I've Decided to Book My Own TNA iMPACT! Show. What Do You Think?


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
I’m very bored. I want TNA to succeed, because I like wrestling. I like that old school feeling that they brought to the table before Hogan came in. They need to get back to the basics. I want to book a show to subside my boredom. Let me know what you think. If this is the wrong place to put this, please move it…but hopefully not to the trash.

Monday on Impact after Lockdown. AJ Styles won with heel tactics to retain the title over The Pope.

Opening Segment: (AJ Styles’ Music Hits and he comes out with a serious look on his face)
AJ Promo: I came out here to talk about something, and I’m going to get straight to the point. My association with Ric Flair has ruined my career, and has ruined my life! I struggled to get to where I am. I worked hard, every single day. Now I resort to the cheap way to get things. Taking short cuts, and not working hard. Look at me! Coming out here dancing and looking like a fool…Looking like a knock off of YOU RIC FLAIR! I can’t hide it anymore. This isn’t me. This isn’t what I’m about. This isn’t why I came into this business. I’m ashamed of my behavior these last 3 months. Flair, get your ass out here so I can put my foot in it and take my career back! I am the TNA World Champion. The best there is in this business and you are slowly taking that away from me just to put YOURSELF back in the spotlight.

Flairs Music hits as he comes out alone.

Flair: AJ do you know who you are talking to? Do you realize who the hell I am! I am the 16 time world champion. The greatest man that has ever lived on this planet. I am an icon, and I am a God! You need to bow down and kiss my feet right now! Don’t you ever disrespect me, because you were nothing before you met me. I was making you a star. No one cares about AJ Styles. You’re just some redneck who can do some fancy moves. You’re no star. I am the star!…I am the WOOOOOO Nature Boy! (Slaps AJ across the face)

AJ pauses as Flair realizes what he’s done as he backs down and cowers. AJ grabs hold of his collar as if to punch him as Flair tries to beg him off. He looks to the crowd for approval and then pulls him to the center of the ring for a Styles Clash. He signals to the fans and Robert Roode (James Storm is written off for this show due to kayfabe injuries during Lockdown against team Hogan) comes out and attacks. Beat down ensues which is broken up by security.

(Commercial Break)

Tenay/Taz: Tonight’s Main Event. Triple Threat #1 Contender’s match tonight for AJ’s Title at the next PPV. Mr. Anderson vs. RVD vs. Jeff Hardy

Match 1: Global Championship. Magnus vs. Rob Terry (c)
Magnus out first with promo: Terry’s win over me at Destination X was a fluke. I wasn’t prepared, and I was under the weather. Tonight I’m going to take that Global Title from that big ugly freak and turn him back into a lackey for the British Invasion…like he rightfully should. Come out here you stupid bloke.

Terry Dominates. Finish comes when Magnus tries to hit Terry with the title to get the upper hand but Terry ducks and hits him with the chokeslam finisher.

(Recap is shown of Matt Morgan’s confrontation with Hernandez which put Hernandez out)

Matt Morgan Promo: Take a look at your TNA World Tag Team Champion. The Blueprint Matt Morgan. What a great specimen of genetic beauty I am. You people love to see me, because I look how you wish you could look. I act, how you wish you could act. I do, what you wish you could. With that big flying heap of Mexican trash off of my back…I can only go to the top now. You see Hernandez was a thorn in my side. I never wanted to team with him. TNA Management teamed me with him. He is an idiot, and he doesn’t know how to work in a team. He will never go anywhere in life because he doesn’t know how to function in a team. But me? I do. That’s why I’m the champion. That’s why I am a winner. And that’s why Hernandez is out! (Homicide’s music hits)

Homicide: What’s really good Matt Morgan! You think you’re some kind of a tough guy don’t you. You think you’re so cool don’t you. Well I’m going to show you how we get down holmes. I’m going to show you what’s really good in the hood these days esay. You see I don’t have much going on right now, and neither do you. But me and my partner, want a shot at those tag titles because you need to come up off those pronto holmes. I was in the back with Hogan, and he said those need to be defended at the PPV whether you have a partner or not, and he said that if I beat you in a 1-on-1 match tonight, then me and my partner get a shot at those TNA World Tag Team Championships baby boy! And you know what? That match starts right now!


Homicide’s music hits as he continues down the ramp and a ref comes to the ring. Match ensues with Morgan dominating. Finish comes when Hernandez makes his return and comes down the ramp and surprises Morgan. A distracted Morgan then gets clipped and rolled up by Homicide for the win.

After match Promo by Homicide: Oh yeah, and let me introduce you to my tag team partner…Super Mex Hernandez. Morgan goes for the cheap shot on Hernandez with the reformed LAX getting the upper hand and Morgan escaping up the entrance way. LAX poses for the crowd.


Match 3: Knockouts Title Match
Angelina Love (c) vs. Hamada

Ends in no-contest with The Beautiful People interfere during match and beat down Love and Hamada. Beautiful People pose as we cut to the next segment.

Backstage Christy Hemme Interviews Flair/Roode.

Flair: AJ you made the biggest mistake of your entire pathetic worthless life. You never turn your back on the Nature Boy. Now, you are going to suffer as long as you are here in the company! Not a day will go by where you regret turning your back on the Woooooo Nature Boy Ric Flair!
Roode: AJ you were going somewhere. But now your ass is going to take a back seat. You think you know more than the Legend Ric Flair? You think that you can navigate your way through this cut throat business by yourself? You think Ric Flair is going to be worse off without you? No….you’re going to be worse off without him! That’s the difference between you and I. You don’t know a good thing when it slaps you upside the head. But I do! I recognize an opportunity. Flair is giving me an opportunity right now. You know what else he’s helped me get? I will be in the main event tonight, so that triple threat, is now a fatal 4 way….and I’m going to WIN IT. Then I’m going to face you and take your precious title, and wear it and represent it like a real man should. AJ sometimes you just gotta realize that, it pays to be Roode.


Tenay/Taz: Announcers now plug the Fatal 4-Way Main Event between Anderson, Roode, RVD, and Jeff Hardy

Match 4: Kaz and Shannon Moore vs. Douglas Williams and Brian Kendrick
Kaz and Moore get the win then stare each other down at the end of the match insinuating both having a desire to become X-Division Champion.

Segment: Samoa Joe shown in a padded room tied up and sweating. Masked men enter the room as Joe screams and shouts with anger, frustration, and some fear in his voice.

Cut back to the announcers selling the incident as a real kidnapping, and expressing extreme concern over the scenario. We cut to Dixie looking at the footage and organizing with Hogan, Bischoff, and others in a shoot style meeting talking about the seriousness of Joe being kidnapped. Dixie and TNA Management talk about involving the authorities to try to find Samoa Joe and will prosecute the perpetrators to the full extent of the law. (They have not sold this kidnapping angle one bit on actual TV and this is turning out to be a huge fail in my book. They don’t even mention it.)

Orlando Jordan is shown in the ring crying. Shoot style promo: Over the past couple of weeks, I have done nothing but make an ass of myself. I wanted to come out here and try something different. I wanted to draw attention to myself. All I did was go over the top and make people despise me. That’s not who I am. I am not about filth. I am not about expressing sexuality in a negative and degrading way. I apologize if I offended anyone. I just want to ask for forgiveness of the fans for exhibiting inappropriate behavior on television. My family is ashamed of me, and I just wants to get back to doing what I love, and that’s being a wrestler. That’s not the person I am. I am an entertainer. I just hope that I can move past this and show what I really can do out here, because I have worked so hard to get where I am. Whether you accept me or not, is not what I’m looking for right now, but I just want to come out and compete and be the best I can be….Thank you.

(Jordan waves to the fans wiping away tears as Desmond Wolfe comes out of the crowd and attacks with a lead pipe, busting Jordan open). He then proceeds to do to the Tower of London finisher. Wolfe Promo: You disgust me Jordan! You are a disgrace to this industry and you don’t belong here. These people don’t want to forgive you. You are pathetic, coming out here and begging for forgiveness from these wanker degenerates. They’re going to go home and do all types of evil things, yet you’re here crying to them like a little bitch. If you’re smart you’ll leave TNA forever. If you choose not to, I will just have to end your career!

(Wolfe’s music hits as he leaves. Medics come out to help Jordan to the back)


JB shown in the back interviewing AJ Styles.

JB: AJ Styles what do you have to say about the attacks from Flair and Roode earlier in the night, and what do you any comments on tonights main event?
AJ: JB let me tell you one thing and one thing only. Robert Roode aligned with the wrong guy, and is going up against the wrong person. He picked the wrong time to pick a big fight. Now I don’t give a damn what they think about me, or what they have to say, but I’m going to stick to my guns and do what I feel is right for me and what’s right for this business. Now last night, I took a shortcut to retain my title. My redemption and cleansing from that slime that is Ric Flair starts next week Live on Impact, when I give The Pope a rematch and a shot at the TNA World Title. No gimmicks, no interference, just one on one, and may the best man win. That’s how I’m getting down here in TNA now. As for tonights match, I really don’t care who wins, but whoever does, better know that I am going to still be world champ when its all said and done, and they are going to have a HELL of a mountain to climb, if they want to take this title off of my waist.

Main Event: AJ Styles on commentary with Tenay/Taz

Robert Roode vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy vs. RVD.

Robert Roode wins and becomes the #1 contender for the title at the PPV. Finish comes when Anderson hits the Mic Check on Hardy, as he goes for the pin RVD hits the 5 star frog splash on both men. As RVD sells the initial impact Roode comes in and hits his finisher on RVD for the win.

Show closes with Roode staring down AJ at the announcer’s table.

Ok, that’s the end of my iMPACT. No Bischoff, no Hogan, no Wolfpac, very little nonsense, and there is a lot of wrestling with a nice blend of promos. A lot of what goes on now is completely unnecessary. My post seems like a simple show to me, and it covers a lot of bases. I think these are the little things that TNA is missing. I had fun typing this up and I hope you had fun reading it. Let’s discuss it, because I can’t watch iMPACT in its current state, but if this stuff went on…I would definitely watch. Would you watch if what I just typed up actually happened?
It's really weird that you posted a show on here to see what people think. I actually wrote one myself on tues. I love TNA , but they just need to get their booking to come together and tighter. I like the sounds of your show. Like mine it would tell a better story, and keep it interesting and have some good wrestling.
I rolled my eyes when I saw the headline but I actually like that. Roode would make a great pairing with Flair and I always thought Roode belonged in the main event picture. Roode has enough personality that he would be himself too and not emulate Flair. Only thing missing is Sting. That guy needs to explain himself already.

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