GWA Monday Night Catastrophe

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster



Todd Grisham-Welcome everyone to the first episode of GWA Catastrophe live from Providence, Rhode Island at the Dunkin Donut Center. And for now on until the end of time we will be live with you every Monday Night. And as always I’m joined by the GWA’s own professor, the ever so knowledgeable, Matt Striker.
Matt Striker-Thank you for the lovely introduction Todd. And it is an honor to be here with you folks today. Whether you are watching at home or you are sitting in this arena, you are in for quite the show.
Grisham-That they are Matt. This is the first of the six brands to debut. We all saw the Supershow in which The Rock was crowned the first Undisputed Champion of the GWA in an epic final match against Stone Cold Steve Austin.
Striker-What a great night it was to be a fan of not just the GWA but professional wrestling in general. We saw the return of The Rock and Steve Austin. Plus each brand showcased a match of their own and the tournament matches leading up to the final were quite special. It was great to be there in person calling the action.
Grisham-I’m sure it was Matt and it was just as good watching it backstage live as it unfolded. Onto a more serious matter now. Over the past few weeks leading up to the big show, our general manager, Bret “Hitman” Hart has gone missing. He missed the Supershow and as of right now Hart has yet to arrive and we aren’t sure if he will show up tonight or not. For an update on the whole situation lets send it back to our very own, Christy Hemme. Christy take it away.

Christy-Thanks guys. As of right now all I can report is that Bret Hart is still running things here at Monday Night Catastrophe. While he hasn’t shown up, he has faxed reports and things for his secretary to take care over. Right now she is just relaying Bret’s words.
Secretary (Yelling)-I can’t do this! I don’t know how to run a show. I know very little about wrestling. I type and answer phone calls for a living. How the hell does Bret expect me to run a wrestling show?
Christy-What’s a matter? What are you talking about?
Secretary-Bret never gave me any notes for what to do. There is nothing scheduled for tonight. You saw what happened at the Supershow. D’Angelo Dinero asked me if he could speak to his people. I gave him the okay and now he is on my back about a rematch with Benjamin. I don’t know what to do. If Bret doesn’t show up soon I might have to cancel the show.
Christy-Calm down. I’m sure together we can run a show. Let’s not get wrapped up. I’ll be here to help you.
Kevin Nash-Ladies, ladies please. There is no need to get up in arms. How about you guys just relax and take a seat. Big Sexy is here to make the save. I’ll man down the fort until Bret shows his face. So we are gonna take a quick commercial folks, but I promise when we get back we will have plenty of action featuring the stars of GWA Catastrophe.

Commercial Break
Christy-Do we have a match? Kevin, do we have a match? And why are you in Bret’s office?
Nash (hanging up the phone)-Is Bret here? Exactly. Until he gets back, this is Big Sexy’s show to run. And of course we do sugar. Did you think Big Sexy couldn’t throw a match together over a commercial break?
Christy-No, no…
Nash-It’s alright, no need to explain yourself. Now please have a seat and enjoy a Big Sexy production.
Christy-Where am I suppose to sit.
Nash (slapping his leg)-On my lap, where else.

*Christy shrugs her shoulders and sits down, as Nash turns on the office TV set.*

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and it is the first ever match in Monday Night Catastrophe history!

Lance Cade’s Theme

Roberts-Introducing first, from San Antonio, Texas…LANCE CADE!

Grisham-Here we go Matt. We are finally kicking off Catastrophe, as Lance Cade will kick off the show.
Striker-Ahh yes, the Rough House, the Modern Day Texas Ranger, Lance Cade. Whoever is Cade’s opponent tonight is going to have their hands full.

Cade gets into the ring as he is still being booed. Cade takes off his cowboy hat and his leather vest and hands them to the equipment manager. He bounces off the ropes as he awaits his opponent.

Jamie Noble’s Theme

Roberts-And his opponent, from Hanover, West Virginia...JAMIE NOBLE!

Noble appears on stage as he plays up to the crowd, receiving a minor pop. Noble turns his attention to the ring and looks focused.

Grisham-Lets not underestimated Jamie Noble Matt. Noble is one feisty little fellow.
Striker-You got that right Todd. The Pitbull, the Redneck Messiah, Jamie Noble. While he may be small his bite is big. Cade is still the favorite to win in my educated opinion, but like you said Todd lets not count out Hanover’s finest.
Grisham-That’s really not saying much is it?
Striker-No not at all.

Match Results/Description
Referee Jack Doan rings the bell and the match is underway. Cade and Noble lock up and Cade shoves Noble to the ground. Noble hit his head pretty hard, as Doan checks on him. Noble uses the ropes to get to his feet, as he is near the corner. Cade runs at him, but Noble moves out of the way and Cade crashes into the corner. Noble is quick to roll up Cade and go for the first cover of the match.


Noble is right up to his feet and he knees Cade on the left side of the head. Noble runs across the ropes and nails Cade with a low dropkick to the right side of his head. Cade falls to the outside, as Noble plays to the crowd. Noble goes to the outside and lifts Cade up. Noble hits him with a right, followed by a chop to the chest. Noble backs up and gets a running start as he charges towards Cade. Cade quickly moves out of the way as Noble crashes right into the pole. Cade shakes off the cobwebs and grabs Noble. He lifts Noble in a bearhug like position and rams him into the steel post. Noble grimaces in pain as Cade rolls him into the ring. Cade goes for the cover.


Cade lifts Noble up and pulls him into a clothesline. Cade lifts Noble up again, but is interrupted when the crowd bursts for a huge pop.

Look here for the reason!

Grisham-I DON’T BELIEVE IT, HE IS HERE! Bret Hart has finally arrived.
Striker-And listen to the ovation. Bret Hart has finally showed up to the show he has built. And he has a microphone, lets see what Hitman has to say.

Hart-That is definitely an ovation I didn’t expect. After no showing and making the great fans of the GWA worry about my whereabouts I figured I’d receive a round of boos. I guess that is relieving. It is great to finally be back. Now I guess I owe everyone an explanation. Before I get to there I want to apologize to Lance Cade and Jamie Noble for interrupting their match. Unfortunately fellows I will be cancelling your match, as it isn’t on the card I have scheduled for tonight. But don’t worry you’ll guys have the rematch on the first web match on the Catastrophe website that will happen each week.

*Cade is angry as he storms out of the ring, Noble follows*

Hart (now in the ring)-As you all know I haven’t been seen or heard from since the draft. I did a lot of thinking in that time span and I thought maybe it was time to get back at Vince McMahon for what he did to me back in Montreal. I know he takes the GWA more seriously than anyone else and I knew it would get under his skin if I bought in only to screw him and back out. That is why I missed the Supershow. But after thinking it over there is really only one way to get back at Vince. It doesn’t involve leaving this brand or the company. It involves making Catastrophe the single and most successful brand in the GWA. (HUGE POP)

Now lets get things started how I planned them. Tonight in our main event we will see our two Supershow representatives go one on one, as Undertaker and Edge will square off. And to open the show we will see two guys who have some history with one another, Christian and Jeff Hardy! Lets get this show on the road!

Grisham-What an announcement from Bret Hart. What are your thoughts Matt?
Striker-For once in my life Todd I’m speechless. Bret Hart has finally delivered and Catastrophe will reign supreme.

Commercial Break

Christian’s Theme

Roberts-Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada...CHRISTIAN!
Striker-Here comes the Pontiff of the Peepulation. The one and only Captain Charisma. Are you a peep Todd?
Grisham-Yes Matt, yes I am. Listen to the ovation Christian received here at the Dunkin’ Donut Center. One of the most popular stars in the business today and he resides right here on Monday nights!

Jeff Hardy’s Theme

Roberts-And his opponent, from Raleigh, North Carolina...JEFF HARDY!
Striker-Hate to rain on Christian’s parade, but I think his ovation has been topped! Here comes the Charismatic Enigma, our very own Rainbow Haired Warrior, Jeff Hardy.
Grisham-You know when Hardy is involved in a match there is bound to be excitement. And with the history between these two, this match could be our first instant classic.

Match Desription/Result
Jack Doan rings the bell and we are underway. Hardy and Christian lock up, with Christian gaining the edge with a headlock. Hardy gets out and throws Christian across the ropes. Hardy nails Christian with a shoulder thrust, taking him to the ground. Hardy runs across the ropes and Christian rolls over, as Hardy leaps him and heads to the other ropes. Hardy runs back at Christian, who is up and leap frogs Hardy. Christian lands and Hardy stops running. Christian turns around and is greeted by a flurry of lefts and rights from Hardy. Hardy grabs Christian and throws him into the corner. Hardy runs, but Christian counters with a big boot, sending Hardy back. Christian hops up to the ropes. Hardy turns around and from the middle rope Christian nails him with a diving European uppercut. Christian goes for the cover.


Christian lifts Hardy up and goes for a suplex. Hardy blocks. Christian hits Hardy across the back and goes for another suplex. Again Hardy blocks. Christian tries a third time and he gets Hardy up, but Hardy switches the momentum and brings Christian down with a DDT. The crowd is alternating chants, “Lets go Hardy!”… “Lets go Christian!” Both men get up to their feet and lock up. Hardy gets the advantage and gets Christian in a headlock. Hardy goes for a bulldog, but Christian throws Hardy right into the corner. Hardy is seated backwards on the middle section of the turnbuckle. Christian gets right on the attack and he hits him with forearm shots to the back and Hardy falls off the ropes. Christian takes a couple of stomps into the midcage of Hardy. Christian drags Hardy into the middle of the ring and drives his knee into the ribs of Hardy and he pulls Hardy back in a surf board like way. Hardy screams in pain, but won’t give up. Doan continually asks Hardy, who still refuses to tap. Hardy starts to elbow Christian and Christian breaks the hold. Christian shakes off the cobwebs and knocks Hardy back down to the mat.
Striker-What a sound strategy by Christian here. He knows Hardy is hurt and he is focusing on that. I can’t see this match going on much longer.
Grisham-We can never count out Jeff Hardy Matthew. Any slight move could get Hardy the momentum right back.

Christian lifts Hardy up and attempts the Killswitch, but Hardy pushes him off into the corner. Hardy runs at Christian, but is met with an elbow square to the face. Christian then catapults himself off the middle ropes and nails Hardy with a crossbody into a cover.


Christian seems frustrated as he lifts Hardy up. He whips Hardy across the ring and follows. Hardy counters the whip and climbs the ropes and nails Whisper in the Wind.

Grisham-There it is Matt! One quick move and this match could very well favor Jeff Hardy.
Striker-Just to play devil’s advocate Todd, but both men are down, so momentum is relatively equal right now.

Both men are slow to their feet, but Hardy pounces quickly and he kicks Christian in the gut and goes for the Twist of Fate. Christian counters and shoves Hardy away. Christian is quick to attempt another Killswitch, but again Hardy counters. Christian turns around and goes to punch Hardy, but Hardy ducks and nails a turning Christian with a Twist of Fate. Christian is down and Hardy slowly climbs the ropes for the Swanton. Hardy climbs to the top and poses for the crowd. Hardy leaps off and nails a huge Swanton onto Christian. Hardy is slow to cover.


Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…JEFF HARDY!
Grisham-What a fantastic match! The perfect way to kick off the show.
Striker-Yes it was Todd. And good call on Hardy being able to gain back the momentum. You can never count out the Charismatic Enigma. But we can’t forget to give some props to Christian. Yes he may have lost, but what a fight he put up.
Grisham-Couldn’t have said it better myself Matt.

Hardy celebrates as Christian gets to his feet. Hardy goes to head out, but Christian grabs him and puts his hand out for a shake. Hardy claps his hands and shakes Christian’s hand and heads out. Christian claps and waves to the crowd as he heads to the back.

Nash-Welcome back Hitman. Good to see ya again.
Hart-Thanks Kev, but why are you in my office and what gave you the right to run the show?
Nash-Well it is simple really, besides you I’m the only one capable of doing something around here in a booker’s mindset. Bret really, I’m the smartest man in wrestling.
Hart-Alright then Kev, if you’re so smart then I guess you will see this coming. Tonight you have a match against an opponent of my choosing. So I’d get ready if I were you.

Grisham-Looks like Big Sexy got what was coming to him Matt.
Striker-While I may mark out for Bret Hart, there was no reason to be so rude to Kevin Nash. Nash was doing Hart a favor and that is how Hart treats him in return.

Commercial Break

Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will receive a future shot at the European Championship!

Sheamus’ Theme

Roberts-Introducing first from Dublin, Ireland...SHEAMUS!

Grisham-It doesn’t seem like the fans here care much for Sheamus.
Striker-Which is a ridiculous statement there Grish. Sheamus is one of wrestling’s brightest young stars and he will make an impact here on Catastrophe.
Grisham-I can agree with the brightest part. You need a pair of sunglasses when he walks into the room.
Striker-Oh please Todd, like you have any room to talk.

Jay Lethal’s Theme

Roberts-And his opponent from Elizabeth, New Jersey...“BLACK MACHISMO” JAY LETHAL!
Grisham-A solid ovation for everyone’s favorite impressionist, Jay Lethal.
Striker-Technically an impressionist does more than one impression. Lethal is known for just one and that is of wrestling great Randy Savage. Ohhhh yeah, dig it. I could do this shtick. We could call me Matt Machismo!
Grisham-How bout you stick to announcing, partner.

Match Description/Result
Referee Justin King signals for the bell and the match is underway. Sheamus tries to head straight for Lethal, but Lethal is too quick and dodges the attacks. Sheamus finally has Lethal backed into the corner with no place to run. Sheamus lunges at him, but Lethal moves and Sheamus crashes into the corner. Lethal is now on the offensive and hits Sheamus with a series of strikes. Sheamus is groggy in the corner as Lethal runs to the middle of the ring and gets a running start at Sheamus and nails him with an elbow shot to the head. Sheamus falls to one knee and Lethal hits him with a Shining Wizard. Lethal goes for the cover.


Sheamus throws Lethal in the air and Lethal crashes down to the mat. Sheamus shakes off the cob webs, but is greeted with a Lethal dropkick to his knee. Sheamus is again down to one knee and is nailed with another dropkick, this time right in the face. Sheamus rolls to the outside to shake off the offensive attack from Lethal. Lethal however has other plans. He runs across the ropes and goes for a suicide dive over the top. Sheamus however moves out of the way and Lethal crashes to the ground.

Striker-And that is why they call that high risk folks.

Sheamus lifts Lethal up and rams him into the steel post, back first. Justin King yells for Sheamus to get back into the ring. Sheamus is now dragging Lethal by his head and throws him like a sack of feathers into the announcer’s table. Sheamus smirks as he lifts Lethal up and throws him back into the ring. Sheamus follows and is still getting some heat from the official. Sheamus argues with the ref, but turns his attention back to Lethal. Lethal is groggy as he gets to his feet, only to be nailed in the cranium with a running bicycle kick from the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus lifts Lethal up and sets him up for a Crucifix Powerbomb. Sheamus gets him up and drops Lethal straight onto the mat. Sheamus signals it is over and goes for the cover.


Justin King signals for the bell and raises Sheamus’ hand in victory.

Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall...SHEAMUS!
Grisham-What a dominating performance from the Celtic Warrior Sheamus.
Striker-You can say that again Todd.
Grisham- What a dominating performance from the Celtic Warrior Sheamus.
Striker (*sigh*)-I didn’t mean literally. But either way, Sheamus is now in line for a future shot at the European championship. Trouble could be on the horizon now that Sheamus is on the scene.

Natalya-UNCLE BRET!!!!!
Hart-Hey guys, sorry for being so disconnected from you guys.
Natalya-It is alright now that we know you are ok.
Hart-So what can I do for you guys?
David Hart Smith-We were wondering if we could get a match next week?
Hart-Of course, of course. And if you win that match next week you guys will be the tag team champions!
Tyson Kidd-Well then sir you might just want to hand us the titles now, because we are better than the best…PERIOD!

Commercial Break

MVP’s Theme (MVP already in ring)
MVP-Ladies and gentlemen of the GWA, welcome to the VIP Lounge. As always I’m your host MVP and in the lounge it’s always big things poppin’, little things stoppin’! Now it is great to finally be back and it is even better to have an episode of the VIP Lounge on Monday Night Catastrophe’s debut show. Lets get the show kickin’ with my first guests and good friend of mine. He is the World’s Strongest Man, MARK HENRY!

Mark Henry’s Theme

MVP-Have a seat Mark and welcome to the Lounge.
Mark Henry-Thanks man, it’s an honor.
MVP-Well brother, what do you plan on doing here on Monday Night’s?
Henry-Well do you remember when I defeated Randy Orton and I had all the momentum?
MVP-How could I forgot. I’ll admit I marked out a bit.
Henry-Well I didn’t capitalize on that momentum. Now I plan on recapturing it and dominating here on Monday Nights.
MVP-That is what I want to hear dog. Good to see there is still some fighting spirit in you.

Mr. Kennedy’s Theme

Mr. Kennedy-Well, well, well. What do we have here? A little reunion of a tag team that was completely useless. Tisk tisk. MVP I guess I thought you were smarter than you looked. You see I thought you’d at least book the next superstar in the wrestling superstar MIIISSSSSSSTERRRRRR
MVP-Now hold up dog. You don’t go and interrupt the Lounge. My goal on the Lounge is to please these great fans and you sir are not what these people want to see.
Kennedy-Is that so MVP? These people don’t want to see me, yet they want to see a washed up star who is living off his past. You see MVP I’m not out here to challenge you. No you see, I’m out here for a piece of Mark Henry. Mark you think you are going to make an impact here? Well that train is going to stop short. So what do you say Mark? You against me, next week on Catastrophe.
Henry-If that is what you want Kennedy, then that is what you got. You are going to fall victim to the World’s Strongest Man.
Kennedy-You tell yourself that Mark. Cause when it is all said and done and the lights go out and all that will be heard throughout the arena is “the winner of the match, MIIISSSSSSSSTERRRRRR KENNNNNNNNEDDDDDDYYYYYY……..KENNNNNEEEEEEDDDDYYYYYYY!”

Commercial Break

Roberts-This match is scheduled for onefall!

Kevin Nash’s Theme

Roberts-Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan…“BIG SEXY” KEVIN NASH!
Striker-Here comes a man who was unfairly placed in a match tonight. The tour starts tonight here on Catastrophe, none other than Big Daddy Cool, the Silver Fox, Big Sexy Kevin Nash!
Grisham-Unfairly Matt? I’m sorry I still don’t see your point. Nash was trying to take over.
Striker-It is going to take more than a person with my IQ to get you to understand any point that is trying to be made their young Todd.

Sting’s Theme

Roberts-And his opponent from Venice Beach, California…“THE ICON” STING!
Grisham-Listen to this ovation!!!! Sting is here. I wasn’t so sure if he was going to show up. As we know Sting wasn’t originally drafted to the Catastrophe brand, he was traded here in a trade featuring Bobby Lashley.
Striker-This match is featuring two of the biggest names of the Monday Night Wars. Two guys who put WCW on the map and two legends of the ring.

Match Description/Result
Referee Jack Doan rings the bell and the match is underway. Nash tries to talk Sting out of the doing the match. Sting just smirks and nails Nash with a flurry of rights. Sting whips Nash across the ring and nails him with a diving clothesline, taking the big man off his feet. Sting lifts Nash off the mat and throws him into the corner. Sting goes for a Stinger Splash, but Nash hits the flying Sting with a huge big boot. Nash lifts Sting up, but knocks him down to the mat with a forearm shot to the back of the neck. Nash is now mocking Sting as he claps his hands and is “Wooing” to the crowd. Nash shrugs Sting with some nonchalant kicks. Nash lifts Sting up and lifts him up for a suplex. Nash holds Sting up for a bit, but Sting slides down and nails Nash with a neckbreaker. Both men are up at the same time and Nash goes for a huge right, but Sting ducks and Sting nails Nash with an atomic drop. Then Sting runs across the ropes and nails Nash with a running bulldog. Sting goes for the cover.


Sting lifts Nash and hits him with numerous strikes to the midsection, sending Nash into the corner. Sting “woos” to the crowd and runs at Nash, nailing him with the Stinger Splash. Nash is groggy as he is out of the corner. Sting meanwhile heads to the top rope and hits a turning Nash with a flying crossbody. Both men crash to the mat as Sting crawls for the cover.


Sting lifts Nash up and goes for the Scorpion Deathdrop, but Nash counters out and nails a turning Sting with a huge big boot. Nash goes for the cover.


Nash lifts Sting up and throws him into the corner. Nash nails him with consecutive elbow shots. Then Nash measures up and takes a picture and nails Sting with one more elbow. Sting falls down in the corner. Nash signals “too sweet” to the crowd. The majority of the crowd boos, but some follow through with the chant. Nash lifts Sting up and sets him in position for the Jacknife. Nash raises his arm up and lifts Sting in the air. However Sting counters and slides off Nash’s back and nails Nash with a Scorpion Deathdrop. Sting is slow to make to the cover.


Referee Doan rings the bell and checks on Sting.

Roberts-The winner of the match, by pinfall…“THE ICON” STING!
Grisham-What a counter by the Stinger there Matt.
Striker-A fantastic match here by these two legends. Sting looked out of it and out of nowhere he puts Nash down for the count. If this is any indication, Sting looks to have one last run in him. The GWA better watch out.

Matt Hardy-Nice match out there earlier little bro.
Jeff Hardy-Thanks man, brought back some solid memories.
Matt-I bet it did. Speaking of old memories, how about we give the GWA Hardy Boyz reunion tour?
Jeff-That would be pretty extreme now wouldn’t it.
Matt-Hart Dynasty needs opponents for next week and what better way to kick it off by winning the tag team championship.
Jeff-I like the sounds of that. Lets pitch this match to Bret and get ourselves some tag team gold.

Commercial Break

D’angelo Dinero-Bret “Hitman” Hart, it is truly a great pleasure to meet you.
Hart-Well thank you Pope, it is great to finally meet you.
Dinero-Now don’t you go and be making Pope blush now haha.
Hart-What can I do for you D’angelo?
Dinero-I just wanted to ask for a rematch against that Dennis Rodman wannabe Shelton Benjamin. You watched the Supershow, I deserve it.
Hart-You know what Pope, you do deserve the rematch. So consider it a done deal. Next week, you verse Shelton Benjamin.
Dinero-Now that is…
Hart-Hold on. And the winner of the match will be declared the first United States champion here on Catastrophe.
Dinero-Oh snap sir. Now that is Pimpin’.
Grisham-What a lineup we have next week Matt. Two champions will be crowned, as we know that the Hart Dynasty will get a tag team title shot and the Hardyz want in on it. And just confirmed we will see a rematch from the Supershow between Pope D’Angelo Dinero and Shelton Benjamin where the winner will leave as the US champion.
Striker-Lets not forget that we also will see Mr. Kennedy in action against the World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry.
Grisham-I for one can’t wait for next week. But tonight is not over, as it is now time for our MAAAAAAAIN EEEEEEEVENT!
Roberts-This is our main event for this evening and it is scheduled for one fall!

Edge’s Theme

Roberts-Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada…“THE RATED R SUPERSTAR” EDGE!
Grisham-And here comes one of our top two stars according to Bret Hart.
Striker-Let me correct you Matt, here comes our top star. He is the Ultimate Opportunist, the Master Manipulator, he is the Rated R Superstar, he is Edge. Edge is a twenty-nine time champion in his career and he is in my mind the greatest superstar of the modern era of wrestling.

Undertaker’s Theme

Roberts-And his opponent, from Death Valley…THE UNDERTAKER!
Grisham-Listen to this ovation! The jelly cream just blew out of the Dunkin’ Donuts center.
Striker-Really Todd? You had to go there. Any who, these two have a long history and I can’t imagine how Edge feels right now. I have goosebumps and I’m sitting behind the announce table, Edge actually has to go one on one with the Keeper of Hells Gate, the Phenom, the Undertaker.

Match Description/Result
Head Ref Mike Chioda rings the bell and the match is underway. Taker and Edge lock up and Edge gets the advantage and has Taker in a headlock. Taker counters and lifts Edge up and drops him with a side suplex. Taker and Edge are both quick to their feet as they have another stare down. Again they lock up, this time Taker with the advantage, but Edge throws Taker off and pushes him across the ropes. Taker bounces off and nails Edge with a shoulder thrust, knocking him to the mat. Taker goes for an elbow drop, but Edge rolls out of the way. Edge is up and Taker is slow to get up, but Edge nails him with a boot to the face, knocking Taker back down to the mat. Edge goes for the cover.


Edge lifts Taker up and throws him into the corner. Edge gets a running head start and hits Taker with a running spear in the corner. Taker falls out of the corner and lies motionless on the mat. Edge crouches down and yells for Taker to get up.

Grisham-Edge is looking to end this one quickly Matt.
Striker-A spear here could signal the end for the Deadman.

Taker is groggy as he gets up, Edge takes off and Taker turns and moves out of the way. Edge regains his balance and Taker turns around, but Edge nails him with a big boot and that takes Taker down. Edge points to his brain saying he outsmarted Taker and gets a good amount of heat. The crowd erupts when Taker sits up off the mat, as Edge is still mocking the fans. Edge walks back and Taker is standing right behind him. Edge knows and you can see the fear setting in. Edge slowly turns around and Taker greets him with a flurry of lefts and rights. Edge is propped up against the ropes and Taker clotheslines him over the top. Edge is slow to his feet and as he is up and turning around Taker leaps the top rope and crashes down on top of Edge.

Grisham-What a move by the Undertaker! Shows you just how important this show means to these two.
Striker-It is a beauty to see a man give himself up and fly over the ropes. It is even more impressive when that individual is near seven feet tall and three hundred pounds.

Referee Chioda’s count is up to seven when Taker lifts Edge up and rolls him into the ring. Taker nails Edge with an elbow right across the bridge of his nose. Taker hops up onto the apron and goes for his trademark Guillotine leg drop on the apron, but Edge rolls out of the way and Taker is gimpy, as it is apparent that he hurt his hamstring. Edge sees this and he hops outside and nails Taker in his bad leg with a chop block. Taker squints in pain as Edge lifts him up and slams him into the ring post and rolls him back in. Edge stays on the outside as he pulls Taker towards the ring post and Taker is straddling the bottom part of the post. Edge grabs Taker’s bad leg and smashes it against the post. Edge continues to do this two more times until Choida breaks it up and threatens to disqualify Edge. Edge rolls into the ring as Taker slowly scoots away from the corner. Edge gets right onto the offensive with two kicks into the injured leg of Taker. Edge then yanks at the leg and sets it onto the bottom rope and drops on top of it. Taker again scoots away in serious pain. Edge walks over and drops an elbow across the sternum of Taker and goes for a quick cover.


Grisham-It is going to take more than an elbow to keep the Deadman down.
Striker-While that may be true, Edge was playing it smart. Taker is wounded and maybe Edge was in the mind process that Taker might not have the strength to kick out. The end could be near for the Deadman.

Edge lifts Taker up and throws him into the corner. Edge runs at him and hits him with a body splash. Edge goes for another, but Taker gets his boot up, drilling Edge in the face. Taker hobbles out of the corner and hits a flurry of shots on Edge until Edge kicks out Taker’s bad leg and hits him with a spinning heel kick. Edge goes for the cover.


Edge kicks Taker three times while he is down and lifts Taker up and nails Taker with the Edgecution (Lifting DDT) and goes for the cover.


Edge slams on the mat numerous times in frustration. Edge backs into the corner and wants to position Taker for the spear. Taker crawls to the ropes and lifts himself up. Edge gets a running start and nails Taker with a huge spear and goes for the cover.


Striker-I don’t believe it! How did the Undertaker kick out of that one?
Grisham-You can never count out the Undertaker Matt. Just when you think he is done and out he shocks you.

Edge is frustrated as he lifts Taker up and hits him with some back chops and whips him across the ropes. Edge goes for a clothesline, but Taker ducks. Taker bounces off the adjacent ropes and Edge turns around and is greeted with a flying clothesline. Taker is holding his leg as he gains the strength to get up to his feet. Edge is up and he turns for a jab at Taker, who ducks and gets Edge up on his shoulders and drops him with Snake Eyes on the top turnbuckle. Taker takes off towards the ropes and nails the groggy Edge with a big boot. Taker hobbles over to Edge and makes the cover.


Taker signals for Tombstone. Edge is slow to get to his feet. He is up and turns and Taker gets him up for the Tombstone, but Edge slides off. Undertaker turns around and Edge greets him with a kick to the sternum followed by the Downward Spiral (Leg hook reverse STO).

Striker-Did you see that Todd? Edge just pulled one out of the old history book. The Downward Spiral, if you remember was one of Edge’s trademark maneuvers back in the late nineties. This one is over Todd, chalk it up for Edge.

Edge goes for the cover.


Grisham-Not so fast partner. Edge hesitated just a bit on that cover and Undertaker managed to kick out. This one isn’t over just yet.

You can see the fire in Edge’s eyes, as he is furious that this one is not over yet. Edge backs into the corner and squats down. He starts pounding on the mat and yells for Taker to get up. Taker pulls himself up and turns around. Edge runs for the spear, but Taker throws him out of the way. Edge stops himself before crashing into the corner. Edge turns around and Taker grabs him by the throat and drops him with a huge chokeslam. Taker starts to crawl towards Edge when….

Bret Hart’s Theme

Grisham-What the hell does our general manager want?
Striker-Well lets be quiet and find out.

Hart-Pardon the interruption, but I couldn’t help but realize that this match was missing something. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I think I got it now. This match needs to be for something. Something needs to be at stake.

*Taker is standing by the rope staring at Hart confused*

Hart-And I know just the stipulation to put on the match. The loser of the match will have their GWA contracted terminated!

Grisham-WHAT! Did you hear that Matt? What an outrageous stipulation. Catastrophe is going to lose one of its top stars no matter the outcome.
Striker-A shocking surprise to say the least. What an announcement from Bret Hart.
Grisham-Undertaker can’t believe it and neither can we.
Striker-Taker might want to put his focus back on the match Todd. Edge is starting to get up and Taker seems more concerned about Hart’s announcement.

Edge is up, as Taker finally turns around. Edge bolts at Taker who is mostly turned and nails him with a huge spear.

Striker-That could do it folks!
Grisham-Unbelievable, this match can’t end this way, it can’t!


Choida rings the bell and Edge rolls out of the ring and lies on the outside.

Roberts-The winner of the match, by pinfall…EDGE! And due to losing the match, the Undertaker’s GWA contract will be terminated.
Grisham-I don’t believe this. What the hell was Bret Hart thinking? He has just cost Monday Night Catastrophe one of its top stars. This is truly unbelievable. I’m not sure I can work like this Matt.
Striker-Todd please. It is a business decision. It’s not like Bret came out and fired one of us. What’s done is done Todd. This is a move we will have to accept, whether we like it or not.

Bret Hart makes his way to the ring, as Taker is slow to get to his feet.

Hart-Well Mark, I hate to do this to you, but I’m going to have to ask you to leave.

*Taker is in disbelief*

Hart-I’m really sorry. But you are no longer apart of this company Mark. I’m not looking for trouble, I’m just asking you to step out with some pride.

*Taker is furious as he grabs Hart by the throat. You can hear Taker yelling at Hitman.*

Taker-With some pride? You screwed the wrong person Bret. You will forever regret this decision.

Taker lifts Hart up for a chokeslam, but is nailed from behind with a chop block by Tyson Kidd. Natalya and David Hart Smith follow. Smith is carrying a steel chair, while Natalya has a body bag in hand. Smith goes to work on Taker’s leg with the steel chair, while Kidd and Natalya take shots of their own. Hart regains his composure as he sits back watching, egging on the attack. Kidd lifts Taker up and Smith drills him with three chair shots to the head. Taker is busted open. Kidd throws Taker at Smith who lifts him up and sets him up for the Hart Attack. Kidd does his part with a springboard clothesline, dropping Taker to the ground. Hart whips out two sets of handcuffs from his pockets. He locks one pair on Taker’s wrist and the other on his ankles. Hart signals to the back and out comes a hearse. Natalya throws down the body bag and they place Taker’s motionless body into the bag. The hearse parks at ringside and Kidd and Smith open the back and pull out a casket. They open it up and Hart and Natalya throw Taker into it. They close it up and push it back into the hearse. Hart and the Hart Dynasty hop in the hearse and it drives away.

GrishamI’m at a loss for words right now. We are all out of time. Join us next week, though I won’t blame you if you don’t.
*Opening video shows footage after MNC went off the air last week. We see Hart and the Hart Dynasty continuing their beatdown on Undertaker and throwing him into a casket. We see the casket loaded into a hearse and heading out of the arena. The hearse pulls up to a cemetery and Hart and the Hart Dynasty unload the casket and dig the Undertaker a grave and they bury the casket and drive away.*



Todd Grisham-Welcome everyone to GWA Monday Night Catastrophe! We are live tonight in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Wachovia Center. And as always I’m joined by the GWA’s own professor, the ever so knowledgeable, Matt Striker.
Matt Striker-Thank you Todd and what a show we have tonight. The big question is whether or not we will get answers and reasons for why Bret Hart did what he did last week to the Undertaker.
Todd Grisham-According to Theo Mays he said Bret Hart will give us answers tonight, but lets not waste any time Matt and get this show on the road.

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall.

Mark Henry’s Theme

Roberts-Introducing first, from Silsbee, Texas…“THE WORLD’S STRONGEST MAN” MARK HENRY!

Grisham-And the Philadelphia fans here love Mark Henry Matt.
Striker-The World’s Strongest Man, the King of the Wrestling Jungle, MNC’s own Silverback, Mark Henry. And Henry last week said he is coming here to make an impact Todd. That could easily start tonight.

Mr. Kennedy’s Theme

Mr. Kennedy-Don’t you even think about it there kid. Tonight embarks a historic night in wrestling. Tonight is the GWA wrestling debut of your’s truly. Tonight I weigh in at 235 pounds and I hail from Greeeeeen Baaaaaaaay WissssssCONsinnnnnnn. I am MIIISSSSSSSTERRRRRR KENNNNNNNEEEEDYYYYYYYY………….KENNNNEEDYYYYYYY!!!

Striker-The ever so brash and ever so confident Mr. Kennedy.
Striker-Thank you Todd. Kennedy will have his hands full here, but Kennedy is one of the smartest in ring psychologist and his brains could be enough to defeat Mark Henry.
Grisham-Did you just call Mark Henry stupid?
Striker-There you go putting words in my mouth Todd. I said Kennedy’s brains could win him this match. I didn’t call Henry dumb, I just said Kennedy is smarter. Much like I am smarter than you Grish.

Match Result/Description
Referee Jack Doan rings the bell and we are underway. Kennedy locks up with Henry, but Henry just tosses him to the mat. Kennedy uses the corner to get up and Henry hurries over to him. Kennedy ducks between the top and middle rope and has the ref shield Henry away from him. Doan tries to contain Henry and Kennedy sneaks in an eye poke followed by a kick to the knee. Kennedy keeps with the offensive and keeps hitting Henry with a fury of lefts and rights. Henry takes a swing, but Kennedy ducks it and again kicks Henry in the knee. Kennedy grabs Henry and drops him with a DDT. Kennedy goes for the quick cover.


Henry tosses Kennedy in the air like a sack of feathers. Kennedy makes sure Henry doesn’t get back to his feet as he hits him with a forearm to the back of the head. Kennedy dashes to the ropes and gets up to the middle and goes for an elbow drop to the back of the head, but Henry catches him and drives him right into the corner. Kennedy is woozy in the corner as Henry charges him and nails a splash, knocking Kennedy down. Henry drags Kennedy out of the corner and goes for the cover.


Henry lifts Kennedy up and whips him across the ropes. Henry goes for a clothesline, but Kennedy ducks it and runs across the other ropes and nails Henry with a forearm. Henry doesn’t budge. Kennedy goes for another and hits Henry square in the head. Again Henry doesn’t budge. Kennedy goes for a third, but Henry nails Kennedy with a body avalanche. Kennedy goes crashing down to the outside. Henry slowly heads out to Kennedy who is up and gets back into the ring. Henry gets back up on the apron, but Kennedy pulls Henry’s neck across the top rope and knocks him back outside. Doan’s count is up to 7 when Henry rolls back in and Kennedy immediately hits him with an axe handle and goes for the pinfall.


Striker-You have to think the end is near for the World’s Strongest Man Todd.
Grisham-It may look like that Todd, but with Henry’s strength he could easily get back in this thing and score the victory over Kennedy.

Kennedy climbs to the top as Henry slowly gets up. Henry turns and Kennedy goes for a diving crossbody and Henry catches him and drops him with the World’s Strongest Slam.

Grisham-There it is Matt! That could do it. World’s Strongest Slam from the World’s Strongest Man.
Striker-While that may usually be the case, Mr. Kennedy like I said earlier is a smart man. You see what he did there Todd? Kennedy, after taking the move, rolled to the outside and this just gives him the edge of resting.

Kennedy is propped up against the security wall as the ref counts. Kennedy slowly gets up and goes to get in, but is scared off by Henry. Kennedy yells at the ref to back Henry back. Kennedy rolls in and Henry moves towards him and Kennedy slides back out and starts to walk up the ramp and waves off the match. Doan starts his count back up as Henry looks on shocked as Kennedy heads towards the back. Doan reaches 10 and signals for the bell.

Roberts-The winner of the match by countout…MARK HENRY!
Grisham-Henry is obviously not happy with the way he won the match.
Striker-Well he should be Todd. A win is a win, no matter how it gets done. Kennedy was saving himself for down the road. He didn’t want to use all his energy on his first match.
Grisham-You tell yourself that Matt. Lets send it back to Christy Hemme who is with Shelton Benjamin.

Christy Hemme-Thanks guys. Shelton tonight you have a rematch with D’Angelo Dinero and the winner will be the first GWA United States Champion. What is your mindset going into this.
Shelton Benjamin-My mindset? My mindset is that I should already be the United States Champion. I defeated Dinero at the Supershow and there is no need for a rematch. I don’t know what Pope did to get this, but it really isn’t deserving.
Christy-How can you say it is not deserving when you had to cheat to get the win?
Shelton-Look it doesn’t matter how I won the match. I won, the ref didn’t see what I did, so it is far in my books. This interview is over, I got a championship match that I will win.

Commercial Break

MVP-What happened out there Kennedy?
Kennedy-Nothing happened MVP. Mark Henry was never my worry. He was just a decoy so I could get to you.
MVP-You had your chance at me last week Kennedy, so why didn’t you take it then?
Kennedy-The time wasn’t right Montel. However, the time is perfect right now as we are alone.
MVP-Slow your role man, I don’t roll like that.
Kennedy-Way to be a wise guy. Look I’m serious here MVP. Why did you change? Huh? You were once like me, hell we were a team at one point. And now you are out there catering to these people.
MVP-I changed because I wanted to connect with the fans and show them I was more than just a bad guy. And Ken, you use to cater to them as well.
Kennedy-What is with people these days and change? Our president called for change and look where we are now. We are in the same damn spot as we were before. Trust me MVP that was a huge mistake. Look where that got me. And when you were like me you were on the rise MVP, right to the top. And now you’ve been stuck in the shuffle for the last two or three years.
MVP-And you’re not?
Kennedy-No, not at all. You see MVP I am the future of this business. I am the hottest rising star in sports entertainment. MVP deep down inside you are still that bad guy I know. That criminal is still hiding in there.
MVP-So because I went to prison, that makes me a bad guy? That was part of my life that I regret, but it shaped me to become the individual I am today.
Kennedy (chuckling)-You keep feeding yourself lies MVP. I know you and I know that the criminal inside you is lurking and trying to find a way out. It’ll start out with minor stuff like stealing pens and then it’ll gradually get bigger. Bottled water that was left on the bottom of the shopping cart, bubble gum, candy, magazines, and that’ll lead up to cars and then money. And of course when it is all said and done it’ll lead to murder. Just admit it MVP you still have that feeling and it is only healthy to let it out.

*MVP storms off and Kennedy stands there with a smirk on his face.*

Grisham-Some pretty serious words there from MVP and Mr. Kennedy. Knowing Mr. Kennedy this is the last he will confront MVP with the problem.
Striker-Kennedy does have a point Todd. MVP was on the up and up and then since his change to a fan favorite his career has been rather lackluster.

Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the GWA United States Championship!

Shelton Benjamin’s Theme

Roberts-Introducing first, from Orangeburg, South Carolina… “THE GOLD STANDARD” SHELTON BENJAMIN!
Striker-Shelton made a keen observation during his interview with Christy. Shelton should already be the champ and not having to fight Pope in a Supershow rematch.
Grisham-I know you live under the impression that a win is a win, but this needs to be done fairly to determine who is truly the US champ.

D’Angelo Dinero’s Theme

Roberts-And his opponent, from the Streets of Harlem, New York…“THE POPE” D’ANGELO DINERO!

Grisham-And here comes the GWA’s own saving grace, your Pope, their Pope, our Pope. He is D’Angelo Dinero and the MNC fans just absolutely love this guy and can you blame them Matt?
Striker-No I cannot Todd. Pope is just a guy who oozes charisma and is just so fun to watch and you can really get behind him in the ring.

Match Description
Head official, Mike Chioda rings the bell and the match is underway. Dinero immediately spears down Benjamin and starts to put a beat down on him until Chioda pulls him off. Dinero settles down and again he pounces on Benjamin and his momentum carries him and Shelton out of the ring and crashes down to the floor. Dinero hits Benjamin with lefts and rights. He lifts Benjamin up and smashes his face on the top of the announce table. Dinero follows this up with an Irish whip into the steel stairs.

Grisham-This goes to show how much Dinero wanted this match. You have to think the title is on his mind, but I think revenge is the first thing swirling through Dinero’s mind. And you know what they say about revenge Matt. Shelton Benjamin could be in trouble.

Dinero throws Benjamin back into the ring and goes for the cover.


Dinero lifts Benjamin up and throws him into the corner and nails him with numerous body shots. He goes for a huge right, but Benjamin quick ducks out and rolls out of the ring. Benjamin is holding his ribs as he paces around the ring. Dinero jumps outside and chases down Shelton. Shelton rolls into the ring and Dinero follows. Benjamin hits Dinero as he rolls into the ring. Benjamin lifts Dinero up and nails him with a chop that sparks some “Woos” from the crowd. Benjamin props Dinero up against the ropes and nails him with a huge sidekick to the head and Dinero falls to the mat. Benjamin poses to the fans to a decent amount of heat as he drags Dinero away from the ropes and covers him.


Benjamin argues with Chioda about the count. Benjamin tells him off as he heads back to Dinero. Shelton lifts Dinero up and throws him into the corner. Benjamin runs for the splash, but Dinero moves out of the way. Benjmain caught onto this and adjusted in midair and he landed on the top ropes. Benjamin does a spinning crossbody, but Dinero nails him midair with a huge dropkick.

Striker-That right there Todd Grisham shows how much the US title means to these two. One of these men will be the first champion here on Catastrophe and will be considered the top dog. I’m not sure I want this match to end.

Chioda has his count up to 7 when both Benjamin and Dinero pull themselves to their feet. Benjamin goes for a swinging right, but Dinero ducks and hits him with an atomic drop. Benjamin turns and Dinero hits him with 3 straight rights and then Dinero runs the ropes and falls to the mat and nails Benjamin with the 4 up. Benjamin teeters on the ropes as Dinero heads to the apron and nails Benjamin with a kick to the back of the head. Dinero climbs to the top rope and nails Benjamin with a giant elbow drop. Dinero goes for the cover.


Dinero lifts Benjamin and throws him into the corner. Dinero charges Benjamin and gets nailed with a boot. Benjamin runs at Dinero who is turning and goes for a Paydirt, but Dinero throws Benjamin to the ground. Dinero goes for the quick cover.


Benjamin is getting up and Dinero hits Benjamin with the Religious Experience (formerly known as Elijah Experience). Dinero goes for another cover.


Dinero can’t believe that Benjamin kicked out. Dinero lifts Benjamin up and shoves him into the corner face first. Dinero lowers the knee pads and starts slapping his knees. Dinero runs at Benjamin but Benjamin moves out of the way. Dinero stops himself before crashing into the corner. Benjamin runs at Dinero and jumps up. Dinero catches Benjamin and he throws him up. Benjamin however lands on the top rope and nails Dinero with a backflip into a cover.


Benjamin lifts Dinero up and goes for a kick, but Dinero grabs his leg. Dinero spins Benjamin around and he nails Dinero with a Dragon Whip. Dinero falls into the ropes and Benjamin runs at him. Dinero goes to throw him over, but Benjamin lands on the apron. He nails Dinero with a forearm to the head. Benjamin springboards up to the top rope and he nails Dinero with a flying clothesline. Benjamin gets up and signals it is over. Benjamin begins to stalk over Dinero. Dinero is slow to his feet and Benjamin goes for Paydirt and Dinero shoves him off. Benjamin runs at Dinero who nails Benjamin with a huge right hand. Benjamin is woozy as Dinero continues to fire away shots. Shelton is barely standing as Dinero winds up and clocks Benjamin with another huge right. Benjamin topples into the corner.

Grisham-There is the boxing background of D’Angelo Dinero. That huge right could wrap this one up for Dinero. And now he has Benjamin all set up for the DDE.

Dinero storms the corner, but Benjamin ducks out and Dinero crashes into the turnbuckle. Dinero holds his knees as Benjamin is slow to his feet. Benjamin shakes the cob webs off and Dinero is slow to get up. Dinero turns and Benjamin charges him and nails him with Paydirt and goes for the quick cover.


Chioda signals for the bell, as Benjamin rolls off Dinero and raises his hand in the air.

Roberts-The winner of the match, by pinfall and NEW GWA United States champion...SHELTON BENJAMIN!

Striker-Are you happy Todd? Are ya? Shelton Benjamin showed to us he can beat Dinero without “cheating”. A well deserved championship victory for Shelton Benjamin and there isn’t any I’d rather have carrying our top title.
Grisham-A well deserved victory by Benjamin, I’ll give him that. But lets tip our hat to D’Angelo Dinero. What a match he put on here. These two men might have the two best matches in this brand’s history. No doubt I’d love to see them go at it again.
Striker-I completely agree Todd. If we had a full show of Dinero/Benjamin matches I’d be entertained. These two men are two of the best stars in the wrestling business and I’m glad that we get to call their matches and not the other brands.

Christy-Ladies and gentlemen, joining me right now are two men who have the Global Tag Team Championship in sight tonight. Matt and Jeff, the Hardy Boyz! Thank you for joining me tonight fellows.
Matt-It is great to be here Christy.
Christy-Tonight you guys look to become the first Global Champs in MNC history. We all know you guys are one of the greatest teams in history and you’ll face the Hart Dynasty tonight. Do you have any worries that Bret Hart will pull strings and get them the win.
Matt-Well Christy, while I do not condemn Hart’s actions taken against Undertaker, I do believe he is still a fair man and wants a fair championship match tonight. And he is doing his guys a favor by giving them a shot, I think the strings are pulled enough.
Jeff-No disrespect to the Hart Dynasty, they are probably the future of tag team wrestling. But tonight is about the Hardy Boyz getting back to the top of the tag team division. We see the gold and we are going to do what we do best. We are going to climb the proverbial ladder and capture the Global Tag titles tonight.

*Bret Hart walking backstage, heading towards the ring*

Grisham-And there he is, our General Manager, Bret “Hitman” Hart. And he is on his way out here next, what does Hitman have to say about the Undertaker situation last week.

Bret Hart’s Theme

Bret Hart (encouraging the boos)-Let me here ‘em, c’mon keep it going. That’s enough. Now I know you all want answers as to what when down last week. Now you may or may not know this, but I was screwed back in 1997 in Montreal. Now we all know the usual assumptions that Vince, Hebner, Shawn, and Hunter were behind this. Now while that holds true there is one man who I know for sure was in on this. And that man was The Undertaker.

*Crowd Boos Heavily*

That’s right, your beloved Undertaker was in on it. Undertaker was jealous of my success and wanted to get back into the spotlight, which is exactly what happened after I was screwed and left for WCW. Undertaker got back into the spotlight and he rode that all the way into last week. And last week was the end of it. Undertaker is finished. His career is dead and he is officially DEAD!

*Major Heat*

Keep on booing me, but you know as well as I do that I’m out here speaking the truth. You people all saw at the beginning of the show what the Hart Dynasty and I did to the Undertaker. He is finished. Now I know others were worried about their jobs, but there is no need for that. There will be no one losing their job unless I feel that is necessary for them to be released.

Sting’s Theme

Grisham-Here he is Matt, the Icon Sting! These Philadelphians sure love the Stinger and what does Sting have to say to Bret Hart here?
Striker-What gives Sting the right to interrupt Bart Hart. Sting better have something important or Hart might just feel the need to do what he did to Undertaker, but this time Sting would feel the effects.

Hart-Is this important Steve?
Sting-I see we are on a first name basis Bret. So let me tell ya something Hitman, you are living in denial. The screwjob happened years ago Bret and while I may not have been in the company, you know that Mark had nothing to do with it Bret. Mark was just making a living, just like you were Bret. You see Bret, you were taking the business to seriously. You should have been out there having fun Bret and making these people happy. Just like I’m doing, just like Mark did. Bret I know at one time wrestling was fun for you, but what happened Bret.
Bret-You want to know what happened Steve? Politics happened. This business has been ruined by politics. People always pushing their achievements and their backstage prowess in getting someone pushed and getting their push. Whatever happened to honesty Steve? Whatever happened to getting the push due to athletic ability?
Sting-I don’t know what happened Bret, I wish I could help you. And I know that you want to run this brand politics free and I respect that. But what you did to Mark, Bret that was politics.
Hart-You listen here, it had to be done Steve. He needed to be out of this business. That is why I selected, so I could be responsible for getting rid of him.
Sting-So that is it Bret? That is the end of these political games. We aren’t going to see you somehow get your dungeon buddies the Global Tag titles tonight Bret? Or we aren’t going to see you change the outcome of matches Bret?
Hart-No Steve, none of that is going to happen. I gave the Hart Dynasty the Global Tag match tonight because they deserved it. Yes they are family to me, but if they want to be successful they will still have to earn it. Look I know no one is going to see my side of what I did and only I can be responsible for disposing Undertaker. But I will not be called out on my decision. I’m your boss now Steve and you have to accept that.
Sting-Oh I accept it Bret. I was actually pretty excited that you traded for me Bret. I wasn’t so sure about my career, but seeing that you had some faith in my abilities Bret made me want to come back and show that I still do have it.
Hart-Look Steve, I respect that you came out here to confront me. It shows that you do in fact still have passion in this business. And since that passion is so hot you won’t mind competing in a match tonight.
Sting-I’m ready to compete tonight Bret. I need to know that the politics are through Bret. You aren’t going to do anything that will make you look worse than you already do.
Bret (walking out)-They're finished.

Grisham-Some tense words shared there between Sting and Bret Hart. Things got heated.
Striker-Sting came out here and I’ll admit I thought he was up to no good and I was right. He blatantly questioned the abilities of Bret Hart as a GM. And Bret knows this and Sting is going to pay later tonight.
Grisham-You really are crazy Matt. Lets send it up to Justin Roberts for the next match.

Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will face Sheamus next week for the European Championship!

Val Venis’ Theme

Roberts-Introducing first, from Las Vegas, Nevada…VAL VENIS!

Striker-Mothers lock up your daughters, daughters lock up your mothers, the Big Valbowski is here and he could be looking for a new costar.
Grisham-Well he could also select one of us Matt.
Striker-Please tell me that was a joke Todd. I don’t think we’d serve any purpose in a Val Venis movie, unless we were providing commentary.
Grisham-Now that is an intriguing and fresh idea for a Big Val movie!

Val Venis-Helllllllo Laaadies. You see the Big Valbowski is back baby haha and I plan on being better than ever. I’ve been working out and I have more stamina and strength than ever, if you catch my drift haha.

Lance Cade’s Theme

Roberts-And his opponent, from San Antonio, Texas…LANCE CADE!

Grisham-And here comes a guy that you are rather high on Matthew, Lance Cade.
Striker-That’s right Todd. Lance Cade is a rough house, a Modern Day Texas Ranger, and you saw what he did to Lance Cade on the web show. Val Venis could be in trouble here.

Match Description/Results
Justin King rings the bell and Val and Cade lock up. Cade gets Val in a headlock, but Val pushes Cade off into the ropes. Cade bounces off and takes Val down with a shoulder block. Cade runs across and goes for an elbow drop, but Val moves out of the way. Val hops up and Cade is soon to follow. Cade goes for a right, but Val blocks and hits Cade with three straight right hands and then knocks Cade over the top rope with a clothesline.

Grisham-The Big Valbowski is on the offensive early on. Can he keep that train moving or Lance Cade derail it? Find out after the break.


Grisham-Welcome back. As you can see Cade has regained control here Matt as he has Big Val in a sleeper hold.
Striker-Lets take a look at how Cade gained the momentum. During the break Val Venis went to the outside and try to continue his attack on Cade. However Cade was playing possum and slammed Val into the security wall and that puts us right where we are now.

Val starts to get up out of the sleeper, as Cade looks concerned. Val nails Cade in the midsection with an elbow, followed by another. Cade releases the hold. Val runs across the ropes, but Cade takes him down with a huge clothesline. Cade pulls Val away from the ropes and covers Val.


Cade yells at King, who threatens to DQ him. Val sneaks up from behind and rolls Cade up.


Cade is shocked as he goes to nail Venis with a clothesline, but Val ducks. Cade turns and Val takes him down with a dropkick. Venis lifts Cade up hits him with a double underhook suplex. Val runs across the ropes and hits Cade with a knee drop. Val signals to the top and the crowd pops. Venis heads to the apron and climbs to the top rope.

Grisham-If Val hits the Money Shot it could be over Matt.

Venis does his trademark pose, but Cade hops up and nails Val, who drops down into a seated position on the top rope. Cade lifts Venis and throws him off the ropes.

Striker-Val Venis could have ended it there Todd, but he took too much time and celebrated and it could cost him as Lance Cade regains control.

Val crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up. Val turns and Cade blindsides him with a huge superkick. Venis falls straight to the mat and Cade rolls him over and covers him.


Cade slams on the mat in frustration. Cade lifts Venis up and goes for the Redneck Bomb (Sitout side slam spinebuster). Venis counters and nails Cade with elbow shots to the head and gets out of the hold. Venis kicks Cade and drops him with a Russian Leg sweep. Venis rolls Cade over and heads to the top rope for another money shot. Val gets to the top and again Cade greets him and knocks him into a seated position. Cade goes for a superplex, but Venis holds onto the ropes. Cade tries again and again Val blocks. Cade goes for a right, but Val blocks and headbutts Cade, who falls to the mat. Venis stands up and dives off the rope and hits the Money Shot. He goes right into the cover.


Roberts-The winner of the match, by pinfall…VAL VENIS!

Grisham-And with this victory Val Venis moves into a match against Sheamus for the GWA European Championship.
Striker-Big Val promised us that he was back and better than ever and he showed us here that he can still go. Lance Cade, who was victorious on the first ever web show against Jamie Noble, fell short here. I can’t imagine the party Val will have to celebrate this victory.

Christy-What a victory there for the Big Valbowski. And joining me now is his opponent next week, Sheamus. Sheamus…
Shemus-You look here. I don’t care about Val Venis or this stupid interview. All I can tell you is next week a true European will be champion.
Christy-Sheamus I was just going to inform you that you would be taking part in the web show this week.
Sheamus-Web show? I don’t care about a web show. Whoever I face will just be an example of what I do to Val Venis on my way to becoming the best champion in GWA history.

Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall!

Sting’s Theme

Roberts-Introducing first, from Venice Beach, California…“THE ICON” STING!

Grisham-As we saw earlier Bret Hart placed Sting in a match here tonight. And does Sting look ready or what Matt.
Striker-Sting is in a wrestling zone, you know as well as I do Todd is that Sting is ready to compete, no matter who the challenger is.

Mike Knox’s Theme

Roberts-And his opponent from Phoenix, Arizona…MIKE KNOX!

Grisham-And here is the GWA debut of Mike Knox. Knox is going to have some tough work here, making his debut against a legend like Sting
Striker-The Bearded Assassin, the Outlaw, Mike Knox. Knox is big, strong, and most importantly he is smart. Knox is not going to let Sting’s legendary status affect him. If Knox wants to make a name for himself, then right now is the time to start.

Match Description/Result
Jack Doan rings the bell and the match is underway. Sting locks up with Knox, but Knox shoves him to the ground. Sting gets up as Knox is charging him and Sting moves out of the way and Knox flies over the top rope. Sting rolls outside and gets right onto the offensive. Sting slams Knox’s head onto the announce table and throws him into the ring. Sting follows and lifts Knox and throws him into the corner. Sting runs and goes for the Stinger Splash, but Knox catches him midair and slams him onto the mat. Knox shakes off the cobwebs as Sting gets to his feet. Knox runs across the ropes and nails Sting with a flying crossbody.

Grisham-What a crossbody from the big man!
Striker-Can you imagine the force behind that? A man of 6’6’’ coming at you full speed and crashing into you. A crossbody is painful coming from an average size man, but a man the size of Knox could do some damage to your insides.

Knox lifts Sting up and throws him into the corner. Knox charges, but Sting greets him with a huge boot. Sting climbs the ropes and nails Knox with a flying elbow. Sting has Knox down and tries the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting gets him turned over and Knox tries to crawl towards the ropes as he screams. Knox won’t tape as Doan keeps asking. From out of nowhere Ezekiel Jackson gets into the ring and boots Sting in the head. Doan rings the bell.

Roberts-The winner of the match, by disqualification…STING!

Grisham-What the hell is Ezekiel Jackson doing out here?
Striker-I don’t know Todd, why don’t you go ask him?
Grisham-I’ll pass on that request.

Zeke continues his onslaught of Sting with a huge splash in the corner. Sting is holding his ribs as Zeke sets Sting up for the Book of Ezekiel (Ur-nage Slam). Zeke lifts Sting up and drops him on the back of his head. Knox is up and just stares at Zeke. Knox lifts Sting up and drops him with the Knox Out. Doan yells for help as Zeke and Knox leave together, as Sting lays motionless in the ring.


Christian-Well look who it is.
Edge-Christian, long time no talk.
Christian-I’ll say brother. How bout that win last week?
Edge-Usually I’d be fine with it, but for some reason it isn’t settling with me that well. You know how Undertaker is, he always comes back from this weird things.
Christian-I don’t think you have to worry man, you saw what Hart and his goonies did him.
Edge-Yeah, you’re right. We should go out and celebrate. Neither of us are on the card.
Christian-Right on man, lets hit the town. And you know what we should do. *whispers in Edge’s ear*.
Edge (smiling)-That’s brilliant dude. Next week we’ll drop the news.

Grisham-I will definitely be looking forward to this news bit that Edge and Christian have planned for us. But up next Matt it is time for our MAAAAAAAIN EEEEEEEVENT!

Roberts-This is our main event for this evening and it is for the GWA GLOBAL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!

Hardy Boyz’s Theme

Roberts-Introducing first, from Cameron, North Carolina, Matt and Jeff…THE HARDY BOYZ!

Grisham-Can you hear me Matt, CAN YOU HEAR ME!?
Striker-Barely Todd, just barely. Could these fans be any louder? The Hardy Boyz, Team Xtreme, the brothers with no fear, the Hardy Boyz are back and are on the quest to become the first Global Tag Team Champions!

Hart Dynasty’s Theme

Roberts-And their opponents, accompanied by Natalya, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith…THE HART DYNASTY!

Grisham-Could the reactions be any more different Matt? These people of Philadelphia are not found of the young Hart dungeon members.
Striker-I don’t know why they aren’t giving these kids respect. Led by “The Anvilette” Natalya, the Hart Dynasty is looking to show the world just what they have.

Match Description/Result
Mike Chioda rings the bell and the match is underway. Kidd and Matt start off. Kidd wants a handshake. Matt looks weary of it, but shakes anyways only for Kidd to kick him in the midsection and DDT to him to the mat. Kidd goes for the quick cover.


Kidd keeps Matt grounded as he rubs his elbow into the bridge of Matt’s nose. Kidd stands up and kicks Matt in the side of the head and goes for another quick cover.


Kidd is frustrated as he lifts Matt up. Matt is woozy and Kidd runs across the ropes and heads straight towards Hardy. Matt counters the attack with a hip toss and then takes Kidd down with a clothesline. Kidd hops right back up and chargers Matt, who takes him down with a back body drop. Matt stalks Kidd, as Kidd gets to his feet. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Kidd pushes off and rolls to the outside. Kidd heads over to Natalya and regroups. DH Smith joins in.

Grisham-What could they be talking about Matt?
Striker-Well if I had to venture a guess Grish, they are trying to regroup and rethink their previous strategy of attacking quick. We know what the Hart Dynasty is capable of in the ring, but you can’t underestimate the Hardys one bit. These guys can attack from all angles and the Hart Dynasty is making sure they are on the same page here and don’t let the Hardys thrill their way to a victory.

Kidd hops on the apron after the discussion and yells to Chioda to get Matt away from the ropes. Chioda backs Hardy up and Kidd goes to get in. Hardy goes towards him and Kidd is back on the apron, again yelling at Chioda. Chioda holds Hardy back and Kidd hops back into the ring. Chioda signals for the match to get back on and Kidd and Matt lock up. Kidd gains control and gets Hardy in a headlock. Kidd yells at the fans, but Matt pushes Kidd out of the headlock and Kidd runs right into the fist of Jeff Hardy. Matt runs over and makes the tag. The crowd erupts as Jeff Hardy enters the ring. Jeff greets Kidd with another right and then runs over and knocks DH Smith off the apron. Smith tries to hop into the ring, but Natalya holds him back. Kidd runs at Jeff, but Jeff ducks out of the way and Kidd collides with the corner, chest first. Jeff goes for the rollup, but Natalya distracts the referee Chioda. DH Smith takes advantage and pulls Hardy out and nails him with a huge lariat on the outside. Matt runs over and Smith backs away. Chioda sends Matt back to his corner, as DH Smith rolls Jeff back into the ring. Kidd lifts Jeff up and sets him into the corner and nails him with an elbow shot. Kidd makes the tag into DH Smith. Smith gets in and he whips Kidd right into Hardy. Smith follows and takes Jeff out with a body splash. Smith drags Hardy to away from the ropes and goes for the cover.


Chioda yells at Matt to get out of the ring. With Chioda wrapped up with Matt, the Hart Dynasty double teams Hardy in the corner. Matt leaves the ring and the HD denies the double team, as DH Smith gets back onto the offensive. Smith throws Hardy to the ground out of the corner and heads to the middle rope, where he drops an elbow onto Jeff and goes for the cover.


Smith yells at Chioda that it was three, but Chioda holds up two fingers. Smith signals it is over for Jeff. He lifts him up and goes for a running powerslam, but Jeff slides off and pushes Smith into the corner. Smith turns around and goes to clothesline Jeff, but Jeff ducks and nails Smith with the Whisper in the Wind. Both men are down.

Grisham-Jeff Hardy can change the course of a match in a matter of seconds. A Whisper in the Wind out of nowhere and the Hardys are back in this.
Striker-Jeff really needs to make the tag into his brother Matt. Hardys need the tag here more than the Hart Dynasty.
Grisham-And Smith makes the tag into Kidd and YES! Jeff tags in Matt. Listen to this ovation.

Matt enters the ring and takes Kidd down with a handful of lefts and rights. Matt runs across the ropes and takes Kidd down with an elbow. Hardy again runs off the ropes, Kidd is up and he leapfrogs Hardy. Hardy runs across and Kidd goes for a dropkick, but Matt hangs onto the ropes. DH Smith goes to blindside Hardy, but he ducks and Matt hits him with a huge right and knocks him off the apron. Kidd storms over at Hardy, but Matt back body drops him over. Kidd somehow lands on the apron. Kidd goes for a punch but Hardy ducks and punches him. Kidd stays on the apron. Hardy runs at Kidd, but Kidd counters and nails Matt with a knee to the head. Kidd springboards off the ropes and nails Matt with a clothesline. Kidd signals it is over, but is taken out by Jeff. Kidd and Smith gather on the outside, when out of nowhere Jeff Hardy flips over the top rope and crashes down onto the Hart Dynasty. Natalya checks on her boys, as them and Jeff Hardy are all down on the outside and Matt Hardy is out cold on the inside.

Grisham-The action is insane here. Which team will capitalize and become the Global Tag Team champs? Find out after the commercial break!


Grisham-Welcome back everyone, during the break the Hardys kept the match in the favor and Matt Hardy right now is going to town on David Hart Smith.

Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate, but Smith pushes him out. Smith runs for a big boot, but Matt ducks and hits the Sideffect on Smith. Matt starts to pump up the crowd as Jeff claps along. Matt climbs to the middle rope and does his trademark leg drop. He goes for the cover.


Jeff tries to get involved, but is held back by Chioda. Matt senses the end for Smith. Smith gets up and is greeted with a boot to the midsection. Matt again tries the Twist of Fate, but this time Smith shoves him off right into Mike Chioda, who falls to the outside. Matt looks outside to see if he is alright and Jeff goes to check on him. From behind Smith nails Hardy with a low blow. Smith beats away on Matt and Kidd joins in on the attack. Jeff makes the save and him and Kidd battle it out on the outside. Matt is starting a comeback and nails Smith with the Twist of Fate. He goes for the cover, but the ref is still down. Matt runs out to get the ref up. Natalya in the meantime throws one of the championship belts in the ring to David Hart Smith. Matt shakes the ref around and heads back into the ring. Matt goes to lift Smith, but Smith clocks him right in the face with the title.

Grisham-The Hart Dynasty is going to steal this one Matt.
Striker-The ref is down Todd, this is all fair game.

On the outside Jeff is taking care of Tyson Kidd. Natalya jumps on Jeff’s back. Jeff tries to get her off, but Kidd nails Jeff with the title, which David Hart Smith threw out for him to use. Kidd drops the belt and gets on the apron, while Smith sets Matt up for the Springboard Hart Attack. Matt is set up and Kidd springboards off the ropes and nails him. Hardy crashes to the canvas and Smith goes for the cover. Kidd roles Chioda into the ring and is slow to count.


Roberts-The winners of the match by pinfall and NEW GWA Global Tag Team champions...THE HART DYNASTY!

The Hart Dynasty grab their new titles as they celebrate their way up the entrance ramp to major heat from the audience.

Grisham-I don’t believe it. Just like their mentor Bret Hart, they do something undeserving.
Striker-What are you talking about Todd? They came out and put everything on the line and are now the well deserved GWA Global Tag Team champions. Kudos to the young kids from Calgary.
Grisham-They just screwed the Hardys, how can you...
Striker-The Hardys already had their time on top. Now it is time for DH Smith and Tyson Kidd along with the beautiful and powerful Natalya to rule supreme over the tag team division.
Grisham-No matter how you try and convince me, I’m not convinced this is a deserving title win. Thank you all for joining us here for another exciting and controversial episode of Monday Night Catastrophe, for Matt Striker, I’m Todd Grisham, we shall see you all next week!

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