WWE: 2002, Today

The Extract

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*No Chance In Hell*

Before the RAW's entrance has even begun, here comes Vince McMahon to a HUGE pop! He does his strut down to the ring. When getting up to the apron, Lillian Garcia holds the ropes for him to walk in. She gives him the mic.

“WELCOME TO MONDAY NIGHT RAW!” This gets a loud roar from the crowd. “Now I am here to announce some very big news. So I need to ask every superstar or diva in the back to get your asses out here!” Vince waits until the superstars get to the ramp until speaking once more. “Now, as all of you think by now, the brand extension has pretty much ended! Well, I am here to tell you, that you all are completely wrong! Because here tonight, we are having a DRAFT LOTTERY!” The crowd seems torn, half booing, and half cheering their asses off! “Now not all of the superstars get picked tonight. That’s because of two reasons. 1. We will be having the lottery on this week’s SMACKDOWN as well. And 2. Those that are seen are not the only superstars. Because you see, I have signed new, and in some cases, better superstars!” The crowd pops.

“Now to start, I must introduce the two general managers who will be picking for each show.” Booker T and AJ Lee come out to a mild cheer. “What the Hell do you think you are doing in my ring? I didn’t mean you when I said general managers. Booker is now a commentator, while AJ, you are a diva again. Because the general managers I choose are….” The light goes out for a second, adding to the suspense. “RIC FLAIR for RAW!” Huge ovation for the Nature Boy! “And for Smackdown I choose… my son! Shane McMahon!” A little less pop for Shane, but still a big one. They both come down to the ramp together, though announced separately.

“Each general manager will get to choose one superstar to start of their show, those two superstars will compete in a match, where the winning brand will receive 1 random picked, and one hand-picked superstar. While the losing brand gets one random pick. Then the manager will get to pick one of the then-current superstars to fight. And then it continues until all 30 superstars are picked. So Shane, who do you pick?”

“I pick John Cena!” Boos from men are outweighing the cheers of the woman and children.

*My Time is Now*

Cena’s music hits and he comes down to the ring, shakes hands with Shane, and puts on a smackdown shirt!

“Well I pick a more up and coming superstar, and who I'm sure will by my future WWE Champion, DOLPH ZIGGLER!” Ziggler’s music hits while he and Vickie walk down to the ring. “Wait right there Dolph! I said I picked Dolph Ziggler! Not Vickie Guerrero! She will not be on my brand!” Vickie screams and looks at Dolph. Dolph looks at her, then walks to Ric as Vickie tries to follow. “Security! Escort this freak out!” Ric says as Vickie looks pissed. She lunges at Dolph while security grabs her. Dolph turns and walks to Flair.

“Let’s get started! Clear the ring, then ring the bell!”

Match One: Dolph Ziggler (w/Ric Flair) vs. John Cena

Ziggler and Cena circle each other around the ring until Cena comes at him with a headlock. He powers Dolph to the mat. Ziggler tries to kick up, but Cena’s strength stops him, as they go to commercial. Ziggler punches Cena until he is forced to break the hold. They both quickly get up, before Cena hits a low dropkick. Cena runs off the rope, and hits a shoulder block. He follows with his 2 additional shoulder blocks. Dolph, dazed and confused, tries to throw a clothesline but Cena ducks and hits a spin-out powerbomb. He gets to his feet, and puts his hand in the air. The crowd is coming alive! “You can’t see me” comes from the crowd as Cena taunts the downed Ziggler. Cena runs off the rope, but he turns into a picture perfect dropkick by Dolph! Dolph covers.

1… Cena kicks out.

Dolph gets to his feet, and brings Cena up with him. Dolph holds Cena’s head. Dolph jumps up, trying another dropkick. But Cena knocks Dolph’s feet out of the air. Cena quickly grabs him and hits a fisherman’s suplex. Cena quickly gets up and sets up the Attitude Adjustment. He lifts Dolph to his shoulders and he hits it! Cena goes for the cover.

1…2… No! Flair put Ziggler’s legs on the ropes!

Cena quickly puts Dolph onto his stomach and goes for the STF. Dolph panics. Dolph starts crawling towards the ropes, and reaches them before Cena can lock in the hold. Ric comes over to Dolph, as Ziggler rolls outside of the ring. They talk for a few seconds until the camera notices Flair slipping Dolph brass knuckles. Cena slides outside the ring and starts running towards Dolph. Dolph realizes this, and shoves Flair in his way. Cena can’t slow down and knocks Ric to the ground. Both Ziggler and Cena run into the ring. The ref moves to the side to check on Ric. While the ref is checking on Ric, Ziggler uses the brass knuckles! Cena is down! Ziggler going for the pin! The ref sees this and gets back into the ring.

1…2…3! Dolph Ziggler is your winner! Raw will now get 2 draft picks, while Smackdown gets one!

Ric quickly gets up once he hears Ziggler’s music and starts clapping. They both head up to the ramp where the tumblers for the draft were. Shane was already standing at the top to get his 1, random pick.
“First things first, for Dolph Ziggler winning against Cena, Raw hand-picks Big show! Ric then pulls out his random pick , he opens the ball. “WOO! Welcome the newest member of Raw, the now former WWE Champion! CM Punk!” CM Punk comes out with the WWE Championship around his waist.

“Wait Ric, did you just say the former WWE Champion?’”

“All titles are vacant now Punk! So give me the belt, or you are fired.” CM Punk tosses up the belt to Flair, but when Ric catches it, Punk hits Ric in the face with a mic!

“Welcome to MY show Ric!” Punk does a quick pipe-bomb, and leaves.

“Yay. My turn!” Shane pulls out a random ball. He reads it into the mic. “Matt Morgan! Your match starts now!”

*Sleeping Giant*

The giant in Matt Morgan comes out to a semi-mild pop. Morgan walks onto the ramp and pyro explodes as he punches the air. He quickly walks to the ring and gets in.

Meanwhile, Ric Flair is starting to get up. He grabs a microphone. "Punk! You’re going to pay for that! You are my pick to go up against Matt Morgan! So get your ass to the ring! WOO!”

Match Two: CM Punk vs. Matt Morgan

*Cult of Personality*

Cm Punk's music plays, but Punk is nowhere to be seen. The music plays for 2 minutes before the crowd gives up. Vince McMahon comes out. “As a result to Cm Punk no-showing for RAW, Smackdown is rewarded two picks!”

“I will be filling in for Ric Flair, as he is trying to settle issues within his brand.” Vince sticks his hand in the tumbler. he reads “Rey Mysterio!”


Rey comes out and runs into the ring. He sits on the top turnbuckle, while Morgan is pacing in the ring.

Shane, still at the tumbler, grabs a mic. “Smackdown’s hand-picked superstar is…… The World Heavyweight Champion, Sheamus!

*Written In My Face*

Sheamus comes out to a huge pop! He shakes Shane’s hand, and then puts on a Smackdown shirt. Shane puts his hand in the tumbler. “Mark Henry! You are Smackdown’s newest superstar. And buddy, I know you want a shot at the World title, so you can show me that you deserve it in a match, next.”

Commercial break.

We come back to see Morgan in the ring, while Henry, with a mic, enters the ring. “Get out of my ring.” Henry says, while Matt gets in Mark’s face. “You don’t scare me. All you are is a big, dumb, formerly stuttering giant.” Morgan turns away and starts walks out of the ring.

Match Three: Mark Henry vs. Rey Mysterio

The official rings the bell. Rey makes the first move, attacking Henry with straight kicks to the legs. Henry doesn’t look very phased by the kicks at first, but Henry eventually drops to a knee. Mysterio quickly capitalizes on this and kicks henry hard in the head. Rey goes for the pin.

1… Henry throws Rey off him, and quickly gets up.

They both get back to their feet. Rey charges at Mark, but gets back body dropped for his effort. Henry runs off the ropes and hits an elbow drop on Rey. He gets up and goes to the ropes again. Rey swiftly gets to his feet and hits a hurricanrana!

1…2… Henry kicks out!
Henry starts to stir as Rey is already at his feet. Henry gets to a knee as Mysterio tries a kick to the head. Henry ducks! He shoves Rey into the corner and runs at him. Henry hits a huge corner splash! Rey goes to his knees, but Mark lifts him back up. Henry hits the gorilla press! Mark doesn’t look back as he runs off the ropes and hits a big splash right onto Rey’s back! Henry isn’t finished. He lifts up Rey and puts him in a devastating bearhug!

*Tap Tap Tap* Mark Henry wins by submission! Smackdown will now get 2 draft picks, while Raw gets one!

The crowd cheers! The crowd actually is cheering after Henry won! Henry grabs a mic. “Yeah! It’s about damn time you respected me! That’s right! Cheer for your king!” Henry puts his hands up victoriously. He turns around and finds out why the crowd was really cheering. CARBON FOOTPRINT! Morgan hits an amazing bicycle kick on Henry! Morgan helps Mysterio off the ground and stands above Mark Henry

Commercial break.

We come back up to the ramp with Vince and Shane at their respective tumblers. Shane is grabbing a mic. “Smackdown chooses the Tag Team Champion(S) Daniel Bryan as our hand-picked superstar!” Bryan comes out, shakes Shane AND Vinces’ hands, then puts on a Smackdown shirt! Shane lets Bryan reach in and pick which other superstar is on Smackdown. “Also welcomed to Smackdown… Kane!” Daniel Bryan looks shocked as team Hell No is still united! Kane comes out as Bryan is screaming “NO! NO! NO! NO!”

“Alright boys, cut that out and Bryan go to the ring for our main event! Your opponent will be… (Vince sticks his hand into the tumbler and pulls out a ball. He opens it up and reads) SHELTON BENJAMIN!”

*Ain't No Stopping Me*

Benjamin's music plays across the arena as Shelton Benjamin makes his return to the WWE! The older fans in the crowd roar as the kids sit a little more quietly. Shelton runs into the ring, but not before slapping hands with the WWE fans!

Match 4: Shelton Benjamin vs. Daniel Bryan (w/ Kane)

The referee rings the bell as the match begins. Benjamin charges at Bryan, and Bryan quickly slides under the bottom rope to the outside of the ring. He stares at Kane, who is looking disgusted with Bryan being afraid of Benjamin. Kane points to the ring while Shelton leaps over the top rope and hits a somersault plancha! Bryan was launched into the announce table! Shelton starts boasting to the crowd! The ref is counting!


The crowd is excited! Shelton runs into the ring and listens to the ref count.


Bryan is still down on his stomach, obviously hurt.


Kane gets up from his seat at the announce table and gets near Bryan. He quickly brings Bryan up to his feet and throws him into the ring. Bryan gets up, only to be blasted by a superkick! Shelton goes for the cover!

1…2… No! Bryan kicks out!

Shelton moves Bryan up and Irish whips him into the corner. Shelton is running towards Bryan. Shelton leaps, but misses his attack! Bryan moves out of the way! Benjamin lands on his feet though! Benjamin landed on the top turnbuckle! He turns and sees Daniel. He leaps back and hits a crossbody! Cover!

1…2… NO! Bryan barely kicked out!

Shelton can’t believe it! He stands in the corner. He is preparing for something. Bryan slowly is getting up. Bryan turns, Benjamin runs at him. Paydirt! A jumping reverse STO hits as Benjamin covers!

1…2… Bryan’s foot is on the ropes! The ref sees this and stops the count.

Benjamin stares at Bryan’s foot. Benjamin gets up, and stays in the corner again. Bryan uses the ropes to get up, as Benjamin runs towards him. Benjamin is going for more paydirt! But no! Bryan holds the ropes as Benjamin hits hard on the mat! Benjamin gets to both knees. Bryan kicks him straight in the head! Cover!

1…2… NO! Benjamin powers out!

Bryan doesn’t waste time. He goes for the NO! Lock! It’s locked in! Benjamin is in the center of the ring! There is no choice but tap or snap! Suddenly, a man gets on the apron. It’s Charlie Haas! Charlie Haas back in WWE! The ref gets distracted by Haas. Shelton taps! The ref is focused on Haas though! Bryan releases the hold and goes to talk to the ref. Kane runs around the ring and knocks Haas out after pulling him down from the apron and hits a chokeslam! Bryan turns around and Benjamin goes for a superkick! Bryan blocks it, but Shelton hits the Dragon Whip instead! Pin!

1…2…3! Shelton Benjamin wins! Raw will now get 2 draft picks, while Smackdown gets one!
We join Vince and Shane at the ramp for the final time for the night. Vince motions to Shane telling him to go first. “Please welcome our newest Smackdown superstar… Antonio Cesaro!” Antonio comes out and puts on a Smackdown jersey before boasting to the fans.

Vince is next. Vince uses his random pick first. “Welcome the Miz to RAW!” Boos erupt through the crowd.

*I came to Play*

Miz comes out. He puts on a Raw shirt. Miz grabs a mic. “I’m going to stay out here to welcome the hand-picked member to the Miz’s new show!” This brings big heat to the Miz. Vince takes back the mic.

“The hand-picked member of Raw is one that I am sure that everyone else has forgotten about. But I know I wouldn’t forget him. Welcome Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson!” The crowd completely marks out as The Rock returns to the WWE! The Miz just stands at the ramp, applauding. The Rock stares at the crowd. Miz walks up to Rock and extends his hand. Rock takes it. But Rocky pulls him in and hits Miz with the Rock Bottom! Rock is standing over the Miz as Raw comes to an end.

Note(This is not apart of the Book This!)* Please, even if you didn't like this RAW, then just read my Smackdown that will be posted shortly, it is much better than this!


Smackdown opens as “Know Your Enemy” plays throughout the arena. The pryo goes off and ends around the same time the song ends. Tumblers are at the front of the ramps, as a special draft edition of Smackdown gets under way.


Vince McMahon walks out towards the ring as Lillian Garcia announces him. She holds down the ropes and lets the chairman enter the ring. “It’s great to be back in DETROIT MICHIGAN!” The fans go crazy over McMahon! “Tonight is a very special night, because it is the live, draft special! I am not just here because of that though. I have a little bit of additional information that I would like to say. Now as you probably saw on RAW, both members of the Tag Team Championship have been drafted to Smackdown!” No chants emerge from the crowd. “Now, settle down. Raw will be rewarded the World Tag Team Titles, while Smackdown will keep the WWE Tag Team Titles. Now my next piece of news is that Smackdown and Raw will have separate PPVs, and joint PPVs. Here is a list of the Pay-Per-Views.” Vince points to the titantron. This shows on the screen:

(RAW)Over The Limit - June 20th
(SD)King of the Ring - July 15th
(Joint)SummerSlam – August 19th
(RAW)Night of Champions – September 16th
(SD)Halloween Havoc – October 28th
(Joint)Survivor Series – November 18th
(RAW)Armageddon - December 16th
(Joint)Royal Rumble – January 27th
(SD)Elimination Chamber – February 17th
(Joint)WRESTLEMANIA! – April 7th

“There you have it. That isn’t even my biggest announcement! I really can’t wait to say this! But first, I need all of the divas down to this ring. NOW!” The divas walk out to almost no reaction at all. “Girls I must tell you something. We are bringing back a title that is allowed to be defended by a superstar on either show. And well, to get more superstars to be contenders for this title, we had to… get rid of something. So, with that said, girls… YOU’RE FIRED! Security, escort these women out.”

Vince waits for security to get the women off the ramp until he brings again. “Where was I? Oh yeah, I was talking about the title. Now the person who last held this title is no longer working with us. I’m sure at least most of you remember him as Hornswoggle, but I will always remember him as ‘Little Bastard’. There will be a title tournament starting this Raw and the finals being at Over the Limit! But anyways, welcome back the Cruiserweight Championship!” The title is brought to Vince via ringside. “The currently drafted superstars that will be in the tournament are; Daniel Bryan, and Rey Mysterio! But there are 9 more to come!”

“There is one more thing that we need to know. Who are the competitors in the tag team match to kick off the night? That is up to Ric Flair and Shane McMahon! But I know you guys are listening to me, so send your two men up here to get this match started!”

Commercial break

We come back from the break to see AJ Lee crying backstage. Jack Swagger walks by. “You’ll be O.K. girl! You will easily get something else! Who needs the divas division in the WWE?!”

“I need it Jack! This was all I had left! Bryan, Kane, and Punk have all left! Wrestling was all I had!”

“AJ, stop! I have an idea!”

The camera pans out from backstage to all the competitors for the next match in the ring.

Match one: Big Show & The Rock vs. Matt Morgan & (WHC) Sheamus:

The Rock and Sheamus look like they are going to start this match out. The ref rings the bell. Both men circle each other around the ring, until Sheamus charges at Rocky. Rocky gets taken down, and Sheamus starts punching Rock in the skull. Rock blocks a Sheamus punch and grabs Sheamus by the hands. He starts to overpower Sheamus as they both get to their feet. They still have their hands locked, as Sheamus starts to bend because of the Rock’s strength. Rock lets go and Sheamus’ hands go forward as he falls back. Rock quickly takes advantage with an elbow drop. Quick pin.

1… Sheamus quickly kicks out.

Rock quickly gets Sheamus in a quick grapple when Sheamus gets to his feet. Rock puts him in a headlock. He takes Sheamus down as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Rock in a side-headlock. The camera fans out into a double box. It shows Rocky being pulled down from the ring apron onto his back by Matt Morgan. They quickly show the scene, and then pan back to the live action. Rock is starting to stir, he gets up to two feet. He punches Sheamus in the ribs, while Sheamus lets go of the hold. Rock shoves Sheamus into the ropes and Sheamus bounces back into a Samoan Drop! Rock hits the move then leaps to tag his partner. He gets the tag to Big Show!

Sheamus is starting to get up. He is bent over tired. Big Show comes behind him. Sheamus turns, and Big Show wraps his hand around Sheamus’ neck! Chokeslam coming! Matt Morgan starts to get in the ring. Big Show starts to lift, but Sheamus jumps off and lands behind Show. He pushes Show into the big boot of Matt Morgan! Morgan hits the Carbon Footprint! Sheamus is recovering while Morgan tries to get him to cover. Rocky is getting into the ring. Rock hits a low dropkick to the back of Morgan’s knee! Rock grabs Sheamus! He sees a Rock Bottom coming! Big Show is getting up. ROCK BOTTOM to Sheamus! Rock is setting up for the Rock Bottom on Morgan! He hits it! WMD! WMD on the Rock! Sheamus gets an arm draped over Rock while Big Show leaves the ring.

1…2…3! Matt Morgan and Sheamus wins! 2 draft picks are rewarded to Smackdown, while RAW gets one.
We move up to the top of the ramp to see Shane and Ric. Ric puts his hand in his tumbler. “We now have a full tag team on RAW! Say hello to the now completed World’s Greatest Tag Team! Shelton Benjamin, and RAW’s newest addition... Charlie Haas!”


The WGTT come out to a loud roar of boos. I guess the universe is sick of them already.

“Now for our manual pick, Smackdown drafts Wade Barrett!"


Barrett comes out to an even louder array of boos. He shakes Shane’s hand and grabs a Smackdown shirt. He looks disgusted by Shane.

“Now is this what you think of me? I have been picked 8th on Smackdown! 8th. That is the saddest thing I have ever heard. Do you even know who I am? I was the leader of the Nexus, and the Corre. I headlined 3 more Pay-Per-Views in 3 years than you have your entire life Shane.”

“Welcome to Smackdown. Now get off of my ramp, and get down to the ring. And Wade, just to spice up your match, if a Smackdown man wins, he will face Matt Morgan in a one on one match next week for a chance at the World Heavyweight Championship!” Wade reluctantly does as he was told and moves down to the ring.

“Smackdown’s next draft pick is…(Shane puts his hand into the tumbler and reads the name into the microphone)… Cody Rhodes!


Rhodes comes out with a smile on his face. He taunts the crowd shakes Shane’s hand. He heads to the ring, as their fatal 4-way match is next.


Miz bursts through giant bubble letters spelling ‘awesome’. The crowd gives a loud roar of boos out to the Intercontential Champion. He still wears his title belt though Ric Flair had said that all titles were vacated.


CM Punk comes out and does his usual entrance. He gets a HUGE ovation from the Detroit fans. He heads to the ring as the match is ready to start.

Match 2: Cody Rhodes vs. Wade Barrett vs. CM Punk vs. The Miz(Elimination Fatal Four Way)

The four superstars each get to a corner as the ref rings the bell. They all look at one another. Punk is the first to break the stare down, by running at Miz. Cody and Barrett just look on as Punk starts continuously kicking Miz. Miz backs into his corner. Punk keeps the kicks going, as Miz starts to drip down towards the bottom turnbuckle. Punk yells out that it’s ‘clobbering time’! Punk looks directly at Barrett and Cody before he runs off the ropes into a face wash to the Miz. Punk is staring at the crowd until Cody and Wade hit him from behind. They bring him to the center of the ring. Wade lifts Punk up into a powerbomb position, as Rhodes goes up to the top rope. Rhodes jumped off and hit a crossbody onto Punk, while Barrett sends CM plummeting down to the mat. Cody goes for the pin as Barrett gets on the ropes, taunting the fans.

1…2… No! Barrett pulls Cody off of Punk.

Barrett argues with Cody until the Miz hits a dropkick on Barrett from behind, sending him into Rhodes. Barrett starts to stumble up, so Miz throws him to the outside of the ring. He gets Rhodes up, both thinking the same thing. Miz gets Punk up and stands behind him, with Cody in front. Miz pushes CM in the back, right into an enziguri by Cody. Miz follows up with a Skull Crushing Finale! Pin by Miz.

1…2… What?! Cody breaks up this count!

Rhodes grabs Miz and throws him outside of the ring. Pinfall on Punk!

1…2… Oh! And Punk kicks out with less than a second to spare!

Cody lifts up Punk. Barrett is back in the ring. Rhodes hits the Cross Rhodes on Punk! Punk is down! Barrett stops the pinfall! Cody gets up and charges at Wade. Winds Of Change! Barrett’s finisher connects!

1…2…3! Cody Rhodes has been eliminated!

Miz is in the ring! He charges at Barrett from behind and knocks him to the outside of the ring. Punk is up though. Punk lifts Miz up onto his shoulders. He is going for the GTS! Miz drops down, and catches Punks knee. Miz throws Punk’s knee forward, while Miz goes behind. Miz hooks Punk’s arms into the air! Skull Crushing Finale! Punk goes down to a knee, and sends Miz over him, forcing him to let go. Punk hits an enziguri, sending Miz back into a corner. CM goes to the opposing turnbuckle. He sprints across the ring and hits a shining wizard. He goes to the outside apron as the Miz is on his knees. It’s Clobbering Time! Punk jumps off the ropes and hits a flying clothesline. Pin.

1…2…No! Wade kicks Miz out! Punk gets up quickly and tries to give a straight kick to Wade’s head, but Wade ducks and puts Punk on his shoulders. Wasteland connects!

1…2…3! CM Punk is eliminated.

Barrett taunts the crowd now that their favorite is out. Miz is slowly, but surely getting up. CM Punk is up too. Punk gives a straight kick to Barrett, with the ref trying to stop him. Barrett is down, Punk is still in the ring, and Miz is barely standing. Punk turns and lifts up Miz. He walks over until he is directly in the face of the camera. He says into the camera “This is for you Ric” then he hits the GTS of Miz. He puts Barrett’s arm over Miz’s body.

1…2…3! Barrett wins! Smackdown will get 2 draft picks, with RAW getting one. Barrett will also be involved in a one on one #1 contender’s match vs. Matt Morgan on next week’s Smackdown!
We go to the ramp to see Ric Flair staring at Punk as he passes by. Punk blows Flair a kiss, as Punk walks to the back. This causes Flair to rip his jacket off in frustration and try to chase after him.

Shane stops him and holds him back before Flair can go to the back. After Flair cools down a little bit, they head back to the tumblers for their picks. Flair decides that his pick goes first, as he stuck his hand in a tumbler and pulled out a ball already. He reads the name into the microphone. “Sin Cara, welcome to RAW!”


Sin Cara comes out to a mild ovation as he grabs a Raw shirt and heads down to the ring for his match. He slides into the ring, then springs off the ropes as his pyro goes off.

“The hand-picked superstar that Smackdown chooses is ‘the man-beast’. I’m talking about Ryback!"


Ryback comes out with a cold stare. The fans are cheering loudly for the man-beast. Shane slips a Smackdown jersey into Ryback’s hands, and then backed away from him, as Ryback walks back into the locker room. “Smackdown’s random pick, which will also be going one on one vs. Sin Cara will be…. Kofi Kingston!


Kingston comes out to a roar from the fans. He stands on the ramp and does his BOOM BOOM BOOM. Kofi’s pyro goes off. He runs down to the ring as the ref rings the bell.

Match 3: Sin Cara vs. Kofi Kingston

Kofi and Cara embrace each other. They shake hands before going into their respective corners. Kofi runs at Cara, and goes behind him into a waist lock. Cara grabs Kofi’s hands and goes behind him with an armbar. Kingston counters and Irish whips Cara. Sin Cara does a handstand off the ropes and then twists to hit Kofi with a crossbody. Cara goes off the ropes as Kofi is getting up. Cara hits a running hurricanrana. Kofi is down in the middle of the ring. Cara runs to the ropes, hops on the second rope, and then dives off with a flying senton! Pin by Cara.

1…2. Kingston kicks out.

Cara grabs Kingston by his arm and brings him into the corner. Sin Cara gets on the second rope. He puts Kofi into a front headlock. Cara goes for a tornado DDT! Kofi pushes Cara off and goes for a Trouble in Paradise. Cara ducks and Kofi lands stomach first onto the mat. Cara goes behind Kingston. Cara jumps into the air, putting his legs over Kingston. Sin Cara drops backwards and hits a poisoned frankensteiner! Pin!

1…2.. No! Kick out by Kofi!

Sin Cara brings up Kofi and pushes him into a corner. He puts Kofi onto the top rope. Sin Cara and Kingston stand on the tope rope. Cara is pandering to the crowd, but Kingston pushes Cara off the ropes, onto the outside of the ring, but Cara lands on his feet! Kofi leaps out onto Sin Cara! He hits a somersault plancha! Kofi Sin Cara smacks into the barricade, while Kofi falls over it! Both men are down!

8… Cara is starting to stir..
9… Kofi grabs Cara and pulls him down into the barricade.

10…Double Countout!

Tony Chimel grabs a mic and says “Vince McMahon has informed me that because of the finish of this match, both brands will get two random draft picks!”

The camera moves back up to the ramp as Ric and Shane are ready to pick. “Now it’s time for me to pick the superstars who I am sure will get us a win!” Ric sticks his hand in his tumbler. He pulls out 2 balls and looks at it. Confusion appears on his face as he says into his microphone to a man on the side of the stage “Who the Hell are the Motor City Machineguns?!”


The MCMG comes out to a HUGE ovation from their hometown crowd! They do their signature pose on the ramp before getting a RAW T-shirt. “Did you just ask who WE are Ric? We are the BEST tag team in the WWE, no. In the world today. We will be proving it when we win the tag team championship on RAW!” Shelley speaks for the first time on a WWE show.

“Flair, that was the best draw you ever made. RAW’s newest Michigan boys will be winning this next match for you, no matter who we face. Because we were made in Detroit, and we were made to win.” Sabin said, finally speaking up. They head down to the ring for their match.

“Now we have had one good pick that we haven’t used in a match yet! So he will be teaming with the next person Smackdown gets! So Antonio Cesaro’s partner is…. Damien Sandow. While the other pick for smackdown is Christian!”


Christian comes out to a nice round of applause. We go to commercial.

We come back from commercial to see Damien Sandow talking to Cesaro in the ring. Christian and Cody Rhodes are both at ringside for this match.

Match 4: Motor City Machineguns vs. Damien Sandow & Antonio Cesaro

Alex Shelley is starting this match up with Cesaro. The ref rings the bell. Shelley quickly gets behind the much larger opponent in Cesaro. He puts him in a waistlock, but Cesaro is acting like he isn’t affecting him. Shelley realizes this and pushes him away, hitting a dropkick before Antonio goes too far. Antonio turns, mad. He charges at Shelley, only to be tripped by a drop toe-hold. Shelley gets up and points to Detroit on his hand. Cesaro gets into his corner and starts talking to Sandow. While Damien is talking, Antonio charges at Alex, but Alex just ducks while Sabin sticks his feet up into an enziguri. Shelley goes for a quick roll-up.

1…2… No! Cesaro kicks out.

Sabin tags in and they go after Cesaro. They pick him up by their shoulders and put him in the tree of woe. Shelley hits a quick baseball slide while Sabin follows with a hesitation dropkick! Sabin tags out. Sabin Irish whips Antonio into the corner. He runs in with a running big boot while Shelley hits a simultaneous enziguri! Cesaro goes down to his knees and Shelley jumps off the ropes into a double knee facebuster! He goes for the pin!

1…2… No! Barely kicking out!

Shelley grabs Cesaro and goes for a Sliced Bread #2! Cesaro stops Shelley from flipping over. Antonio is holding Shelley in mid-air while walking over to center of the ring. He is able to bring Alex into a powerslam! Cesaro makes the tag in to Sandow and Sandow comes rushing in. Shelley gets up but Sandow quickly knocks him down with an uppercut. Sandow moves to Sabin and hits a forearm to the face. Sandow picks up Shelley and hooks his arms. He brings him for a cross-armed neckbreaker. Shelley quickly slides Sandow over his back into a back slide!

1… Sandow kicks out.

Shelley quickly gets up and hits a dropkick. He brings Damien up and hits Sliced Bread #2! Pinfall!

1…2…No! Cesaro breaks up the pin!

Cesaro is still in the ring. He picks up Shelley and puts him in the Neutralizer! Christian gets up on the apron and distracts Cesaro. Cesaro drops Alex to the floor and walks over to Christian. He starts to scream at him, but Christian just spits in his face. The ref is trying to get Christian off the apron, while Cody Rhodes pulls him down! Cross Rhodes to Christian! Sandow and Cesaro just watched the Cross Rhodes, and Sandow is clapping for Cody. Shelley gets the tag to Sabin, and they both go after the Smackdown superstars. A Cesaro turns around into a superkick/enziguri combination! Cesaro spills to the outside of the ring. Sabin pushes Sandow into a corner. Shelley goes up to the top rope. Sabin turns Sandow around and brings him up to the top rope. Shelley grabs Sandow. But Rhodes gets up onto the apron! Rhodes tries to stop the MCMG by climbing up to the top with Alex! But Shelley hits a dropkick on Rhodes, while hitting a Sliced Bread #2/sitting powerbomb combination with Sabin! Pin by Chris!

1…2…3! MCMGs win! Raw gets two draft picks!
The guns celebrate in the ring while the camera pans out to the ramp. Shane puts his hand into the tumbler and pulls out a ball, reading the name into the mic. “The newest Smackdown superstar is…JTG!”


JTG comes out to a little mixed reaction. JTG grabs a mic. “YO YO YO! It’s ya boy JTG here! Here to tell ya, that I found myself a new partner. One that appreciates my life-style, and is willing to change his, to live mine. Later on you will see him, and Cryme Tyme 2.5 will be heard.”

“RAW’s hand-picked superstar is an amazing athlete. He can do almost anything in the ring. That’s right! The newest RAW superstar is… Jack Swagger!"


Swagger comes out and taunts the fans. He is quick to shake hands with Flair, while putting on a RAW shirt.

"And the random pick for RAW is Tyson Kidd!”


Tyson Kidd comes out to a nice applause. Swagger is still out on the ramp and is applauding at Kidd. “Kidd, I think you are an amazing athlete. I want you as a tag team partner! Think about it! ‘Kidd Swag!’ That sounds good to me!”

“You know what Jack? That actually sounds pretty good! I respect you in the ring, and I think we could be something.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Kidd Swag, and AJ Lee!”


AJ comes out, skipping to Swagger. She jumps up and gives him a hug, screaming ‘Thank you!’ to him. She looks at Kidd and does the same thing. AJ grabs both their hands, and raises them on the ramp, before walking down to the ring for Swagger’s match.

Commercial Break

Match 5: JTG vs. Jack Swagger

JTG and Swagger are both in the ring. The ref rings the bell to start the match. Swagger quickly goes behind and locks in a waistlock. He lifts up JTG and slams up with a belly to back mat slam. Swagger rolls over and puts JTG into a front headlock. JTG gets up and hits Jack until he lets go. JTG Irish whips Jack into the corner. JTG runs at him and jumps on the second rope. JTG slaps Swagger in the face, just angering Swagger, causing him to bring JTG up for a powerbomb. Jack turns and faces the turnbuckle and throws JTG into it. JTG is face up on the ground, so Swagger runs to the corner and hits a Swagger Bomb! He taunts the crowd. Swagger gets JTG up and Irish whips him into corner, and JTG bounces off as Swagger brings JTG into a gutwrench position. He lifts him up and hits a gutwrench powerbomb!

1…2…NO! JTG powers out!

Jack brings JTG up and goes for another gutwrench, but JTG pushes Swagger into a corner. He runs at him and hits the Mug Shot! JTG quickly gets him up and goes to the second rope. He hits a tornado DDT to Swagger. JTG goes into a corner as Swagger lies in the middle of the ring. Tyson Kidd gets up onto the apron, and distracts the ref while AJ gets on the apron, right near JTG. She goes to slap him, but Naomi Knight comes down to the ring and yanks her off the apron! Tyson sees it and goes to them. He screams at Naomi before someone comes behind him and hits him with a steel chair! He brings him up and pushes him onto the stairs. Tyson seems hurt, as he sits, leaning against the stairs. The masked man sets the chair in front of Tyson’s head. The man backs up, then sprints forward, with a double knee to the chair, sending it into Tyson’s face! JTG applauds the masked man, while Swagger comes behind with a roll-up! But Swagger doesn’t stop at a pin, as he rolls through into an ankle lock. Swagger drops into a grapevine!

*TAP! TAP! TAP!* Swagger wins by submission! Raw gets two picks!

The masked man sees this, so he and Naomi run into the ring, The masked man grabs Swagger from behind and hits an arm wrench forward Russian legsweep! The masked man holds a bent Swagger in the air to allow a scissors kick by Naomi! JTG gets up and tells the masked man and Naomi to hold Swagger up. They do, and JTG jumps over Swagger, hitting a neckbreaker in the process! They raise each other’s hands as they stand over Swagger. They look and nod at the masked man who reveals his face. It’s ELIJAH BURKE! “Congrats, Mr. Burke. You have been picked as Smackdown’s last choice!” Shane speaks from the ramp. JTG, Naomi, and Burke look happy, staring at Shane.

“Now for RAW’s random pick we get…. John Morrison!!!”


John Morrison returns to the WWE with a standing ovation from the Detroit crowd! He shakes hands with Flair and quickly puts on his new RAW shirt! He heads down to the ring as a RAW vs. Smackdown battle royal is next.

“For RAW’s manual pick, I will be picking someone who has great ability, but I didn’t pick him before now because I didn’t think he could get the job done in a match. That’s right I pick my former mentee, Randy Orton!”


“Did you just say what I think you just said Ric? Did you really just say that I can’t get the job done? Look in the mirror Ric. You were retired because you couldn’t go anymore! You are wrong Ric. I could have easily gotten you draft picks. I can beat anyone. I dare you to give me a chance on RAW Ric. Give me a shot at ANY title, and I will win it. If I don’t then you can fire me on the spot!”

“Fine Randy, you will get a chance. But first you will have to win this next match! The battle royal is RAW vs. Smackdown, and we only have 7 out of 8 entries in the WWE title tourney. So if you can last until the end, then you will be the 8th man.”

Commercial Break

We come back from commercial to see 15 Smackdown and 15 RAW superstars in the ring.

RAW superstars in the ring are Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Miz, Rock, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Sin Cara, Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd, John Morrison, and Randy Orton.

While Smackdown has John Cena, Matt Morgan, Mark Henry, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Antonio Cesaro, Ryback, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Wade Barrett, Christian, JTG, and Elijah Burke

Match 6: RAW vs. Smackdown battle royal (winning brand receives the main event slot at SummerSlam)

Both sides are split. Once the bell rings, both brands attack each other. MCMGs are double teaming Charlie Haas in the corner, as Benjamin works on eliminating Kofi Kingston. Matt Morgan is taking out the smaller guys with big punches. He picks up Swagger and throws him over the top rope military press style.

1st elimination: Jack Swagger(RAW)

Sin Cara hits a dropkick that does no effect to Morgan. JTG and Elijah focus on Morgan, only for JTG to be chokeslamed. Burke is dropped with a sitout powerbomb by Morgan! Morgan picks them both up and throws them both over the top rope, only to be knocked over the ropes by Mark Henry!

2nd and 3rd eliminations: Cryme Tyme 2.5(SD)
4th elimination: Matt Morgan(SD)

Matt Morgan sees Henry taunting him. It looks like he is going to the back so Henry turns around. Morgan quickly gets onto the apron. Big show quickly kicks Henry in the gut, and Irish whips him towards Morgan. Morgan pulls the ropes down! Henry falls over! Morgan doesn’t let Henry get away after his elimination, as Morgan quickly jumps at Mark, attacking him. They both continue to fight until they reach backstage.

5th elimination: Mark Henry(SD)

MCMGs, WGTT, Rhodes Scholars, Team Hell NO, Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio, and Kidd are all going after each other! Kane takes over and knocks them all down with uppercuts. He grabs Rey Mysterio, while Daniel Bryan lifts up Tyson Kidd. Hell NO grabs the two by their necks, and Kane chokeslams Rey to the outside of the ring. Daniel tries to out-do Kane, so he chokeslams Tyson outside the ring!

6th elimination: Rey Mysterio(RAW)
7th elimination: Tyson Kidd(RAW)

Kane doesn’t like Bryan using his finishing maneuver, but he just looks at Bryan. He then looks down at a face-down Sandow. He grabs Sandow’s arm. He locks in the NO Lock! He screams that he is the tag team champions! Bryan gets mad and puts the NO Lock on Cody Rhodes! They both are screaming that they are the tag team champions. They both simultaneously get up, and get in each other’s faces. They don’t even notice Ryback charging at both men. They collide and it knocks Bryan and Kane over the top rope!

8th and 9th eliminations: Hell NO!(SD)

Ryback turns into a double superkick by the Motor City Machine Guns! Ryback staggers but does not go down! Charlie Haas goes behind Ryback while Benjamin hits a superkick, while Haas hits a German suplex! Ryback is down, but he quickly gets up. Sin Cara hits an enziguri, while at the same time; John Morrison hits the flying chuck kick! Ryback still just staggers. Kofi and Sheamus exchange looks, and they both run at Ryback, with Kofi hitting the Trouble in Paradise, while Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick. Ryback still stays up! But not for long as the Rock moves in! The Rock sets up for a Rock Bottom! Dolph Ziggler hits the Zig Zag as Rock hits the Rock Bottom! Cena quickly brings the man-beast to his feet and lifts him onto his shoulders! AA to the outside of the ring! Ryback is out!

10th elimination: Ryback(SD)

They all stare, out of breathe because of the beast known as Ryback. Big Show quickly ends the moment with a K.O. Punch to The Rock! Bog Show quickly picks Rock up and throws him to the outside!

11th elimination: The Rock(RAW)

Everyone in the ring stares at Big Show. They all move a little closer to him. They all attack Show at once! Show looks like he is struggling! Show shoves everyone off of him! Kofi is the first to get up and runs towards Show, but Show just ducks Kofi’s jump, so Kingston goes over the ropes.

12th elimination: Kofi Kingston(SD)

The Guns then run at Show, making him off balance. Show is quick to recover, and he picks them both up by their necks. A double chokeslam is hit to the outside of the ring! Shelley and Sabin aren’t moving on the outside! The ref’s are checking on them.

13th and 14th eliminations: MCMG(RAW)

Big Show quickly does a scan of the ring; he gives them a threat, trying to urge them on by using the ‘come at me’ sign. Sin Cara does and tries for a DDT like move, but show just spins Cara over onto the floor. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin soon also try to attack Show but they end with the same fate as Sin Cara, being thrown over the top rope, landing awkwardly.

15th elimination: Sin Cara(RAW)
16th and 17th eliminations: WGTT(RAW)

Randy Orton quickly makes Big Show turn, and hits him with an RKO! Wade Barrett quickly helps Orton lift the giant to his feet, and they shove him into a Brogue Kick by Sheamus! They push him into the corner and CM Punk hits a shining wizard! Miz then runs in and hits his corner clothesline! Big Show is down! John Morrison jumps, as if going for a Starship Pain! But The Miz just pushes him down to the floor! Randy Orton quickly RKO’s Miz after he eliminated Morrison. He picks Miz up and throws him over the top rope!

18th elimination: John Morrison(RAW)
19th elimination: Miz(RAW)

Cena yells at everyone to get smart. They all look at Show. He is slowly getting up. They all rush at him, but he again knocks all of them down! Cena is the first to get back up, and he charges at him. He lifts Show up onto his arms. Cena moves closer to the ropes. Barrett grabs Cena by the legs and sends both Cena and Big Show over the top rope!

20th elimination: Big Show(RAW)
21st elimination: John Cena(RAW)

Barrett turns and hits a quick jab to Christian. He tries to send Christian over the top, but he hangs onto the ropes. Christian stands on the apron, and leaps off into a crossbody! Barrett ducks! Cesaro is hit right behind Barrett! Christian gets up as Barrett throws him over the top rope for elimination!

22nd elimination: Christian(SD)

Cesaro quickly tries to throw Wade Barrett over the top rope, but is quickly blocked, as Antonio gets a punch to the chest for his efforts. Sandow and Rhodes attack them both from behind. Rhodes tries to bring Cesaro to the center of the ring. He hits the Cross Rhodes! Sandow hits his cross-armed neckbreaker on Barrett! Rhodes throws Cesaro over the ropes. Rhodes turns around into an RKO! Sandow does the same! Randy throws them both over the ropes!

23rd elimination: Antonio Cesaro(SD)
24th and 25th elimination: Rhodes Scholars(SD)

Sheamus starts sprinting at Randy Orton, only to be hit with an RKO! Barrett gets up, but goes down to a RKO! CM Punk is up, and Randy goes for a RKO, but Punk just shoves him off. Randy is forced to run. He hits a running RKO on Dolph Ziggler! Dolph spills to the outside of the ring. CM lifts up Orton, trying to eliminate him. Suddenly, Punk puts Orton down. He mouths something to him. They both look at the now standing Sheamus. They charge at him, with CM hitting a low dropkick. Orton hits a clothesline. CM lifts Sheamus onto his shoulders, and hits the GTS! Sheamus starts to stagger, so Orton hits a RKO! They throw Sheamus over the top rope!

26th elimination: Sheamus(SD)

Barrett runs towards both of them, trying to hit a double clothesline, but Orton and Punk just duck and uses a back body drop to send Barrett toppling over the top rope and onto the floor!

27th elimination: Wade Barrett(SD) RAW wins! A WWE Championship match will be the main event of SummerSlam!
CM Punk and Randy Orton raise each other’s hands. Dolph Ziggler gets back into the ring, since he never was technically eliminated! He gets on the top rope and celebrates, like he just won the Super Bowl, while Ric Flair claps at the side, as Smackdown goes off the air.​

  • Ric Flair(T)
  • Dolph Ziggler(H) – Zig Zag, Fame Asser
  • Big Show(T) – KO Punch, Chokeslam
  • CM Punk(F) – GTS, Anaconda Vise
  • Rey Mysterio(F) – 619, West Coast Pop
  • Shelton Benjamin(H) – Superkick, Dragon Whip
  • Miz(H) – Skull Crushing Finale, Reality Check
  • Rock(F) – Rock Bottom, People’s Elbow
  • Charlie Haas(H) – Haas of Pain, Scoop lift into inverted DDT
  • Alex Shelley(F) – Sliced Bread #2, Shell Shock
  • Chris Sabin(F) – Cradle Shock, Running boot to cornered opponent
  • Sin Cara(F) – Moonsault Side Slam, Standing Tornado DDT
  • Jack Swagger(H) – Gutwrench Powerbomb, Grapevine Ankle Lock
  • Tyson Kidd(H) – Dungeon lock, Springboard Elbow Drop
  • John Morrison(F) – Starship Pain, Moonlight Drive
  • Randy Orton(F) – RKO, Punt kick

  • Shane McMahon(F)
  • John Cena(F) – AA, STF
  • Matt Morgan(F) – Carbon Footprint, Sitout Powerbomb
  • Mark Henry(H) – World’s Strongest Slam, Bearhug
  • Sheamus(F) – Brogue Kick, White Noise
  • Daniel Bryan(T) – NO Lock, Guillotine Choke
  • Kane(F) – Chokeslam, Tombstone Piledriver
  • Antonio Cesaro(H) – Neutralizer, Very European Uppercut
  • Wade Barrett(H) – Winds of Change, Wasteland
  • Cody Rhodes(H) – Beautiful Disaster, Cross Rhodes
  • Ryback(F) – Lariat, Shell Shock
  • Kofi Kingston(F) – Trouble in Paradise, SOS
  • Damien Sandow(H) – Cross-Armed Neckbreaker
  • Christian(F) – Frog Splash, Killswitch
  • JTG(H) – Da Shout Out, Flip Neckbreaker
  • Elijah Burke(H) – Elijah Express, Outer Limitz Elbow


WWE title - TBD

Intercontinental - TBD

World Tag Team - TBD

CruiserWeight title - TBD


World Heavyweight - Sheamus

USA - Antonio Cesaro

WWE Tag Team - Hell NO!

*Tonight is the Night *

Pyro goes off as the crowd goes nuts over the start of RAW!


Ric Flair comes out to a huge reaction! Flair takes his time getting to the ring, doing the Nature Boy strut. He tells Lillian Garcia to hold the ropes, while he gets into the ring. She grabs him a microphone. “WOO! It’s good to be back in Seattle!” The crowd cheers louder. “Alright, settle down, because I have something important to do! I would like to introduce you to the RAW roster! Randy Orton!” Orton comes out to a loud roar of cheers. “John Morrison! Kidd Swag! Sin Cara!” Each superstar comes out to a different reaction. “Motor City Machine Guns! Charlie Haas! The Rock! Miz! Shelton Benjamin! Rey Mysterio! CM Punk. Big Show! And the crowning jewel of RAW, Dolph Ziggler!”

*Here to Show the World*

“Woah woah woah. Slow your role there Ric. You are calling Dolph the ‘crowning jewel of RAW, yet he has had one world title reign. Even then, he had it handed to him, and then he lost it in 18 minutes! You call that a jewel! And Dolph, you call yourself a showoff! What the Hell do you have to show?! You have a messed up haircut and a crazy guy who used to be all that but is now nothing that thinks you’re tough. I am a real jewel. No, I am the Best in the World!” CM Punk interrupts the Nature Boy. Punk sits on the corner turnbuckle.

“That’s right Punk, I am a jewel. That’s right; I did lose my World title. But Punk, I do not showoff. Because it’s not showing off, if you’re that. Damn. Good. I will be proving this in a minute, once you jobbers get out of the ring, so that my WWE title tournament match can start.” Dolph Ziggler interrupts the former champion.

“Dolph, I hope you make it to the finals of this tourney, because if you do, I will get the pleasure of knocking you, and whoever wants to try to help you, out. See you later Ziggles.” Pipe bomb. Punk drops his mic, and then leaves the ring. All the other superstars leave the ring as well; all except for Dolph’s opponent for the title tourney, and his partner. Rey talks to Sin Cara for second, and then he leaves the ring to go to ringside.

Match 1: (WWE Title Tourney, Round One, Match 1) Dolph Ziggler (w/ Ric Flair) vs. Sin Cara (w/ Rey Mysterio)

Sin Cara starts trying to get the crowd behind him. He claps his hands together, as the crowd does the same. Dolph gets right into Sin Cara’s face and tells him that he is the showoff, because he is that damn good. Cara takes a step back, and slaps Dolph in the kisser! He quickly capitalizes with a clothesline, followed by a quick dropkick once Ziggler gets to his feet. Sin Cara quickly gets Dolph into a headlock before Dolph completely gets up. He takes him down to the mat. Dolph starts punching Cara, trying to make him get up. It doesn’t work, as Cara just tightens his grip. Cara starts to get him and Dolph up, and when he does, he shoves Dolph into the ropes. When Dolph rebounds, Cara jumps over him. He quickly gets onto his stomach, as Dolph leaps over him. They both run at each other, and they both try a crossbody, only to injure themselves.

Commercial Break

We are back from commercial to see Dolph in the ring, with Sin Cara on the ground on the outside. The ref is counting.

Ric Flair moves from one side of the apron to the same side as Cara. Rey quickly moves into between Flair and Sin Cara. He holds up his arms, stopping Flair in his tracks.


Cara gets up, but Dolph tries to jump outside of the ring, but Cara moves to the inside. Dolph lands on the ring apron. Cara runs at him but Dolph grabs his head for a hotshot! Flair is talking to Dolph, so he doesn’t see Sin Cara running in! He hits a sliding dropkick! Dolph’s face smashes against the ring apron. Flair throws a chair across the ring! The ref sees this and picks it up. But what he doesn’t see is Flair handing Dolph a chair. Mysterio is trying to tell the ref about it, but Sin Cara doesn’t hear him, as he runs off the ropes going for a suicide dive! He leaps through the ropes, and gets hit in the face with a chair! Dolph quickly throws the chair away as the ref is turning around! Dolph rolls Sin Cara into the ring. Dolph brings Sin Cara to his feet, and backs behind him. Cara stands up straight, right into a Zig Zag! Dolph just stares at the downed Cara. He goes for a pin.

1…2… NO! Dolph raises Sin Cara’s arm off of the mat! Flair is outside of the ring, screaming at Ziggler. He holds up a four with his fingers. He then locks his fingers together. Dolph moves towards Sin Cara’s legs. Figure 4-Leg Lock! He is using Flairs move! Ric is outside the ring clapping, while the ref checks on the still motionless Sin Cara. The ref holds up Sin Cara’s hand. He lets it drop.

He does the same thing. 2!

Dolph Ziggler wins by pass out!
Dolph Ziggler gets out of the ring, raising his hand triumphantly. Rey Mysterio runs into the ring and is checking on his friend/partner. Ric Flair is clapping at ringside.

The scene moves to the new brackets for the WWE Title tourney. It shows this:

The Rock vs. Big Show

Winner: ?

Sin Cara vs. Dolph Ziggler

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton

Winner: ?

Cm Punk vs. John Morrison

Winner: ?

*World’s Greatest*

“Cut the music!” The music continues to play, though being told by Charlie Haas to be stopped. “I said to cut the freakin’ music!” The music instantly stops. “I am here to let you be the first to congratulate the future NEW World Tag Team Champions! The World’s Greatest Tag Team, Charlie Haas, and Shelton Benjamin! That’s right, spoiler alert! Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas win the World Tag Team Championships on RAW!” The crowd boos, and WGTT finally gets into the ring. “Well now that I think about it, it’s not really a spoiler is it Shelton?”

“Hell no it isn’t. I mean, look at us, and then look at our ‘opponents’. The Motor City Machine Guns? They don’t look like champions. They don’t act like champions. Now us, we look and act, and have been champions. Those Indy league losers won’t win. They are lucky to even have a job.”

*Motor City*

MCMG sprint down into the ring and attack the World’s Greatest Tag Team! They are throwing punches. Sabin lifts up Haas and throws him outside the ring! Haas lands on the apron, but Shelley and Sabin do a double baseball dropkick! Haas is down on the outside of the ring. Benjamin is in the middle of the ring. Sabin grabs a mic and moves towards the ref. “Ring the bell!” The official does as he was told and rings the bell.

Match Two- Elimination Tag Team Match for the World Tag Team Championship:

Shelley leaves the ring and Sabin connects with quick kicks straight to Benjamin’s back. Sabin kicks Benjamin, then goes off the ropes and hits a seated dropkick. Shelton is brought up, and pushed into the corner. Sabin tags in to Shelley. They lift Shelton to the top rope. Benjamin starts to stir, so Shelley hits an enziguri. Benjamin flips off the ropes, right into a powerbomb by Sabin! Sabin moves Benjamin, and Shelley gets to the top rope. Frog splash by Shelley! Pin coming by Alex.

1…2… No! Haas is in to break up the pin!

Sabin quickly reacts and bounces off the ropes into a diving hurricanrana to Charlie! Charlie is thrown across the ring and rolls out of the ring. Shelley lifts up Benjamin and brings him to the corner. Sabin is now on the apron. Tag in. The Guns quickly trade places. Sabin backs up and gets a running start into Benjamin. Sabin runs in with a running big boot. Shelley hits a simultaneous enziguri. Sabin tags in Shelley, before moving Benjamin towards the center of the ring. Shelley moves up. Shelley is at the top rope trying to get the crowd behind them, while Sabin sets up for a neckbreaker. Alex jumps off the top rope into a frog splash/neckbreaker combination with Sabin! Shelley goes for the pin as Sabin hits a suicide dive to Charlie Haas on the outside.

1…2…3! Shelton Benjamin has been eliminated!

Sabin quickly picks up Haas and throws him into the ring. Shelley moves towards him. Haas gets up, and Shelley grabs him. Shell Shock! The spinning reverse STO hits! Sabin gets on the apron and screams at Shelley to cover Charlie! He waves his finger saying ‘no, not yet’. He lifts up Haas and throws him head first into the turnbuckle. He repeatedly does it, until the ref finally makes him let go. Haas is staggering back, so Shelley grabs him by his head, Shelley runs himself and Haas towards the turnbuckle, and hits Haas with the Sliced Bread #2! Shelley still isn’t covering, he instead goes up to the top rope, and hits a frog splash! Shelley isn’t done. He goes outside of the ring. He grabs a championship belt. He gets into the ring. The ref tries to take it away from Shelley, but Alex doesn’t let him. Sabin can see what Shelley is doing. Sabin just stands on the ring apron. Shelley swings at Haas as he is getting to his knees. Shelley connects with the championship belt to the face of Haas! The camera zooms in and you can see blood coming from the mouth of Charlie Haas! The ref is telling Shelley that he has been disqualified.

Alex Shelley is eliminated by DQ!

Sabin runs into the ring and starts to yell at Shelley. Shelley just stares at Sabin. Sabin stops screaming and Shelley says just two words to make Sabin rush over to Haas’s body, making a cover. Shelley had said ‘pin him.’

1…2…3! The MCMG win! *NEW* World Tag Team Champions!

MCMG celebrate on in the ring. Shelton Benjamin moves into the ring to check on his bloody tag team partner. He looks angrily at the Tag champs. He picks up the steel chair, and once Shelley jumps down from his celebration on the turnbuckle, he swings it straight at Shelley’s head! It cracks, and as Sabin hears it, he jumps down into a shot from Shelton! Shelton Benjamin just looks down at the Motor City Machine Guns, while his partner is still down near the ropes.

Commercial Break

We comes back from commercial to see Big Show in the ring, with his music playing in the background. He is pacing back and forth.


Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson comes out to the biggest ovation of the night! He wastes no time sprinting down to the ring, telling the ref to ring the bell so that he can get his revenge on Big Show from Smackdown.

Match 3: (WWE Title Tourney Match, No DQ) The Rock vs. Big Show

The ref rings the bell and Rocky quickly begins to slug it out with the 7 foot monster known as Big Show. Rocky is quickly gaining the advantage, as Big Show is staggering back from the hard punches. Rock kicks Show in the knee and he goes down hard. Rock uses a spinning elbow to fully take the big man down. He stomps him in the gut, making Show sit up. Rock goes off the ropes, and hits a knee into the face! He stomps down, this time to the head. Rock goes behind the giant, grabbing his legs. He puts one of his legs over one of Show’s. He locks Big Shows legs together, going for the sharpshooter! He tries to turn Show onto his stomach, but Show is too strong. He flips Rock to the outside of the ring! Rock quickly recuperates, but Show blocks his way back into the ring. Rock goes towards the announce table, and takes it apart. He taunts Show to come out of the ring. Show shakes his head no, so Rock tries to go into the ring. Big Show blocks him once again and Rocky gets mad. He quickly goes under the ring. He comes out from the other side as he entered, with a Kendo Stick! Rock runs into the ring, and sprints across the ring. He swings the kendo stick at the big man’s head. Big Show isn’t going down! Rock wraps Shows neck with the stick, and drops him down with the Russian legsweep! Rock gets up to see the big man down in the perfect spot. The crowd is coming alive! Rock taunts Show, and then bounces off of the ropes, only to bounce off the others. He slides across the ring, and hits the People’s Elbow! Pin!

1...2... No! Big Show powers out!

Rock quickly grabs the kendo stick. He whacks the grounded Show with it. He stops, and thinks. He gets an angry expression on his face, as he starts repeatedly hitting Show with the stick! Rock stops, and starts breathing heavily, still holding the kendo stick. He flips show over, and he uses the kendo stick to help put on a camel clutch! Big Show struggles! Rocky starts to get up; he puts his foot onto the back of Big Shows head! Rocky pulls back, choking the giant! Rock changes his mind, and stops putting pressure backwards; instead he concentrates it forward, shoving the giants head into the mat. Rock looks down at Show. He heads to the outside of the ring. He grabs a table, and shoves it into the ring! The crowd is going crazy, as they know something big is coming! Rock gets up onto the apron, but as he does, he gets speared by the Big Show! Rocky goes flying onto the announce table. Rock just sits there, lying on the table. Big Show quickly exits the ring. He picks up the downed Rocky by the neck. He lifts him up and slams him through the announce table with a chokeslam! Big Show quickly capitalizes on this, and throws Rock into the ring. He goes for the cover.

1…2…NO! The Rock barely gets his shoulders off the mat!

Big Show gets up and can’t believe it! He walks straight over to the ref and starts screaming at him! The ref pulls on his own shirt, showing the WWE referee logo. Big Show accepts this and walks back over to the Rock. He starts to bring Rocky to his feet, only to be pelted by quick punches to his gut. Show powers back with a club to Rocks back. He throws the Rock into the corner, and runs at him with a hip to the gut. Show climbs outside the ring, and grabs 2 tables from under the ring! He brings them inside the ring, and sets one up in the corner near the Rock, while setting the other one in the center of the ring. Big Show gets Rock up and pushes him into the corner with the table; Rock walks off it, holding his back. Show runs after him. He goes for a spear, but Rocky steps out of the way, sending Show through the table! Show still is standing! Rocky turns and looks shocked, while Show starts to turn. Rocky sets up, and hits a huge Samoan drop through the table! Rocky goes for the pin!

1…2…3! Rock wins the match!

“I just realized something that I forgot to mention earlier in the night! I forgot to tell you, Rock that we are doing half the tourney tonight, half next week and the end at Over the Limit. So because of that, you have another match later tonight against Dolph Ziggler. Whoever wins will be in the finals! Good luck!” The Rock stands in the ring looking shocked as he holds as ribs. He gets angry. He tries to quickly chase down Flair, but he is too hurt to move at any pace more than a slow walk.

Commercial break

The Miz is shown in the ring, staring above the ring, looking at the Intercontinental Championship hanging above. He goes outside the ring and grabs a ladder, bringing it into the ring.

*Raw to the Core *

Jack Swagger comes out to a mixed reaction, and a new entrance theme! Tyson Kidd and AJ Lee soon follow. Jack Swagger grabs a ladder and brings it into the ring.

Match 4: Jack Swagger (w/ Tyson Kidd and AJ Lee) vs. Miz
Intercontinental Championship, Ladder match

Tyson Kidd and AJ Lee move to opposite sides of the ring. Jack Swagger and the Miz stand in the ring, holding ladders in their hands. Jack Swagger looks up at the Intercontinental Championship. The Miz does the same, but in doing so is hit with a ladder! Swagger made the cheap shot to Miz’s knee with AJ clapping and cheering on the side of the ring. Swagger puts his ladder over the Miz’s face, and then he proceeds in sitting on the ladder to squish it against the face of the Miz. Swagger gets up and taunts the fans in attendance. He sets the ladder up in the corner, and brings Miz to his feet. Swagger sends Miz into the ladder. Swagger charges and leaps into the air, hitting a splash! Jack moves Miz off, then shoves him into the ground. He pushes the ladder on top of Miz. Swagger jumps onto, and then off, the second rope, hitting a Swagger Bomb onto the ladder and Miz! Swagger grabs the ladder off Miz and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Swagger starts to climb up the rungs of the ladder. He is doing so very quickly, as AJ and Kidd cheer him on. Miz starts to get up right when Swagger reaches the top rung of the ladder. Swagger reaches up and grabs the belt, but Miz shoves the ladder from underneath the All American-American! Swagger is hanging above the ring! Miz quickly goes under the ring and grabs a table! Swagger is still hanging. He is yelling at AJ and Tyson to help him. Tyson runs the corner, trying to attack Miz, only to be hit in the gut with the table. AJ runs into the ring and tries to jump up to reach Swagger. Miz gets into the ring with the table. He looks at AJ trying to help Swagger. He sets up the table under Swagger, while AJ is begging him not to. Miz points up at Swagger and Lee looks at him. Miz uses this opportunity to kiss AJ! He moves as he kisses her, and shoves her outside the ring. Swagger is trying to move his feet down to hit the table, but his feet won’t go that far! Miz sets up the ladder a bit farther away from Swagger and he starts climbing it. Swagger starts swinging his weight around, thinking of his only hope. Miz grabs Swagger by the feet. Miz jumps off the ladder as he and Swagger crash through the table with an electric chair facebuster!

Miz quickly gets up and smiles while AJ screams at ringside. Miz uses the opportunity to set up the ladder in the center of the ring. Miz starts to climb up the ladder! Tyson Kidd is coming into the ring! Miz gets up to the top before Tyson shoves the ladder. Miz and the ladder move towards the ropes, but Miz pushes his foot off the ropes, setting the ladder back into place. Tyson sees this and pushes it the other way. Miz jumps off the ladder and lands on his feet! Tyson runs at the Miz, but the Miz just punches Kidd to the ground. Miz picks up the ladder and nails Kidd in the mouth with it once Kidd got to his knees! Miz still isn’t done with Kidd, as he brings Kidd to his feet. Miz goes behind Kidd and goes for a Skull Crushing Finale! Kidd counters and goes for a spinning fisherman’s suplex. Miz counters! Miz kicks Kidd in the knee and grabs him by his head. Kneeling DDT onto the ladder! Miz kicks Kidd outside of the ring just in time to get attacked from behind by Swagger!

Swagger quickly capitalizes and puts Miz into a gutwrench position. He brings him up and hits the gutwrench powerbomb onto the ladder! Miz is holding his back with pain as AJ gets onto the apron and yells at Jack to set up the ladder. Jack gets to the top but stops. He stares at the still body of the Miz. He climbs down the ladder! Swagger goes straight for Miz and flips him onto his stomach! Ankle Lock to Miz! Swagger goes down into a grapevine! Miz is in pain! Miz starts to scream! Miz is tapping out! Swagger won’t let go! Tyson is in the ring and starts stomping on the Miz. Swagger gets up and tells Kidd that they aren’t done. Swagger motions to AJ to get into the ring. AJ does so as Kidd brings Miz to his feet. Swagger and Kidd holds Miz’s arms back as AJ slaps him in the face! Miz goes down hard as Kidd and Swagger laugh at this. Kidd grabs Miz and hits a spinning fisherman’s suplex. Swagger puts him in an ankle lock, and Kidd puts Miz into a cross face! Miz is tapping but it doesn’t matter. Swagger yells at AJ to climb the ladder! AJ nervously does so. She takes some time getting up to the top. She reaches up and grabs the title. She pulls it down! She starts moving back down the ladder with the title! She gets to the bottom and looks at the title. Swagger and Kidd get off Miz. Swagger grabs the title and looks straight at it. Tyson takes the title, and puts it around Swagger’s waist! Swagger smiles and taunts the crowd! Massive heat erupts from the stadium!

Jack Swagger wins. *NEW Intercontinental Champion!*

Swagger, Kidd, and AJ all celebrate in the ring! The camera pans backstage. Ric Flair is seen in his office. He is talking to Dolph Ziggler about the title tourney. Suddenly, the Rock moves into the room. He has an ice pack on his arm, and he is holding his ribs. “What the Hell was that out there Ric?! First, you put me in a no DQ with a giant of a human, and then after I win you tell me that I have to compete in another match tonight?”

“Rocky, calm down brother! Dolph here had to compete against someone tonight too and he is still tired, so the way I see it, this match is even.”

“Even? You call this even Flair?! I was in an extreme match just 20 minutes ago, while Dolph was involved in a 6 minute match vs. a high flyer.

“Rock! If you keep complaining, then you will receive higher consequences.”

“Like what Ric?! What else could you possibly do to me?!”

“Like, if you don’t get out of my office now, then you will have a match with Big Show at Over the Limit, even if you do make it into the finals of the tourney!” Ric waits, but Rock doesn’t move. “Then it’s set. Big Show vs. The Rock at Over the Limit. Now I really think you should get out of my office, because your match is next.” The Rock upsettingly leaves.

Commercial Break


The Seattle crowd goes nuts over the Great One! Rock is slowly making his way down to the ring. He is taped around is stomach, along with his right arm. He makes his way into the ring and just smiles at the fans, but does nothing else.

*Here to Show the World*

Dolph Ziggler comes out to an array of boos from everyone in the stadium. He taunts the fans. He starts to hand his shirt to a little boy in the front row, but before the kid could grab it, Ziggler yanks it away and laughs. This gives an even bigger amount of jeers.

Match 5: The Rock vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph gets into the ring and the ref rings the bell. Dolph runs at Rock with a knee to the gut. He continues running, into the ropes. He bounces off and drops down with an elbow to Rocky. Dolph quickly gets up and hits another one. He repeats until finally stopping. He fakes going down, and then taunts the fans. He finally goes up and hits the biggest elbow yet! Dolph Ziggler is already going for the pinfall!

1…2… No! Rock kicks out before the 3 count!

Dolph hits the mat hard with his hand. He is obviously frustrated. He brings Rock to his feet, as he throws him across the ring with an Irish whip. When Rock bounces back, Dolph slides under him. Rock then goes off the other sides’ ropes. He bounces back, and as Dolph tries to jump over him, Rocky catches him with a Samoan drop! Dolph is lying in the middle of the ring. Rock sees this and quickly kips up to his feet. Rock holds his stomach while one hand, but with his other he removes an elbow pad. He uses his good hand to throw it into the crowd. The stadium is coming alive as Rocky springs off the first rope. He leaps over Dolph and bounces off the second, only to be met by a dropkick to the face! Rock is down, and Dolph is up, taunting the crowd with Rocky’s ‘come at me’ signature pose. Rocky is starting to stir, Dolph just sits, stalking his pray. He tries to go for a Zig Zag, but Rock holds onto the ropes! Dolph goes back and hits his head on the mat. Rock then prepares for Ziggler to get up, and when he does, he charges at him. Dolph was ready though, as he strikes with a superkick to Rocky! Dolph quickly brings him backup and kicks him in the gut. Dolph leaps over the Rock’s head and hits him with the Fame-Asser! Dolph goes for the pin!

1…2… NO! Rocky somehow powers out!

Dolph looks shocked. He looks straight at the ref and holds up 3 figures. He gets up and tells the referee that it was a 3 count. The referee points to the symbol on his chest, pointing out to Ziggler that he is the official. Ziggler then turns his attention to his opponent. He brings Rock to his feet, he once again kicks him into the gut, and then he takes a few steps back. Ziggler runs and leaps, moving into a seated position. Rock moves his head back up, and Ziggler only hits mat! Ziggler slowly gets up, and Rock grabs Ziggler. He knees him in the gut, and then sets up for the Rock Bottom. He starts to go through the motion, but Ziggler grabs Rocky’s arm and pulls it away from him. Ziggler, still holding the arm, goes behind the Rock. He jumps up, and with his free hand, grabs onto the Rocks neck, pulling him down with the Zig Zag! Dolph just stares at the downed Great One. He then looks around the arena. He starts using the Rock’s taunts! He pulls off his only elbow pad, and tosses it onto Rocky. Dolph goes off the ropes, bounces over the Rock, and then he bounces off the other rope. Dolph slides across the ring, and hits a People’s Elbow on the Rock! Dolph covers!

1…2… No! Rock kicks out!

Dolph is seriously stunned! He gets up, and moves towards the corner. Rock starts to slowly get up. Dolph runs towards him, and hits him with yet another Zig Zag! Dolph wastes absolutely no time getting into the cover on the Great One!

1…2…3! Dolph Ziggler wins! Dolph is now in the finals of the WWE Title tourney, taking place at Over the Limit!

Commercial Break

We come back from commercial to see Miz in the ring, he has a mic in his hands, and he is pacing back and forth. The crowd starts a ‘You’re a Loser’ chant. “Really? Really? I’m the loser? Really? If you want to see a loser, you should just go to a Seattle game!” This erects enormous heat from the arena. “You want to know what team I believe I’m like? I am just like the Packers! You know why?! Because the Packers were screwed. But instead of being screwed by Seattle or replacement refs, I was screwed by a little girl, a tiny, weak boy, and someone with the worst haircut I have ever seen! Now, I am here to bring out either ‘Kidd Swag’ or Ric Flair. And if someone doesn’t give me back MY Intercontinental Championship, and then I will go back there, and make you listen.”


Ric Flair comes out. He has a microphone in his hand. “Mr. Miz, you read my mind! Jack Swagger was not the one who brought down the title during your ladder match tonight, so he is NOT the champion! But Miz, there is one thing you are wrong on. You are not the champion either! I have decided that you, Swagger, Kidd, and everyone who loses their match in the WWE Title tourney will face off, and the winners of those matches will face off at Over the Limit. WOO!” Dawn plays again as the Nature Boy goes backstage. Miz stays in the ring looking mad.

*Ain’t no make believe*

John Morrison comes out to a huge ovation from the Seattle crowd! He makes his usual entrance down to the ring. Once he gets into the ring, he gets straight into Miz’s face, and tells him to leave. Miz does so, but only moves to ringside. Morrison panders to the crowd a little more before he is cut off.


Randy Orton comes out to a bigger pop than anyone of the night! He slowly makes his way to the ring, and shakes hands with his partner once he gets into the ring.


Rey Mysterio makes his way onto the ramp. His pyro goes off, and the crowd goes nuts over it! Mysterio gives his mask to a little girl wearing a mask in the front row.

*Cult of Personality*

CM Punk comes out, and makes his entrance quick. He is all business tonight.

Main Event: Randy Orton & John Morrison vs. CM Punk & Rey Mysterio

CM Punk tells Rey to get out of the ring, because he is starting the match. Rey tries to argue with him, but CM Punk isn’t budging. Rey moves to outside, on the apron. Punk claps at Rey, and then he turns around into a quick clothesline by Randy Orton! CM gets up, but is knocked down again. Randy goes for a third clothesline on Punk, but Punk sticks his hands up and blocks it. CM tires to go for a stiff kick to Orton’s head, but Randy ducks. Randy lifts Punk up from behind onto his shoulders, then drops him with an electric chair drop! Orton Irish whips Punks into the corner. He runs at him with a dropkick! Orton gets up and tags in Morrison. Randy gives a quick clothesline to punk, and Morrison hits an enziguri. Morrison then enters the ring, as Randy leaves. CM falls into a seated position. John takes advantage and hits a seated dropkick. Morrison then lifts him up and pushes him back into the corner. He tags in Orton and they bring Punk onto the center of the ropes. They Irish whip him, with Punk bouncing off the ropes into a double back body drop. Pin by Orton.

1…2… Punk powers out before the 3 count.

Orton brings Punk back up to his feet. He tries to bounce him off the ropes, but Punk holds on. Randy then charges at Punk, but Punk gives a kick to the head. Punk floats over the ropes. Mysterio tags in, Orton doesn’t see the tag. He gives a shoulder block to Punk, sending him crashing to the outside. Rey leaps in, hitting a diving hurricanrana in the process! Rey moves bounces off the ropes and hits a head-scissor takedown into a Fujiwara armbar! Orton looks like he is in pain, as Mysterio uses his partners finishing move! John Morrison leaps off of the ropes, going for a splash to break up the submission. Mysterio moves and makes Morrison splash his own partner! Mysterio kicks Morrison in the back, sending him into the ropes. Mysterio calls for a 619! As he bounces off the ropes, Punk knees Morrison in the head. Rey sees this, and asks Punk what he was doing. They argue as Orton gets to his feet. Orton goes for a RKO! Mysterio pushes Orton into position for a 619! Punk takes Morrison up onto his shoulders as Rey dials up a 619. CM Punk runs at the ring post, with John hitting his head on it. Punk then turns, looks at the camera and hits the GTS on Morrison. But Punk isn’t done, he locks on the anaconda vise and won’t let go! The ref goes to the outside to try to stop this assault on John! Meanwhile, Mysterio delivers a 619 to Randy Orton. Orton is still standing as Rey springboards off the ropes. Orton leaps into the air and hits an RKO! Orton goes for the cover. Miz gets into the ring! Miz brings Orton up from his cover and hits the Skull Crushing Finale! Miz moves Rey’s arm over Randy’s unconscious body before quickly leaving the ring. The ref slides into the ring.

1…2…3! Rey Mysterio and CM Punk win!

Punk lets go of Morrison as he hears Rey’s music play. He gets up and looks to celebrate with his partner. He erects his hand out, and Mysterio shakes it. Punk suddenly pulls him in and hits him with the Go to Sleep! Punk stands on the turnbuckle alone as RAW goes off the air!

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