The New WWE

Super Crazy

Welcome everyone to the start of the new era of the WWE.
In my rebirth of the WWE there is no ECW. There is also no PG rating.

This is my roster.

Triple H
The Miz
Triple H
The Undertaker
Jack Swagger
R - Truth
John Cena
Randy Orton
Kofi Kingston
Big Show
Cody Rhodes
Dolph Ziggler
Beth Phoenix
Gail Kim
Mickie James
CM Punk
Rey Mysterio
David Hart Smith
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy
Michelle McCool
Natalya Neidhart
John Morrison
Alicia Fox
Ezekiel Jackson

Commentators are as follows :

Raw : Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
Smackdown : Tod Grisham and Taz

I will start with the Smackdown after The Bash.


Opening package airs showing highlights from The Bash. Typical opening to Smackdown.

Tod Grisham : Hello everybody and welcome to Smackdown. What an exciting pay per view this Sunday Taz. Edge and Jericho are the Unified Tag Champs, CM Punk is still the World Heavyweight Champion, and Mysterio kept his Mask.

Taz : Tod, everyone is waiting to hear from Theodore Long as today on it said he had a major announcement to make.

Teddy's music starts as he makes his way down the ramp to open the show.

Teddy : Holla at me playa!!!! Well as you all know, Mr. McMahon pointed out on Sunday that I am still on probation. Well he also told me to shake things up and to stir the pot, so that is what I am going to do. I am so tired of Mr. McMahon, so I will do something that will shake the very ground under his feet. I would like for you all to welcome, and I am very proud to be a part of, The Black Mafia.

Out comes MVP and Kofi Kingston, followed by Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson, and R Truth, Shad, JTG, and Alicia Fox.

Teddy : What you see here, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, is a force like none other. Sure alone they may be weak, but together, as this new found family, we will be strong, and we are going to take over the WWE, starting tonight. MVP, you will take on Cm Punk for the World Heavyweight Title inside a steel cage. Also Alicia you will battle Michelle McCool for her newly won Women's Championship. This Monday night on Raw, expect to see us, Vince , I hope your ready for the takeover.

They all leave the ring.

Tod : Taz, what the hell did Theodore Long just do?!?!?! Cm Punk vs MVP for the title and Alicia vs McCool for the Women's Championship.

Taz : Tod, I have no F****** clue, we will have to wait to find out as this plays out.

commercial break

Out next is Cm Punk to talk about his victory over Jeff Hardy at the Bash.

Cm Punk makes his way out to the titantron, talking as he makes his way to the ring.

Cm Punk : Well everyone, I think I have proven to you that I am a fighting champion. ( Punk is getting massive boos ) I may have lost my match last night, but it was not my fault, that cheap, no care at all, drug abuser, Jeff Hardy injured my eye. I could not see what I was doing and kicked the ref. But all I care about, is that I still have THE World Heavyweight Championship ( kisses belt ). Now Teddy Long says I am in a match later toni....

Jeff Hardy comes out on the titantron.

Hardy : Punk, you no good S.O.B., I had you, you call me cheap? You never even had your foot under that rope. I should be the WH Champion not you.

Punk : Jeff, you do not deserve this honor. Look at me, I am straightedge, never had a problem in my life, never had run ins with the law, I've never touched a drug in my life. You, you are lucky this company even took you back, let alone gave you that cheap run back in December.

Jeff rushes the ring and they start fighting. Jeff goes for the twist of fate but Punk reverses it and has Hardy on his shoulders for the GTS when Teddy appears on screen.

Teddy : Now, now, Punk we need you in prime condition for later tonight for my man MVP. However, in all fairness to Jeff, I will give him one last chance. Tonight Jeff, you will be in the main event, which is now a triple threat. It will be Jeff Hardy vs MVP vs Cm Punk for the WHC. Holla at me!!

quick break

Back from commercial and we see MVP yelling at Teddy...

MVP : What are you doing, you want a takeover and you put in another man? What the f*** ?!?!

Teddy : Don't worry playa, I got you, and so do we. Camera pans out to the Mafia.

Next up is Alicia Fox vs Michelle McCool.

Out first is Alicia Fox then the champion , McCool, who grabs a mic.

McCool : I just won this title, but now, I already have to defend it, I guess I will show just how much of a fighting champion I am. ( drops mic and hits Fox with a forearm as the bell sounds )

McCool with multiple forearms to Fox's face. Irish whip into the ropes, off comes Fox with her own flying forearm. Off the ropes for a quick splash.

1...2...kick out!!

Fox picks her up and goes to irish whip her in the corner, McCool reverses it and Fox ends up in the corner. McCool runs at her and splashes her in the corner. She picks up Fox for a scoop slam but Fox slides out of the hold and dropkicks McCool. Fox goes to the top rope, and goes for another dropkick and misses as McCool just stepped aside. McCool picks up Fox and protoplexes her.

Quick cover 1...2...kick out!!!

Fox and McCool stand at the same time. Forearms back and forth. Alicia ducks and puts McCool in a headlock. McCool throws her into the ropes and she comes back and does some kind of reverse bulldog maneuver.


Winner and NEW Women's Champion Alicia Fox.

commericial break.

Kane comes out to the ring to the loudest pop of the night so far. He grabs a mic.

Kane : At the Bash, I took out the Great Khali, that piece of dirt will never be seen again. Now tonight, tonight I look to destroy R-Truth.

R - Truth comes out, but so does Ezekiel Jackson. They come to the ring. Jackson gets right in the face of Kane and grabs the mic.

Jackson : Hey, you think you are so tough, the big red machine, well let me introduce you to the Black Mafia.

Jackson goes to punch Kane but instead Kane hits him. Kane throws him from the ring and the match begins.

Kane and Truth lock up in the center of the ring. Kane throws Truth across the ring and laughs at him. Truth gets right back up, he charges Kane and clotheslines him. The big man doesn't fall. He goes off the ropes and clotheslines him again, this time in the knee. Kane drops to his knees. He goes off the ropes again, and drop kicks Kane in the face. Kane finally down. Truth goes for a fist to the head while Kane is down but Kane grabs him. From behind Kane is crushed in the head with a chair. Kane turns around as the first shot didn't do much. Jackson hits him again with the chair and Kane drops down and is bleeding profusely as the chair is near bent in half.

Winner by DQ : Kane

Truth and Jackson make their way up the ramp as Kane looks on, bleeding and laughing maniacally.


Back from break and we see that over the break, Kane refused medical attention and instead, went to the Mafia locker room, and drew with his blood on the wall " Jackson, will you embrace your own death ? "

Next out to the ring is Edge, not accompanied by Jericho. He grabs a mic.

Edge : Man oh man, where to begin? Oh wait, let me see, look at these nice pieces of gold on my arm. OH WAIT!! It's not the right gold. I still want my World Heavyweight Championship back. Teddy Long, there is no way in hell I will wear these belts, they are a disgrace to my name, I may have won them, but I am no measily little tag team partner anymore. I am the Rated R Superstar, so I am vacating my half of this, Jericho, GOOD LUCK!!!

Jericho comes out and grabs a mic.

Chris : Edge, you are nothing but a power hungry, insane, hypocrite. You want gold, but you , you will not settle for these. It is better to have one, then to have never had at all. I will not need luck, as I , I am a 9 time Intercontinental Champion, I am one of the greatest of all time, but, I am not telling you anything that you didn't already know.

Quick backstage interview with MVP

Josh Matthews : Montel, Montel, I thought you were a good guy, that you were straight balling.

MVP : I still am a good guy. In fact, I've never been a bad guy, I just have power now to do what I want, when I want, thats what the BM is about baby. We are taking over, and we are going to strike whenever and however we want, and tonight, I am taking that World Heavyweight Championship.

Out of nowhere he gets attacked by Jeff Hardy. They start battling to ringside, where CM Punk comes running down and the match begins. Jeff shifts attention to Punk. They are trading blows back and forth outside the ring as the ref yells for them to get in. Punk throws Jeff into the stairs as we go to our final commercial break.

Back from break and Jeff is down outside the ring as MVP is kicking Punk in the corner. Jeff crawls back in the ring and grabs MVP, he throws him into the ropes and dropkicks him. Jeff goes over to punk picks him up and irish whips him into the other corner. Jeff goes for a splash but Punk ducks. Jeff jumps to the top and goes for the Whisper in the Wind on Punk.

Cover 1...2...kickout!!!

MVP comes in and picks up Jeff, he bicycle kicks him and knocks him down. He goes to the top turnbuckle and comes down for a huge legdrop.

Cover 1...2...kickout!!!

MVP picks up Jeff and throws him shoulder first into the ring post. Jeff falls out of the ring. MVP turns around and Punk kicks him multiple times in the body and head. He picks up MVP for the GTS. MVP is down and out of nowhere Jeff goes for the Swanton and hits it. Punk goes for the pin but Jeff picks him up and delivers a twist of fate. Punk is down. He goes for a new finisher that is a combination of a Jackhammer some kind of powerbomb.

Cover 1...2...3!!!

Winner and new World Heavyweight Champion : MVP

Teddy Long comes over the titantron screen : Vince , we'll see you Monday night playa...holla at me!!!

Smackdown draws to a close as MVP as MVP stands on the top turnbuckle with Jeff and Punk down and out as he holds up the belt and laughs and signals this will be a long reign.
Hey man, it's not too bad, I enjoyed it. Like the Black Mafia concept, I like how kane seems to be getting a push, it's kind of un clear to me where the mafia stands though? Heel, Face, or Tweener? And you only provided one roster, does this mean no more brand split? But it was good man, hoping to see more soon, great work.
Thanks man, I literally got bored and decided to give this a try. And that's where I want the Mafia, I think with my next show, you'll see where they are going. And yeah, I'm having one roster on the two shows, I just enjoy everyone being able to go on all shows. Except the only people who still are required to be on the show they are on , are the champions, because I like the titles.
Not bad not bad at all. I like the Black Mafia concept & it's always great to see Kane get an actual push. Anyways your show was good & i'm hoping you continue to keep providing a great show. Good work

Typical opening to Raw, pyrotechnics and JR and The King welcome us to the show.

The Mafia's music plays and out comes Teddy Long, followed by MVP, R Truth, Mark Henry, Ezekiel Jackson, Shad, JTG, and Alicia Fox, all wearing suits.

Teddy : Hello Raw fans, this is the greatest assembly of African American wrestlers known to man. We are the Black Mafia, and tonight we will continue to make an impact...

Randy Orton's music starts and he comes out with Legacy and interrupts.

Orton : Teddy, if you haven't noticed, I am the WWE Champion, I make the rules here, and Ted and Cody are next in line for the Tag Belts, do not start throwing around matches here like you are the boss...

Teddy : I AM THE BOSS PLAYA!!! So tonight I'm making the match, YOU will face my man Kofi Kingston at Night of Champions, and he will be taking your championship from you, as you will take him on in a ladder match. As for Ted and Cody, seeing as Jericho as the tag champs all alone, we will make this next match a triple threat. Legacy you will be wrestling Jericho and wrestling Shad and JTG at the same time tonight in a triple threat for the tag team titles.

Mark Henry grabs the microphone.

Henry : You bitches better leave now, we got some business to take care of. Orton instead doesn't leave.

Big Zeke takes out Orton easily and bashes in Ted and Cody with a chair shot each.

Henry : Now where was I ? Oh yeah, business....Triple H, I'm calling you out. Tonight be ready for hell, as you will be wrestling me and Ezekiel in a handicapped match. We're taking you out Mafia style, nothing personal, it's just business.

Teddy is back on the mic.

Teddy : McMahon, we are taking over, do not forget. The Mafia is a family, and there are some major changes on the way.

The Mafia's music plays as we go to commercial break.

Back from break and we have our first match of the night.

Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler for the IC championship.

Ziggler is out first followed by Mysterio to huge pops.

Mysterio and Ziggler lock up in the ring. Mysterio with some kicks, goes off the ropes but Ziggler just grabs him and throws him across the ring. Ziggler picks him up and snap suplexes him, not once, not twice, but three times, similar to Eddie Guerrero's Three Amigos. Goes for a quick pin.


Ziggler picks up Mysterio but Mysterio shoves him and runs off the ropes and drop kicks Ziggler in the knee. Mysterio springboards another drop kick at Ziggler. Mysterio to the top rope for a leg drop. Ziggler rolls out of the way. Ziggler with a roll up.


Ziggler picks up Mysterio and powerslams him. He goes off the ropes and drops a fist on Mysterio's head. He goes for Mysterio's legs but Rey Rey kicks him and gets up. Ziggler goes to throw Mysterio into the corner. Rey jumps to the top as Ziggler follows and eats the mat from a Hurricanrana.

Rey with the cover 1...2..Ziggler reverses it , rolls him up and grabs the tights.


After the bell sounds Ziggler gets on the mic.

Ziggler : I'm Dolph Ziggler, and I just took your belt.

Mafia music starts. Out comes Big Zeke.

He clears the ring and grabs the Mic.

Jackson: Kane, you want know if I will embrace death? I am ready for whatever you have you Big Red Piece of Shit. Bring it on. I grew up on these streets, and I am not afraid of some watered down monster.

Kane's music hits. He has no bandage on his cut from Friday, only a scar.

Kane : Ezekiel Jackson, you think I am watered down, you think I'm nothing. Let me show you why you should be afraid. I will ask you once more though, are you afraid to die?

Jackson : F*** no you motherf*****!!!!

Kane raises his hands and the whole ring catches fire. The ring posts the ropes and the turnbuckles.

Jackson : Is this all you.....

Suddenly a hole is ripped through the mat and a bunch of random hands grab Zeke and drag him under the ring.

Camera pans to Kane laughing.

Commercial Break.

We come back from break and J.R. and The King are still in shock.

King : JR , I think we have just witnessed the return of The Big Red Monster.

JR : King, I think Kane has gone insane, and what just happened to Jackson, we inspected the ring during break and there was no one under it after he was dragged under. Where the hell did he go?

King : .....Hell?

Up next is the Unified Tag Team Championship match. Out first is Jericho, carrying all four belts, followed by Legacy, then Shad and JTG.

The match starts out with Jericho and Shad. Jericho locks up with Shad, and they do the whole arm thing, with back and forth arm bars. Jericho irish whips shad into the ropes and performs a standing dropkick. Goes for a legdrop. grabs Shad and goes for an early Walls of Jericho but Shad kicks Jericho at Legacy and Ted tags himself in. Ted jumps on Shad and pumpels him with punches. JTG runs in and kicks Ted. Shad goes over and tags in JTG. JTG with and Ted trade punches, Ted irish whips JTG to the corner, runs at him and misses a clothesline and gets bulldogged out of the corner. JTG goes over to the corner runs out and elbows Ted. Pin attempt.


Cody goes over and starts fighting Jericho into the crowd, leaving Ted all alone. Ted and JTG are at their feet as Ted looks around for Cody. JTG throws him into the ropes and Shad knees him in the back. Ted swings at Shad and gets hung on the ropes. He turns around and JTG hits the mugshot.


Here are your winners and Tag Team Champions : Shad and JTG.

They get on the mic : Man, this gold feels nice, Ted your missing out white boy!!

They leave as Cody returns to ringside, and Ted is furious. Ted and Cody start yelling at each other, Ted kicks Cody and puts him on Dream Street and leaves the ring.

commercial break.

Back from commercial and backstage we see David Hart Smith talking with Randy Orton and Ted DiBiase. Rhodes walks up, and they all jump him. They all pumpel him and Orton punts him . Smith gets down in his face .

Smith : Cody, you are out, you have no legacy to leave, whereas me, I'm in, I have a legacy and I'm going to leave my mark on the WWE.

Up next is Triple H vs Mark Henry as Jackson cannot be found anywhere.

Triple H makes his way to the ring followed by Henry who is accompanied by Teddy Long.

HHH and Henry lock up and trade punches. Triple H clotheslines Henry but he won't go down. Henry gives Triple H a clothesline of his own. Henry goes for a splash but HHH rolls out of the way. Triple H goes off the ropes with the high knee to Henry. He goes for a cover....


Triple H goes for DDT on Henry but Henry powers out and DDT's HHH. Henry goes for another splash and this time he hits. He goes for a second splash and gets that too. He picks up Triple H and Triple H kicks him and goes for a Pedigree but Henry flips Triple H for a back drop. Pin attempt


Long passes Henry a foreign object and climbs up on the mat and distracts the ref, Triple H kicks Henry before the object can be used. He then gives Henry a neckbreaker. He goes off the ropes and gives Henry a knee drop to the face. Triple H picks up Henry and irish whips him off the ropes for the facebuster off the knee. Henry is wobbling , he bounces off the ropes turns around and lays out Triple H with a huge right hand.

1...2...3!!! Your winner : Mark Henry.

JR : King, Henry had another foreign object the whole time, that first item was all a set up!!!!

Suddenly Kane appears on screen.

Kane : Theodore Long, I have Ezekiel Jackson held captive.

Camera pans to Jackson tied up and hanging from a ceiling pipe screaming and bleeding.

Kane : It's nothing personal to you, I just answer to a higher power, and this power has told me to take out the Mafia, and I'm starting with Jackson, this power has told me to not allow you to gain power, so starting tonight, I will take out each member one by one.

Kane ignites a blow torch.

Kane : Everyone said Kane was no longer a monster, he was no longer a force to be reckoned with, well I'm proving you all wrong. ( Kane looks off screen ) Master, what shall I do to him?

Power ( muffled voice ) : Kill Jackson, kill him!!!!

Kane starts putting the blow torch towards Jackson as the cameras show Long and Henry worried and pans back to Kane who is laughing hysterically and maniacally as Raw comes to an end.
This just in from :

Ezekiel Jackson managed to escape from Kane before getting burned. Luckily the Black Mafia was able to find him and take down Kane before it was too late. Tune in to Smackdown to find out the condition of Jackson and what the Mafia has planned for retribution.
Decent I'm intrigued by your shows. The Black Mafia is a unique deal. Could use a catchier name though. I'll give a more detailed feedback when I get the chance but I expect the same after I start mine which should be up tonight or tomorrow.
The following was posted on in a major blockbuster announcement :

Former TNA star and former NWA Heavyweight Champion The Monster Abyss, has signed with the WWE. He will be making his first live appearance on WWE Smackdown. Also in another huge announcement, at the upcoming Pay Per View, Night of Champions, it has been announced that CM Punk will a rematch against MVP for the World Heavyweight Championship.
This is pretty interesting. Something that WWE needs badly is a new storyline and stable like The Black Mafia. I don't think the Black Mafia needs to go over everyone in one week but its still good. I would have them go over in the next ppv maybe. If Cena is on the roster maybe he should be use with someone. Whether its Mark Henry or MVP or whoever. I think Abyss and Kane could become be a good team. Great Job.

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