Theo presents: Monday Night Raw (post WMXXVII)

We return from commercial as “This Fire Burns” blares throughout the arena as The One Man Nexus, Skip Sheffield is in the ring and it looks like he will be going at it alone representing Raw as CM Punk isn’t at ringside.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Guyana, South America…EZEKIEL JACKSON!

The recently freed Ezekiel Jackson appears to a nice pop as it looks like he is going to rip right out of his Smackdown t-shirt. Zeke is all smiles as he makes his way into battle against Skip Sheffield.

Booker T-OH MY GOODNESS! This match right here is going to be like a train collision. These two powerhouses are going to go one on one.

Josh Mathews-And what better way for Ezekiel Jackson to start off on his own path than earning Smackdown their third straight draft pick tonight.

Referee Justin King works his second match of the night as he is the official for this matchup of two powerhouses. King rings the bell and we are good to go. Zeke and Sheffield slowly walk to the middle of the ring where they have a staredown and exchange words. Sheffield flexes as the crowd boos CM Punk’s right hand man. Zeke smirks as he does a muscle flex of his own, which the crowd eats up. Sheffield doesn’t look pleased and he goes for a clothesline that Zeke ducks. Sheffield turns back around, but Zeke catches him into a body slam. Zeke sets up for a clothesline of his own. Sheffield is up to his feet and Jackson knocks Skip down with a tree trunk like clothesline. Zeke is ready for another and low and behold when Sheffield gets back to his feet Jackson takes him down again. Zeke goes for a quick cover.


It is going to take more to put down Skip Sheffield than two clotheslines. Zeke lifts Sheffield off the mat and sends him into the corner. Zeke charges, but Sheffield throws his right boot up and connects with Jackson’s face. Zeke staggers back as Sheffield goes to unchartered waters as he pulls himself up to the middle rope. Zeke turns around and Sheffield drops him with an axe handle. Sheffield lets out a snarl as he looks down at the motionless Ezekiel Jackson. Sheffield stays on the offense as he plants his knee into the neck of Jackson and pulls back on Zeke’s arm. Sheffield lets out a huge scream as Justin King asks Zeke if he surrenders. Jackson tells King no as Sheffield continues to apply pressure to his neck. The crowd starts to make a ruckus and get a comeback out of Ezekiel Jackson. Zeke starts moving his free arm in a Hulk Hogan like move. Zeke flails his free arm back and connects with Sheffield. Zeke nails another punch and finally the third punch forces Sheffield to release the hold. Both men are back to their feet at the same time and Zeke makes a move, but Sheffield connects with a boot to the midsection and follows that up by throwing Ezekiel into the steel post above the middle turnbuckle. Zeke slowly comes out of the corner, as he is grasping at his injured shoulder. Sheffield is waiting for his prey as he is ready to take Jackson’s head off with a running Lariat. Zeke turns and Sheffield charges, but Jackson counters the attack with a Pounce like maneuver that sends Sheffield flying back towards the middle of the ring. However Zeke may have done more damage to that injured shoulder. Big Zeke falls to one knee as Justin King checks on the extent of his shoulder injury. Sheffield crawls to the ropes to pull himself up as Jackson slowly gets to his feet as well. Zeke and Sheffield meet in the middle of the ring and begin going back and forth with fist shots. The crowd cheers every punch Jackson connects and jeers at every connecting punch landed by Sheffield. Big Zeke looks to have the advantage as he has Sheffield backed into the corner. It looks like Punk’s One Man Nexus might be in trouble. Sheffield is in trouble it seems, but he finds a way out as he grabs Zeke’s arm and throws it into the top turnbuckle. Sheffield scurries out of the corner as Jackson stands there holding his shoulder. Zeke turns around and has his head nearly taken off by a huge Lariat from Skip Sheffield who goes into a cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match…SKIP SHEFFIELD!

Michael Cole-Yes! Raw is back on the board. Skip Sheffield continues his dominance. Come on, make it a good one baby!

Smackdown superstars appear on the titantron and flash across the screen. Sheffield watches from the ring as Raw’s newest superstar is…


”End of Days” hits and Wade Barrett comes out with Intercontinental championship in the air and a Raw shirt in hand. Barrett has a smirk on his face as he makes his way down to the ring. Sheffield and Barrett cross paths and just look back at each other as Barrett continues to head to the ring.

Michael Cole-Best pick of the night! Wade Barrett is a rising star in this business and I can’t think of many that have made an impact as quick as he has. And now he comes home to Monday nights.

Booker T-Awww man! Wade Barrett looks like he is going to be separated from his cronies. I’ve been waiting to see what Wade can do on his own and now he has his chance dawg.

Barrett is now in the ring as he looks down on his former ally, Ezekiel Jackson. Wade drops his IC title on the mat and he lifts Zeke up and drops him with a huge Pumphandle Slam. Barrett isn’t down as the crowd doesn’t seem to care much for his actions. Barrett lifts Jackson back up and places him onto his shoulders. Barrett’s smirk is quickly wiped from his face as he is all business as he drops Jackson with a Wasteland that shakes the ring upon impact. Barrett picks his IC championship up and raises it in the air to a round of boos.

Michael Cole-That right there is a way to make an impact. Wade Barrett is going to be a superstar. Raw has been put on warning tonight.

We cut backstage where World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio, Ricardo Rodriguez, Edge, and Christian are all bickering. Big Show is standing in the background monitor the situation as Theodore Long walks in and tries to calm the madness.

Theodore Long-Hold up just a second playas. You guys need to stop with this arguing and get on the same page. Now Smackdown needs a victory out there in the main event as there are two draft picks on the line. This is our chance to get back in this thing and keep Raw from taking more talent from our show.

Alberto Del Rio-Wait just a second. It has always been my destiny to be World Heavyweight Champion and the face of Smackdown. I’m an honest man Teddy and I’ll do anything to better the brand, but I can’t work with these cucarachas.

Edge-I have no problems working with these guys except for this idiot over here.

Edge points directly at his former partner and best friend, Christian.

Edge-He’s been holding me back my whole career and he’ll do the same tonight as he rides my coattails one last time.

Christian has heard enough as he gets in Edge’s face and the two start shouting at each other. This leads Del Rio and Rodriguez to shout back at them in Spanish as Teddy tries to calm them down, but to no avail.

Big Show-QUIET!

Everyone in the room immediately zips their lips after Big Show’s glass shattering yell.

Big Show-Better. Now listen here. We don’t need to get along after this, but tonight we go out there and get those two draft picks and call it a night. Got it?

Del Rio, Edge, and Christian simutaniously spout out “got it” as they walk out of Theodore Long’s office. Long acknowledges Big Show with a nod of approvement as Show follows suit.

Sticking to backstage we see The Miz entering a locker room where Randy Orton and Kane are throwing on their Raw t-shirts. Miz looks around and seems a bit confused.

The Miz-Where the hell is CM Punk?

Kane and Orton just look at each other and neither seems concerned enough to answer the WWE champion.

The Miz-Don’t make me repeat myself. Where is.

CM Punk-Really Miz really? Are you too lazy to walk around and see that I’m just sitting here on the floor minding my own damn business.

CM Punk gets a surprising pop from the Miami crowd for his mocking of The Miz. We now see Punk sitting on the floor in his traditional style, taping up his hands.

CM Punk-Before you spout off some egotistical nonsense Miz, let me tell it to you straight. Don’t worry about me. I’m a big boy I can take care of myself. What you should be concerned about Miz is just who is going to come after you next. We already know there is some deranged lunatic out there who took out John Cena. Who’s to say that he doesn’t want to decimate the whole Raw roster. You could be next Miz and your precious WWE championship could be in jeopardy. So instead of worrying about my whereabouts, maybe you should be worrying about watching your ass.

Miz doesn’t really know how to take this and is speechless on the matter. Miz takes a step back, but is stopped in his tracked and jumps as he walks straight into CM Punk’s One Man Nexus, Skip Sheffield. Sheffield stares right into Miz’s eyes, but surprisingly Miz doesn’t back down.

The Miz-You don’t scare me Sheffield and Punk maybe you should follow you’re your preaching. I’m keeping a close eye on you tonight Punk. You can’t be trusted. Now lets go out and continue to drive Smackdown into the ground.

Miz throws his championship over his shoulder and stomps away as Punk, Sheffield, Orton, and Kane watch on.

Justin Roberts-I would like to introduce to you at this time Alberto Del Rio’s personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez.


Ricardo Rodriguez-Señoras y señores, es la esencia de la excelencia. Él es el campeón del puebloverdadero. Se está llevando Smackdown a la tierra prometida. Él es el campeón mundial de peso pesado. Es Alllllberrrrrrtoooooo Delllllllll Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiioooooo!

Del Rio comes out honking his horn, all smiles. Del Rio comes decked out in a Smackdown t-shirt, his scarf, and World Heavyweight Championship across his waist. Del Rio stop midway on the stage and puts his hands up and his pyro rains from the heavens above.

Michael Cole-Move over Tony Chimel and Justin Roberts, Ricardo Rodriguez is truly the best ring announcer in the business. And do you see that car? That is a 1973 Rolls Royce Corniche convertible. That beauty cost Alberto nearly 100,000 dollars. Could you imagine the babes you could pick up in that thing?


Justin Roberts-And his partner from Tampa, Florida…THE BIG SHOW!

Big Show comes out to a nice pop from the Miami crowd. Big Show is all smiles in his oversized Smackdown t-shirt. Show slaps hands and hugs some fans at ringside.

Josh Mathews-Can team Smackdown be stopped with the World’s Largest Athlete on the team? With Big Show, I like the blue brands chances guys.


Justin Roberts-And their tag team partner from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the Rated R Superstar…EDGE!

Edge comes out with a Smackdown shirt on instead of his usual trenchcoat. Edge receives a mixed reaction from the audience, consisting of more jeers than cheers. Edge makes his way down to the end of the ramp, bobs his head and throws his arms in the air to a round of ear blowing pyro.

Booker T-We all know Edge’s mind is set on two things right now. Those being Christian and the World Heavyweight Championship. Can Edge concentrate with those things cluttering his thoughts? We know he is in a foul mood and that has to be a good thing for Smackdown.


Justin Roberts-Finally from Toronto, Ontario, Canada…CHRISTIAN!

Christian comes out and slaps his chest as he puts his hand over his eyes and looks out at the Miami crowd. Christian’s pop is the clear cut biggest pop at this point in the night.

Josh Mathews-Captain Charisma is on a roll, can he continue it for team Smackdown tonight?


Justin Roberts-And their opponents representing Raw, first the Big Red Machine…KANE!

Kane’s pyro nearly makes the Miami audience deaf as the stadium is now lit in an eerie red light as the Big Red Machine makes his way to the ring.

Michael Cole-Smackdown brings Big Show, no sweat. Raw brings the Big Red Monster, Kane. What better way for Kane to make an impact his first night on Raw than to win us two more draft picks!

Justin Roberts-And his partner from Chicago, Illinois…CM PUNK!

CM Punk comes out to a mixed reaction. Punk comes out without his backup, Skip Sheffield. Punk has a Raw shirt instead of his usual Nexus gear. Punk is all business right now as he is stern as can be.

Josh Mathews-CM Punk is not a happy camper tonight. He may very well be the most unstable star in the industry today and he isn’t afraid to tell you just how good he is.


Justin Roberts-And their partner from St. Louis, Missouri The Viper…RANDY ORTON!

Orton comes out to a huge ovation from the American Airlines Arena, nearly blowing the roof off the place. Orton has a slight smirk on his face as CM Punk has his eyes locked on him.

Booker T-Oh my goodness! I can’t hear myself right now dawg. Did you hear that ovation for Randy Orton? Awww man.


Justin Roberts-Finally he is the WWE Champion from Cleveland, Ohio…THE MIZ!

Miz comes out with the WWE Championship draped over his shoulder to mostly heat, but the Mizfits in attendance can be heard. Miz’s Raw t-shirt is custom made as he has a captain C on the sleeve of the shirt as he makes his way to the ring.

Michael Cole-Get up on your feet and bow down to this man. He is the WWE Champion, he is the best champion in this business and no one is as awesome as THE MIZ! He is the most must see champion in WWE history. And he is going to lead Raw to victory tonight and dominate Smackdown.
Miz joins his three teammates in the ring as Mike Chioda asks the superstar to get ready for the main event, worth the final two draft selections. Raw looks like they are going to start the Big Red Machine Kane against Smackdown’s Captain Charisma, Christian. Chioda rings the bell and our main event is underway. Christian circles the ring to try and find a starting point on the Big Red Machine. Kane goes for a lock up, but Christian dodges and gets Kane into a waist lock. That doesn’t last long as Kane nails Christian with consecutive elbows the head, breaking the hold. Kane runs off the closest set of ropes and drops Christian with a clothesline and goes for the cover.


Christian isn’t fazed much early on as he kicks out before Chioda hits 2. Kane lifts Christian up and whips him into the Raw team’s corner. Kane lays a few elbow shots in before CM Punk makes a tag. Punk hops right in and wails a series of lefts and rights into Christian’s midsection. Punk pushes Christian out of the corner and onto the mat. Christian is on his knees as Punk makes his way to the middle rope and drops the point of his elbow on the back of Christian’s neck. Instead of going for the cover Punk keeps his focus on the neck of Christian. Punk has his legs wrapped around Christian’s head in a headscissors like submission hold. Every few seconds Punk releases the hold only to clap his legs connecting on each side of Christian’s head. Christian won’t surrender just yet as Chioda continually asks. Christian tries to kick up, but that fails at Punk has the submission on too tight. Christian tries wiggling around as Punk keeps the clasp locked in. Punk starts to sway back and forth and rolls the submission hold over. Punk now lifts himself up in a pushup position and drops Christian’s head down on the mat. Punk releases the hold and goes into the cover.


Punk doesn’t bother arguing with Chioda as he flips Christian into a seated position and pulls his arms and drives his knee into Christian’s back. Christian grimaces in pain as he shakes his head no at Chioda. Christian tries to ease the pain by raising his knees up. Christian pushes up and Punk is a bit off put by Christian’s efforts. Christian manages to push himself up and roll over Punk into a unique pinning position.


Punk still had hold of Christian’s arm through the process, but releases during the kick out. Christian is seated still and Punk is the first one up and he goes for a kick to the temple of Christian, but Captain Charisma ducks and rolls up Punk.


Christian is in the corner after Punk kicked out of the roll up. Christian is up first and Punk turns around once he gets to his feet, but Christian takes the turning Punk down with a dropkick. Christian is rolling now as he claps his hands waiting for CM Punk. Christian looks poised for the Killswitch, but Edge makes a blind tag from behind. Christian suddenly freezes as Edge gets in the ring and shoos Christian out. Christian looks ready to strike but Big Show intervenes and Christian exits quietly. Edge now is ready to for the Spear. He bolts at CM Punk, but Punk turns and nails Edge with a huge roundhouse kick, knocking the Rated R Superstar to the mat. Both men are down on the mat as we head to our final commercial break of the night.


Welcome back. During the break Punk reluctantly tagged in his rival, Randy Orton. Orton controlled Edge until the Rated R Superstar counter Orton’s Hangman DDT by pulling Orton’s neck across the top rope. We now see Edge driving his boot into the throat of Orton, who is seated in the corner. Edge backs away after Chioda’s four count. Edge holds his hands up and waits for Chioda to get out of the way and he charges Orton, nailing him straight in the jaw with a knee. Edge has a smirk on his face as he pulls Orton out of the corner and covers him.


Edge slams the mat and bickers with Chioda before dragging Orton over to the team SD corner and tagging in the World Heavyweight Champion, Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio comes in and lays a fury of boots into the grounded Orton. Del Rio now puts his focus on Orton’s arm, potentially damaging it for use of Del Rio’s patented Cross Armbreaker. Del Rio pins down Randy’s arm and leaps in the air, dropping a knee on it. You can hear Orton shrill the minute Del Rio’s knee landed. Del Rio drops his knee down again atop of Orton’s arm and ends the assault with by grinding his foot across it. Del Rio drags Orton away from the corner and makes the cover.


Orton is showing great tenacity as he refuses to stay down. Del Rio pulls Orton back to the SD corner and lifts him up and makes the tag into the World’s Largest Athlete, the Big Show. Show comes in and lays some heavy fists into Orton’s ribcage. Show backs up and charges and nails Orton with a butt splash to Orton. Big Show is ready as Orton staggers out and Show lifts him up and drops him with a sidewalk slam right into the cover.


Orton again kicks out. The Viper seems to be fading though as each count gets closer to three. Show gets up and walks across Orton’s body. Orton rolls around as Show nearly squashed his innards. Show lifts Orton up and nails a huge headbutt. Orton staggers into the corner and Show tags in Edge. Edge kicks away at Orton in a Stone Cold Steve Austin like style. Edge starts pulling it as hair as he stalks the wounded Orton. Edge is ready to pounce with the Spear. Orton is in need of help from the ropes to get himself up and the minute Orton is on his own two feet Edge takes off. Orton turns and sees Edge coming at him like a train and he jumps and Edge slams face first into the turnbuckle. Orton is now in the middle of the ring. The leapfrog took everything out of Orton and he crawls his way to the ring. Del Rio tags himself in and as he goes to grab Orton, the Viper dives and tags in WWE Champion, The Miz. The crowd pops surprisingly as it looks like we are going to have a battle of champions. Miz and Del Rio go back and forth with rights and lefts as the crowd is really into the battle of the top dogs. Miz gains the upper hand as he nails Del Rio with consecutive shots and sends Del Rio back into the ropes. Miz whips Del Rio across the ropes. Del Rio comes back at Miz, who nails Del Rio with a knee to the midsection flipping Del Rio. Miz is now bouncing around the ring looking to prove that he is the best in the company. Del Rio begins to get to his feet as Miz nails him with the Reality Check (running knee into a neckbreaker). Miz goes right into the cover.


Christian saved Del Rio and SD from defeat as it looked like Miz had this all but won. Kane enters the ring and him and Christian begin to brawl. Kane gets advantage and he nails Christian with a huge Chokeslam. Christian bounces off the mat and rolls to the outside. Kane’s dominance doesn’t last long as Big Show enters the ring and nails Kane with a giant Knockout punch. Big Show celebrates around the ring, but is caught off guard as Miz sneaks up from behind and nails the biggest Skull Krushing Finale ever performed. Edge appears in the ring looking to finally hit the spear, but Orton tackles him and they brawl to the outside. Punk is just sitting on the apron waiting to get in. Miz stands and waits for Del Rio to get back to his feet. Del Rio staggers up and Miz goes for a Skull Krushing Finale, but Del Rio blocks it and shoves Miz into the ropes and nails an enziguiri. That move seemed to take all the energy out of Del Rio as him and Miz are both down. Punk looks around the outside as Orton and Edge brawl and Christian, Show, and Kane are down. Punk shrugs his shoulders and begins to walk down the stairs. Punk shouts something but the cameras can’t pick it up and it looks like CM Punk has lost interest in this match. Punk starts making his way to the back and this has seemingly confused the crowd. Miz is up as is Del Rio who sneaks behind Miz and jumps up and drives both his knees into Miz’s arm. Del Rio grabs hold of Miz’s arm and locks in his Cross Armbreaker. Del Rio yanks back and it looks like SD is going to gain the final two picks. Miz is about to surrender, but Randy Orton dives in and manages to break up the hold. Orton hammers away at Del Rio as Chioda breaks them up. Orton is sent outside the ring and Christian and him start to duke it out. Meanwhile Kane has made his way back to the team Raw corner and Miz rolled over and tagged in the big man. Miz lays on the mat, rolling around with a clasp on his arm as Kane enters. Kane sets his focus on Del Rio as Alberto begs Kane not to hurt him. Kane grabs hold of Del Rio’s throat and lifts him up for a Chokeslam. Once Kane got Del Rio in the air, Edge reaches over and managed to make a blind tag. Kane drops Del Rio with a huge thud, but Chioda informs Kane that Del Rio isn’t the legal man. Kane glares at Chioda and the minute he turns around Edge drops Kane with a ring shaking Spear into a cover.


Justin Roberts-The winners of the match Big Show, Christian, Alberto Del Rio, and the Rated R Superstar…EDGE!

Edge celebrates in the ring as he secured the final two picks for the blue brand.

Josh Mathews-And Smackdown has evened things up. Edge, in vintage Edge fashion took the opportunity away from Raw and put it into Smackdown’s hands.

Michael Cole-I don’t want to make excuses but what the hell is CM Punk’s thought process. He was the freshest man and he just up and left the Raw team to fend for themselves. This isn’t right.

The first of two picks is underway as Raw superstars flash across the screen. Team Smackdown waits in the ring as the Raw brand members are spread out around the outside to see who will be leaving.


”Too Many Lies” hits and the Celtic Warrior comes out all smiles with a brand new Smackdown shirt in hand.

Booker T-Awww man! Sheamus to Smackdown dawg. Could you imagine if he defeats Miz next week on Raw? Smackdown could be flourished in gold. Awww. [/spoiler]

And now we move onto the second and final pick of the night. Raw’s stars again flash across the screen as Sheamus joins his Smackdown roster mates in the ring. And now the final pick….


The crowd loses it and Orton himself can’t believe it as he has been a mainstay on the Raw roster for years and now he settles in a new home on Smackdown.

Josh Mathews-Wow! Can you believe it? What a steal for Friday Night Smackdown. The Viper Randy Orton, welcome to Smackdown!

Michael Cole-What a pick up for Smackdown. Just when you thought they were down and out they picked up Randy Orton and Sheamus within mere seconds of each other, unbelieveable.

Raw is about to go off air when Matt Striker catches up to CM Punk accompanied by Skip Sheffield heading out the arena.

Matt Striker-CM Punk, CM Punk!

CM Punk is clearly ignoring Matt Striker as he walks with Sheffield right behind him.

Matt Striker-CM Punk could I get a word with you for a minute?

Punk stops shortly and nods his head at Skip Sheffield. Sheffield grabs Matt Striker by the shirt and shoves him to the ground as Punk continues his walk out of the arena as the screen fades to black and Raw is off the air.

- I suspected that you would make the Cena attack a bit of a 'Whodunnit?' so good idea to have Cena out of RAW tonight. Riley tells Miz that he didn't do it, good, that would be a waste. Miz doesn't sound 'right' in that opening promo, don't know why, you just don't nail him for me, Theo. Draft night tonight though, expecting some big names to head for SMACKDOWN as Peep really needs them!

- Battle Royal: Simple, clear, well written, really enjoyed it. Ziggler wins it for RAW and this is good as Dolph needs a bigger win to boost him. Liked the lack of Ms. Guerrero in the win as well. Kane heading for RAW. Good move, Kane needs a reinvention every now and then by moving in some way so I like this. You have potential to recreate the monster OR you could just have him putting the younger guys over.

- Miz/Sheamus segment: 2 heels in a title match, hmmm, don't know about that. Maybe you needed to remind everybody why Sheamus has the title match owed to him though, Theo? I'd forgotten, when you read the amount of BT's we have on here, you're bound to forget some things. A reminder here would have been useful.

- Natalya and Eve beat Laycool: Natalya looking dominant is a good thing! Divas to RAW? Hmmm. So Theo is taking on the reincarnation of the Divas division. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. You've got some work on my friend! The date thing is a little obvious (unless you throw a huge swerve) ... could you have come up with something a little different? Unless Kharma took out Cena too, that would be cool!

- Orton wants the title, Orton respects Cena ... I don't know what it is about Mr. Orton, he always seems bland. Something to work on there, maybe? (EDIT: Or for Peep to work on ...)

- Good way to further the Swagger story with Teddy Long by having him deliberately counted out against Morrison. Swagger wants trade to RAW, Kofi is heading to RAW instead! Big names must go to SMACKDOWN later but I like the way you're sending potential stars back to RAW. Theo could make these guys big names as well if he books them right, Kofi and Kane could be main event players. Peep, this Swagger and SMACKDOWN feud is great, keep it going, make it brilliant!

- Masterlock Challenge is back, Masters looked immense here, great move. Khali is not going to be a main event guy but there is no doubt over his power so having Masters hold him down was very good, good idea. SMACKDOWN get Daniel Bryan, OK. I like Daniel Bryan but he wasn'tthe big name I was expecting there. Clearly saving it for later!

- Tag Titles, Slater wins the match and he and Gabriel retain. Tag Team exclusive to SMACKDOWN now. OK, Peep has the other big job of sorting the TT division. Good luck!

- Loving the build of Skip Sheffield, Theo. He could be a monster and Punk just needs him now, not the rest of the Nexus idiots. With Skip enforcing, I can see you taking Punk all the way to the title here. Keep using Sheffield this way, make him a huge monster! Wade Barrett to RAW, the end of Corre? (Hopefully!)

- SMACKDOWN predictably beats RAW (they had to) and they get the draft picks. Sheamus and Randy Orton to SMACKDOWN? With Daniel Bryan earlier? That's the same as the WWE did in real life?! You've sent Barrett and Kane the other way but I would have liked to have seen something different. Your BT has been criticised for having too much similar to WWE but your draft is the same, you need something different, guys.

- CM Punk walking out on RAW was interesting and then he lets Skip shove down Striker. There are some questions around CM Punk right now and it is pointing to him taking out Cena IMO. Interesting stuff, well done.
This just in from Here are the results for the Supplemental Draft completed just a few hours ago:

1. Tyson Kidd to Smackdown

Tyson Kidd said:
Kind of surprised to hear my name called, but glad that it happened. I wasn't seeing much airtime over on Raw so maybe Smackdown is my true calling card.

2. Trent Barreta to Raw

Trent Barreta said:
This will definitely be something new for me. I've been on Smackdown for a majority of my career and Raw is filled with talent. It is my time to shine or else it will be my time to go.

3. Santino Marella to Smackdown

Santino Marella said:
I'ma gonna miss ah Monday Nighta Raw. I've made some great friends. Like John Chaina, Da Meez, Vladimir Kozlov, and a many more. Smackdown will now fear the cobra from the greatest of all the times!

4. David Hart Smith to Smackdown

David Hart Smith said:
Moving to Smackdown is definitely something I was hoping for. I will now be able to hone my skills on Friday nights and show those guys at Raw that they just let go of the diamond in the rough.

5. Brodus Clay to Raw

Brodus Clay said:
Shhhheeeeeee! Raw has another thing coming when I start my takeover.

6. Jey Uso to Smackdown

7. Jimmy Uso to Smackdown

Uso Brothers said:
With the tag team championship exclusive to Smackdown this is our chance to show the world just what the Usos are capable of. We started hot on Raw and we have the wrestling heritage to succeed and we will do just that.

8. Drew McIntyre to Raw

Drew McIntyre said:
This is the right move for The Chosen One. I'm a future world champion and I'll do just that on Monday Nights.

9. Vladimir Kozlov to Smackdown

Vladimir Kozlov said:
I now join my partner and best friend Santino. We will win back the tag team championship and we will break people.

10. Tyler Reks to Raw

-Tyler Reks refused to give a comment to

11. Evan Bourne to Smackdown

[QUOTE='Evan Bourne]I've electrified the crowds on Monday night and now I plan on doing the same for Friday nights. Time for Smackdown to get Air Bourne![/QUOTE]

12. Ezekiel Jackson to Raw

[QUOTE='Ezekiel Jackson]After Wade Barrett assaulted me on Raw I'm glad to be moving over. I'm a free man now and Wade, you are the first man on my hitlist. The Domination of Raw begins now.[/QUOTE]

Raw Preview

One week following the WWE's annual shakeup, the superstars of Raw head to the Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, Tennessee. The main question on everyone's mind is "What is going through CM Punk's head?". Last week Punk informed the world that they would know just who he is and he proved that by walking out on his Raw teammates, costing them a shot at two draft selections. Many are starting to point fingers and believe CM Punk is the one who took out John Cena, but Punk has claimed otherwise. Will CM Punk explain his actions or will the controversial filled superstar remain in his mysterious ways?

Meanwhile Raw could be without the WWE Championship following Raw if it goes the way Sheamus believes. Despite being a Smackdown superstar, Sheamus was promised a WWE Championship match from The Miz and Miz lived up to his word. Has the brash and loudmouth champ bit off more than he can chew? Or will the Era of Awesome continue as Miz climbs up the WWE rank?

With the Divas championship being exclusive to Raw, the Anonymous General Manager has sent a memo out to all the Divas stating that their future will be addressed Monday Night. What does the Raw GM have in store for the lovely ladies of the WWE?

Also in action will be the two of the newest superstars of Monday Night as Wade Barrett will square off against his former Corre ally Ezekiel Jackson. This and much more as Raw looks to turn the page and embark on a new beginning.
Raw May 9th, 2011 (Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, Tennessee)

Ear drumming pyro blows throughout the arena as the Knoxville crowd erupts and we join Michael Cole who is sitting alone at the Raw announce table.

Michael Cole-Welcome to Monday Night Raw and we are live here in the Thompson-Boling Arena in Knoxville, Tennessee. And we are one week removed from the WWE Draft, where we shook things up. Raw picked up some big time superstars. The atmosphere around here is changing. New superstars, CM Punk is going crazy, and tonight a Smackdown superstar could be going home with the WWE Championship. Tonight is the new beginning for Monday Night Raw. So much of a beginning that I am the voice of Monday Night, each and every week it will be the Michael Cole show!


Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first accompanied by Vickie Guerrero. From Hollywood, Florida…DOLPH ZIGGLER!

Ziggler and Guerrero appear on stage to some serious heat as they talk strategy on the way down the ramp. Ziggler looks ready and Guerrero is following suite.

Michael Cole-And we are going to start with the Monday Night’s couple of perfection. Dolph Ziggler started Raw off last week by scoring the Raw team the first draft pick of the night. Can Dolph Ziggler continue his roll tonight as he continues to crawl the Raw ladder.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Mexico City, Mexico, he is the United States Champion…SIN CARA!

Sin Cara appears from out of the smoke and lights with his entrance cloak and he waves his hands to get the crowd behind him. The Knoxville crowd eats it up as Sin Cara bolts down the ramp and trampolines into the ring setting off in ring pyro.

Michael Cole-Not this faceless coward. How can this guy be considered a champion when he doesn’t even speak. What kind of man does he think he is? Ziggler should rip this chump apart.

Head official Mike Chioda is the assigned referee for this opening bout. This is a non title bout as Sin Cara hands the belt to Chioda and Ziggler hops onto the apron discussing some last minute strategy with Vickie Guerrero. Chioda rings the bell and we are underway. Ziggler and Cara circle the ring and meet in the middle. Ziggler sticks his hand out for a shake and Sin Cara goes to accept it, but Ziggler pulls his hand back and flings water from his hair at Sin Cara. Sin Cara looks around and isn’t bothered as he lays a kick right into the right side of Ziggler’s thigh. The thud echoes throughout the arena as Ziggler grasps at his leg. Sin Cara bounces off the nearest set of ropes and nails Ziggler with a straight dropkick that sends Ziggler flying back. Ziggler is in a seated position as Sin Cara pumps up the crowd. Ziggler can’t believe that Sin Cara is getting this much of an advantage this early in the match. Dolph looks out at Vickie as he pulls himself to his feet. Ziggler refocuses himself as he shakes off the early offense of the United States Champion. Ziggler circles around the ring and meets up with Sin Cara in the middle and the two youngsters lock up. Ziggler gets Sin Cara in a quick headlock and yells out to the crowd. Sin Cara pushes Ziggler off into the ropes. Dolph bounces off and Cara nails Ziggler with a Hurricarana. Ziggler bounces off the mat and straight into the ropes. Sin Cara waves his arms and the crowd is behind the Masked Sensation. Cara runs at Ziggler, who is turning around and goes for a Spinning DDT. Ziggler counters and throws Sin Cara over the ropes, but the US Champ lands on the apron. Dolph tries knock Cara off the apron, but he ducks and Ziggler misses the blow. Sin Cara pops up and nails Ziggler with a kick straight to the temple sending the bleach blonde star to the mat. Sin Cara springboards himself in the ring and lands on the ribs of Ziggler into a pinning situation.


Ziggler barely manages to get his shoulder up after the frenzy like offense of Sin Cara. Cara lifts Ziggler up to his knees and nails a series of three kicks into the chest of Dolph. Each thud echoes throughout the Thompson-Boling arena and you can see the marks from the kicks flare up Ziggler’s chest. Ziggler lays wobbly on his legs as Sin Cara bounces off the ropes and nails Dolph with a flying clothesline. Ziggler falls to the mat much to Vickie’s demise as she yells on the outside. Cara crawls over and covers Dolph.


Ziggler again gets his shoulder up just in time. Sin Cara again lifts Ziggler off the mat and places him in the corner. Cara nails three body chops that light up Ziggler’s chest in which the Knoxville crowd “wooo’s” away at. Sin Cara now takes his offense to the ropes as he lifts Ziggler up and seats him on the top turnbuckle. Sin Cara circles his fingers, signaling for his finisher (Spanish Fly). Sin Cara pulls Ziggler to his feet and has him set up, but Ziggler nails a round of elbows to the head of Sin Cara and pushes him off the top rope. Sin Cara crashes onto the mat and lays motionless in the ring. Ziggler shakes off the offense of Sin Cara while remaining perched on the top rope. Ziggler stands up on the ropes as Vickie cheers him on. Ziggler flies off the top and crashes down atop of Sin Cara’s chest with the point of his elbow. Ziggler shouts out that “it’s over” as he covers up the champ.


Ziggler shouts out “come on” at Chioda, who reminds Dolph that it was just two. Ziggler waves him off and locks in a headlock on the Masked Sensation. Ziggler wrenches at the neck of Cara and yells “ask him”, but Sin Cara is quick to tell Chioda no. Sin Cara bounces his feet off the mat. Sin Cara is feeding off the energy of the crowd as he gets to his feet. Ziggler keeps the headlock locked on as Sin Cara runs towards the closest corner and kicks off of it and knocks Ziggler down into a pinfall.


Ziggler breaks the headlock to force the kickout. Vickie is yelling on the outside and slamming the apron. Both Ziggler and Cara pop up to their feet and start firing away lefts and rights at each other. The crowd is hot and into it. With each shot the crowd gives a “boo” for Ziggler and a “yeah” for Sin Cara. The two keep at it until Sin Cara rolls out of the way of a Ziggler punch and gets Ziggler in a school boy.


Both men are right to their feet and Sin Cara charges Ziggler, but Dolph is quick to connect with a boot straight to the head of Sin Cara. Sin Cara falls straight to the mat and Ziggler drops two elbows down on Cara and for the third Ziggler leaps into the air after flinging water down on Sin Cara and drops a big elbow. Ziggler hooks Sin Cara’s leg for a cover.


Ziggler slams on the mat in frustration. Vickie tries to calm down her associate as Ziggler breathes in to relax. Ziggler bounces around waiting for Sin Cara to return to his feet. Cara crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up. Dolph is quick to pounce as he goes for the Zig Zag, but Sin Cara grabs the ropes and Dolph crashes and burns. Sin Cara goes high risk as he goes for a split leg Moonsault, but Ziggler gets his knees up and Cara bounces right off the knees of Ziggler. Sin Cara is on his knees grasping at his ribs. Ziggler pulls himself up as Sin Cara staggers to his feet, but to no avail as Ziggler flies out of nowhere and drops the US champ with a Zig Zag. Ziggler quickly rolls up the Masked Sensation for the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…DOLPH ZIGGLER![/i]

Michael Cole-Thank goodness! This faceless coward has finally lost and who better to end the streak than the hottest rising star not just on Raw but in the WWE, Dolph Ziggler. What a victory for the Epitome of Perfection!

Ziggler celebrates with Vickie as they walk up the ramp and Ziggler signals that the US championship is his. Sin Cara holds his head as he is seated in the ring and watches Ziggler celebrate in victory.


We return to Monday Night Raw with the whole WWE Divas roster standing in the ring awaiting some sort of an announcement.

Michael Cole-Could I have your attention please? During the break the Anonymous Raw General Manager sent me a message regarding you ladies. And I quote:

“Much to my dismay last week during the WWE Draft, the Divas championship was drafted over to Raw. Thus making all the divas competitors exclusive to the Raw brand. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve never seen the appeal of women’s wrestling, but I’m going to do my best to change the landscape of it here on Raw. Over the coming weeks on Raw and Superstars we will see a mix of old, new, and current divas vying for roster spots. In fact none of you are safe, not even the Divas champion, Nikki Bella. It is time to make the divas division a serious entity and not a bathroom break for the fans in attendance. Throughout this process we will feed out the weak links and survive on the strong.”

This causes a gossip scene between the divas as they get into a mini scuffle over the announcement of the Anonymous Raw General Manager. Out of nowhere the women stop bickering and the crowd pops like nuts as the following blares throughout the arena.


Trish Stratus bursts out onto the stage with a huge smile as she runs to the right side of the stage and points out to the audience. The crowd pops as Trish makes her way to the left side and does the same. Trish makes her way back to the middle and pulls the mic out from inside her waistline.

Trish Stratus-You guys look like you just saw a ghost.

Trish smirks at the remark as she addresses the shocked look on the Divas faces. The crowd breaks out in a “Stratusfaction” chant.

Trish Stratus-In all seriousness it feels great to be back again. I know, I haven’t been gone long. Hell you guys probably didn’t even miss me as I was a part of Wrestlemania.

The crowd in Knoxville breaks out in a “One More Match” chant as Stratus continues to speak.

Trish Stratus-I’m back because I, like Michael Cole received an email from the Anonymous Raw General Manager. He or she informed me of this announcement tonight and wondered if I would be able to fly in for the show. Believe me I almost couldn’t make it, but the GM persuaded me with how I help revolutionized women’s wrestling and help put in on the map. With that being said I was offered a position by the Raw General Manager to be the Divas Executive. My job will be to evaluate the talent of the Divas division and help build the best Divas roster possible!

The crowd again pops as it looks like Stratus will be thoroughly involved in the product.

Trish Stratus-Much like the WWE Draft, it is time to shake things up. Changes are about to happen. In fact they will start next week as I look to build up the Divas roster. I’ve got two match slots on Raw next Monday. In one match we will look for a new Diva to add to the roster and in the other two Divas will lose their job. I know it seems harsh, but I will look over the roster and find the four Divas I find to be the weakest link and place them in a tag team match. The losing team will be fired on the spot. Ladies, no one is safe and I hope this brings the best out of each and every one of you.

The Divas look on with concerned looks on their faces as they don’t know how safe their job is and no one is safe. Trish's music hits and we head backstage where Scott Stanford is waiting.

Scott Stanford-Joining me at this time is the man who looks to take the WWE Championship home with him to Smackdown, Sheamus.

The crowd doesn't seem to please to see Smackdown's Celtic Warrior, Sheamus.

Scott Stanford-Sheamus a win tonight would really define the phrase “shaking things up”. If you are successful in capturing the WWE Championship tonight it will leave Raw without a world championship and Smackdown will continue to get stronger.

Sheamus-Look here fella. I don’t care about Smackdown, I don’t care about Raw. I care about being the best. And to be the best you need to be champion. I’ve been to the top before and I’ve tasted the gold. I’m a two time WWE Champion and reigning King of the Ring. But I don’t want to live on past accomplishments. Tonight I become a three time WWE Champion and then I’ll take out whoever the World Heavyweight Champion is at Over The Limit and become the true Undisputed Champion in the WWE.

Sheamus has said enough and walks away as Scott Stanford can do nothing but watch on.

Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Manchester, England…WADE BARRETT!

Michael Cole-Right here comes the best pick from the WWE Draft. Wade Barrett is a winner and success comes natural to him. I can’t wait to see what Barrett does tonight against his former running mate, Ezekiel Jackson.

Barrett methodically makes his way to the ring as he throws off his trademark coat with the rose in the pocket. Barrett has a crooked smile on his face, but you can see he is all business tonight as he seeks out revenge on Ezekiel Jackson.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Guyana, South America…EZEKIEL JACKSON!

Michael Cole-Ezekiel Jackson likes to claim he is the personification of domination, but if you ask me the only thing that Zeke is dominating is getting his ass kicked. This guy could have been a star with The Corre, but he put his own interests in front of the group and ruined his career in the process.

Ezekiel Jackson comes out with a huge grin on his face as he knows he gets Wade Barrett one on one. Zeke flexes for the crowd which gets a nice pop and the Guyanese Giant looks to lay the domination on his former ally.

Referee Jack Doan rings the bell and we are underway in this battle of rivals. The two men walk towards the middle and Barrett points out at the WWE Universe and then points to himself and says he is better than all these people and better than Jackson. Jackson looks down and shakes his head before dropping Barrett with an unexpected clothesline. Zeke motions for Barrett to get back up and when he does Zeke drops him with another clothesline. Barrett rolls out of the ring, clenching at the back of his neck. Zeke is feeling it as he lets out a battle cry in the ring and the Knoxville crowd cheers him on. Barrett remains on the outside as we take a commercial break.



Welcome back from the break and we now see Wade Barrett in control as he has Ezekiel Jackson in an armbar. We go to two screens and show that during the break Jackson chased Barrett around the outside before Barrett drove Jackson’s shoulder into the steel post. Barrett drives his elbow into Jackson’s arm to further damage the injury. Jackson’s power looks like it is beginning to kick in and Barrett breaks the hold before Jackson takes over and kicks Big Zeke in the back of the head, knocking the powerhouse face first onto the mat. Barrett rolls him over and makes the first pinfall attempt of the match.


Barrett doesn’t bother arguing with Doan as he gets up and drives a series of knee drops into the side of Zeke’s neck/shoulder area. Doan tells Barrett to back off as he checks on Jackson’s condition. Barrett allows Doan to check on Zeke before he has seen enough and gives Doan a shove out of the way and drives another round of knees into Jackson’s neck/shoulder area. Doan grabs Barrett by the waste and pulls him away. Barrett again throws his hands up and Doan threatens to disqualify the British superstar. Jackson pulls himself to one knee as Doan gets the ok that he is good to compete. Jackson is back on both feet when Barrett charges him, but Jackson ducks and drops Barrett with a back body drop. Barrett crashes to the mat and Jackson holds his injured arm in place. Jackson shakes his arm to relieve the pain as Barrett gets back up to his feet, but that doesn’t last long as Jackson nails a clothesline with his injured arm. Zeke grasps at the arm and grimaces in pain as Barrett lays on the mat. Barrett crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up and Jackson charges. Barrett puts his boot up and connects right to Zeke’s jaw, sending the big man staggering back. Barrett bounces of the ropes and nails the woozy Jackson with a diving elbow smash. Barrett’s elbow bounces off Jackson’s skull, knocking the big man to the mat and Barrett is quick to make the cover.


Barrett pulls Jackson up with him and sets him up for the Pump Handle Slam. Barrett lifts Jackson up, but Zeke slides over Barrett’s shoulder. Barrett turns around and Jackson catches him with a scoop slam. Barrett is quick to his feet, but turns into another scoop slam. The fans know what is in store for Barrett as Jackson uses these scoop slams to weaken the back and set his opponent up for the devastating Torture Rack. Barrett gets dropped with a third scoop slam and Jackson moves his arms up and down and signals Barrett for the end. Barrett is up and turns and Jackson lifts him up in position for the Torture Rack, but Barrett counters by raking the eyes of Zeke. Zeke drops Barrett to his feet and stumbles away. Jackson turns around, unaware of his whereabouts and Barrett drops him with a huge Blackhole Slam. Barrett goes right into the pin as he counts along with the ref.


Jackson barely gets his shoulder up as Barrett looks on in shock at Jack Doan. Barrett shakes his head as he lifts Jackson up for another attempt at the Pump Handle Slam. Barrett gets the big man up and drops him as the ring ropes shake with impact. Barrett shoots the half and Doan makes the count.


Again Jackson barely manages to get his shoulder up as Barrett still can’t believe it. Barrett pulls Zeke’s motionless body up off the mat and lifts him on his shoulders for Wasteland. However Jackson falls back off Barrett and lands on his feet. Barrett’s eyes grow wide as he turns around and Jackson lifts him up and locks him in the Torture Rack. Jackson bounces Barrett up and down and nearly breaks the Bare Knuckle Fighter in half. Barrett goes to tap, but holds back. It looks like the end is drawing near as Barrett may have no choice but to submit. Barrett again goes to tap, but he gauges him thumb into Jackson’s eye. Doan misses the call and Jackson breaks the hold. Barrett stumbles into the ropes and uses them to reposition himself. Jackson holds his hands over his face and when he turns around Barrett lifts him up and drops him with a huge Wasteland. Barrett is quick to make the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…WADE BARRETT!

Michael Cole-Yes! I told you Wade Barrett was a winner and he did just that. He made a fool out of Ezekiel Jackson. Not that that was any hard to do.

Barrett hold his arms in the air before heading to the ropes and asking for a microphone. Barrett grabs the mic and lifts it to his mouth with a rather smug look on his face.

Wade Barrett-Have you people forgotten who I am? I am Wade Barrett. I am the man that changed the structure of the WWE after the debut of the Nexus.

Barrett pauses to take in the boos from the Knoxville crowd.

Wade Barrett-I have destroyed the likes of John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker, and many other top superstars. Now I’ve been relegated to scum like Ezekiel Jackson. Tonight was only the beginning of Wade Barrett’s rise back to the top. I’ve told you before, but the winds of change are blowing and I am the man that is going to make those changes.

Barrett drops the mic to the mat and the crowd boos as they’ve heard this before from Barrett, who they believe is all talk. Barrett goes to leave the ring, but he sees Jackson staggering to his feet. Wade makes his way back into the ring and lifts Jackson back up to his shoulders and drops him with another Wasteland. Barrett breaths it all in as his music hits and the screen fades black.

The Long Island Decision is brought to you by a Woo Woo Woo Partnership of America.

Scott Stanford-Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Long Island Decision sponsored by the Invi-Z-ble Rope. Today we sit here in the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida with the Long Island Iced Z himself, Zack Ryder. Now Zack before we get to why we are here today, many people have taken shots at you. Critics believe that this is a publicity stunt and not you simply choosing where you will be wrestling in the coming weeks.

Zack Ryder-Believe me Scott this is for all the kid broskis out there.

Scott Standford-This forum isn’t going to be used to spout off your catchphrase?

Zack Ryder-No Scott. It’s for the kid broskis.

Crowd chuckles as the skit continues its mocking of Lebron James

Scott Stanford-You aren’t going to tell us to like you on facebook or follow you on twitter?

Zack Ryder-Again Scott, it’s for the kid broskis.

The Knoxville crowd again chuckles at Ryder’s antics.

Scott Stanford-What about getting over?

Zack Ryder-BRO! Are you serious?

The crowd pops at Ryder’s saying.

Scott Stanford-So you are not here to sell us your t-shirt?

Before Ryder can speak the crowd loses it as Shawn Michaels appears on camera looking confused.

Shawn Michaels-Is this the commercial tryout for the Zack Ryder t-shirt on

Zack Ryder-Sorry bro this is the Long Island Decision. Maybe try next door.

The Knoxville crowd laughs heavily at Shawn Michaels’ appearance.

Scott Stanford-So Zack without further adieu, what is your decision?

Zack Ryder-Scott, I will be taking my talents to Monday Night Raw. Woo Woo Woo, You Know It. Bro.

Ryder throws his shades at the camera and gets up and walks away as the crowd cheers in anticipation of Ryder’s Raw return. Stanford follows Ryder off camera and the crowd pops once again at the appearance of Shawn Michaels, again looking lost.

Shawn Michaels-I need to find me a day job.

Michaels walks away as the screen fades to black and we head to commercial.

We return from commercial and Alex Riley is in the ring waiting for his opponent.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Ghana, West Africa…KOFI KINGSTON!

The Knoxville crowd goes into frenzy for Kingston. The energetic superstar is all smiles as he returns to Raw and sets the stage a blaze with an amazing display of pyro.

Michael Cole-Oh God. It is like a battle of the world’s biggest losers and underachievers. Kofi Kingston is widely love and who knows why? The guy is a glorified midcarder and then there is Alex Riley. This kid is an idiot thinking he can step out from behind Miz’s coattails and succeed.

Kingston enters the ring and Riley bounces around it. Kingston is all smiles still as Riley tugs on the ropes. Chad Patton rings the bell and we are official. Kingston’s smile goes to a straight look, as he is clearly focused on the match. You can see Riley is a bit jittery as this is a huge opportunity for him. The two youngsters lock up in the middle of the ring. Riley gains the advantage, but Kingston is quick to shove him into the ropes. Riley bounces off the ropes and Kingston leap frogs over him. Riley goes off the parallel ropes and this time Kingston leap frogs him backwards. Riley stops his momentum and turns around, only to be dropkicked by Kingston. Kingston is feeling it early on as he parades around the ring. Riley hops up and charges Kofi, but Kingston takes him down with a Steamboat like arm drag. Riley pops right back up and again goes for Kingston and is taken down with yet another arm drag. Riley rolls out of the ring frustrated as Kofi’s face becomes elated with a smile. Riley paces around the outside and Kingston runs for a Suicide Dive. Riley flies out of the way, but Kingston bounces off the ropes and gives Riley a head nod. Kingston slides out the bottom rope, but Riley sees it coming and slides back in the ring. Kingston goes to slide back in the ring and Riley goes to slide out, but stays in and attacks Kingston from the mat. Riley nails a couple of forearms into the back of Kingston. Riley aids Kingston from off the mat and sets him in the corner. Riley drives a series of elbows to the jaw of Kington and Irish whips Kofi into another corner. Riley bounces around and bolts towards Kingston, nailing a diving splash. Kingston falls to the mat and Riley is quick to make the cover.


Riley goes back to the offense and locks Kingston in a waist lock. Kingston tries to knock Riley off with a round of elbows, but A-Ry manages to avoid them. Riley rolls the hold over into a pinning predicament.


Kingston manages to roll back over and avoids the pin; however Riley still has the hold locked in. Kingston swings another elbow shot and this time it connects and Riley breaks the waist lock. Riley shakes off the shot by Kingston. Kofi pops up, but is knocked right back down after a flying kick from Riley. Riley is now getting into his comfort zone as he is gaining some momentum. Riley bounces around as Kingston gets to his feet. Kingston is wobbly and turns right into a huge Riley spinebuster. Riley goes right into the pin.


Kingston gets the shoulder up just in time. Riley lifts Kofi up from the mat and throws him into the ropes. Kofi bounces into the ropes and Riley ducks, but Kingston slides off his back. Riley lifts his head up looking surprised as he turns around and Kingston nails a huge crossbody. The crowd is on the edge as these two are going all out at a fast rate. Kofi dances around the ring and the crowd knows what is coming. Kingston bounces off the ropes and BOOM! BOOM!, he nails the Boom Drop on Alex Riley. Kingston crawls over and makes the cover.


Riley gets his shoulder up in the nick of time and the crowd is behind both men. Kingston is up and claps his hands together. The crowd chants “boom” with each slap of the hand. Riley stumbles to his feet and Kingston goes for the nail in the coffin with Trouble in Paradise, but Riley ducks and Kingston crashes to the mat. Riley seems shocked that he managed to avoid it. Kingston staggers to his feet and turns around, but Riley grabs hold of him and nails a big time belly to belly suplex. Kingston slides across the mat and rolls around in pain. Riley crawls over to Kingston and drags him away from the ropes and makes the cover.


Riley runs his hand through his hair as he thought he had it. Riley pulls himself up along with Kingston and props him against the ropes. Riley whips Kingston across the ring and goes for an elbow shot, but Kingston ducks under it and springboards off the middle rope and lands atop of Riley. However Kingston momentum follows through too much and Riley ends up on top pinning Kingston.


Kingston just managed to get out as Riley nearly scored the shocking win. Both men are quick to their feet and start splitting a series of right hands. The crowd cheers each connecting shot as Riley has seemingly won them over. Riley gains the upper hand after nailing three quick jabs, knocking Kingston back into the ropes. Riley runs at Kingston, who throws a wild punch, but Riley ducks it. A-Ry grabs Kingston from behind and nails Kofi with a belly to back side slam. Instead of going for the cover Riley storms around the ring and signals the end. Kingston pulls himself up and Riley lifts Kofi onto his shoulders, setting him up for Hit the Showers (TKO (Fireman’s Carry Cutter)). Riley spins Kofi off, but Kofi lands on his feet and Riley stumbles forward. Riley turns right around, but Kofi nails him square in the jaw with Trouble in Paradise. Riley bounces off the mat and is out cold as Kofi is slow to make the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…KOFI KINGSTON!

Michael Cole-Must I comment? Kingston won, woohoo! How about beating someone with a little more talent than that Miz wannabe, Alex Riley.

Despite Cole’s whining the crowd is absolutely hot after a fantastic battle between Riley and Kingston. Kofi celebrates in the ring and the crowd gives him some “Boom” chants with every clap. Kofi jumps off the ropes and sees Riley, visibly upset. Riley shoves Cone away as he doesn’t want to be bothered. Riley is up and has his head placed in his head. Kingston gives him an encouraging slap on the back. Riley shrugs it off as he circles the ring. Kofi confronts Riley and sticks his hand out. Riley looks around the arena and the crowd wants him to shake Kingston’s hand. Riley shakes Kofi’s hand and rolls right out of the ring as Kingston claps him on and continues his celebration.

We cut outside the arena where CM Punk stands with Skip Sheffield by his side. Scott Stanford runs into the picture to try and get a word with the controversial superstar.

Scott Standford-CM Punk, could I get a word with you?

Punk just glares at Stanford, who just stands there dumbfounded.

Scott Standford-I’ll assume that you aren’t in the talking mood.

Punk just smirks before finally breaking his silence.

CM Punk-Scott, do you know what happens when you assume? Don’t answer that because no matter what you are an ass and well, so am I. Let me take a stab in the dark, you want to talk about the draft last week.

Scott Standford-That’s correct.

CM Punk-I needed to get everyone’s attention Scott. You remember that I told Matt Striker it was time people learn just who I am. And it seems to have worked. Everyone’s been talking about me Scott. The world wants to know just what is running through my mind. I’d love to tell you Scott, but that’s for another time and place. You can leave now Scott, I can take it from here.

Stanford shrugs his shoulders and Sheffield slowly chases him off camera.

CM Punk-Do me all a favor Knoxville as I know you can hear me, how many of you came because CM Punk is on the show.

A mixed reaction rains through the arena at Punk’s request.

CM Punk-That’s exactly what I thought, they want CM Punk.

Punk smiles at the mention of his own name and a decent “CM Punk” chant breaks out.

CM Punk-I hate to be the bearer of bad news though, because you won’t get CM Punk.

The slight chants turn straight to boos as Punk has no intentions of showing himself tonight.

CM Punk-The time isn’t right. Don’t worry Knoxville, those in San Antonio won’t get the pleasure either. Until I get what I want I’ll be waiting right here each and every week.

Punk waives his hand at Sheffield and the two men walk off towards the streets of Knoxville as we head for a commercial break.



Michael Cole-May I have your attention please? I have received an email from the Anonymous Raw General Manager.

Cole makes his way to the podium and the Knoxville crowd just doesn’t care about Cole.

Michael Cole-And I quote.

“CM Punk’s actions will not be tolerated. If he wishes to waste his talent outside the arena, be my guest. In fact Punk don’t even bother showing up because if you do you will be removed from the premises immediately. That is enough CM Punk talk though. The main concern of this email is for.”

Cole looks puzzled as he reads the next part of the email.

Michael Cole-"Michael Cole. The only thing that has me more worked up than CM Punk is Cole’s commentary tonight. I gave you a chance to shine on your own and you’ve been nothing but terrible. I’m inclined to fire you on the spot.”

That just seems a bit unfair doesn’t it?

“But I won’t do that. However Monday Night Raw will no longer be the Michael Cole show as next week in San Antonio you will be given a new broadcast partner.”

I’m a one man show, you can’t do that to me!

“And Cole, you have a little bit of a history with him. Does this ring a bell?”

A video airs on the titantron showing Jerry Lawler’s Piledriver from a few weeks back on Michael Cole and Cole being stretchered out of the arena. The Knoxville crowd eats up the video and the imminent return of Jerry "The King" Lawler.

Michael Cole-You can’t bring Lawler back, he broke the rules. He is fired! You can’t do this, he’ll torture me. This isn’t fair!

Scott Stanford-He is the WWE Champion, The Miz. Coming up next Miz you defend your championship against Smackdown’s Sheamus. This could be your biggest title defense yet.

The Miz-Really? Really? Really? No disrespect to Sheamus but he is no John Cena nor is he Randy Orton. He doesn’t compare to either of those two. In fact Sheamus compares more to Jerry Lawler. Look I know the importance of the match. If I lose Raw is without the most prestigious title in wrestling history. But here’s the thing Scott, I don’t plan on losing. CM Punk says he put these people in those seats, well he is wrong. I did. I’m the most must see WWE Champion in history and I prove that with each and every victory. You know why that’s the case? Because I’m The Miz and I’m.

Miz takes a deep breath and whispers into the microphone as the Mizfits sing along.

The Miz-Awesome.


Michael Cole-The time is near. The WWE Championship match is up next, Miz vs. Sheamus!


Michael Cole-Here he comes, the Awesome One. He is the most must see champion in WWE history, he is The Miz!

Miz comes out as confident as ever with the championship draped over his shoulder. Sheamus doesn’t let his eyes wander elsewhere as he keeps them locked on Miz. The crowd is pro Miz tonight as the WWE champ enters the ring.

Justin Roberts-This match is for the WWE Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, representing Friday Night Smackdown. From Dublin, Ireland…SHEAMUS!

Sheamus pounds his chest and throws his arms out to a round of boos from the Knoxville fans.

Justin Roberts-And his opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio. He is the WWE Champion…THE MIZ!

Miz holds the championship in the air as the Mizfits rejoice. A slight “Miz is Awesome” chant can be heard as Miz hands the championship to Mike Chioda.

Chioda holds the WWE Championship high into the air and hands it to the timekeeper and rings the bell. And the main event is underway in what is arguably Miz’s biggest title defense yet. Miz and Sheamus circle the ring before coming eye to in the center of the squared circle. The two trash talk before Sheamus puts his hand over Miz’s face and gives it a slight shove. Miz licks his lips and rubs his jaw as Sheamus watches on with a huge grin on his face. Miz knocks the grin straight off Sheamus’ face with a left hand and Miz continues to fire lefts and then clotheslines the Celtic Warrior over the top rope and onto the floor below. Sheamus seems a little off by it as Miz runs and slides under the ropes and knocks Sheamus back down on the outside. Miz crouches over Sheamus and starts laying in a series of fist before Mike Chioda breaks it up and backs Miz away from the challenger. It looks as Miz’s aggressive side is continuing to grow, much like Miz in general. Sheamus crawls to the steel stairs as Chioda heads back into the ring to start his ten count. Miz stalks Sheamus who is about to his feet when Miz charges. Sheamus turns and dodges out of the way and sends Miz crashing (and flipping) over the stairs. Miz rolls around on the outside grasping at his knee as Sheamus lifts him up off the floor and rams him into the security wall before rolling him in the ring and covering him.


Sheamus lays a few more shots into Miz, thinking that will do the trick and goes for another cover.


Miz again kicks out as it is clearly going to take more than that to take the championship away from Miz. Sheamus lifts Miz up and shoves him into the closest corner. Sheamus then drives a series of shoulders into Miz, who slides into a seated position in the corner. Sheamus lets out a roar and throws his hands out as Chioda checks on Miz’s condition and the crowd gives the Celtic Warrior a round of boos. Sheamus sends his focus back to Miz as he pulls Chioda out of the corner and starts laying in a round of boots to the grounded Miz. Miz is now laying on the mat as Sheamus now drives three knees into Miz’s ribs. Sheamus pulls Miz away from the ropes and makes the cover.


Miz may be banged up, but he isn’t going to give up his championship that easy. Sheamus has a scowl on his face as he picks Miz off the mat and throws him into the corner. Sheamus backs away and sizes Miz up. Sheamus charges, but Miz gets out of the way just in time as Sheamus crashes into the corner and Miz rolls Sheamus up.


Sheamus kicks out of the sneaky pinfall by Miz. Both stars get up around the same time and Sheamus goes for a quick clothesline, which Miz ducks and Miz tries a backslide on the Celtic Warrior. Miz doesn’t seem to have enough power behind the move as Sheamus won’t budge. Sheamus uses his strength to lift Miz into a backslide of his own, but on the follow through Miz lands on his feet and plants Sheamus out of nowhere with a quick DDT. Sheamus’ head bounces off the mat as Miz rolls him over and hooks the leg.


Sheamus gets his shoulder up just in time as this match has been filled with quick pinfalls early on. Miz tries and pulls Sheamus up, but the Celtic Warrior runs a series of two elbows to Miz’s midsection before getting himself to his feet and nailing Miz in the head with a running double axe handle. Sheamus waits as Miz gets back into his feet and Miz turns and Sheamus grabs him and drops him with the Irish Curse (Side Slam Backbreaker). Miz’s back bounces off Sheamus’ knee following the Irish Curse as Sheamus pounds his chest as Miz is stunned on the mat. Sheamus aides Miz in his attempt to his feet, but the Celtic Warrior throws Miz’s head between his legs and looks ready for the High Cross. Sheamus goes to lift up the champ, but Miz squirms around and prevents Sheamus from doing so. Sheamus attempts again, but same result. This time Miz is able to back body drop the challenger. Sheamus crashes onto the mat as Miz falls to his knees. Miz grabs the nearest rope to pull himself up as Sheamus makes his way over to him. Miz turns and nails Sheamus with a huge left that sends Sheamus’ head rearing back. Miz grabs the challenger and whips him into the nearest corner. Miz has Sheamus set up and nails his trademark corner clothesline. Sheamus slides to the corner as Miz catches his breathe between the ropes. Miz slides out onto the apron and makes his way to the top rope. Miz begins his climb as Sheamus staggers to his feet. Miz leaps, but Sheamus sees it coming and counters with a huge Brogue Kick, connecting right into Miz’s chest. The crowd gasps as Sheamus boot connects and both men are now down on the mat. Miz looks out of it as it looks as if the kick from Sheamus knocked the wind out of way. Sheamus slowly crawls over to Miz and drapes his arm over the champ’s body.


Miz knew his whereabouts in the ring as he placed his foot on the bottom of the rope just before Chioda’s hand went down for three. Sheamus’ look explains it all. He runs his hand through his flaming red hair as he can’t believe Miz managed to kick out. Sheamus is up to his feet as he grabs Miz by the head throws his head between his legs. Sheamus pounds his chest and sticks his arms out, looking to finally end Miz. Sheamus lifts the champ up and gets him in position for the High Cross. However Miz slides off Sheamus’ back and quickly turns and drops the challenger with a Skull Crushing Finale, out of nowhere. The crowd reacts rather pleasantly as Miz is the favorite here tonight. Both men now are out cold on the mat. Miz crawls to Sheamus and slowly rolls the challenger over and we can see a small trickle of blood forming from Sheamus’ nose after the impact of the Miz’s finisher. Miz hooks the leg and Chioda makes the count.


The crowd can’t believe it and neither can Miz. Miz looks dazed and confused as his head rolls around and he looks at Chioda. Miz sits there in shock at the fact Sheamus kicked out. Miz finally gets to his feet and waits by the ropes for Sheamus. The Celtic Warrior gets to his knees and crawls around the ring. Miz runs as Sheamus is bent over and nails a knee to the jaw and it looks like Miz is going for the Reality Check. However on the neckbreaker attempt Sheamus squirms out and pushes Miz. Miz turns around and Sheamus nearly takes his head off with a huge clothesline. Miz crashes to the mat and Sheamus to his knees. Miz is down as Chioda checks his condition and Sheamus needs the aide of the ropes to get to his feet. Sheamus has himself positioned in the corner as he waits for Miz. It looks like Sheamus is poised for a Brogue Kick as Miz turns around onto his knees. Miz crawls towards the ropes and Sheamus is getting antsy as he bounces around in the corner. Miz is wobbly as he staggers to his feet and slowly begins to turn. Sheamus takes off like a rocket and goes for the Brogue Kick, but Miz manages to dodge the move and out of nowhere drops the unexpected Sheamus with another Skull Crushing Finale. The Knoxville crowd jumps out of their seats as they have put face/heel alignments aside due to the performance of these two men. Miz crawls over and hooks Sheamus’ leg.


Justin Robets-The winner of the match and STILL WWE Champion…THE MIZ!

Michael Cole-Miz did it! Miz did it! The Miz is the most clutch star in the WWE, he just saved the WWE Championship. What a match, both Miz and Sheamus deserve this ovation from the WWE Universe.

The crowd cheers as Chioda raises Miz‘s hand from the mat and places the WWE Championship over the champ. Miz lays on the mat as the crowd continues to cheer. Miz sits up and holds the championship in his arms as he gets to his feet and holds his title in the air. Miz makes his way towards the ropes and he holds the championship and yells out awesome. Miz jumps off the ropes and makes his way to another corner and does the same. While Miz is celebrating a masked man leaps the barricade and slides into the ring. The crowd has hushed as this man, presumingly the same man that attacked John Cena at Extreme Rules waits for Miz. Miz drops from the ropes and turns around and is absolutely jacked up with a train like clothesline from this mysterious man. Instead of continuing his attack the masked man leaves Miz to live another day. Miz is sprawled out in the ring as the screen fades to black as the mystery seems to continue.

LSN's review of Theo's 5/9/11 Raw:

--- I like the opening myself with a match instead of a long promo segment. It's something you don't see enough in any company, and opening a show with a match makes it feel important.

--- I liked the opening match quite a bit. You nailed each man's moveset, especially the difficult Sin Cara one. I like Ziggler beating Cara, and at the same time, I dont. Cara is fairly new as the US Champion, and I wonder if he should be losing so soon. But it does set up an immediate challenger for the US Title in Ziggler. So some good, some bad.

--- I like the situation with the Divas division. It puts pressure on them to have good matches, and it also makes them relevant. Instead of matches just to have matches and a series of No. 1 Contender Battle Royals, you get an icon in Trish to make the decisions regarding the Divas Title. Im not sure I like the GM noting that he isn't a fan of women's wrestling, as it kind of buries the division. But the positives from this segment far outweigh the negatives.

--- Solid little backstage interview with Sheamus. Heel or face, Sheamus has always made it clear he doesn't have friends, he's out to win. This interview/promo helped establish the importance of the title match later, and a nice plug for OTL. I would have re-inforced how Sheamus became No. 1 Contender here as well, but this worked anyways.

---Nice plug for Superstars during the Barrett/Jackson match. I liked the pacing of the match, and I liked that Barrett fought through the torture rack and didnt tap several times as most do right away. This elevates Barrett immediately that he escaped the submission. Barrett going over was the right call as well, as his upside is much higher as well. His promo after the match and laying out of Zeke drew him the right kind of heat as well.

--- Not a fan of The Long Island decision. To be honest, it made what should be an important cameo from HBK feel meaningless. This was a nice rub for Ryder, but he's a low-card guy. I think HBK would be better used in a more significant role. I am interested to see how Ryder fits in on Raw.

--- Riley vs Kingston, why? It feels like Miz just dropped Riley, and that was the end of it. The match was an enjoyable read however, and the seeds seem planted for a Riley face turn, if he hasn't already. Hopefully you go back to Miz vs Riley at some point, or at least have them interact again after Miz fired him.

--- Im wondering why the GM isn't intervening with Punk's threats not to wrestle. He's playing a great heel right now, and pairing Sheffield with him has been great since the beginning. Playing up the "refusal to wrestle" until he gets what he wants is good stuff because the crowd actually wants to see Punk wrestle.

--- And I should have read a little bit further. I do like the GM giving Punk an ultimatum, letting him know his actions won't be tolerated. Im curious as to where this storyline goes with Punk and the GM.

--- I like the way they re-introduced Lawler through Cole himself. It made for a larger impact to have Cole read the message from the GM that Lawler was returning. Heel Cole, even reading him, is so damn annoying I want to see Cole get his ass kicked. Again, another great plug for next week to see what happens when Lawler returns after being fired.

--- The segments are seeming to drag though with a third straight talking segment. It was another good plug for the WWE Championship match coming next, Id just break up interviews and talking segments so that there aren't so many spread together. But I think you really nailed Miz here, excellent promo hyping the match.

--- It was good to see the crowd being pro-Miz for this match, even if he is a heel. Sheamus winning would have meant the WWE Championship going to Smackdown along with the World Title, so it makes sense that a Raw crowd would want the Raw superstar to win.

--- I thought the main event for the WWE Title was excellent. They played Miz up as a face in the match as he had to overcome the odds to beat the larger Sheamus. Sheamus dominating from the beginning with Miz only getting a few opportunistic moves in was a smart start. The middle of the match was quite good as well as Sheamus continued to hit high impact moves and Miz continued to fight out and impressively counter, especially after eating the Brogue Kick. I loved the finishing sequence with Sheamus continuing the dominate but Miz being ble to counter the attempted kick into the SCF. Excellent match, and Cole was right: Both men deserved the applause for how they came off in this match.

--- I liked the end of Raw as well. It had appeared the masked man was someone who was aligned with Miz, and it still might be. But by all appearances, the man isn't aligned with Miz. My money is on the attacker being Skip Sheffield, especially after the huge closeline to end the show.

Final Thoughts:​
I liked this show. It was a good blend of very good to excellent matches, with storyline progression and surprises a plenty. Sometimes surprises aren't the best thing, but they were here. I like Trish's return to evaluate and make decisions regarding the women's division, as it makes the division seem meaningful. Barrett was significantly elevated, CM Punk continues to intrigue, and it was one heck of a main event followed by an interesting development to end the show. One of the better top to bottom shows Ive read in some time. A
Peep's RAW Review

* I'm not sure I understand your reasoning for putting Michael Cole in by himself, other than to gather more heat on the Voice of the WWE but it did do its job. Nice way to mix things up by having a match up first instead of a promo. Just wondering, does Cara fly over the ropes with his title on? I like how you have gotten Dolph into the title picture, after a very well written, exciting match but it does make Cara look, after only just winning the gold, a little weak. Maybe a low blow, or better Vickie getting involved could have led to a victory for the new (?) number one contender. Good way to start off the show man.

* For some reason if you had brought back Trish and she had not been at this years Wrestlemania, I wouldn't have bought her coming back. But because she did, I could see her sticking around some more, and I really liked this decision to have the Diva as the Divas Executive. Great choice. Really like this as; you are giving them two match slots on one show, making them seem important, you are also bringing in some new talent for the division and some fat will be cut, looking forward to this. You really captured Sheamus' bad ass attitude that I am seeking out, he doesn't care where or against whom or what he has done in the past, he wants to be on top. Would have liked this to be a little longer so he could explain just why he got the title match in the first place but it was good for what it was.

* Great match here Theo, you made both men look strong and Barrett NEEDS TO BE PUSHED! I like how he was about to tap to the Torture Rack but he just held on and found an opening, makes him look like a beast as well as a genius. I wasn't feeling the promo, a little cookie cutter, but it does signify that Wade is going to the top. Hope you don't let Zeke's momentum slide as he should be put into a program right away if you can, maybe after the next PPV. Only fault I found in this match was that Zeke set up for the Torture Rack, and the fans expected it, but in our WWE reality Zeke had never used the move before. I didn't get this Ryder promo at all, as I am an Aussie but I do like how Ryder is coming to RAW, and soon. I enjoyed HBKs presence also.

* I didn't understand why Riley is kind of now leaning towards a face, with Cole bagging him, what ever happened to his love for A-Ry? I can only recall Miz telling Riley off for offering to help, maybe a bit of an explanation? Kingston rightfull wins, in a great match, but Riley didn't look like a complete chump. I like the hand shake from Kofi but maybe you could have (or should have had) Miz tell Riley to stop following around, Riley has the potential to be a solid superstar but don't put him in a feud with Miz. Really enjoying this Punk debacle! I was kind of confused about this Cole thing, is he really going to bring back Lawler or was it just a tease?

* Liked this Miz promo but didn't like how he put down Sheamus a bit at the start. Awesome, awesome match - Miz looked great in the match after kicking out of a Brogue Kick and finally managed to put away the hard nosed Irishman with two Skull Crushing Finales. Again, great match and the masked man is back and attacks Miz, really in intrigued for this angle as he has put out a face and attacked a heel. A big clothesline? Hmmm.... I dunno....

Excellent show Theoski, you already have a match set up for the PPV and I think you really need to start building up some more on next weeks show, such as finding a man to face Miz for the WWE Title. Great episode.


McIntyre gain the edge early on and wore down the young Trent Barreta. However Barreta managed to start a comeback, getting the crowd behind him. The Lone Dudebuster hit an arsenal of highflying attacks, catching the Sinister Scotsmen off guard. However Barreta took one too many as risk as he scrolled up the ropes only to be tripped up by McIntyre. Once Barreta staggered to his feet McIntyre dropped him with the Future Shock DDT for the win.

Winner via pinfall: Drew McIntyre


In our Superstars main event, it seems as if Ted Dibiase is outmatched by Henry's sheer power. The World's Strongest Man has the crowd behind him as he is in full control of the Fortunate Son. However Dibiase gets back into it after seeking the opportunity and raking the eyes of the Strongest Man. Dibiase chop blocks Henry's knee and works on it the majority of the contest. Henry tries to stage a comeback, but Dibiase trounces that with a dropkick to the damaged knee. Due to Henry's size Dibiase can't drop him with Dream Street and takes a page out of his father's book and puts Henry out with the Million Dollar Dream for the victory.

Winner via submission: Ted Dibiase

Raw Preview

There's a new sheriff in town, at least for one week. WWE Hall of Famer, the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels will be in charge on Monday Night Raw as it heads to his hometown of San Antonio, Texas. The Icon, the Showstopper, the Main Event has informed that he has something huge in store for the superstars of Monday Night. Just what will Shawn Michaels be bringing to the table?

Speaking of being in charge, last week the anonymous Raw GM put Trish Stratus in charge of everything WWE Divas related. This week Trish has plans to add a new divas star to the roster and cut some fat by releasing two divas from their contracts. Things in the divas room are as hectic as ever as no one's job is safe.

And one man believes he is higher than authority and that man is CM Punk. Punk has been off the wall since the WWE draft and last week he told the WWE Universe he won't be in attendance this week on Raw. Will CM Punk live up to his word or is this just another ploy in his plan?

Stay tuned for that and much more as WWE Raw comes to you from the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas.
Raw May 16th, 2011 (AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas)

Justin Roberts-Ladies and gentlemen. He is a former WWE Champion and the headliner of the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2011, San Antonio’s own the Heartbreak Kid…SHAWN MICHAELS!


The San Antonio crowd loses it as their hometown hero runs out on the stage looking as ecstatic as ever. Michaels prances around the stage as he looks out at the crowd with that gleam in his eye. HBK falls to his knees and looks to the Heavens above as he throws his arms out as his trademark pyro pops throughout the arena. Michaels slaps the hands of the crowd toward the right off the entrance way before making his way to the left side. Michaels slides into the ring and does his trademark pose as Justin Roberts hands him a microphone.

Shawn Michaels-Boy do I miss this.

Michaels has a smirk on his face as the crowd begins to chant HBK.

Shawn Michaels-You know this feeling never gets old. The adrenaline rush when the music hits and when that pyro goes off and your heart is racing, incredible. Tonight the anonymous Raw General Manager has given me the keys to the car and I’m in control.

The crowd chants one more match as HBK chuckles.

Shawn Michaels-Easy there tiger. Calm down now. Over the Limit is less than two weeks away and The Miz doesn’t have an opponent for the WWE Championship. Now I know Miz was viciously assaulted last week following his championship match against Sheamus. Seeing as we have ourselves a three hour Raw, we are going to have ourselves an eight man tournament to determine who will face The Miz at Over the Limit. This is a chance for a new star to step up to the plate on Raw and move up the ladder. So without further adieu the first round matchups go as follow. In a rematch from last week Dolph Ziggler will go one on one with United States Champion Sin Cara. Kofi Kingston will square off against Kane, Wade Barrett and Alex Riley, and finally John Morrison against Ezekiel Jackson.

Michaels drops the mic and heads out the ring to a nice ovation as the camera pans to Michael Cole, who for the moment is sitting alone at the announce desk.

Michael Cole-An amazing announcement from the Hall of Famer, Shawn Michaels. Tonight one of these men has the chance to put themselves on the map and become a big time player in the WWE. Who will step up to the plate?


Justin Roberts-This is a first round tournament match to determine the number one contender for the WWE Championship. Introducing first from Guyana, South America…EZEKIEL JACKSON!

Big Zeke appears from backstage looking serious as this is a huge opportunity.

Michael Cole-Ezekiel Jackson has the chance to step out of mediocrity and become a star. Will Big Zeke achieve it or will he flutter, find out after the break.


We are back from break as Ezekiel Jackson stands in the ring awaiting his opponent.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Los Angeles, California…JOHN MORRISON!

Morrison comes out to a nice pop from the San Antonio crowd. The Prince of Parkour comes out in slow motion and his hair blowing in the wind as pyro shoots across the Shaman of Sexy.

Michael Cole-Speaking of mediocrity, here comes the Prince of it. Morrison has all the flash, all the glamour, all the praise, but has nothing to live up to it. Everyone is wondering when Morrison is going to take that step, could tonight be that night?

Justin King is the official for the opening bout. Morrison and Jackson circle the ring before locking up. Zeke shows his sheer strength by shoving Morrison off and Morrison bounces off the ring mat. Morrison shakes it off as he hops back to his feet. Morrison goes to sweep Zeke’s leg, but the big man slips out of the way. Morrison looks like he is trying to strategize a way to take out the power of Jackson. Morrison and Jackson lock up again, but this time Morrison swivels around Jackson and locks him up from the back. Zeke wails an elbow but Morrison ducks it and breaks the waist lock. Jackson turns around and Morrison plants him with a dropkick. Jackson stumbles back towards the ropes and Morrison charges him. Jackson ducks and flings Morrison over the ropes. However Morrison lands on the apron and strikes a turning Jackson with a forearm shot. Jackson again staggers back and Morrison leaps to the top rope and lunges towards Jackson. Big Zeke sees it coming and drops Morrison with a huge clothesline that the crowd “ooh’s” at. Jackson goes for the quick cover.


The powerful clothesline from Jackson wasn’t enough to keep Morrison down. Zeke lifts Morrison up and pushes him into the corner. Zeke charges, but Morrison lays a boot into Jackson’s face. Zeke falls back as Morrison pulls himself up to the middle rope and flies off and nails a spinning elbow, knocking the big man down. Morrison does a 180 degree spin flare and drops a leg across the neck of Jackson. Morrison goes right into the cover.


The leg drop isn’t enough to keep Jackson down as Morrison lifts Big Zeke up and nails a series of forearm shots and then nails a one footed dropkick after Zeke bounces off the ropes and the Guyanese Giant falls through the ropes to the outside. Morrison goes to the ropes and flies over with a Corkscrew Plancha, but Big Zeke catches Morrison and rams him into the ring post. The crowd grunts and you can hear Morrison scream in pain from the force of the move. Zeke immediately lifts Morrison up and rolls him into the ring. Jackson goes for the quick cover.


Jackson lifts Morrison back off the mat and grabs him into a bearhug. Zeke squeezes the life out of Morrison, as the Shaman of Sexy winces and grunts in pain. Zeke continues to squeeze and swings Morrison around. King asks if Morrison surrenders, but Jomo won’t quit. Zeke continues to squeeze as Morrison tries to free his arms and tries to free himself. Morrison gets his arms free and nails a series of punches and gets out of the hold. Morrison runs off the ropes, but Zeke just plows through him. Jackson goes for the cover.


Morrison continues to show the tenacity and continues to hang in the match. Jackson lifts Morrison up and sets him up for the Book of Ezekiel, but Morrison nails three elbows forcing Jackson to release. Morrison fights off Jackson with a round of right hands. Jackson is a bit shaken, but goes for a clothesline. However Morrison ducks and performs an amazing Pele kick, connecting to the side of Zeke’s head. Jackson goes down and Morrison crawls for the cover.


Zeke manages to get his shoulder up just in time as Morrison pulls himself up, holding at his ailing back. Morrison waits as Jackson uses the ropes to get back to his feet. The Guyanese Giant stumbles back and Morrison nails the turning Jackson with another series of rights. Jackson back peddles into the ropes and Morrison charges, but Jackson shoves him away. Morrison rolls right through to his feet and Zeke makes his way towards Morrison, but Jomo channels his inner Shawn Michaels and nails a jaw shattering superkick. The San Antonio crowd pops as Jackson crashes to the mat, out like a light. Morrison holds at his back as he hobbles towards the ropes, as Jackson is in prime position for Starship Pain. Morrison goes up and crashes down upon the midsection of Jackson. The Prince of Parkour didn’t fully connect, but crawls for the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…JOHN MORRISON!

Michael Cole-John Morrison didn’t connect on all of that Starship Pain, but mix that in with the super kick prior to that and it was enough to keep the big man down. Morrison showed something here in this match and if he keeps it up, he could finally reach the spot where many think he belongs. Only question is will Morrison’s back hold up after that onslaught by Ezekiel Jackson.

Justin King raises Morrison’s hand in the air as the San Antonio crowd applauds his efforts. Morrison celebrates on the ropes, still holding at his back as he is officially moving on to the semi-finals.

We cut backstage where Shawn Michaels is sitting in his office when Zack Ryder walks in to a nice pop from the San Antonio crowd.

Zack Ryder-Are you serious bro?!?! Shawn Michaels, on Raw!

Shawn Michaels-Well, well, well. It’s the Woo Woo Woo Kid, Zack Ryder. You know Zack, I’ve enjoyed your little segments these past couple of weeks.

Zack Ryder-That’s what I was here to talk to you about. I’m all out of ideas bro. And I was thinking what better time for the Ryder Revolution to start than in your hometown.. What do you say broski?

Shawn Michaels-You know that sounds like a great idea Zack, but we are pretty booked tonight.

Ryder looks on disappointed as Michaels continues.

Shawn Michaels-But next week looks to be available. So how about next week on Raw, the Ryder Revolution begins. Ryder or riot, am I right?

Ryder is in shock as he bounces around the room screaming “I’m gonna be on Raw!” over and over. Michaels chuckles as Ryder exits the room and we cut to commercial.


We are back from commercial break and Dolph Ziggler is in the ring talking to his business associate, Vickie Guerrero as they await Ziggler’s opponent in his first round matchup.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Mexico City, Mexico, he is the United States Champion…SIN CARA!

Sin Cara appears from out of the smoke and lights with his entrance cloak and he waves his hands to get the crowd behind him. Sin Cara books down the ring and trampolines over the top ropes as pyro fills the AT&T Center in San Antonio as the crowd is fully behind the US Champ.

Michael Cole-This is a rematch from last week in which we saw Dolph Ziggler become the first man to defeat our new United States champion, Sin Cara. The previously undefeated superstar looks for his revenge here against my pick to win this thing, Dolph Ziggler.

Chad Patton is the official for this first round tournament match. Ziggler slides back into the ring after some last minute advice from Guerrero. Patton rings the bell and this rematch from last week is underway. The two lock up and Ziggler gets Sin Cara right into a headlock and yells out to the crowd. Sin Cara pushes Ziggler off and into the ropes. Ziggler bounces off the ropes and Sin Cara ducks to the ground and Dolph leaps over. Sin Cara pops back up and jumps into the air, taking Ziggler out with a hurricarana. Sin Cara goes for the quick cover.


Ziggler is quick to push out of the pin. Ziggler sits up and Sin Cara goes for a quick kick that Ziggler is able to duck and rolls Sin Cara up.


Sin Cara, like Ziggler is quick to kick out. Both men quickly get back to their feet before circling around the ring and locking up once again. This time Sin Cara breaks out of the hold and locks up Ziggler from behind and him and Ziggler bounce into the ropes and Sin Cara rolls it up into a pin.


Ziggler pushes Sin Cara off the quick pinfall. Sin Cara bounces off the ropes and goes for a dropkick that connects straight to the jaw of the seated Ziggler. Zigger rolls right out of the ring and holds his jaw as Guerrero checks his condition. Sin Cara runs across the ring and goes to fly to the outside but Ziggler runs out of the way. However Sin Cara expected Ziggler’s move and landed on the apron. Sin Cara waits as Ziggler turns and he jumps for a hurricarana. Ziggler counters and Sin Cara can’t complete the maneuver and Ziggler throws Sin Cara right into the steel stairs. Patton warns Ziggler who throws his hands up and rolls into the ring. Patton begins the ten count.

5... (Sin Cara begins to move around and grabs onto the stairs for leverage)

Guerrero is now standing behind Sin Cara and Patton breaks his count to warn Guerrero as Sin Cara slowly rolls back into the ring. Ziggler pounces right on him and pounds away at Sin Cara’s back with a round of forearms and fists. Ziggler know drives his right knee into the side of Sin Cara before rolling him over for a pin.


Ziggler shouts at Patton before putting his focus on his opponent. Ziggler lifts Sin Cara up off the mat and drives a series of forearms into the side of Sin Cara’s head, backing him into the corner. Ziggler backs up and goes for a splash, but Sin Cara ducks out of the way and Ziggler nearly smacks his face on the steel post. Ziggler stumbles back and Sin Cara kicks Ziggler in the midsection. Sin Cara grabs the hand of Ziggler and runs up the ropes and nails a flying arm drag, which the crowd eats up. Sin Cara crawls over to Ziggler for the cover.


Sin Cara backs up and waits as Ziggler gets to a kneeling position. Sin Cara charges the Epitome of Perfection and goes for a hurricarana, but Ziggler falls out of the way and Sin Cara crashes to the mat. Sin Cara rolls out to the apron and Ziggler pulls himself to his feet. Sin Cara is slow to his feet and he goes for a springboard, but Vickie pulls his feet and Sin Cara smacks his face on the apron as Ziggler as Chad Patton occupied. Ziggler hops right back to his feet and slides out of the ring and throws Sin Cara back in. Ziggler rolls back in and begins to bounce around and waits for Sin Cara to return to his feet. Sin Cara is up and Ziggler jumps up for the Zig Zag, but the Masked Sensation hangs onto the ropes and Ziggler falls to the mat. Sin Cara catches his breathe and springboards off the middle ropes and nails a flying crossbody on Ziggler, who just returned to his feet. Sin Cara goes right into the cover.


Sin Cara thought he had it there as he holds up 3 after the count, but Patton assures the US Champ that it was a 2. Sin Cara lifts Ziggler up and nails Dolph with a series of rights, sending him staggering into the corner. Sin Cara grabs Ziggler and places him on the top rope. Sin Cara climbs up and looks to hit Ziggler with the Spanish Fly. It looks to be the end, but Ziggler shoves Sin Cara off the ropes. Sin Cara crashes to the mat as Ziggler feels the pain from the previous attacks of Sin Cara. Ziggler goes to stand up, but Sin Cara runs up and nails Ziggler in the head with a boot, that knocks the Epitome of Perfection out cold. Ziggler is just sitting on the top rope as Sin Cara climbs up and has Ziggler ready for the Spanish Fly. Sin Cara and Ziggler fly off the ropes and crash to the mat below. The crowd pops at the amazing move from the US Champ as he covers Ziggler.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…SIN CARA!

Michael Cole-You’ve got to be kidding me. This faceless goon is advancing on while a superstar in the making in Dolph Ziggler fails to advance in the first round? This tournament is a sham, no way Sin Cara deserves this. This is an outrage!

Sin Cara celebrates as the crowd is all for it as he holds up the US Championship and Ziggler and Guerrero watch on from the outside.


HBK‘s music hits and the Hall of Famer comes out smiling and sarcastically waves at Ziggler and Guerrero as he heads down to the ring to make some sort of an announcement. Michaels enters the ring and the crowd immediately breaks into a HBK chant.

Shawn Michaels-This will only take a minute as we got a full show tonight. What I‘m about to announce has to deal with a buddy of mine. That being Michael Cole.

The crowd boos at the mention of Cole‘s name as Michaels puts his focus on Cole as the camera shows Cole looking on confused.

Shawn Michaels-Don‘t play stupid Michael, you know exactly what this has to do with. The Anonymous Raw General Manager last week announced that Cole would no longer be announcing by himself and I‘m happy to tell you that his “new“ broadcast partner has arrived.

The crowd lets out a small pop as they anticipate the expected as Cole looks on begging and pleading.

Shawn Michaels-It gives me great honor to welcome back a fellow Hall of Famer. So San Antonio put your hands together for Jerry “The King“ Lawler!

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The crowd‘s pop is definitely louder this time around as Lawler appears on stage with his trademark crown in hand as he is all smiles. Cole is now up from the announce table and making his way into the ring.

Michael Cole-This man is NOT allowed to work here. He violated the rules and deserved everything that he got.

The crowd‘s boos make it difficult to here Cole as he continues his rant.

Michael Cole-What you see here is a hooligan. How do we know this rule breaking isn’t going to con.

Jerry Lawler-Shut up Cole!

The San Antonio crowd loves it as Lawler lays down the law as Cole looks on dumbfounded.

Jerry Lawler-I‘m going to hate myself later for this, but you are right Cole.

Cole looks on with a smug looking, thinking that is the obvious as Lawler continues.

Jerry Lawler-But don‘t think for a minute that I would go back and do things differently. If I could have I would have dropped you on your head a second time. Now with that said I had a lot of time to think about what I had done and I really thought that my days in the WWE were done. That was until I received an e-mail from your good buddy the Anonymous Raw General Manager. He told me that my job was waiting for me on one condition. That condition was that I let bygones be bygones and put everything in the past regarding you. So Michael Cole, I‘m sorry.

Lawler sticks his hand out and the crowd isn‘t too thrilled with this as Cole looks on, unsure as to if Lawler is speaking the truth.

Michael Cole-Put that away Lawler. You don‘t deserve your job back. This is the Michael Cole Show. Raw is Cole! You are nothing but a has been Lawler. You‘re announcing has been stale since 1999. You are washed up Jerry, just admit it. As for letting bygones be bygones? You can kiss my big fat Texas a.

Out of nowhere HBK drops Michael Cole with a Sweet Chin Music that the crowd absolutely goes nuts for. The crack from the connection echoes throughout the arena as Cole falls to the ground and Shawn shrugs his shoulders at Lawler as his music hits and he exits the ring. Lawler chuckles as he bends down and shakes Cole’s hand. Lawler raises his crown in the air as the crowd pops as Lawler leaves the ring and makes his way back home to the announce table.


Jerry Lawler-And there is one of Raw’s newest stars, Kofi Kingston. Kofi has a chance at the big time, he just needs to get past the Big Red Machine. That match is up next!




Jerry Lawler-Welcome back to Monday Night Raw and it feels great to be back at the announce table. Fortunately for you Michael Cole has been shut up for the night and our good buddy from Friday Night Smackdown, Josh Mathews joins me.

Josh Mathews-First off it is great to have you back King and what a night this is shaping up to be. And we are just getting started.

The lights go red and a deafening blast of fire blares throughout the AT&T Center.

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Justin Roberts-And his opponent, The Big Red Machine…KANE!

Kane makes his first appearance since being drafted over from Smackdown as he slowly makes his way to the ring as the lights remain red at a near blinding rate, as Kofi watches on nervously. Kane steps over the top rope and stops in the center of the ring and raises his arms. Kane drops his arms and another round of a deafening blast of fire shoots from the turnbuckle as the lights return to normal and Kane glares over at his opponent.

Head referee Mike Chioda is the official for this first round match. Kane and Kingston are in opposite corners as Chioda rings the bell and we are underway. Kingston bounces around, energetic as always as Kane just stands motionless in the corner. Kane finally moves out of the corner and has Kingston trapped in the corner. Kane lunges at Kingston, but Kingston dodges out of the way and Kane eats nothing but turnbuckle covering. Kingston takes advantage an takes a few shots at Kane and follows up with some knife edge chops as the crowd woo’s. However these don’t phase the Big Red Monster as he lifts Kingston up and throws him into the corner. Kane now drives a series of elbows to the side of Kingston’s temple. Kane latches onto Kingston’s underarm and chucks him out of the corner. Kingston crashes down on the mat and bridges up from the landing. Kingston gets to his hands and knees and Kane helps him the rest of the way, lifting the Dreadlocked Dynamo to his feet and greeting him with a vicious uppercut to the throat. The force behind the uppercut sends Kingston into the ropes and Kane drops him with a big boot. Kane goes right into the cover on the grounded Kingston.


Kingston gets his shoulder up just as Chioda’s hand is about to go down for three. Kane has been in control early on as Kingston hasn’t gotten in any offense thus far. Kane has Kingston back up and nails another uppercut to the throat that sends Kingston into the nearest turnbuckle. Kane bolts at Kingston, but Kofi swings through the ropes and Kane crashes into the corner. Kingston flings his feet up over the ropes and connects straight into the face of Kane. Kane staggers back into the middle of the ring and Kofi gets back in and makes his way towards Kane. Kingston lays into Kane with a serious of elbows and forearms that sends the monster stumbling back. Kane is tangled up into the ropes and Kingston goes for an Irish whip, but Kingston can’t get Kane to budge. Kane pulls Kingston in and throws Kingston out of the ring, but Kofi lands on the apron. Kane turns and goes for a wild right that Kingston ducks and Kofi drives his shoulder right into Kane’s midsection that slows down the Big Red Machine’s offense. Kane backs away and Kingston launches into the ring and nails a huge cross body, taking down Kane. Kingston is feeling it now as the crowd gets behind him. Kane is back to his feet and he turns around and is planted with a Kingston dropkick that sends the big man through the middle ropes and crashing to the floor on the outside. Kingston bounces around the ring as Kane needs the announce table’s aide to get to his feet. Kingston awaits as Kane turns and dives through the middle ropes and crashes into Kane. Both men are down on the outside as Chioda begins his ten count.

5... (Kingston crawls to his feet as Kane is slowly behind him)
7... (Kingston rolls into the ring as Kane is finally on his feet)
8... (And Kane is in the ring)

Kane is up and Kingston greets him with a right fist, but Kane blocks and nails a fist of his own. Kingston stumbles back and Kingston rumbles back towards Kane and the Big Red Machine grabs Kingston and drops him with a side slam straight into the cover.


Kingston kicks out again as Kane is clearly frustrated as he shouts at Chioda. Chioda backs away as he lifts Kingston off the mat. Kane locks his hand across Kingston’s throat. Kane lifts Kingston into the air, but Kofi manages to get out of it and throws himself behind Kane. Kane is angered as he turns around and Kingston nails the Big Red Machine with Trouble in Paradise. Kane falls to the ground as Kingston scurries to make the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…KOFI KINGSTON!

Kingston has his arm raised in victory as he can’t believe he defeated the Big Red Machine. Kingston is all smiles as he stands on the ropes clapping to the fans as they boom boom along with the Dreadlocked Dynamo.

Jerry Lawler-What a victory for Kofi Kingston Josh. Kofi has seemingly been stuck in limbo for quite sometime and now he is one step closer to living his dream.

Josh Mathews-Kofi Kingston is one of the WWE Universe’s favorite stars and you know they are behind him all the way here tonight.

We cut backstage where we see Zack Ryder talking to someone who is off camera.

Zack Ryder-I’m gonna have a match on Raw next week, how awesome is that bro.

The crowd pops at the sight of Trish, looking rather busy and trying to get some work done.

Trish Stratus-That’s awesome Zack, I’m happy for you. I can’t talk right now, I gotta make a decision on the big divas matches tonight.

Zack Ryder-It’s cool Trish. Call me.

After Ryder holds his fingers to his ears like a phone we hear screaming and things crashing in the background as the cameraman runs towards the scene. We now see Kane throwing things and yelling at anyone in sight. Kane throws down the camera man, who crashes to the ground as the camera continues to record. Kane’s words are muffled as he begins to fade out of picture.

Kane-This isn’t me. I’m not myself. The monster inside is dead, I am human, I am one of them, I am everyone else.

Josh Mathews-That was, uhh interesting. Kane is clearly not in the right state of mind.

Jerry Lawler-Kane has always been unstable as we’ve seen in the past. I can’t imagine what is running through the mind of the Big Red Monster.


Justin Roberts-This is the final first round tournament match to determine the number one contender for the WWE Championship. Introducing first from Manchester, England…WADE BARRETT!

Barrett appears with his coat draped over his shoulder. Barrett throws a huge fist that sends his coat flying.

Josh Mathews-Wade Barrett has been a blaze of fire since coming to the WWE. After winning NXT Barrett debuted the Nexus and caused major changes on Raw. After that he got lost in the shuffle on Smackdown. Can a return to Raw promise a return to greatness for Wade Barrett? Tonight could most certainly be a step in the right direction. Barrett and Riley is up next!


We are back from commercial with Alex Riley‘s music blaring through the arena as he enters the ring to an awaiting Wade Barrett.

Charles Robinson is given the duties of officiating this final first round bout as he rings the bell and we are ready to go. Alex Riley looks to continue to prove himself as a real player in the WWE as Wade Barrett looks to get back into the WWE Championship hunt. Barrett and Riley lock up in the ring and Wade jumps right into by driving his knee right into Riley’s gut breaking the collar and elbow tie up. Barrett takes a step back and drops Riley with a clothesline. Barrett stays on the offense and lays a series of boots into the grounded Riley and follows it up with a slow and methodical elbow before covering A-Ry.


Riley gets his shoulder up right before Robinson’s hand goes down for two. Barrett doesn’t bother arguing with Robinson as he takes his elbow and drags it up and down the face of Riley. Barrett locks Riley in a headlock and wrenches right into eat as Riley grunts and kicks away at the mat. Robinson checks Riley’s condition to make sure the Varsity Villian is still conscious. Riley nods his head and Robinson continues to watch on. A small A-Ry chant breaks out in San Antonio as Riley gets one knee and hits Barrett in the midsection and follows it up with another. Barrett breaks the hold and Riley hops to his feet. Riley charges Barrett and Wade attempts another clothesline but Riley ducks the move. Riley bounces off the ropes and Barrett turns around and Riley nails a flying knee strike. The crowd pops and Barrett falls to his back, holding onto his jaw. Riley is back to his feet and is feeling the energy of the crowd. Barrett stands up and turns around right into a huge Riley spinebuster. The momentum brings Riley back to his feet and he pumps his fists back and forth before going for a late cover on Barrett.


The crowd was feeling it there as Riley is on fire. Riley bounces around and Barrett is slow to his feet and turns around only to be dropped with a clothesline. Barrett gets up and Riley hits another clothesline and then tops it off with a picture perfect dropkick. Riley goes for a cover, but Barrett rolls out of the ring. Barrett roams around the ring and Riley rolls out and chases. Riley attacks from behind and Barrett flies into the security wall. Riley is on fire as he lifts Barrett up and drives him back into the security wall. Riley lifts Barrett back up, but Wade shoves Riley away. A-Ry staggers back, but that doesn’t stop him from charging Barrett. Wade ducks and flings Riley into the crowd. Robinson slides out of the ring and security checks to make sure that the crowd members are ok and Riley is fine. Riley pulls himself up and crawls over the security wall. As Riley is about to make it over Barrett drives his boot into the temple of Riley, nearly knocking him out atop of the security wall. Barrett grabs the motionless body of Riley and throws him into the steel stairs. The stairs break apart and separate from the steel post. Riley’s shoulder drives into the stairs and the youngster grasps his shoulder as Barrett grabs Riley and throws Riley back into the ring. Barrett instructs Robinson to get back in and he follows and covers Riley.


Barrett’s eyes get a little wide as Robinson reinsures Wade that it was a two count. Barrett lifts Riley up and nails a series of stiff elbow shots that knock Riley to his knees. Barrett follows this up with a nonchalant kick to knock Riley over. Barrett has a cocky smirk on his face as he throws his arms up in the air to a round of serious heat. Riley pulls himself up with the help of the ropes and staggers back and Barrett catches him and lifts him into position for Wasteland. Wade grabs Riley’s arms and goes for the throw, but Riley manages to counter and rolls Barrett up with a sudden pinfall.


Barrett kicks out just in time and can’t believe that Riley is hanging around. Both superstars are right to there feet and Barrett throws a wild punch, but Riley ducks it. Barrett turns around, but is greeted with a boot to the midsection from Riley followed by an elevated DDT. Barrett’s face bounces off the mat and Riley rolls him over.


Riley can’t believe it and the crowd lets out a sigh as they thought it was over. Riley awaits as Barrett is slow to his feet. Barrett turns and Riley lifts him up for his finisher, Hit The Showers. Riley swings Barrett around, but Wade lands on his feet and plants Riley square in the face with a big boot. Riley falls to the mat as Barrett falls to a knee. Riley crawls to the ropes and is on wobbly legs as he turns around and is hoisted up onto Wade Barrett’s shoulders. Wade lets out a yell as he throws Riley to the ground with Wasteland. Barrett goes for the cover and looks as confident as ever.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…WADE BARRETT!

Barrett has his arm raised in victory as he plants his foot on top of Riley, who is down and out from Wasteland. Barrett signals that he is going to win the championship as the San Antonio crowd continues to boo the Bareknuckle Fighter.

Josh Mathews-Wade Barrett continues his way of dominance here on Raw. You may not like him, but you know talent when you see it and Wade Barrett certainly has it.

Jerry Lawler-Barrett has talent, that is a sure thing Josh. However you got to tilt your hat to Alex Riley. When I was fired he was nothing more than a lackey and now he is a star on the rise here in the WWE.

We cut backstage where we see HBK watching TV when the WWE champion, The Miz walks in and gets a mixed reaction from the crowd.

The Miz-Really? Alex Riley, really? That’s what you get when put a sidekick into the spotlight.

Shawn Michaels-I beg to differ Miz. The past two weeks Riley has showed something that you never let him show, potential.

The Miz-I didn’t allow Alex Riley to show potential? Me? Really? Do you know who I am? I am the WWE Champion, I am The Miz. I made Alex Riley. Without me there is no Alex Riley. He’d be out there flipping burgers like the nobody that he is.

Shawn Michaels-It sounds like you are a bit jealous of Riley’s newfound fame. You sound like you are afraid of Riley stealing your spotlight Miz.

The Miz-Alex Riley will never come close to my spotlight. I am the spotlight, I am the star. I may be banged up from that attack last week, but I am the WWE champion. I am this show.

Shawn Michaels-Well if you are the show Miz, you won’t mind suiting up next week. You clearly have unresolved issues with Alex Riley so you can settle them next week. Teacher vs. apprentice. Good luck.

Michaels slaps Miz’s shoulder as he leaves his office and Miz looks on furious. We now cut back to the arena where Trish Stratus is standing in the ring with two new potential WWE Divas.

Trish Stratus-Last week I was given complete control of revamping the Divas division. Before I get to these two lovely ladies, I want to address the tag team match later tonight. As you know the losing team will be released from their WWE contracts. After some serious thinking I’ve come to conclusion of the four divas that will be in the match. It will be Tamina teaming with Gail Kim going up against Melina and Alicia Fox. Now onto this next match. Tonight a new diva will be joining the roster and you may or may not remember these two beautiful ladies in the ring. To my right is the beautiful and nerdy AJ Lee. AJ was a third place finisher in NXT season three and tonight looks to finally grab that contract. And her opponent is former WWE diva, Jillian Hall. Jillian is a former Divas champion and is looking to comeback better than ever. Best of luck you two and let the best diva win.

Jack Doan is the official for this divas contest. Doan rings the bell and we are underway. AJ puts her hand out for a handshake but Jillian Hall laughs and looks to sing a note before AJ slaps the music straight out of her mouth. Jillian is shocked and she runs at AJ, but AJ ducks and rolls out of the way and nails a turning Jillian with a dropkick. Jillian gets up and goes to attack AJ, but AJ again ducks out of the way and rolls up Jillian.


AJ almost got the quick win, but Jillian got the kick out just in time. Both ladies get to their feet and AJ goes for a forearm shot, but Jillian nails a kick to the midsection before AJ can land the hold. Jillian then plants the leaning AJ with a DDT and then a quick cover.


AJ shows gets her shoulder up just in time. Jillian pulls AJ up by her hair and begins to yell at the wannabe diva and face washes her. AJ falls to her knees and Jillian laughs. Jillian lifts AJ up and nails a spinning neckbreaker and covers.


Again AJ shows some spunk and gets her shoulder up. Jillian climbs to the top rope as the crowd seems in shock. Jillian goes for the dive, but AJ rolls out of the way and Jillian crashes and burns. AJ stands up in the corner as Jillian rolls around on the mat. Jillian sits up and AJ charges and nails a wicked Shining Wizard that nearly shatters Jillian’s jaw. The crowd pops at the vicious maneuver by AJ. AJ throws her hand in the air to another nice pop from the crowd. AJ lifts the motionless Jillian off the mat and sets her for Sliced Bread #2. AJ runs up the turnbuckle and drops the former WWE diva and makes the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…AJ LEE!

Trish enters the ring and raises AJ Lee’s hand along with referee Jack Doan. Trish pulls a pen and contract out of her pocket and AJ signs it. AJ gets on the ropes and celebrates as Trish exits the ring. The crowd is behind AJ but quickly silence hits the arena as the lights shut off and begin to flash in an ominous purple. An evil laughter pours out as words appear on the titantron and a mysterious voice reads them.

The clock is ticking, the time is near.
A time in which the WWE Divas shall fear.
Kharma is a bitch, so the saying goes.
It is time to rid the WWE of these Barbie doll hoes.
Over The Limit, fear shall strike.
Pain and evil will rain throughout the night.

The eerie poem ends with another round of evil laughter as the lights comeback on and AJ looks lost in the ring as we cut to commercial break.

Josh Mathews-Welcome back to Monday Night Raw and we are just minutes away from the start of the semi finals of the number one contender tournament setup by WWE Hall of Famer, Shawn Michaels. What are your thoughts on this round of matchups King?

Jerry Lawler-Josh we have two great matchups for the semi final round. Up next we will see a high flying duel that should keep the crowd on the edge of their seat. Kofi Kingston and the United States champion Sin Cara will do battle. That should be a fun one. Then we have Wade Barrett going up against John Morrison. The question here is how dinged up is John Morrison after his battle with Ezekiel Jackson? We saw Big Zeke focus on the back of Morrison and you have to think that Wade Barrett should do the same.


Justin Roberts-This is a semi finals match in the number one contender tournament for the WWE Championship. Introducing first from Mexico City, Mexico, he is the United States champion…SIN CARA!

Sin Cara appears from the smoke upon the stage with his United States championship around his waist. Cara bounces up and down and points out to the San Antonio audience before pointing to the ring and make his trademark run to the ring. However before Sin Cara can trampoline over the ropes he is stop short and looked to be attacked. From Sin Cara’s right he is tackled by what seems to be a cameraman. When the lights return to normal we see that the cameraman is none other than Dolph Ziggler, Sin Cara’s first round opponent. Ziggler beats down on the Masked Sensation as referees try to break up the assault. Ziggler stops his assault on his newfound rival before picking up a camera and slamming it down on the masked head of Sin Cara. Cara rolls around in pain as referees and backstage officials keep Ziggler away from doing further damage. Ziggler shoves his way through the pack of backstage officials and refs and picks up the camera he dropped on Sin Cara. Dolph goes for another shot, but is stopped when Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara’s opponent in the semi finals comes down and stops Ziggler. Dolph backs away up the ramp and you can hear him yell that this was his shot as Kingston joins backstage officials and referees in checking on the condition of Sin Cara as we cut backstage to Shawn Michaels, who is with Scott Stanford.

Scott Stanford-Shawn if I may, how are you going to handle the situation that just went down?

Shawn Michaels-Scott there is nothing I can do, but advance Kofi to the finals. I know Kofi has a fighting spirit, but I have no other choice as it is clear that Sin Cara isn’t going to be able to compete tonight.

Scott Stanford-And what actions are going to be taken towards Dolph Ziggler?

Shawn Michaels-Seeing as I have complete power tonight and Dolph has some beef with our United States champion, I’m going to schedule a match between the two of them in two weeks at Over The Limit for the United States championship.

The crowd reacts positively at the announcement made by HBK, as it is now official. Dolph Ziggler will get a shot at the United States championship at Over the Limit against the new champion, Sin Cara.

Josh Mathews-What an announcement made by Shawn Michaels. On May 29th, Sin Cara has his chance at redemption as he gets Dolph Ziggler one on one.

Jerry Lawler-Hold on Josh. When it comes to Ziggler it is never one on one as you have to worry about the evil Vickie Guerrero. And I’m still trying to figure out how Dolph is getting a championship match after assaulting the champion. How does that seem fair?

Justin Roberts-This match is the final semi final match and the winner will face Kofi Kingston tonight.


Justin Roberts-Introducing first from Los Angeles, California…JOHN MORRISON!

Morrison comes out this time around without his trademark coat or glasses. Morrison is showing the signs from his first round match against Ezekiel Jackson.

Jerry Lawler-There is the flashiest star in the WWE, John Morrison. Morrison took a beating in his first round matchup. You can see Morrison favoring his back, which Jackson targeted the majority of the match.

Josh Mathews-Great observation King. And with an opponent like Wade Barrett, you know that back is going to be like a bullseye. Morrison could be in trouble as we know Barrett is as vicious they come.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Manchester, England…WADE BARRETT!

Barrett, like Morrison is without his coat as he stares down the ailing Morrison from the entrance ramp.

Josh Mathews-Here comes the bare knuckle brawler from Manchester. Wade Barrett has the chance to get back to the top. Barrett isn’t shy about his love for money and no one makes money like a champion.

Jerry Lawler-You hit Wade Barrett’s persona right on the nail. Barrett isn’t happy for second place. Raw is the place he plans on breaking out, whether we like it or not.

Chad Patton rings the bell and we are underway. Morrison and Barrett circle the ring. Morrison goes for a leg sweep, but Barrett swats him with a forearm shot. Morrison falls from his one knee to the mat. Barrett lifts Morrison up off the mat and drops Morrison with a club to the back. Barrett raises his arms in the air to some heat from the San Antonio crowd. Morrison is up to his knees and nails Barrett with a shot to the midsection, but the shot doesn’t faze the Englishmen. Barrett counters by ramming his knee right into the side of Morrison’s Hollywood esque face. Barrett lifts Morrison off the mat and drives him into the corner and follows it with three straight shoulder’s to Morrison’s midsection. Barrett now shifts his focus on Morrison’s back as he throws the Shaman of Sexy onto the mat and drives his knee right into the injured back of Morrison. Barrett stretches Morrison out as he continues to wrench his knee right into John’s spine. Morrison winces in pain and you can hear him yelling out no as Chad Patton asks if he surrenders. Barrett continues to apply the pressure to Morrison’s spine, as it is clear the back of John Morrison is nowhere near 100 percent. Morrison still won’t quit as Barrett releases the hold but follows up with a series of knee drops right into his targeted area. Morrison tries to get away, but to no avail as Barrett continues to lay on the offense before rolling Morrison into a pinning predicament.


Morrison barely manages to get his shoulder up as Barrett glares at Chad Patton. Barrett lifts the wounded Morrison off the mat and drives an elbow that sends Morrison staggering back into the corner. Barrett lifts Morrison up to the ropes and seats up on the top. Barrett joins Morrison in what looks to be an attempted superplex. Barrett lifts, but Morrison blocks. Barrett goes for another attempt, again blocked. Morrison throws a forearm shot, followed by another. Barrett is woozy as Morrison nails a third forearm that sends the Brit crashing to the mat. The crowd pops as Morrison stands on the top. Jomo dives off the top rope, but Barrett turns around and slams Morrison with a big boot straight in the chest. Morrison rolls around on the mat as Barrett makes the cover.


Morrison can’t seem to catch a break in the early going as Barrett continues his attack on the wounded back. Barrett has the point of his elbow driven right into the spine of the Shaman of Sexy. Barrett continuously rams his elbow right into Morrison’s spine before lifting up Morrison and throwing him out of the ring through the bottom rope. Jomo slid right out of the ring and crashed face first on the outside. Patton warns Barrett who yells back and Barrett joins Morrison on the outside. Barrett lifts Morrison up and drives him spine first into the announce table. Barrett then grabs John and throws Morrison right into the security wall. Morrison flips over on the throw and the thud echoes throughout the arena. Morrison rolls around in pain on the outside as Patton checks on his condition. Morrison won’t quit as Patton allows the match continue. Barrett lifts Morrison and sets him back first atop the steel stairs. Barrett slowly walks up the stairs and then stands on top of Morrison before Patton begins a five count. Barrett steps off Morrison and on to the top stair. Barrett holds his hands up innocently. Barrett then turns around and Wade jumps down from the top stair but Morrison rolls off the steel stairs and Barrett crashes and lands on his ass. The crowd pops as Morrison pulls himself up and runs up the stairs and nails Barrett with a running knee that knocks Barrett down and lays him out on the stairs. The crowd pops as Morrison rolls Barrett back into the ring and drapes his arm over him in a cover.


Morrison and the crowd thought that running knee was it as Morrison hobbles to his feet. Morrison sits in the corner as Barrett slowly gets to his feet. Morrison goes right for the attack and nails a series of right hands that sends Barrett falling back. Morrison runs towards Barrett, but Wade goes for a clothesline. Morrison ducks it and Wade staggers and turns and is surprised with a Pele kick courtesy of Jomo. The crowd pops as Barrett falls to the mat and Morrison holds his back from contorting himself. Morrison slowly crawls towards the ropes and lifts himself up. Barrett follows as he is on the other side of the ring using the ropes as an aide. Both men are up and make their way to the center of the ring where the counter fisticuffs. Back and forth action before Morrison gains the edge as he lays into Barrett. Barrett throws a wild fist, but Morrison ducks and runs towards the ropes and jumps off the middle and nails Barrett with a Flying Chuck, that cracks Barrett’s jaw. Morrison holds his back and covers Barrett.


Morrison looks at shock at Patton who reminds Jomo that it was a two count. Morrison slicks his hair back as he drags Barrett to the corner for Starship Pain. Morrison flies up, but Barrett rolls out of the way. Morrison manages to land on his feet and clutches at his back. Barrett hops to his feet and nails a turning Morrison with a giant boot that nearly knocks the head off Morrison. Barrett holds his jaw from the previous kick from Morrison. Barrett throws his arms up signaling the end. Morrison is woozy on his feet and Barrett lifts him onto his shoulders. Barrett goes to fling Morrison off, but Jomo rolls down and gets Barrett into a rollup.


Barrett kicks Morrison off. Morrison stands up and Barrett sits up from the roll up and out of nowhere Barrett’s head snaps back courtesy of a huge running knee by John Morrison. Barrett’s eyes are glassy and he looks unconscious as Morrison is seated atop Barrett’s chest and hooks his leg.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…JOHN MORRISON!

The crowd pops as Morrison throws his arms up in victory as he can’t believe he pulled off the victory. Morrison stands on the ropes, clearly in pain as he holds his arm up to the delight of the crowd.

Jerry Lawler-And John Morrison moves on step closer to becoming the star that many have predicted of him. John Morrison has one more obstacle in his way and that is Kofi Kingston.

Josh Mathews-And that may be the most exciting match this tournament could produce. Both of these young men can fly and excite. This is their chance to shine.



The Anonymous Raw General Manager has decided to bring back NXT. The winner will receive a WWE contract and a WWE championship title opportunity at a PPV of his choosing. The Raw GM feels that the talent on Raw isn’t up to the level that it should be. This move is being made to create a new star. Eight Raw stars will be the pros for eight rookies for an once in a lifetime chance. See old faces, see new faces, but one thing is for sure a new star will be born. Stay tuned!


Justin Roberts-This is a divas tag team match where the losing team will be released from their WWE contracts. Introducing first the team of Tamina and Gail Kim!

Josh Mathews-Jerry this may upset you, but right now we are going to lose two divas as the losing team will be fired tonight.

Jerry Lawler-This is terrible Josh. My first day back at work and we are going to lose two beautiful divas from the WWE. Trish Stratus is taking the divas division by storm and is giving it a new look and this is just the start. I just hope I don’t lose my favorite divas Josh.

Gail Kim and Tamina make their way to the ring to an average pop from the San Antonio crowd. Usually all the smiles, the two divas are all focus as their jobs are on the line tonight.


Justin Roberts-And their opponents, Alicia Fox and Melina!

Josh Mathews-As always Alicia Fox and Melina look like the mean business. Tonight is clearly the most important match in these four divas careers as their job is on the line.

Like Josh said Alicia Fox and Melina mean business as they are as serious as ever as they make their way to the ring. We cut backstage where we are split screen with Trish watching on in a private room somewhere in the arena and the rest of the divas watching in the divas locker room. The two divas enter the ring as Justin King rings the bell. The two elder stateswomen, Melina and Kim start the match for their respective teams. The two veteran divas lock up and Melina gets Kim right into a headlock as lets out a shrill. Kim manages to push the screaming diva off and then nails Melina with a straight dropkick to the chest. Melina flies across the ring, landing up against the ropes. Kim watches on as Melina crawls to her corner and tags in Alicia Fox. Fox slowly gets in the ring and her and Kim begin a circling of the ring. They go for the lockup, but Fox tricks Kim and nails a kick straight into the midsection. Kim is bent over and Fox looks to end it quick with her lethal Scissors Kick. Kim manages to duck out of the way just in time and locks Fox up and converts on an attempted backslide into a cover.


Fox gets out right away and gets to her feet the same time Kim does. Fox goes for a clothesline, but Kim ducks out of the way and bounces off the ropes and nails a turning Fox with a flying forearm. Kim waives for Fox to get up and she does and throws a wild punch. Kim ducks it and grabs Fox and drops her with an atomic drop. Fox prances around the ring holding her buttocks as Kim nails a bulldog out of nowhere and makes a quick tag into Tamina. The daughter of WWE Hall of Famer, Jimmy Snuka enters the ring and nails Fox with a boot to the face. Fox didn’t stay on her feet long as that big boot knocked her straight on the ground. Tamina goes for the cover.


Fox just manages to get her shoulder up. Fox tries to crawl her way to Melina, but Tamina pulls her away. Tamina lifts the feisty Alicia up and drops her with a body slam. Fox gets up holding her back and Tamina runs off the ropes and goes for a flying cross body, but Fox dives out of the way and Tamina crashes. Alicia Fox quickly crawls and tags in Melina. Melina enters and stomps away at the grounded Tamina. Melina lifts Tamina up and places her in the corner. Melina drives a series of forearms into the jaw of Tamina Tamina drops to a seated position and tags in Fox. Melina drives her boot into the throat of Tamina Justin King begins his count as Melina yells at him that she has until five and exits the ring. Fox pulls Tamina out of the corner and makes a cover.


Lady Superfly kicks out just in time to save her job and Kim’s. Fox locks in a headlock and wrenches as Tamina tries to wriggle out. Fox looks to be losing her grip as Tamina begins to get to her feet, but Alicia grabs Tamina’s hair and slams her to the mat. Fox holds her hands up as if nothing was a matter as she pulls Tamina over and tags in Melina. Melina enters and drops a knee down atop of Tamina’s head and makes a cover.


Tamina again manages to kick out, as she is fighting for her job. Melina lifts Tamina up and shoves her into the corner. Melina charges, but Tamina nails her with a boot and then knocks Fox off the apron. Tamina bolts out of the corner and nails Melina with a clothesline and dives and makes the tag into Gail Kim. Gail enters hot as she shoves Melina away and nails a dropkick to the A-list diva. Fox hops in the ring, but Kim splashes her right into the corner. Gail steps back and charges the cornered Alicia. Kim charges and hits a spinning splash through the middle ropes and connects with Fox’s ribs and lands on the apron. Fox falls to the outside and Gail Kim climbs to the top. Kim is perched as Melina gets to her feet and turns around. Gail Kim dives from the top and hits Melina with a cross body into a cover. The crowd anticipates the end.


Melina barely kicks out as Gail Kim thought she had the match won. Kim gets to her feet, but is greeted by Alicia Fox. Fox shoves Gail to the ground and goes for another Scissors Kick, but Tamina tackles Alicia out of nowhere and both divas roll to the outside brawling. Gail gets up to her feet and looks to the outside. Melina takes advantage and sneaks up from behind and shoves Gail into the ropes. Kim is a bit misplaced as Melina grabs her by the hair and lets out a huge scream and nails her finisher, the Sunset Split (Inverted Leg Drop Bulldog). Melina goes right into a cover and believes it is all over.


Justin Roberts-The winners of the match by pinfall…ALICIA FOX AND MELINA!

Melina screams in victory as she knows her job is safe, along with Alicia Fox who jumps in the ring and hugs Melina. Tamina looks on in disappointment from the outside as her dream is over. Gail Kim begins to come to and reality begins to hit her as you can see the tears welding up. Trish makes her way out onto the stage with a mic in hand.

Trish Stratus-Congratulations Melina and Alicia Fox, your job is safe. However Gail Kim and Tamina, I’m so sorry to tell you that your contracts have been terminated. You’re fired. We wish you well in your future endeavors. Thank you for the hard work you have provided to this company.

Trish walks away disappointed in the decision as Gail Kim and Tamina get a nice ovation from the San Antonio crowd as they make their final wake up the entrance ramp.


Josh Mathews-Our main event between Kofi Kingston and John Morrison is just minutes away. One of these men has a great opportunity to rise above the rest and become a champion. Before that we have some footage from during the commercial break featuring CM Punk and Skip Sheffield. Over the past few weeks Punk has been rather outspoken and he just wants to be known. The Anonymous Raw GM has told Punk not to show up and here is how Punk reacted.

We cut to the footage and we see CM Punk sitting Indian style outside the arena with Skip Sheffield standing behind him. Punk has a bullhorn in hand as fans begin to fill into the arena.

CM Punk-Ladies, gentlemen, and children alike. What are you doing? You want to chant my name and want my voice to be heard, but yet you continue to fill this company’s wallet with your money. It is time for CM Punk to get the recognition that is deserving of my talents. I am the best in the world, I am the greatest aspect this company has. You people want me to get what I want, but you still give them what they want. You give them your money and they don’t care who gets TV time. Not one man or woman on this roster deserves more TV time than me. I am what is going to get people buzzing about professional wrestling again, I am what is going to put this company back on the map. Tonight I will be heard. The world will know all my secrets.

CM Punk is now on his feet as he makes his way to the entrance gate, Skip Sheffield shadowing closely.

CM Punk-Tonight I break the promise I made last week. I vowed to not enter this arena, but my voice needs to be heard and tonight will be the change of guard that this business needs. This business needs CM Punk.

Punk and Sheffield enter the arena but are quickly halted by security. Punk raises his hands in innocence as Sheffield stand idly by. Punk sends security back as he waves Sheffield to leave. Both men exit the arena with Punk waving goodbye the whole time.

Jerry Lawler-I don’t know what has been going through Punk’s head as of late, but clearly he is out of his mind. He seems to hold himself in high regards and despite what he thinks, this company will move on with or without him.

We cut backstage where we see Shawn Michaels talking to John Morrison and Kofi Kingston, who are in the finals of the tournament to become number one contender for Miz’s WWE Championship at Over the Limit. Michaels shakes the hands of the two superstars and heads back to his office. Scott Stanford stops by to get the final words for our competitors.

Scott Stanford-Guys could I get a final word with you before going out for the opportunity of a lifetime. Kofi, lets start with you.

Kofi Kingston-You know Scott when you get into this business it is everyone’s dream to one day be world champion. This is my chance Scott. I’ve never had the opportunity to fight for the WWE title and I respect John as a competitor, but I’m not going to let him stop me.

Scott Stanford-John?

John Morrison-Kofi is right. It is every superstar’s dream to one day be world champion. Unlike Kofi though I went through hell tonight. Ezekiel Jackson nearly broke my back and Wade Barrett put a number on it as well. I’m not here to make excuses though. I’ve had my shot at the WWE championship and I was close and I’ve been itching to get back. I will stop at nothing to finally accomplish my dream. Injured back or not, I’ll be the one fighting Miz at Over the Limit.

Kofi Kingston-Listen John, I’m not happy about how I got to this spot. I want to go out and compete and put on a show for the WWE universe. Yeah I may be at an advantage but at this point sometimes that is all you need. You understand John. Both of us have been criticized by fans. Some people just don’t see the appeal of us. They think we are lifelong midcarders and should be happy we still have a job. Tonight we prove those haters wrong. We go out and show them that we are more than midcarders. We are main eventers and we are the future of this business. Win or lose John, this is our chance to shine.

Kofi sticks his hand out after his emotional rant. Morrison looks around before grasping Kingston’s hand. Kingston goes to leave but Morrison pulls him in close.

John Morrison-Tonight I may be the underdog, but I know you aren’t going in doubting me. Like you said some people are. I hate to do to you Kofi, but I ‘m the one that is going to prove my haters wrong. Best of luck.

Morrison releases his grasp of Kingston’s hand and walks away as Kofi nods his head.

Justin Roberts-This match is the finals for the number one contender tournament. The winner will face The Miz at Over the Limit for the WWE championship!


Justin Roberts-Introducing first from Los Angeles, California…JOHN MORRISON!

Morrison means business here as he makes the way to the ring and he is skipping out on the pyro and the slow motion as he just makes a b-line to the ring.

Josh Mathews-Look how serious John Morrison is. He knows what is on the line here and he knows this is an once in a lifetime opportunity King.

Jerry Lawler-You heard Morrison’s words and you know he means business. John isn’t happy with how Kingston got here, but he isn’t making excuses and he knows how much this means.


Justin Roberts-And his opponent from Ghana, West Africa…KOFI KINGSTON!

Kingston booms his way out and his pyro shoots off as Kingston jumps down the entrance ramp. However after he lands he is all serious as he stares at his opponent, John Morrison.

Josh Mathews-And here is Kofi Kingston. Kingston was very emotional in his speech about grabbing that proverbial brass ring. It will be no easy task as he has John Morrison standing in his way.

Jerry Lawler-It will be no easy task Josh, but Kingston definitely has the advantage, mental and physically. Kofi only had one match tonight, Morrison is clearly not 100 percent, and we know that Kingston is in Morrison’s head as John mentioned Kingston’s advantage.

The crowd is pretty excited as one of these men are going to make the leap to the main event scene. Head official, Mike Chioda is about to ring the bell. However we are interrupted by:


The Miz appears with his WWE championship in hand in his custom made suit. The San Antonio crowd is mixed with emotions as the Mizfits can be heard as well as the Miz’s haters. Miz begins his way towards the ring as Morrison and Kingston watch on. Miz is at the ring as he motions to Kingston and Morrison to continue their match as Miz joins King and Mathews at the announce table.

The Miz-Ladies and gentlemen the real entertainment is here. You see those two guys, neither of them is on my level. I could wipe the floor with either of them. I’ve defeated Morrison, I’ve defeated Kingston and I’ll defeat them again. This is my show, this is Monday Night Miz and it is awesome. Now hush up guys we got a match we have to call.

During the course of Miz’s rant Morrison has Kingston on the ground, locked in a headscissors. Kingston kicks his legs up in Shawn Michaels fashion and breaks the hold and lands on his feet. Kingston goes right into fighting stance, as he goes to sweep Morrison’s legs, but Jomo jumps over Kingston’s attempt. Morrison lands and swings a kick towards Kingston’s head, but Kofi rolls under it and rolls Morrison up into a pinning attempt.


Morrison kicks Kofi off and Kofi is wobbly on his feet. Morrison goes for a leg sweep of his own, but Kingston ducks and goes for a straight dropkick that Morrison rolls out of the way and Kingston crashes to the mat. Morrison pops up and Kingston begins to sit up and Jomo nails Kingston with an Oklahoma roll.


Kofi kicks out right before Chioda goes down for two. Kofi rolls right to his feet and Morrison goes for a roundhouse kick, but Kingston ducks it and grabs onto Morrison for a German Suplex. Morrison blocks it with his foot and dead weights himself for Kingston. Morrison nails a series of elbow shots, breaking Kingston grasp. Morrison turns around and trips Kingston. Morrison lifts Kingston’s up by his legs and throws him up, but Kofi locks his feet around Morrison’s neck and flips him over with a headscissor. Morrison slides across the mat and lands and gets himself to his knees and into a fighting stance. Kingston charges with a clothesline that Morrison ducks and grabs Kingston by the neck and drops him onto his knee. Kingston’s neck bounces off Morrison’s knee and he rolls on the mat, feeling the pain. Morrison looks rejuvenated for a man who just competed in two brutal matches earlier tonight. Morrison goes for a cover and the wounded Kingston.


Kingston just gets his shoulder up as Morrison stays on the attack and focuses it on the neck. Morrison has a headlock wrenched in and we are seeing a new side to John Morrison, a much more ferocious side. Morrison has the headlock secure and wrenched in as Kofi wiggles for air and tries to fight it off. Chioda checks on Kofi’s condition and makes sure Morrison isn’t choking out Kofi. It is a clean hold as Morrison wrenches. Kingston kicks away as he tries to lighten the force of Morrison’s hold. Kingston’s kicking has him moving towards the ropes and he wraps his legs around the ropes and Chioda forces Morrison to break the hold. Jomo obliges as he backs away from Kingston. Kingston pulls himself up and Morrison charges, but Kofi throws Morrison over the ropes. Morrison lands on the apron and Kingston goes for a fist, but Morrison blocks and nails a kick straight to Kofi’s temple. Kofi staggers back and is woozy as Morrison springboards into the ring and nails a jumping kick to the jaw of Kingston. Kofi looks out cold as Morrison covers him up.


Kingston gets his shoulder up and Morrison lifts Kingston off the mat and whips him into the corner. Morrison charges, but Kofi slides his feet through the middle ropes as Morrison crashes into the corner. Kingston swings his feet up and nails Morrison in the face, sending the Shaman of Sexy staggering back. Kingston leaps up to the ropes and perches himself up there. Morrison turns around and Kingston is air born and crashes down on Morrison with a huge diving crossbody right into the cover.


Kingston gets his first near fall of the match as Morrison manages to get his shoulder up just in time. Kingston now goes into attack mode as he goes all out with a series of punches. Chioda tries to pull Kingston off, but Kofi is like a bat out of hell as he is unleashing pain. Chioda finally pulls Kingston off as he holds Kofi back. Kofi cools down as he pulls his dreads out and shakes his head in frustration. Morrison has a slight gash from Kofi’s ambush as Chioda cleans off Morrison’s cut. Morrison waves Chioda off as he returns to his feet, clean of blood. Kofi and Morrison meet in the center of the ring and start jawing off at each other and begin shoving each other. Both stars start rallying off right hands. The San Antonio crowd is into it as the two stars battle back and forth. Kingston gets the upper edge with a flurry of right hands that sends Morrison staggering into the ropes. Kingston clotheslines Morrison over the top rope and Kingston falls out with Morrison. Morrison and Kofi begin brawling on the outside, using everything involved. Stairs, barricade, steel post, apron, anything the two could get their hands on. It was brutal as the two just continue to lay into each other. Morrison rams Kingston into the apron and then proceeds to throw him into the barricade. Morrison and Kingston have lost track of Chioda’s count. After Kingston crashed into the wall Morrison looks up at Chioda who is signaling for the bell as he has reached ten. Morrison can’t believe that he blew his chance nor can Kingston who has come to and realized what just happened.


The crowd bursts out in excitement as HBK appears from backstage, with mic in hand.

Shawn Michaels-Wait..just a…minute. There is no way that the Heartbreak Kid, the Showstopper, the Main Event is going to let this end with a double countout. Kofi and John have worked their asses off to get this shot and I will not stand for this. So Mike Chioda, ring that damn bell cause this match ain’t ending until there is a clear cut winner.

The crowd loves the announcement as HBK dances around on stage and Morrison and Kingston smirk as they get back in the ring for part two of their match. The bell rings and Kingston and Morrison lock into a collar and elbow tie up. Morrison gets Kofi in a standing headlock, but Kingston pushes off and Kofi nails a dropkick connecting with Morrison’s face. Morrison drops to the ground, but pops right back up. Kingston runs across the ropes and nails a flying chop. Kofi bounces off the ropes again and nails Morrison with another chop. Kingston bounces around the ring as Morrison is down. Kingston runs to the ropes and does his dance and BOOM! BOOM!, lands a Boom drop on Morrison. Kingston shoots the half and Chioda slides over to make the pin.


Kingston is exhausted as he can’t believe Morrison is hanging in there. Kingston lifts Morrison up, but Morrison was playing possum as he nails Kingston with a huge right hand. Kofi falls back from the huge, desperation punch. Kofi runs at Morrison, who ducks the attack and flips Kingston over his shoulder and causing Kingston to crash on the mat, chest first. Kofi rolls around on the mat in pain as Morrison awaits Kingston to return to his feet. Kofi is slow to his feet as he turns around and Morrison grabs him and nails Kingston with a huge C4. Morrison covers Kingston.


Morrison takes a deep breath, as he thought it was over. Morrison lifts Kingston up and whips him into the rope and nails Kingston with a one footed dropkick, knocking the Dreadlocked Dynamo down to the mat. Morrison drags Kingston to the corner for Starship Pain. Morrison bounces off the top rope and goes for it, but Kingston rolls out of the way. Morrison crashes to the mat below as Kingston now watches in the corner as Morrison rolls around. Kingston pulls himself up and claps his hands as he prepares for Trouble in Paradise. Morrison is up and turns around and Kingston goes for the knockout kick, but Morrison ducks it and bounces off the ropes and nails Kingston with a Flying Chuck. Kingston head nearly lands in the second row as Kingston falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring. Morrison tries to catch him so he could make the pin, but falls short. Morrison rolls out the ring and rolls Kingston back into the ring and makes the cover.


Morrison can’t believe Kingston kicked out again. Morrison lifts Kingston up and out of nowhere Kingston grasps onto Jomo and drops him with the SOS (Ranhei) for the pin.


Kingston just falls to the mat as Morrison kicked out of the SOS. Kingston picks Morrison up and throws him into the corner. Kingston charges and jumps up and lands on top of Morrison’s shoulders and nails a series of punches as the crowd chants along until Morrison flings Kingston back and Kofi smacks his face into the turnbuckle. Morrison school boys Kingston up for the pin.


Kingston kicks Morrison off as he barely gets out. Kingston and Morrison are back to square one as they split rights back and forth. Morrison gains the edge with a surprise kick to the knee as Kingston falls to his knees. Morrison bounces off the ropes and goes for a knee to the head, but Kingston rolls under and to his feet. Morrison stops in his tracks and turns around and is caught with Trouble in Paradise and King screams out he saw a tooth as something flies out of Morrison’s mouth. Kingston falls atop Morrison for the cover.


Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall…KOFI KINGSTON!

Kingston is exhausted as Chioda raises his hand in victory. Kofi is gleaming as he gets to his feet to celebrate his victory and chance at the WWE championship. Morrison is now seated as he looks like his world is crumbling down. Kingston hops off the ropes and sees Morrison. He talks to Morrison, who doesn’t seem to care. Morrison shoves Kingston away, who puts his hands up. Morrison goes to leave the ring, but stops in his tracks and turns towards Kingston. Morrison give him a head nod and clap as he rolls out of the ring. Kofi continues his celebration before he is blindsided by a championship shot to the head. Miz out of nowhere attacked his new number one contender. Miz lifts his title up and grabs Kingston’s hair and shouts that at Kingston: this will be the closest you ever get to this. Miz drapes the title down on the mat and lifts Kingston up by his hair. Miz positions Kingston in the Skull Crushing Finale as he drops Kingston face first onto the WWE Championship. Miz’s music hits as he grabs his title and raises up in the air to heat from the San Antonio audience as the screen fades to black and Raw goes off the air.
FINALLY... Theo Mays has posted a show!

Great show Theo. I loved it. Now here's a review that I guarenteed:

-Shawn Michaels is back and I'm loving it. A great way to choose the no.1 contender and I'm hoping it is Morrison. But, but, what I don't like here is HBK talking so little. I felt he should've had something more to say. But whatever he said made sense.

-Morrison vs Zeke. Good match. Morrison advances to the semis and I still can see him winning after Zeke nearly broke his back. Ryder Revolution starts from next week and I am intigrued about it.

-Cara vs Ziggler was another amazing match. Cara wins and I somewhat expected that. Lawler is back and I love the way Michael Cole got shut up. Cheers.

-Kofi vs Kane, well, I maybe sounding repetitive but another great match. Kofi winning was also expected by me as it seems that you're giving the young guys an opportunity to showcase themselves. Hmm, Ryder on-screen again? Looks like he's going to be a star.

-Barrett vs Riley and I expected Riley to win to further the feud between him and Miz, but it is okay as Barrett is another huge star in the making.

-Trish Stratus makes an announcement. AJ vs Jillian and I guess everybody knew AJ would win. I'm looking forward to her in your BT! The poem was sick and I can't wait for OTL just to see Kharma making her debut in your BT!

- Sin Cara gets attacked before his match and by Ziggler! Didn't see that coming at all. Looks like they are going to have a match at OTL and I'm right. For the U.S title and Kofi gets a direct entry in the final. I think this ends his chances of winning.

-Morrison vs Barrett was really well done and looks like my prediction of Morrison winning is going to be right. I can't wait for NXT and it's time for the divas. Tamina and Kim exiting the WWE. Well, it'll miss their talent I guess. But I for one think it should have been Kim and Melina vs Tamina and Fox with the latter losing because Melina and Kim having amazing talent.

- A good backstage promo and I still think Morrison is winning. Miz comes out during the match, expected. Great match, double count-out?? Michaels coming out and restarting the match and I love the decision. More great writing to come. And WTF!!! My prediction is wrong!! Kofi is going to OTL. I'm disappointed. I like Morrison. I don't like Kofi. But anyways, I think Morrison just might be able to sneak his way into the match making it a triple threat even though Kofi vs Miz would be a great feud. Looking forward to it.

Great show overall and I don't give grades. I loved the show and I can't wait for next week. Good luck and keep it up! Keep writing
GrandSword Review

Hi Theo, as you know I've been waiting ages for this show! You've got the whole format of a WWE show really down and you add the comedy/entertainment as well as the action which really is a credit to your writing.

Shwan Michaels is here! And throughout the show you made sure he made an impact. Which is what should happen when you get a major star back for one off appearance. Well done. He restarting the main event is formaelic, but brilliant at the same time as it really gives the people what they want, just that last bit of HBK... great stuff with him in this episode.

All your matches were great and with 2 weeks until OTL we need a new #1 contender, and a tournament is a great way to go. The Sin Cara / Ziggler feud continues, and by placing them agianst each other in a tournment allows them to wrestle again, without it being stale. Cara advances allowing him to look strong, and the two of them looking quite even after last "week's" RAW.

Morrison gets through Zeke and Barrett... I thought Barrett would defeat Morrison as he has been on a roll, and cut that big promo after he beat Zeke last week. But I guess with Miz being heel, we need two faces in the final.

Ziggler takes out Cara, giving Kofi a quick run to the final. And from here I thought, Kofi heel turn... I really did...

Sad to see Gail Kim, love seeing Trish back! Hopefully Melina and Fox get a good push as they survived the purge. The only problem is that firing someone is a bit heelish... so Trish didn't come off too well last week and this week... so that kind of let her character down... wish it was more of a Anon GM decison than Trish's. The when they left, Trish could have hugged them goodbye or something like that...

Now back to Kofi turning heel... last week Miz was attacked by Sheamus, and the crowd was behind Miz because he won clean over the bigger guy and kept the RAW title on RAW... I was thinking slow burn fac turn for Miz... and with Kofi turning heel it could lead to something quite interesting...

So the finals sees Kofi defeat Morrison.. then with his body language I thought.. Morrison heel turn! Someone's turning heel!!! OMGZZ... But he applauded Kofi and walked off, and Miz attacks Kofi to end the show... as that's what Miz des and what all heel champs should do when they are on commentary so no complaints there.

But I was hoping for something a little more, but Kofi should be a good filler title defence for Miz. Kofi to me doesn't really do much for me in the real WWE, so maybe a heel turn could really get him to another level. A mean streak or something like that. But he is a classic blue chipper face at the moment and the fans will get behind him against the Miz.

Last not of the review is CM Punk... now since it has been awhile since you've posted a lot has happend in the "real" WWE concerning this man.. and something that all of us here in BT didn't see coming and went outside the box of the predictable WWE. Now CM Punk is a superstar and now the top face on Raw (Cena with his feud with the Rock is now on Undertaker level).

Your CM Punk is solid and you have him and his promos dead on... I can see that you will be building him up much like WWE has done, but n a slow burn way which is what WWE should have done with his "pipe-bombs". Also since you have the Anon-GM in your storyline, I hope it is Punk who exposes who it is instead of it just being dropped like "real" WWE. That would be a great climax to what you seemto have up your sleeve. I could be wrong as to where you are going with this, but I can't wait to find out.

Solid show as always Theo! Your WWE is the best in BT!
Jam's Review
Shawn Michaels is incharge of the three-hour Raw! Should be great! He comes out right away and makes a tournament to determine Miz's next opponent. From the people mentioned, I'm picking Morrison to win or maybe even Ziggler or Barrett.

First matchup is Morrison vs. Jackson. Morrison advances on with a superkick and a half-assed Starship Pain. I really think he needs to change his finisher. Maybe the superkick can be his main finisher.

Segment with Ryder and HBK and looks like Ryder will be getting his shot next week. Am I reading Raw? Seems like Smackdown with all the new stars being given a chance. I like that :D

Ziggler and Sin Cara is up next. Looks like I was wrong about Ziggler as Sin Cara takes the win here. I'm really wondering who will win this tournament. But I'm sticking with my original pick, John Morrison.

Lawler is back, but man, I really hate Cole on commentary. WOO-SAAAH! Sweet Chin Music to Cole!

Hmm, looks like Kane will be looking to revamp himself. Maybe a mask return?

Alex Riley vs. The Miz next week and I'm pretty excited for this matchup. Even if Riley hasn't shown much in real life, I think you can do wonders for him here in your thread Theoski!

Glad to have AJ on board. You and I are both AJ marks I believe. WHOO! Hope you revamp the divas division as well. Peep is looking to do the tag team division some justice and I'm sure you'll do the same with the divas division. Hmm, looks like Kong is coming soon. Lots of people have been planning her return on other threads that I've read. Interested to see what you do here.

Oh man, was looking forward to a Sin Cara vs. Kofi Kingston match. Sure to be fast-paced and exciting. Ziggler attacking Sin Cara and a rivalry is made with Ziggler taking on Sin Cara for the US Title at OTL. Hopefully you make both these superstars ascend to the top as WWE has high hopes for Ziggler and are making Sin Cara out to be the next Rey Mysterio. And with that attack, Kofi moves on to the finals.

Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison in the finals. I'd be happy with whoever wins here. John Morrison vs. The Miz is a feud that I'd like to see how you build it up. And Idk, after reading GCB's Vengeance, Kofi is a main event player to me.

NXT is back! I think that NXT was bearable in season 1 when it produced talent like Bryan, Barrett, Gabriel, etc. Hopefully we see Seth Rollins and Richie Steamboat on NXT!

Harsh first day for the divas under the Stratus regime. Ohwell, didn't think Gail Kim really fit in with WWE. TNA is her home and Tamina, well, didn't really care for her.

Good segment here with Scott interviewing Kofi and Morrison. I really think that both guys are worthy to be in the main event. Maybe just a little touching up with the mic skills and they'll be good to go. Miz comes out and hogs the spotlight with the match going on, typical Miz.

Back and forth action here and what?! Double countout? Oh no, whewww. Glad to see HBK restart this match. More back and forth action and it's great. Kofi comes out with the victory, was rooting for Morrison here. After the match, Miz shows his dominance and delivers the SCF to Kofi to send a message. Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz, should be...different :)

So overall, the episode was about the tournament. I don't think this should've been three hours, maybe could've saved that for later. And this is WWE's A show, no Cena or some of the big stars? But still, I enjoyed it and I'm interested to see the next episode.
Peep's RAW Review

* Here we go Theo it's time to review another episode of RAW, looking forward to reading it (again).

* It was a perfect way to open the show with Shawn Michaels and his announcement of the tournament but the promo wasn't perfection. It would have been cool to have HBK interact with another superstar right in front of the crowd to give them a rub and I wouldn't have had him read out the matches, as not doing this leaves the audience anticipating the next match they are about to see.

* Great match between Morrison and Jackson and JoMo looks awesome pulling through after being smashed into the steel ring post. Hopefully you start to transition Morrison's finisher away from the Starship Pain move and more towards a superkick. Ryder debuts next week; looking forward to that one. After all this hype, Ryder needs a hot feud right off the bat. Just putting him over lower card guys (like what I did with Masters) won't work, but I know you could pull it off.

* Really liking the build on Ziggler in your thread (a future star) Theo and putting him over Sin Cara last week is a great way to put him into a title feud that will be fun and exciting. A nice fast paced match and I was expecting Ziggler to win but Sin Cara pulled out the W, leaving them one a piece. At first I was hesitant as to bringing back Lawler but after reading through this promo, I'm liking it. You ended the feud between Lawler and Cole, brought back Lawler in a way that made sense and Cole got his comeuppance from HBK. Good segment here.

* Another young gun advances and I'm liking that theme. Just like over on Smackdown, you are building up young stars and this tourny is a great showcase. Theo, even though you are using (deliberate) short matches f or the first round, your match writing is excellent as it paints a very clear picture in my mind as to what is going on. The way I read BTs, as in visualizing everything from moves, to promos to taunts and even ring gear, your writing style is perfect for me. Kofi moves on and I hope you do great things with him. I like that you are planning something with Kane, but a little more build would have been nice, maybe you could have had him lose a few more matches to younger guys over the course of a few weeks. I just hope it isn't the mask!

* I am still confused over Riley's face turn? Maybe next week could you have a tiny promo explaining it or even have an announcer explain it as he is making his entrance. Another great match mate, Barrett is one of my favourite wrestlers in the WWE at the moment and I'm happy he is advancing and that he looks like he is going on to bigger things on RAW. Miz vs. Riley next week? Sounds good. Miz needs momentum but you don't want to bury Riley, I'm interested. I'm really glad that AJ won as Jillian is old news and the new nerdy Diva has great potential. That poem got me excited for that inevitable debut! Ziggler and Cara's feud taken to the next level, I can't wait to see a feud between them but it could be hard to take any further than cheap shots as Cara cannot speak and I think doing so may take away from his mystique.

* HBK making all the right moves with the Over the Limit match and Kofi going through, wonder where that will leave Kofi by the end of the night? I was disappointed that Barrett fell to Morrison but you are building him up well as well and it keeps the final match up from being very predictable. Great booking here because of that. This whole 'Divas Revolution' has me excited and I am happy that Melina not only kept her job but won the match, I am a big fan of hers. This has truly made the Divas matches actually important and I applaud you for that. Loved this CM Punk promo, slowly turning him face and a possible feud with the establishment of RAW would be great Theo as the current feud like this just hasn't grabbed my attention.

* Wasn't really feeling the promo from Kofi or JoMo but if you keep working at it, and sculpt their personalities into your own characters I'm sure their promos will improve. I like the little touch of putting Miz in on commentary, nice work. This has to be one of my fav matches that you have ever written Theo, it had everything from high flying action to hard hitting offence, to restarts and close calls. I had Morrison pegged to win but I'm kind of glad that Kofi did as this feud, with a rejuvenated Kofi against a hot Miz is sure to be awesome. AWESOME show Theo, keep it going mate. Over the Limit is shaping up to be another well built up PPV! Keep it up!
My apologies for being so late on getting this review up. Better late then never though!

LSN's review of 11/16/11 Raw

--- I love the opening with HBK as guest general manager for the night. What I liked most is that he didn't keep the spotlight on himself, after quickly soaking in the cheers of the audience for a minute. He further put the spotlight on the active wrestlers by announcing the 8 man Tournament to face Miz. I love how he noted that it could give an up and coming star a chance to shine.

--- I further loved the tournament aspect of things. While I would prefer it to be spread out over two weeks, I understand the need for it to rush with Over The Limit being only two weeks away. This way, it gives you a week to truly sell the championship match for Over The Limit. I'm really interested as to how the Tournament plays out. Further, I think tournaments are an underutilized way of determining a contender, as it makes them truly earn their shot. Well done.

---Here we go as we immediately kick off the show with the first round of the Tournament. I love this, as it makes the tournament feel important as hell. Good job on following up on the hype created by HBK by immediately starting the tournament.

---Solid opening mstch between Morrison & Jackson. I questioned the matchup to start things out, as I thought you'ld want more of & crowd pleasing match to start the show, but Morrison looked strong in the win & sowed flashes of brilliance throughout the match. It was well-worked and fast enough paced to keep me invested in the opener.

---The backstage segment with Ryder & HBK was harmless enough, & I'm interested in seeing what happens with Ryder next week. I would rather have had HBK superkick him though. :)

---Another good match, this time between C&r& & Dolph Ziggler. It's & gre&t win for Sin Cara, and should set up a nice feud between the two in the future. I wonder about Ziggler losing in the first round, &s he's definitely a star in the making. This should make for & good feud between Cara and Ziggler, hopefully. I enjoyed this match, however, and it positioned Sin Cara & Ziggler for a feud in the future. The match itself? Well-written from beginning to end with well-defined moves and spots that suited both men.

---I guess HBK decided to save the Superkick for Cole, & I'm glad to see the end of the one man booth with Cole. I wish there was a more inventive way to bring back Lawler, but this is a good move nonetheless.

---Faster match then I expected between Kofi & Kane, but I love the aspect that a match can end at any time. The important thing to me is that I can picture in my mind the action as it goes down, and this match was the best example of this thus far.

---I like the continued push for Wade Barrett. The match between him & Riley was exactly what it should have been. It was a hard hitting affair that once again, I could easily picture in my head. B&rrett going over was the right choice as he easily has the bigger upside then Riley right now with how you're booking him.

---I'm confused as to the set-up between the Riley & Miz match for next week. It would seem the match would be more meaningful if Riley had won the match, This would have allowed Riley to go into the match with Miz with no momentum.

---Trish did a nice job with her promo putting over the importance of the tag match later in the show. I do like the concept of the losing team being out of a job, as it truly makes the match seem more important, & the idea of everyone needing to win their spot.

--- I was confused about the match between AJ Lee & Jillian. Was it for a contract, or were both already on the roster? Good little m&tch & solid win for Lee. I did like the vignette that aired following the match, as it continues to be a solid tease for whomever is going to be coming soon to the division.

---Kofi advancing to the finals after the attack by Ziggler on SC is the logical and correct one by HBK, but I'm confused as to why Ziggler gets the US Title shot after beating down Sin Cara. I understand wanting to continue the feud, but I wonder about the logic of rewarding Ziggler for beating down Cara. It was well done and the ongoing feud between the two should be good.

---Another good match, this time between Barrett & Morrison. It should make for a nice face vs face matchup between Kofi & JoMo, making for a high-flying, fast paced match. Anyway, this was a great match with lots of near-falls, reversals, and fun spots. This also makes me wonder if one of them is turning heel during the main event, or taking a short cut at the least to win this one. The tournament has an incredible big match feel that's for sure. Well done.

----Nice job making the match between the Divas seems important, which is something that isn't done much these days. The match itself was a bit anti-climatic, and Trish's announcement that Tamina and Gail were gone from the company seemed a little bit anti-climatic. it would have been nice to see Trish show more fire in explaining that the two blew it. I did like the stipulation, however, & the girls sold their disapointment well in losing their jobs.

---Interesting little promo with CM Punk. I wonder about what his involvement will be at the end of the show as he and Sheffield entered the building only to be stopped by security, which is generally just a temporary thing. Nice job creating intrigue here, perhaps we'll see him get in another way and get involved in the main event? Lawler did a good job on commentary discussing the angle .

---I liked the pre-match comments from Kofi and Jo-Mo. Both men showed good intensity in their promos, especially Morrison. The mutual respect shown leads me to believe one will be turning heel, or at least taking a short cut to guarantee the title shot. Regardless of what happens, the mic work of both men who are generally considered to be poor in that aspect was excellent, and really got me excited for this match. I like Miz on commentary to start the match, as it further hammers home the importance of this match.

---Wow, just wow! This was an amazing match that I bought into every near fall, counter, and pinning combination. This match was exactly what I thought it would be with both men expending every last bit of energy in order to win the match. I was extremely disapointed when the match ended in a countout, but I loved the re-start. In this case, it only added to the drama of the match. I'm not sure about Kofi winning, but he is a fresh face in the main event, and the post-match attack by Miz ensured it's on!

Final Thoughts: This was a good show from start to finish. The focus was on the tournament, and everything involved in it made the WWE Championship seem incredibly important, as it should be. I'm not sure I buy Kofi as # 1 contender, and I really can't picture him as WWE Championship, but I certainly am intrigued as to where things go from here. The Divas picture isn't clear, but Trish is certainly establishing her authority and putting her mark on the division. Ziggler and Cara were furthered as well, and I look forward to their title match at OTL. Punk continues to be intriguing with his cryptic promos, and I wonder what role he plays going forward. Looking forward to next week and how OTL finalizes on the Raw side. Mostly good stuff here, Theo. A-



Pretty much your standard divas tag team match. The Bellas had the advantage early on as they worked Eve and focused the damage on her shoulder that they injured early in the match after ramming it into the steel post. However Eve gets hot quick and manages to make a hot tag to K2. Kelly fights off the Bellas until Eve distracts the ref while Brie throws Nikki her Divas championship. Nikki clocks K2 in the head and scores the win for her team.

Winners via Pinfall: The Bella Twins




DiBiase looks to continue his hot streak on Superstars against the new kid on the block in Trent Barreta. Barreta had an impressive showing last week in a losing effort to Drew McIntyre. Barreta gained the early advantage with his arsenal of high risk moves that seemingly caught DiBiase off guard. DiBiase has had his fair share of wins over Mark Henry and it seems the speedy Barreta may be too much for Ted. However those high risk moves become exactly that, high risk. Barreta goes too far and does a flip over the top and DiBiase avoids it and Barreta crashes and burns. Trent wasn't the same from there on out and soon DiBiase ends it with Dream Street.

Winner via Pinfall: Ted DiBiase
Hollywood Feedback
Raw May 16th, 2011

Shawn Michaels being the host of Raw is an excellent move for the sole reason that Raw is taking place in his hometown. It is a great decision to use Shawn like this and just like in real life it brings back memories and creates the feeling of excitement that HBK is back. Not only did Shawn give the basic emotional speech but using him to announce a tournament really killed two birds with one stone. I like that you’re giving the young guys a chance to shine on this 3 hour edition of Raw and not just focusing on the older guys. Using the younger talent allows you to explore storylines that haven’t been done before instead of the same stuff with Cena and the other main eventers. Seeing as Cena has faced nearly everyone on the main event level on Raw I love that you’re getting guys like Kingston a chance to shine.

John Morrison going over was something that I didn’t expect at all Theo. With Zeke being the huge powerhouse I was positive that he was going to make a run but the surprise victory or Morrison makes him look very strong. Anytime someone can get a win over Zeke it steps them up a little and Morrison does have the athletic ability to be a star in this thread. Although I find him bat shit boring Morrison can do flips and that appeals to people and it makes for great match writing.

Zack Ryder and Shawn Michaels did make me chuckle and it was well done by you Theo. I like that Ryder is still being the same version of himself that he was before he broke out into the title picture. If you want to use Ryder in that way then keep him grounded for a little while and build him up. Don’t give him a huge push because it would be unrealistic at this time for him to grab a mid-card title. A roll up on an established guy would be the best choice if you wanted to go down the road of having him reach a title.

Why was Sin Cara in the tournament when he is already holding a title? I have a problem with him being put into this tournament when the guy has gold already. I understand that Ziggler and Cara can continue on and that this was used for storyline advancement but this spot could have been for someone else. He is hold the US title and I think it cut down options because I had no belief that Cara was winning the tournament because he was already holding gold. It killed some of the suspense I guess and it wasn’t the right move in my opinion.

Good to see that Lawler is back and Cole being gone is great because he is very annoying. Nothing else to say.

Surprisingly I enjoyed this contest between Kofi and Kane. I thought that because of the different styles that this wasn’t going to be that good but it turned out pretty damn good. It wasn’t amazing but you did a fine job with both men. I like that Kofi went over even though I’m not a personal fan of him. Anytime a young talent goes over I’m pleased and this was the perfect example of it. Nice move Theo and I can’t wait to see what happens with Kofi next leading up to OTL.

Another funny little segment with Ryder and it made me laugh so congratulations with that.

Personally I’m a huge fan of Wade Barrett so to see him win against Riley was great. From what I see Riley is a face and I’m not sold to be honest. I would like to see some more segments involving Riley and some development be done with his character instead of just throwing him into a match like tonight. I never thought Riley was going to win because I don’t remember him being used much. Onto Barrett who look great tonight and I loved the way you spoke about him pre match. The little run down by the announcer of what Barrett had done since coming to the WWE made him seem more impressive before the match started. I can’t wait to see what Barrett does in the future and how he develops.

Ask and you shall receive and Riley gets some face time next week, good move. You can build his character and he can get some payback on The Miz. Main event of the night next week please!

I like the whole revamping of the women’s division, I myself am doing something with RTC that is putting an angle with the women, and using Trish Stratus to do it is the perfect move. She is seen a strong woman who fights for what see wants so I can’t think of anyone better to do the job. The women’s match between AJ and Jillian was a solid introduction for AJ. AJ looks strong coming into the WWE and then you have Kharma making her rumbles to. The build for this division looks to be going strong and it does appear to be one of the better women’s divisions I have seen in BT.

I loved the sneak attack by Ziggler and it played perfectly into the set up for their match at Over The Limit. It was perfectly done and that is all I have to say.

Disappointed to see Barrett not gain the victory against Morrison because he is the heel in this situation. You had Kofi waiting for the winner and if Barrett goes over we would have had heel vs face which I think is the basic match up. I can understand that if you have both Morrison and Kofi it means either one can win because we weren’t going to see Barrett vs Miz at any point while both men are heels. Very good match up and Morrison look really strong after tonight but so does Barrett and more so Kofi.

I like the decision to get rid of the dead weight in the women’s division; you don’t need those two at all considering you have better women and Kharma coming into the fold also.

Strange segment with CM Punk and I have no idea what you were going for. One thing I would suggest is think about doing public service announcements with Punk, much like the nWo did in WCW. Punk would be the perfect personal to do those announcements and talk about how he is straight edge and that he is better than everyone else. It could be a nice little addition to the character if you wanted to go down that path.

Amazing match between Morrison and Kingston and it had everything. The false ending had me wondering for a moment and you could have left that out but it didn’t hurt that match. Both men looked amazing and the victory for Kofi makes him look like a million dollars. That win alone however doesn’t make Kofi a credible champion and you need to build him up. By no means should Kofi win at OTL because he has only just hit the top and got some push behind him. You need to slowly do this and by Money in the Bank Kofi should be ready to win the title. Don’t rush this, hold out and make the right decisions with him. Do what GCB has done and work slowly. It has been more than 3 months of build with Kofi for GCB and the job he has done is amazing. You can do the same by waiting it out.

Another good show this week Theo was some outstanding match ups and the main event was my favourite. Take my notes and use them to further improve the show and keep on chugging.

Raw Preview

Kofi Kingston accomplished something huge last week. He won a one night tournament put together by WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels that gave him a WWE Championship match against The Miz at Over the Limit. Kingston's celebration didn't last long as Miz attacked and dropped his new challenger with a Skull Crushing Finale. How will the Dreadlocked Dynamo respond?

Speaking of The Miz, Shawn Michaels scheduled a match this week that will see the champ square off against his former mentee Alex Riley. We've seen Miz speak ill of A-Ry in the past, but will the champ finally take his former running mate seriously or will Riley shock the world with the victory of a lifetime?

The Divas division is getting interesting again and this week on Raw Trish Stratus has scheduled a battle royal that will see the winner receive a Divas championship match at Over the Limit. However there is a catch. The first two divas eliminated will square off later in the night and the loser will be added to the list of Divas that saw their contracts get terminated. Who will step up to the plate and grab that title match and will the Divas crack under the pressure Stratus is putting on them?

United States Champion Sin Cara has had a bumpy road since becoming champion at Extreme Rules. Sin Cara suffered a defeat to Dolph Ziggler but came out victorious in his tournament match with Ziggler. However in his second round match Ziggler ambushed the champion with a WWE camera and gave the champ a concussion. Sin Cara will not be present at Raw, but Ziggler will be there. Will Ziggler continue his roll this week and accomplish a championship victory or will Sin Cara come back strong and retain his championship at Over the Limit?

Also we will finally get to see Zack Ryder in action! Shawn Michaels promised Ryder a spot on the show this week. Will the Ryder Revolution start hot or will the hype surrounding the Long Island Iced Z sizzle faster than a sleeping body in a tanning salon?

Stay tuned for that and much more as WWE Raw comes to you from Omaha, Nebraska's Qwest Center!

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