
Burning Hammaaaaah!!!

The World Champion walks to the ring. The crowd chants his name over and over as he walks through the wall of fire. He emerges on the other side breathing out smoke as he roars and pyro explodes all over the arena. The giant gold title belt gleams on his huge shoulder as he steps into the ring and looks out over the thousands of fans in attendance tonight. Dressed in a leather motor cycle jacket and jeans, the Champion stands ready to talk, microphone in hand. But the chants don’t die down as the ovation is deafening and they keep chanting his name…”Goldberg…Goldberg…Goldberg…”

Goldberg roars and holds the title up and it brings the fans to life once again. Goldberg moves his arm and the fans go quite as he tells them all that last night at Mayhem he defeated Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner in a war. But he stands before them all still Champion of the World. He then turns slowly and looks directly at where he came from. The huge tron-screen looking back at him, and asks the question…”Who’s Next?”

There is a moment of silence, and then suddenly and simultaneously, the lights go out in the arena and the bell tolls! The fans go crazy as the Phenom’s music begins to play. Mist and smoke rises out of unknown parts of the building and a blue glow lights the path of the Deadman! The black hat and long coat, hide his features as he slowly makes his way towards the ring. Bursts of flame shoot from the stage as he almost glides to the bottom of the ramp. He lifts his coat so he can step to the ring apron, and then raise his arms bringing the arena lights back up so everyone can see the demon of Death Valley.

Stepping through the ropes the fans chant “Un-Der-Ta-Ker” as he steps up to the champ, eye to eye. The Champion has not moved, standing his ground and rasing his chin, offering it up to tempt the Deadman. The Undertaker moves to the left and grabs a microphone of his own. His first words bring everyone to silence as they must hear what he has to say. Looking into the eyes of the Champion, the Undertaker talks more to the fans then to Champion, playing mind games has been a part of the Undertaker’s success for the entirety of his career. He says that the fans will bear witness to the dethroning of the Champion and the dismemberment of Goldberg. He says that he is the alpha and the omega and he will destroy the man who stands before him, and wear the crown that rightfully belongs to him.

The two men are locked in a stare that makes the fans erupt as like two statues, these two titans prepare themselves for battle… The Undertaker makes the first move and slowly brings his hand to his throat and symbolically slashes it slowly, grimacing and rolling his eyes into the back of his head as he does. Goldberg, still refusing to retreat, has had enough and rips off his jacket. The fans explode as the Champion sets himself to clash with the Phenom right here and now. The Undertaker takes one step back and like a gunfighter brushes his long coat to the side, not taking his eyes off of the hulking man standing in front of him. And then…

Coming Soon: World Championship Wrestling Federation

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