Theo presents: Monday Night Raw (post WMXXVII)

***Ancient Spirit***

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Mexico City, Mexico he is the WWE United States Champion…SIN CARA!

The US champ comes out to an excellent pop from the Portland faithful. Cole again sticks to downgrading Sin Cara as US champ because he isn’t American. King doesn’t care and believes Sin Cara is the most exciting star in the WWE. Cole doesn’t seem to care as he states that this match was made during the last commercial break and it is a rematch from Over the Limit last night.



Justin Roberts-And his opponent accompanied by Vickie Guerrero. From Hollywood, Florida….DOLPH ZIGGLER!

Ziggler and Guerrero come out and they are still arguing over what happened backstage earlier in the show. Cole and King comment on the tension between the two with King stating Guerrero is the problem for Ziggler and Cole saying if they can patch things up they could be the WWE’s ultimate power duo.

While this may be the fourth match in the installment of Ziggler vs. Sin Cara many backstage believe the two are bringing relevance back to the US Championship and feel that each match they have produced has been different than the others before it. This match was no different. Early on saw Ziggler in complete control as it looks like he finally has his head in the game and a win over the US Champ could get him another title match in the future. Ziggler is no idiot as he works on the head and neck of Sin Cara throughout the match as Sin Cara is still feeling the effects of the concussion sustained on May 16th, even though he is medically cleared to fight. Sin Cara starts to make a comeback though midway through the match as Ziggler makes a mistake and goes for a splash in the corner that results in him eating Sin Cara’s knees. Sin Cara gets his high flying and crowd pleasing offense going as he hits a quick hurricanrana on Ziggler. Ziggler hops right to his feet but Sin Cara takes him down with a beautiful arm drag rivaling that of Ricky Steamboat. Ziggler again is right to his feet and that may have been a mistake as he eats a dropkick that knocks him to the outside. Sin Cara goes to fly but Ziggler rolls out of the way. Sin Cara however bounced off the ropes in a fake that clearly got Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler finally reenters the ring and him and Sin Cara are back at square one. They lock up with Ziggler gaining the edge following a knee to the midsection. Ziggler runs off the ropes and Sin Cara ducks, but Ziggler counters with a sunset flip. However Sin Cara rolls through the pinning predicament and kicks Ziggler right in the jaw and makes the cover.


Ziggler just gets his shoulder up as Sin Cara stays on the offensive. He lifts Ziggler up and whips him into the nearest corner. Sin Cara charges and jumps up to the middle rope and monkey flips Ziggler halfway across the ring. Vickie tries to cheer on Ziggler, but the US Champ has taken control of the match. Ziggler sits up, but is taken right back down by a seated clothesline from the masked sensation. Sin Cara is feeling it as the crowd is completely behind him. Cara lifts up his opponent and places him on the top ropes. Sin Cara looks to be setting him up for his finisher, Spanish Fly (Moonsault side slam). However Ziggler kicks away at Sin Cara before he can make his way up the ropes. Ziggler then flies from the top and nails the Namedropper (Fameasser). Vickie tries to get behind her man as both stars are down at this point. Ziggler is feeling the effects of Sin Cara’s offense and Sin Cara is rolling around grasping at his injured head following the top rope assault from Ziggler. Both men finally get to their feet and start splitting rights. Ziggler falls to a knee after each shot and after the fifth shot from Sin Cara, the champ goes for a hurricanrana on the kneeling Ziggler. However Ziggler counters by hanging onto the masked star and throws him into the closest turnbuckle. Sin Cara folds and falls after connecting spine first with the corner. Ziggler falls to his knees in hope to catch a breather. Ziggler finally crawls over to Sin Cara and props him up in the corner. Ziggler takes a few steps back before turning around and charging at the champ. Ziggler goes for that patented corner splash, but Sin Cara rolls out of the way and Ziggler crashes into the corner. Sin Cara quickly rolls up Ziggler.


Ziggler just manages to kick out as Sin Cara instantly goes for a kick to the head that Ziggler ducks out of the way and rolls up Sin Cara.


The masked sensation kicks out just in time as Ziggler nearly pulled off the victory. The two men are now trading blows as Vickie steps up onto the apron to give the ref a piece of her mind. Ziggler has no idea as he goes to Irish whip Sin Cara, who reverses it and sends Ziggler towards his business associate. Ziggler stops just in time as he and Vickie share a view words with each other. Clearly the tension between the two is still there. Ziggler is unaware that behind him Sin Cara is on the apron ready to springboard in. Ziggler turns and the US Champ springboards off the ropes and plants Ziggler with a DDT that nearly puts Ziggler into a handstand. Sin Cara rolls him up for the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…SIN CARA!

Sin Cara rolls out of the ring as his US championship is handed to him. Vickie throws a hissy fit on the outside as Ziggler is beginning to come to in the ring. Cole and King comment on the tension that still exists between Vickie and Ziggler and how it is beginning to affect Ziggler’s performance. The last image we see before cutting to commercial is Ziggler glaring outside at Vickie Guerrero, who is just as frustrated as her client.



I Came To Play***

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Cleveland, Ohio he is the WWE Champion…THE MIZ!

It is main event time as the WWE champion, The Miz heads out to the ring. Miz has the championship draped over his shoulders as he is still wearing the white and gold trunks from last night’s Over the Limit event. Miz, to the surprise of King looks ready and confident tonight. Cole proclaims Miz’s awesomeness and stands by the champion as he has an uphill battle on the way to Capitol Punishment.


This Fire Burns***

Justin Roberts-And his opponent, from Cotati, California…TYLER REKS!

CM Punk’s music hits and out comes the anti-hero in just a t-shirt and his wrestling gear from earlier tonight. Joining him is the first of his henchmen to battle The Miz, Tyler Reks. Reks has a sleeveless vest on and trunks very similar to CM Punk’s. In the stars of the trunks is each letter of Reks last name. Punk massages the shoulders of the Dreadlocked Demolition Machine as Reks flings off his jacket and shouts as he makes his way to the ring. Punk heads backstage and lets his man do his thing.

Senior official, Mike Chioda is the referee for this main event contest. Miz pulls up and down on the ropes as he is the fan favorite here as a nice Miz is awesome chant hits the Rose Garden. Chioda rings the bell and we are underway. Miz stays in place as Reks makes his way towards the champ. Miz bounces around and Reks attacks, but Miz dodges and Reks eats the corner. Miz turns his opponent around and lays in the natural lefts connecting each shot to the jaw of Reks. Miz is fired up as he pulls Reks out of the corner and whips him into the ropes. Reks bounces back and Miz nails a back elbow, taking the big man down. Miz is bouncing around as Reks tries to get to his feet. Miz looks to put this away early as he goes for a Skull Crushing Finale, but Reks blocks it and hits Miz with a snapmare. Reks backs up and then boots Miz right into the back of the head. Reks goes for a quick cover on the champion.


Miz is showing some tenacity as he kicked out immediately. Reks lifts the champ back up and nails a clubbing blow to the back of the neck that drops Miz to his knees. Reks bounces off the ropes and goes for a knee to the temple, but Miz rolls out of the way and rolls a staggering Reks up for a pinfall.


The surprise pin attempt nearly caught Reks off guard, but the big man managed just to kick out. Both men are up and Reks goes for a huge right that Miz blocks and then Miz spits off a series of lefts that has Reks stumbling back into the ropes. Miz steps back and clotheslines the big man over the top rope and to the floor below. The champ doesn’t give Chioda any time to warn him as he jumps right outside and grabs Reks and throws him into the barricade. Miz starts wailing left hands and Reks falls into a seated position. Miz rolls back in the ring to break the count as he rolls back outside. Miz heads towards Reks, but the big man grabs Miz by the tights and slams him face first into the barricade. Reks looks to have the advantage now as he grabs onto Miz and rams him back first into the barricade three separate occasions. Reks doesn’t stop there as now and slams Miz face first into the steel post and rolls him back into the ring. Reks has some words with Chioda before covering the wounded champion.


Reks rolls Miz over onto his side following the kickout and drives his knee in with such force that Miz is nearly in tears. The champion screeches in pain as Reks continues to drive in the knees and pauses after each shot. Reks finally stops the assault as he grabs Miz by the head and lifts him up and drives him into the corner. Reks steps back a few steps and then charges at Miz and nails a huge splash in the corner. Miz falls into a seated position as Reks admires his work. We cut to half screen as CM Punk watches on with The Voiceless as they are clearly impressed with Reks’s performance thus far. Miz still seated, Reks charges again and nails a huge shot with his thigh that sends Miz’s head snapping back into the turnbuckle. Reks pauses as the crowd gives him some heat for his doings as he pulls Miz out from the corner and covers him.


The Miz just manages to get his shoulder up, much to Reks’s liking. Reks yells for Miz to stay down as he drives a series boots into the solar plexus of the champion. Miz is in serious pain as he grasps at his sides and rolls around as Reks shouts out at the crowd. Reks turns around, shifting his focus back onto his competitor as he goes to lift up Miz. However the champ seems to be playing possum and locks in a small package.


Again the surprise pinfall nearly got Reks as he gets right up and kicks Miz square in the face. Reks continues his verbal assault on the fans and Mike Chioda as Miz tries to pull himself to his feet. Reks gets back on the attack as he hits Miz with an axe handle to the back, knocking the champion back down. Reks lifts up the Miz and looks to hit a belly to back suplex, but Miz blocks and counters with some elbow shots to the head that send Reks staggering back. Miz looks to be gaining some offense as he bounces off the ropes, but Reks nearly takes his head off with a wicked big boot and immediately follows that up with a cover.


Miz again kicks out and Reks is clearly frustrated. The big man lifts the champ up and shoves Miz into the corner. Reks charges for another corner splash but Miz ducks out of the way and Reks crashes. Miz pulls himself and turns Reks around and in something reminiscent of the beginning of the match Miz hammers away a series of left hands that has Reks woozy. Miz backs up and shouts out awesome as he charges at Reks and nails his patented corner clothesline. Reks falls to the ground as Miz sits in between the ropes with his game face on. Reks is crawling towards the middle of the ring as Miz approaches the kneeling superstar. Miz locks Reks up and drops him with a snap DDT as Reks’s dreads fly in the air after the landing. Miz rolls him over for the cover.


Reks barely gets his shoulder up as Miz is hot and ready. The two count that would have usually irritated the champion is the least of his concerns as Reks starts to get to his feet. Miz bounces off the ropes and nails a running knee lift and immediately drops Reks with a neckbreaker to follow. The Miz is taking a page out of his early days as he connects beautifully with the Reality Check. Miz now bounces around the ring as he looks to finish him off, but is distracted out of the corner of his eye as Mason Ryan jumps onto the apron. Miz shifts his focus and goes after the Welshman, but Ryan dives off the apron as he and Miz have a verbal spat. Miz is unaware that Reks is up and waiting. Miz turns and Reks nearly turns him inside out with a clothesline that sends Miz flipping through the air. Reks makes the cover as he is clearly steamed.


Miz gets his shoulder up as the Rose Garden is on his side in what Jerry Lawler refers to as Bizarro Land. Reks is furious as he kicks at the ropes and flails his arms around. He grasps at his long dreads as he runs his hands through them. Ryan is on the outside telling him to finish him off. Reks throws is arms out and shouts that it’s over as he lifts Miz up. Reks gets Miz up on his shoulders and it looks to be time for the Burning Hammer. Reks flings Miz over, but the champ lands on his feet. Reks can’t believe it as he goes for a clothesline in which Miz ducks and Reks is left in perfect position for the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz hits it as Reks face bounces off the canvas and makes the cover.


Chioda calls for the bell as Mason Ryan entered the ring and broke up the pinfall. Ryan is now pounding away at Miz, but the champ starts fighting back. Miz hits some lefts that have the Welshman staggering. Miz is complete control until Ryan nails a spear out of nowhere. CM Punk and Skip Sheffield now make their way to the ring as Ryan lifts Miz up and throws hip to Skip who nails that hellacious clothesline. Punk has a sadistic smile on his face as he orders his goons to leave the ring. Punk’s words can’t be picked up by the cameras as he mumbles something to Miz. Punk lifts up the champion onto his shoulders as it looks like a GTS is on the way, however the crowd goes up in arms as Kofi Kingston comes bolting down the entrance ramp. Punk throws Miz off his shoulders, but Kingston is too quick and nails the anti-hero with Trouble in Paradise. Punk goes down and the Voiceless enter. Kingston tries to fight them off as he nails rights and hangs around, but soon the numbers game is too much and eventually Sheffield drills Kingston with the head shattering clothesline. Punk is now up holding at his jaw and licking his chops at the carnage created by the Voiceless. Raw closes as Punk admires the carnage with the thing he wants the most, Miz’s WWE Championship sitting in his lap. Punk has a sadistic smile across his face as the screen fades to black.
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SXEnightmare's Review:

Opening Segment with Punk first off of all theo man you write pretty good promos for punk and this whole segment was really well written intersting to see reks and ryan revealed as the masked men who attacked kofi and miz at over the limit always liked reks so i was really happy to see him here and teasing punk revealing the gm only to use it to his advantage is classic heel punk. also punk vs miz should be good.

Ryder vs McIntyre solid opening match to raw ryder picks up the victory with the rough ryder was hoping drew would win but im a ryder fan also. also drew and damien should be a good heel pro/rookie duo and i was surprised but very happy to see james storm as a rookie good way to bring him into the company and him with ryder might be intersting.

Punk vs A-Ry short but decent match with punk picking up the obvious victory i like how he faced a-ry as hes about the closest thing to the miz in wwe.

Layla vs AJ good match for divas aj picking up a submission victory was a nice surprise personally i prefer her shining wizard finisher but this submission move was refreshing on nxt so i dont mind it. i was expecting khrama to destroy both members of laycool but michelle escaping i liked sense shes 1 of the bigger divas (height wise) so maybe she could be a good person for khrama to go through in her first match.

Kofi,Wade,Miz segment this was intersting with kofi and wade aruging over who should be #1 contender but honestly the best part of this segment was morrison beating the hell out of wade at the end im a bit of morrison mark so i was very happy to see this i look forward to a ppv match (hopefully) between them.

Sin Cara vs Dolph Ziggler honestly i just couldnt get into this match it just didnt grab my attention not sure why sin cara picks up the victory and the problems just get worse for ziggler and vickie looking forward to ziggler being on his own on a side note intersting how vickies rookie is dolphs brother very clever move there.

Miz vs Reks i have 1 word and 1 word only for this match...WOW! i never knew reks had it in him to put on such a good match him and miz put on a very entertaining main event at the end ryan interfears and miz gets saved by kofi only for kofi to get a beatdown.

overall a pretty good raw Theo your 1 of the best match writers ive seen on here everything just flows so good and looking forward to NXT is smackdown part of NXT or just raw? also all the rookies should be fun to watch looking forward to the first show.
GrandSword Review

"FINALLY! Theo's RAW has come back to BT!" Of course no fault of your own my man. Your Raw's are always solid and I don't think I really need to go into all you matches and how they all played out as they were as usal fantastic.

I will though talk about a few points.

1. The fact that CM Punk has the Anon GM's identity is a kayfabe pipe bomb/shoot angle that has brought him straight to the top, and I love it. Punks shoot was amazing and controversial and got everyone talking but I think if you can make the same statement within the relms of kayfabe, give a storyline like the Anon GM a conclusion and a pruprose then you my friend are doing great things. So bravo to you my man!

2. The masked men you could have played a little differently.. such as revealing them over the next week. That way Miz has no idea who he was going to face, and giving the WWE Universe or us haha.. that I can't wait till next week to see who are the voiceless...

3. Ryan and Reks. I'm not too sure about these choices for a couple fo reasons. One they aren't really in the CM Punk mould. I was actually expecting a Colt Cobana or (the Kings of Wrestling) Cesaro and Ohno. This would have debuted some new talent and given them good showing against the Champ to make them staples. Punk talsk about being a wrestler, where Ryan has an amazing look but is quite bad in the ring. However Iam a fan of Reks the Dreadlock Demolition Man, but it just seemed to miss some punch. I guess no one would really know Cesaro or Ohno more than Ryan and Reks, but maybe a Husky Harris would be a good medium...

4. Punk to me throughout all this with having his evil faction brinsg about sympathy for the Miz, which maybe where you are going, but then he comes out and cuts one of his jerk promos and by the end of the show we have no one to cheer because Punk needs Sheffield to get the job done, and then have his men beat up someone we all hate.

I guess what I'm alluding to is I'm not a big fan of heel vs heel. That's how it read to me any ways, and therefore I'm not too sure about this upcoming feud for the title. If Punk wins it gets shifted to just another bad guy. Does that mean no one really gets the rub off beating Miz? Just punk takes the reigns, or will this lead to a Miz face turn, which will creatively will take everything in your bag of tricks Theo to pull off.

Apart from my worries, I loved the matches and of course love your Barrett and Morrison. They are my favourites and I can't wait to read the next part of their feud.


Jam's Review
As I said in Proph's thread, this is me just nit-picking but I think that you should just use one color, preferably red for the font since your doing RAW. But I still don't mind the format, it's easy on the eyes. I do think that you need an opening graphic much like Peep's own so just something to critique about.

The show starts off with Punk and rightfully so after his impact at OTL. Kofi vs. Miz was obviously a filler for bigger things to happen and I like how you did it. I'm not really a fan of Mason Ryan but Sheffield and Reks are two guys I can definitely come around to liking. I really didn't think that there was another way that Punk could be relevant once again but I like that what you've done so far. The dialog from Punk was excellent. Maybe a little more story as to how exactly Punk got the identity of the GM would've been nice but nonetheless, good opening.

Big announcements here with the first two rookies. I still don't approve of McGillicutty being the host of NXT but I guess we'll all have to deal with it. Sandow and Storm being rookies is definitely interesting. NXT looks to be star-studded already. And wow, interesting development here with Vickie having Dolph's brother as a rookie. Loving it!

Kharma is definitely a great addition to the divas division. With Trish, AJ, Laycool, Beth, and Kharma in the division, looks like women's wrestling will mattter in WWE after all. This is the strongest I've seen the divas division, so kudos to you for that Theo.

I was beginning to wonder how Barrett would get on the show. Looks like this feud with Morrison is definitely heating up. I like both guys so hopefully they move up in the card. I was such a fan of Miz before and I'm starting to like him again in this thread. You do a good job of getting things moving without really doing much. Again, kudos for that. The NXT pairings are great! Disappointed with Barrett's rookie though, wish it was Tyler Black or someone else. Aries is my pick to win it all with Storm coming in 2nd and Steamboat probably in 3rd.

Well the main event couldn't have ended clean and that's what happened. Punk really establishes his dominance with his group here. The Voiceless sounds very good to me as far as a name for the group goes. I like Kofi getting involved here as it keeps him relevant. Looks like you're trying to build up Kofi as well just like GCB. Overall, I really liked this episode of RAW. It looks like RAW and SD have a balance in stars. I think that'll change once Cena comes back, when will that be by the way? But anywho, awesome show Theo!
Peep's RAW Review

* I'm really looking forward to reading this again, so let's get to it. We are both steadily moving away from the real WWE at this point, and I can't wait to follow what you have planned. First of all, I'm not too fond of all the different colours and I think the format is a little all over the place, getting rid of the YouTube videos was a good move but more could be done. A perfect way to start off the show was with CM Punk, complete with brand spanking new t-shirt and a pair of new thugs to his entourage. This was such a great promo, maybe your best yet, as just everything clicked. You explained his absence with a killer twist, you backed up why he was getting his shot at the PPV, not on RAW that night, and it was perfectly in character to the heelish Punk. However, I am a little nixed on the new additions to his 'stable'. First, I thought just him and Skip were an awesome duo, they just gelled really, really nicely. I thought it was a good idea to add some people after a bit of thought, to add to his heat, but I'm not sure either Reks or Mason were a good choice. You already have an enforcer type character (probably the best in the WWE in Skip) and maybe having two guys that were excellent wrestlers, and not so good on the microphone, could have fit in a lot better with the Voiceless idea. But that can't take away from this storyline, or this promo, which I am excited for.

* A good little plug for NXT in the opening contest, I would prefer the 'yellow brand' stayed on Tuesdays exclusively to have a distinct difference, but plugging it before it's debut was perfect here. Ryder picks up the win to keep his momentum rolling, over a very game Drew Mac. I like your slow build up for Zack, something the WWE nearly screwed up (and has since screwed up) in the early goings of 2011. I think you like Drew and hopefully you can find a way to make him interesting over on NXT, then maybe bring that new character to RAW soon. He has potential, but his last gimmick was so mind numbing. I'll mention the rookies a bit later. I loved this little segment with Dolph and Vickie, he arrogantly pushed Vickie aside then wanted her back the instant he saw her with another guy (his brother no less!). I would like to see Dolph out on his own soon enough, but you need to develop his character away from cocky heel #125. I didn't get the Superstars graphics here? Were they previews? If so, looking forward to how you book David Otunga! Love this heel Punk, but maybe this could have been later in the show to give us a bit of break from the straight edge star - loved the line about Riley's likeness to his former mentor. Punk dispatches Riley and with a bit of help from Skip, which is perfectly fine. Loved the post match attack, Punk watching safely from the ramp as Skip destroys Riley. Riley would be a good mid card face to build up, I have never read anyone do anything with him.

* I'm interested in this Kane thing now, please don't let it be the mask though! Such a good job in injecting some lift into the diva's division, you have a great champion, and great challengers ready and waiting. In just a month, that's a solid effort. AJ nicks a victory but gets beaten down by LayCool. Kharma looks set to destroy everything in her path, but I hope you keep her and Beth separated for a bit. I wasn't too hot on this segment with Kofi/Barrett/Miz, it was just hard to follow. Kofi was very bland, while Barrett and Miz were spot on. I felt this could have been two segments, but I love that Morrison and Barrett is right back on. Miz was showing a few face tendencies here and I dunno if it will just take time, but it was hard to follow. Now the rookies are revealed, and the graphics are amazing, love how the pros are darked out to let their rookies in the light. Excellent job with the pros and rookies, the only negatives I could see is that McIntyre doesn't fit in with the group, all of the other pros are over and potential superstars, he is just kinda meh. Also, Jackson Andrews is a bit of a dud, while the rest of the rookies are great choices. An excellent choice to get a rematch going here, and Cara rightfully goes over in another awesome match. The frustration between the Vickie and Dolph continues, and while I'm liking Cara's matches as champion, it's hard to have a champion who literally can't speak. It kind of adds to his aura and some of the best mid card champions just went out and put on great matches, and defended their belt week after week. Nothing wrong with that here, you actually built up great chemistry between Ziggler and Cara and some of the spots were awesome in their series. Loved the 'Miz is Awesome' chants to start off the match, showing that they want Miz to prevail over Punk and his cronies, perhaps starting his turn. A bit of a slow paced match, but that just got Miz more over as a fan fav. and he would have had the match done for if it wasn't for Ryan. Hope Mike pins Ryan cleanly next week though, he needs some sort of momentum. Kofi gets involved to keep himself in the picture, and the final image of the show was a very cool image.

Conclusion: Such a great read, everything is just so fun to read about - matches and promos are excellent! I know it is only early days, but I think you need definite sides that the fans can take, as heel vs heel, or even tweener vs tweener would not be fun to an audience. Well done Theo, one of your most entertaining show ever, keep the great stuff coming!
NXT May 31st, 2011 (Spokane Arena in Spokane, Washington)

Scott Stanford-Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the return of NXT here in the great city of Spokane. I am Scott Stanford and making his broadcast debut is none other than the great William Regal. Bill are you ready for some excitement?

William Regal-Indeed I am Scott, I can’t wait to see what these guys bring to the table. And what an opportunity they have, a shot at the WWE championship. What an honor.

Scott Stanford-Lets send it up to our host, former NXT star Michael McGillicutty.

We head to the ring where we see McGillicutty dressed in designer jeans, a t-shirt, and a sports blazer over top. Mic in hand, McGillicutty is ready to kick off the show.

Michael McGillicutty-How awesome is this Spokane? Tonight is the return of NXT and one of these men will get a WWE Championship match at a pay per view of their choice. We embark on what will be a long journey with plenty of ups and downs and only one of these men will receive their lifelong dream of becoming a WWE superstar. Lets bring out those pros and rookies and get them into this ring for a little introduction shall we?

The crowd pops as the rookies followed by their pros make their way to the ring. Here are the pro and rookie combinations as they head to the ring.

Austin Aries (Sin Cara)
Damien Sandow (Drew McIntyre)
James Storm (Zack Ryder)
Jay Lethal (Dolph Ziggler)
Briley Pierce (Vickie Guerrero)
Jackson Andrews (Wade Barrett)
Xavier Woods (Kofi Kingston)
Richie Steamboat (Ric Flair)

All the rookies and pros are in the ring and McGillicutty is ready to speak yet again.

Michael McGillicutty-Before we get any action started I want to give these rookies 60 seconds to introduce themselves and explain why they are the right pick for NXT. The two most impressive superstars, in the pros and my eyes will battle in our main event for a chance at immunity. Immunity can be used at anytime to save a superstar from elimination. There will only be two immunities given out through the season.

McGillicutty looks around before choosing the first victim of introduction, Austin Aries. 60 seconds appears on the titantron and Aries goes.

Austin Aries-When you look around this ring there is one flaw. That being the fact that I, Austin Aries has to work with low talent like this. I am A Double, for God’s sake I’m a freaking rockstar. There isn’t a man in this competition, nay a man in this company with my talent. I got skills on the mic, I got skills in the ring, I got movie star good looks, and the body of a Greek God to boot. Hell some of these punks haven’t even hit puberty yet and I wouldn’t even give them the pleasure to carry my bags let alone wrestle in a WWE ring. There isn’t anything my pro could teach me, so you might as well toss him aside. NXT is going to become the A Double show. Because I’m the greatest man that ever lived.

Aries drops his mic as the time goes off as the crowd boos him pretty heavily and he signals for them to quiet down. McGillicutty picks the mic up and hands it to the next contestant, Xavier Woods.

Xavier Woods-WWE universe, what you see right here is pure excitement. I bring fire to the table every night. I am the X-Factor, I am Xavier Woods. The WWE hasn’t seen excitement until it sees Xavier Woods. I’m the hippest, funnest guy in the world. And under Kofi Kingston’s tutelage I plan on becoming WWE Champion. I’m jacked, got great hair, and I’m going to be the next breakout star. YEAH!

Woods has some time remaining as he hands the mic to McGillicutty and Woods shakes hands with his pro, Kofi Kingston. The crowd is behind Woods as they give him a nice ovation. Next up is Damien Sandow.

Damien Sandow-I am Damien Sandow. I am the Lord of the Ring and with the Chosen One, Drew McIntyre watching my every move it is only a matter of time before the rest of the WWE learns what I possess. I got the look, I’m cool, cocky, and the total package. And when I step into that ring I am a machine, there is no stopping me. So to all these rookies behind me and any pro that ever wants to make the mistake of getting in my way, I reckon you don’t. Because Damien Sandow is here to take your spot on the roster and I’m here to become WWE champion.

The Spokane crowd doesn’t seem to be buying what Sandow is selling as some feint boos can be heard in the distance as McGillicutty selects the next contestant, James Storm.

James Storm-WWE universe I am not your typical superstar. I don’t have the look of a body builder, I don’t have the excitement of a luchador, hell you’d see me walking down the street and think I was just a regular Joe. Well guess what? I am. I love drinking beer, I love having a good time, and I love to enjoy the ride. I’ve traveled the world just trying to make a buck and now I’m finally getting my shot at the big time. I’m determined to win this, not just for myself but for my family. I want to give them the full support they need and set them up for life and winning this competition will do just that. I am Cowboy James Storm and fellas, sorry about your damn luck.

Ryder is excited for his rookie as the timer ends and Storm gives the mic back to McGillicutty. The universe is behind James Storm as they have given him their full support. Next up is Briley Pierce.

Briley Pierce-Ladies please, hold your applause. What we have here is the WWE’s next media superstar. You want to see me on the movie posters. You want me on the magazines. You want my face on everything. I mean, look at these abs.

Briley lifts up his shirt to reveal a toned and sparkling abdominal region. The WWE universe is not impressed, but Briley’s pro Vickie Guerrero is as she rubs her hand up and down the body of Pierce. Ziggler doesn’t seem too fond as he tries to pull his business associate away. Pierce continues to let the time run down as McGillicutty goes for the mic.

Briley Pierce-You’re welcome.

Pierce is nearly booed out of the arena as the Spokane crowd just hates the guy as McGillicutty hands the mic to Jay Lethal.

Jay Lethal-It is playtime baby. Jay Lethal has an open mic. This is my chance to be the star that I dreamed about being. I’ve roamed around the indy scene doing impressions and now it is time for Jay Lethal to be himself. No gimmicks needed. I’m getting the chance to work for the greatest company on earth and the greatest fans in the world. I promised my mother long ago that I’d get her that dream house that she always wanted. Well momma, your baby boy has hit the big time and your house is on its way. After a few Lethal Injections, I will be the last man standing and next breakout star!

Lethal has the crowd behind as he hands the mic to McGillicutty. His pro, Dolph Ziggler doesn’t seem too impressed as he tells Lethal they’ll work on it. Next up is Richie Steamboat, who gets a huge reaction from the fans of Spokane.

Richie Steamboat-I am the son of a hall of famer. I am the son of the dragon. I am going to be living in the shadow of his for my entire career. People will doubt me and say I only got this opportunity because of my last name. Tonight and this day forward I look to prove those people wrong. I look to prove that I am the modern day dragon. I bring that old school technique that my father brought in this ring and I bring the flash as well. I’m confident in my abilities as a performer. I believe I could out wrestle anyone here and if given the chance I will prove that. The Steamboat name is much more famous in the NWA than it is here in the WWE. I look to change that and continue on the Steamboat legacy.

The crowd eats up Steamboat’s introduction as he hands the mic to McGillicutty and shakes hands with his mentor, Ric Flair. A woo rains throughout the arena every time the camera pans towards the returning Nature Boy. McGillicutty hands the mic to the final competitor, Jackson Andrews. However Andrews stands in the middle of the ring, an opposing presence as Barrett snatches the mic from his former Nexus mate.

Wade Barrett-What you see here is an enforcer. A man of intimidating stature and awe inspiring presence. Jackson Andrews stands over 7 feet tall and weighs in at nearly 350 pounds. There isn’t a man on this show who could go toe to toe with this powerhouse. He is to this season of NXT what I was to season one. He is the clear cut winner and in no time he will be battling it out with the WWE Champion when this contest is over. And if I have any say in that matter it will be at Wrestlemania 27, Wade Barrett vs. Jackson Andrews. Mark your calendars and count the days. Because this “competition” was over before it ever even started.

The Spokane faithful are not impressed with Barrett and they give him what may be the most heat of the night.

Michael McGillicutty-Thank you gentlemen. Rookies if you please can leave the ring while the pros and myself discuss what we just heard.

The rookies move out of the ring and make their way up the entrance ramp as the 8 pros and McGillicutty discuss the introduction competition as we head to a commercial break.



Michael McGillicutty-Welcome back to NXT and we have come to a conclusion as to who the two men are who will be battling in our main event for immunity. It will be Austin Aries.

Aries throws his arms in the air and bows to the crowd atop the entrance ramp to some major heat from the Spokane crowd.

Michael McGillicutty-Going up against Richie Steamboat!

The crowd loves the choice of Steamboat as he seems to be the crowd favorite in the early goings here on NXT. Steamboat pumps his fist as Aries watches on with determined eyes.

Scott Stanford-What a main event that is going to be Bill. Richie Steamboat, the Son of the Dragon going up against A Double himself, Austin Aries.

William Regal-It should be a real slobberknocker as JR would put it. I look forward to seeing what these two bring to the table tonight.

Scott Stanford-I couldn’t agree more my friend. Now before we get back to the action lets take a look at one of the rookies on NXT. He is learning from my good buddy, the Long Island Iced Z Zack Ryder. He is Cowboy James Storm.


James Storm-My name is Cowboy James Storm and I’m WWE’s next breakout star. Little known fact about myself, but I was this close to the big time with WCW. I appeared a few times as an enhancement talent and I was hoping to catch my big break, but the WWE swooped in and WCW went under. WWE didn’t give me the chance, but I vowed that I would prove them wrong and one day be a WWE superstar.

Some country western music plays in the background as we see some footage of James Storm performing in the ring.

James Storm-I’m from a little town in Tennessee called Leiper’s Fork. I’m just a small town boy who loves to fight and drink beer. But I know where to draw the lines. I have a little girl and a beautiful wife who I’m doing this for. I want them to live a life that they are deserving of. They are why I go out each and every night and earn my paycheck. This is just my stepping stone to give them the dream life. We’ll never leave that small town living though, cause that’s just how we are. WWE a storm is approaching. Sorry about your damn luck.


Scott Stanford-I can’t wait to see what James Storm has in store for us here on NXT. They are calling him and Ryder the odd couple of the show. Both men are characters and it should be a blast while it lasts.

***End of Days***

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied by Wade Barrett from Houston, Texas…JACKSON ANDREWS!

Scott Stanford-This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Mr. Andrews here in the WWE. He had a brief stint as Tyson Kidd’s bodyguard before Mark Henry took him out. Andrews is returning with revenge on his mind and who better to teach him the ropes than the winner of NXT season 1 Wade Barrett.

William Regal-Excellent point Scott. Barrett is one of the soundest performers in the WWE and he has since come a long way from his days as an NXT rookie. Jackson Andrews is a diamond in the rough sort of prospect. He is a big guy, but lets see how well he uses his size in the ring before we claim him as the next dominate big man in sports entertainment.

Vickie Guerrero-Excuse me! (major heat). I said EXCUSE ME! deafening heat. I would like to introduce to you my rookie and the next breakout star…BRILEY PIERCE!

***I am Perfection***

Scott Stanford-We know one thing about young Briley Pierce and that is that he is completely full of himself. He loves one thing Mr. Regal and that’s his reflection.

Ziggler can be heard in the background saying that this is his music.

Justin King is the official for the first bout here on NXT as Barrett and Vickie watch their rookies from ringside and the bell rings and we are underway. Jackson Andrews is in red tights with a black design across the crotch and black boots with knee pads. Briley Pierce is in black shorts (much like Ziggler) with flamboyant pink and light blue designs splatter across and white boots and black knee pads. The two rookies circle the ring before locking up, but Jackson Andrews just shoves Briley to the mat in a feat of strength. Briley is clearly at a disadvantage as he stands at 6ft 1in compared to the 7ft 1in Andrews. Pierce is going to have to use his mind to defeat the big man. Briley bounces around the ring before sweeping down and locks up Jackson from behind. Andrews isn’t phased as Briley tries to throw him down but is taken down with a series of elbow shots. Briley falls to one knee and Andrews runs off the side ropes and nails a big boot that nearly takes Briley Pierce’s head off. Andrews drags Pierce away from the ropes and makes the cover.


Pierce barely manages to get his shoulder. Vickie is cheering on her protégé on the outside and Wade Barrett watches on methodically. Andrews lifts the young Pierce up in a gorilla press, but Pierce jumps down and kicks the giant in the knee, followed by a Ric Flair like chop block that knocks Jackson Andrews to one knee. Pierce runs off the ropes and kicks Andrews in the head with a flying dropkick. Andrews falls to his back and Pierce crawls for the cover.


Pierce goes flying off Jackson’s chest as he scurries to his feet and jumps onto Andrews back. Pierce tries to put the big man to sleep but Andrews falls back into the corner, crushing Briley in the closest corner. Andrews stumbles out of the corner and turns around and stares at the vulnerable Pierce. Jackson Andrews charges and crushes Pierce in the corner. Pierce comes out of the corner drunkenly and Andrews catches him and drops him with a huge sidewalk slam right into a cover.


Pierce showing some heart manages to get that shoulder up. Andrews lifts Pierce up and puts his huge hand around the neck of Briley. Andrews lifts him for a chokeslam, but Pierce flings himself behind Andrews. Andrews turns around and Pierce nails a rally of right hands that has the giant staggering. Pierce bounces off the ropes and hits a clothesline, but it just has the big man staggering. Pierce bounces off the ropes again and hits another clothesline, same result. Pierce runs off the ropes one more time and hits a dropkick to the knees of Andrews that takes the big man down. Pierce takes advantage of the opportunity and heads to the top rope. Andrews pulls himself back to his feet and Pierce flies, but is caught by the throat courtesy of Jackson Andrews. Andrews lifts Pierce up and drops him with a devastating chokeslam. Andrews puts his foot atop Pierce’s chest and Justin King makes the count.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…JACKSON ANDREWS!

Barrett gets in the ring and shoves Justin King to the side as he raises the hand of his rookie. Guerrero pulls Pierce out of the ring and can be heard chewing him out for his losing effort.

Scott Stanford-What an impressive showing from one Jackson Andrews. He looks as if he is going to be a dominate force here on NXT and with that size I’m not sure nobody can stop him.

William Regal-This Jackson Andrews is the early favorite right now Scott, you have that right. With that size and strength he can be bloody good. How about a tip of the cap for Briley Pierce? All you could ask that kid to do is go out and try his damndest and he did just that here tonight. Vickie Guerrero may not be happy, but this youngster has the guts to come out here and compete. I like that in a young superstar.

Scott Stanford-Before we get to the next challenge lets take an inside look at another rookie, Damien Sandow.


Damien Sandow-I am Damien Sandow and there isn’t a doubt in my mind that I am the next breakout star in the WWE.

Classical music plays in the background as we flash through pictures of Sandow growing up. We now see Sandow in a WWE ring, back in 2006 as Idol Stevens.

Damien Sandow-Set your time machines to 2006. A young man, Idol Stevens was wrestling on Smackdown. That was me. I was for sure that was my break and nothing was going to bring me down. I was immature and it cost me my job and I was heartbroken. I almost gave up on my dream of being a WWE superstar. I moped and I cried, but ya know something told me inside that this wasn’t the end. I worked harder than ever to get recognized. I developed my in ring skill and I took as many independent bookings as possible. I made sure I became an in ring technician and I fully deserved the Lord of the Ring moniker that I have given myself. NXT is only the beginning. I’m older, wiser, better than ever. This is just the beginning of the rise to fame for Damien Sandow.


Michael McGillicutty-We are minutes away from our main event for an immunity between Austin Aries and Richie Steamboat. Before we get to that we have a challenge to complete. The winner of this challenge will receive a huge opportunity. They will get to wrestle one of the WWE’s top superstars right here next week. He is one of the most exciting stars in the business, he is John Morrison!

The crowd cheers in anticipation of Morrison coming to NXT, but pros Dolph Ziggler and Wade Barrett don’t seem to impressed as Dolph twirls his finger around sarcastically and Barrett yawns at the notion.

Michael McGillicutty-This challenge is simple. If you ever watched Gladiators, we will have our competitors on a raised platform and they will be given a giant q-tip. The goal is to knock your opponent off and you’ll be declared the winner. Now lets get started with Jay Lethal and Damien Sandow.

All the rookies are on stage as Lethal and Sandow step up to the platform and are handed their giant q-tips. McGillicutty signals for the bell and we are off. Sandow goes low, but Lethal shows amazing awareness and leaps over the q-tip and lands back on his platform and clocks Sandow right in the back of the head, sending him flying to the protective padding below. McIntyre nearly loses his lid as he can’t believe Sandow lost. Lethal prances around in victory as Ziggler golf claps for his rookie, seemingly unimpressed.

Michael McGillicutty-Sorry Damien, better luck next time. Jay Lethal is moving on. Now lets get James Storm and Austin Aries up here.

Storm gets a nice pop as Ryder fist pumps in the background. Aries nonchalantly makes his way up the platform. McGillicutty signals go and we are ready. Aries is moving around as Storm looks for an entry point. Aries holds up a finger, which confuses Storm and Aries jumps off the platform and applauds Storm. Storm looks on, having no idea what is going on.

Michael McGillicutty-Alright then. James Storm, you’re moving on. Jackson Andrews and Xavier Woods get on up here.

Barrett massages the shoulders of his giant rookie as Xavier Woods gets the crowd behind him. Andrews and Woods get on the platform and McGillicutty gives them the signal. Andrews is pretty unbalanced and Xavier Woods goes to town with shots left and right. Andrews is wobbly and Woods finally connects with a shot to the legs that knocks the big man down. Barrett throws his clipboard down as Xavier Wood flips off the platform in celebration.

Michael McGillicutty-Way to go Xavier. And finally Briley Pierce and Richie Steamboat.

Ric Flair yelps out a giant WOO and the crowd follows suite and cheers on Steamboat. Pierce gets some last minute advice from Vickie, who still seems to be enamored by her rookie. Pierce and Steamboat are set and we are ready. The two move around before Pierce goes for a shot to the head, that Steamboat blocks. Steamboat goes for a shot but Pierce blocks again. The two tangle and split shots, but neither falls off their platform. Vickie yells out at Pierce, who is distracted by Guerrero as she blows him a kiss. Steamboat shrugs his shoulders and nudges Pierce off the platform. Vickie throws a hissy, stating Steamboat cheated as Ziggler calls Pierce a goof in the background.

Michael McGillicutty-And we are set. Lethal and Storm, Woods and Steamboat. Jay and James, you’re up.

Ryder Woo Woo Woo’s as the crowd follows along in which Storm shakes his head at. Ziggler has no advice or words for his rookie as he waves him towards the platform. Both men are set and we are ready to go. Storm goes high, but Lethal blocks. Lethal goes for the midsection, but Storm backs up and keeps his balance avoiding falling off. Storm now goes low, but it is a fake as Lethal jumps in the air. Storm nails Lethal midair with the q-tip and Jay falls to the padding below. James Storm gives a rock on sign to the crowd and Ryder loves it.

Michael McGillicutty-One finalist set in James Storm. Now for his opponent, Richie and Xavier, lets do this.

Woods and Steamboat get on their platforms and get set. McGillicutty gives them the signal and we are ready. The two hit a few light shots early, but neither falls. A let’s go Steamboat chant can be heard slightly in the background and Kofi is cheering on Woods from the stage. Both continue to go back and forth before Woods makes a mistake when Steamboat ducks a headshot and Xavier loses his balance and Steamboat trips him up and knocks him off.

Michael McGillicutty-There we have it. Richie stay put kiddo and James get on up here.

Storm and Steamboat shake hands before McGillicutty signals for them to begin. The two go back and forth and Storm is showing some good maneuvering for a big man on the small platform. Steamboat goes for a headshot, but Storm blocks it and goes for a leg sweep that Steamboat attempts to leap, but grazes the q-tip and falls. However he lands on his platform. As he is trying to get up Aries sneaks behind him and shoves him off the platform and makes a beeline back to the stage. Steamboat is furious, but is held back by the other rookies and McGillicutty.

Michael McGillicutty-I’m sorry Richie, but you have been defeated. So James Storm, congratulations. Next week you will go one on one with John Morrison in our main event.

The crowd is split, as they are disappointed with how Steamboat was defeated, but they are still behind James Storm. Ryder jumps on his rookie’s back and tries to get him to fist pump with him, but Storm is having none of it and Ryder just Woo Woo Woo’s his way up the stage as Storm chuckles.

Scott Stanford-What an opportunity for James Storm next week Mr. Regal. He will face one of the WWE’s hottest rising stars in John Morrison. Storm has a real good chance to make a name for himself.

William Regal-Indeed he does Scott. This will be Storm’s first match in the WWE, so the pressure is going to be immense. Unlike the other rookies though he is facing off against a WWE pro, you have to wonder how Storm is going to handle the pressure. No matter what though, this will tell us just what kind of competitor James Storm is.

***Also sprach Zarathustra***

Flair’s music hits as we are prepared for the main event. Flair tries to calm Steamboat down as we head to our final commercial break of the evening.


Scott Stanford-Welcome back to NXT and as you can see we are ready to start our main event this evening as Austin Aries enters the ring. The arrogance of Aries is through the roof Bill, as he wants nothing to do with his pro Sin Cara.

William Regal-It is rather clear that Aries believe he is above everyone in this competition, including the pros. However until you make it in the WWE, your success elsewhere is irrelevant. If Aries is the star he claims, he should have no problems tonight and the rest of the competition moving forward.

Chad Patton is all set for the main event as Flair is on the apron giving some final words of advice to young Richie Steamboat. Sin Cara tries to communicate with Aries, but Aries nonchalantly walks away and shushes Sin Cara with his finger. The bell rings and we are off. Aries circles the ring as the two men meet in the middle. Aries instantly goes for a leg sweep, but Steamboat backs away and Aries pops right to his feet. Aries loosens his joints with some stretching and again begins to circle the ring. The two youngsters lock up in the middle and Aries throws Steamboat to the mat and points to his head indicating his level of intelligence, which the crowd doesn’t think too highly of. Steamboat rolls right to his feet and charges at Aries, who slides out of the way and guides Steamboat into the ropes. Aries ducks, but Steamboat counters with a huge kick right to the chest. The thud echoes through the arena and Aries backs up holding at his chest. Steamboat flies off the ropes and nails a picture perfect dropkick that sends A Double rolling to the outside. Sin Cara tries to get behind his rookie as he pounds on the mat and Flair watches on impressed with his. Steamboat waves his hands to get the crowd going and he flies to the outside and crashes down atop of Austin Aries. Both men are down on the outside and Aries rolls around and kicks his feet, selling the high risk move from Steamboat. Richie is holding at his ribs as he pulls himself up with the aid of the announce table. Steamboat slowly approaches Aries, but Aries grabs Steamboat by the front of the tights and drives him face first into the steel stairs. Patton breaks his count to warn Aries who throws his hands up claiming to be innocent as he rolls back into the ring. Aries signals for Patton to continue his count as Ric Flair checks on the condition of his rookie. Patton’s count is up to six when Steamboat comes to and rolls back into the ring. Aries pounces right onto his wounded opponent as he levels him with a series of fists right into the temple. Patton again warns Aries, who wags five fingers in front of Patton’s face before pulling Steamboat away from the ropes and covers him.


Aries swings his head and has an “are you serious” look on his face as Patton informs him it was only a two count. Aries goes right back to Steamboat and he locks him in a headlock and wrenches at the neck of the Young Dragon. Steamboat tries and kick out of the headlock, but Aries has it locked to tight. Steamboat again tries, but to no avail. Aries continues to wrench on the neck as he demands Chad Patton ask if he surrenders. Steamboat tells Patton that he won’t quit. Steamboat rolls over hoping to break the hold, but Aries follows with him and is now seated on Steamboat’s back. Steamboat manages to stand up and the look on Aries face is pure shock as Steamboat is up and falls back and crashes atop of Aries, thus breaking the hold. Flair is in an uproar on the outside as he throws his blazer off and starts getting the crowd behind Steamboat. Both men are up to their feet and share rights before Aries nails a knee to the midsection. Aries bounces off the ropes, but is taken down by an arm drag that would make his father proud. Steamboat hops right back up and so does Aries who charges again only to be taken down by another arm drag. This time Steamboat follows through and has Aries in a hammerlock submission. Aries tries to maneuver out, but to no avail. He reaches for Steamboat’s hair, but Richie shakes it off and Patton warns Aries to watch the hair. Aries mouths off at Patton before getting himself on one knee and nailing a shot to the midsection of Steamboat, breaking the hold. Aries hops up to his feet and immediately bounces off the ropes and goes for a flying knee to the temple, but Steamboat slides out of the way and Aries crashes to the mat below. Steamboat quickly attempts an Oklahoma Roll on the grounded Aries.


Aries barely manages to get out of the roll up as Steamboat is right up to his feet. Aries is on all floors as Steamboat bounces off the ropes and nails a sliding dropkick connecting to the side of Aries’ head. The thud echoes through the arena and the momentum knocks Aries out of the ring to the floor below. Sin Cara checks on the condition of his rookie, who is out cold. Steamboat rolls out quickly as Sin Cara backs away and Steamboat puts Aries back in the ring and shoots the half.


Aries manages to get his shoulder up as Steamboat nearly had it. Steamboat lifts Aries up off the mat, but A-Double slyly rolls Steamboat into a small package.


Steamboat quickly kicks out as both men get right to their feet and start splitting elbow shots. The shots stagger each rookie, yet they continue to throw down. Steamboat gains the advantage as he has Aries on jello legs on the ropes. Steamboat takes a page out of his mentor’s book and nails some wicked chops across the chest of Aries in which the crowd (and Flair) “WOO” to. Steamboat whips Aries across the ring and nails a beautiful spinning elbow. Steamboat is feeling it as he heads to the top rope. Steamboat is perched on the top ropes, but Aries rolls out of the ring and becomes face to face with Ric Flair. Aries nonchalantly yelps out a Woo to some wicked heat from the crowd. Flair doesn’t seem impressed by Aries as he says he’ll show him how it’s done. Flair Woo’s and the crowd eats it up. Aries puts his finger to his mouth to shush the WWE Universe. Aries now mocks Ric Flair by doing Flair’s trademark walk. Flair again isn’t impressed and he shows Aries how it’s really done. However this time Aries slaps Flair across the face. Naitch is heated, but is cut off by Steamboat and Patton as Aries runs off into the ring. While Steamboat tries to calm down the Nature Boy, Aries sneaks back outside. Steamboat nor Flair notice as Richie rolls back into the ring. Aries sneaks up behind Flair and nails him with a Ric Flair like chop block to the back of the knee. Flair falls down in pain as Aries points to his brain and Woo’s. Steamboat is now in hot pursuit of Aries who quickly runs back into the ring and as Steamboat enters he jumps him. Aries lays the boots to Steamboat and then nails a picture perfect twisting elbow drop. Aries goes for the cover.


Steamboat just manages to get his shoulder up after the theatrical elbow drop from Aries. Aries decides to go to the top and go high risk, but Steamboat catches him and knocks him down and Aries straddles the top turnbuckle. Steamboat climbs up and the crowd is hot as they pop for the superplex nailed by Steamboat. Aries flops around as Steamboat lays on the mat holding at his back. He is slow to his feet as Aries has finally stop flopping and lays motionless on the canvas. Steamboat pulls himself back up and he points to the top rope and the crowd pops. Young Richie awaits Aries as he stalks him from above. Aries has no idea where he is as he is all over the place once he is on his feet. Steamboat launches himself off the ropes and nails a grade A crossbody right into the pin. The crowd counts, but Chad Patton is distracted by Ric Flair. Flair is livid after the attack from Aries as he throws his jacket into the ring. Patton holds him off as Steamboat tries to calm his mentor. The crowd is iffy about the situation. They seem to love that Flair still has that fire in his belly, but are disappointed that Steamboat had the match won. Flair is still hot as he tries to get in the ring and there is no listening to Steamboat. Flair loses his cool and slaps the young Steamboat across the face. Aries at this point is up and he sneaks behind Steamboat and hits a low blow, but Patton is still with Flair. Steamboat holds at his man region as Aries rolls Steamboat up and hooks the trunks. Flair finally gets down, unaware as to what is going on and Patton makes the count.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match and immunity…AUSTIN ARIES!

Flair finally realized that Aries screwed over Steamboat as he tried to make the save but Aries smartly ducked out of the ring. Aries throws hands up in the air as Sin Cara follows emotionlessly. Aries can be heard shouting that he is the biggest star on the show and tonight he proved it. Flair checks on the condition of Steamboat as he is clearly disappointed in himself more so than his rookie.

Scott Stanford-It looks like A-Double got what he sought after Bill and that was a victory. However Richie Steamboat was no small feat.

William Regal-He really wasn’t Scott, however he still has quite a bit to learn. Aries was the smarter of the two men tonight and that is why he is the one walking out with immunity and not the Young Dragon himself.

Scott Stanford-I’m afraid that is all the time we have tonight ladies and gents. Thank you for joining us for the return of NXT. For my broadcast partner William Regal, I’m Scott Stanford have a great night and we look forward to seeing you right here next week!

The screen fades to black as the last image we see is Ric Flair glaring out at Austin Aries, who is all smiles.
Jam's Review
First of all, just by looking at the pairings, you just know that this show will be great. I'm real interested in the Steamboat/Flair pairing as I'm a fan of Steamboat and believe he can learn a lot from Ric Flair. The show starts with the rookies giving a promo of themselves. From everyone, I think that Steamboat, A Double, and Storm's were the best. I just see instant stars in these guys so I'm glad you have them on board.

Aries and Steamboat in the main event, can't wait for that one! I'll call Aries the winner of this one but it may be too obvious so I'm not that sure. Anyway, Andrews vs. Pierce with Andrews getting the victory. Not really a fan of the big guys but hey, it was still a good matchup. I don't see a future for Andrews but for Pierce, there may be something with Vickie by his side.

Cool first challenge here Theo. I was thinking Pierce would win this one to avenge his earlier loss but that was not the case. Storm winning it excites me. Storm vs. Morrison could be a very interesting matchup and I can't wait to read it. Looks like the early favorites are Aries, Steamboat, and Storm.

Overall, was a good read Theo. I think that you gave each rookie their own time to shine. With this being a bunch of capable guys, it will surely be a fun season of NXT. I still call Aries to win the whole thing but I wouldn't be surprised if all of these guys are signed. Good job Theo!
Opening Segment wow that was some great promo work! some people cant write good promos for certain people but you clearly dont have that problem Aries vs Steamboat in the main event should be good i thought Storm did better then Steamboat but Steamboat was a very close 3rd in my book so it still makes sense looking forward to the main event.

Andrews vs Pierce first off let me say i like how you mentioned he was Kidd's body guard at 1 point that was a good thing to do on your part but now onto the match, Andrews used his power well in the match and it looked good that it took alot to get the big man off his feet andrews wins with a devasting chokeslam i have never seen either man wrestle but this was a good match to open the show.

Rookie Challenge i like this idea it was done on nxt before but its still a intersting idea. Lethal beats Sandow,Storm "beats" Aries,Woods beats Andrews and Steamboat beats Pierce hoping Richie wins personally. Storm beats Lethal and hes in the finals. Steamboat knocks off Woods here we go its the final round! Aries shoves Steamboat off so Storm wins setting up the main event Storm vs Morrison should be awesome!

Aries vs Steamboat wow what a match! this match made me forget everything i just read it was that awesome Aries picks up the victory in the end i kinda saw that coming but Steamboat had me thinking he could win it all along. looks like Aries might face Flair sometime down the road that would be awesome if so.

overall this was a really well written show i enjoyed it all main event was my favorite part for sure 1 thing i really liked was you bringing up the past for Damien Sandow and Jackson Andrews instead of just pretending it never happened i didnt know Sandow was Idol Stevens so i even learned something new by reading this!
Show:Monday Night RAW
Arena:Madison Square Garden, New York City
Commentators:Jim Ross, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Vince McMahon

A Recap off WWF In Your House:Stampede is shown. HBK Shawn Michaels pinned Bret 'Hitman' Hart too win the WWF Championship after Ken Shamrock came down and whacked Bret Hart with a steel chair behind the Referee's back giving Shawn Michael's the pinfall and the biggest prize in the business. After the match Shamrock put a beat down on Bret Hart. Shamrock held in the ankle lock for a good 8 minutes over the steel steps before breaking the hold and returning to the locker room. Bret Hart had too be carried out of the arena...

Monday Night Raw intro music and video is shown followed by a small Pyro in the arena. Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler & Vince McMahon welcome us too Raw and go over what happened the night before at Stampede involving Shamrock's betrayal off Bret Hart. Jim Ross tell's us that Ken Shamrock will explain himself too the live audience later in the show. Also, Vince McMahon adds that the new WWF Champion Shawn Michaels will be at ringside when Vader faces Owen Hart in a Number 1 Contender's match for Shawn Michael's WWF Championship at the Royal Rumble in 4 weeks time. The Nation Of Domination music fills Madison Square Garden as the first bout is about too take place.

The Nation Of Domination (Faarooq & Kama Mustafa) VS. Marc Mero & Goldust (W/Luna )
Faarooq and Goldust start off in this one fall too a finish tag team match. They lock up, Faarooq get's the better of the Gold one, he taunts Goldust with strength gestures. Goldust get's up and slaps Faarooq and doe's the famous body rise taunt. Faarooq clothelines Goldust down quickly. He picks up Goldust and lands a right hand backing him into the Nation's corner. Faarooq tags in Kama. Kama quickly stomps at Goldust. Huge Body slam by Kama followed by 3 elbow drops. Goldust fights back knocking Kama down with a clothesline. He tags in Mero who begins chopping at Kama. Two front suplex's are landed nicely followed by a pinfall but Kama kick's out after a one count. Mero swings Kama of the ropes but as Mero bent forward to hit a back drop Kama stopped Running and kicked Mero in the face followed by a clothesline. Kama spat at Mero and tagged in Faarooq. Faarooq took control of Mero and started Punching him. He set him on the top rope and hit a superplex. Marc Mero kicked out after a 2 count. Faarooq locks in a sleeper. He holds it tight. Faarooq begins shouting at Goldust who begins to enter the ring but the Referee holds him back, Kama quickly runs in and stomps at Mero's head whilst Faarooq still holds the sleeper. Kama returned too the apron before the Referee turned back around.Goldust run's in and kicks Faarooq off Mero. The Referee again forces Goldust out. Faarooq tags in Kama who begins Taunting Goldust while Mero lies motionless behind him, but out of nowhere, Mero rolls up Kama, but he kicked out after a 2 count. Kama quickly knocks Mero down. He picks him up and swings Mero of the ropes but Mero connects with a running dropkick, both men are down as each of them begin crawling too their partners. Goldust wants in badly. Both tags are made and in Comes Goldust and Faarooq. Goldust Clotheslines Faarooq 3 times, Kama enters the ring and runs toward Goldust but get's thrown over the top rope. Goldust shouts for the finish, He sizes up Faarooq and locks in the Curtain Call, but Faarooq fights out, Marc Mero and Kama brawl outside the ring, Kama get's swung into the steel steps, Faarooq get's Goldust up on his shoulders for the Dominator but Mero runs in and pulls Goldust down, Faarooq hits the Dominator on Mero but when he turned to face Goldust he was hit with the Curtain Call, Goldust pins Faarooq and get's the 3 count. The Ring bell sounds as this match ends.
Winner's: Goldust & Marc Mero (W/Luna)

WWF Intercontinental Champion Razor Ramon is walking toward's the ring when he walks into his opponent from In Your House:Stampede, Ahmed Johnson. Johnson talks about luck and how great it is and how Razor Ramon got lucky in their Intercontinental Championship Match. He adds that Luck will aid him in defeating Flash Funk later on tonight. Ramon say's that luck had nothing to do with Johnson losing and Razor winning, He say's that Johnson just can't Wrestle and walk's away. Ahmed is livid and knocks over a Water machine.

Jim Ross talk's about Mankind defeating Savio Vega in a Chicago Street fight at In Your House:Stampede. Jerry Lawler say's that Mankind will be facing Bradshaw after the commercial break. Vince talks about the Number 1 Contender's match and reminds us that Ken Shamrock will explain his actions to the live audience later tonight...

Monday Night Raw returns from a Commercial. During the break Mankind made his entrance followed by Bradshaw. Both men are ready to lock up...

Mankind VS 'BlackJack' Bradshaw
The Bell rings and here we go with the second match tonight. Bradshaw locks up with Mankind and get's him an a headlock. He tightens the grip around Mankinds head, but Bradshaw is quickly threw into the ropes and shouldered down by Mankind. Mankind runs of the rope and lands a perfect elbow drop. Bradshaw quickly kicks out. Bradshaw back up swing's Mankind into the ropes and hit's a big boot too the head. Mankind goes down fast covering his face. Bradshaw taunts the crowd and they cheer him loudly. He picks up Mankind and hits a low back breaker. Mankind kicks out after 2. Bradshaw bodyslams Mankind and climbs too the second rope hoping to land a fist drop but Mankind rolls out of the way and Bradshaw plants his fist into the canvas hard. Mankind retaliates by hitting a massive DDT to Bradshaw. Mankind slithers into the corner and rocks back and forth. He then starts pulling at Bradshaws Long black hair and yells random stuff into his ear. Mankind then takes Bradshaw to the outside and bangs his head of the Commentators table. He thens swings him into the barricade holding the fan's back. Bradshaw slowly rolls back into the ring. Mankind follows and hits a legdrop crushing Bradshaw's neck. Bradshaw kicks out. Mankind taunts Bradshaw again but this time Bradshaw pushes him away. Mankind tries to get him down but Bradshaw punches Mankind into a corner. He then hit's a huge powerbomb but Mankind kicks out after 2. Bradshaw is looking to hit the clothesline from hell, Mankind get's up and turns around but when he see's what Bradshaw is going for he escapes the ring and starts walking up the entrance way. The Referee Counts Mankind out. The bell rings and this one is over.
Winner by Count Out: 'BlackJack' Bradshaw

Mankind stares back at Bradshaw smiling. Bradshaw is not happy that Mankind took the easy way out. Savio Vega runs down the Entrance way and grabs Mankind and throws him back into the ring. Mankind shouts at Vega from the ring. He soon realises who is behind him. He slowly turns around and Bradshaw hits a massive Clothesline from hell on Mankind. Crowd cheer loudly. Vega claps Bradshaw for the Clothesline and leaves ringside. Good ending to a decent match.

Ken Shamrock is seen walking in a fancy suit. Vince McMahon tell's us that Shamrock is coming out next too tells us why he betrayed Bret Hart at Stampede. All the WWF Wrestlers look at Shamrock as he walks past in disgust. He then locks eye's with the WWF Champion Shawn Michaels. Michaels say's that he didn't need Shamrocks help and that he won't be getting any thanks from him or anyone else. Shamrock stares at the WWF Championship and smiles before walking on. Raw goes to a Commercial break.

We return from the Commercial to Howard Finkel standing in the ring. He has a bit of paper and tells us that he has to read it too the audience. It say's "Please welcome too the ring, The greatest WWF Superstar of all time, The new and Improved Ken Shamrock". The crowd boo loudly as Shamrock's music fill's the arena.

In Ring Segment: Ken Shamrock
Shamrock is given a Microphone...
"Before I Came here tonight I Recieved 70 letter's from parents and kids asking, Why did I Screw Bret Hart out of his WWF Championship? It's very simple. I Don't like and I have never liked Bret 'Hitman' Hart. This hate for the Hitman started back at Survivor Series when I was put in Team Hart too face Team HBK. I never asked too be put into Team Hart, Bret just thought I would say Yes so he put me in anyway. That really pissed me off because for one thing, Bret was telling me what to do. Nobody tell's Ken Shamrock what to do. So before I went out at Survivor Series too help Bret I thought of screwing him over in the match. I went out there and me and Hart won the match as the sole Survivors. I didn't Screw Bret at Survivor Series because he wouldn't be losing much. The next night it was announced that Hart would defend the WWF Championship against Shawn Michaels at Stampede. That's when I realised I will take him out and cost him the WWF Championship. Leading up too Stampede I teamed with Bret twice to face HBK and Ahmed Johnson. I played it cool, Little did Hart know that in my head I was planning to Destroy what he worked hardest for. The best bit was backstage at Stampede last night. Hart called me in and wanted a favor, I said of course, He said watch my back tonight, The WWF Champion wanted my help. The great Bret Hart needed my help defending the WWF Championship. We'll he got my help, I hit him so hard with that Steel Chair I kept it as a Souveneir.When I hit him and he went down I felt relief pour out of me, Like I just got rid of a bad Flu or Back Pain. HBK covered Hart and won the WWF Championship. I punished Hart somemore, I twisted his ankle so hard that i think it snapped in my hands. I'll even admitt, I have never locked in the ankle lock as hard as i did on Bret Hart. It was the greaest moment when I let go and I looked at my destruction rolling around crying in pain. Bret Hart I know your watching this and your thinking, Ken Shamrock will pay for what he done. We'll buddy when that time arrives I will be standing in this very spot waiting to snap your ankle one more time".

Bret Harts music fills Madison Square Garden. Crowd come out of their seats. Bret Hart appears but he's being wheeled out in a wheelchair. Ken Shamrock laughs. A Doctor is pushing him out. His ankle is shown resting on the foot area all tapped up. The doctor stops the wheelchair outside the ring and Bret Hart is given a Microphone...

"Shamrock, I trusted you as my Team Mate, My Partner and My Friend. I had a feeling someone was plotting against me last night at Stampede but I never thought that it was the man who I asked specifically too watch my back. When you hit me with the chair and I went down, I didn't know what happened, Once you had me in the ankle lock, I knew then that you had cost me the WWF Championship. Shamrock you our now my enemy and when I'm better and ready to compete, God help you boy because I'm coming after you, That's all I wanted to say to you, nothing more and nothing less"

The Doctor turns the wheelchair around and start's wheeling Bret Hart away. But Shamrock drops the microphone and climbs out of the ring taking of his fancy jacket and tie. He grabs the doctor and throws him into the side barrier. Shamrock stands infront of Bret Hart and starts shouting at Hart. He quickly pulls away all Harts straps that keep him comfortable and lifts him out of the wheelchair. Hart can't even stand and falls the floor. He tries to pull himself up using Shamrock as a stand. Shamrock is laughing at Hart lying there at his feet. He picks Bret up and brings him to the ring. He rolls Hart into the ring and throws the bottom, heavier part of the steel steps into the ring. Hart is crawling away telling Shamrock to rethink this. But Shamrock lays the Steps in the center of the ring and drags Bret Hart over and puts him face down on the steps. The crowd Boo Shamrock badly. He then goes to grab Harts taped ankle but stops. He then looks at the good ankle and laughs and then out of nowhere he locks in the ankle lock on Harts good ankle, Hart is screaming in pain. Shamrock will not let go. Referees and Officials of the WWF try and get him off but Shamrock is not letting go. Suddenly Shawn Michaels run's down, Shamrock quickly clears the ring and retreats up the entrance way. HBK Stares him down. He then starts helping his old enemy Bret Hart who appears to have another broken ankle. Shamrock sits in Harts wheelchair and mocks the Hitman. He then stands up and spits on the chair. Medics and Doctors rush the ring to aid Bret Hart as Raw goes to a Commercial break...

Raw returns from the Commercial and we our shown a replay of Shamrock using the ankle lock on Bret Hart moments ago. Vince McMahon apologises for Shamrocks actions and tells us that Bret Hart will be out of action for at least 3-4 months. Jerry Lawler mentions HBK Coming out to aid Hart even after their 6 month war for the WWF Championship. Jim Ross wishes Hart a speedy recovery and calls Shamrock all the names under the sun. Ahmed Johnson's Music hit's Madison Square Garden.

Ahmed Johnson VS Flash Funk
Flash Funk come's down next to a great ovation from New York City. Both men get ready to lock up when Razor Ramons music hits. Out Comes the WWF Intercontinental Champion. Ahmed stares him down. Razor joins the announce team to watch this match. Referee ring's the bell and here we go. Flash Funk ties up with Johnson but he's quickly floored by Ahmed. Ahmed dosent give Funk any time and he shoulders him hard into the gut 3 times against the corner. Funk staggers out and is hit with a running clothesline. Johnson won't take his eye's of Razor Ramon. Ahmed signals for the Power Crusher, He gets Funk into position but Razor moves closer to the ring distracting Johnson who puts Funk down. Both men exchange words when out of nowhere Flash Funk rolls up Johnson and get's the pinfall. Big win for Flash Funk.
Winner: Flash Funk

Funk quickly escapes ringside too the back area. Johnson is arguing with Earl Ebner over the finish. Razor Ramon creeps up behind Ahmed. Crowd our clapping Ramon on. Ahmed turns around and is met by the Chico Slam. Crowd cheer. Razor stands over Ahmed Johnson while he raises the WWF Intercontinental Championship.

Ken Shamrock is seen in Wrestling gear. Jim Cornette walks over. He tell's Shamrock that he really impressed him with his actions at Stampede and on Raw tonight. He tell's Shamrock that he should be the Number 1 Contender and places him in the Main Event with Vader and Owen Hart making it a Triple Threat match with the winner facing Shawn Michaels at the Royal Rumble for the WWF Championship. Vince McMahon is livid at ringside as Raw Goes to a Commercial...

Were back here at Raw and Jim Ross tells us that next week Ahmed Johnson will be challenging Razor Ramon for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Jerry Lawler talks about the Royal Rumble in 4 weeks and that qualifying matches for the Rumble match begin next week also. Vince McMahon reminds us that Jim Cornette added Ken Shamrock to the Number 1 Contenders Match making it a triple threat. Out comes the new WWF Champion Shawn Michaels to a mixed reaction. He joins Commentary.

Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match
Vader VS Owen Hart VS Ken Shamrock
Out comes Vader first too a great reaction. Owen Hart is next and last but not least it's Ken Shamrock. All three men stare each other down. The bell ring's and here we go. Vader runs at Owen Hart knocking him out of the ring too the floor. Vader then squares up to Shamrock. He points to his ankle and shakes his head. Shamrock spits in Vaders face. Vader is livid an starts punching away at Shamrock. He swings him off the ropes but Shamrock escapes the ring quickly. Owen Hart re-enters the ring and looks scared when he faces Vader again. Both men land right hands. Shamrock walks over to the announce table and sits down on the opposite side to Michaels. Vader press slams Owen Hart. He then hits a big splash but Owen Kicks out. Vader see's Shamrock taking a break and leaves the ring. He shouts at Shamrock too stand up. But Shamrock refuses. Vader grabs Shamrock but out of nowhere Shamrock goes crazy with his fists and starts punching Vader all over. He then grabs the Steel Chair and hits Vader square on the head knocking the big man out. Vader is bleeding badly after the Chair Shot. Shamrock see's Owen still laying out cold after Vaders big Splash. He enters the ring and quickly picks Owen Up and hit's the powerful Belly too Belly Suplex. He then locks in the ankle lock and Owen Taps out within a second. Shamrock holds on to the ankle lock for about 3 minutes until Shawn Michaels Enter's the ring.
Winner By Submission: Ken Shamrock

Michaels stares down Shamrock as they go face to face. Michaels slowly steps away from Shamrock, He goes to leave but suddenly runs in for Sweet Chin Music but wait, Shamrock catches Michaels foot and goes for the Ankle lock but HBK Rolls out of it and runs up the entrance way shocked at the incredible counter by Shamrock. Jim Ross Confirms that Ken Shamrock will Challenge Shawn Michaels for the WWF Championship at the Royal Rumble. Shamrock does a Championship waist sign too a worried looking Shawn Michaels. Vince McMahon thanks us for tuning in as Raw goes of the air...
I've had a lot of reading to do but I'll start reviewing as of Over the Limit and go from there. Haven't read NXT but here you go for now!

Over the Limit:

Rey Mysterio/Curt Hawkins/Cody Rhodes:
Exciting match and I thought it put over all the contenders really well. Rey crashes down onto Hawkins for the victory and it just feels right. I like how you've used the third line on three counts to tease a possible win through the writing, it adds to the drama very nicely. Enjoyed it a lot. - 8/10.

Sin Cara/Ziggler:
Very unlucky for Ziggler. I loved the way Vickie was written throughout the match and Ziggler has every right to be angry. I can't wait to see what he has to say to her on Raw. Exciting and fast-paced match, just like I'd expect from the two of them. The ending wasn't dissatisfying at all although I'm surprised Vickie would be so naïve about the rules of wrestling - costing your talent a match isn't the sign of a good manager! - 9/10

A really great match, I don't think there's anything about it I didn't like. I could easily imagine the flurries of moves passing by as clear as day and I can imagine two men with such in-ring precision putting on a great match. Teddy's interference may have cost Swagger the match, adding a taint to Bryan's win, but I would argue Swagger's own arrogance was more likely the cause; either way, it in no way ruined the entertainment value. - 10/10

The opening of the match with the Hart decoys was great, and I love the Christian/Edge feud going on. Christian barely stands a chance, the poor guy, as Edge has complete advantage from the start. There's no chance really and it just nails down what a cunning opponent Edge really is - he's so dangerous you can't take your eyes off him for a second and even when Christian knows these tricks are coming, he's still caught offguard. Brilliant move from Edge. - 9/10

Ric Flair's Return:
I don't honestly like Flair myself but it makes sense to have him throwing his weight around in NXT. There it doesn't matter so much that he's grown old and derelict, and he can genuinely offer a lot to newcomers in the business who are looking to progress beyond rookie status. It's a solid idea, just not to my taste (which is fine, of course). - 6/10 on taste.

Beth Phoenix/Nikki Bella:
Good match, I'm a big Beth fan so I marked out as soon as I saw the lineup and wasn't disappointed. The Glamazon and Nikki had a great long match and I wish this kind of stuff was shown more often in the Divas division. A four diva beatdown is too much even for the Glamazon but Kharma's introduction at this time was perfectly timed. I was half-expecting/hoping for a face turn from Kharma but the monster heel seems to be back. I'm not disappointed or anything, it's good, but I would have loved to see something a little more unexpected. - 7/10

Very interesting matchup even though I'm not a big fan of Gabriel or Slater. The match was generally well-written and enjoyable, nice to see that Gabriel costed Slater the match due to his own selfishness, although so far I'm surprised to only see two matches free of this kind of debacle so far. It seems like this PPV is riddled with controversy - not a bad thing, of course! - 7/10

Hart Dynasty/Santino-Kozlov:
Quick and brutal gauntlet style and the Hart Dynasty (my favourites for the Tag Team Championships) leave Santino and his comrade without any real chance. The match is quick and brutal and it puts over the Harts well as well as establishing how tired and dangerous the gauntlet can be. - 9/10

London-Kendrick/Hart Dynasty:
This seems like a much more serious matchup from the get go, with both sides relatively fresh due to the short lifespan of the previous match. London-Kendrick have a little more long-term stamina but on the flipside the Harts are already warmed up. As predicted it's a cracking start and the superheroes start strong on the offensive. Good match and I enjoyed it a lot, the Harts cheat to win but that's what they're heels for and it fit the situation well. - 9/10

The Usos/Hart Dynasty:
Now things get real. The Harts are tired and the Usos are hungry for a title and have a real chance. This one is tense, not just because I can sense either team could win it but also because I'm happy with whoever comes out of it intact. Tension mounts with exchange after exchange and in the end the Harts are too fatigued to keep up with an on-form Uso team. The Usos win and I can't complain, it was a really good match! - 9/10

Hawkins Promo:
Totally unexpected, and totally awesome. Jericho returns to put over young talent and it's everything I could hope for in a return. Sudden, dramatic, and straight for a title without weakening young talent. - 10/10

Hawkins-Jericho/The Usos:
The match carried a real sense of brutality for me and although the Usos kept upt very well, I honestly never felt like they had a real chance against Jericho and Hawkins. They went over very well but I was completely unsurprised to see them appointed the new winners, which dropped a little excitement for me after the rush of the promo and the previous three matches. Still, a very good match and very enjoyable. - 8/10

Kofi's Promo:
Stood out for me as very good, established him perfectly as a face and nicely tied Kofi into the past, putting him over as a serious competitor. I'd give it an 8/10.

Kofi Kingston/The Miz:
Very good match and a strong back and forth between them. So far it's living up to and exceeding the potential of the promos and lead-up and I enjoy every minute of it up until the final interference by Punk. Typical of him to insert himself into someone else's feud and business to try and get attention, suits heel Punk very well as he looks for attention. Loved the match, loved Punk's actions and hoping to see more of it. - 9/10

Del Rio/Orton:
Very surprised this match is coming in last, but I have to admit, it's a pretty good one. I expected Orton to win but Del Rio squirms out after a long, hard-fought battle. It might have taken RR's cheating to do it, but ADR takes home the gold and it's a satisfying enough ending to the match. I think I would have rather had the Kofi/Miz match last rather than this as the Punk appearance was fantastic and I think it would have been a great way to end the event. Solid match of straight-up wrestling with a good result and I'm sure Orton's reactions will be great. - 8/10

Total Overview:
Very strong PPV, I liked the booking and it was a lot of fun. I'd give it a strong overall rating as it was a lot of fun to read. - 8/10

-= Monday Night RAW:
Looking forward to it after the matchup we go!

Punk Promo:
Very strong opening to the show, Punk's showing his skill and his charisma once again, but also his brain as he outwits the management to get a leg up over them. He's pulling strings and I have to believe it's only to be in his own favour in the end. Fair play to him. I didn't hate anything about this segment, much to the contrary: I thought it was great. - 10/10

Zack Ryder/Drew McIntyre/McGillicutty Match & Promo:
Good solid match, Zack wins with confidence and the Chosen One is out without too much fanfare. Short and sweet. Still not sure how I feel about McGillicutty as host of NXT but he seems to be doing a decent job so far. Drew McIntyre and Damien Sandow is an interesting combo, I can't help but wonder if the student will outclass the master. On the flipside, I'm shocked to see James Storm as Ryder's rookie, what a complete yin-yang combination from where I'm standing. It could work though. Definitely better than I expected. - 8/8

Ziggler/Vickie Promo:
Great promo, I loved it. Ziggler seems not angry so much as dismissive and disappointed. He's rightfully concluded that he needs to move on for his career and doesn't seem to hold it too much against Vickie at first, but it's a flat out insult to see Vickie introduce her new NXT rookie as being little more than a cheap copy of himself. This sets Ziggler off the edge and it seems like they need a talk. Really good promo. - 9/10

Exciting and interesting, rather than play pure stereotypical heel, Punk goes out and does the 'honourable' thing. But is this honour only skin deep? He squashes Riley from where I'm sitting - never felt like there was a serious threat against him and Punk proves it to be true. Let's be honest here, he's almost certain to face opponents he can seriously beat and that's not truly face, is it? It feels very in-character for this Punk though. - 8/10.

Kane Segment:
Short and confusing, not sure what to make of it so I leave it at a simple: - 7/10

Solid match, albeit short as the Divas matches always are. Well done AJ for earning that win, but of cousre Kharma shows up. Great to see Beth come out and this is what I wanted to see! The two biggest women in the division throwing everything they've got at each other. Go Beth! - 8/10

Kofi/Barrett/Miz Promo:
Good promo although there wasn't that much back and forth which weakened it slightly for me. You captured the essence of Barrett and Miz perfectly though and I really enjoyed reading it out with their voices in my head. Kingston and Barrett are getting screwed, but I can't help but feel that this isn't the end of it from them. - 7/10

Ziggler/Sin Cara:
A great match just like at OTL and this time Sin Cara takes Ziggler out clean. He deserves it and the reasons are fair - Ziggler has everything necessary to defeat Sin Cara and take the belt, but I don't think he can do it as long as Vickie is messing with his head. It's time for him to go solo if you ask me. Good match, good ending, good stuff with Vickie. - 8/10.

The Miz/Tyler Reks:
Wow, who would have thought that Reks could put on such a great match - but it was a great match! Full of excitement and good back and forth. I never really had a lack of faith in the Miz's ability to win it - he is the Awesome One after all, but I was surprised to see Ryan jump in so soon as I thought he would have waited until after Miz won or lost to go after him. Guess Ryan forgot to get brain. This whole feud is very interesting since Miz is still more or less his usual annoying heelish self while Punk is also acting very heelish from where I'm sitting. Yet, despite that, it works very well. - 9/10

Total Overview:
A good, strong RAW with lots of stuff happening and plenty of excitement. Kept me wanting to watch for the next few weeks. Gets a high rating from me. - 8/10

Over the Limit

First up, guys, sorry it has taken so long. As you already know, I've been absent from BT aside from the odd appearance for a few moments so I've only just read your PPV offering. I was looking forward to it for a long time so I expected a super show and - in the main - it delivered. The matches were high quality as always and the formatting and use of images was perfect. You're at a level and a point with the BT now that you don't need me to mention those though ...

Intercontinental Championship:
I thought it a little strange when you elevated Curt Hawkins into the mix for this PPV and, now I've read the show, I understand your reasons. However, that doesn't mean he needed to be in this one! I'm so ready for Rey vs. Cody now and, despite the fact you made Hawkins look a star, the real story here was their confrontation. Having Hawkins in it just annoyed me a little and dampened my enthusiasm for the match. I think you made the right call by having Cody Rhodes blow it with his attitude and then Rey sneak out the win and this sets up - I'm begging ya! - a match between the pair at Capitol Punishment. My thoughts are that long term, Rhodes needs to come out of this with a decisive win over Mysterio and the Intercontinental Championship, I reckon you know that and you're just delaying the inevitable.

US Championship:
As I said in the build for the PPV, Sin Cara needed to retain and he did so. A great match and I liked the ending - even though you botched it a little by missing a description of what Ziggler's response to Vickie was after the bell! When Cole questioned his reaction, I had to read the ending of the match three or four times more to try and work it out before coming to the conclusion that you must have missed something. Dolph away from Vickie could be good, Sin Cara needs the US Title so I'd now like to see Dolph move onwards and upwards with your RAW Youth Movement. However, the return of CM Punk and inevitably John Cena means you will have big stories around the WWE Title coming soon. Feuds with the likes of Morrison and Kofi are likely but he needs a big feud now. Maybe Cena?

Swagger and Bryan:
Not sure what to make of Teddy Long's allegiance with Bryan in this one, seemed a strange one but obviously Swagger has been having a pop at SMACKDOWN and it's GM for a while now. You made both these men out to very equal and even and Bryan sneaked the win out - big things could be coming for both as a feud with the GM should give Swagger some impetus too. Good call - just not sure about the execution of it at the PPV.

Edge and Christian:
What does this all mean?!!!! Another PPV between Edge and Christian? I'm definitely in the camp of wanting this over and done with but this seems to set up further problems down the line - maybe Triple Threat for the title? Loving the Edge and Hart Dynasty link up and it should lead to the HD being far more interesting as heels as they aid their countryman. The Edge title shot doesn't seem secure yet, Christian will have a big say in it all. Again, I've been critical of this pairing before and you've done it justice, I just worry you're moving into overkill now in an attempt to throw all the readers off!

NXT - Ric Flair:
Simple. Love it. Can't wait.

Divas Championship:
Well, I think we can conclusively say that Kharma has arrived. Not only did she scare off the heel Divas, she then took out the new champion as well as the Divas Management in Trish Stratus! I sense a Kharma and Trish feud initially whilst Beth takes out Bellas and Laycool over the title before you head towards Kharma and Beth further down the line. The Divas division is getting interesting at last!

Tag Team Turmoil: Booo! Hart Dynasty didn't win! Yay! Chris Jericho is back! A very interesting move there, bringing Y2J back as a Tag partner of Hawkins is not what many would do but I get where you are coming from. Jericho's time as a main event star is coming to a close but this should elevate Hawkins - something that Jericho likes to do. The Tag division now hots up as there were a few teams who won the titles and then lost them and will feel they have a claim to challenge for the belts. However, you now have six/eight teams with legitimate claims to a chance at the titles and it should lead to increased competition. Something that I've been very intent on doing in my BT, hope we're both successful.

WWE Championship:
Two goals achieved perfectly, sirs. A great match between Miz and Kofi that solidifies Miz and begins the ascent of Kofi up the ranks, both guys looked a million dollars even without a conclusive winner. Not only did you manage that without a result in the match, the introduction of another variable into the title scene was achieved as Punk with Sheffield, his mystery man and another mystery man decided to end his self imposed walkout. You now have so many paths to choose from, the youngsters are stepping up and your main eventers are returning or waiting in the wings. Great booking, well played.

World Championship:
I never quite got into this contest and I think the slow build in the first place hurt it in the end. SMACKDOWN's main event was Edge and Christian in my opinion and the WWE Championship should have ended the show with the dramatic finish with Punk. However, the build up of fury in Orton has been done well but you never actually felt that Del Rio was really going to lose OR that Orton would lose clean - which only left Ricardo interfering. This feud now has legs and the longer it goes, the more I'm waiting for Del Rio to have his run ended - I just don't think Orton is the guy to do it. How will Edge (and maybe Christian) fit into this, I don't know yet. Guess we'll see soon.

Hope that's OK, guys. Another good PPV, still think you have more to come as the stories develop! Capitol Punishment next up! Looking forward to it!

Peep's NXT Review

* I've been looking to this one, so let's get it under way. I thought Stanford and Regal were quality choices as commentators, but perhaps JR could have been the best man over Bill Regal? Perfect choice to start off the show with the rookies introducing themselves. Before the promos my favs. are Richie Steamboat, Austin Aries and James Storm while Jackson Andrews stands way, way at the bottom. Double A gets us going and I loved his promo, as he just exudes cockiness. I like Xavier in the ring, he's very good but his promo was so bland, it just didn't have much besides he's fun. I think, in a show like NXT, you need to give each guy a distinct character like the WWE did in season one, so each guy can have a place on the roster in the future. Sandow's work was alright, but I would love to see him adopt his current character of the intellectual savior as it is still early days! His Lord of the Ring nickname is awesome though. Storms promo was excellent, great work. Again, Briley was a typical bland heel persona, he seems like a more generic version of his brother. Lethal is also another talented guy, his promo was alright but I'm looking forward to what you do with him especially with a potential story with his heelish mentor. Steamboat's promo was excellent and I'm also looking forward to his work with his mentor, as he has a great legend in Flair behind him. Andrews really has nothing, I hope he is the first to go but Barrett did cut a great promo for him, so it'll be cool to see how some of our pros progress on the show as well.

* Steamboat and Aries were good choices for the very first main event, digging that! The first of these intro video was very cool. summed up Storm's character very nicely, a badass, yet average Joe! Not a great way to start off the show with heel vs. heel but it puts Andrews over very quickly, a massive chokeslam putting away the cocky Pierce. While I don't like Andrews, if you keep making him look strong, this has the potential for another more talented star to topple him. I really hope you use Sandow's 'Holy than Thou' type gimmick, it's great television. I think, after reading his intro video, it would be easy to incorporate it going off his talk about being wise and older. Not a huge fan of these challenges on NXT but the reward for it was great, just getting a shot at a WWE Superstar, even one who is in the upper mid card, makes them seem as though they are earning every step towards the main brands. It also doesn't make them appear as rookies the moment they move to RAW or SD, they have had more experience against top guys and not just other rookies. Storm vs. Morrison should be great, and I love Ryder and Storm's chemistry already. Haha, love Aries shushing Cara! An excellent, excellent match to main event the first show of your take on NXT. I loved Steamboat's offence, it was like a hybrid of his father as well as some more modern moves. Aries was, of course, written to perfection, his interactions with Flair were great.

Overall: I thought this was a great episode to start off the new season and I'm looking forward to more. I hope to see less challenges in the future and some more story progression, which already have set a base for. This will be tough to pull off but you have started on the right track, can't wait for more!

Raw Preview

We inch closer to Capitol Punishment as Raw comes to you live from the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia. The turmoil between WWE Champion, The Miz and CM Punk and The Voiceless will continue as we know that Miz is slotted to face Mason Ryan on this week's show. Last week Mason Ryan caused a DQ victory for Miz over Tyler Reks. This week Ryan gets his shot at the champ.

Kofi Kingston remains up in the air at this situation. Kingston wants his title shot, but with CM Punk having the anonymous Raw GM in his grasp Kingston has no choice but to wait. How will Kingston react to last week's beatdown of him and Miz much like the one received at Over The Limit?

Last week also saw the the return of John Morrison. Morrison was taken out by Wade Barrett the week before with a Wasteland atop the entrance ramp. Morrison returned the favor with a vicious assault on the bare knuckle fighter. We will hear from Morrison live.

And the Divas division continues to be a massive mess. Since Trish Stratus was taken out by the debuting Kharma, things haven't gone as planned. Kharma has been on a path of destruction since debuting. Will this destruction continue or will someone finally step up to the plate and take on the frigtening beast? All this and much more as Raw rolls into Richmond, Virginia!

Raw June 6th, 2011 (Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia)

***I Came to Play***

Michael Cole-Welcome to Raw here in Richmond, Virginia and we aren’t gonna waste any time tonight King. Miz is here and he has come to play as his music would say. Mason Ryan is next on The Miz’s hitlist!

Jerry Lawler-I’m no Miz fan but you have to respect that he is going through this with his head high and looking to prove his worth to not just CM Punk but the rest of the WWE.

Miz has his “Hello I’m Awesome” shirt on with the WWE championship draped over his shoulder as he walks to the ring looking confident despite the beating from Tyler Reks and then another beating post match from The Voiceless. Miz has his black tights with red design that we’ve seen him wear many of times as Justin Roberts introduces the self proclaimed most must see WWE champion.

***This Fire Burns***

Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Cardiff, Wales…MASON RYAN!

Mason Ryan, like Reks last week comes out with gear very similar to Punk’s. Ryan has the stars down the sides of his trunks with the dragon from the Wales flag on the back. Across the front in red letters is Ryan. The trunks white, the stars green. Punk slaps Ryan’s chest before letting the beast go off to battle. Punk waves bye-bye to Miz as Ryan storms down to the ring. King and Cole talk about Ryan’s obvious size advantage and how Miz will have to use whatever quickness he has to avoid Ryan’s strength.


Chad Patton is the official for tonight’s opening affair. Patton rings the bell and we are underway. Miz takes the same approach as last week as he bounces around the corner. Mason Ryan corners him in, but Miz strikes first with a kick to the knee. The shot sends the big man to one knee and Miz bounces off the ropes and connects with a big boot and a quick pin.


Mason Ryan uses his pure strength to throw Miz off and break the fall. Miz stays on the offensive as he keeps Ryan grounded with a series of left hands that connect to the temple of the Welshman. Patton warns Miz about the closed fist as Miz breaks off and stomps away at the grounded Ryan. Miz backs away after the series of stomps and it is clear he is fired up as the Richmond crowd is fully behind Miz tonight. Mason Ryan is slow to his feet as he crawls to the corner to aide him in his way up. Miz charges, but Ryan ducks out of the way and Miz crashes into the corner. Mason Ryan bounces off the ropes and nails the turning Miz with a shoulder block. Miz crashes to the canvas. Mason Ryan prances around before grabbing Miz and throwing him to the outside. Ryan rolls out of the ring and grabs onto Miz and lifts him up and drops him jaw first onto the apron. Ryan gets into a shouting match with some members of the WWE Universe in the front row. Ryan puts his attention back on Miz as he lifts him up, but Miz counters with a series of shots to the midsection. Ryan backs away as Miz gets to his feet. Miz again charges at Ryan, but big Mason Ryan catches the WWE champion and drops him with a huge spinebuster on the outside. Miz is in pain as he rolls around on the outside. Mason Ryan grabs Miz by his neck and rolls him back into the ring. Ryan crawls in and pins the damaged Miz.


Ryan in a fit of rage bounds on the mat as Chad Patton tells him that it was a two count. Ryan lifts Miz up and drives him into the corner and nails off a series of elbow shots to the temple of the WWE champ. Just like last week we go into a split screen where we see CM Punk watching Mason Ryan impressed as Sheffield and Reks watch on behind. Ryan lifts Miz up above his head and drops him with a huge gorilla press slam. Ryan again covers Miz.



Ryan still can’t believe Miz isn’t finished. Mason Ryan aggressively lifts Miz off the mat and looks for a pumphandle slam. Ryan lifts the champ up, but Miz slides over Ryan’s back and staggers into the ropes. Ryan turns around and is planted with a left from the champ. Miz nails another left and another. Ryan staggers back and Miz bounces off the ropes and ducks a Ryan clothesline and kicks the big man right in the knee. Ryan falls to one knee on the mat and Miz plants him with a wicked DDT that drives the Welsh native head first to the mat. Miz makes the cover.


Miz ignores the count and gets right back to throwing lefts on the grounded Mason Ryan. Patton grabs onto Miz and pulls him back. Patton tells Miz to chill and Miz throws his hands up. Mason Ryan sits up and Miz breaks free from Patton’s talk and kicks Ryan right in the face. Miz signals for the Skull Crushing Finale as he dances around in the ring. The crowd is anticipating it as Mason Ryan is slow to his feet. Ryan is up and Miz gets him from behind, but can’t lock it in. Ryan lifts the champ up and drops him with a huge Samoan Drop. Ryan lands right into a cover on the champ.


Miz again kicks out as we’ve seen Miz hang in there when getting beat down. Ryan shouts at Patton as the camera pans to the top of the screen as it looks like Punk wants to get a closer look. Punk pops a squat cross legged atop the stage as Sheffield and Reks slowly make their way to the ring. Both competitors are still laying in the ring as Ryan rolls over and has a smirk on his face seeing his buddies walking to the ring. The Richmond crowd bursts in a pop as Kingston runs down the side of the entrance ramp with chair in hand. Kingston lays the metal into the back of Sheffield. Big Skippy falls to the ground as Tyler Reks turns around and is nailed right in the midsection and then in the back. Kingston looks out at Punk, who is furious at Kingston’s actions. Punk is yelling as Kingston tells him to come down there and say it. Mason Ryan is now standing at the ropes yelling at Kingston. Miz is now up and grabs Ryan from the back and locks him in and drops him with Skull Crushing Finale and makes the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…THE MIZ!

The crowd pops as Miz has his hand raised as Kingston watches on with a slight smirk on his face as Punk is furious. Cole and King talk about Kingston’s involvement as Cole gives Kingston credit for siding with the most must see champion as King focuses on Kingston’s issues with CM Punk as Raw heads to their first commercial of the night.


We return from break as Kofi is walking backstage before stopping in his tracks as his name is shouted in a distance by a familiar voice.

Kofi Kingston-What do you need Miz?

The Miz-That’s the thing, I don’t need a damn thing Kofi. I don’t need anyone’s help, I’m a fighting champion and I will do whatever it takes to make sure this title doesn’t go anywhere.

Kingston doesn’t care as he turns around to leave the conversation before Miz grabs his arm and continues.

The Miz-Don’t you turn your back when I’m talking to you. I just wanted to say that while I don’t need the help, thank you.

Kingston doesn’t seem to buy Miz’s sincerity as he just looks on.

The Miz-What Punk is doing here isn’t something that can be taken care of by one person. Whether we like each other or not we need to be on the same side. I know you don’t like me and I you, but I have your back if you need it.

Miz sticks his hand out as Kofi just looks on. Kofi looks around before shaking his head and walking off as Miz just watches on with disappointment.

Michael Cole-Is that how you treat a legend King? Kofi Kingston should be thankful that Miz would even acknowledge him. Despicible.

Jerry Lawler-I see it both ways Cole. When has Miz ever been someone you can trust, but he did man up and thank Kingston. Miz might just have to prove those words if he wants us to believe they are true.


Justin Roberts-This a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Long Island, NY…ZACK RYDER!

Ryder comes out to a nice pop from the Richmond crowd. Ryder is rocking some colorful purple, orange, and black trunks with Broski headband, shirt, and sunglasses. Michael Cole states this is a battle of four NXT pros as an NXT reminder pops up that the show’s second episode airs tomorrow. Ryder gets some Woo Woo Woo’s from the crowd as he enters the ring much to Michael Cole’s disliking.

***Ancient Spirit***

Justin Roberts-And his tag team partner from Mexico City, Mexico. He is the WWE United States champion…SIN CARA!

The Richmond crowd loves Sin Cara as the lights dim and the smoke fills the stage as the champ appears draped with the US title around his waist as he bounces into the ring with his trademark pyro. Sin Cara, in his trademark sky blue and gold goes to shake his partner’s hand, but Zack shakes his head no as he wants a fist pump. Sin Cara agrees as Ryder and Cara do some exploding fist pumps.

Vickie Guerrero-Excuse me!

Vickie comes out to deafening heat from the Richmond crowd as they boo the dickens out of her. Cole can be heard shushing at the commentary table, but the Richmond crowd is all over Vickie.

Vickie Guerrero-I said EXCUSE ME!

Vickie gets some more heat from the crowd after the second phrase as she now continues on.

Vickie Guerrero-It is an honor to introduce to you (more heat). I said EXCUSE ME! As I was saying I’d like to introduce my longtime business associate Dolph Ziggler and his partner and my newest acquiring, Drew McIntyre!


McIntyre and Ziggler come out together as McIntyre sucks up to his new valet, Vickie Guerrero. Ziggler is completely focused as he walks by ignoring Vickie and heads right to the ring. Cole goes on about how this is the wisest choice McIntyre has ever made as Vickie Guerrero can groom him and making him relevant again. After all he was given the moniker of the Chosen One by none other than Vince McMahon.


Justin King is the official for this match as Ziggler slaps McIntyre on the chest and says he’s got this as it will be Ziggler and his rival, US Champ Sin Cara. King rings the bell and our tag team match is underway. Ziggler and Cara circle the ring and try to get the feel for each other that they got in each of their previous bouts. Ziggler and Cara lock hands in a test of strength as Ziggler clearly has the edge as he works Sin Cara down to his back. Ziggler shouts an “Oh Yeah” out as he is more impressed with himself than the WWE Universe. Sin Cara however starts to work his way back up and he gets to his feet and he gets his feet into Ziggler’s chest as he is standing on the superstar. The two still have their hands locked as Sin Cara falls back and has Ziggler balancing on his feet. Ziggler pushes himself back up and Sin Cara flies in the air and flips in the air and does a Sunset Flip into a pin.


Ziggler grabs onto the feet of the US Champ and flips the pin into a pin for himself.


Sin Cara reverses it but Ziggler rolls through the pin and tries to take Sin Cara’s head off with a kick that Sin Cara ducks and then he connects with two boots right into Ziggler’s sternum. Dolph staggers back as Sin Cara is still lying on his back. Ziggler shakes off the kick and charges the champ, who kicks his feet up and nails a monkey flip that sends Ziggler flipping through the air and landed face first on the mat. Ziggler crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up but is knocked out of the ring by a dropkick by Sin Cara. Ziggler throws a fit on the outside as Sin Cara tags in Ryder. Ziggler doesn’t even realize it as he turns around is taken out by a flying clothesline from Zack Ryder, who came diving off the apron. Ryder is pumped as he fist pumps up the crowd as they woo woo woo with the kid from Long Island. Ryder throws Ziggler into the ring and follows quickly. Ryder rolls Ziggler into a cover.


Ziggler kicks out as Ryder stays on the offense, lifting Ziggler off the mat. However Dolph is quick with a thumb to the eye. Ryder clutches at his face as Ziggler falls back and tags in McIntyre. The Scotsmen looks for revenge on the man who defeated him last weekend on Raw. McIntyre fires away with a club to the back followed by a nonchalant kick to the head. McIntyre shouts out to the crowd as Vickie Guerrero cheers him on. McIntyre lifts Ryder back up and flings him into the corner. McIntyre charges, but Ryder gets both knees up and McIntyre eats it. Drew stumbles back as Ryder tries to get back on offense, but Ziggler pulls Zack down to the canvas. Ziggler points to his head as he flings water from his hair out to the audience. Justin King warns Ziggler as he grabs the tag rope and claims nothing. McIntyre lifts Ryder off the mat and sets him in the corner and nails a few elbow shots before tagging in Ziggler. McIntyre drives a boot into Ryder’s throat as King makes the count. Ziggler nails a huge punch into the chest as McIntyre leaves before the five. Ziggler now hammers away a series of lefts and rights at a great speed as Ryder falls to the mat. Ziggler prances around the ring before jumping up and drives a huge diving dropkick into the seated Ryder. Ziggler again starts prances around the ring before getting his focus back on Ryder. Ziggler pulls Ryder out of the corner and hits a snapmare and then follows that up with a Mr. Perfect esque neck snap. Ziggler quick makes the cover.


Ryder gets his shoulder up as Ziggler slides in with a headlock. Ziggler shows off and applies some pressure by getting in a headstand like position as he shouts out. Cole praises Ziggler’s talents as Ryder tries to get out of the hold. Ziggler falls back into a normal position as he wrenches on the neck of Ryder. Sin Cara stomps on the stairs as the crowd in Richmond picks up a “Lets Go Ryder” chant. Iced Z starts to feel it in his feet as he begins to shake as Ziggler gets wide eyed as Ryder starts getting to his feet. Ziggler is quick to stop the momentum as he slams Ryder with an elbow to the back, dropping him to one knee. Ziggler bounces off the ropes for the Namedropper, but Ryder falls out of the way. Ziggler holds his bottom thigh as it crashes to the canvas. The crowd is fully anticipating Ryder’s tag as Ziggler rolls over to McIntyre and makes the tag. Drew dives at Ryder, but Ryder dives and tags in the US Champ. Sin Cara leaps in the ring and the Richmond crowd loves it. Sin Cara nails a double arm chop to the chest of McIntyre, who falls to the ground. McIntyre gets back up, but gets taken back down with hip toss by the masked sensation. Sin Cara bounces off the ropes and McIntyre goes for a flapjack but Sin Cara counters by planting McIntyre with a DDT. King reminds us last week that Sin Cara hit a similar DDT from a springboard position on Ziggler last week. Sin Cara goes for the cover.


Ziggler runs in and breaks the cover. Ziggler and Sin Cara now start battling it out as they start splitting rights. Ziggler gains the edge as he clotheslines Sin Cara over the rope, but the champ lands on the apron. Sin Cara springboards off the ropes and goes for another DDT, but Ziggler moves out of the way. Sin Cara lands on his feet as he turns around and ducks a clothesline from Ziggler, who dives out of the ring. Sin Cara gets greeted midair with a big boot to the chest by McIntyre. McIntyre says it is over as he pins the champ.


This time it is Ryder coming into to save his partner. Ryder and McIntyre start duking it out in the ring. Ryder nails a clothesline and follows up with another before getting yelled back by Justin King. Ryder is forced out of the ring and Ziggler makes a loud clapping sound in the back and drags McIntyre to the corner. Ziggler looks ready for the Zig Zag as Sin Cara is getting back up to his feet. Ziggler grabs onto Cara, but the US Champ clamps the ropes and Ziggler crashes to the mat. Ryder tags himself in as Sin Cara is still wounded. Ryder throws up the LI as Ziggler gets to his feet and goes right back down as Zack nails the Rough Ryder and follows it up with the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…SIN CARA AND ZACK RYDER!

Cole can’t believe it as Ryder celebrates in the ring as McIntyre was too late on the save. Ryder rolls out of the ring as Vickie and McIntyre set their attention on Ziggler. Ryder and Sin Cara are celebrating on the outside as Ziggler is now up and he shoves McIntyre out of the way and makes his way out the ring, much to Vickie’s disliking. Cole and King mention the tension that seems to still be there with Ziggler and Guerrero. Ryder is shown fist pumping and Sin Cara joins in before being interrupted by the anonymous GM ring. Cole states the obvious of receiving an e-mail as he gets some major heat from the Richmond crowd. The anonymous GM congratulates Zack on his recent success and admits that he was wrong about him. Ryder has proven himself worthy and that is why with this win he has earned a shot at the United States Championship at Capitol Punishment against Sin Cara. The GM ends with Ryder’s expression of “take care spike your hair”. Ryder goes back and forth with stares, first at Sin Cara and then the US title. The champ sticks his hand out and Ryder accepts the offering as we return to Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler at ringside.
Michael Cole-Lets shift gears just a bit King as we understand Scott Stanford is standing by from an unknown location. As you know last week Scott tried to interview the Big Red Machine Kane, but Kane was in no mood to talk as he gave Stanford some sort of address. One can only wonder what is going through Kane’s mind right now. Scott if you can hear us, take it away.

Scott Stanford-Thanks guys. We have just arrived at our destination and as you can see it isn’t exactly easy on the eyes.

The camera crew pans around as we are currently in the front yard of a house right out of a horror movie. A tall Victorian style home made of stone with an iron rod fence in the front. Stanford knocks on the door and after the first knock it creeks open as it is clear Stanford was expected. Stanford walks in and looks around as the wooden floorboards creek with every step. The house is lit with candles and lanterns in selected areas. Odd child pictures decorate the walls as the pale striped wallpaper is peeling.

???-Hello Scott, I’ve been expecting you.

A familiar voice can be heard, but not seen as Stanford looks around and the camera crew spots the man behind the voice. Kane appears atop the staircase with a lantern in hand. In a rare scene we see Kane in normal clothes. He is draped in a brown shirt, paper bag like colored and a pair of black slacks with loafers on his feet. Kane begins a slow walk down the creaky stairs.

Scott Stanford-Wha…what is this place?

Kane-There is no need to be alarmed Scott, I’m not here to harm you in any way. This place is a replica of my childhood home, the only place where I’ve ever been normal. This is the only place where I’ve ever been accepted and one night it was taken from me Scott. But through the memories, good or bad I’ve had the image of this home planted in my brain and one day I vowed to bring it back to life. I never thought that day would come Scott. I promised that if I ever started to feel normal I’d bring this place back to life and I began a metamorphosis into society. I started to become one with humans. I lost the monster that breathed within. I can finally be at peace with myself and the world.

Scott Stanford-That really is a beautiful story Kane and as uncomfortable as I am right now, it is touching that you have invited me into your new home.

Kane-Beautiful? Beautiful! BEAUTIFUL!!! It is a horrifying tale Scott. I am a monster; it is what I have become. I was ridiculed and humiliated and I began to torture any living being that got in my way. It’s all because of that fire that took this house from me as a child. That fire did the opposite of what you think Scott. That fire saved my life. It made me who I was meant to be. That turned me into the monster that everyone feared and dare not mess with.

Stanford is clearly uneasy with this as Kane now begins to rip off the peeling wallpaper and smashes the pictures on the ground. Kane is clearly more unstable as he has ever been as he picks up the closest lantern and spikes it to the ground and it sets a blaze to the wallpaper as a small fire begins in the atrium of the home. Kane begins throwing candles and the other lanterns that lay around on the ground as the camera crew has dropped their cameras and made a run for. Stanford stands motionless as Kane stands with his arms in the air laughing maniacally as the fire spreads throughout the home. Kane yells for Stanford to leave before it is too late. Stanford drops his mic and runs off as the grounded camera left behind picks up Kane standing in the fire shouting yes at the top of his lungs. The fire continues to spread as a voice can be heard in the background demanding the footage be cut. Finally the screen goes black and we head off for an unexpected commercial break.


Michael Cole-Welcome back to Raw ladies and gentlemen. Before we go any further we would like to apologize for the footage that you had to witness prior to the unexpected commercial break. The WWE would like to formally apologize to anyone that may have been offended by the footage. We were unaware that Kane’s mental stability was at that high of risk that he would try and damage the lives of himself and those around him. Again we are sorry for what you just witnessed and if you have any concerns please contact the WWE headquarters.

We cut backstage where we see CM Punk throwing things around in a fit as Skip Sheffield and Tyler Reks stand behind him. The man who Punk is furious at is none other than Mason Ryan.

CM Punk-You don’t get it do you? I send you out there to defeat The Miz and you lose? You let this wannabe beat you? And last week you get involved and get Reks disqualified. You just can’t get anything right. Don’t even think about talking, I don’t want to hear your excuses. This isn’t the Nexus Mason, this is whole new type of party. We make an impact, we make a change. I can easily get someone off the street and send you packing. I didn’t owe you a second chance, so you better step up and get stepping.

Josh Mathews-CM Punk, may I get a word?

CM Punk-A word? Does it look like I have time for a word Josh?

Josh Mathews-I wanted to get your thoughts on Kofi Kingston.

Sheffield grabs hold of Mathews’ microphone and then chases him off screen as he hands it to his leader, CM Punk.

CM Punk-Oh I will give you some words on Kofi Kingston. Kofi it is clear you are holding a grudge over what happened at Over the Limit. It is clear you just aren’t going to stay down like you should. So if it is a fight you want, it is a fight you got. Tonight I’ll see you right there in the middle of that ring. And to spice up the pot, if and this is a big if. If you can defeat me tonight I give the anonymous Raw general manager permission to make the WWE Championship match at Capitol Punishment a triple threat match.

Punk drops the mic and leaves the screen as we head back to ringside and Justin Roberts.

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Divas Championship!

***You Can Look***

Justin Roberts-Introducing first the challenger, accompanied by her sister Brie, from Scotsdale, Arizona…NIKKI BELLA!

Cole hypes up Nikki as Brie massages her sister’s shoulders as the Bella heads to the ring for her championship rematch. King mentions Beth Phoenix’s defeat of Nikki at Over the Limit to capture the Divas Championship.


Justin Roberts-And the challenger from Buffalo, New York…BETH PHOENIX!

King is excited as he mentions how much potential Beth Phoenix has and can bring to the championship. He claims she is the perfect champion for Trish’s reformation of the Divas division. Cole disagrees and believes that anyone other than Phoenix is a better option. Both discuss that Beth may not be completely focused as she has to be thinking just when Kharma will strike again.


Jack Doan holds the championship belt up as Phoenix and Nikki watch from their respective corners. Doan hands the title over to Roberts as he signals for the bell and this rematch is underway. Phoenix and Nikki lock up, but that doesn’t last long as Beth throws the former champ to the mat and into the ropes. Nikki ducks out and discusses strategy with Brie. Nikki gets back in the ring and she and Phoenix lock up again. This time Nikki takes a shortcut and steps on the foot of the champion. Nikki locks in a headlock and tries to throw Beth over, but drops to her knees and Beth doesn’t budge. Beth uses her strength as she lifts Nikki up and throws her to the ground. Nikki again rolls out of the ring and talks with her sister. Brie tries to calm down her sister as she massages her shoulders before Doan warns the diva to get in the ring. Nikki gets on the apron and gets back in. She wants a test a strength, which seems odd as Phoenix just gives her a lock. She goes to lock up, but Nikki moves away and bounces around and stretches on the ropes. She goes for another test of strength and again Nikki moves away and yanks on the ropes. Beth is clearly not pleased about this. Nikki goes for a third try, but Beth is having none of it as she clotheslines the challenger. Nikki gets right up, but gets knock back down with another clothesline. Nikki is up again and throws a wild punch that misses the mark and Phoenix lifts her up and holds her over her head before dropping to her shoulders. Beth is now doing squats with Nikki on her shoulders as the crowd counts along. After five Beth drops the challenger with a Samoan Drop into the cover.


Nikki tries to roll out of the ring, but Phoenix grabs at her leg and pulls her back in. Nikki kicks away and knocks Beth down. Nikki gets to her feet and makes a crossbody that Beth catches. Beth cracks a smile before hitting a Fallaway Slam. Beth goes for the cover but Brie Bella is up on the apron. Beth doesn’t seem to care as she grabs Brie by the hair. Beth is about to throw her in, but Nikki comes charging in. Beth sees it coming and moves and Nikki crashes into her sister, who crashes to the outside. Nikki holds her hand over her mouth as she backs up. Big mistake though as she back right into the champ, who lifts her up and drops her with a Glam Slam.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall and STILL Divas Champion…BETH PHOENIX!

Phoenix is handed her championship as she warded off Nikki Bella much quicker than Over the Limit. Beth’s celebration is cut short though as the crowd erupts at the sound of this.

***Bad Karma***

Kharma appears at the top of the stage and Phoenix isn’t backing down as she wants Kharma to hop in the ring. Kharma shakes her head no as she just stares at the Divas champion. Kharma then disappears for a split second before reappearing and dragging out fan favorite Kelly Kelly by her long blonde hair. Kelly is screaming for help as Beth watches on. Beth drops her title and as she goes to exit, Laycool comes from out of nowhere and attacks the champ. Layla and McCool lay the boots to the champion, but Beth begins to fight off and breaks free. She makes her way upstage, but it is too late as Kharma has Kelly Kelly up and powerbombs her off the stage and through a table. Kelly looks broken in half and destroyed. Phoenix checks on Kelly as Kharma laughs from the stage. Medics and EMTs come out to help Kelly, who is still laying motionless in the rubble. King is so disturbed that he has left his announce seat and is down checking on Kelly Kelly. We watch as the trainers and EMTs get Kelly onto a stretcher and wheel her backstage and off to the hospital to receive medical attention. Phoenix is clearly upset for allowing this to happen as we head backstage where Josh Mathews is with John Morrison.

Josh Mathews-John Morrison, last week you returned and delivered a vicious assault onto Wade Barrett. Fans are saying this is a new and improved, more vicious John Morrison.

John Morrison-Maybe it is Josh. Never have I felt so much dislike for an individual. Barrett wants to talk about how this business isn’t built for John Morrison, but I’m here to show it is. Sure I’m not a 6 foot 6 superstar, sure I’m not a muscle built freak, but what I am is entertaining. I hear modern day Shawn Michaels and that is truly the ultimate compliment. But it is time to carve my own name, not live off one of the greatest. Consider it a rebirth of sorts, the rebirth of John Morrison. I’m tired of getting by on what could be and will start getting by on what will be.

Josh Mathews-Then you’ll be glad to hear this. I’ve just gotten word that you and Wade Barrett will have a match at Capitol Punishment. That has to be good news considering the roll you have been on for a couple months.

John Morrison-Capitol Punishment will just further Wade Barrett’s statement to be inaccurate. I’ve beaten Barrett before and Captiol Punishment will be no different. It won’t be easy, they never are. But I’m not ready to slow down Josh as I’m on the biggest role of my life. Capitol Punishment will only be the beginning of John Morrison’s reformation.

We return to Raw as we see Michelle McCool and Layla, otherwise known as Laycool chattering as Josh Mathews voice can be heard in the background.

Josh Mathews-Laycool, Laycool, may I get a word with you guys for just a second?

Michelle and Layla stop their conversation and await what Matthews has to say.

Josh Mathews-It is clear that you two have some sort of problem with the Divas champion, but I’ll get to that in just a minute. It seems as if you guys have patched up after last week’s little mishap?

Michelle McCool-Little mishap Josh? Do you know who you are dealing with? We are flawless Josh, we don’t make mishaps.

Josh Mathews-Well from my vantage point it looked like you pushed Layla into Kharma’s path of destruction.

Michelle McCool-Look Josh, Lay and I talked it out and it was a misunderstanding. She would have done the same thing if she were in my shoes. It was just in a state of panic and now we are stronger and more flawless than ever. Right Lay?

Layla-Right ‘chelle. And AJ Lee after last week you are now on our radar. You better keeps eyes open honey because ‘chelle and I take no prisoners.

Michelle McCool-We’re putting the whole divas division on notice. Laycool won’t stop until we get what we want and Bret Phoenix has what we want. The fact that Bret Phoenix is representing the women of professional wrestling is an insult. There are only two divas who can carry around that burden and they are absolutely…


Laycool walks off as we head to ringside where the music of Ted Dibiase plays in the background. Dibiase isn’t greeted too kindly by the Richmond crowd. Cole talks about how Dibiase has a nice winning streak on Superstars and wondering if it will carry on here.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Guyana, South America…EZEKIEL JACKSON!

Big Zeke appears on stage a nice ovation from the Richmond crowd. King mentions how Dibiase is in for a tough task as Jackson is one big man. Cole offers a rebuttal stating how Dibiase defeated him recently on Superstars, as this is a rematch from the most recent episode. Dibiase ducks to the outside as he bounces around as Jackson poses for the fans in Richmond.


Dibiase slides back into the ring and Chad Patton readies for the bell to ring. Zeke has revenge on his mind as Cole again mentions Dibiase’s countout victory over the Guyanese Goliath. King emphasizes the importance of a win here for these men as it could move the up the food chain here on Raw. Dibiase circles around the ring as he tries to avoid Zeke’s giant grasp. Jackson finally has Dibiase cornered and he grabs the young superstar by the arms and throws him halfway across the ring. Dibiase goes sliding as he props himself in the corner, but is squashed into the corner by Big Zeke. Dibiase just falls to the ground as Zeke lets out a ferocious roar. Dibiase tries to crawl away, but Zeke grabs him and lifts him back up. It seems as if that was Dibiase’s plan as he kicks Jackson in the thigh, dropping the big man to one knee. Ted then bounces off the rope and nails a flying left knee straight to the face of Jackson. The big man falls as Dibiase covers.


Zeke shows immense strength as he flings Dibiase off the cover as if he were a small bug. Dibiase gets right back up and lays in the boots to keep the big man grounded, but they don’t seem to affect Zeke at all. Jackson continues to fend off Dibiase as he shoves him away, but like the pest he is Dibiase keeps coming back. Dibiase tries for a DDT on the kneeling Jackson, but Zeke shoves Ted away and is able to get to his feet. Dibiase charges but Zeke takes him down with a clothesline with his tree trunk sized arms. Dibiase hops back up but is flung in the air courtesy of a back body drop from Zeke. Dibiase rolls around the mat holding at his back as he crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up. Zeke charges the young Dibiase but Dibiase yanks down the top rope and Zeke flies to the outside. Dibiase is still holding at his back as he goes outside. Dibiase nails some punches to the grounded Jackson. Dibiase lifts Zeke up and struggles to whip him into the stairs. Zeke crashes into the steel chairs as the stairs fly off the post as the big man is grounded. King mentions that Dibiase is looking for another cheap win and Cole claims a win is a win. Dibiase rolls back into the ring as Patton continues his count. Jackson pulls himself up using the barrier as Patton reaches 8. Jackson just manages to get in the ring as the count nears ten. Dibiase now lays in the boots to Jackson, who is down on the mat. Dibiase rolls Jackson over and makes the cover.


Dibiase slams the mat as he can’t believe Jackson isn’t finished. Dibiase picks the big man off the mat and tries to whip Jackson into the corner, but Zeke grabs hold of the ropes and doesn’t budge. Jackson grabs Dibiase and flings him into the corner. Jackson charges and nails a clothesline. Jackson nails another and then a third before Dibiase falls to the mat. Zeke drags Dibiase out of the corner and makes the cover.


Dibiase just gets his shoulder up as Zeke grabs the youngster by the head and lifts him up. Jackson flings Dibiase into the nearest corner. Zeke charges, but Dibiase moves and guides Zeke shoulder first into the steel post. Dibiase is sitting on the mat as he sees this as a golden opportunity. Dibiase slides behind Jackson and rolls him up.


Again Jackson manages to kick out much to Dibiase’s chagrin. Dibiase looks at Patton who can do nothing but tell Dibiase it was a two count. Ted puts his frustration back on Jackson as he hammers away with a series of boots to his grounded opponent. Dibiase steps back towards the ropes and props himself up on the middle rope as he waits for Jackson to come to. Jackson is slow to his feet, but as he turns Dibiase launches himself. Big mistake as Jackson barely steps out of the way and Dibiase crashes and burns. Zeke wants Ted up and when he gets up Jackson scoops him up and drops him with a bodyslam. Ted gets back up, only to be taken down by another slam. The crowd knows it and so do the announcers as King mentions the dreaded Torture Rack. Jackson drops Dibiase with the third slam and as Ted gets up Jackson gets him onto his shoulders and into position for the aforementioned Torture Rack. However Jackson can’t get it locked in as his shoulder gives out and Ted is able to sneak out the back and kick Jackson behind the knee. Big Zeke falls to one knee as Dibiase locks him in the Million Dollar Dream. Zeke begins to fade, but he gains energy from the fans as he gets back to both feet only for Dibiase to kick his legs out and then barely lift Zeke in the air and drop him with what might be the biggest Dream Street we’ve ever seen. Dibiase is wide-eyed as he can’t believe he hit it as he crawls to make the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…TED DIBIASE!

Dibiase finally put away Zeke as he looks on exhausted. Patton raises the hand of the youngster who gets on the ropes and banters much to the crowd’s disliking. Dibiase mouths that this is only the beginning as he slides out the ring and makes his way up the ramp as Patton checks on the defeated Jackson.

The screen is now split in two as we see Kofi Kingston on the right and his opponent in tonight’s main event, CM Punk on the left. Cole talks of the implications for the main event stating if Kingston is victorious the match at Capitol Punishment will become a triple threat match for the championship. Both men look ready as we head off to the last commercial break of the evening.



Michael Cole-We are back here on Raw from the Richmond Coliseum and here comes Kofi Kingston. King it seems every match Kofi is in becomes the biggest of his career. If Kofi can defeat the rampage rampant CM Punk he will find himself added into the championship match at Capitol Punishment.

Jerry Lawler-A championship that should already be around his waist Cole. Kingston had Miz beat at Over the Limit and he shouldn’t have to win a match to get back into the title hunt. But tonight Kingston has everything thing to gain, CM Punk may not know what he got himself into.

Kingston was introduced while Cole and Lawler babbled on as he is in the ring and his head is in the game as his usual smile is a stern look as Kofi is ready for business tonight.

***This Fire Burns***

Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Chicago, Illinois…CM PUNK!

Punk comes out to a mixed reaction, mostly boos as his music blares through the Richmond Coliseum. Punk’s confident smirk is, like Kingston, a stern look as he just glares at the Dreadlocked Dynamo. Punk is in his blue trunks, orange design as he rips off his white best in the world shirt as he enters the ring. Cole mentions how Punk has the upper hand in psychological terms seeing as he has the Voiceless backing him up.


Senior official Mike Chioda rings the bell and we are set for our main event this evening. The two men just walk to the center of the ring and have a stare down as a “Lets go Kofi” chant breaks out amongst the fans here in Richmond. Kingston and Punk are mouthing off to each other before Kingston loses his cool and strikes first with a series of rights that backs Punk up into the ropes. Kingston whips Punk across the ring and Punk leapfrogs the champ. Kingston dives to the ground as Punk gallops over him. Kingston pops up as Punk bounces back for the return and eats a dropkick from the hungry Kingston. Punk crawls towards the closest corner and pulls himself up as he realigns his jaw. The two stars circle round the ring before locking up. The lockup doesn’t last long as Punk yanks on the hair of Kingston and throws him to the ground. Punk claims innocence as Chioda issues a warning. Punk bounces off the ropes and Kingston rolls over as Punk gallops over him again. This time Kofi hits the leapfrog and follows with second one from a reverse position before taking Punk down with another dropkick. The crowd here in Richmond is pro-Kofi as Punk rolls to the outside, clearly frustrated in the early going. Punk slowly hops back onto the apron and demands Chioda keep Kingston back. Kingston is hot right now as Punk slowly steps back into the ring. Kofi charges over to the anti-hero, but Punk nails Kingston with a thumb to the eye. Chioda again warns Punk, who claims it didn’t happen. Punk is quick to lock up Kingston in a headlock and flip him to the ground and keep the hold locked in. Punk demands Chioda check if Kingston surrenders, but it is going to take more than that to keep the Dreadlocked Dynamo down. Punk continues to wrench in on the hold as Kingston comes up with a creative escape as he flips his legs up and locks Punk in between. This causes Punk to break the hold as he slaps Kingston’s legs off from around his neck. Punk is quick to his feet as he runs over and kicks Kingston on his left side that sends him flying into the air and landing back on the mat. Punk readjusts his jaw as he grabs Kingston by the hair and lifts him off the mat. Punk strikes with three elbows followed by a spinning back hand that drops Kofi to a knee. Punk finishes off the combo with a spinning kick that nearly knocks Kingston’s head off. Punk goes for the quick cover.


Kingston just gets his shoulder up as Punk just shakes his head at Chioda before lifting Kingston off the mat. Punk sticks with the attacks to Kingston’s head as Cole brings up Kingston’s recent head issues after Miz’s attacks. Punk hammers in a series of forearms before sending Kofi across the ring with an Irish whip and follows up with a beautiful arm drag right into a wrist lock submission. Punk has Kingston’s hand wrenched behind his head as he yanks back as Kofi grimaces in pain. Kingston tells Chioda no as he checks if he submits. Punk continues to apply the pressure as Kingston tries to wriggle his way out. As Punk has the hold locked in we cut backstage where we see the WWE champion watching on. Cole mentions how this could change the title picture with a victory for Kingston as Punk has given him the chance to get in the match at Capitol Punishment. We head back to live action as Kingston appears to get himself to his knees as Punk releases the hold and kicks Kingston right in the face that sends him back into the ropes. Punk runs at Kofi and clotheslines the Dreadlocked Dynamo over the ropes to the floor. Punk crouches down in the ring as Kingston crawls to the announce table and pulls himself up. In that time Punk has taken off and dives through the middle rope and crashes into Kingston as the two stars collide with the announce table. Both men are in pain as Kingston rolls around holding at his back (which took the brunt of the announce table) and Punk his shoulder. Chioda delays his count as he checks on the condition of the two superstars. The two confirm they are ok as Chioda slides back into the ring. Punk crawls over to the stairs as he gets himself to his feet. Kingston is also up and wounded. However Kingston hides his pain as he charges Punk. Punk ducks and flings Kingston up in the air, but Kofi lands atop the stairs. Punk goes to push his opponent off, but Kofi greets Punk with a back kick that sends the anti-hero back towards the announce table. Kingston takes a leap of faith and nails a turning CM Punk with a turning crossbody. The crowd absolutely eats up the high risk move of Kingston. Kingston gets to his feet as the adrenaline kicks in and he dives into the ring as he notices Chioda is near his ten count. Instead of taking the potential countout victory Kingston slides back out of the ring and lifts Punk up and rolls him back in. Kingston now hops to the apron and in shades of the late great Eddie Guerrero Kingston nails a beautiful Tope Atomico. Kingston quickly scurries over and covers Punk.


Punk gets his shoulder up as Kingston grits his teeth in disappointment. Kingston lifts the anti-hero up and props him up in the closest turnbuckle. Kingston hits some stiff elbows before backing up to the middle of the ring. Kingston charges and he leaps and lands atop Punk’s shoulders and begins laying in the fists. The crowd counts along, but come the fifth punch Punk powerbombs Kingston to the canvas below. Punk falls to his knees as he is wounded and Kingston rolls around grasping at the back of his head. Punk crawls over to the down Kingston and he drapes his arm over Kingston’s body.


Punk sits Kingston up and drives in a series of elbow shots straight to the jaw. The onslaught is broken up by Chioda who grabbed Punk, who is kicking and screaming. Chioda releases Punk, who is furious. Punk screams at Chioda as he has him backed into a corner. Punk is clearly not threatened by the fact that Chioda could disqualify him. Kingston crawls over and rolls Punk up. Chioda dives out of the corner and makes the count.


Punk just manages to fling Kingston off on the roll up. Kingston flies back as Punk rolls back up to his feet. Both men charge each other with a clothesline and nail each other, crashing to the mat. Chioda checks on both men as they lay on the mat and Chioda begins his count.

Kingston and Punk both begin to stir as they are kneeling in the center of the ring. Chioda breaks his count at 5 as the two stars begin swapping right hands. The crowd is eating it up as the two kneeling superstars are in battle. Kingston gains the advantage as he fires away three consecutive shots that have the kneeling Punk teetering back. Kingston leaps up to his feet and kicks Punk right in the face and the anti-hero collapses to the mat. Kingston falls down for the cover.


Again CM Punk manages to get his shoulder up as the match has been fast paced and had many near falls. Kingston crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up as he stands in the corner and slowly claps and the crowd “Booms” with each clap of the hand. The crowd and those watching at home knows what is coming next, Trouble in Paradise. Punk is rather slow to his feet as he is on Jello legs. Punk turns around and Kingston twirls in the air, but the Voice of the Voiceless manages to duck out of the way and Kingston crashes to the mat. Kingston rolls around as Punk is on one knee trying to catch his breath. Punk looks at his wounded opponent as he stands up to his feet. Kingston I sjust about to sit up as Punk goes for a kick to the face, but Kingston ducks it only to be connected by a follow through kick from CM Punk. The crowd “oohs” at the connecting shot to Kingston’s head as Punk falls back for the cover and counts with Chioda.


Kingston just gets his shoulder up and the look on Punk’s face is worth a million bucks. The anti-hero can’t believe that Kingston got his shoulder up as he rips at his hair. Punk lifts Kingston up and shoves him into the closest corner. Punk nails a series of punches, slaps, and chops to the cornered Kingston. Punk backs up a few steps and slaps his knee and charges Kingston. Punk nails his patented corner knee strike and follows it up with a wicked bulldog. Punk senses the end as he signals that it is bedtime for Kofi Kingston. Kingston doesn’t know where he is at as he wobbles around as he gets to his feet and turns right into Punk. The Straight Edge Superstar lifts Kingston up onto his shoulders and the end is near, but Kingston is fighting it off. Kofi nails a few elbow shots before sliding off the back of Punk. Kingston goes for Trouble in Paradise again, but Punk ducks and Kingston connects with Mike Chioda. Chioda is out as Kingston tries and checks on him. Kingston is flustered as he gets to his feet, only to be greeted by a low blow from Punk. Kingston falls to his knees and Punk begins to hammer in kicks straight into the chest of Kingston, who falls to the mat after the third connecting shot. Punk lifts Kingston up off the mat and onto his shoulders and drops him with a GTS. Punk covers Kingston, but Chioda is still down. Punk waves his arm as the crowd is giving him some major heat and out comes the Voiceless. Sheffield leads the pack as Reks and Ryan aren’t far behind. Punk drags Kingston and sets him in the corner and Sheffield nails Kofi with a huge splash. Ryan and Reks start to throw the boots to the ailing Kingston as the crowd isn’t thrilled over this. Punk sits on watching as Sheffield stands by. Ryan lifts Kingston up and drops him with a heavy spinebuster. Punk applauds his boos, but the crowd is now in an uproar as WWE Champion, The Miz is running down the ramp with a steel chair in hand. Reks is the first to take on the champ, but is nailed with a kick from Miz followed up by a chair shot to the back. Mason Ryan is next, but Miz ducks and back body drops Ryan straight onto the steel ramp. Miz looks to have control, but is clubbed from behind by Sheffield. Sheffield gains the upper hand as he takes out Miz with a series of stomps, but Miz fights back as he nails a shot to the midsection and starts nailing lefts of his own. Sheffield is nailed with a stiff forearm and drops to a knee. Miz grabs his chair and swings for the fences as he nearly takes Sheffield’s head off. With the Voiceless members down it leaves Miz and Punk alone. Miz crawls into the ring and him and Punk have a staredown. The two have a verbal spat before Punk backs up and throws his arms out. Miz looks confused as Punk yells out “hit me” in a scene very reminiscent of The Dark Knight with Joker and Batman. Miz has the chair ready as Punk continues to shout out “hit me”. Chioda is beginning to stir, as is Kingston. Punk yells one more time to “hit me” and Miz swings the chair, but not at Punk. In a shocking turn of events Miz turns steps to the side and smacks Kingston across the back and the crowd gives him some heat and all of a sudden the bell rings. Punk realizes what just happened as Miz slides out of the ring. Chioda explains the situation to Justin Roberts on the outside.

Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by disqualification…KOFI KINGSTON!

Michael Cole-Did you just see what The Miz did Lawler? He just put himself at a disadvantage to prove a point tonight. The Miz told Kingston he had his back and he just got him a title match at Capitol Punishment.

Jerry Lawler-I don’t know Cole. Miz may have won Kingston the match, but to say you have someone’s back by cracking them over the head with a steel chair isn’t exactly the way to go about it.

The two announcers come to silence as Miz is at the top of the ramp and he holds up his WWE championship. Punk stares on and Kingston clutching his head watches on as well. The screen fades to black as the last image we see is a smiling Miz, who seems to have gotten one up on CM Punk.
JAM's Review​
First of all, welcome back Theo! I know you've been busy as of late, so it's great to see you back. Also, the new graphics are great, really nice to look at. New font too, better presentation than the other shows in my opinion. Well anyway, let's go to it!

I like unconventional openings to a show, or well it wasn't out of the ordinary but usually, it's a big segment so it was good to see a match instead. This indeed was another good showing by Miz and Mason Ryan was pretty alright too. I like how you seem to have Miz as a face since I think he can be a really good face especially with the media attention that he has. Having Kofi Kingston involved is really good as well since I think he's a credible main eventer. And this backstage segment kind of confirms that Miz is face or some kind of tweener but he's not heel, I like this decision Theo, good job. One thing I'd criticize is the use of the word “as.” There was a lot of it here and I think you could've done without it at some points.

Good slow build to Ryder here. With the tension with Guerrero and Ziggler, looks like they'll break apart soon but that's fine since Guerrero still has Drew. But anyway, not a fan of face vs. face matches so hopefully this US Title Match build will be great.

I quite enjoyed that promo by Kane. I think it would've been a lot better though if Scott wasn't there, it should've been like one of those TNA backstage interviews in my opinion, it would've made for a cool vignette or video. But what Kane said was brilliant, seems like another hint that Kane is coming back with the mask. I really didn't expect Kane to be this good in the ring still so hopefully you got things planned for him.

Kharma vs. Beth? FINALLY! Sad to see that Kharma has been granted her release though in real life. Anyway, that was quite a segment with Kharma power-bombing Kelly off the stage. Definitely something that I think wouldn't have been approved by WWE but I commend you for giving us a showing like that. I like the detail you put of everyone being in shock and of King leaving his desk to check on Kelly.

Definitely liking this John Morrison, good to see him being built up once again. Him and Barrett should provide a good showing at Capitol Punishment.

Good little match here with Dibiase and Jackson. I wanna see a Dibiase push for some reason. He's pretty good in the ring so if he can keep this up, I'm sure he can be put in a pretty respectable midcard feud if ever you needed someone.

Wow, what an ending. It does leave a lot of questions as to what Miz's true intentions were here. I think it was a little of both, that way you keep Miz tweener for a while longer. I do think Punk wouldn't have made that stipulation in the first place though. As soon as I saw that he had that stipulation for the match, I predicted that it was going to happen, but it was still good to read.

Overall, a pretty good RAW Theo. Hopefully your schedule clears up and we see more of you around the section. The presentation is great with the new graphics and font. But like I said, I think it should be predominantly red for the font color, but your choice of colors is fine. All in all you did a good job of having a cliffhanger so I commend you on that.
Peep's RAW Review

* First of all, welcome back Theoski and I must say, I'm loving the new presentation. The new font and graphics are very, very cool and it just looks a lot sharper, before it felt as though there was too much going on at once. I'm not so sure about the variety of colours in promos but hey, it doesn't take anything away. Starting off with a main event worthy match was a nice choice and I'm really liking what you did with Miz throughout this episode but I'll get to more of that later. Miz looked great absorbing a load of damage from the big Welshman and got just what he needed, getting a victory over one of Punk's cronies. The inclusion of a rising Kingston into this storyline felt very confusing last week, but you have really turned it around this week and each segment involving Punk, Kofi and Miz fell nicely into place. Just every little detail is slowly putting over Miz as a credible face, without it feeling forced and I'm glad you kept his loud mouth attitude, something the WWE nearly got over with a very popular face Mr. Kennedy. It felt a little random to chuck Drew in with Vickie's stable, but I'll see where you go, if it just adds to Dolph's frustrations in the future. Despite how good Vickie is, I feel Drew needs something interesting to make him enjoyable, he is awesome in the ring but he is just so bland - the same gimmick alongside the Cougar won't be that great if you go down that path. Loved this fast paced, exciting tag match and Ryder picks up a huge win to keep his push slowly moving forward, and one I'm enjoying so far. It did feel a bit random for Zack to get a title shot, I would have maybe liked this storyline to go in a different direction. But then again, two very over faces could just make it all for the title, without a need for a heated grudge like Cara had with Ziggler. The match should be stellar at Capitol Punishment.

* Haha, this Kane promo was incredible. As we saw in 2010, give him some time on the microphone and something interesting to do and Kane can do wonders! I loved the imagery of Kane setting fire to the place which made him feel normal, as he actually loves being a monster! I'm not sure the mask is the way to go as it is such an overused idea on the internet, but I'm really intrigued what you do with Kane. He can add a little bit of star power to an already packed, exciting roster of mostly young stars, and I can't wait to see what he does next week. This feel Punk is very well written, his obsession with perfection with being the best, just drives his arrogant, he must be fun to write for. Again, I would have liked Skip to have been the only monster behind Punk as he has a real future, him scaring off Matthews was funny. It might just be his arrogance and frustration, perhaps even wanting to show his cronies how good he is, but I'm not sure why Punk so readily wanted to let Kofi into his title match. A nice little dominant performance from the Divas Champ, and that can put an end to her feud with Bellas, they did an admirable job as transitional champions but now you can move onto bigger and better things with Beth. This was an incredible segment after the match also, as you displayed Kharma as this brute, almost a freak of a person. She destroys the very popular Kelly Kelly. The booking here was excellent, Beth doesn't yet get to confront Kharma as LayCool step in, perhaps they battle Beth for now until she can get her hands on her, soon to be, massive foe.

* Eh, wasn't really feeling this promo from Morrison. It is hard to make him interesting as a face but I feel, with Barrett in the picture, maybe more of a storyline could have been created. I think something more needs to be on the go home show next week to really cement a place on the PPV. Both men have so much potential and I'm sure you won't disappoint with future feuds involving the two young stars. I really liked this promo from LayCool, they played off their mishap and also gave a solid reason for their attack, they want to be champs as 'Bret' isn't a good representation of 'their' division. Solid work here mate. DiBiase gets the jobbers entrance but he prevails in another well written match - match writing being a huge strength of yours. It gave both guys a rub just to be on RAW, but it was Ted who claims the victory in the end with his game plan coming into effect at the most vital of times. I hope you push Teddy as he is one of the best on the roster in the ring, he can tell a great story in the ring but again, he is so bland. No-one can do his father's gimmick better than his Ted Sr. so I'm not sure that is the right path to go down, maybe take a chance, slap on a new gimmick, something that no one has ever seen. He is a future star. Either way, you have a stacked set of guys ready to challenge Sin Cara either way. Throughout the match, maybe just because of the gimmick, I'm buying Kofi as ready to break through that glass ceiling. Such an amazing main event contest and a thrilling finale, Miz proving a hell of a point. Just like last week, the conclusion of RAW was awesome and I cannot wait for what is next, you have played out this three way storyline so well and the match itself shall be excellent.

Overall: You have become my favourite booker with this episode, it is so enjoyable to read and you just get better and better. Maybe there could have one more match and, as I've mentioned, some storylines need a bit of a boost on the final show. However, you have moved fully away from the real WWE and you are crafting your own show, making it your own and it's so fun to read. Every division is thriving and each storyline is intriguing! Well done mate!
SXEnightmare's Review:

Read this show last night couldnt get a review out till today so here we go.

The possible alliance forming between Miz and Kofi is...interesting to say the least I thought we were getting a Miz face turn but cracking Kofi with a chair changes that and makes me wonder if Kofi will ever wanna join up with Miz to handle Punk and the Voiceless.

Beth vs Khrama finally about to happen! Cant wait for this match but I would like to see Khrama atleast have a match before facing Beth although her first match being for the title could be very intersting as well. Poor Kelly Kelly must be broken in half after what Khrama did to her though!

I liked seeing Ted pick up a victory over Zeke I always liked Dibiase so id love to see him get a push into the US Title picture sometime down the road.

Punk vs Kofi was awesome match of the night right there. The ending actullay left me wondering whats gonna happen next I see a triple threat coming at the next PPV between these three.

Overall pretty good show man im digging Punk's stable hes always been a great stable leader though. It seems like its gonna take a group of people to handle this stable and maybe thats where its heading but I dont know. Keep up the good work man!

NXT Preview

We enter the second week of the new NXT as the NXT pros and rookies take over the Roanoke Civic Center. Last week saw a dominating performance from Wade Barrett's rookie Jackson Andrews as Andrews dominated Vickie Guerrero's pro, Briley Pierce. Will Jackson continue his dominance with his sheer size and power or will someone stop the giant?

Thanks to winning a rookie challenge Zack Ryder's rookie, James Storm earned a shot against WWE superstar, John Morrison. How will James Storm fare in his first match inside a WWE ring? Will the Cowboy score the upset against the Guru of Greatness or will Morrison roll continue.

And in the main event Sin Cara's rookie, Austin Aries (who claims to be far from a rookie) defeated the son of Ricky Steamboat and rookie of WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair, Richie Steamboat. Will Aries air of arrogance continue or will Steamboat take revenge on the self proclaimed winner of NXT? Find out this and more on the second week of NXT!

NXT June 7th, 2011 (Roanoke Civic Center in Roanoke, Virginia)

Scott Stanford-We are back again Mr. Regal as it is week two of NXT. What a main event we have tonight in John Morrison against James Storm. A huge opportunity for James Storm tonight.

William Regal-Indeed it is Scott. Last week James won a contest and in return earned the right to fight John Morrison here tonight. We’ve seen a change of character from Morrison of late as he is more relentless than possibly anyone on the roster in the moment. James Storm may be in trouble tonight Scott.

Scott Stanford-Speaking of trouble Austin Aries presented some of that last week as he defeated Richie Steamboat in controversial fashion. Speaking of Austin Aries, lets meet the so called greatest man alive.


Austin Aries-Who am I? I think you already know.

Aries is in a beige blazer, black shirt and sunglasses as generic rock music begins playing in the background showing clips of Austin Aries from the independent scene. In a whisper we hear “greatest man alive” in the background. As the whispers fade the camera goes back to Austin Aries as he pulls his shades off.

Austin Aries-But for those that don’t know, I’m A-Double Austin Aries. And I’m the greatest man that ever lived and the winner of NXT.

More clips of Aries from the independent scene are highlighted as A-Double continues his rant.

Austin Aries-Why am I the greatest man alive? One I’m a freaking rockstar. Two I look like this. Three I go harder than any human being to ever step foot on this planet. Four I’m a vegan. Five I’m a wine connoisseur. How much time do we have? As you can see I could go on all day as to why I’m the greatest man alive. NXT is just a stepping stone for A-Double. I don’t need NXT, NXT needs me. Just hand me my contract and my championship match and we’ll call it a day.

Aries blows a kiss at the camera as we head back to the announce team.

Scott Stanford-Austin Aries certainly doesn’t lack in the confidence department Bill.

William Regal-That he doesn’t Scott. There is a reason he is the favorite to win this whole thing. He certainly has it all now doesn’t he?

We head to the ring where we have the host of NXT, Michael McGillicutty standing by as he receives a lukewarm reaction from the Virginia crowd.

Michael McGillicutty-We’re back!!!!!! Week two is here and we have a show tonight. In our main event we will see Zack Ryder’s rookie James Storm going up against WWE Superstar, John Morrison! But tonight we are going to start things with an obstacle course!

The crowd doesn’t seem to impressed with the fact that they are going to be seeing an obstacle course to start the show. Around the ring we see a series of obstacles. McGillicutty explains the contestants will start off by running through tires. Next they will do ten jumps with a jump rope. Following that the contestants will scale over three walls that grow in size as you go. Next up is a group of ten pushups . Then the contestants will barrel through a football tackling dummy. Once the dummy reaches the barrier the contestants will run back up the ramp and push a moving cart across the finish line to their final time. The winner of the obstacle course will receive a match against any NXT pro or rookie.

Xavier Woods: 38 seconds
Damien Sandow: 42 seconds
Jackson Andrews: DQ’d (skipped tasks)
Austin Aries: 1 minute 21 seconds (Aries went nonchalant throughout)
Briley Pierce: 57 seconds
James Storm: DNP (preparing for main event match with John Morrison)
Richie Steamboat: 36 seconds
Jay Lethal: 39 seconds

Richie Steamboat has earned the match with any NXT pro or rookie and his decision will be given at the beginning of next week’s episode.


We return from break and in the ring is Xavier Woods, who is getting a pep talk from his pro Kofi Kingston. Sin Cara’s music hits, but is soon cut off by Austin Aries. Aries has a mic in hand and is ready to speak his mind.

Austin Aries-Welcome back to the A-Double show! I have a little beef I need to get off my chest. Last week I was the person you tuned in to see. This week I’m the reason you came back. And for some reason I go from main eventing the show one week to curtain jerking the next. That is unacceptable. Why you ask? I’m Austin Aries, I am the main event. I should be main eventing against John Morrison tonight, not James Storm. Instead I’m fighting the guy that stuck his finger in the electrical outlet.

The crowd and announcers get a chuckle out of Aries’ comment regarding Xavier Woods’ hair style. Woods is fired up as Kingston calms him down.

Austin Aries-Don’t worry I will compete because the world needs Austin Aries more than Austin Aries needs the world. I’ll continue to prove that I am Mr. NXT.

Aries drops the mic as Sin Cara is watching on from ringside and Kingston soon joins him.


Aries showboats around the ring as Justin King rings the bell. The self-proclaimed greatest man alive trots around in a circle backwards, thinking it is the greatest thing. Woods watches on intent as the two stars lock up. Aries gets the edge, locking Woods in a tightly placed headlock. Aries wrenches on the neck and Woods tries to get out, but to no avail as Aries has it on like super glue. Aries breaks the hold and swings around back into a waistlock before throwing Woods down to the mat face first. Aries, in his cocky way, messes up Woods afro like hair and nonchalantly slaps his face before stepping back. Aries has a huge grin on his face as Woods pops up furiously. Aries tells Woods to “come at him” and Woods does just that. Woods jumps right in with a kick to the midsection followed by a backhand chop and a wicked right hand that sends Aries into the ropes. Woods sets up Aries for an Irish whip and follows up with a flapjack that puts Aries face first into the canvas below. Woods is quick on the cover as Kingston cheers him on.


Aries gets his shoulder up just as Justin King hits two. Woods stays on the offensive as he lifts Aries up and strikes him with a series of elbow shots to the jaw. Aries falls back into the middle rope and Woods connects with an impressive looking hip toss where Aries lands back first on top of Woods knee. Kingston is impressed, as is the WWE universe at the maneuver. Woods goes for another cover.


Woods gets Aries to his feet and sends him to the corner. Woods places himself in the middle of the ring as he panders to the crowd, getting them pumped up. Woods bolts towards the cornered Aries and goes for a splash, but Aries rolls out the way and Woods eats nothing but turnbuckles. Aries slides behind Woods and hits a quick roll up.


The roll up almost caught Woods by surprise and finished him. Both men spring to their feet, but Aries is the first to strike as he hits a flying elbow to the temple of Xavier Woods. Aries sits Woods up and nails a kick to the spine of Xavier Woods. Woods screams out in pain as Aries pounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick to the side of Woods’s head. Aries does a little bow and that gets the crowd in Roanoke going as Aries makes a cover.


Woods just gets his shoulder up as Aries gives Justin King a confused look, as if the match should be over. Aries locks in a headlock after the brief pause and as he wrenches he elevates himself into the air and drives his knee right into the back of Woods following each elevation. Kingston is on the outside trying to get the crowd behind Woods and Roanoke responds. The crowd claps as Aries tells them to quiet down. Woods begins to stir as in traditional fashion he starts shaking his leg. Woods gets to one knee and elbows Aries in the midsection. Aries breaks the hold as he flies off Woods. The young Xavier Woods gets to his feet and bounces off the ropes and nails a quick clothesline to Aries. He follows it up with another clothesline and finishes the combo with a flying back elbow. Aries is down as Woods is fired up and banters to the crowd. Woods is waiting for Aries to get to his feet and as A-Double does Woods does a duck and roll and pops up and nails a flying clothesline, taking Aries back down to the mat. Woods makes a quick cover.


Aries just kicks out, as he is breathing heavily following the onslaught from Woods. Woods lifts Aries up and nails a quick snap suplex and follows up with a jumping leg drop. Aries rolls out of the ring holding at his neck as Woods pumps up the Roanoke crowd. Aries is waving off Justin King’s count as it looks like A-Double is calling it a day. Woods however has other plans in store. He heads to the outside and grabs Aries by the back and rolls him back into the ring. Woods then springboards off the top and nails a beautiful bulldog to Aries and makes another cover.


Aries again manages to get that shoulder up just in time. Woods grabs Aries and sends him into the corner. After a series of shoulder shots into Aries midsection, Xavier Woods props the self proclaimed greatest man alive atop the turnbuckle. Woods joins Aries on the ropes and goes for a superplex, but Aries blocks. Woods attempts another and again Aries fends it off. Aries now strikes with a series of headbutts that send Woods crashing down to the mat below. Aries poses much to the crowd’s disdain before diving off the middle rope and nail a beautiful elbow drop. Aries stays on the offensive as he grabs Woods’s head of hair and throws him to the outside. Aries wipes his feet and smacks his hands together as if he has taken out the trash. Aries prances around the ring before becoming fixated on Woods outside. Aries shouts out to the crowd to “watch this” as he bounces off the ropes and dives between the middle and bottom rope and crashes down atop Xavier Woods on the outside. Both men are down on the outside following the amazing risk from Aries. Aries holds at his head as he pulls Woods off the matting. A-Double rolls Woods back into the ring as he hopes on the apron and shouts out “how’s that for show business” to the Roanoke fans. Aries cracks his neck and turns around and launches himself back in the ring and nails a gorgeous corkscrew splash right into a cover.


Woods just gets his arm up in time as Aries just shakes his head at the official. Aries gets up and drives his knee right into the face of Woods. He follows up with another and to top it off a third one that see Aries fly through the air and waving his arms before crashing down on Woods. Aries pops back up and signals for the fans to bring the heat. Aries holds his finger up signaling for the fans to hold on a minute. A-Double drags Woods to the middle of the ring and he has a smirk on his face as he prepares for his next move. Aries does a little dance and then hits an amazing twisting elbow drop. Woods looks done as Aries shouts out “that’ll do it” and makes the cover.


Aries isn’t too happy with Justin King as he lets out a sarcastic laugh as if King’s count was too slow. Aries grabs Woods by the hair and props him on the top turnbuckle. Aries soon joins him as he signals it is over. Regal informs us that he has seen Aries do this before and it is a Brainbuster that Aries has used to put away many of his opponents on the Indy scene. Aries goes for the lift, but Woods grabs hold of the ropes. Aries tries beating down on Woods, but Xavier kicks Aries off the ropes and to the mat below. Woods yells out at the crowd as he gets himself perched on the top. Aries turns around and Woods flies and drops A-Double with a beautiful DDT and right into the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…XAVIER WOODS!

Scott Stanford-This has to be considered an upset don’t you think Bill?

William Regal-Indeed it does Scott. Aries seems to be the early favorite here and Xavier Woods shows us that we shouldn’t count him out as the young man scores the victory here tonight.

Woods rolls to the outside and celebrates his victory as Kingston gives him a fist bump. Woods is pumped as Aries looks on from the inside in shock, as he can’t believe he has been defeated.


We return from commercial and go straight into a video package featuring Jackson Andrews

Jackson Andrews-I’m Jackson Andrews and I’m WWE’s next breakout star.

Heavy metal music hits as photos displaying Andrews pure size flash across the screen.

Jackson Andrews-You know that saying in baseball, a cup of coffee? Well I had my cup of coffee with the WWE before getting sent home packing by Mark Henry.

Video of Andrews’ brief stint in the WWE as Tyson Kidd’s bodyguard are shown and as mentioned above Mark Henry showing him the exit.

Jackson Andrews-Now I’m back and badder than ever. I stand over 7 feet tall and weigh in at 340 pounds. With my size alone it makes me a favorite to win NXT. Nothing will keep me off the WWE roster this time around. After I bulldoze through NXT it is off to Raw where I’m going right to the top and taking out whoever stands in my way. If you had to make a bet, bet on Jackson Andrews.

We now cut backstage where we see Vickie Guerrero, Dolph Ziggler, and Drew McIntyre bickering. Standing next to each of them are their rookies, Briley Pierce, Jay Lethal, and Damian Sandow. The three are arguing over Ziggler’s actions last night on Raw when Ziggler shoved McIntyre following their loss to Zack Ryder and Sin Cara.

Michael McGillicutty-What is going on here?

Vickie tries to explain the situation, but Ziggler and McIntyre keep interrupting and nothing is getting solved. Vickie lets out a shrieking yell that silences the whole backstage area. The rookies cover their ears and Ziggler and McIntyre just glare at one another. McGillicutty cleans his ears out before speaking.

Michael McGillicutty-It’s clear we have some serious tension here. And the best place to settle tension is in the ring. In fact we have some free time tonight so lets have ourselves a tag team match. It will be Dolph Ziggler and Jay Lethal going up against Drew McIntyre and Damien Sandow. Get to stepping boys.

Scott Stanford-Bill can you hear me? Can you hear me Bill? I think Vickie broke my headset with that scream.

William Regal-I can hear you perfectly fine Scott. And please don’t insult a beautiful woman like Vickie Guerrero. Many of men wish they could make Vickie scream like that.

Stanford looks at Regal confused as Regal just shrugs his shoulders and smiles as the music of Dolph Ziggler blares through the arena and we head up to Justin Roberts.

Justin Roberts-This is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from the rookie and pro team of Jay Lethal and Dolph Ziggler!

The fans give a mix reaction to the team of Ziggler and Lethal. Ziggler makes a beeline to the ring as Lethal slaps hands with the fans and embraces them. Ziggler slides across the apron and tells Lethal to hold the ropes as he enters the ring. Ziggler has his game face on as he and Lethal seem to be on opposite pages.

Justin Roberts-And their opponents, the rookie and pro team of Drew McIntyre and Damien Sandow!

The crowd gives the teaming of Sandow and McIntyre no love as Broken Dreams (McIntyre’s theme) blares through the arena here in Roanoke. McIntyre and Sandow are on the same page as they enter the ring and Vickie Guerrero watches on from the entrance ramp with the rest of the pros.


Referee Jack Doan rings the bell as Ziggler sends Lethal to the apron and says he’s got this as it will be Ziggler and Sandow starting for their teams. Regal reminds us that Sandow calls himself the Lord of the Ring and Regal touts that he is the best in ring superstar amongst the rookies featured this season. Ziggler and Sandow lock up in the middle, but neither man gains the edge as they come to a break. Ziggler paces around the ring as McIntyre cheers on his rookie. Again the two lock up, but Ziggler kicks out Sandow’s knee, dropping him to the mat. Ziggler flings the water from his hair at Sandow and bounces off the ropes, but gets his head taken off by Damien Sandow. Sandow follows quickly with an elbow drop and then a cover.


Ziggler is quick to kick out as Sandow tried to end it early. Sandow picks Ziggler off the mat and drives him into the corner and keeps him pinned in as McIntyre tags in. Drew fires away with a big right hand as Sandow ducks out to the apron. McIntyre steps back and charges with a big clothesline that nearly flips Ziggler out of the ring. Ziggler falls to the mat and McIntyre rolls him over for a cover.


Again Ziggler manages to kick out before 2. McIntyre stomps away at the grounded Ziggler as he makes a quick tag back into Sandow. McIntyre keeps his boot across the throat of Ziggler as Doan begins his count. Sandow enters and hits a Million Dollar Man esque fist drop connecting right to Ziggler’s forehead. Sandow picks Ziggler off the mat and sends him into the ropes. Sandow goes for a clothesline, but Ziggler ducks and nails a quick kick to the midsection and follows it up with the Namedropper. Sandow is down as Ziggler is slow to make the cover.


McIntyre saves his rookie from defeat by breaking up the pinfall with a kick to the head of Ziggler. McIntyre is backed away by Doan, but that doesn’t stop Ziggler from pouncing. Ziggler leaps Doan and him and McIntyre start brawling. Doan finally breaks it up as he sends Ziggler back towards the middle of the ring and McIntyre back onto the apron. Sandow has made his way to the corner and tags in McIntyre who jumps Ziggler as he is dealing with Doan. McIntyre hammers away with big right hands, but Ziggler takes him down and starts hitting with fists of his own. Ziggler gets up and he is fired up as he flings his hair and nails a jumping elbow drop right across the chest of McIntyre. Ziggler sends McIntyre into the corner and then nails a beautiful body splash and tags in Jay Lethal. Lethal looks surprised as Ziggler nods him into the ring. Lethal leaps over the top rope and nails a quick strike of elbows to the cornered McIntyre. The Chosen One falls to the mat as Lethal hops up to the second rope. McIntyre staggers to his feet, but is taken back down when Lethal nails a flipping neckbreaker. McIntyre is down as Lethal makes the cover.


Sandow returns the favor and saves McIntyre from defeat. Now Sandow and Lethal are brawling. Lethal is in complete control until Doan breaks up the fight. Sandow is sent back to his corner and Lethal turns around and is nailed with a beautiful big boot from McIntyre. Drew falls to his knees and rolls over and tags in Sandow. The Lord of the Ring enters and nails a series of stomps on the grounded Lethal. Sandow twirls his hand in the air as he lifts Lethal up into a Pumphandle Slam type maneuver. As Sandow lifts Lethal into the air, Jay Lethal slides off the back of Sandow and nails the Lethal Combination (STO Backbreaker followed by Reverse STO). Lethal is winded as he is down and Ziggler reaches over and tags himself in. Ziggler skips over the grounded Sandow and shoves McIntyre off the apron and into the barricade. Sandow is just about up to his feet as Ziggler flies and drops him with the Zig Zag. Ziggler’s hair is a frizzy mess as he throws his hands through it and covers Sandow.


Justin Roberts-The winners of the match…JAY LETHAL AND DOLPH ZIGGLER!

Scott Stanford-An unnecessary finish by Ziggler, but an impressive showing from both Sandow and Lethal, don’t you agree?

William Regal-I certainly do Scott. Lethal had Sandow finished it seemed, but Ziggler wanted to add that extra cherry on top. And as you can see Ziggler is here to make a point.

Ziggler glares out to the top of the entrance stage and mouths off something to Vickie Guerrero. Vickie sits in silence as Ziggler continues his rant in the ring as the camera pans to a frustrated Drew McIntyre on the outside. We now head backstage where we see James Storm and his pro, Zack Ryder.

Zack Ryder-Bro are you ready tonight? You have the chance to really put yourself on the radar. You seem nervous bro, but I understand that. First match on the WWE stage does that to you. Just stay focused and.

James Storm-Zack, this ain’t my first rodeo. Yeah this is a whole new level, but I’m not nervous. I’m gonna go out there and do what I do best and that’s wrestle. It’s a challenge for sure and Morrison has been on a hell of a run, but tonight Johnny boy your luck runs out.

Storm exits the room as Ryder is visibly excited for his rookie’s debut as he jumps and hops out of the room as we take our final commercial break of the night.


Scott Stanford-We are back on NXT and Bill we are about ready for our main event.

William Regal-We saw James Storm is ready for this Scott and he already is impressing me. The fact that he knows how important this is and he isn’t letting nerves get to him shows a lot. Lets see how Morrison handles the rather confident James Storm.

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall!

Radio blares through the arena here in Roanoke as Ryder and Storm appear on stage. Storm has a cowboy hat and sunglasses to go with his sleeveless shirt and dark green trunks. Cowboy is written across the front in an off yellow as Ryder massages the shoulders of his rookie as they make their way to the ring.

Justin Roberts-Introducing first, from Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee…“COWBOY” JAMES STORM!

Ryder tries to get Storm to fist pump with him, but Storm is completely focused on the match at hand. “We Want Ryder” chants break out in Roanoke as Ryder chants along with them. Ryder gives the fans a “Woo Woo Woo” as Morrison’s Ain’t No Make Believe hits to a great ovation from the fans.

Justin Roberts-And his opponent, from Los Angeles, California…JOHN MORRISON!

Morrison comes out in his usual slow motion, but there is no emotion of Morrison’s face. John is all business tonight as he makes his in ring return following an attack a few weeks back from Wade Barrett. Morrison enters the ring and stares across the way at his opponent. Both men are looking confident this evening and have their fair share of fans.


Chad Patton is the official for this evening’s main event as he rings the bell and we are good to go. Both men circle the ring trying to get a feel for each other. Storm goes for a leg sweep, but Morrison backs away and swings a wild kick towards Storm, but Cowboy ducks the shot and quickly sneaks Morrison into a roll up.


The roll up didn’t catch Morrison by surprise as the two men both get back to their feet and circle the ring once again. The two lock up and Morrison garners the edge as he gets Storm into a headlock. Storm though shoves Morrison off into the ropes. Morrison hits a leapfrog as Storm bounces off the ropes but is taken down by a picture perfect heel kick from Morrison. Ryder shouts out encouragements to his rookie as Storm rolls to the outside and realigns his jaw. Storm kneels up to the apron as Morrison backs up to give him room to enter. Storm enters back into the squared circle and we are back underway. A quick lock up that sees Morrison get Storm right into a headlock. Morrison wrenches the neck, but Storm counters with a leg sweep followed by a quick elbow to the grounded Morrison. Storm tries to end it early with a cover.


Not nearly enough to keep the red hot Morrison down. Jomo pops right back to his feet and we get right into another lockup. Storm swings around and locks his arms around the waist of Morrison before nailing a beautiful side suplex. Storm follows up with a series of kicks and knees to the back of the seated Morrison. Storm finishes off the combo with a seated dropkick that hits Morrison right in the jaw. Storm goes for the pin as Ryder thinks he has it.


Still not enough to keep Morrison down as Storm lifts him up and sends him to the closest corner. Storm charges, but Morrison slides through the middle rope to the apron as Storm crashes into the corner. Morrison runs across the apron and nails a modified enziguiri to the back on Storm’s neck as the Cowboy falls to the mat. Morrison doesn’t waste any time as he climbs to the top rope and nails a breathtaking Houston Hangover (flipping leg drop). Morrison holds at his leg as he crawls to the make the cover.


The answers can’t believe that Storm kicked out of such a maneuver as Morrison is a bit gimpy as he reaches his feet. Morrison grabs Storm by the hair as he lifts him up, but Storm fights back. The Cowboy nails a series of three rights to the midsection of Morrison. Jomo backs away as Storm gets up and bounces off the ropes and nails a clothesline and follows up with another as Morrison was right back to his feet. Morrison is up again, but Storm nails a crossbody to Morrison right into the cover.


Morrison gets his shoulder up with time to spare as Storm stays on the offense. The Cowboy throws Morrison into the corner and nails a series of three elbow shots and Morrison goes into a seated position. Storm steps to the side before taking off and nearly breaking Morrison’s jaw with a running knee shot. Storm drags the wounded Morrison out of the corner and makes the pin.


Storm lifts Morrison by the hair, but Jomo flings Storm off and starts nailing away at The Cowboy with some hot right hands. Morrison is feeling it as he nails a one foot dropkick as Storm falls to the mat. Storm pops up and goes for a fist that Morrison ducks and then nails a turning Storm with a gorgeous Pele kick. Storm falls to the ground as Morrison crawls over and drapes himself back first atop of James Storm.


Storm just gets his shoulder up as Morrison sits and stares out into the WWE fans. Morrison picks up Storm’s right leg and begins to work on it. Regal mentions how smart a move this is as Morrison is effectively taking away Storm’s Last Call superkick. Morrison yanks and tugs on the leg and hits a modified DDT to the body part. Storm rolls around grasping at the knee as he pulls himself up by the ropes. Morrison takes advantage and as Storm is to his feet Morrison takes him down with a Flying Chuck out of nowhere. The crowd eats up the risky move from Morrison as he covers Storm.


Storm just gets his foot placed on the rope as Morrison and the crowd thought it was over. On the outside Ryder falls to his knees as he can’t believe his rookie is still alive. Morrison seems impressed as he hops to his feet and backs up towards the opposite side of the ring. Morrison gets into position as it looks like he could be going for a superkick of his own. Storm hobbles to his feet and Morrison launches, but Storm ducks and nails a kick to the midsection. Morrison is kneeling over as Storm gingerly bounces off the ropes and nails a beautiful spinning neckbreaker. Both men are down and out it seems. Ryder starts banging on the stairs to get the crowd behind James Storm, as it seems he is winning them over with his toughness tonight. Morrison still has his fans though as the crowd is just into the match right now. Both men are now up and Morrison connects immediately with an elbow to the jaw that sends Storm right into the ropes, but Storm comes back with a right hand that sends Morrison staggering. Morrison tries another elbow, but Storm ducks and nails the turned around Morrison with The Backcracker. Morrison rolls around in pain as Storm (still feeling the effects from his knee) drags himself on over and covers Morrison.


Morrison just manages to kick out as Storm thought he had it there. Storm yanks himself up and takes shelter in the closest corner as he begins shaking his leg, signaling for the Last Call superkick. Storm is feeling it as Morrison is misplaced as he gets to his feet. Morrison turns and Storm goes for the kill, but Morrison has the same thought and both men connect with the superkick. Ryder can’t believe, the crowd can’t believe, nor can Stanford and Regal. Both men are out if it after connecting with their trademark move.


Both men just get to their feet in time as they are on loose legs. Morrison throws a right hand, but Storm ducks and kicks Morrison in the gut and sets him between his legs. Storm twirls his finger around as he looks to end it. He lifts Morrison up and gets him in a Razor’s Edge like position and begins to spin. He flings Morrison off, but amazingly Jomo lands on his feet. Morrison catches his balances and flies off the ropes and nails the surprised Storm with another Flying Chuck. Storm is down as Morrison is awaiting Storm to sit up. Morrison can feel it as he encourages Storm to sit up. Storm starts to stir as he gets into a seated position, but that doesn’t last long as Morrison takes off and knees Storm square in the head. Morrison makes the immediate cover as Ryder looks concerned.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…JOHN MORRISON!

Morrison has his hand raised high as Ryder checks on his wounded rookie. After posing on the ropes for the fans’ delight Morrison joins Ryder in aiding Storm to his feet. Storm has the birdies flying around his head as he is not completely there. However he acknowledges his defeat as he sticks his hand out. Morrison accepts and raises Storm’s hand in the air. The crowd eats it up as Ryder and Storm leave the ring. Morrison continues to celebrate in the ring, but is cut short when Wade Barrett comes from out of nowhere and blasts Morrison from behind with a chair. Morrison falls from the ropes as Barrett, who wasn’t even scheduled to be there tonight drags Morrison to the middle of the ring and hits a devastating Wasteland. NXT fades away as we see a smirking Barrett standing atop Morrison’s motionless body.
SXEnightmare's Review:

Second episode of NXY and it was a great show! Actullay glad you just posted the results of the challenge instead of dragging it out in a long boring segment no offense haha. I wonder who Richie will be selecting my guess is maybe a chance at revenge on Aries.

Just when I thought this was turning into the Austin Aries show you have him lose to Xavier Woods which made sense dont wanna have Aries run away with things just yet. ;)

Next up we had a good tag match im wondering if Ziggler is close to beginning a fued with his brother cause im thinking thats a given. Also was hoping for a Drew victory but oh well.

Main event time here we go Morrison vs Storm and wow what a match! They put on a really good match together I truley enjoyed it. They both worked really well together and the Morrison win was nice to see as I was expecting James Storm pull off the upset and beat him but as is the case with Aries dont wanna push him too hard too fast on NXT.
JAM's Review​
I'll just give my overall feelings of this episode. First of all, I really like all your pairings, they seem to fit each other well. Not really a fan of Jackson Andrews though, maybe he could've been replaced by someone else, maybe Seth Rollins? But overall, these are some really good pairings. I wouldn't be surprised to see you sign most of them but you don't really need to. Storm and Aries are a must though. Not very realistic that TNA would let go of them though, so I'd watch for that.

It seems the show really was about Austin Aries but his promo seemed a bit repetitive here. Would've liked to see Ric Flair give his thoughts about Aries or something, just a reaction to what he did from last week. Steamboat is gonna be a star I can tell, I'm a fan of his. His mic work isn't the best but he can definitely go in that ring. The main event was awesome to see. You gave both men a good amount of time plus they both looked good. I don't think anything was taken away from Storm here after the loss since Morrison is just on fire as of late.

Overall, your NXT is pretty interesting man. Mainly because your rookies can be stars already but again, you have the job of building them up which I think you will do nicely. Will be reading next week's edition. Good job man!

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