

Dark Match Winner


*The pyro hits*

Michael Cole: Welcome to the inaugural episode of ROG RAGE! It's Michael Cole here with my partner Tazz at ringside.

Tazz: Yeah Cole this is gonna be a great show tonight. I mean look at the matches we're having. Each of them is main event worthy.


Michael Cole: Here comes Co-Founder Alex Ramirez

Tazz: I wonder what he's here to do

*Alex walks to the ring smiling, and looking great and in shape at 34 years old.*
Alex Ramirez: Well I see that you guys are in a good mood. I'm here to tell you guys that I could wrestle and Stephanie McMahon will book me in matches. In that case, Shane will be the Chairman and I'll be the VP of the company. I won't be unfair and give myself advantages. I gotta go and handle some buisness so have a great show everyone!


Lillian Garcia:Standing at 6 foot 5, weighing 263 pounds, from San Luis Potosi, Mexico, Alberto Del Rio

*Del Rio drives his Rolls Royce in the arena, gets out and walks to the ring*

Del Rio: If you noticed, I do not have Ricardo doing my announcing. He asked for a raise.


Standing at 5 foot 8, weighing 174 pounds, from Brookyln, New York, Kaval!!

*Kaval comes out looking concentrated and staring at the ring. When he gets to the ring, He takes his vest off and hands it to the ref who puts it on the announcing table*

*The bell rings*

Kaval and Del Rio start by locking up. Del Rio hits Kaval with a kick to the ribs, which Kaval takes and punches Del Rio in the face. Del Rio, angry, picks up Kaval and hits a Gutwrench Suplex. Del Rio goes for the pinfall. 1.... 2.... kick out by Kaval. Del Rio picks up Kaval and puts him in a DDT position. Kaval reverses the DDT position and hits ADR with an elbow to the face. Del Rio drops to his knees. Kaval kicks ADR in the head and ADR falls on his face. Kaval picks up ADR and puts him in a corrner. Kaval goes to the opposite corner and runs to the corner in which Del Rio is in and spears him...WAIT NO!! ADR reverses it and gets out of the corner. Kaval hits his shoulder on the turnbuckle and turns around to a step-up enuzigiri by ADR. ADR stomps on him a few times and then goes down to lock in an Armbar. Kaval quickly taps and it's all over.

Post Match: Alberto Del Rio still has the Armbar locked in. When he lets go, Kaval is holding his arm, looking hurt. Medics tend to Kaval.

Tazz: That Del Rio, he just might be the most arrogant guy in the company.

Michael Cole: I think he's great.

Tazz: Nobody cares what you think, Cole


Standing at 5 foot 10, weighing 190 pounds, from Aberdeen, Washington, Daniel Bryan!!!

*2 minutes later*

Tazz: Where the hell is McIntyre??

*Backstage on the TitanTron*
Drew McIntyre: Kelly how are you doin' gud lookin

Kelly Kelly: Screw off Drew

Drew McIntyre: Arr you free tonight??

Kelly Kelly: Not for you.

Drew McIntyre: I'll treat you right unlike your other boyfriends.

Kelly Kelly: Still you aren't a good person and what you do to people in the ring is brutal and I hate that about you.

Drew: Kell-

*Alex Ramirez walks in*

Alex: Screw off Drew. Leave her alone. She doesn't want you.

[/COLOR]"Red"]Drew: What are you gonna do about it huhh??[/COLOR]

Alex: I'll Break your face, you Scottish idiot. You have a match right now.

Alex and Drew have a staredown.

*Kelly gets in the middle*

*Steph comes in*

Steph: We'll settle this. McIntyre, you and Alex next week.

*Back to the ring*

Lillian Garcia: And the winner, Daniel Bryan!!!

*Daniel Bryan walks to the back confused*


Lilllian Garcia: With a combined weight of 490 pounds, Latin American Xchange!

*LAX walks to the ring and wait for their opponents.*


At a combined weight of 394 pounds, The Hart Dynasty!!

The Hart Dynasty vs LAX

Tyson Kidd starts it for HD(Hart Dynasty) and Homicide for LAX. They lock up. Tyson lets go and punches Homicide.Homicide punches back and picks up Tyson. Teddy starts talking trash from the other corner. Homicide walks to Teddy and trash talks him. Meanwhile, on the other corner Kidd kicks Hernandez out of the ring. Homicide turns around, ignoring Teddy for now and walks into a kick to the head. Tyson pins Homicide. 1.... 2... kick out. Tyson goes over and tags Teddy. Teddy goes in and picks Homcide up and brings him to a corner. He talks more trash into to his face and then bitchslaps him. Homicide then grabs Teddy and unleashes a load of punches on him. Teddy goes down and then dodges one of the punches and kicks Homicide in the ribs. Teddy gets up, picks Homicide up and hits a cradle DDT.
Meanwhile, Hernandez and Kidd are brawling outside fiercely until Hernandez hits a Border Toss. Teddy then notices and then talks trash to Hernandez and continues to hurt Homicide. He then gets on the turnbuckle and hits a Hart Attack on Homicide and covers him for the pinfall.

Winners by pinfall: Hart Dynasty

*We move backstage*
Daniel Bryan is reading a Harry Potter book in his locker room when Kaitlyn comes.

Kaitlyn: What'cha doing?
Daniel: Reading my favorite novel, what else.

Kaitlyn: Interesting, I like reading.

*Kaitlyn gets closer to Daniel*

Daniel: What are you doing?

*Daniel grins*

Kaitlyn: Something that could be good for both of us.

*Back to the ring*

Cole; How the hell does that idiot get girls and still be a nerd.

Tazz: Shut up Cole. He can fight, he's good looking and smart, and you're not.

Standing at 6 feet, weighing 226 pounds, from Manhasset, New York, Chris Jericho!!!

Y2J: I'm here to talk about my opponent, The Big Show, before we start our match.

Y2J: I bet all of you hypocrites love the santa claus look a like. He's a jolly fat bastard.He will never be a world champion in this company. He has you guys backing him. Oh how special, a bunch of lazy hypocritical couch potatoes. Well you parasites are gonna see how I dominate Show and go on to the next round of this tournament.

*Jericho gets huge heat*


Standing at 7 feet tall,Weighing 485 pounds, from Aiken South Carolina, The Big Show

Chris Jericho vs Big Show

The match starts with Jericho going straight for Big Show's legs. he kicks Show hard in the shin and Big Show feels it and grabs his leg. Jericho then hits Big Show with a dropkick to the head(Show was bent over.) Show goes down on his ribs. Jericho stomps on Big Show and then goes for a kick to the head(similar to the punt)but Show dodges and grabs Y2J's leg, making Jericho fall. Show gets up and picks up Jericho and scoop slam's him. He picks him up again and hits a Military Press Drop on Jericho. Jericho grabs his ribs in pain and looks hurt. Show steps on Jericho and smiles. Jericho looks very injured. Show picks up Jericho slowly and looks at the crowd for about 45 seconds. The crowd wants Jericho finished. Show turns around into a STEP UP ENUZIGIRI!!! Big Show drops and Jericho covers. 1.... 2.... KICK OUT BY THE GIANT!! Jericho runs to the ropes and hits a Lionsault on Big Show. Big Show gets up and then Jericho hits a Codebreaker.Jericho pins Show 1.... 2..... 3..... NO!!!!!! Show kicks out. Jericho looks frustrated and verbally fights the ref. He called him a jackass. Jericho turns around into a Knockout Punch by Big Show. Show covers 1.... 2... 3....

Winner by Pinfall:Big Show

Tazz: Yea that'll shut Jericho's mouth.

Michael Cole: No! How can that Giant idiot win!! Jericho is gold!!

*Show leaves with a smile on his face when...... Sheamus comes from behind and hits him with a steel pipe and poses*

*Tons of Boos*

*Show is carried out on a stretcher*


Shane McMahon: Call Sheamus to my office please. Ok thanks.

*Sheamus walks in*

Sheamus: Wha'd ya ned meh foor Shein?

Shane: You can't just take out my superstars with a steel pipe. I should suspend you. In fact, you have lost your place in the tourney and your opponent is moving on.

Sheamus: Whaatt??

Shane: You are gonna learn your lesson.

*HHH walks in*

Triple H: I heard trouble in here. What's Ronald Mickeys doing here, Shane, causing more trouble?

Sheamus: None of yur bizniss Hunter.

Shane: Don't worry about it.

HHH: If he's causing trouble then I could cause him trouble.

Sheamus: I apologiz-

*Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick on Shane*

Sheamus turns around into a chair shot by HHH. Sheamus falls and might not get up.

Triple H gets on the phone: Steph! Steph!Call an ambulance hun, your brother is hurt.

Michael Cole: That was quite an altercation. Get ready for tonight's Main Event which is coming up next.


Standing at 6 foot 1, weighing 215 pounds, from Cameron, North Carolina, Jeff Hardy!!

*Hardy comes in to a lot of boos and curses at him. When he gets to the ring *


Standing at 6 foot 1, weighing 225 pounds, from San Antonio, Texas, The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!!!!!!!!!!

*HBK gets a very, very large pop from the crowd*

Michael Cole: Seems like the return of the Heartbreak Kid stimulates the crowd!!

Shawn Michaels vs Jeff Hardy

They start the match by locking up. Hardy quickly gets out of the lock and hits HBK with a punch. Michaels counters it, grabs the fist and punches back. Hardy takes the punch and hits a mule kick on HBK. HBK goes down and Hardy stomps on him and then tries a standing moonsault. HBK moves out of the way and Hardy lands on his back. Michaels stomps on Hardy's back and goes to lock in a Crossface. Hardy is in pain but slowly gets his leg under the ropes. HBK lets go cleanly and taunts Hardy. Shawn looks at the crowd and almost everyone is saying" Shawn watch out!!" Shawn turns around into s dropkick straight to the temple. Hardy covers 1... 2... kick out by Michaels. Hardy picks Michaels up and and hits a mule kick again. Michaels goes down again and Hardy taunts Michaels again. Michaels does the famous jumping thing which gets a huge pop. Hardy doesn't realize it and turns around into into a flying forearm. Hardy goes down and Michaels is stomping on the ring, getting ready for the Sweet Chin Music. Stomp 1... Stomp 2.... Stomp 3... and Hardy is up. Michaels goes for the SCM and Hardy dodges it and hits a dropkick. Both men are down. Hardy slowly gets up followed by Michaels. Hardy then hits a straight kick to the ribs and then hits a TWIST OF FATE!! Hardy goes up for the Swanton Bomb and HE HITS IT WAIT NO!! HBK puts his knees in front of him, causing Hardy's back to hit his knees. HBK picks up Hardy and hits a superkick. Michaels covers 1.... 2... 3....

The winner by pinfall: Shawn Michaels

Shawn starts celebrating when AJ Styles sneaks behind him with a chair and hits him with it. AJ poses to end the show.


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