oh No JR!

JR: Oh man, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Game has arrived and you better believe he's going to be looking for Randy Orton!​
Match 3:
Ted Dibiase (w/Maryse) vs Yoshi Tatsu

Bell rings as this match is underway. Both men lock up and Dibiase backs Tatsu into the corner. The ref calls for a break and Dibiase backs up and slaps Tatsu in the face. He comes back and slaps Dibiase even harder and takes him down to one knee. He starts kicking Dibiase in the thigh muscle all the way up to his arms. Dibiase finally catches Tatsu by the leg, but he counters drops Dibiase with the Dragon Whip for a two count. Tatsu is back on the move and dropkicks Dibiase in the face as he sits up. He climbs the top rope now and looks for a crossbody, but Dibiase counters and hits him with a dropkick. He crawls over for a cover, but gets two. He picks up Tatsu and Irish whips him into the corner. He charges, but Tatsu gets his foot up. Dibiase goes back again and Tatsu hits him with a spinning back kick. He bounces off the ropes and hits a beautiful Asai Moonsault from the second turnbuckle onto Dibiase. He covers, but only manages to get two.

Tatsu gets Dibiase into an arm wringer. Dibiase manages to counter and get an armbar himself. Tatsu counters as he hits Dibiase in the chest and sweeps his legs from underneath him taking him down. Maryse gets on the apron looking to distract Tatsu. Dibiase runs over and rolls up Tatsu with tights, but only gets a two count. Tatsu charges to Dibiase, but he counters and drops him with a flapjack that only gets two. He gets Tatsu in a surfboard submission now. After some struggling, Tatsu is able to reverse the hold and hit some sort of front dropkick taking down Dibiase. He starts going to work on Dibiase with chops and right hands. He whips off the ropes, but Dibiase catches him with a knee to the sternum taking him out. He hooks up Tatsu and connects with Dream Street. He covers and gets the win.​

Winner: Ted Dibiase

After the match, Dibiase grabs the mic and it looks like he has something to say.
Dibiase Jr: If I could be serious for just a minute, I just want to say that this is the guy you cheer for? I just beat his ass like it was nothing!​
Fans start booing and jeering him.
Dibiase Jr: I am the man who came up with the Money in the Bank Tables Ladders and Chairs Match for WrestleMania and I guarantee you I will walk down that aisle and cash in and 7 other people's asses, climb that ladder, and not only will I be called Mr. Money in the Bank, but I'll be called Mr. Million Dollar Money in the Bank.​

JR: This kid awfully cocky and full of himself.

King: I don't know JR, this kid may have the tools to be the next Mr. Money in the Bank.

JR: Well, we'll just see about that come WrestleMania. Ladies and Gentlemen, The King had a chance to sit down with The Undertaker and interview him about his match with John Cena at WrestleMania same as I did with John. We're going to see that interview next.​
Back on RAW we are cut to a taping of The King and The Undertaker and they are in a dimly lit looking Locker Room area. Both men are sitting in comfy chairs. King in his Wrestling Attire and The Undertaker, instead of his Deadman Attire, is dressed normally sporting a jacket, bandana, jeans, and some sunglasses.

King: Undertaker, the match is set in stone and all that's left is two signatures on the contract to make it official. I mean, I know you heard what John Cena had to say last week and I just wanted to get your thoughts on that first.​

Undertaker: John Cena did what any other person would do when they're going up against somebody and that's run their mouth about something that's bigger than they are. John Cena cannot begin to understand the importance of this match at WrestleMania. He can say whatever he wants, but when it comes down to the match, it's about who wants it more.​

King: Guess that brings me to my next question. Do you feel as though your streak is in jeopardy in this match with John Cena?​

Undertaker: Well King, my streak is in jeopardy with everybody I step in the ring with at WrestleMania. Ever since I faced Randy Orton at WrestleMania 21, the streak has been the one thing that superstars like Mark Henry, Batista, Edge, & Shawn Michaels had on their minds. It was the only thing they prepare for and one by one, they all shared the same fate. John Cena is no doubt an amazing competitor. He put this company on his back ever since becoming WWE Champion for the first time. When guys myself and Triple H couldn't do it anymore, John Cena did. Great talent, great talent. Is the streak in jeopardy? Yes. Am I worried? Hell No. Why? Because I never worry. At WrestleMania, John Cena will.....Rest.....In......Peace.​
Match 4:
Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Evan Bourne vs Santino Marella

Both men start with a tie up as Santino sends Bourne down. He starts dancing and parading around the ring. Bourne is up and catches Santino with a big time right hand. He whips Santino into the ropes and catches him coming in with a back kick to the stomach. He whips off the ropes, slides under Santino and connects with a beautiful looking Dragon Suplex for a two count. He whips Santino off the ropes and misses a flying forearm. Santino grabs a hold of Bourne and drops him with a double arm DDT. He floats over and goes for the pin, but gets a nearfall. He picks Bourne up and battles him over to the corner and starts hammering away and choking him out on the ring ropes until the ref calls for a break.

Santino goes back to work with right hands. He whips Bourne into the ropes now. Bourne ducks under a right hand, but Santino catches him with a powerslam out of nowhere. He covers, but manages to get a two count. He bangs his fists on the mat in frustration. He goes to send Bourne out of the ring, but Bourne counters and sends Santino flying out of the ring all the way out to the mat. Bourne gets a full head of steam, bounces off the ropes, runs up the turnbuckles and comes off the top and soars through the air taking out Santino!

Replays keep showing of the move by Bourne until Santino manages to slide in the ring. Bourne is able to make back at the count of 9. Santino stomps away on Bourne a little more. He whips him hard into the corner. He drags him to the middle of the ring and applies a single leg crab, but Bourne is able to fight and get to the ropes. Santino is up and looks like he's getting mad. He waits for Bourne and takes him down with a clothesline. He takes him down with more clotheslines. He finally picks up Bourne and scoop slams him. He bounces off the rope and does a weird headbutt on Bourne for a two count. Santino is up and has this look on his face as the fans know what's next. Santino fixes his hand and gets the cobra ready. He goes to use it, but Bourne blocks it! He grabs Santino and monkey flips him across the ring. Santino gets back up and gets flatlined with a spinning wheel kick. He drags Santino over to the corner and bodyslams him. He comes off the top rope and connects with Air Bourne! He covers and this one is over!​

Winner: Evan Bourne

After the match, Bourne celebrates and Doplh Ziggler comes out of nowhere and assaults Bourne!
JR: Wait a minute, what the hell is Dolph Ziggler doing here? He's not a RAW Superstar!​
Ziggler starts stomping away on Bourne. Vickie Guerrero is seen barking orders Ziggler stalks Bourne and drops him with the Zig Zag!
JR: Bah Gawd, what the hell is this about? Why is Dolph Ziggler assaulting Evan Bourne?​
Vickie enters the ring and has a mic in her hand.
Vickie: Excuse Me!!​
Fans boo her and man, do they boo her.
Vickie: The next Mr. Money in the Bank, Dolph Ziggler has something to say.​
She hands him the mic to a chorus of boos.
Dolph Ziggler: I have one word for all of you: Opportunity. With my win last Friday on SmackDown, I am a participant in the first ever Money in the Bank Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match at WrestleMania. This is one of the biggest matches in my career and what better way to let you people know I mean business than to send a message to one of the participants. You see, this is not only Money in the Bank, this is RAW vs SmackDown. I ooze Perfection and I will be the next Mr. Money in the Bank whether you imperfect people like it or not.​
His music hits as he and Vickie raise their arms over Bourne's body.
King: I bet you Teddy Long is behind this JR.

JR: Dolph Ziggler has some damn nerve and audacity to show up on RAW and decimate a man that just won a grueling match only to prove a point. Well, you proved your point now get the hell out of here damnit!​
WWE Champion The Miz and Alex Riley are seen talking about something.
King: Onto brighter news, it's the Champ JR!

JR: I wonder what these two yahoos are talking about?​
Bret Hart is seen walking down a hallway and runs into Randy Orton.

Randy Orton: Hey Bret, you got a sec?

Bret Hart: What do you want Randy?

Randy Orton: I was just giving you one last chance to reconsider adding me to the WWE Championship Match for WrestleMania seeing as how I have more of a right to be in that match than John Morrison or anybody else on this RAW Roster. I was hoping you had come to you senses for your sake because you don't want me to take matters into my own hands.

Bret Hart: For my own sake? Let me get this through your thick skull one last time. You LOST to John Morrison, so you get NO Title shot until after WrestleMania. You have a problem, take it up with the General Manager of RAW. Oh wait.....that's me!​
Crowd laughs as Hart walks away and Orton glares at him.

In the Arena:
Trish Stratus’ music hits and she comes out to a HUGE ovation!
King: Oh my Gosh, JR Look! It's Trish!

JR: Stratusfaction is back in the WWE!

King: And more importantly, the puppies are back JR! Woo-hoo!

JR: The fans love Trish and man does she look in tremendous shape.

King: Oh yeah and I'd love to do some math with that shape JR.​
She makes her way down to the ring shaking some fans hands. She finally gets in the ring and asks for a mic. She stands there for a few moments to soak in the reaction and the fans chant her name.
Trish: First off, I just want to say, It feels so good to be back in a WWE ring in front all of you people.​
The fans started cheering and start up another Trish Chant.
Trish: I don’t know where to start. I’ve been gone for a long time and I figured since WrestleMania is coming up, why not make a special appearance to liven things up around here. Things have changed and I'm back to bring some originality, or should I say some Stratusfaction back to the WWE.​
King: Woo-hoo! Yes! You know how much I need some Stratusfaction in my life JR?!!​
*****You're Not Enough For Me*****
Before she says anything else, Lay-Cool's music hits and they make their way down to the ring.
King: Uh-oh JR, go ahead and say it JR, Business is about to pick up.

JR: Business is damn sure about pick up. Here comes Lay-Cool. Why the hell are these two Jezebels even still here?

King: Hey!

JR: They already won their match, why are they even still in the arena?

King: It is a free country JR.

JR: I know that Einstein. More importantly, we haven't seen Trish in months and who do they think they are to just interrupt her like this?​
King: Well, they are the Divas Tag Team Champions JR and don't you forget it.​
They get in the ring and they start clapping.
Michelle: Oh my gosh Lay, look! It's Trish Stratus!

Lay: Do you think I should ask for her autograph?

Michelle: Why would you do that Lay? I mean look at her.​
They look at each other and laugh.
Laycool: TRAIN WRECK!​
Lay: Toot Toot!

Michelle: I mean Trish, when exactly was your last meaningful match again? If I remember correctly, you faced Lita for the Women's Title and won in your own Hometown of Toronto, Big sendoff, yadda yadda, yadda.

Lay: Booorrrinnnngggg!

Michelle: Lay, I think it's time we got serious.​
She changes her face and gets a bit closer to Trish.
Michelle: Trish, when I started in the WWE, I had hoped to be as good as you were one day. And I am.​
She holds up the Divas Championship as the fans boo her.
Michelle: You’re right Trish, things have changed in the WWE. The last time you were here, you were the top Diva and now, it’s me! I have been carrying the Divas Division in the WWE for the past 2-3 years now and I have earned my respect in this business!​
Layla looks a little scared as she's never seen Michelle this way.
Michelle: I am a 2 Time Women's Champion, 2 Time Divas Champion, not to mention Slammy Award Winner for Diva of the year last year. Laycool is the best thing to happen to WWE and I AM the most dominant Diva in the WWE, not you. Well, not anymore anyway.​
She places the Championship at Trish's feet.
Michelle: Now instead of wasting valuable air time, I want you to congratulate me in a sort of passing the torch moment. I want you to take the title and put it around my sexy waist.​
JR: I can't believe the audacity of Michelle McCool. How dare she even think Trish would do that.​
Trish rolls her eyes and scoffs. She picks up the mic again to speak.
Trish: Honey, let's get a few things straight. You carried the Divas Division for 2-3 years you say? I've carried it since I arrived in the WWE. I've carried it for more than 5 years. You wanna talk about accolades? I'm a 7 Time Women's Champion, Babe of the Year, Diva of the Decade and hell I was even Hardcore Champion at one point. You will never be half the Competitor I was. I've seen women like you around who think they're the best thing going until they come face to face with someone who's better then they are and then we see what they're really made of. You've come a long way and I applaud you for that, but don't even condescend to me ever again!​
Fans pop like crazy.
Trish: And as far as me placing the title around your waist.....Well, I’ve got two words for you.........Suck It!​
Fans explode into cheers.
King: Ahhh!

JR: Atta girl, I knew Trish wouldn't let Michelle McCool get away with those arrogant comments.​
Michelle gets enraged and attacks Trish, but she ducks and starts unloading on Michelle with some right hands. Layla then attacks Trish from behind and Michelle soon joins as she stomps away on Trish. Lay-Cool stomp away on Trish until Melina & Gail Kim rush the ring and Lay-Cool flee the ring. Lay-Cool high five each other as the Divas check on Trish as we go to Commercial.
Match 5:
#1 Contenders Match
The Colons vs The Usos

Primo kicks things off with Jey Uso. They lock up and Primo backs Jey into the corner and the ref calls for the break. Jey backs off and kicks Primo in the chest. He starts delivering some chops to Primo's chest as well. He whips him into the corner. He charges, but Primo gets his foot up. He explodes out of the corner with a spinning wheel kick. He covers, but only gets a nearfall. He quickly makes the tag to Carlito and they do an impressive High-Low double team attack taking down Jey. Carlito picks Jey Uso by the hair and whips him into the ropes and takes him down with a Hurricanrana into a pinning combination which gets a two count. He drags Jey back to his side, but he nails Carlito in the back. He hooks Carlito from behind and drops him with a German Suplex. He waits for Carlito to sit up and dropkicks him in the face. He covers, but gets a two count.

He tags in Jimmy now. Jimmy hooks Carlito from behind. Jey superkicks Carlito in the face and at the same time Jimmy German Suplexes him. The ref counts, but Jimmy gets a near fall. He picks up Carlito and gets him in a sleeper hold. Carlito struggles for a few moments before he gets up and backs into the corner forcing Jimmy to break the hold. He starts hammering away on Jimmy for a while. He whips him into the corner. He charges, but Jey pulls Jimmy out of the way and Carlito eats the turbuckle. Jimmy hits a step up Inziguri to the back of Carlito's head. He rolls him over and goes for the pin, but gets a nearfall. Jimmy starts to antagonize Primo forcing him to come in, but the ref intercepts him allowing The Usos to double team Carlito. They hoist him up and hang him on the ring ropes and finally he lands outside to the floor. Carlito looks hurt as The Usos look in control as we take a Commercial Break.​

Back from the Break and Primo is hammering away on Jey Uso in the corner. He whips him into corner. He charges, but Jey kicks Primo square in the head using his own momentum and takes him out. He drags Primo out of the corner and sets him up. He climbs the top and hits a leg drop on Primo. He covers, but gets a two count for it. He tags Jimmy back in and they hit a double suplex on Primo. Jey leaves and Jimmy covers, but gets a near fall. He gets Primo in a rear naked choke. Primo looks like he's about fade, but Carlito races in and stomps on the head of Jimmy Uso breaking the hold. Primo crawls to his corner and dives to make the tag to Carlito. He spings off the apron and takes Jimmy down with a springboard clothesline takedown. Jey comes in and Carlito takes him down with a series of clotheslines. Jey misses a right, and Carlito springs off the ropes and takes him out with a back elbow.

Jimmy comes in and clobbers Carlito from behind. He goes to whip Carlito in the ropes, but he reverses and sends Jimmy. Primo low bridges Jimmy Uso taking him out of the ring. Primo climbs the top and comes off with a diving cross body taking out Jimmy Uso. Back in the ring, Jey Uso is waiting for Carlito. He misses a superkick and Carlito takes him down with the Backstabber. He covers him and this one is over!​

Winners: The Colons
JR: The Colons have done it! The Colons are going to WrestleMania! And The Tag Team Champions better be watching because Carlito and Primo are coming for the all the gold at the Big Dance in Atlanta!

King: Wait a minute JR, look who it is.​
AJ Lee appears on the stage to a chorus of boos with a microphone wearing one of the Tag Titles and has the other one on her shoulder lookin pretty hot. She starts clapping and then starts speaking.
AJ: Well, let me be the first to congratulate the both of you. After weeks of hounding and complaining about not getting a shot at the Tag Team Championship and now you finally have it. Just remember this boys, this is what you wanted. At WrestleMania, you go up against The Greatest Tag Team Champions this company has ever seen.​
King: That is true JR.

JR: She can't mean that King. You and I both know she can't mean that.​
The crowd boos and start a **** Chant directed towards AJ Lee as she looks at the crowd in disgust.
AJ: The Naturals are the Tag Team Champions for a reason and they will prove it to all these people, especially the both of you at WrestleMania. Oh and one more thing you boys should know about your opponents. The Naturals are always one step ahead.​
Just as she says that, The Naturals hop the baracade, slide in the ring and jump The Colons. Stevens stomps away on Carlito as Douglas chokes out Primo in the corner.
JR: Yeah, The Naturals are awfully brave to jump a team from behind.

King: It's all about sending a message JR.​
Douglas throws Primo out of the ring down to the floor. The Naturals get a hold of Carlito and drop him with Natural High. AJ comes down to the ring and hands the belts to The Naturals. All 3 of them raise their arms in unity standing tall in the ring.
JR: The Naturals standing tall after jumping a damn team from behind right after they finished a grueling match. These are who we have as our Tag Team Champions.

King: What are you talking about Ross? All I saw is a team sending a message to their opponents for WrestleMania!

JR: Well, I'll tell you this, The Colons will damn sure be ready to go at WrestleMania.​
Triple H comes out of a limousine. He shuts the door and walks off camera smiling.
King: What's he smiling about JR?

JR: Who was in that damn limousine?​
In the Arena:
Bret Hart is standing in the ring as his music finishes playing and he stands in front a table with two chairs on both sides with the Wrestlemania Contract in the middle of the table.
Bret Hart: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the official contract signing for the WWE Championship Match to take place at WrestleMania 27 between John Morrison and the current WWE Champion The Miz.​
Mixed reaction from the crowd here.
Bret Hart: At this time, I would like to bring out the challenger for the WWE Championship, the #1 Contender, John Morrison!​
*****Ain't No Make Believe*****
John Morrison comes out to a great pop from this crowd with his slow motion pyro and everything.
JR: King, we are looking at the man who could very well be the next WWE Champion.

King: I don't know JR, I think it's going to take a lot more than John Morrison thinks to beat the WWE Champion.​
Morrison gets in the ring and shakes Bret's hand. He poses for the crowd a little bit until he finally takes his seat.
Bret Hart: And now, let me introduce the current WWE Champion, The Miz!​
*****I Came to Play!*****
The Miz's AWESOME theme song plays and he makes his way out with Alex Riley by his side.
King: Here's where you gotta really get up JR. Show some love for the WWE Champion!

JR: Miz may be a pompous ass.....

King: Wait, what?

JR: But he is the WWE Champion. He's been through a lot to get to this point in his career, but so has the challenger and that's what makes him that much more dangerous.​
Miz enters the ring and shakes Bret Hart's hand and takes his seat as well.
Bret Hart: Gentlemen, before the two of you sign this contract and make this match official, is there anything you men would like to say?​
Morrison goes for the mic, but Miz Alex Riley intercepts it and hands the mic to The Miz as the fans boo.
Miz: John, let me save you the trouble of opening your mouth and spewing the same drivel you do most of the time. Let's face it, I know what you're going to say. Let me see if I can get this. "I know you better than you know yourself." " I worked hard to get to this moment and I won't let you stand in the way of my dream." "At WrestleMania, I will realize blah blah blah and become the WWE Champion." I've heard it all before. Back when I wasn't Champion, people would say the same things I just said. I don't think you're any different John. You're the still the same person I carried when we were Tag Team Champions. Face it John, you're nothing new and interesting. All you are is a superstar that's getting hot at the right time. The only problem is, I'm going to cool you off for good at WrestleMania.​
He signs the contract and slides it over to Morrison.
Miz: But before you sign that contract, just remember what I said a while back. This could be and will be the most embarrassing night of your life because I guarantee you I will walk in WWE Champion at WrestleMania and walk out the exact same way.​
King: Whoa, how do you even come back from that?

JR: Strong words from the WWE Champion.​
Morrison grabs the mic and applauds before he speaks.
John Morrison: I gotta hand it you Miz. That was very impressive. You hit the nail right on the head. Challengers for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania would say the same things you just said. But here's a news flash Miz, I'm no ordinary challenger. I'm not going to come out here and tell my life story to these fans. What I will say is that I'm going to plain and simply walk down that aisle at WrestleMania and do what I should've done a long time ago and that's kick your ass!​
Fans start cheering.
John Morrison: Face it Miz, you only talk all this trash because you know you're afraid. Your days as WWE Champion are numbered. And I'll tell you this.....​
*****Burn in my Light*****
Randy Orton's music hits as he interrupts John Morrison and makes his way out to the ring.
JR: Now wait a damn minute. Why the hell is Randy Orton out here? This has nothing to do with him.

King: Well JR, Randy Orton has been on this crusade trying to get a WWE Title shot.

JR: Well, he's going to have to get in line.​
Orton comes right in and grabs the mic out of the hand of John Morrison.
Orton: You know, I was listening to the two of you in the back and I noticed how completely pathetic the both of you sound. WrestleMania isn't WrestleMania without The Legend Killer..... Randy Orton. Now, Bret I told you we could do this the easy way or the hard way and you chose the hard way. I have something to say to The Miz. I still haven't forgotten about you. We have some unfinished business to attend to and as far as Morrison is concerned, I could care less.​
Morrison rises from his chair and turns Orton around and takes the microphone out of his hand.
John Morrison: Let's get something straight right now. I don't care who you are, but this is MY title shot. You had your chance and you failed and you move to the back of line. I was the guy that beat YOU to get this shot. At WrestleMania, it's going to be ME, not YOU......​
Orton then drops Morrison with an RKO out of nowhere!
Orton: Before I was so rudely interrupted, at WrestleMania, I'm going to kill the Title reign of The Miz once and for all and regain MY WWE Championship. So, enjoy that title while you can because at WrestleMania, it's all over.​
He takes the pen to sign the contract, but Bret Hart grabs the contract out his hand.
Bret Hart: I'm not going to let your ego get in the way in what could be potentially be a great one on one WrestleMania match. You are NOT the #1 Contender. Now, if I were you I'd get out this ring or else.​
Orton grabs the mic out of Hart's hand.
Orton: Or else what? You better choose your words very carefully Hitman.
Bret Hart takes off his glasses and places them on the table. He looks at Randy Orton and decks him in the face. Orton gets back up and Hart throws him out of the ring. Riley attacks Hart from behind, but he quickly comes back and sends Riley out of the ring. Miz tries to sneak up behind him, but Bret quickly catches him and he stares down The Miz. But before anything can happen.......
Mr. McMahon's music hits!
King: Hey! JR Look! It's Mr. McMahon, he's back!

JR: We haven't seen Mr. McMahon in quite some time. What's he doing back here now?

King: He's probably here to put Bret Hart in his place. He had no right to attack Randy Orton like that.

JR: Why the hell was Orton even out here. This had nothing to do with him.​
McMahon gets in the ring and picks up a mic.
Mr. McMahon: Who the hell do you think you are?​
Fans boo him.
King: Yea! Who does Bret think he is JR?​
Mr. McMahon: You can't come out here and lay your hands on the RAW Superstars as you see fit. But that's beside the point. Earlier tonight, Randy Orton sought me out and spoke with me and explained his case to why he should be added to the WWE Championship and I agreed with him 100%. I came out here to set things straight. So, in the interest of fairness. I regret to inform you people and John Morrison that the WWE Championship at WrestleMania will now be a Triple Threat Match. The Miz will defend against John Morrison and Randy Orton!​
JR: Oh for god sakes, what a no good low down...

King: Watch it JR, talking about Mr. McMahon here.

JR: John Morrison has been shafted out of his one on one match for the WWE Title.​
Stephanie McMahon's music hits to a HUGE ovation!
King: Wait a minute!

JR: Oh My! King, I believe Business has picked up here in Norfolk!​
Vince's jaw drops as Stephanie makes her way down to the ring. She gets in and snatches the mic out Vince's hand.
Stephanie: First, I just want to say that Randy Orton got just what he deserved. Now, let's get down to business. My Father maybe the chairman of the WWE and his decision regarding WrestleMania is Final. And while I can't change it, I can damn sure add to it.​

Vince and Miz exchange confusing looks as she says this.
Stephanie: My Father seems to forget that I also own a portion of the company. So, since we're being fair and doing what's right, I regret to inform YOU Dad and YOU Miz, that the WWE Championship Match at WrestleMania will now be a Fatal 4 Way Match. The Miz will defend the WWE Championship against John Morrison, Randy Orton, and.....my Husband Triple H!​
*****My Time*****
Triple H's music hits and he makes his out with a smile on his face as the fans have come unglued in the Scope!
JR: Oh yeah! It's all about WrestleMania! It's all about playing The Game!

King: Oh No JR! This is not right!

JR: What's wrong with that? Triple H gets to get his hands on Randy Orton and once again compete for the WWE Championship!​
Triple H gets in the ring and signs the contract and hands it to Bret Hart. He stares down Vince before decking him with a right hand! Miz attacks Triple H from behind and Orton gets back in the ring and joins in. Morrison is up and pulls The Miz out of the ring and hammers away on him. Alex Riley is back up, but gets sent over the baracade into the crowd by Morrison. Miz charges, but he gets backdropped over the baracade as well. Miz and Riley flee through the crowd and Morrison gives chase.

Back in the ring, Orton continues to hammer away on HHH. He bounces off the ropes but Triple H comes back with a clothesline. He waits for Orton and delivers a spinebuster to Orton right through the Contract Signing Table! Mr. McMahon tries to attack Triple H, but Bret Hart cuts him off and knocks McMahon out of the ring!

Triple H waits on Orton and drops him with the Pedigree! He looks at Stephanie as they both smile at each other, then embrace in the ring. He stares down Bret and they shake hands. Bret leaves the ring as Triple H picks up the WWE Title in one hand and Stephanie's hand with the other. They both raise their arms as Triple H celebrates with the WWE Title in his hand.

JR: The Game has disposed of The Legend Killer and is this what we'll see at WrestleMania?!! The Game as WWE Champion one more time?!!

King: This is not fair to The Miz JR!

JR: It's not about what's fair, it's about what's right! Oh By Gawd, it's going to be a wild ride on The Road to WrestleMania!!​

RAW goes off the air.


Michael Cole: Welcome to the hottest show on Friday Nights! This is Friday Night SmackDown! Michael Cole alongside Matt Striker and the Road to WrestleMania continues here in Minnesota!

Matt Striker: It's going to be a great night. We have 2 more Money in the Bank Qualifying Matches and a HUGE 6 Man Tag Team Main Event. The team of Edge, Alberto Del Rio and his new bodyguard Brodus Clay will take on the team of Christian, Kane, and The Big Show.

Michael Cole: Also, The Corre is here tonight and I'm sure they'll have something to say about the challenge laid down by CM Punk on RAW this past Monday.

Matt Striker: Not to mention, poor Vickie Guerrero will have to one on one with Beth Phoenix!​

In the Arena:
MVP's music hits in the arena and he makes his way down to the ring to a pretty good pop and looks like we're going to kick things off with the VIP Lounge! He gets in the ring and asks for a microphone.
MVP: Welcome all my playas, pimps, and good lookin females to the VIP Lounge! And tonight my guest is somebody that I know most of you don't like and someone I don't like either after last week. Please welcome, being accompanied by Kelly Kelly, the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Drew McIntyre!​
*****Broken Dreams*****
McIntyre's theme hits to a chorus of boos and he makes his out with Kelly Kelly. The boos continue to rain down as McIntyre and Kelly Kelly hold hands on their way to the ring. MVP looks unimpressed as McIntyre helps Kelly Kelly into the ring and asks for a microphone.
MVP: Well, Drew McIntyre. The Intercontinental Champion. The Chosen One as you love to call yourself. You know, ever since you and Kelly Kelly hooked up at No Way Out, you had this new attitude and it showed last week when you beat Curt Hawkins to a bloody pulp in the middle of this ring. I bet you feeling pretty proud of yourself.​
Kelly Kelly and McIntyre look at each other and smile before they look back to MVP.
MVP: Well, big man since this is an interview show, I'm gonna give you the floor and tell all these people why you did what you did. And make it snappy cause time is money.
McIntyre prepares to speak, but is interrupted by several boos.
Drew McIntyre: Well Boyo, it's very simple. Let me explain something to all you people right now. I did what was best not only for me, but for SmackDown. The Intercontinental Championship is one of the most prestigious honors to have and whether these people believe it or not I AM the Chosen one and these people need an Intercontinental Champion they can be proud of. The WWE needs someone who will bring prestige back to the Intercontinental Championship and that man is me. As far as my good friend, Curt Hawkins is concerned, I had to leave my mark. That's why I did what I did. To show these people who Drew McIntyre really is. If our paths cross again, I'll put him back in the Hospital. And THAT is a guarantee. And since I'm making guarantees, I am making my guarantee right now in front of you and all these people here tonight, this Intercontinental Championship I have on my shoulder.....​
He takes a look at it and looks back at MVP.
Drew McIntyre: Will very soon be the World Heavyweight Championship because nobody on the SmackDown Roster can stop the Chosen One.​
Fans boo as Kelly is grinning.
Michael Cole: Strong words from the Intercontinental Champion.​
MVP: Well, as nice as that is to hear, you think you're better than everybody else on this roster and that's not a fact. Because you haven't put that belt on the line against me yet and since Hawkins is out, I'm issuing a challenge for that Intercontinental Championship right here, tonight!​
The fans start cheering and Kelly Kelly asks for the mic from McIntyre. She gets ready to speak and the fans start to boo her already.
Kelly Kelly: MVP, if I may, why would Drew McIntyre defend his Intercontinental Championship against you? I mean what have you done to earn a title shot? You think that just because you come out here and ask for a title shot, that you're gonna get it? You're not even in his league and why would he even waste his time on you?​
Fans boo her down and start up a **** Chant.
MVP: This is why....​
MVP drops the mic and decks McIntyre with a right hand. He takes off his suit jacket and starts to stomp away on the Champ.
Matt Striker: Wait a minute!

Michael Cole: MVP going to work on the Intercontinental Champion!​
Kelly comes up from behind and hops on MVP's back. MVP tries to shake her loose, but McIntyre is already to his feet and blasts MVP with the Intercontinental Championship. Fans are booing as both McIntyre and Kelly Kelly stomp away on him. McIntyre gets him up and drops him with the Future Shock. McIntyre's music hits as he and Kelly Kelly embrace in the middle of the ring as he raises his title up high.
Back from the break and Drew McIntyre vs MVP in a Non-Title Match has been booked for later on tonight.

Match 1:
Rey Mysterio vs JTG

Both men lock up and Mysterio gets caught in an arm wringer. He pulls JTG towards the ropes and uses the ropes for leverage as he springs off them and takes JTG down with a side arm drag takedown. JTG is back up and Rey drop toe holds him. He goes for a dropkick and JTG rolls out of the way. He bounces off the ropes and slides through Rey's legs. He comes up from behind and delivers a German Suplex taking down Mysterio. He floats over into a cover, but gets a two count. JTG is back up and picks Mysterio up. He delivers a forearm, then sends him into the corner. He charges, but Rey gets a boot up. He climbs the top rope and delivers a great moonsault into a pinning combination, but gets a two count for that as well.

JTG is up quickly and takes Rey down with reverse elbow. He stomps away and drags him to the corner. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and drops a elbow. He covers, but gets a two count. He then, gets Rey in a side headlock. Rey is able to fight to his feet and push JTG off and send him into the ropes. He tries to hit a Hurricanrana off the rebound, but JTG counters in mid air and hits a powerbomb. He covers. 1......2....., NO! Rey barely just gets his shoulder up. JTG drags Rey to the corner again. He climbs the turnbuckle looking for a moonsault. He takes too much time and Mysterio gets up and clobbers him in the back.

JTG falls into the Tree of Woe position. Mysterio backs up into the opposite corner. He gets a running start and hits a hesitated dropkick to JTG. He picks him up and bounces him off the ropes. He catches JTG off the rebound with a hurricanrana. He leaves the ring and goes on the apron. He springs on the ropes, reverses and hits a moonsault on JTG. He covers now. 1,.....2,....NO! JTG shows his resiliency and gets his shoulder up before 3. JTG is up and goes for a right, but Rey ducks under. He runs to the ropes, springs off and goes for a cross body attack, but JTG falls to avoid it. JTG is up and charges, but Rey trips him into the ropes. Rey dials it up and hits the 619! He waits for JTG and delivers the West Coast Pop for the win!​

Winner: Rey Mysterio

After the match, some weird music plays and the Titantron screen goes blank, then all white. Sean O' Haire walks on camera now with his head down looking through a clipboard.
O' Haire: Rey Mysterio. 5 ft 6, 175 lbs, Birthday: December 11th, 1974. Hometown: San Diego, California. Wife's name is Angie, you have two kids: Dominic is 14 I believe and Aalyah is 10 and I hear you have a third one on the way. You are 36 years old and still kicking huh Rey?​
He throws the clipboard off camera.
O' Haire: As you can see Rey, I've done my Homework on you. You know something Rey, something about our match last week got me to thinking. That was one of the best matches I've had in a while and you pushed to me to be my best. You're a lot stronger than you think are Rey. I don't know why you align yourselves with those degenerate misfits like Booker T. and Chris Masters when you could be part something so much greater. The Revolution can be like a second family to you Rey. We can respect you unlike everybody who will just see you as the little fish in a big pond. Think about it, what have you got to lose?​
Matt Striker: I know you hate it Michael, but you know he makes a hell of a lot sense.

Michael Cole:You call this making sense. I call it Sean O' Haire polluting Rey's mind.​
Mysterio: What do I have to lose? My self-respect, my dignity, my pride! There's something I have that you will NEVER have! A Heart! I'd rather align myself with, what was it you called them? A degenerate band of misfits? I would rather be a misfit than a follower, a "Yes Sir" man, and more importantly enough, a lackey any day of the week.​
Fans pop insanely for Rey's response.
Michael Cole: There you go Rey!

Matt Striker: Now wait a minute, who the hell does Rey think he is?​
O' Haire: Well Rey, I must admit, I admire your response. But I'm sorry that you feel way, and you should feel sorry too. You're missing out on something greater than anything you've ever imagined. But hey, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know.​
Just as he says that Kaval hops the baracade, slides in the ring and delivers a sick looking jumping kick to the back of Rey's head. He starts stomping away now. Mysterio slowly begins to fight back until Chris Harris makes his way down to the ring and clobbers Rey in the back. As they stomp on Mysterio, O' Haire and Kaitlyn make their way down to the ring arm in arm.
Michael Cole: Yea, look at Mr. High and Mighty. Rey's already getting beat down. Never mind that he just had a match.

Matt Striker: This what happens Michael. I call this Karma. Rey just should've taken the offer.

Michael Cole: You and I both know Rey would've never join up with Sean O' Haire.​
Kaval and Harris hold Mysterio up for Sean O' Haire. He gets in the ring while Kaitlyn gets him a mic. O' Haire slaps Mysterio in the face and starts yelling at him. He gets in one more good shot before Kaitlyn hands him the mic.
O' Haire: All you had to do was say Yes. You brought this on yourself Rey. You asked for this. You have to live the consequences of your actions. We could've given you a Home, but you continue to defy me!​
He then hits Rey in the head with the mic. He picks him back up and drops him with The Widowmaker.
Michael Cole: Damn it, who the hell is Sean O' Haire to come out here and do this?

Matt Striker: He's the leader of The Revolution Michael. Where are Rey's friends now?

Michael Cole: You know damn well they aren't even here tonight!​
The Revolution raise their arms in unity as we head to Commercial.

Match 2:
Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Jack Swagger vs Chavo Guerrero

Both men lock up and Swagger throws Chavo to the mat. He stalks him and starts hammering away. Chavo blocks a right and fights Swagger up to one knee. He starts hammering away on Swagger. He bounces off the ropes and Swagger lifts his knee up and buries it in the midsection of Chavo taking him out. He covers Chavo, but gets a two count. He drags him up by his head and sends him in the corner. He walks over, but Chavo gets his boot up to stop Swagger in his tracks. Chavo fights out of the corner and lays into Swagger with right hands. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and takes Swagger down with a clothesline.

He covers and hooks the leg, but gets a near fall. Swagger is back up first and explodes on Chavo with a clothesline. He starts to stomp away on Chavo now. He picks up him now. He sends him into the ropes and hits a thunderous spinebuster on Chavo. He covers, but Chavo barely gets his shoulder up off the mat at two. Swagger drags Chavo the corner and stomps away then chokes him out with his boot. He picks him up and sends him hard into the corner. He goes over and clobbers Chavo in the back. He tries to get Chavo in a sleeper hold, but he quickly counters with an elbow. He flies out and takes Swagger down with a cross body.

He covers, but Swagger kicks out at two. He drags Swagger to the corner looking to set up for the frogsplash. Chavo flies off and connects with the frogsplash! The fans pop as he covers Swagger. 1,........2,.........., NO!
Swagger barely gets his shoulder off the mat before the ref's hand can hit 3.

Michael Cole: How close was that?!! Chavo was just a half a count away from going to WrestleMania and competing in the Money in the Bank Match!!

Matt Striker: It's the resiliency of Jack Swagger! He refuses to lose to someone so....common.​

Chavo looks up at the ref and he can't believe it! He picks Swagger up by the head and and starts to hammer away. He attempts and Irish Whip, but Swagger counters and sends Chavo into the corner. He charges, but Chavo leaps up and Swagger gets sent into the ring post. Chavo climbs the ropes and comes off with a moonsault, but Swagger catches him! He gets his balance straight and powerslams Chavo. He covers and this one is over!​
Winner: Jack Swagger
Michael Cole: It was a hard fought win, but Swagger pulled out one hell of a victory!

Matt Striker: I'll give credit where credit is due. I thought Chavo would get beat in 5 seconds, but Swagger made it interesting and let Chavo hold on until the end.

Michael Cole: Oh please. Anyway, Jack Swagger is on his way to WrestleMania in the Money in the Bank Tables Ladders and Chairs Match!​

A Rolls Royce pulls into the parking lot with the horn honking obnoxiously. Ricardo gets out of the driver's seat and Brodus Clay exits out of the passenger seat. Ricardo walks to the back door and Del Rio comes out with a smile on his face. They all walk in tow in the parking garage.

Matt Striker: Look at this trio Michael. A force to be reckoned with.

Michael Cole: Well, I hope Del Rio knows he has to team with Brodus Clay and Edge to take on Christian, Kane, and Big Show tonight. We'll see if we can get a word from him later on tonight.​
Josh Matthews is standing by with Del Rio, Clay, and Ricardo.

Josh: Alberto Del Rio, it looks as if you've recruited some backup in your fight against the Big Red Machine, Kane.

Del Rio: Amigo, let me make this perfectly clear. I don't need any back up against Kane. I'll prove it you and all these people when I beat Kane decisively at WrestleMania. Furthermore, Brodus Clay is an insurance policy provided just for me. I WILL one day become World Champion. It is my Destiny. Sooner or later, you will believe that. As far as tonight goes, our team is bigger and badder and stronger. All this will soon lead to me becoming The World Heavyweight Champion. But you already knew that.​
He walks off as we head to ringside.
In the Arena:
*****End of Days*****

Matt Striker: Uh-oh Michael!

Michael Cole: Well, this was supposed to be Drew McIntyre one on one with MVP, but it looks like The Corre is going to join us. Last week on RAW, CM Punk and The Nexus laid out the challenge for WrestleMania: The Nexus vs The Corre.

Matt Striker: Well, I'm sure Wade Barrett and The Corre will have a response for that.​
They all enter in the ring and stand horizontally as Barrett gets a mic. He stands in the center and gets ready to speak.

Wade Barrett: Let's get right down to business. And that business is CM Punk and The New Nexus. I was watching RAW last Monday night and I heard what he had to say and I find it very amusing. Week in, week out, CM Punk and The New Nexus have ran their mouths about The Corre and what we stand for. I've said this time and time again, unlike The Nexus, The Corre is a group of equals. That's something The Nexus will never be able to comprehend. As far as the challenge for WrestleMania goes, we accept.​
Fans start cheering a bit.
Michael Cole: Oh my, we have a War ready for WrestleMania between The Corre and The Nexus!​
Wade Barrett: Make no mistake about it, at WrestleMania The Corre will show the entire WWE that WE are the dominant force in the WWE. The New Nexus are a bunch of fools led by a crazed dictator trying to get to the top, but it's flat out embarrassing. There will always be one Nexus that people remember which will be the one that I led. I promise you that this Nexus will be no more after WrestleMania. While we're on that, Punk challenged us to appear on RAW. We will be glad to be on RAW because I have a little stipulation I would like to add to our match. The War is on. Good Luck Gentlemen.​
Barrett drops the mic as The Corre's music hits and they all leave the ring.
Michael Cole: Brash words from Wade Barrett.

Matt Striker: Michael, WrestleMania is getting bigger and better with each week! Corre vs Nexus! I can't wait!

Michael Cole: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, Josh Matthews is standing by with "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. Take it away Josh!​
Josh Matthews is standing by with "Dashing" Cody Rhodes.
Josh: Cody, I just wanted to get your thoughts on your Money in the Bank Qualifying Match later on tonight.​

Cody Rhodes: It's like I said before Jason. This company needs a Handsome looking WWE Champion. Someone who's "Dashing" and that man is me. Once I defeat who every my opponent, I'm going to go on to be Mr. Money in the Bank. Unlike my ex tag team partner Ted Dibiase, I'm going to keep this guarantee instead of talking about it. Besides, I don't need a bleach blonde Foreigner to help me win my matches and I'll prove it you and all these people later on tonight.​
Drew McIntyre and Kelly Kelly are making their way down a hallway arm in arm.
Matt Striker: Hey, there are the lovebirds! Don't they look cute together?

Michael Cole: Well, Drew McIntyre better get his mind on business. He meets MVP in a Non Title Match, Next!​
A car pulls into the arena and out comes Christian!
Matt Striker: Uh-Oh..

Michael Cole: There he is. The man who will challenge for the World Title at WrestleMania.

Matt Striker: Yeah, he's also the guy who vandalized Edge's car last week. He should be in jail.​
A voice shouts off camera, "There He is! That's the guy!"

Christian turns around and Edge shows up with a number of Police Officers.

Christian: What the hell is this?

Edge: Officers, I want you to arrest this man for vandalism after what he did to my car.

Christian: You're so full of....

Officer #1: That's enough out of you, you're coming with us.​
Edge and Christian trade words with each other while the Officers slap the cuffs on him.
Michael Cole: What the hell is this about?

Matt Striker: Whaddya mean, Christian vandalized Edge's property and now he's off to the clink haha.​
As the Officers load him into the wagon, Edge slaps Christian in the face and delivers a low blow.
Edge: Take him away boys.​
They load him in the car and drive away and Edge smiles as we head to the Arena.
Matt Striker: Haha, that was beautiful!

Michael Cole: I'll tell you what, there's gonna be some serious hell to pay when Christian gets out of jail, but more importantly Kane & Big Show will be one man short when they take on Edge, Del Rio, and Big Brodus Clay later on tonight.​
Match 3:
Non-Title Match
Drew McIntyre (w/Kelly Kelly) vs MVP

Both men circle the ring and lock up. MVP backs McIntyre into the corner until the ref calls for a clean break. McIntyre grabs MVP and throws him into the corner. He goes for a right, but MVP ducks and reverses. He unloads on McIntyre with a series of rights. He finally grabs McIntyre by the hair and throws him out of the ring. Kelly Kelly runs to his aid. MVP leaves the ring and scares her away. He throws McIntyre back in the ring. He rolls back in, but Kelly grabs onto his leg which allows McIntyre to drop an elbow along the back of MVP. He starts stomping away on him. He picks him up by the hair and drags him over to the corner where he stomps away some more. The ref tries to get break it up, but McIntyre pushes him out of the way. He picks MVP up and whips him into the other corner. He charges, but MVP gets his boot up. He explodes out of the corner and takes him down with a flying forearm. He goes for a cover, but gets a two count. McIntyre uses the ropes to pull himself up. MVP charges, but McIntyre is ready and low bridges him as MVP is sent out of the ring, to the floor, crashing into the announce table. McIntyre poses to the crowd as we take a break in the action.​
Back from the break and both men are exchanging rights and lefts in the middle of the ring. McIntyre finally knees MVP in the midsection. He whips MVP off the ropes. MVP ducks under a right hand, but McIntyre comes back with sweet looking reverse elbow. He floats over and goes for a pin, but gets a two count. He complains to the ref before he goes back to work on MVP. He picks him up and MVP starts to get in some elbows to the body. McIntyre quickly stops him momentum by clobbering him in the back. He hooks him up and hits a Fisherman Suplex for a two count. He gets MVP into a sleeper hold of sorts. MVP gets up and starts to battle back. He connects with some shots to the body. He finally shakes free and starts hammering away on McIntyre. McIntyre finally comes back and starts taking MVP down with some right hands. He bounces off the ropes, he gets caught in MVP's arms and dropped into a Northern Lights Suplex. He covers and McIntyre gets his arms up before the ref can count to 3!

MVP waits for him to get up and drops McIntyre with a cool dropkick. He goes to whip McIntyre into the ropes, but he reverses. He puts his head down and MVP drops McIntyre with a HUGE DDT. He covers him. 1,.......2,......NO! McIntyre just barely gets his shoulder up. He pounds the mat in frustration. He climbs the top rope and is perched waiting on the top rope. Kelly Kelly hops on the apron and waves her arms in MVP's face. He tries to shoo her away, but to no avail.​
Michael Cole: Damn it, what's that Jezebel doing on the top rope?!!

Matt Striker: She's coming to her man's aid Michael!​
McIntyre is able to fly in and catch MVP with a right hand. He climbs up top and hooks his tights and hits a Big Time Superplex! Both men are down now and the ref starts his count. Kelly Kelly cheers her man on as both begin to move around the ref's 5 count. Both men use the ropes to get to their feet. McIntyre charges and runs into a right hand. MVP follows it up with an even bigger right hand. He starts hammering away on McIntyre. Kelly Kelly then grabs MVP's leg and McIntyre hits a running knee lift. He measures up MVP and connects with the Future Shock! He covers and hooks the leg. 1,.......2,......NO! MVP just get his shoulder up. Kelly Kelly can't believe it and McIntyre looks up at the referee in shock! His face changes to anger as he measures up MVP looking for the Future Shock again. He gets a hold of him, but MVP counters and rolls McIntyre into a small package. 1,.......2,.......3!​

Winner: MVP
Michael Cole: MVP has done it! He's beaten Drew McIntyre in a Non-Title Match!

Matt Striker: No, this can't be! This is not how this was supposed to go!

Michael Cole: Whether you like it or not, MVP has earned a shot at the Champ down the road!​
McIntyre rolls out of the ring and clutches his title as he and Kelly Kelly make their away up the ramp and MVP celebrates in the ring.
Michael Cole: What a match and what a win for MVP and Ladies and Gentlemen, still to come, our Main Event. Since Christian was taken to Jail, Kane & The Big Show will have to go 2 on 3 against Edge, Alberto Del Rio, & Brodus Clay as SmackDown continues.
Vickie Guerrero is seen training with Kaitlyn and Kaval.
Kaitlyn: Remember, we'll be with you every step of the way. Just focus on our training.​
There's a knock on the door.
Kaval: Come in.​
In walks Theodore Long.
Teddy Long: Well Vickie, I see you're focusing awfully hard.​
Vickie: Do you mind? I'm trying to get into prime shape to win my match. I'll have Kaval and Kaitlyn cheering me on.​
Teddy Long: You see, that's what I came in here about. Something I forgot to mention to you about your match. There will be no outside interference from anybody. Which means no Kaitlyn, no Kaval, Nobody. If anybody even steps onto the entrance ramp during the match. You, along with everybody else involved will be fired on the spot.​
The crowd explodes into cheers and Vickie's jaw drops.
Teddy Long: Holla Holla Holla!​
He does this dance and leaves the dressing room.
Vickie's face has not changed as Kaval and Kaitlyn try to comfort her.
Match 4:
Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Cody Rhodes vs Trent Barretta

Both men go to lock up, but Rhodes knees Barretta in the midsection. He starts hammering away on Barretta. He sends him in the corner. He starts putting the boots to him and alternating that with rights. He whips Barretta into the corner now. He charges, but Barretta gets a boot up. Rhodes holds his nose. He asks the referee if his face is ok. He turns around and Barretta clotheslines him. He picks Rhodes up and picks up and drops him with a scoop slam. He climbs to the second rope and drops a forearm. He covers, but gets a near fall. Rhodes then slides outside to the floor. Barretta grabs him by the hair. Rhodes gets on the apron and hangs him on the apron. He pulls Barretta over to the ring post and wraps his leg around the ring post three times before finally getting back in the ring.

He gets back in the ring and starts stomping away on Barretta's leg. He locks in a Half Boston Crab. The ref is watching Barretta seeing if he will quit as Rhodes applies the pressure. Barretta crawls and finally makes it to the ropes. Rhodes gets a hold of the leg again, but Barretta pulls him in, then kicks him off sending Rhodes flying. He gets up and hobbles on that leg. He starts hammering away on Rhodes. He hooks him up for a superplex, but Rhodes nails him in the body. He gets free and dropkicks Barretta in the leg. He goes down to one knee as Rhodes tries to get a DDT, but Barretta is able to reverse it and hit a swinging neckbreaker. He covers Rhodes, but only gets a two count. He makes his way to the corner and climbs the top rope. He leaps off the top and takes Rhodes down with a missile dropkick. He covers and hooks the leg, but gets a nearfall. Barretta is up, but Rhodes is up right after him and kicks Barretta in the back of the leg. He hooks up Barretta and connects with the Cross Rhodes for the win.​

Winner: Cody Rhodes
Matt Striker: How about that Michael?!! Haha, Cody Rhodes is the last man to be entered in the Money in the Bank Match!

Michael Cole: Cody Rhodes has done it, but.....

Matt Striker: Wait a minute!​
Ted Dibiase rushes the ring with a club in his hand and clobbers Rhodes in the head with it. He mounts and starts hammering away on Rhodes. There looks to be a slight cut on the forehead of Rhodes now. Maryse appears down the ramp with a mic in hand. She gets in the ring and hands it to Dibiase.

Dibiase Jr: Well now, so much for Cody and his perfect face. Now then, last Monday on RAW. A SmackDown superstar came onto our show and left his mark, so I figured I'd do the same at my ex-partner's expense. I'm here to let all of you know that this Money in the Bank Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match was MY idea and I will be DAMNED if I let somebody, especially a superstar on this show walk out with that briefcase. You people are missing the bigger picture here. The Money in the Bank Contract and now there's a little War brewing between RAW and SmackDown. Well, I will tell you this. I WILL walk out of Atlanta with the Money in the Bank Briefcase and when I do, I will be the NEW WWE Champion and you can take that to the bank.​
He drops the mic and Rhodes limped body and walks out with Maryse.
Michael Cole: Well, this just throws fuel into the fire for WrestleMania. The 8 Money in the Bank Participants have been confirmed:​
Michael Cole: Ted Dibiase who we just saw along with Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder and the high flying Evan Bourne representing RAW and on the SmackDown side of things we have Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger.

Matt Striker: I can't wait to see how this whole thing plays out. RAW vs SmackDown and throw in Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!!​
Vicki Guerrero is seen walking down a corridor with several superstars watching her as highlights show from last week when she screwed Beth Phoenix & Natalya out of the Divas Tag Team Championship last week and the week before when she locked Beth Phoenix into a Broom Closet.
Matt Striker: Oh no Michael.

Michael Cole: Vickie Guerrero brought this on herself and she has to go one on one with The Glamazon Beth Phoenix. It's Next!​
Match 5:
Beth Phoenix vs Vickie Guerrero

Beth is waiting in the ring as Vickie slowly gets in. The bell rings and Vickie scampers out of the ring. Beth leaves and chases after her. She trips and falls and Beth stalks her. Vickie gets up and Beth grabs her by the hair and throws her in the ring. Vickie begs off, but Beth picks her up and decks her with a right hand. She drags her to the corner and starts stomping away on her. The ref gets in there and Beth gladly backs up. She goes back in and Vickie rakes her eyes. She then takes Beth down with a clothesline. She looks shocked and starts celebrating to the people as they boo her. Beth gets up laughing and grabs Vickie from behind and drops her with a back suplex. She plays to the crowd and picks Vickie up again. She holds her up high over head and then press slams her down to the mat. She picks her up again and locks her in a crossface Chickenwing and throws her back down. She puts her foot on her and the ref counts the fall.​
Winner: Beth Phoenix
After the match, Beth went to inflict more punishment on her, but Kaitlyn rushed the ring and clobbered Beth in the back taking her down. She picks her up and drops her down with a powerbomb!
Matt Striker: Whoa! Look at that strength Michael!

Michael Cole: Kaitlyn just put Beth Phoenix down and she ain't no lightweight.

Matt Striker: We have company Michael!​
Sean O' Haire and the rest of The Revolution make their way down to the ring. Kaitlyn continues to stomp away on Beth as The Revolution enters the ring. They all hold up Beth and O' Haire grabs Beth and looks like he's about to kiss her. He mouths to her, "I'll make a believer out of you."
Michael Cole: Damn it, leave her alone!​
He moves in, but the fans cheer as Mysterio and Natalya rush the ring with weapons in hand as The Revolution scattered from the ring. O' Haire turned around too late and Mysterio cracked a Kendo stick over his head taking him down. Kaval and Harris pulled him out. Mysterio stood tall in the ring as Natalya checked on Beth.
Michael Cole: Mysterio and Natalya came to the aid of Beth Phoenix and Rey gets a little measure of revenge from earlier on tonight.

Matt Striker: The battle lines have been drawn Michael and I know O' Haire won't take this lying down.​
O' Haire and The Revolution stared them down from the top of the entrance ramp. O' Haire started to smile before we cut to backstage.
Tiffany is standing by with Edge.
Tiffany: Well Edge, you had Christian hauled away to Jail and you've given your team a one man advantage as you team with Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay to take on Kane & The Big Show.​
Edge: First of all, I didn't have Christian hauled off to Jail. Had he not vandalized my car, he'd be in this match instead of rotting somewhere in a Jail Cell. As far as our opponents go tonight. That fake version of The Skyscrapers are about to toppled and there isn't a damn thing they can do about it.​
Match 6:
3 on 2 Handicap Match
Edge, Alberto Del Rio, & Brodus Clay vs Kane & Big Show

Kane and Big Show rush right in the ring and start going to work on their opponents. Big Show delivers a headbutt to Edge. Kane starts lacing Del Rio with some Big Time right hands until Brodus Clay interferes. Big Show grabs a hold of him and throws him out of the ring. Edge tries attack Big Show from behind he gets press slammed to the outside right on Brodus Clay. Kane meanwhile gets a hold of Del Rio he press slams him all the way to the outside on both Edge and Brodus Clay. The three men gather up and regroup on the outside as Kane is in the corner and Big Show awaits his opponent. The three men finish their huddle and Brodus Clay steps up and enters the ring. He starts going to work on Big Show with right hands. Big Show counters finally and drops Clay with a headbutt. He drags him over to his corner and delivers two HUGE chops before tagging Kane in. Kane sizes up Clay and hits an elbow. He starts going to town on Clay with rights and uppercuts until he tosses Clay from one corner to the other corner. Clay in desperation tags in Del Rio.

He wants no part of Kane, but he grabs Del Rio and brings him in. Edge tries to get a hold of Kane's hair and gets leveled with a right hand. Kane whips Del Rio off the ropes and takes him down with a nice sidewalk slam. He covers, but Edge flies in and breaks up the count. Big Show gets in the ring, but the ref quickly intercepts him. This allows Clay to bring a Chair in the ring. He nails Kane right in the back with it and leaves the ring with the Chair. Del Rio takes advantage and goes to work on Kane and stomps away. He gets Kane in an armbar. Big Show gets in and delivers a legdrop to break the hold. Kane sits up and goes after Del Rio. He lures Kane into the corner and drop toe holds him into the second turnbuckle. He turns him around and starts going to work on Kane with rights until the ref calls for a clean break. He whips Kane into the turnbuckle. He charges, but Kane ducks, bounces off the ropes and takes down Del Rio with a clothesline. Kane tags Big Show back in. Del Rio backs into his corner and Show picks him up by the head. Unbeknownst to him, Edge got a blind tag in. Big Show picks Del Rio up, but Edge comes in and chopblocks him at the back of the knee. he bounces off the ropes and hits him with the spear! He covers and hooks the leg. 1,........2,.......and Kane flies in and drops an elbow to break up the count.

He picks up Edge and starts laying into him with right hands. He finishes him off with an uppercut that sent Edge flying out of the ring. Brodus Clay runs in, but gets a big boot for his trouble. Del Rio comes up from behind Kane and rolls him up, but only gets a two count. Meanwhile, on the outside, Big Show is taking on both Edge and Brodus Clay. He kicks Clay into the baracade and picks up Edge. He has Edge on his shoulder and heads for the ring post. Edge is able to shake free and Big Show goes shoulder first into the ring post. Brodus Clay is back up and topples the big man with a shoulder tackle. Ricardo Rodriguez gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Edge grabs a chair and slides it in the ring. Del Rio grabs the chair, but turns around into the arms of Kane! He grabs Del Rio by the throat. Del Rio is able to deliver a low blow to Kane and crack that Chair over the head of Kane. He throws is out of the ring and covers Kane. The ref counts the fall and this one is over!​

Winners: Edge, Alberto Del Rio, & Brodus Clay
Matt Striker: Michael! Can you believe it?!! Del Rio has beaten Kane!

Michael Cole: Del Rio needed the use of his ring announcer and a steel chair to get the job done, but Del Rio has beaten Kane in this Handicap Match.​
Del Rio's music plays as he celebrates his win. Then, Edge brings in a second folding chair and hands it over to Del Rio. Del Rio places Kane's face on one of the chairs. Edge leaves the ring and grabs his World Title and clocks The Big Show with it. Ricardo even got a cheap shot on him. Del Rio then connects with the one man conchairto on Kane!
Michael Cole: Damn it, Del Rio has gone mad!

Matt Striker: Where there's chaos, there's opportunity Michael. Del Rio got payback for last week and he's letting Kane know who's boss.

Michael Cole: Well Del Rio better damn sure watch his back when Kane comes to and Edge better watch his back to because Christian WILL be looking for him.​
His music plays again as all four men stand over Kane's body. Del Rio, Clay, and Rodriguez raise their arms in unity as Edge stands on the turnbuckle and poses with his World Title. The heels celebrate and the crowd boos them on as the show goes off the air.
Matt Striker: Kodak moment Michael.

Michael Cole: It's all smiles and laughs now, but as JR says, there's gonna be Hell to pay for all 4 of these men Next Week!​

SmackDown goes off the air.

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