Icon's WWE

After the individual matches on RAW and SmackDown im really looking forward to Elimination Chamber, im finding it hard to pick a winner myself, especially for the SD one so well done on keeping me wanting more.

I like the different take you got going with the Ziggler/Kaitlyn - Vickie storyline. im wondering whether she will play any part come EC.

Again another great show, look forward to the next one.
D-Squared, you needn't wait for Elimination Chamber any more because it's the next show!! Thanks for the kind words again and I am really happy that my readers are happy with my work. I'm posting the Elimination Chamber card here just to ensure you and the others don't get confused. Also, I would like to see your predictions and let's see whether they match-up with the outcomes.

Here's the card:

WWE champion The Miz vs Randy Orton vs Triple H vs CM Punk vs King Sheamus vs John Morrison (Elimination Chamber)

World Heavyweight champion Edge vs Alberto Del Rio vs "Dashing" Cody Rhodes vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler (Elimination Chamber)

John Cena vs Mason Ryan (Extreme Rules)
Stipulation: If Cena wins, he can face any member of the Nexus at WrestleMania; If he loses, he will be banned from the big event

The Corre vs Big Show, Christian, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre and Michael Tarver (5-on5 Elimination match)

U.S champion Daniel Bryan vs Ted DiBiase (Last chance 2-out of-3 falls match)

WWE Tag Team champions Santino and Kozlov vs Mark Henry and The Great Khali

Divas champion Natalya vs Michelle McCool
My Elimination Chamber Predictions:

As much as i think The Miz is awesome he doesnt seem to have much momentum coming into this PPV.
With a clean win over the awesome one and the last one standing of the 6 on th final RAW (before Cena stuck his noes in) i would have to say Punk wins this one and becomes the new WWE Champ

John Cena va Mason Ryan
As im writing this i have come to think that Cena will defeat Ryan and then Challenge Punk for the WWE title at Mania.

Again its hard to see Edge retaining and the two i feel have the most chance after the last couple of SD resullts are Dashing Cody Rhodes and Alberto Del Rio... i dont think i can pick between the two.

Wade Barrett halted the losing streak by defeating Christian so i got to say that i think The Corre will win this one.

Ted cost Bryan a tag team match vs Santino and Kozlov so im thinking Bryan will get his revenge when his gold is on the line.

Im fancying Michelle McCool to take the title here, 2 consecutive wins in matches involving Natalya and then a win vs Layla, can only do her confidence the world of good heading into this one.

Cant wait for the card.
Hey man. Thanx for the predics. You'll come to know which ones are right and which ones are wrong when I post the Elimination Chamber PPV. Keep reading man. Keeping reading. And not only D-Squared, but all my BT! followers can post their predictions.

Thanks again to D-Squared.
Elimination Chamber

We are greeted by the video that has the following:

To realize their dreams, 12 superstars have to go through…

12 tons of unforgiving steel

2 miles of destructive chain

The Satan’s Structure

The Elimination Chamber!!

Many have stepped in… no one has come out the same…..

And now WWE presents

Elimination Chamber!!!!

The pyro goes off as Michael Cole, sitting alongside Josh Matthews and Jerry Lawler welcomes us to Elimination Chamber.

World Heavyweight champion Edge vs Alberto Del Rio vs “Dashing” Cody Rhodes vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler (Elimination Chamber)
Tony Chimel names the rules. Alberto is out first followed by Cody, Kane and Dolph with Kaitlyn who all enter a pod. Rey is out next followed by Edge. Both these men are going to start things off. The bell sounds and both men shake hands. They lock up and Edge pushes Rey in the corner. He kicks him in the gut and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Rey kicks out at 2. He picks him up and whips him but Rey ducks a clothesline and goes for a springboard crossbody but Edge catches him in mid-air and hits a backbreaker. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner.

He goes for a splash but Rey sidesteps and Edge crashes into the turnbuckle. Rey goes for a flash kick but Edge ducks and hits the Edgomatic. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by a kick to the gut and the impeller DDT. He goes in the corner and calls for the Spear. He charges at him but Rey sidesteps and Edge crashes into the post and falls in the corner. Rey goes on the top and hits a crossbody. Both men are down. They get up. Edge quickly nails a boot. He picks him up and whips him but Rey ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. He waits for him to get up and then hits a dropkick. Edge falls on the second rope. Rey nails the 619!! He goes for the West Coast Pop but it’s time for an entry.

The spotlight shows Alberto is released from his pod. Alberto quickly gets out of his pod and kicks away at Rey. He gets in the ring and clotheslines Edge onto the guardrail. He picks Rey up and throws him onto the guardrail. He goes out and smashes Rey’s skull into the chamber structure and then throws him around like a toy. He picks him up and throws him into the glass pod. Rey is shattered as he lies inside. He goes for a cover. Alberto picks him up and throws him in. He gets in but Edge catches him with a DDT. All 3 men are down. Alberto and Edge get up. Alberto charges but Edge ducks and pulls the ropes down. Alberto crashes into the guardrail. Edge goes out and stomps away at Alberto. He picks him up and whips him into the Dolph’s pod but luckily, it doesn’t break. Edge picks Alberto up and throws him in where he is met with a enzugiri from Rey. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Edge gets in the ring.

He and Rey pick Alberto up and whip him followed by a double dropkick. Rey goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. Alberto turns around into a Spear from Edge. Alberto rolls to the outside. Edge and Rey stare down at each other. Edge goes for a clothesline but Rey ducks and goes for springboard moonsault but Edge sidesteps and Rey crashes into the mat. Edge picks him up and hits the impeller DDT. He calls for the Spear but its time for an entry.

“Dashing” Cody Rhodes gets in the match and pulls Edge out and throws him into the structure. He gets in the ring and stocks Rey. He hits him with the Beautiful Disaster. He picks him up and hits the Cross Rhodes. Cover. 1…2….3! Rey is gone. Cody laughs about and taunts the WWE Universe. Alberto gets in and shoves Cody. Cody asks him what the problem is. The argue for a while over whose “prey” Rey was. Edge gets in the ring and takes advantage by booting off Alberto. Cody quickly retaliates and kicks Edge in the gut followed by a DDT. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and throws him into the rail. He goes out and stomps away at him. He picks him up and whips him right into Alberto’s clothesline. Edge’s head bounces off the rail. Cody stretches out his hand. Alberto says no initially but finally shakes it. They pick Edge up and throw him into the structure. Alberto picks him up and throws him in.

Both the heels get in. Cody goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. Alberto goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and throws him into the corner. Both he and Cody stomp away at Edge. Cody picks him up and whips him followed by a spinning heel-kick. He goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. Alberto looks frustrated as he kicks away at Edge. It’s time for another entry.

Kane is released into the match. Alberto and Cody look scared. Kane gets in the ring but is met with blows from Cody and Alberto. Kane pushes off Alberto and boots Cody. Alberto charges at him but Kane backdrops him into the rail. Kane picks Cody up and whips him followed by a sidewalk slam. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by a boot. He picks him up and nails him with multiple uppercuts. He picks him up and rams him into the post. Cody falls outside. Kane goes out but Alberto greets him with a dropkick to the knee. Kane goes down. Alberto quickly takes advantage and hits a DDT.

He picks him up and throws him back in. He gets in and calls for the cross-arm breaker. He charges at him but Kane sidesteps and Alberto crashes into the mat. Edge comes running at him out of nowhere but Kane hits him with a boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Kane picks him up and throws him out. He turns his attention to Alberto. He whips him into the corner followed by a splash. He picks him up and whips him followed by a sidewalk slam. He goes on the top and hits the flying clothesline. He calls for the Chokeslam. He grabs Alberto by the neck but Cody makes the save by kicking Kane in the gut. Cody comes off the ropes but Kane nails him with a boot and calls for the Chokeslam. The final entry is due.

Out comes Dolph. He gets in the ring and dropkicks Kane. Kane stumbles but is still on his feet. Dolph nails him with a springboard moonsault. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He calls for the Sleeper. He locks it in but not fully. Kane pushes him into the turnbuckle and Dolph releases the hold. Kane charges at him but Cody pulls Dolph out of the way and Kane crashes into the turnbuckle. Cody hits him with the Beautiful Disaster. 1…2…kick out! Cody can’t believe it. Alberto gets up and throws Edge into the ring where Dolph greets him with an enzugiri. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Alberto holds Edge for Dolph as he punches away at him. Alberto lets go and Edge goes down. Cody goes on the top and hits a legdrop. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Cody locks in a chin-lock on Edge as Alberto and Dolph go to work on Kane. Dolph stomps away at him. He picks him up and both he and Alberto whip him but Kane reverses and hits a double clothesline. Cody quickly releases the hold on Edge and charges at Kane but Kane nails him with a boot.

Kane picks Alberto up and whips him in the corner followed by a splash. He goes on the top and hits a flying clothesline. Dolph charges at him but Kane sidesteps and hits a sidewalk slam. He calls for the Chokeslam on Alberto but Cody chop-blocks him on the back of the knee. He goes for the Beautiful Disaster but Kane sidesteps and hits a boot. He grabs him by the neck and hits a Chokeslam. He turns around and Alberto nails him with a running enzugiri. Kane crashes on Cody and rolls out of the ring. Alberto thinks for a minute and goes for a cover on Cody. 1…2….3!! Cody’s done. Alberto sits in the middle of the ring looking dejected. He holds his head in his hands. He slowly gets up but Dolph hits him with the ZigZag out of nowhere. Cover. 1…2…3! Alberto’s gone. Its down to 3. Edge makes it back to his feet. Dolph charges at him but Edge ducks and pulls the ropes down. Dolph crashes into the rail. Edge goes out and picks Dolph up. He whips him into a pod. He picks him up and throws him into the structure. He waits for him to get up and then hits a boot. He throws him in and gets in. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him but Dolph reverses. Edge ducks a clothesline and hits the Edgomatic. Cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks him up and whips him but Dolph reverses. Edge grabs hold of his arm and hits the impeller DDT. He calls for the Spear. He charges but Dolph sidesteps and does a roll-up but Edge kicks out at 2. Both men get up. Edge charges at him but Dolph kicks him in the gut and hits a legdrop that Michael Cole calls the “ZigZag”. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and hits a legdrop. He calls for the ZigZag but Vickie Guerrero runs to ringside and he is distracted. Vickie starts a brawl with Kaitlyn. The refs outside try breaking them up but to no avail. Dolph finally manages to focus back on the match. He turns around and Kane hits him with the Tombstone. Cover. 1…2…3. Dolph’s eliminated.

Its down to the finals. Kane smirks and picks Edge up. He whips him followed by a boot. He picks him up and throws him out. He goes out and throws Edge into the structure. He picks him up and body-slams him into the rail. He picks him up and throws him back in. He gets in and hits another boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by a sidewalk slam. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and hits the flying clothesline. He calls for the Chokeslam but the arena suddenly starts filling up with blinding smoke. The smoke clears finally and Kane is still reeling the effects caused by it and is trying to adjust his eyes. Edge quickly gets up and goes in the corner calling for the Spear. Kane turns around and Edge hits the Spear for the 1…2…3!!! Edge retains!!!
Winner and still World Heavyweight champion: Edge

Backstage, Todd Grisham is with The Miz.

Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, WWE champion, The Miz.

*The crowd boos*

Todd: Miz, what do you think are your chances to survive inside the chamber?

Miz: My chances, well, I am going to win the Elimination Chamber and I will walk out still holding my WWE championship. I will beat Triple H, Randy Orton, Sheamus, CM Punk and John Morrison, proving why I am the most must-see WWE champion in history! And you know why, the others don’t stand a chance against me? “Because I’m The Miz… and I’m AWESOME!!!”

*Miz walks off*​
U.S champion Daniel Bryan vs Ted DiBiase (Last chance 2-out of-3 falls match)
Out comes Bryan followed by Ted. The bell sounds and both men lock-up. Ted turns it into a headlock but Bryan manages to push him away. Ted counters with a shoulder-block. He goes for a knee-to the face but Bryan ducks and does a schoolboy. 1…2…kick out. Both men get up. Bryan hits Ted with multiple kicks across the chest and back. He whips him but Ted reverses and goes for a backdrop but Bryan counters with a kick across the chest. He comes off the ropes but Ted follows him and hits a clothesline instead. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Bryan kicks out at 2. He hits a clothesline. He stomps away at him followed by a knee-drop. Cover. 1…2….kick out.

He picks Bryan up and whips him into the corner followed by a running elbow. He goes for the Dream Street but Bryan slips out and goes for an enzugiri but Ted ducks and Bryan crashes into the mat. Ted quickly takes advantage and locks in the Million Dollar Dream. Bryan starts fainting but eventually gets back to a vertical base and gets hold of the ropes. Ted releases the hold and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and goes for a missile dropkick but Bryan sidesteps and Ted crashes into the mat. Bryan takes advantage and hits a springboard moonsault. Both men are down. They get up. Ted charges towards him but Bryan ducks and hits an enzugiri. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. He picks him up and whips him into the corner and hits a splash. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He calls for another enzugiri. He charges but Ted sidesteps and Bryan crashes into the mat. Ted takes advantage and hits the Dream Street . 1…2….3. Ted gets the first fall.

He celebrates and waits for Bryan to get up and then hits a boot sending him crashing out of the ring. He goes out and picks him up. He whips him into the steps. He picks him up and rams him into the post as the ref starts the count. Ted picks Bryan up and throws him into the barricade. He gets in the ring to break the ref’s count. He picks Bryan up and whips him into the post. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the apron. He throws him in and gets in. He waits for him to get up. He charges at him but Bryan sidesteps and Ted crashes into the ropes. Bryan takes advantage and hits a flashkick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a spinning heel-kick. He picks him up and whips him followed by a bulldog. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and hits a legdrop.

He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Ted reverses it into his own. Bryan kicks out at 2 and rolls through and hits a knee-to the face. He picks him up and starts kicking him across the chest. Ted grabs hold of one kick and goes for a boot but Bryan ducks and hits an enzugiri to make a classic move. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Bryan can’t believe it. He goes on the top and goes for a missile dropkick but Ted sidesteps and Bryan crashes into the mat. He gets up slowly and Ted knocks him off with a boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Ted quickly locks in the Figure 4 leg-lock. Bryan struggles but turns around forcing Ted to release the hold. Ted waits for Bryan to get up and then clotheslines him out of the ring.

He goes out and picks Bryan up and whips him into the steps. He picks him up and goes to ram him into the post but Bryan slips out and pushes Ted into the post instead. Ted hurts his arm. Bryan nails a hard heel-kick to the arm and Ted is down and out on the outside. Bryan gets in the ring while the ref is on 4. Ted slowly makes it back to his feet. He stands but stumbles and falls down again. The ref reaches 9. Ted grabs hold of the apron but falls again and fails to make it back to the ring before 10. He is counted-out and Bryan gets the second fall. Bryan smirks in the ring and raises his hand in celebration.

Ted looks frustrated. He gets in the ring but Bryan greets him with a roundhouse kick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Ted reverses and goes for a backdrop but Bryan counters with a face-buster followed by a spinning heel-kick. He grabs hold of Ted’s leg and catapults him into the turnbuckle. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up. 1…2..kick out. Bryan charges at him but Ted ducks and hits a scoop slam. He gets up and stomps away at Bryan. He goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Ted can’t believe it. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a bulldog. He picks him up and whips him but Bryan ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. Cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks him up and whips him but Ted reverses and goes for a backdrop but Bryan counters with a kick to the chest. He comes off the ropes but Ted follows him and hits a clothesline instead. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by a boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Ted can’t believe it. He calls for the Dream Street. He lifts Bryan but Bryan slips out and nails a dropkick. He calls for the enzugiri and connects. He quickly locks in the LeBelle hold. Ted tries getting hold of the ropes but to no avail. Finally, Ted taps out giving Bryan the third fall and the victory.
Winner and still U.S champion: Daniel Bryan

Backstage, we see Dolph Ziggler with Kaitlyn. Dolph looks pissed off.

Dolph: K! Why did you have to fight with Vickie? It cost me the World Heavyweight championship!!

Kaitlyn: Dolph! What do you mean!!? She attacked me!

Dolph: Do you even know, how much the World championship means to me?

Kaitlyn: I am sorry Dolph.

Dolph: That fat sausage you call Vickie Guerrero, I’ll ensure that she and her nephew pay for whatever they have done tonight. Vickie’s career and life from now on, will be a living hell!!

*Dolph storms out of the locker as Kaitlyn looks sorry*

WWE Tag Team champions Santino and Kozlov vs Mark Henry and The Great Khali
The challengers are out first followed by “Koztino”. Kozlov and Henry are going to start things off. The bell sounds and both men shove each other. Henry grabs hold of Kozlov and nails multiple headbutts sending him down followed by a big legdrop. He picks him up and slams him into the corner. He runs at him but Kozlov sidesteps and Henry crashes into the turnbuckle. Kozlov hits a clothesline but Henry is still standing. Kozlov hits another clothesline and this time Henry goes down. Cover by Kozlov. 1…2…kick out. Kozlov tags in Santino.

He comes in and hits the big splash. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Henry reverses. Santino ducks a clothesline and hits a dropkick to the knee. Henry goes down on his knees. Santino hits another dropkick sending Henry down completely. He calls for the Cobra. He goes to hit but Henry grabs his arm, turns it around and lets go. Santino hits himself with the Cobra. Cover. 1…2….Santino places his hand on the ropes. Henry tags in Khali.

He comes in and boots off Santino. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a running elbow. He picks him up and places him in the corner followed by the chest slap. Santino goes down holding his chest. Khali stands on Santino’s chest and gets down. Santino acts as if he’s an asthma patient. Khali picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and whips him followed by a chop to the skull. Cover. 1…2…Santino barely manages to kick out. Khali can’t believe it.

He picks him up and whips him into the corner. He charges towards him but Santino falls down and Khali crashes into the turnbuckle and goes down. Both men are down. They tag in their partners. Henry goes for a clothesline but Kozlov ducks and hits a boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Henry reverses. He goes for a backdrop but Kozlov counters with a face-buster followed by a clothesline. Henry isn’t down. Kozlov kicks him in the gut and hits a DDT. He climbs on the top rope but takes time. He goes for a crossbody but Henry catches him in mid-air and goes for the World’s Strongest Slam but Kozlov slips out. Both men hit each other with a boot simultaneously. Both men are down. They tag in their partners.

Santino looks scared as he enters the ring. Khali charges at him but Santino ducks and goes for a hip-toss but can’t pull Khali over. Khali grabs him by the throat and throws him into the corner followed by a chest slap. He goes on the second-rope (unbelievable) and dives but Santino sidesteps and Khali crashes into the mat. Santino quickly goes into the cover. 1…kick out. He gets up and calls for the Cobra. Henry enters the ring and clotheslines Santino. He turns around and Kozlov clotheslines him over the top to the floor. Kozlov turns around and Khali hits him with a boot. Santino hits the Cobra on Khali’s knee. Khali goes down on his knees. Santino hits another Cobra, this time the original one to the face. Khali goes down!! Santino goes for a cover. 1…2….3!! Santino does it again.
Winners and still WWE Tag Team champions: Santino and Kozlov

Backstage, Todd Grisham is with Christian.

Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, the 2011 Royal Rumble winner, Christian.

*The crowd cheers loudly for Captain Charisma*

Christian: Hey Todd.

Todd: Hi. Now Christian, are you still extremely confident heading into your match after Wade Barrett beat you this past SmackDown! 2 days ago?

Christian: Why shouldn’t I be. Todd, every dog has its day. Wade had his, on Friday. But, not every dog has a good day everyday. You see Wade Barrett and The Corre, there just one night wonders. While the entire Team SmackDown!, is consisted of strong consistent performers. And that’s why, I have total confidence, that tonight, Team SmackDown! will reign supreme.

Todd: Thank you Christian. You must leave. Your match is about to begin.

Christian: Yeah but before I go, I need to tell everyone this. I have made my decision. My decision as to who I will face at WrestleMania 27. Ladies and gentlemen, at WrestleMania, its going to be Christian vs the World Heavyweight champion, Edge.

*The crowd cheers louder than ever as Christian leaves for his match*​
The Corre vs Big Show, Christian, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre and Michael Tarver (5-on-5 Elimination match)
Corre is out first followed by Team SmackDown! in the reverse of the order given above. Christian and Slater start things off. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Slater pushes Christian into the corner and kicks him in the gut followed by a DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and goes for a crossbody but Christian kicks him in mid-air and hits a Gutwrench powerbomb. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline and a DDT. He picks him up and whips him but Slater reverses him into the corner. He charges towards him but Christian sidesteps and hits a pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits the uppercut. Slater falls on the second-rope. Christian chokes him down with his foot.

He goes out and slaps him in the face. He gets back in and grabs hold of him. He goes on the middle rope and hits the tornado DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He calls for the Killswitch. He grabs Slater but Slater manages to slip out and goes for a dropkick but Christian sidesteps and Slater crashes into the mat. Christian goes for a springboard moonsault but Slater sidesteps and Christian this time crashes into the mat. Both men are down. They get up. Christian charges towards Slater but he ducks and does a roll-up but Christian kicks out at 2. Both men get up. Christian charges towards him but Slater sidesteps and hits a spinning heel-kick. Both men are down. Slater tags in Zeke while Christian makes the tag to Tarver.

Tarver comes in going for a clothesline but Zeke ducks and hits a boot. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He whips him followed by another clothesline. He picks him up and hits a sit-out gut-buster. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He calls for another clothesline. He charges towards him but Tarver ducks and hits a right hand right across Zeke’s face followed by a dropkick that sends Zeke crashing to the floor. Cover by Tarver. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and dives off but Zeke catches him in mid-air and hits a spinebuster. Cover. 1…2…3. Tarver is eliminated.

Zeke is all smiles as its 5-4 in favor of Corre. Drew gets in the ring and goes for a boot but Zeke sidesteps and goes for a clothesline but Drew retaliates and ducks and hits a finally hits a boot. He picks him up and whips him but Zeke reverses and goes for a backdrop but Drew counters with a DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Zeke reverses him into the corner followed by a sidewalk slam. Both men are down. Zeke makes his way back and tags in Slater. Slater gets in but Drew catches him with a roll-up. 1…kick out. Both men get up. Slater runs in at him but Drew ducks and hits a dropkick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Drew looks frustrated. He picks him up and throws him into his corner followed by a slap to the chest. He tags in Kofi.

Kofi gets in and punches down Slater until the ref breaks it up. He goes on the top and hits a crossbody. 1…2…kick out. He tags in Drew. Drew gets in and stomps away at Slater. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a running elbow. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a clothesline. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a boot. He calls for the Future Shock DDT. He grabs hold of Slater but Gabriel sticks his nose in. Drew boots him off. He picks him up and throws him outside. He turns around and Slater nails him with his finisher. Cover. 1…2…3. Drew is gone making it 5-3 for Corre.

Show looks confused as Slater makes the tag to Skip. Kofi too runs into the ring but Skip nails him with a clothesline. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him in the corner. He charges towards him but Kofi sidesteps and hits the pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits a crossbody. He waits for him to get up and then hits the S.O.S. He does the Boom Drop and calls for the Trouble In Paradise. This time Slater sticks his nose. Kofi nails him with the T.I.P. He turns around and Skip runs at him but he sidesteps and hits him with the T.I.P as well! Cover. 1…2….3!! Skip is done making it 4-3.

Zeke gets in the ring and smashes Kofi with a boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and places him on the top rope. He climbs onto the middle one. He goes for the superplex but Kofi fights back with fists and headbutts. Finally, Zeke goes down. Kofi dives onto him but Zeke catches him in mid-air and hits a sideslam. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up. 1…2…kick out. Both men get up. Zeke nails him with a boot. He picks him up and whips him followed by a backdrop. Cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks him up and hits a delayed vertical suplex. He picks him up and hits a spinebuster. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Zeke can’t believe it. He calls for the Spear. He charges towards him but Kofi sidesteps and goes for a tag but Zeke grabs him in a bear hug. Kofi is stretching out his hand to his partners. Zeke pulls him to the other side of the ring and does a bridge-cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by a hip-toss. He calls for the clothesline. He charges at him but Kofi sidesteps and hits an enzugiri. Zeke is stunned momentarily. Kofi quickly tags in Show. Show gets in and hits Zeke with the Chokeslam. Cover. 1…2…3! Zeke’s gone. It’s 3-3.

Show is all smiles as Gabriel gets in the ring. He runs around the ring a little bit avoiding Show. He gets to his corner and says that he wants Kofi. Show takes a look back at his corner where Kofi is back to his feet. Show asks Kofi and he says yes. Show tags in Kofi. Kofi gets in the ring. Gabriel goes for a clothesline but Kofi ducks and hits a dropkick. He hits the Boom Drop and calls for the T.I.P. He charges towards him but Gabriel sidesteps and hits an enzugiri. Kofi goes down. Gabriel pulls him to the centre of the ring. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. Kofi falls down in the corner. Gabriel goes up top and hits the 450 splash. Cover. 1…2…3. Kofi’s eliminated making it 3-on-2. Gabriel is busy celebrating as Christian sneaks into the ring and hits the Killswitch! 1…2…3!! Gabriel’s gone bringing the scores to the same level.

Slater makes his way into the ring and goes for a clothesline but Christian ducks and hits a reverse DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a running elbow. He pulls him to the center of the ring. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He goes on the top and hits an uppercut. Slater falls on the second rope. Christian chokes him down. He goes out and goes for the slap but Slater ducks. Christian tries to get back in the ring but Slater kicks him off the apron. Christian crashes outside. Slater goes out and whips Christian into the steps. He picks him up and tries to ram him into the post but Christian slips out and sends him arm-first into the steps. He picks him up and throws him arm-first into the barricade. He picks him up and throws him in. He gets in and glares back at Barrett. He turns around and Slater goes for his finisher but Christian pushes him off and quickly locks in the cross-face. Slater tries to fight back but gives up eventually and taps out making it in favor of Team SmackDown! for the first time in the match!

Barrett gets in the ring for the first time in the match. Barrett charges in at Christian but Christian sidesteps and hits a roundhouse kick. He waits for him to get up and hits an enzugiri. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Barrett reverses him into the corner. He charges towards him but Christian sidesteps and hits the pendulum kick. He goes on the top but takes time. He goes for the moonsault but Barrett sidesteps and Christian crashes hard into the mat. Barrett gets up and picks him up on the shoulders and hits the Wasteland. Cover. 1…2…3. Christian’s gone making it 1-on-1.

Show gets in the ring and charges towards his opponent but Barrett sidesteps and kicks him on the knee-cap. Show goes down on his knees. Barrett hits a boot. Cover. 1…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Show reverses. Barrett ducks a clothesline and hits a shoulder-block but Show doesn’t move a muscle. Barrett goes for the second time but Show grabs him by the throat and goes for the chokeslam but Barrett slips out and baseball slides into Show’s knee. Show goes down. Barrett goes on the top and hits the elbow drop. He calls for a knee-to the face but smoke starts filling the arena just like in the Elimination Chamber match. The smoke clears and the gong sounds as the lights go out. Back to normal and Undertaker is standing on the ramp. Barrett can’t believe his eyes. Taker does the throat-slit taunt and tells Barrett to look around. Barrett turns and Show nails him with the K.O blow. Cover. 1…2…3. Team SmackDown! wins. After the match, Show points towards Taker who nods and walks off.
Winners: Big Show, Christian, Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre and Michael Tarver
Sole Survivor: Big Show

Backstage, we see Teddy Long in his office. Dolph Ziggler storms in and grabs his collar.

Dolph: Teddy, I want explanation from Vickie for whatever she did earlier in the night and I want it this Friday!

Teddy: Hey, hey. Calm down playa. I cannot make Vickie talk against her wish because she, she is my assistant and an official of WWE.

*Dolph releases Teddy unwillingly*

Teddy: But don’t get dejected playa. I have good news for you. I can’t make Vickie talk, but I sure can… fire Vickie till WrestleMania!!

*The crowd cheers loud as Dolph looks happy*

Dolph: I like you Teddy. I like you.

*Dolph leaves as we go to ringside*

Divas champion Natalya vs Michelle McCool
Natalya is out first with Beth followed by Michelle with Layla and Melina. Both divas are in the ring as the bell sounds. They lock up and Michelle pushes Natalya in the corner. She whips her followed by a clothesline. Cover. 1…2…kick out. She picks her up and rams her skull into the turnbuckle followed by a kick to the gut and a DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. She picks her up and throws her out. She goes out and mocks Beth. She picks Natalya up and whips her into the steps. She picks her up and throws her in and gets in. Cover. 1…2…kick out. She mocks Bret Hart’s taunt (which brings up lots of boos) and then locks in the Sharpshooter. Natalya struggles but makes it to the ropes. Michelle releases the hold and stomps away at Natalya. She waits for her to get up. She goes for a boot but Natalya sidesteps and hits a dropkick.

Michelle falls on the turnbuckle and falls in the corner. Natalya pulls her into the center of the ring. Cover. 1…2….kick out. She goes on the top and hits a crossbody. Cover. 1…2…kick out. She picks her up and rams her into the post. She pulls her out and does a roll-up. 1…2…kick out. Both divas get up. Michelle charges towards her but Natalya pounces on her and quickly locks in the Sharpshooter. Michelle struggles. Melina stands on the apron and distracts the ref. Michelle starts tapping out but the ref does not see it. Natalya releases the hold thinking she’s won. Layla quickly takes advantage and kicks Natalya in the gut. Beth knocks Layla off with a clothesline. The ref turns his attention back to the match where Natalya is down in pain and Michelle is up. Michelle nails Natalya with the boot. Cover. 1…2…3! We have a new Divas champion!!
Winner and new Divas champion: Michelle McCool
After the match, the lights go out. Back to normal and all Divas are in the ring and confused. A hard-rock music hits and out comes Awesome Kong!! All the Divas are surprised and look scared. Kong gets in the ring and nails Natalya with a boot. She grabs hold of Melina and throws her out. She double-clotheslines LayCool out of the ring. She turns around and Beth is standing in front of her. Both the Divas face off. The GM chimes in.

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I have just received an e-mail from the General Manager.

*The crowd boos at him as he walks to the podium*

Cole: And I Quote… “Stop the carnage please. I request the superstar-like Diva to reveal her name and her intentions”.

*Kong gets the mic*

Kong: My name, is Queen Kong! I am the newest Diva in the WWE. I had this idea to put all the Diva on notice before I finally make my debut. And I’m sure, that I am quite successful in my task. And GM, you want to know my intentions, my intentions are to hurt every Diva in the WWE and… to capture the Divas title as soon as possible!

*She spears Beth and then stands in the ring with a fearsome look on her face*​
Backstage, Vickie Guerrero is with Chavo.

Chavo: He fired you.

Vickie: I know that. But now, he’ll pay for it. Because me, I am going to pull out such a surprise, that Teddy Long will be stunned, forever.

*The crowd boos as we go to ringside*

John Cena vs Mason Ryan (Extreme Rules)
Stipulation: If Cena wins, he can face any member of the Nexus at WrestleMania; If he loses, he won’t be able to compete at the big event

Ryan is out first followed by Cena who gets more of a pop than heat. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Ryan pushes Cena in the corner and shows off his muscles. Cena smiles as if to be impressed and then pounces on Ryan. He punches him down. He picks Ryan up and whips him in the corner followed by a bulldog. He goes on the top and hits a legdrop. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Ryan reverses him into the corner. He charges towards him but Cena sidesteps and Ryan crashes into the turnbuckle. Cena hits him with the fisherman suplex. He picks him up and whips him followed by the shoulder blocks, press slam and 5 knuckle shuffle. He calls for the AA. He picks Ryan up but Ryan slips out and hits a boot.

He picks him up and whips him in the corner. He charges at him with full speed but Cena sidesteps and Ryan crashes into the post. He falls down in the corner. Cena goes on the top but takes time. Ryan catches up and kicks Cena in the groin. Cena falls on the ropes and then falls in the corner. Ryan pulls him in the center and goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. Cena falls on the outside. Ryan goes out and stomps away at Cena. He picks him up and throws him into the barricade. He picks him up and whips him into the steps. He brings out a chair. He smashes Cena with it multiple times. He picks Cena up and pushes him into the post. He picks him up and throws him in. He gets in and goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Cena up and whips him followed by a clothesline.

Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes out and takes out a singapore cane. He gets in the ring and hits Cena with it. He picks him up and hits a sit-out gut-buster. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Ryan can’t believe it. He goes out and takes out a kendo stick. He gets in the ring and goes for a shot but Cena grabs the stick and pushes Ryan behind. Ryan crashes into the turnbuckle. Cena hits Ryan with the stick. He goes out and pulls out a chair. He gets in the ring and goes to hit Ryan but Ryan ducks and boots the chair out of his hand. Cena looks surprised. Ryan hits him with a spear. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Cena ducks a clothesline and hits the shoulder blocks, press slam, 5 knuckle shuffle. He calls for the AA. He lifts Ryan up but Ryan slips out and hits a DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks him up and throws him out. He lifts the steel steps and charges towards Cena but Cena sidesteps and Ryan crashes into the barricade. Both men are down on the outside. They get up. Ryan charges but Cena hits a drop-toe hold and Ryan crashes into the apron. Cena picks up a chair and smashes Ryan with it. He picks him up and slams his head into the barricade and keeps doing it until they reach the announce table. Cena clears the mess on it. He lifts Ryan up on his shoulders but Ryan slips out and boots Cena. He picks him up and throws him onto the table. He climbs up and picks Cena up. He spinebusters Cena through the table!! Cena is out. Ryan picks him up and throws him into the barricade. He picks him up and clotheslines him into the audience.

He goes into the audience and goes to slam Cena into one of the chairs but Cena avoids it with his hands and elbows Ryan in the gut. Cena throws Ryan into the chair instead. He picks him up and makes him sit on the chair. He grabs a kendo stick lying there and smashes Ryan across the chest with it. He picks him up and throws him back to ringside. He climbs over the barricade and gets there. He picks Ryan up and whips him but Ryan reverses him into the steps. Both men are down. They get up and get in the ring. They trade blows. Finally, Cena kicks Ryan in the gut and hits the Boston Blockbuster. He goes on the top and hits the legdrop. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Ryan up and throws him into the corner. He punches him down.

He whips him into another corner and hits the bulldog. He calls for the AA and this time connects!! Cover. 1…2…kick out! Cena can’t believe it. He picks Ryan up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up. 1…2…kick out. Both men get up. Cena charges towards him but Ryan counters with a suplex. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Ryan goes on the top and hits a flying clothesline. He calls for the House of Pain and connects. 1…2…kick out!! Ryan can’t believe it. He asks the ref again and again about it. He sees Cena getting up and boots him out of the ring. He goes out and picks him up. He throws him into the barricade. He smashes his skull on the barricade. He grates his face on the ramp. He kicks him into the area between the ramp and the barricade on the right.

He picks Cena up and goes to slam him there but Cena slips out and does the drop toe-hold and quickly locks in the STF. Ryan starts tapping out but it is of no use. Cena finally releases the hold and stomps away at Ryan. He picks him up and throws him onto the ramp. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. He picks him up and takes him till the apron and smashes his head on it. He throws him in and gets in. He hits him with a dropkick. He goes out and takes out a table. He throws it in. He gets in but takes time. Ryan takes advantage and nails him with a DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and places him on the top rope. He climbs on the second rope and goes for the superplex but Cena starts fighting out by punching him in the gut and temple. Cena finally nails a kick to the back of the head which sends Ryan crashing to the mat.

Cena revives on the top. He sees Ryan getting up and hits the legdrop. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Ryan reverses. Cena ducks the clothesline and hits the shoulder blocks, press slam and 5 knuckle shuffle. He calls for the AA and lifts Ryan up. Ryan slips out and hits a swinging neckbreaker. He calls for a clothesline and connects. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Cena ducks a clothesline and goes for one of his own but Ryan grabs his arm and twists it followed by an Orton-like backbreaker. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes out and brings in the steel steps.

He goes to smash Cena with it but Cena sidesteps in the nick of time and Ryan crashes into the ropes and the steps fall out of the ring. Cena pulls Ryan to the center of the ring and locks in the STF. Ryan struggles at first but slowly and steadily makes it to the bottom rope. Cena releases the hold and picks Ryan up. He whips him but Ryan reverses him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He goes for another one but Cena counters with a boot. He charges at him but Ryan counters with a sideslam. Cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks him up and whips him but Cena ducks a clothesline and hits the shoulder blocks, press slam and 5 knuckle shuffle. He lifts Ryan up for the AA but Ryan slips out and dropkicks. Cena goes down. Ryan picks up the table and sets it up. He picks Cena up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and hits a boot. He picks up and goes to House of Pain him through the table but Cena slips out and kicks Ryan in the back of the head. He picks him up and AAs him through the table instead. Cover. 1…2…3! Cena wins. He’s going to WrestleMania.
Winner: John Cena

Backstage, Alberto Del Rio is going up and down in his locker. “Dashing” Cody Rhodes comes in.

Cody: What were you trying to do?! We were supposed to end the match together remember? And you, you eliminated me so early in the match?

Alberto: Listen Cody. Everyone in this world knows that in the end, if it came down to you and me, I was ultimately going to win the World Heavyweight championship. So when you were down and out, I thought why waste my opportunity to eliminate you so early. And Cody, you’re not upset that I eliminated you, you’re upset that I embarrassed you.

Cody: Hmm. Alberto, think what you want. The truth is, you embarrassed yourself. You showed to the world, that without me, you’re an absolute zero. And at WrestleMania, its me, who’s going to get to Rey Mysterio and end his career.

Alberto: Cody, you’re no good performer, to face Rey Mysterio at WrestleMania. That honor belongs to me. And guess what? I am going to get what I deserve. So you, you can giving us beauty tips through your vignettes at WrestleMania. Hahahaha.

*Alberto leaves as we go to ringside for our main-event*​
WWE champion The Miz vs Randy Orton vs Triple H vs CM Punk vs King Sheamus vs John Morrison (Elimination Chamber)
The Miz comes out first followed by Sheamus, Hunter and Punk who all enter pods. Orton is out next followed by Mo who are going to start the match. The bell sounds and both men stare down at each other. They lock up and Orton pushes Mo in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him into a corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and hits an uppercut followed by a dropkick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Mo kicks out at 2. He picks Mo up and whips him into the and goes for a clothesline but Mo sidesteps and Orton crashes into the turnbuckle.

Mo takes advantage and hits the flash kick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He drags Orton to the corner and sets up for Starship Pain. He does the leg-split on the ropes but Orton sidesteps and Mo crashes into the mat. Orton picks him up and whips him followed by a clothesline followed by a scoop slam. He waits for him to get up and then hits the backbreaker. Mo rolls to the guardrail. He slowly gets back to his feet but Orton catches him in and hits the second rope-scraping DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Orton starts pounding on the mat. He grabs Mo by the neck but Mo pushes him off and hits a clothesline. Both men are down. They start getting back to a vertical base. It’s time for an entry.

Sheamus is released into the match. He storms into the ring and hits Orton with a boot. He hits Mo with the Irish Hammer. He picks him up and throws him out on the guardrail. He goes out and picks him up. He nails him into the structure. He picks him up and bodyslams him into the rail. He picks him up and throws him shoulder-first into Triple H’s pod but it doesn’t break. Mo is down on the outside. He picks him up and throws him in where Orton greets him with a clothesline. Sheamus gets into the ring and both men stare down. Orton kicks him in the gut and pounces on him. He punches him down and then strikes his pose. Sheamus gets up looking frustrated. He kicks Orton in the gut and hits a DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Orton reverses and goes for a clothesline but Sheamus ducks and hits a boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him. Orton ducks a clothesline and hits the backbreaker. Sheamus rolls to the rail and gets back to his feet. Orton catches him and brings him over the second rope but Sheamus counters and backdrops him into the guardrail outside.

Sheamus goes out and picks Orton up. He throws him in. He stands on the apron when Orton charges at him but Sheamus counters with a headbutt. He catapults himself over the ropes and onto Orton. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Orton ducks a clothesline. Sheamus retaliates and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker. He calls for the High/Celtic Cross but it’s time for the second entry.

Triple H is in the match. He gets in and stares down at Sheamus. Sheamus charges towards him but Hunter sidesteps and Sheamus runs into the turnbuckle. Hunter does a roll-up. 1…2…kick out. Both men get up. Sheamus charges at him but Hunter sidesteps and Sheamus falls on the grating outside. Hunter goes out and picks Sheamus up. He throws him in and gets in. He picks him up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him but Sheamus reverses and goes for a backdrop but Hunter counters with the face-buster and a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him followed by a high knee after two missed clotheslines. He picks him up and hits the spinebuster. He calls for the Pedigree. He goes to connect but Sheamus counters with a backdrop. Luckily, Hunter falls on his feet. Sheamus goes to hit him with the Brogue Kick but Hunter sidesteps and kicks Sheamus in the gut. He hits the Pedigree! Cover. 1…2…3! Sheamus is gone.

Hunter celebrates with the crowd. He turns around and Mo is standing behind. Both men lock up. Hunter pushes Mo in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him followed by a clothesline. He turns around and Sheamus nails him with the Irish Hammer!! The ref tries to pull him away but Sheamus pushes off the ref and hits Hunter with the Brogue Kick. He picks him up and hits the High/Celtic Cross. He picks him up again and hits the Cross for the second time. Hunter is out as Sheamus celebrates and leaves. It’s time for an entry.

The Nexus Leader is sent in. Punk quickly gets in the ring and measures Hunter. He picks him up on his shoulders and nails the GTS. Cover. 1…2…3. Gone. Hunter is eliminated. Punk then sets his sights on Orton. He grabs him and picks him up. He whips him followed by a spinning heel-kick. He picks him up and throws him into the corner and kicks him down. He picks him up and hits an enzugiri. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Mo gets in the ring and hits Punk from behind. He picks him up and throws him out onto the guardrail. He goes out and punches down on Punk. He picks him up and whips him into Sheamus’s pod. The pod breaks and Punk falls in. Mo picks him up and throws him into the structure. He picks him up and rams his skull on the guardrail. He picks him up and throws him in where Orton greets him with a dropkick. Mo gets in the ring and both he and Orton lock up. Mo gets the better this time and pushes Orton to the ropes and whips him followed by a spinning heel-kick followed by a kick to the gut and the Moonlight Drive.

He hits a standing moonsault. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He goes on the top and hits a spinning uppercut. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Orton reverses. Mo ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. He waits for him to get up and then lands an elbow to the jaw followed by a kick to the skull. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Mo can’t believe it. He calls for the Shining Wizard. He charges but Orton sidesteps and hits the RKO out of nowhere!! Cover. 1…2…kick out! Orton can’t believe it. It’s time for the final entry.

Out comes The Miz, no sorry, he doesn’t come out. He shuts the pod door tightly with his hands. Orton goes out and tries to open the door. He gives up and Miz relaxes but Orton hits the door with a boot. The glass breaks and Miz is exposed. Orton goes to hit him but Punk hits Orton from behind instead. He picks him up and throws him into the rail. He picks him up and throws him in. He gets in. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a knee to the face and the bulldog. He calls for the GTS but sees Mo running towards him. Punk ducks and hits Mo with an enzugiri. He picks him up and lifts him on his shoulders for the GTS but Mo slips out and pushes Punk who runs into an RKO from a waiting Orton. Cover. 1…2…3. Punk’s done.

Mo and Orton look for The Miz who isn’t there inside his broken pod. They go out and search every nook and corner of the chamber. He is to be found nowhere. Both men get in the ring and square-off. Orton goes for a clothesline but Mo ducks and hits the C4. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Orton up and whips him but Orton reverses and hits 2 clotheslines followed by a scoop slam. He waits for him to get up and then hits the backbreaker. Mo rolls to the rail but Orton catches him and hits the second rope-scraping DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He starts pounding on the mat. He grabs Mo by the neck but Mo pushes him off and hits the Shining Wizard out of nowhere! Cover. 1…2…3. Orton’s done.

Mo celebrates for a while and goes out to search for The Miz. He searches the whole chamber again, this time on his own. He looks frustrated as The Miz’s music hits and Alex Riley comes out. Mo looks surprised. A-Ri comes near the chamber and starts talking trash to the ref. The ref gets distracted. Miz emerges from under the rail, just like Shawn Michaels last year. Mo turns around and Miz nails him with a right hand. He throws something out of the chamber that looks like brass knuckles. He picks Mo up and throws him in the ring. He goes for a cover. 1…2…3! Miz wins!! Nobody in the arena can believe it. Miz celebrates as the chamber starts going up. Miz gets out of the ring and celebrates from the ramp with A-Ri as Mo is down holding his jaw in the ring and Cole is bragging at the announce table.
Winner and still WWE champion: The Miz

**End of show**​
Great show dude, kept me hooked all the way through. The matches were amazing, really really well written, really clear too. Promos were very good too, I like the way you format your shows, simple and effective.

This is just my opinion now, and I think your shows are brilliant how they are, but the one thing I would change is that I'd add a bit more description in around promos and interviews. It helps to break up the speech, and can make it much easier to visualise and really appreciate what you write. Still great work though!
Thanx dude. I respect your opinion and will look forward to use it. I respect it even more becoz I've been waiting for nearly a month for a review. Thanx and WrestleMania build-up will start sooner than later. Keep reading and enjoy.
Hey I have just joined but I have already managed to read all of this so far and I have thoroughly enjoyed it! Keep it up can't wait for the next instalment!
Hey I have just joined but I have already managed to read all of this so far and I have thoroughly enjoyed it! Keep it up can't wait for the next instalment!

The next instalment will be posted sooner than later as I said. And don't go away as WrestleMania is just 5 weeks away! Keep reading and thanx for the comments.
Hey, loved the PPV dude!

certainly surprised me with some of the results.. however i have to say i am delighted that Miz retained the WWE title

Im surprised that both Edge and Miz walked away with their titles but im sure that will lead to some good mania bouts

really looking forward to the mania card

excellently written PPV here... keep up the good work
Hey, loved the PPV dude!

certainly surprised me with some of the results.. however i have to say i am delighted that Miz retained the WWE title

Im surprised that both Edge and Miz walked away with their titles but im sure that will lead to some good mania bouts

really looking forward to the mania card

excellently written PPV here... keep up the good work

Thanx dude. I am really happy to see so many positive feedbacks from my readers. Let me tell you all that every move of every wrestler is his road to wrestlemania. All the results of this PPV will make WrestleMania that much more better (as per me). Don't forget to stop by next time. The first RAW will be up and WrestleMania will be up in 5 weeks. Good luck to you D-Squared for your BT! and keep readin'!

Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcome us to the first RAW on the Road to WrestleMania after Elimination Chamber.

The Miz comes out to open the show with Alex Riley as highlights from RAW Elimination Chamber as shown.

Miz: What you just witnessed what the ultimately display of smartness. Last night, I came out victorious from the Elimination Chamber and wrote my name in the book of Elimination Chamber winners alongside Triple H, John Cena, Chris Jericho and Edge. Speaking of Edge, many people have been comparing my victory with his just because it occurred on the same night. But there is a huge difference between the two victories. That is, he outlasted his opponents, but I outsmarted mine.

*The crowd boos at him*

Miz: At Elimination Chamber, I proved myself to the likes of Triple H, JBL, John Cena and Jerry Lawler. I proved why I’m the most must-see WWE champion in the HISTORY of this company! But let’s forget about Elimination Chamber. It’s the past. Now, we must look at the future. And the future is WrestleMania.

*Cheers erupt from the crowd for WrestleMania*

Miz: Now, I may sound a bit strange, but I really, really don’t want to compete at WrestleMania. You see, I don’t want that pressure, that expectations from all you morons.

*He gets more and more heat from the crowd*

Miz: Some of you might call me a coward, but I have a valid reason to back-up my decision. I have the potential and I can and will main-event WrestleMania my entire career. But I couldn’t be able to take an off at the big event and make history for being the first WWE champion to not defend his title at that year’s WrestleMania. And you know why I can do this? No, not because Christian chose to face Edge at WrestleMania, but because “I’m The Miz and I’m AWESOME!!”

-John Morrison’s music hits and he comes out to a huge pop-

Mo: Hey Miz. Good strategy dude. And to those who don’t know this, I am the one who taught Miz to use these plans in matches. But things have changed Miz, you’re no longer with me and that means, you’re no longer smart. And you proved it last night because if you look at the replay closely, you will find out that you hit me with brass knuckles which are illegal.

*They show a replay again*

Mo: You see that. Therefore, I have every right to challenge you to a match at WrestleMania!!

*The crowd cheers*

-Randy Orton’s music hits-

Orton: Miz, I must say, I’m impressed with your plans. But the problem is, you’ve mainly centered them on me. And you see, I don’t leave any man standing who tries to make a name for himself at my expense. So, I can do anything to get to you and the WWE championship. And that includes kicking Morrison in the skull.

Mo: And I can kick Orton’s teeth down his throat to get what I want.

*The two square-off as the crowd erupts to cheer*

Miz: Go ahead. Beat the crap out of yourselves. And then, I’ll finally get what I want.

-The GM chimes in-

Cole: May I have your attention please? I have just received an e-mail from the general manager. And I Quote “Miz, congratulations on your victory last night. But you see, there is no chance that I will let you have an off at WrestleMania. No chance in hell”.

*The crowd cheers at Mr. McMahon’s catchphrase*

Cole: “Because you are the WWE champion and the leader of my show. The leader of the A-show. So, you will be defending your championship at WrestleMania. The question is against whom. So to answer that question, Randy Orton will square off against John Morrison in a No. 1 contender’s match, tonight!”

*Orton and Morrison stare down and the crowd cheers as we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and the GM Chimes in.

Cole: I have just received an e-mail from the general manager. And I Quote “Ladies and gentlemen. You all have been seeing the Money In The Bank ladder match for the past 6 years. And knowing human feelings, I understand that people need to see different things and get they get bored by seeing the same thing again and again. Now, as a great person has said, the only thing constant in life is change. So, earlier in the day, I chatted with Teddy Long on Facebook and we came to the conclusion that from now on, at WrestleMania the Money In The Bank will be held in different types of matches starting from a turmoil at WrestleMania 27”.

*Cole goes back to the announce table*

Money In The Bank Qualification match: Daniel Bryan vs R-Truth
The U.S champ is out first followed by R-Truth doing his “What’s Up?” routine. Both men circle around and then lock up. Bryan pushes him into the corner the lock up still on. The ref breaks it up. Bryan charges towards Truth but Truth ducks and Bryan crashes into the turnbuckle. Truth hits the flying chuck. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the turnbuckle. He whips him but Bryan reverses him into the corner followed by a spinning heel kick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Bryan goes on the top and hits the missile dropkick.

He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Truth kicks out. He picks him up and whips him but Truth reverses and goes for a backdrop. Bryan counters with a kick to the chest followed by a off-the-ropes clothesline. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Bryan calls for the enzugiri. He charges towards him but Truth ducks and Bryan crashes hard on the mat. Truth takes advantage and hits a legdrop. Both men are down. They get up. Bryan charges at him but Truth backdrops him onto the outside. He goes out and whips him into the steps. He picks him up and rams his skull on the apron. He picks him up and throws him in. He gets in and hits a spinning heel kick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Truth looks tired as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Truth has Bryan in a chin-lock. Bryan struggles at first but eventually manages to make it to the ropes. Truth releases the hold and waits for him to get up. He hits a boot and goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him in the corner followed by a clothesline. He pulls him to the center of the ring and locks in the Boston Crab. Bryan is screaming in pain. He slowly and steadily makes it to the ropes. Truth releases the hold and stomps away at Bryan. He goes on the top and hits a flying uppercut. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by a spinning heel-kick. He hits a standing moonsault. He waits for him to get up. He goes for a flying chuck but Bryan ducks and Truth crashes into the mat. Bryan counters with a dropkick. Both men are down. They get up. Truth goes for a clothesline but Bryan ducks and hits a backbreaker.

Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and throws him into the post followed by a DDT. He quickly locks in the LeBelle hold. Truth struggles but eventually makes it to the ropes. Bryan releases the hold and stomps away. He calls for an enzugiri and connects. He goes on the top and dives off but Truth catches him with a kick to the gut in mid-air. Bryan is reeling. Truth hits the Lie Detector out of nowhere! Cover. 1…2…3. Truth’s going to WrestleMania.
Winner: R-Truth

Backstage, Scott Stanford is with Tyson Kidd.

Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Tyson Kidd. Tyson, how do you feel, to face William Regal, a man who has beaten you numerous times on WWE Superstars tonight, with a WrestleMania match on the line?

Kidd: Hahahaha. Scott, I don’t look at the past. Only fools like you do. People like me, we only look at the present and the future. The present, is of course a rollercoaster of a show where I am going to beat William Regal clean and deny him, a chance to compete at WrestleMania. The future, well, its WrestleMania itself. And WrestleMania is the place where I’ll get the Money In The Bank contract and a guaranteed World championship.

Scott: Tyson, one more thing before you leave, where is Jackson Andrews?

Kidd: I don’t need him tonight. Because tonight, I’m going to show why I am better than the best when I beat William Regal, on my own!

*Kidd leaves as we go to a commercial*

Money In The Bank Qualification match: Ted DiBiase vs Zack Ryder
Ryder is out first followed by Ted. The bell sounds and Ted kicks Ryder in the gut followed by a suplex. He picks him up and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him in the corner followed by a clothesline and a DDT. Cover. 1…2…another kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and locks in an arm-lock. Ryder gets to the ropes. Ted releases the hold and hits a chopblock to the back of his knee. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner. He charges towards him but Ryder sidesteps and hits an uppercut. He whips him but Ted reverses and goes for a backdrop. Ryder hits a kick across his chest and comes off the ropes but Ted follows him into the ropes and hits a clothesline of his own. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him into the corner and charges but Ryder sidesteps and Ted crashes into the post arm-first.

Ryder takes advantage and hits a dropkick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He stares at the Mania logo and climbs to the top taking too much time. Ted gets up and goes on the middle rope. He tries suplexing Ryder off the top but Ryder fights back with headbutts and finally kicks him across the temple. Ted goes down. Ryder hits a legdrop. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Ryder can’t believe it. He calls for the Ruff Ryder and connects. Cover. 1…2…kick out! Ryder is shocked. He stomps away at Ted and then calls for the Zack Attack. He grabs hold of him but Ted manages to escape and hits boot. He picks him up and hits the Dream Street. Cover. 1…2…3. It’s over.
Winner: Ted DiBiase

After the match, Ted gets a mic.

Ted: I just, I just ensured that I am going to WrestleMania! And at WrestleMania, I’m going to win the Money In The Bank briefcase. And unlike other WWE Superstars who have won the MITB earlier, I am the only one who deserves it. Because everything in the WWE related to money, has been the DiBiases property. First, my dad and now, ME! The future of this company… TED DiBIASE!

The announcers promote tonight’s “John Cena names his opponent” segment.

Backstage, we have Scott Stanford.

Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, uh, uh nobody.

*The crowd boos at the stupidity of Scott*

Scott: But do not be disappointed. I’ve got good news for you. I have just received word from the General Manager of Monday Night RAW that at WrestleMania, a triple threat match will take place for the WWE Tag Team championships. It will be Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov defending the WWE Tag Team championships against a team from RAW and one from SmackDown!. As far as the SmackDown! team goes, the GM has left that to Teddy Long. But to decide who goes in from RAW, tonight Santino and Kozlov will take on The Usos. If the Usos win, they are qualified but if they don’t, Santino and Kozlov get to handpick a team from RAW.

*Randy Orton walks in as the boos turn into cheers*

Orton: Scott, no other thing in the company is more important than the WWE championship. Not even John Cena. And certainly not the tag team titles. I’m here to tell all of you, that tonight, will be the beginning of my road to WrestleMania when I crush Morrison’s skull. And at the end of it, there will be the beginning of the Age of Orton!

*The crowd cheers even more as we go to a commercial*

Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs The Usos
Back from the break and The Usos are out first followed by the tag champs. Santino and Jimmy are going to start things off. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Jimmy pushes Santino in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He goes to smash his skull on the turnbuckle but Santino avoids it and pushes Jimmy into it instead. He picks him up and whips him followed by a hip-toss. He quickly tags in Kozlov. Kozlov gets in and knocks off Jimmy with a boot. He picks him up and hits a bodyslam. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a running elbow. He pulls him to the center of the ring and goes for a cover. 1…2…Jey breaks it up.

Kozlov turns around and nails him with a clothesline. He waits for him to get up and hits a boot. He picks him up and throws him out. He turns around and Jimmy runs at him but Kozlov catches him and hits multiple headbutts. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He calls for a boot. He charges but Jimmy sidesteps and Kozlov entangles himself in the ropes. Jimmy hits him with an enzugiri and Kozlov falls on the outside. Jey distracts the ref and Jimmy knocks off Santino off the apron. He dives onto Kozlov on the outside. Both men are down as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Jey has Kozlov in a sleeper and Kozlov is down on his knees. He finally makes it back to a vertical base and pushes Jey into the corner forcing him to releases the hold. Kozlov gets back up and charges towards him but Jey sidesteps and Kozlov crashes into the turnbuckle. Jey hits a clothesline followed by a legdrop. Cover. 1…2..kick out. He tags in Jimmy. Jimmy goes on the top and hits a crossbody. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Kozlov kicks out at 2. Both men get up. Jimmy quickly nails a dropkick and tags in Jey. Jey comes in and stomps away at Kozlov followed by a knee-drop. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Kozlov reverses him into the corner. He charges towards him but Jey sidesteps and goes for a clothesline but Kozlov ducks and hits a boot.

Both men are down. They tag in their respective partners. Jimmy comes in and goes for a clothesline but Santino ducks and punches away at Jimmy followed by a dropkick! The crowd erupts for Santino. He picks Jimmy up and smashes his skull on the turnbuckle. He whips him followed by two hip-tosses and a splash. Cover. 1…2…Jey breaks it up. Kozlov comes in and clotheslines Jey outside but tumbles out himself. Santino calls for the Cobra on Jimmy. He goes to strike but Jimmy ducks and hits a boot. Cover. 1…2…3! The Usos have qualified.
Winners: The Usos

Backstage, John Morrison is in his locker room as R-Truth comes in. Huge cheers also come in from the crowd.

Mo: Hey. What’s Up?

Truth: What’s Up?? Didn’t you hear what Randy Orton said just moments ago?

Mo: Sure I did.

Truth: Are you not worried?

Mo: Come on Truth. You know me very well, don’t ya? I ain’t worried about Orton. Because he impressed me, but not for one second did he intimidate me.

*Morrison gets mixed reactions for that statement*

Mo: The only thing I’m worried about, is The Miz’s health. Because after I beat Orton tonight, there will be two things on my mind at WrestleMania. One, to win the WWE championship. And two, to give Miz a piece of my mind and knock his teeth down his throat so that he never, ever opens his sick mouth again!

*Morrison storms off as Truth looks surprised. We go to a commercial*

Back from the break and video clip is aired showing Shawn Michaels’ career. He is the first inductee into the Hall of Fame class of 2011.

Money In The Bank Qualification match: 6-man over-the-top rope Battle Royal
The participants are Mark Henry, Great Khali, Evan Bourne, Yoshi Tatsu, DH Smith and Primo. They are out in this order. The bell sounds and Henry and Khali square-off, Bourne and Primo battle it out and Smith goes after Tatsu. He kicks him in the gut and hits the delayed vertical suplex. He picks him up and throws him out but Tatsu holds on and finally gets back in. By the time, Khali throws Henry in the corner followed by a chop to the chest. Henry goes down on his knees. Khali locks in the Vice Grip. Henry starts to faint but Bourne hits Khali with a missile dropkick. Khali is not down. Tatsu dives at him but he grabs him in mid-air and just throws him out. Tatsu is eliminated. He turns around and Primo runs at him but he counters with a boot.

He picks him up and whips him followed by a chop to the skull. He picks him up and throws him out. Primo is gone. Smith attacks Khali from behind and hits a chopblock to the back of the knee. Khali goes down on his knees. Bourne hits the dropkick and Khali is down. Henry gets up and all the 3 pick him up. They try to eliminate him but Khali fights back. Henry hits Khali with a headbutt and Khali loses balance. The 3 of them toss him out of the ring and its down to 3. Smith celebrates but Henry knocks him off with a clothesline. He picks him up and tries to throw him out but Smith holds on and then elbows his way out of trouble as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Bourne hits Smith with an enzugiri. He picks him up and whips him but Smith reverses and hits a boot. He picks him up and throws him into the corner. Henry follows it up with a splash. Bourne is down in the corner. Smith picks him up and goes for the delayed vertical suplex but Bourne slips out and nails him with a dropkick. Henry runs at him but Bourne sidesteps and Henry crashes into the turnbuckle. Bourne hits a flashkick and goes on the top. He goes for the Air Bourne but Henry sidesteps and Bourne crashes into the mat. Henry quickly takes advantage and clotheslines Bourne’s skull off. He picks him up and throws him out.

It’s down to the final 2. He picks Smith up and throws him into the corner. He goes for a splash but Smith counters with a boot. Both men are down. They get up and Henry goes for a clothesline but Smith ducks and hits a clothesline of his own but Henry doesn’t move a muscle. He goes for another one but Henry counters with a boot. He picks Smith up and throws him out but Smith hangs on. Henry thinks he’s one it. Smith gets back in the ring and boots Henry out. Smith is going to WrestleMania!!
Winner: DH Smith

Back from the break and the “Cena names his opponent” segment and No.1 contenders match are hyped.

The new WWE Divas champion Michelle McCool comes out with Layla as a video from last night is played showing the debut of Queen Kong.

Michelle: That was impressive. Wasn’t it?

*The crowd boos at her*

Michelle: I know I know. It was…. GOOD! But it wasn’t flawless. After last night, the talk has been “Did you see Queen Kong?”. Well, you people are just so mediocre.

*She receives more heat*

Michelle: Just like Queen Kong. She, is impressive but she’s not me is she? Me, I’m Michelle McCool, one half of LayCool and the new WWE Divas champion! After last night, the talk should have been “Did you see Michelle beat the hell out of Natalya?”. Well, never mind, because I can do that any and all day. Because me, I’m just so… FLAWLESS.

-Awesome Kong’s music hits and she comes to ringside to a mixed reaction-

*She’s about to do what she did last night when…*

-The GM chimes in-

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I have just received an e-mail from the General Manager. First off, LayCool, you’re looking gorgeous. And I Quote “Kong. Stop. I do not want to see another Divas beat-down. Now, WrestleMania is near and as we know, at every WrestleMania, the women have a match. This WrestleMania, will be no different. At WrestleMania, there will be a six-pack Divas challenge for the Divas championship. Of course, Michelle McCool will be in it as she is the defending champion. As far the other spots go, there will be qualification matches on RAW, SmackDown! and WWE Divas to determine the spots. Kong, you have a chance up first, against this Diva”.

-Alicia Fox’s music hits and she comes out-


Divas six-pack challenge qualification match: Queen Kong vs Alicia Fox
Back from the break and the bell sounds. Alicia runs at her opponent and slaps her in the face but Kong doesn’t move a muscle. Alicia hits a off-the-ropes clothesline but to no avail. She goes for another one but Kong grabs her and hits a backbreaker. She picks her up and throws her in the corner followed by a splash. She picks her up and whips her followed by a sideslam. She goes on the middle rope and does a splash. She picks her up and whips her followed by a boot. She calls for the Spear and connects. 1…2…3! It’s over.
Winner: Queen Kong

Backstage, Scott Stanford is with WWE champion The Miz.

Scott: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, WWE champion, The Miz.

*The crowd boos at the champ*

Scott: What do you think about the decision made by the GM regarding the WWE championship and who do you think will win the match later tonight?

Miz: The only thing I think, is that he isn’t fair. He isn’t fair to the WWE champion. He says I’m the leader of his show, well first off all, it’s not his show. It’s my show!

*The crowd boos harder*

Miz: He’s says I’m the leader of the A-show and he puts me in a position like this!! This is atrocious. And as far the No. 1 contender’s match goes, I don’t care who’ll win! And I’ll give you a solution if you’re tempers are soaring. Wait and watch!

*The crowd boos louder than ever as Miz walks off and we go to a commercial.*

Money In The Bank Qualification match: William Regal vs Tyson Kidd
Back from the break and Regal is out first followed by Kidd with his bodyguard, Jackson Andrews. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Regal pushes him in the corner and kicks him in the gut followed by a DDT. Cover. 1…2….Kidd gets hold of the ropes. Regal stomps away at Kidd and pulls him to the center of the ring and then hits a knee-drop. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits a kick to the back of the head. He picks him up and whips him in the corner. He charges at him but Kidd sidesteps and Regal crashes into the turnbuckle. Kidd quickly nails a standing dropkick to the jaw. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Both men are down.

They get up. Regal goes for a clothesline but Kidd ducks and hits an enzugiri. Regal falls on the outside. Kidd goes out and throws him into the barricade. He picks him up and throws him inside the ring. He celebrates outside and gets in at 8. Regal takes advantage and kicks him on the knee cap. Kidd goes down on his knees. Regal hits a boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Regal goes on the top and hits an elbow to the heart. He quickly locks in the Regal Stretch. Kidd struggles at first but makes it to the ropes. Regal releases the hold and stomps away. He calls for the knee to the face. He waits in the corner as Andrews pulls his legs. Regal turns around and kicks Andrews in the jaw. Kidd quickly takes advantage and does a roll-up. 1…2…3! Kidd wins and slips out of the ring as Regal looks frustrated.
Winner: Tyson Kidd

Backstage, Michelle McCool is discussing something with Layla. Kong storms in and hits Layla from behind. She grabs Michelle and throws her into the cupboard of drawers. She picks Layla up and hits a powerbomb on the floor. She picks her up and hits the Spear. She grabs Michelle by the neck and pushes her to the wall.

Kong: I will be the Divas champion.

She lets go and Michelle falls down and Kong walks off. The refs check on Layla as Michelle is struggling to get up and we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and a highlight of what happened just moments ago is shown.

No.1 Contender’s match to the WWE championship: Randy Orton vs John Morrison
Orton is out first followed by Mo. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Orton pushes Mo in the corner and kicks him in the gut. He whips him in the corner and charges but Mo sidesteps and Orton crashes into the turnbuckle. Mo does a roll-up but Orton kicks out at 2. Both men get up. Orton goes for a clothesline but Mo ducks and hits an enzugiri. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Orton ducks a clothesline and hits a clothesline of his own. He picks him up and hits another clothesline followed by a scoop slam. He does the Viper Stomps and then hits a big knee-drop. Cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks him up and whips him but Mo reverses. Orton grabs his arm and hits his signature backbreaker. Mo rolls to the apron. He tries to get in but Orton catches him and hits the second rope-scraping DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Orton starts pounding the mat. He grabs hold of Mo but Mo pushes him off and Orton hits the turnbuckle. Mo hits the flash kick followed by the knee to the face. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Both men are down. They get up. Orton goes for a clothesline but Mo ducks and clotheslines Orton out instead. He dives on top of him. Both men are down on the outside as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Mo has Orton in a sleeper. Orton is down on his knees but eventually gets back to a vertical base and pushes Mo in the corner forcing him to release the hold. Orton gets back up quickly and charges towards him but Mo sidesteps and Orton crashes into the turnbuckle. Mo goes on the middle rope and hits the flying uppercut. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He gets up and hits the standing moonsault. He goes on the top and hits missile dropkick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Orton reverses and goes for a clothesline but Mo counters with the C4. He picks him up and hits the Moonlight Drive. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Mo waits for him to get up and then hits the flying chuck followed by a knee to the face. Cover. 1…2…kick out.

Mo can’t believe it. He calls for the Shining Wizard. He charges but Orton sidesteps and hits a standing dropkick. Cover. 1…2…kick out Both men are down. They get up. Mo goes for a clothesline but Orton ducks and hits a clothesline of his own followed by a scoop slam. Mo rolls to the apron and tries to get back in but Orton catches him and goes for the signature DDT but Mo gets in the ring and pushes off Orton. He goes for a clothesline but Orton ducks and hits his signature backbreaker. He starts pounding on the mat. Miz and A-Ri come out from nowhere and do a hit and run!!

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, as per orders of the referee, this match, has ended in a double-disqualification!

Miz: And that means none of you won and I’ll finally get what I want!

*The crowd boos as Orton and Mo look frustrated*

Miz: So good bye guys. One last thing before I go, “I’m the Miz and I’m AWESOME!!”

-The GM chimes in-

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I have received an e-mail from the General Manager. And I Quote “Miz, please stop using your stupid plans because all of your plans backfire and this one too has. You see this as nobody won but I see it as nobody lost. And therefore, for the WWE championship, it will be The Miz vs Randy Orton vs John Morrison at WrestleMania!!

*The crowd cheer at this announcement as Miz looks pissed off and Orton and Morrison are happy*


Back from the break and…

-The GM chimes in-

Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? And I Quote “For many months, nearly 8, I have been operating from via this computer and Michael Cole. But it’s now high-time to reveal myself. And therefore, next week, the CEO of the WWE, Vince McMahon will himself introduce me to all of you!”

-John Cena’s music hits and he comes out to a huge pop as highlights from Elimination Chamber are shown-

Cena: Wow! Last night was truly awesome I must say. Yeah, some fine results added to great results always makes a wrestling show, GOOD!

*The crowd cheer louder*

Cena: And last night was no different. But, the most enjoyed result of the evening was, John Cena defeated Mason Ryan!

*More cheers from the crowd*

Cena: Yeah. Last night, I beat Mason Ryan. And now, I’m going to WrestleMania!!!!!!!

*Cheers continue to erupt*

Cena: Yes. As per the stipulations from my match, if I won, I would get to face any member of The Nexus at WrestleMania. And guess what? I did. Last night, was the beginning of the end for The Nexus, because believe me, at WrestleMania, I will not hesitate to tear not one member, but the entire Nexus in half! Now, now, I know everyone in this arena and everyone watching around the globe on their T.V sets, are desperate to se who I’m going to face at the biggest event of ‘em all. But before I do that, please allow me to welcome, The Nexus.

-CM Punk’s music hits and he comes out with The Nexus to a chorus of boos-

Cena: Welcome… to your fate.

Punk: Cena, before you can carry on the proceedings, I would respect it if you allowed me to speak a few words of apology to my fans.

*The crowd boos*

Cena: Well, I guess you don’t have any fans here. But still, you can have your moment. Go ahead.

Punk: Thank you. CM Punk fans, I am sorry, that I disappointed you last night when I failed to win the WWE championship. But, it’s not my fault at all. You see, I, I was disturbed and distracted from my match because of one guy, a waste of a skin you call John Cena.

*The crowd boos as Cena’s face starts turning red with anger*

Punk: Yes. Your hero is the only reason, why, I failed to win the WWE title. This guy is so downright mean, vicious and inhuman that I got frightened. I got frightened for myself and my followers we call The New Nexus. For I knew, now Cena had a chance to put their hands on anyone and all of us. And if he did that, The Nexus would be victims of a wild animal. I was worried….

Cena: And if you’re done with your stupid apology can I name my challenge! It can’t be anyone else but you, Punk. And you know it! And the best part is, you can’t say no.

*The crowd cheers as Cena sets to leave*

Punk: Cena, Cena. Before you go, let me tell you one thing. I am not saying no. But, you and me, we can do it anywhere. We can do it now! But if we’re doing it at WrestleMania, then let’s add some spice to it. What do you say?

*The crowd cheers*

Punk: You and me, if you lose, your career is over! And that doesn’t mean you can come out here without passes and hinder in the backstage area, that means, you’ll have to watch me and Nexus dominate RAW on your T.V!

*Cena thinks for a while*

Cena: I’ll agree on one condition. If you lose, The Nexus is done and all of you will be fired!

*Punk discusses with The Nexus*

Punk: It’s a yes.

Cena: Then you’re on.

*The crowd cheers as Cena exits the ring only to stop at the stage*

Cena: Uh, I forget to mention one thing. At WrestleMania, The Nexus is HISTORY!!!!!

*Cena’s music hits as Cena celebrates and then leaves*

**End of show**​
WWE Superstars

Tyson Kidd w/ Jackson Andrews def. William Regal
Pretty decent match to start off with. A few spots here and there. Andrews interfered many times. Finish came when Kidd locked in the Sharpshooter and forced Regal to tap-out.

Tyler Reks def. Curt Hawkins and Trent Barreta in a handicap match
“Boring!”. The only chant during the match. Pretty bad match-up with the crowd dead silent for most part of the match. Reks dominated the entire thing. Hawkins and Barreta got 1 or 2 good spots but that’s it. Reks got the pin when he hit Hawkins with an inverted backbreaker.

Jack Swagger def. Kofi Kinston
Best match of the night by far. Should have been the main-event. Awesome spots from both men including Kofi hitting the T.I.P when Swagger was on the apron. The crowd was lively with Kofi getting huge amount of cheers. Finish came when Swagger locked in the Ankle Lock out of nowhere forcing Kofi to tap out.

Daniel Bryan and R-Truth def. Ted DiBiase and Zack Ryder
Good match for a Superstars main-event. Typical tag-team match with Ted and Ryder dominating Truth for most of the match. One hot tag and the tables turned. Daniel Bryan perhaps got the biggest cheer of the night. Finish came when Bryan rolled-up Ted for the victory.

**End of show**

WWE Divas

Queen Kong def. Alicia Fox
Another squash just like the one on RAW. Kong completely dominated. She got a mixed reaction pretty much like John Cena, only exception was the boos were more. Finish came when Kong hit Alicia with the powerbomb for the pin.

Natalya vs Gail Kim ended in a No Contest
Best match of the night. Totally out of the world for a Divas match. Both Divas got a chance to shine. Crowd was rooting for Natalya. Finish came when Natalya was going for the Sharpshooter on Kim but Maryse attacked her from behind.

Beth Pheonix def. Kaitlyn in a Six-pack Divas challenge qualification match
Decent match. Crowd was not really into it. Finish came when Pheonix hit the Glam Slam for the pin.

LayCool def. The Bellas by D.Q
Typical 5-minute Divas tag team match. Didn’t deserve to be the main-event. Finish came when Bellas did the twin magic but the ref spotted them and D.Qed them. After the match, Kong came out to the ring and did another attack on LayCool which brought out cheers from the crowd. She hit Layla with the powerbomb to close the show.

**End of show**​
Just finish giving RAW a read, and I should say well done. You can write a very entertaining match to say the least. You probably put more effort into your TV matches than I do. Your backstage stuff is getting better each show, and it really does make the whole show better.

Now I get to the stuff I didn't like, here it comes. You write "Mo" for John Morrison. Is that you being lazy (no disrespect) or thinking that is a nice nickname for him. Either way, it comes off to me as you being lazy. I see it and I just can't understand why. Either call him Morrison or John during matches and segments.

That was really the only thing I didn't like, so you did well. Maybe you should put an update card each week for WrestleMania, so we know what is coming. Not just in the sub forum here, but in this thread at the end of your post. Overall good job and nice show heading toward WrestleMania. Oh and just something small, have a poster made for Mania. And match cards, looks ten times better. Since it's Mania I want amazing!
Just finish giving RAW a read, and I should say well done. You can write a very entertaining match to say the least. You probably put more effort into your TV matches than I do. Your backstage stuff is getting better each show, and it really does make the whole show better.

Now I get to the stuff I didn't like, here it comes. You write "Mo" for John Morrison. Is that you being lazy (no disrespect) or thinking that is a nice nickname for him. Either way, it comes off to me as you being lazy. I see it and I just can't understand why. Either call him Morrison or John during matches and segments.

That was really the only thing I didn't like, so you did well. Maybe you should put an update card each week for WrestleMania, so we know what is coming. Not just in the sub forum here, but in this thread at the end of your post. Overall good job and nice show heading toward WrestleMania. Oh and just something small, have a poster made for Mania. And match cards, looks ten times better. Since it's Mania I want amazing!

The "Mo" thing. Yeah I thought it was a nice nick name. But anyways, I'll change it to "Morrison" to avoid confusion between him and Cena (that will happen if I use "John"). As for the posters and match cards go, I had tried using them before for the Elimination Chamber PPV but the problem is, I can't view the images. I posted the match cards once on RAW but only a frog appears and below it "domain unregistered for imageshack". Anyways, I'll try to get it done from tinypic or something like that. As for the update card, it's up in the next post.
Updated WrestleMania card, 5 matches announced:

WWE champion The Miz vs Randy Orton vs John Morrison

John Cena (Career) vs CM Punk (Nexus)

Money In The Bank Turmoil:
R-Truth vs Ted DiBiase vs DH Smith vs Tyson Kidd vs ??? vs ??? vs ??? vs ???

WWE Tag Team champions Santino and Kozlov vs The Usos vs ???

Divas championship Six-pack challenge match:
Michelle McCool vs Awesome Kong vs Beth Pheonix vs ??? vs ??? vs ???

Matt Striker, Josh Matthews and Michael Cole welcome us to the first SmackDown! after Elimination Chamber.

Kane comes out to open the show.

Kane: Last night, I was on the verge of doing what I said I was going to do. I was on the verge of winning my third world championship. I was on the verge of writing history! But that, that was denied by… I hate to say this.

*The crowd boo him*

Kane: When I was on the brink of winning the Elimination Chamber, this happened.

*A video package of the SmackDown! Elimination Chamber is shown*

Kane: I was denied the World Heavyweight championship by my own brother, The Undertaker.

*The fans cheer for the Deadman*

Kane: Yes. For those who missed it last night, The Phenom has done what he tends to do always. Return from an injury on the road to WrestleMania. And this time, this time, he committed the worst sin of his life, he cost me the World Heavyweight championship. And me, I’m the not like the guys who fear The Deadman, The Daemon of Death Valley, I am his brother. The demented and twisted KANE! And I will not rest until I do what I do best… take revenge!

*The crowd boo as…*

-The Corre’s music hits and Wade Barrett comes out w/o The Corre-

Barrett: Kane, Undertaker didn’t just cost you the World title, but he cost The Corre a chance to show why we, are the most dominant group in the history, of this company. So it’s not only you who need to take revenge on him, I’ve decided I’m going to do the same. You see Kane, enemies of enemy are one’s friend. And by that proverb, you are my friend.

Kane: So?

Barrett: So, you need to join hands with me, or, The Corre and we will finish off the chapter called The Undertaker from the book of the WWE. What say?

-Big Show’s music hits and he comes out-

Show: Kane doesn’t need to say anything. Because I am here to. The Undertaker told me today, yeah, I met him. He told me today that he did what you two are planning to do. He took revenge for what you did to him, 6 months ago. Take a look.

*A footage from Bragging Rights is shown where Barrett helps Kane bury the Undertaker alive*

Show: Kane, you buried Undertaker alive, now get ready to pay the price of your sins dude. And you two wanna team up? Guess what? You’re going to. Because it’s official! At WrestleMania 27, Taker will be in his first tag team match at the big event. Yes, at WrestleMania, it’s gonna be Kane and Wade Barrett vs The Undertaker and Big Show with The Corre banned from ringside!

*The crowd cheers like hell*

Show: And as far tonight goes, Barrett, you go one on one with the returning, Undertaker! And just like at WrestleMania, The Corre will be banned from ringside!

*The crowd erupts to cheers and Barrett is looking scared as we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and a highlight of the RAW GM making the MITB match a turmoil is shown.

Money In The Bank Qualification match: Kofi Kingston vs Drew McIntyre
Drew is out first followed by Kofi who comes out to a huge cheer. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Drew pushes Kofi into the corner and kicks him in the gut followed by a fist to the spine. He picks him up and whips him in the corner followed by a high-impact clothesline. He pulls him to the center of the ring and goes for a cover. 1..2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and hits another clothesline. Cover. 1…kick out. Drew quickly gets back up and stomps away at his opponent. He hits a knee-drop and calls for the Future Shock DDT. He picks Kofi up but Kofi pushes him off and goes for a clothesline but Drew ducks and hits a boot. Cover. 1…2..kick out. Drew can’t believe it.

He picks him up and whips him in the corner. He charges at him but Kofi sidesteps and hits a pendulum kick. He goes on the top and hits a crossbody. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Drew reverses. Kofi ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard moonsault. He goes on the top and hits a flying clothesline. He calls for the Boom Drop and connects. He calls for the T.I.P. He goes to hit but Drew ducks and goes for a clothesline but Kofi catches him and hits the S.O.S. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Kofi is frustrated as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Kofi hits Drew with slaps across his chest. He goes for a clothesline but Drew ducks and kicks him in the gut. He whips him but Kofi ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Drew kicks out at 2. Drew quickly takes a breath in the corner but Kofi dives onto him and punches him continuously till the count of 5. He hits a bull-dog. He goes on the top and goes for the crossbody but Drew catches him in mid-air and hits the backbreaker. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Both men are down. They get up. Kofi goes for a clothesline but Drew ducks and kicks him in the gut followed by a DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out.

He picks him up and whips him in the corner followed by a clothesline. He whips him again and this time follows it up with a boot. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Drew can’t believe it. He gets up and calls for the Future Shock DDT. He grabs Kofi but Kofi counters and nails the S.O.S out of nowhere! Cover. 1…2…kick out. Kofi can’t believe it. He goes for the Boom Drop but Drew sidesteps and Kofi lands hard on the mat. Drew quickly takes advantage and kicks him in the gut followed by the Future Shock DDT! Cover. 1…2…3! Drew’s going to WrestleMania!!
Winner: Drew McIntyre

The announcers promote the “Edge calls out Christian” segment.

Backstage, we see Todd Grisham with Dolph Ziggler.

Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Dolph Ziggler.

*The crowd boos for Dolph*

Todd: Dolph, what are your thoughts about Teddy Long firing Vickie Guerrero?

*The crowd cheers for Vickie being fired*

Dolph: Hahahaha. How am I feeling? How am I feeling? Well, I am feeling very very good. I thank Teddy for making my opinion count and firing that waste of a skin you call “Vickie Guerrero”. Believe me, she isn’t fit to be a Guerrero.

Todd: And what are your preparations heading into your Money In The Bank qualification match against Chavo Guerrero?

Dolph: I don’t waste my time thinking how I am going to beat Chavo. I am just gonna go out there and win.

Todd: And where’s Kaitlyn?

Dolph: That’s none of your business!

*The crowd boos at Dolph who storms away for his match and we go to a commercial*

Money In The Bank Qualification match: Dolph Ziggler vs Chavo Guerrero
Chavo is out first followed by Dolph. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Dolph pushes Chavo in the corner and whips him into the other followed by a bulldog. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and throws him into the turnbuckle followed by multiple punches. The ref breaks it up. Chavo pushes the ref off and kicks Chavo in the gut followed by a DDT. Cover. 1..2…kick out. He goes on the top and hits a missile dropkick. He hits a legdrop and goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Chavo kicks out. Dolph quickly gets up and lands a boot.

He picks him up and whips him but Chavo ducks a clothesline and goes for a springboard moonsault but Dolph kicks him in mid-air followed by an enzugiri. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Dolph can’t believe it. He picks Chavo up and locks in the sleeper. Chavo starts fainting but eventually gets back up and gets to the ropes. Dolph releases the hold and hits a chopblock to the back of the knee. Chavo goes down on his knees. Dolph kicks him across the skull. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Chavo up and whips him in the corner. He charges but Chavo sidesteps and Dolph goes shoulder-first into the turnbuckle. Both men are down. They get up. Dolph goes for a clothesline but Chavo ducks and dropkicks him sending him outside. Dolph is reeling as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Chavo leapfrogs onto Dolph and punches him down. The ref breaks it up. Chavo gets a breath and hits a knee-drop followed by a legdrop and goes for a cover. 1…2..kick out. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the turnbuckle followed by a roll-up for 2. Both men get up. Dolph swings but Chavo ducks and hits an enzugiri. He picks him up and hits the multiple suplexes. He goes for the fourth but Dolph resists and hits a suplex of his own. Both men are down. They get up. Dolph goes for a clothesline but Chavo ducks and hits the Gory Bomb out of nowhere! Cover. 1…2…kick out! Chavo can’t believe it. He goes on the top and hits the Frog Splash. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Chavo looks frustrated.

He kicks away at Dolph and locks in the Figure 4 leg lock. Dolph tries to get free but can’t. Eventually, he turns around putting the pressure on Chavo’s legs and forcing him to break the hold. Chavo quickly gets up and waits for Dolph to get up. He then kicks him in the gut and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Cover. 1…2..kick out. He gets up and calls for the Gory Bomb but Kaitlyn comes out from the audience and distracts Chavo. Dolph quickly takes advantage and throws Chavo head-first into the post. He pulls him out and nails the Zig-Zag. Cover. 1…2…3! Dolph’s going to WrestleMania!!
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Backstage, Chris Masters is in his locker. Michael Tarver walks in.

Tarver: Ready for tonight, huh?

Masters: Guess so. Anyways, the whole world knows I’m going to beat you tonight. By the way, why are you here?

Tarver: Just to wish you luck. And I, not you, am going to WrestleMania.

Masters: That, I will prove wrong when we meet in the ring tonight. And by the way, I don’t need luck, you do! Because I’m “The Master Class” Chris Masters!

*The crowd cheers as Masters walks off and we go to a commercial*

Back from the break and video airs showing the triple threat tag team match at WrestleMania being announced on RAW.

The Corre (Slater and Gabriel) vs Trent Barreta and Curt Hawkins
The winners become the third team for the triple threat tag team match at WrestleMania. Barreta and Hawkins are out first followed by The Corre. Slater and Hawkins start things off. The bell sounds and both men lock up. Slater pushes him to the corner and kicks him in the gut followed by a DDT. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and sends him shoulder-first into the turnbuckle. He pulls him out and locks in a camel clutch. Hawkins struggles but makes it to the ropes. Slater releases the hold and stomps away at his neck. He picks him up and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He tags in Gabriel. Gabriel gets in and hits a huge kick to the back of the neck. He pulls him to the center and goes for a cover but Hawkins kicks out at 2. He picks Hawkins up and hits a corkscrew neckbreaker. Cover. 1..2….kick out. Gabriel can’t believe it. He goes on the top and hits an elbow right to the back of the neck. He quickly locks in a camel clutch. Hawkins struggles at first but eventually makes it to his feet and follows it up with a Samoan drop. Both men are down.

Hawkins tags in Barreta who quickly gets in and hits a drop-kick. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Gabriel reverses. Barreta ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard crossbody. He picks him up and throws him into the corner followed by a high-impact clothesline. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He waits for him to get up and then hits an enzugiri. He goes on the top and hits a splash. Cover. 1….2…Slater breaks it up. Hawkins gets in and goes for a clothesline but misses wildly. Slater counters and hits his finisher. Barreta clotheslines him out of the ring. He turns around and Gabriel knocks him out with a kick to the temple. He goes on the top and hits a 450 splash. Cover. 1…2…3! It’s over.
Winners: The Corre (Slater and Gabriel)

The main-event and “Edge calls out Christian” segment are hyped as we go to a commercial.
Back from the break and a video clip airs showing “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan’s career. He is the second inductee into the Hall of Fame Class of 2011.

Money In The Bank Qualification match: Fatal-4-Way Elimination match
The contestants are Jack Swagger, Ezekiel Jackson, Tyler Reks and Skip Sheffield. The entry is in the same order. The bell sounds and Zeke clotheslines Swagger out of the ring. He and Skip surround Reks. Skip goes for a clothesline but Reks grabs his arm and hits a punch instead. Skip goes down. Reks turns around and Zeke blasts him off with a clothesline. He picks him up and goes for the powerbomb but Reks slips out and hits a boot. Cover. 1…2…Skip breaks it up. He picks Reks up and whips him but Reks reverses him into the corner followed by a splash.

He pulls Skip to the center of the ring and goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and sends him head-first into Zeke. Both members of The Corre are down. Reks picks Zeke up and hits him with the X-Factor. Cover. 1…2…3! Early elimination for Zeke. Reks celebrates. He turns around and Skip knocks him off with a clothesline. He waits for him to get up and then nails the spear. Cover. 1…2…kick out! Skip can’t believe it. He gets back up but Swagger hits him with a boot. He picks him up and nails him with the Gutwrench powerbomb. 1…2…3. Skip’s gone. It’s down to 2. The two men stare down at each other as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Reks has Swagger in a arm-drag. Swagger struggles but eventually makes it back to the ropes. Reks releases the hold and waits for him to get up. Swagger is up. Reks clotheslines him out of the ring. He goes out and throws Swagger into the barricade. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the steps. He picks him up and whips him into the steps. He picks him up and spears him into the apron. Reks gets back in the ring to break the ref’s count of 7 and goes back out. He picks Swagger up and goes to smash his skull on the post but Swagger slips out and pushes him into the post instead. Both men are down on the outside. They get in at 8. Both men get up at the same time and exchange blows.

Reks gets the better of Swagger and clotheslines him. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks Swagger up and whips him in the corner. He goes for a splash but Swagger sidesteps and Reks crashes into the turnbuckle and falls down in the corner. He hits the multiple off the middle rope splashes and calls for the Gutwrench powebomb. He lifts Reks up but Reks slips out and goes for a boot but Swagger ducks and hits a chopblock to the ankle. He goes out and drags him to the post by the ankle and rams his ankle into the post. He gets in the ring and locks in the Ankle Lock on Reks. Reks has no option but to tap out. Swagger’s going to WrestleMania.
Winner: Jack Swagger

Backstage, Todd Grisham is with Big Show.

Todd: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, The Big Show.

*Huge cheers come in from the crowd*

Todd: Big Show, how does it feel, to be The Undertaker’s first-ever partner at WrestleMania.

Show: To tell you the truth, it’s a bitter-sweet feeling. I mean, yeah, it’s great to be The Undertaker’s partner, but at the same time, I’m vulnerable. I can be pinned at WrestleMania. And that, is what I am tensed about. I do not want to be the reason why Taker loses something that defines him, the streak. But, I’ll try my best to help Taker go 19-0 at WrestleMania. And that’s a promise!

*Show leaves and the crowd cheers as we go to a commercial*

Six-pack Divas challenge qualification match: Layla vs Kelly Kelly
Back from the break and LayCool are out first. Michelle goes to the commentary booth. Kelly is out next to a huge cheer. Layla looks a bit shaken up as a result of the attacks on RAW and Divas. The bell sounds and both Divas lock up. Kelly pushes her to the corner and hits a huge elbow followed by a bull-dog. Cover. 1…2…kick out. She picks her up and hits a bodyslam. She goes on the top and hits a crossbody. Cover. 1…2…kick out. She picks her up and whips her in the corner followed by her cartwheel attack.

She pulls her to the center of the ring and goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. She picks her up and goes for a boot but Layla ducks and does a roll-up but Kelly kicks out at 2. Both get up at the same time. Layla swings but misses and Kelly hits her with an enzugiri. Cover. 1…2…kick out. Michelle gets up from commentary and stands on the apron. Queen Kong’s music hits and she comes out. She tries to get in the ring but the ref stops her. Michelle takes advantage and hits Kelly with a boot and drags Layla onto her. The ref turns around and does the count. 1…2…3. Layla is qualified.
Winner: Layla

After the match, Michelle checks on Layla. Kong gets in and hits Michelle with a boot. She picks her up and hits the powerbomb. She turns around and Layla is struggling to get back to her feet. Kong spears her. She picks her up and hits the powerbomb. She celebrates for a while and leaves as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and a replay of what happened before the commercial is shown.

The main-event is hyped.

Money In The Bank Qualification match: Chris Masters vs Michael Tarver
Tarver is out first followed by Masters who is out in a golden robe just like Ric Flair’s with “The Masterpiece” written behind it.. Tony Chimel introduces him as “The Masterpiece”. The bell sounds and Masters quickly turns a lock-up into a bear-hug. Tarver struggles at first but makes it to the ropes. Masters releases the hold and hits a boot. He picks him up and whips him into the corner and hits a clothesline. He picks him up and whips him into another post followed by another clothesline. He pulls him to the center of the ring. Cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him into the post. He pulls him out and does an uppercut. He locks in the Camel Clutch.

Tarver is just about to hold the ropes but Masters pulls him back to the center of the ring. Tarver struggles but makes it to the ropes. Masters releases the hold and waits for him to get up. He then charges at him but Tarver ducks and Masters falls out of the ring. Tarver goes out and rams into the barricade. He picks him up and smashes his skull on the steps. He throws him in. He tries to get in but Masters counters with a boot. Tarver falls inside the ring. Masters pulls him to the center of the ring and goes for a cover. 1….2…kick out. He calls for the Master Lock and locks it in. Tarver tries to get free but can’t. He faints and Masters gets the victory.
Winner: Chris Masters

Backstage, we see Wade Barrett with The Corre. He looks tensed.

Barrett: Don’t you understand? He has never been beaten at WrestleMania. It’s... it’s next to impossible.

*Kane walks in*

Kane: Hmm. What’s the matter?

Barrett: Do you have any plans to beat Undertaker and Big Show?

Kane: Hahahaha. Sure I do. Didn’t you hear what Big Show said earlier? Undertaker hasn’t been beaten at WrestleMania. But Big Show is on a losing streak on the big event. So, so we’ll target him.

*Barrett looks relieved*

Barrett: Good thinking. Respectable. Thank you for relieving my tension.

*Barrett leaves for his match and Corre leave too*

Kane: Huh?


Wade Barrett vs The Undertaker
Back from the break and Barrett is out first. Taker comes out and the crowd goes wild. He does his usual entrance and the match begins as the bell sounds as an “Undertaker” chant breaks out. Taker pushes Barrett into the corner and strikes with multiple blows across the torso. He whips him into another corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and twists his arm and climbs on the top rope. He goes for Old School but Barrett pushes his legs off the ropes and Taker split-crashes into the rope and falls in the ring. Barrett goes for a cover. 1…2…kick out. He picks him up and whips him but Taker reverses and goes for a backdrop but Barrett counters with a kick across the chest but it has zero effect on Taker.

Barrett comes off the ropes for a crossbody but Taker catches him in mid-air and hits the backbreaker. He picks him up and twists his arm and this time hits Old School. Cover. 1..2…Barrett barely manages to kick out. He picks him up and throws him into the corner followed by a clothesline. He picks him up and hits the Snake Eyes followed by the boot. He calls for the chokeslam. He grabs Barrett by the neck but and goes to connect but Barrett sidesteps and goes for a boot but Taker grabs his leg in time and tosses his out of the ring. Barrett gets up on the outside as Taker hits the suicide dive. Both men are down on the floor as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and Taker goes for a clothesline in the corner but Barrett sidesteps and Taker crashes into the turnbuckle. Barrett takes advantage and hits a boot. Both men are down. They get up. Taker goes for a clothesline but misses wildly. Barrett counters with a clothesline of his own. He picks him up and whips him into the corner followed by a splash. Cover. 1..2…kick out. He picks him up and rams him head-first into the post. He pulls him out and does a roll-up but Taker kicks out at 2. He follows it up with a kick to the back of the head.

Cover. 1…2…kick out! Barrett can’t believe it. He picks Taker up and hits a backdrop. He goes on the top and hits the “elbow to the heart”. He calls for Wasteland. He picks Taker up on his shoulders but Taker slides out and hits a boot. Both men are down. They get up. Barrett goes for a clothesline but Taker ducks and strikes with multiple punches followed by a kick to the gut and a bull-dog!!! The crowd goes nuts. Taker calls for the chokeslam. He grabs Barrett by the throat and this time connects with the chokeslam. He calls for Tombstone and connects! 1…2…3! Taker wins on his return!
Winner: The Undertaker

After the match, Big Show comes out to celebrate with Taker. They shake hands as Taker tells him “Don’t Worry” which is clearly audible. The Corre’s music hits and they come out. Show knocks out Zeke from the apron. He and Taker chokeslam Slater and Gabriel respectively and simultaneously. Sheffield goes to hit Taker but Taker locks in the Hell’s Gate out of nowhere. Sheffield is tapping out but to no avail. Kane’s music hits and he comes out. That’s when Taker releases the hold. Kane walks into the ring and right into a double-chokeslam from his WrestleMania opponent. Taker does his throat-slit and then poses with Big Show.

The “Edge calls out Christian” segment is next as we go to a commercial.

Back from the break and…

-Edge’s music hits and he comes out to a huge cheer-

Edge: Hey friends. I know you’ve waited too long to see me. And here I am, as I promised, still World Heavyweight champion.

* A video clip from the SmackDown! Elimination Chamber match is shown. A huge “Edge” chant breaks out after the video*

Edge: Hahahaha. I know, I know. You all are very happy to see me retain my World title. Now, Elimination Chamber was a great night. Greater than many expected. Greater than I expected. Not only did I pull out an upset, wait a minute, it wasn’t an upset, it was just, it was just I kept my word. But let’s move on. Elimination Chamber saw another great moment in the history of the WWE. Take a look.

*Another video clip is shown where Christian names his challenger for WrestleMania*

Edge: Finally, finally, Christian named his challenger. And guess what, it was ME! The Rated-R Superstar Edge. He said, he was going to face me for the World Heavyweight championship at WrestleMania. And, it’s official. It’s going to be brother vs brother. Finally, the WWE Universe will get to see E vs C instead of E and C at WrestleMania!

*The cheers get louder*

Edge: Before further proceedings, let’s call out, the 2011 Royal Rumble winner and my opponent for WrestleMania, Christian!

-Christian’s music hits and he comes out to a chorus of “Christian” chants-

Christian: Hey! WWE Universe!

*The cheering sound is deafening*

Christian: Umm. Hi, brother.

Edge: Hi. So what’s up?

Christian: Hey. I’m not here to waste my precious time telling you what’s up. I’ve just come here to say this to your face. At WrestleMania, you will no longer be the World Heavyweight champion. Because at WrestleMania, my dream will become a reality. I will win my first World Heavyweight championship. And guess what, I don’t need a stupid briefcase to do that!

*The crowd cheers louder than ever*

Edge: Yeah. Go ahead, mock me all you can. Because it doesn’t matter what you say. Because everyone on this motherly earth knows that you, you ain’t gonna beat me at the grandest stage of ‘em all. You will just head into WrestleMania confident, and head out, defeated! Because after everything’s set and done, after the dust settles at WrestleMania, I will still be the World Heavyweight champion, and you, will still be a loser!

*Edge gets a boo for that*

Christian: Brother, you have always underestimated me. But at WrestleMania 27, I will prove why I am the better brother. Why I carried E and C and why I can do what you can’t, say that I got what I deserved! Face it Edge, you are here because of the false faith you put into Mr. McMahon’s heart about yourself. And at WrestleMania, I’m going to change that, FOREVER!

*Christian sets to leave but Edge stops him*

Edge: Brother. Wait a minute. As it is, our match is gonna be historic. Edge and Christian against each other for the first time at WrestleMania. But let’s make this even more historic. Let’s face off in a match we created. Let’s face of in a TLC match!

*The crowd cheers after being silent for 2 minutes*

Christian: Guess what, I knew that was coming. And so, you’re on!!

*The crowd’s cheers are killing the ears as Christian leaves the ring and poses on the stage as Edge looks at him expressionlessly*

**End of show**​
Updated WrestleMania card, 6 matches announced:

WWE champion The Miz vs. Randy Orton vs. John Morrison

World Heavyweight champion Edge vs Christian in a TLC match

John Cena (Career) vs CM Punk (Nexus)

The Undertaker and Big Show vs Wade Barrett and Kane (w/ Corre banned from ringside)

WWE Tag Team champions Santino and Kozlov vs The Usos vs The Corre (Slater and Gabriel)

R-Truth vs Ted DiBiase vs DH Smith vs Tyson Kidd vs Drew McIntrye vs Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger vs Chris Masters (Money In The Bank Turmoil match)
Good show mate, haven't had much time to write a review for you in a while but I am reading, honest! Let's have a little review now shall we?

Undertaker and Show vs. Kane and Barrett? Hmmm. I don't like it but I'll give it chance. I prefer to see Taker in a one on one battle for the streak and the idea of Show losing and the streak ending? Not sure. The problem is that you have teased it and I have a feeling you might go that way ... We'll see! I'd have liked you to go with Barrett vs. Taker and IMO the segment with Barrett asking Kane for ideas made him seem weak. Focus on the Big Show - that doesn't scream Barrett as a main eventer to me. I also wasn't delirious about Taker saying 'Don't worry' to Show - makes Show look weak too. I think you have a bit of work to get that one 'selling' to the readers.

MITB is shaping up well with the usual suspects positioning themselves in the match. Out of the men you've got in so far, there are none that scream out at me. An angle with Swagger going for two in a row might be good - maybe it is time for Drew McIntyre to shine after beating Kofi. Would have preferred to see Justin Gabriel in the MITB match than the Tag Team Title match too.

Edge and Christian was your best segment of the show - it seemed more believable than the other promos. You're going with them as 'brothers' rather than 'friends' which is fine. TLC was expected but should be good although that makes two Ladder matches at Mania with MITB as well. Am looking forward to how you book this match - who will head into Mania as the heel? We'll have to see.

Promos are improving, the matches are still well written. Am expecting something big for Mania. Good luck! GCB

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