UWC Destruction


Dark Match Winner




Michael Cole:Michael Cole here with my partner, Jerry Lawler. Welcome to the inaugural episode of UWC Destruction. General Manager Stephanie McMahon is in the ring to give news about No Rules's title matches.

Stephanie McMahon: I’m here to explain how the title matches at No Rules will be determined. Our superstars will all qualify for the UWC Championship. Basically I and Vickie Guerrero will discuss in three weeks what the matches will be. Other matches that aren’t for a championship will be announced before the 3 weeks. Basically all the superstars have to do is impress me and Vickie. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that Dolph Ziggler will be competing for every championship. It all depends on how you did during the 4 weeks before the Pay per View.

*Stephanie walks out*


*Perfection and Vickie Guerrero come out*

Dolph Ziggler: I know what you’re thinking. Oh look at all these good-looking men in the ring. The women are thinking “Oh I want to date them.” But I already have a lady.

*Dolph smiles at Vickie*

Dolph Ziggler: However, Cody, The Boys (The Fortunate Sons) and Joe don’t. The guys are thinking, “I want to be like every one of them.” They young men are thinking, “I want to be just like them when I grow up.” Well, there’s bad news, boys we are one of a kind. With money, looks and power, we are Perfection. Since me and Cody have matches coming up, we have to go. You losers didn’t deserve my presence anyway.

*The Mic is handed to Ted DiBiase Jr.*

*A huge “You Suck” chant is heard from the crowd.*

Ted DiBiase Jr: You idiots, you think we suck. If we suck so badly, then you think Triple H can beat us, right?


Triple H: Hell yeah, I can beat you! Ted, you are a snobby rich kid along with your brother. Joe, you aren’t perfect at all. All of your fathers should be ashamed.

Ted DiBiase Jr:
Oh really? You know what I think? I think…….

Ted attacks Triple H with the help of Joe and Bret. Triple H reverses a punch and signals someone from the crowd to come to the ring. The World’s Greatest Tag Team comes in and takes Joe Hennig and Bret to the outside. Triple H hits a Pedigree on Ted DiBiase Jr. in the ring. Meanwhile, The World’s Greatest Tag Team is in bad shape, as Joe hit his Neckbreaker finsher on Shelton Benjamin and Bret has the “Million Dollar Dream” locked in on Haas. Bret lets go as Charlie Haas is unconscious and he’s smiling. Dolph Ziggler has returned and is in the ring with Triple H. He hits a Zig-Zag on Triple H and smiles. Joe and Bret get in the ring and those two, a hurt Ted DiBiase Jr., and Dolph Ziggler pose and walk out as Triple H is helped in the ring.

*Commercial interruption*

Michael Cole: Well, that was great!! Our future stars have taken out arguably our best superstar.

Jerry Lawler: Shut up Cole! None of them have a future here. They are the most arrogant pieces of you-know-what in the company.


Lillian Garcia: from Marietta, Georgia, “Dashing” Cody Rhodes!


Lillian Garcia: from St. Louis, Missouri, Evan Bourne!

“Dashing Cody Rhodes” vs. Evan Bourne
The match starts with these two locking up. Cody then kicks Evan in the mid-section. Evan falls and Cody taunts the crowd. The crowd boos Cody loudly. Evan slowly and quietly gets up without Cody noticing. He hits a dropkick to Cody’s back. Cody falls and Evan stomps on him a few times. Cody then gets up and Evan hits a step-up enuzigiri on Cody, which makes Cody go down again. A huge “EVAN! EVAN! EVAN!” chant is heard from the crowd.
Evan picks up Cody and tries for a roundhouse kick, which is dodged by Cody easily. Cody has a grip on Evan’s leg and puts him on his shoulders. Cody then switches Bourne by putting him in an Alabama Slam position. Cody is smiling as Bourne is trying his best to get out of this position. Cody then hits an Alabama Slam on Evan. Evan writhes in pain and Cody covers. 1….. 2… kick out by Evan.

Michael Cole: I’m surprised he kicked out.

Jerry “The King” Lawler: I’m not. Ever since our days in WWE, Evan has been impressing me more and more each match.

Cody picks up Evan and goes for DDT. Evan reverses and hits a roundhouse kick to the face. Cody goes down slowly and the crowd loves it. Evan thinks it’s time to go Air Bourne. He gets on the top rope and hits Air Bourne!!!! Wait, no!! Cody reverses and Bourne landed on Cody’s knees. Cody picks Evan up and hits Cross Rhodes on Evan. He covers 1….. 2… 3…
The winner by pinfall: “Dashing” Cody Rhodes
*Commercial Break*

Christy Hemme is backstage interviewing Hart Dynasty 2.0’s Tyson Kidd about the Hart Family’s legacy and how he is going to live up to expectations.

Christy Hemme: I’m here with Hart Dynasty 2.0’s Tyson Kidd. Tyson how do you feel about joining UWC Destruction?

Tyson Kidd: I feel great Christy. This is just another company that the Hart Family is going to dominate.

Alberto Del Rio jumps into the scene and grabs a mic.

Alberto Del Rio:Nobody cares about the Hart Family! You guys are just overrated. Anyways, this company is all about Alberto Del Rio! The Harts cannot dominate me!!

Tyson Kidd: Oh really? I challenge you to a match at No Rules! It will be a gauntlet submission match! Teddy will go in first and if you get past him, I will be second if you get past me, the 3rd match is a handicap match. The only way to win is submission! Also I challenge you to match next week!

Alberto Del Rio: I accept both matches. See you then, Kidd.

*Back to the ring*

Lillian Garcia: from Cleveland, Ohio, Dolph Ziggler!!


Lillian Garcia: from Toronto, Canada, Christian!!

Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian
The men lock up when Ziggler kicks Christian in the ribs. Christian goes down and Ziggler goes down with him. Ziggler locks in a Chin Lock and Christian is trying to get to the ropes. Christian elbows Ziggler in the ribs, making Ziggler unlock his Chin Lock. Christian quickly gets into a corner and stays there. Ziggler gets up and runs at Christian in the corner. Christian reverses and Ziggler hits the corner with a bang. Christian puts his feet through the middle of the 2nd and 3rd ropes and does his pendulum kick. He then gets back in the ring and pins Ziggler. 1... 2… kick out by Ziggler.
Christian gets up and starts to clap. The crowd is chanting”Killswitch!” Ziggler gets up and Christian attempts a Killswitch but, Ziggler reverses and hits a dropkick to the temple of Christian. Ziggler covers 1… 2… kick out by Christian. Ziggler argues with the referee and Christian quickly rolls up Ziggler 1… 2… 3…
Winner by pinfall: Christian

Michael Cole: What a sneaky win!!! Ziggler should get a rematch!

Jerry Lawler: A least he won, Cole. Have you ever won a match?

Michael Cole: ….I’ve never been in the ring.

Jerry Lawler: I thought so.

*Commercial Interruption*

Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy are backstage talking about the young stars in UWC Destruction.

Matt Hardy: There’s a lot of young new stars here, Jeff. Who impresses you the most?

Jeff Hardy: I really like The Young Bucks. They are like we were in the old days, brother.

The Young Bucks overheard and enter the room.

Max Buck: Did you just compare yourselves to us? Because we are nothing like Fat Hardy and a druggie.

Matt Hardy: I know you guys just want to be like us. Max, I challenge you to a match next week.
Max Buck: I accept. See you then, Fat.

Back to the ring

From Manchester, England, Wade Barrett

Wade Barrett vs. Jay Lethal and Christopher Daniels
Wade is ready and Lethal goes in first. They lock up and Wade kicks Lethal in the ribs. Lethal takes it and Irish whips him into the corner where Christopher Daniels is in. He tags in Christopher and they hit a double dropkick to Barrett, who is in the corner. Jay Lethal gets out of the ring and Chris Daniels comes in. Chris kicks Barrett and Irish whips him into the opposite corner. Daniels runs to the corner to hit a crossbody but, Barrett reverses it with an elbow to the face. Barrett gets out of the corner and climbs the turnbuckle. He hits a diving elbow drop on Daniels. Barrett picks Daniels up and hits a spinebuster on him and then covers 1… 2… kick out by Daniels.
Barrett argues with the referee for enough time for Daniels to tag Jay Lethal in. Jay Lethal comes in and hits a Superkick on Barrett. He covers 1.. 2.. kick out by Barrett. Barrett gets up and hits a European uppercut on Lethal. He then waits for Lethal get up and when he does, goes for a running big boot, but Lethal reverses and Barrett goes running into a corner foot-first. Jay tags in Daniels.
Daniels comes in and takes Barrett out of the corner. He then hits an STO on Barrett. Daniels tells Lethal something and Lethal nods. As Barrett is slowly getting up, Christopher attempts a Best Moonsault Ever on Barrett. Barrett catches Daniels in his arms! He puts Daniels in a fireman’s carry position and hits a Wasteland in the middle of the ring. He big boot’s Lethal out of the ring and covers Daniels 1… 2.. 3..

Winner by pinfall: Wade Barrett
\*Commercial Break*


From St.Louis, Missouri, Randy Orton!!


From Parts Unknown, Kane!!

Randy Orton vs. Kane

Randy and Kane lock up. Kane quickly kicks Orton in the mid-section and hits an uppercut to Randy’s neck. Randy takes it and turns around. Kane then grabs Randy and Irish Whips him into the opposite corner. He then runs to the corner and attempts a clothesline which is reversed by Orton. Randy gets out of the corner and punches Kane in the face. Kane is currently in the corner so; Orton hits a European uppercut on him. Kane looks like he just woke up and punches Randy hard in the face. Orton falls and the punch had great impact. A huge “Oh!!!” is heard from the crowd.
Kane picks up Randy and hits a military press drop. Orton grabs his ribs in pain and rolls over. Kane covers 1…. 2…. Kick out by Randy. Kane then picks up Orton and attempts a big boot. Randy dodges and hits a picture perfect dropkick. Randy gets up and goes toward the ropes. Kane then gets up and attempts a running clothesline but, Orton is too quick and moves to the left. Kane stumbles out of the ring. Randy gets out of the ring and follows Kane who is down. 1… is the count from the ref. Orton picks up Kane and tries to throw Kane at the steel steps but, Kane reverses and throws Orton to the steel steps.
2…. Is the count from the ref. Kane walks to Orton and picks him up. Kane tries to throw Orton into the ring but, Orton is too quick and puts Kane near the ropes. Randy gets in the ring and gets Kane’s head and hits a Spike DDT! Cover by Orton 1…. 2…. 3… no!! Kane kicks out at the last second. Orton stomps his famous stomps around the fallen body of Kane. Kane dodges the last stomp from Orton and gets up. Kane hits Orton with a big boot which brings Orton down fast. Cover by Kane. 1…. 2…. 3…. NO!! Kick out by Orton. Kane gets up and awaits Orton. As Orton gets up, Kane grabs him by the neck and is in the Choke slam position.
Kane picks him up and Oh!! He reverses and kicks Kane in the mid-section. Kane goes for a clothesline but, Orton gets under Kane’s arm and Kane turns into an RKO!!!! Cover by Orton 1… 2… 3…

Winner by pinfall: Randy Orton

As Orton is leaving, Justin “The Angel” Gabriel comes out and grabs a chair. He hits Kane around 10 times with the chair and then has a mischievous look on his face. He puts Kane’s leg in the middle of the seat and the back part of the chair and stomps on the chair. He then jumps on the chair multiple times. He removes the chair from Kane’s leg. He smiles and looks at the broken body of the “Devil’s Favorite Demon.” He smiles and looks as he’s not done yet. He then goes to the outside and gets a table from under the ring. He slides the table in the ring and sets up the table in the ring towards the turnbuckle in the left corner by where Kane is. He picks up Kane and puts him on the table. Gabriel climbs to the top rope and hits a “fall from Heaven” (450 splash) on Kane through the table! Gabriel grabs his ribs and then poses to end the show.

Okie dokie, familiarized myself with the roster. Lets get this show on the road shall we? Like my previous reviews, I'll be writing this as if I was watching the show.

-Good to see we will be having qualifying matches of sorts instead the typical battle royal, like this move. Here comes Dolph and Vicki. Looks like Dolph is gonna have a prominent role here as he is the head of a stable. Good way for Ziggler to get heat. Nothing like implanting in the audiences mind what they should be saying/thinking.

-Hmm Ted sure does suck, though I'm not sure what Triple H has to do with this? Kind of random, but lets see what goes on. Alright, here comes the Game. Of course Trips can beat Ted, though I don't think he'd say it. I would think Hunter would come back with a witty comment. Hunter puts down the group, as he should. Nothing those kids have proved in this business. Gang warfare, Trips could be done for here. What's this? WGTT!!!! Fucking love Shelty B. Odds now in Hunter's favor, not good. WGTT didn't last long and Ziggler with the attack on Hunter! Damn Perfection is looking great to kick off the show rather frantically.

-Nice! Dashing CR against little EB. Should be a great opening contest. EB getting in some offense early on, well so much for that. Off topic, you seem to use the word smiling a lot. Try to mix it up with smirking or other synonyms for smiling, makes it easier to read than a repeating word. Cole is a douche, go figure. AIR BOURNE!!!! Awww right onto Cody's knees. Bummer. That'll do it for EB, Cross Rhodes. Match could have been a bit longer, but you are new to BT and they'll get better as you go. Even something as little as changing the final sentence of the match to something simple like "Cody lifts Evan up and drops him with Cross Rhodes. 1...2...3..." Makes it easy to read as you don't have to keep reading the superstars name. Expected Cody to go over considering his association with Perfection. At least EB got in some offense.

-Here comes Tyson Kidd, alright. Del Rio? Hmm. Not a very ADR type promo. Watch some of his promos and try to reflect his mannerisms into writing. I like to think I wrote a solid ADR promo in my show, check it out. Youtube will help as well. If you want to make it as real as possible, throwing in the quirks that ADR is known for will most certainly help. Harts seems to be wanting to earn their place on the card and it seems like ADR might be underestimating the youngsters. Interesting build there.

-Nice, some more action and we get it with Ziggler and Christian! Can't go wrong with that pairing. Expecting a Ziggler win here. Some basic wrestling going on here, nice counter by Christian. Killswitch! No! Ziggler might want to get his attention back on the match and Christian, that sneaky son of a gun. Sneaky sneaky. Surprise is written all over my face.

-Oh joy, the Hardy Boyz. Hardyz impressed with the Bucks? I can dig that. Max with the Fatt Hardy jokes, real mature. Fits his persona though. Another tidbit, instead of challenging everyone left and right, why not use some different wording? Would have been more effective if Matthew said to Max "Well why don't you just prove yourself here next week?" Look forward to that match though.

-Wade Barrett in a handicap match? Interesting. Lethal and Daniels on the O early. Barrett could be in trouble. Well that didn't last long, Barrett's right back in this. Lethal and Daniels making the quick tags, smart. Daniels now on top, going for the BME! What a counter by Barrett, Wasteland! That'll do it for sure. Only issue here is that I'm left wondering why Barrett is in a handicap match, as he hasn't done anything wrong has he? Sometimes little things like that benefit the show's overall performance.

-Main event time bitches!! Orton vs. Kane, sweet apple pie. Every match seems to start with a kick to the mid-section, might want to change that up a bit. Good back and forth offense going down between Kane and Orton. Thought Orton had it there with the DDT. Guess it is gonna take more than that to take out the Big Red Monster. Chokeslam, that's gonna do it. Reverse, RKO! Cya later Kane my boy. Definitely your best written match. Gabriel, what the? Seems like he has it out for Kane. Looks like Gabriel is looking to make an impact. Nice way to end the show. Be sure to explain this early on in the following show.

OVERALL: The show was ok, if I'm be honest. Not great, but I've certainly seen worse. Like you said this is your first BT and you'll get better as you go. First show is always the hardest and what happens from now on is the key to a successful BT. Be sure to capitalize on potential feuds and developing characters through words. Go a little more in depth with matches and explain certain things. Hopefully we see improvements in the areas I've mentioned and you'll only get better. Check out other BT for tips on booking and working a character into words. I wish you the best of luck and I'll be sure to check in and see if any improvements were made.

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