workhorse Presents: WWE Monday Night Post Survivor Series!


WWE Monday Night RAW

December 19th, 2011

Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

^Start Video^

*CM Punk is shown walking to the ring at TLC*

**Justin Roberts: “This is a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match for the WWE Championship**

*The Miz is shown walking to the ring*

*CM Punk smashes Miz with a chair*

**Michael Cole: “This is a brutal matchup**

*Footage of The Miz hitting a neckbreaker off the ladder*

**Michael Cole: “This could be it for Miz”**

*The Miz scales the ladder*

*CM Punk comes back and takes down Miz with a GTS*

**Michael Cole: “Punk is gonna win it here!”**

*Miz tips the ladder sending Punk through a table on the outside*

*The Miz climbs the ladder and is close to the title*

**Footage of the Miz earlier saying he will win the title**

*The Miz grabs the title but is stopped by CM Punk, who hits the GTS*

**Michael Cole: “GTS by Punk!**

*CM Punk climbs the ladder and wins the WWE Championship*

*Punk is shown celebrating his WWE Championship win as we hear Punk say “I am the best in the world”*

^End Video^

We cut from the video to show the manic Philly fans screaming and cheering.

**Justin Roberts: “Ladies and gentleman please welcome, the Interim General Manager of Monday Night RAW – John Laurinaitis!”**

Laurinaitis receives a onslaught of boos from the WWE Universe as he stands in the middle of the ring. Wet get an up close look of Johnny with a goofy grin on his face.

**Laurinaitis: “Philadelphia, welcome to Monday Night RAW!”**

Laurinaitis holds his hands up as the crowd cheers the fact that RAW has made its way to Philly.

**Laurinaitis: “As Executive Vice-President of Talent Relations and Interim General Manager of Monday Night RAW I am thrilled at the success of last nights TLC PPV!”

Laurinaitis nods and continues to smile.

**Laurinaitis: “I would like to take this time to let all of you know, that because I’m such a generous and creative person, I will make sure this holiday edition of Monday Night RAW is truly a reflection of my selfless attitude towards the WWE Universe!”**

The crowd continues to boo Laurinaitis.

**Laurinaitis: “Because I’m in the Christmas spirit, tonight on RAW, live from Philadelphia, CM Punk will go one-on-one with The Miz in a rematch from last nights TLC PPV!”**


The crowd pops for the WWE Champion. Laurinaitis’ grin is wiped immediately of his face as CM Punk comes out from the back, a sly grin on his face and the WWE Championship across his shoulders.

Punk walks to the ring as the WWE Universe cheers him. Punk gets in the ring and walks up to John Laurinaitis.

**CM Punk: “I’m sorry Johnny but am I missing something? If I recall correctly, I beat The Miz last night. I beat him and I retained my WWE Championship. So I don’t see any need for that drama queen to come anywhere near my WWE Championship.”**


Punk rolls his eyes as Miz’s music hits as he gets a bombardment of boos.

The Miz twirls the mic around with his hand as he stops at the stage.

**The Miz: “Really Punk? You call our match last night, a win?”**

The Miz begins to walk down the ramp.

**The Miz: “Everybody knows that last night you got lucky!”**

The crowd vent their displeasure towards Miz.

**CM Punk: “Oh I’m sorry Miz, I didn’t see you there behind my WWE Championship!”**

YEAHHHHHH goes the crowd.

**CM Punk: “And look I don’t blame you for being more delusional than you already are, if that’s possible, because I did kick you pretty hard in the head right before I retained the WWE Championship.”**

The Miz is annoyed at Punk’s comments.

**CM Punk: “So I suggest you head back into your little dressing room, apply an ice-pack to your head, re-apply your make up and go away!”**

Punk smiles mischievously as Miz takes a deep breath.

**The Miz: “How dare you! How dare you disrespect me like that! I am the most must-see WWE Champion in history and I do not deserve this. Mr. Laurinaitis, thank you for giving me a match with this thug because tonight Punk, l am better then you and I will beat you in a one on one match.”**

CM Punk leans into Miz as both men have intense looks on their face.

**CM Punk: “Okay Miz, you can jerk yourself into believing whatever you like but if you think you can beat me one on one than you better be ready to get your pathetic ass kicked in!”**

The crowd roars as the two men stand toe-to-toe, face-to-face.

**Laurinaitis: “Woah, woah, woah, woah! Okay lets take a step back.”**

The crowd boos as Miz steps back.

**Laurinaitis: “You know what, Mr. Excitement has another idea! Punk, seeing as though you are so confident about your match, if Miz wins tonight, he will get a WWE Championship match next week on the final edition of Monday Night RAW of 2011!”**

Both men nod their head in agreement as Laurinaitis smiles.

Punk steps back, looks around, and then swings his leg, kicking Miz in the side of the temple!!

Miz drops to the ground. Punk smiles as Laurinaitis looks on, stunned.




^WWE RAW Intro Video^


The opening pyros explode throughout the Wells Fargo Centre. The camera cuts to Michael Cole alone at ringside.

**Michael Cole: “Welcome everybody to Monday Night RAW live in Philadelphia. We are hot off the back of the TLC PPV and we have a huge show in store for you.”**


**Justin Roberts: “Ladies and gentleman please welcome, WWE Hall of Famer, Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler!!!!”**

Jerry Lawler is shown in the middle of the ring with a mic.

**Jerry Lawler: “Philadelphia, please welcome your new United States Champion – Zack Ryderr!!”**


The crowd pops as Zack Ryder comes hurtling out from the back with his new WWE Championship around his waist.

Ryder is excited as ever as he slaps the hands of the jubilant WWE fans and gets in the ring with a mic.

Jerry Lawler is standing in the ring as he greets Zack Ryder.

**Jerry Lawler: “Zack, welcome to your first Monday Night RAW as United States Champion, how does it feel?”**

**Zack Ryder: “Wow! Jerry, what can I say, oh my god!”**

The crowd chants RY-DER, RY-DER

**Zack Ryder: “This past 24 hours has just felt like a dream Jerry. I have to keep pinching myself it’s unbelievable.”**

**Jerry Lawler: “I think I speak for everyone when I say you’ve thoroughly deserved this!”**

YEAAHHHH! The crowd roars!

**Zack Ryder: “Thank you Jerry, and thank you everyone for supporting me on YouTube and when I come out here. So for all you Broskis out there…….”**

Zack lifts his fist back and forth.

**Zack Ryder: “Woo, woo, woo!”**

**EXCUSE ME!!!**

The deafening sound of Vickie Guerrero’s voice echoes through the Wells Fargo Centre, cutting off Zack and the crowd. Much to their displeasure.

**Vickie: “Excuse ME!**


Vickie walks out from the back, Dolph Ziggler by her side, with a mic in her hand.

**Vickie: “I’m sorry Zack Ryder, but your little travesty of a title run will end next week when Dolph Ziggler beats you to win back his United States Championship. But tonight, you will have to face the All-American American, Jack Swagger!”**


Jack Swagger comes out from the back pumping himself up. Swagger gets in the ring as he stands face to face with the new United States Champion.

Match #1 – Zack Ryder vs Jack Swagger


Swagger starts the match intensely as he takes down Ryder by the waist. Swagger grounds Ryder with a belly to back takedown and makes a cover for a quick two. Swagger gets to his feet and kicks Ryder in the back. Swagger whips Ryder off the ropes but Ryder is able to power back with a clothesline. Swagger quickly gets to his feet and gets taken down by a spinning heel kick by Ryder. Ryder covers Swagger who kicks out at 2.

Ryder tries to gain control by whipping Swagger but the All-American American reverses and spins Ryder around, grabs him and throws him with a belly-to-belly overhead throw. Ryder gets ground as Swagger jumps straight into a head-lock on Ryder. Swagger is able to keep Ryder grounded for an extended amount of time. The crowd is able to will Ryder back into the contest as he hits Swagger with strikes to gut. Ryder comes back by running off the rope and hitting Swagger with a flying forearm splash. Ryder gets to the top rope, sets Swagger up and nails him with a missile dropkick.

Ryder makes the cover and Swagger kicks out at two. Swagger crawls away from Zack and tries to rest in the corner. He makes a fatal mistake as Ryder clobbers him with the Broski Boot. Ryder sets up for the Rough Ryder but Swagger moves out of the way and Ryder crashes and burns. Swagger grabs the ankle of Ryder and pulls him back into the middle of the ring, looking for the ankle lock. Ryder is able to counter by spinning around and flipping Swagger over with a hurricanrunna. Both men get to their feet quickly, BOOM! Zack Ryder nails the Rough Ryder on an unsuspecting Swagger. Ryder makes the cover, 1…2…3!!

Winner – Zack Ryder (7:28)

Ryder slips out of the ring and celebrates with his title, leaving a disgruntled Vickie, Dolph and Jack in the ring as we cut backstage.


John Cena is shown lacing up his shoes in the locker room. He receives a loud amount of boos muffled with some cheers.

John Laurinaitis walks into the room and Cena stops what he’s doing. Cena stands up and stares down Laurinaitis.

**Laurinaitis: “Evening John.”**

**Cena: “Mr. Laurinaitis.”**

“Now John I think you know why I’m here. I need to talk to you about what happened last night.”**

Cena nods at Laurinaitis.

**Laurinaitis: “Now as you know, Alberto Del Rio suffered a concussion last night as a result of your actions. Now that’s okay because it was a chairs match. What I’m concerned about is the fact that you put your hands on a referee, and then on me. That is unacceptable! So as Interim General Manager of Monday Night RAW and Executive Vice-President of Talent Relations, I am ordering you to compete in a match tonight as well as reprimanding you for your actions. If you fail to do so or you step one foot out of line, you will be suspended.”**

This announcement garners some cheers from the crowd.

**Laurinaitis: “Now I know that Wrestlemania is 4 months away and your match with The Rock must be on your mind, but these out-bursts can’t be tolerated, do I make myself clear.”**

Cena has his head down and looks back up at Johnny Ace.

**Cena: “Yes sir.”**

Laurinaitis smiles at John.

**Laurinaitis: “Excellent. With that I’ll leave you to get ready and good luck! Oh and happy holidays.”**

Laurinaitis leaves the room. Cena sits back down and puts his head in hands. He wipes his face and head with his hands and then continues lacing up his shoes.




Back from commercial we see Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler at their desk.

**Michael Cole: “Well ladies and gentleman last night at TLC it was Big Show vs Mark Henry for the World Heavyweight Championship. Now we know that Henry retained and tried to attack Big Show.”**

**Jerry Lawler: “Yeah, then the Big Red Machine Kane returned and helped Big Show take out Henry!”**

**Michael Cole: “That’s right Jerry but this next part is what annoyed me, Daniel Bryan tried to cash in his money in the bank contract on a helpless Mark Henry, and I’m thankful that Big Show did what he did.”**

**Jerry Lawler: “For Christ sake Michael, Daniel Bryan is allowed to cash in his briefcase whenever he pleases. I think Big Show just got sour grapes knowing that Daniel Bryan was about to become World Champion.”**

**Michael Cole: “Well regardless of what you think Big Show will be here to justify his actions last night.”**

*****CRANK IT UP*****

Big Show’s music hits to a mixed reaction from the Philadelphia fans. Show is not his usual bubbly self as he walks to the ring, staring at the fans. The 400 lb giant gets in the ring with a mic.

**Big Show: “A lot of people have asked me why I did what I did last night at TLC. And the answer is simple – Daniel Bryan does not deserve to be World Champion.”**

Big Show receives boo’s from the crowd after this statement.

**Big Show: “I’ve worked myself to the bone in this company for nearly 13 years. And when I finally get the chance to win the World Heavyweight Championship, everyone’s talking about this pipsqueak and how he’s gonna mainevent Wrestlemania because of the briefcase he won?! Then, on the night I’m finally gonna win the World Championship, he teases that he’s going to cash in on the champion that night!”**

Big Show begins to get aggravated.

**Big Show: “Daniel Bryan got in my way, he cost me the chance to become World Champion all because he wanted everyone to talk about his Money in the Bank and how he would mainevent Wrestlemania. Well I tell you one thing, there is no way that Daniel Bryan will even make it to Wrestlemania!”**

The crowd now boo’s Big Show loudly.


Daniel Bryan’s theme hits to a decent pop from the crowd. Bryan still has his Money in the Bank briefcase in hand as he buoyantly strides to the ring, slapping hands with the WWE fans at ringside. Bryan gets in the ring and confronts Big Show.

**Daniel Bryan: “Show, show, show, wow. What can I say? You know Big Show I really thought that we were better friends than this. You say that I got in your way but that’s not the real issue. You got so annoyed that you couldn’t beat Mark Henry that when you saw me, about to win the World Heavyweight Championship, it pissed you off. You couldn’t stand to see me win the World Championship.”**

**Big Show: “Your right Daniel, I couldn’t stand seeing you win! You’ve done nothing but parade around with your stupid briefcase while I’ve been working my ass off to get a World Championship shot. You worked for nothing. And it sickens me that these people cheer you on!!”**

Big Show receives loud boo’s from the Philadelphia locals.

**Daniel Bryan: “Worked for nothing? Show, I’ve worked for 10 years to just get into this company. And for that, I’m thankful for all these great fans that cheer me on. I thought you were a good guy but obviously you’re just an overrated, overweight, sour grape that nobody likes!”**

OOOOHHHHH go the crowd as they cheer for Bryan’s burn on Big Show.
Bryan chuckles as Big Show looks at him, pissed off.

Big Show grabs Bryan, clutching his hand around Bryan’s neck. The crowd boo’s Big Show but Bryan fights back. Bryan strikes Big Show’s arm repeatedly, trying to get him off. Bryan kicks Show’s knees and he steps back. The crowd cheers Bryan.


Teddy Long’s music hits as the GM of Smackdown strides out.

**Teddy Long: “Now playas, John Laurinaitis and myself have agreed that you two need to calm down. Now Big Show, seeing as though you wanna control when Daniel Bryan can and can’t cash in his Money in the Bank briefcase, I am ordering you, under the approval of John Laurinaitis, to compete in a match tonight against…….RANDY ORTON!”**

The crowd pops for Teddy’s announcement.

*****I HEAR VOICES*****

The crowd pops louder at the sound of Orton’s music as The Viper bursts out onto the stage. Orton looks intense as he forcefully walks to the ring.

Big Show doesn’t move an inch as Orton gets in the ring and the two confront each other. Daniel Bryan takes a seat at ringside as he watches on cautiously.

Match #2 – Randy Orton vs Big Show


Big Show starts off by trying to take down Orton but Randy is too quick and chops the big monster down with kicks the leg. Big Show falls to one knee. Orton comes back at him off the ropes but Show clotheslines him. Show pushes Randy into the corner, keeping him grounded. Show keeps in control as he uses an array of painful submissions, using the ropes to his advantage. Show pushes his boot into the face of the grounded Orton until the ref can pull him away.

Show runs back at Orton but Randy hits a drop toe hold and Show falls face first onto the turnbuckle. Orton seizes his opportunity by coming back at Big Show with punches to the face. Orton drop kicks Show in the knees and Show falls to the mat. Orton makes the cover but Show powers out. Orton sets up for the RKO but Show pushes him away. Orton comes back at Show but the 400 lb giant kicks Orton in the face, then follows up with a scoop slam. Show covers Orton, but Orton kicks out!

Big Show sets up for the chokeslam. He grabs Orton around the throat put Orton pounds Show’s arm. Show releases the hold and Orton comes back with kicks and punches to the giant. Show falls to one knee, and Orton capitalizes with a DDT on the giant. The crowd pops as Orton makes the cover. Show kicks out! Orton sets up for the RKO as the crowd cheers. Show gets to his feet as Orton jumps but Show catches him, runs over to the ropes and throws Orton to the outside.

Big Show follows Orton out and throws him back into the ring. Big Show and Daniel Bryan stare each other down. Show gets back into the ring and waits for Orton to get to his feet. Show again grabs Orton around the throat looking for the chokeslam. Show lifts up Orton, RKO!!! What a counter by Randy Orton. Orton falls into the cover on Big Show, 1…2…3!!

Winner – Randy Orton (7:41)

Orton celebrates after the match as he clutches his back. Wait a second, all of a sudden Wade Barrett gets in the ring and takes down Orton. The two men brawl in the ring. From the outside comes Daniel Bryan as he begins to fight both men and an all-in brawl completely breaks out.


A monster pyro explodes on the stage.

*****VEIL OF FIRE*****

The sadistic monster Kane comes out from the back as the crowd goes wild!

**Michael Cole: “Oh my god!”**

**Jerry Lawler: “It’s Kane!”**

**Michael Cole:
“Kane returned last night at TLC!”**

The Big Red Machine gets into the ring as all 3 men look on. Kane goes straight for Randy Orton. Kane and Orton go back and forth until Kane grabs him by the throat, CHOKESLAM!! Orton falls out of the ring as Bryan runs at Kane. Kane helps Bryan on his way out of the ring, throwing him over the top.

Kane quickly turns back to Wade Barrett. Barrett was happy to watch on but now has a concerned look on his face as he tries to back away from Kane. The Big Red Machine grabs Barrett by the throat, CHOKESLAM!! Barrett rolls out of the ring, motionless as Kane looks on. Out of no where Big Show comes in from behind and takes down Kane. Kane falls down as Big Show takes a breath. Wait a second! Kane sits up. Kane gets to his feet and grabs Show by the throat. CHOKESLAM BY KANE!! The Big Red Machine has cleared house!

The crowd roars as Kane lifts his hands up and throws them down, setting off the pyro from the ring corners. Kane falls back out of the ring and exits, leaving behind a see of carnage as we cut backstage.


Backstage, Santino Marella, AJ and Hornswoggle are decorating a Christmas tree. Santino holds Hornswoggle up as the little Irishman places an angel on the top of the tree.

**AJ Lee: “Yep, nearly there..”**

Santino grunts as he struggles to hold Hornswoggle up.

**AJ Lee: “Got it! Perfect!**

Santino Marella puts down Hornswoggle and the three step back and admire their tree.

**Santino: “Now AJ that is what you call a Christmas tree!”**

**AJ Lee: “Damn right Santino!”**

Out of no where David Otunga walks in with a coffee.

**David Otunga: “What the hell is going on here?”**

**AJ Lee: “Where decorating the Christmas tree, do you wanna join?”**

**David Otunga: “Are you kidding me? I’ve got better things to be doing then decorating some stupid tree with you freaks.”**

AJ is taken back by Otunga’s harsh comments.

Out of nowhere a deep breath can be heard as Otunga’s expression changes. The camera pans to show Goldust, dressed in his gold lycra suit but wearing a Santa beard and hat.

The crowd cracks up as Otunga slowly turns around and can’t believe what he sees. Goldust tilts his head and stares into Otunga’s eyes.

**Goldust: “I think you need to get into the holiday spirit, David!”**

Otunga shakes his head and leaves as the camera moves back.

Goldust, AJ, Santino and Hornswoggle stand and chuckle as William Regal enters, wearing a Rudolph nose and antlers.



*****MY TIME IS NOW*****

Straight back from commercial John Cena’s music hits to an enormous reaction. The boos completely outweigh the cheers as Cena walks down the ramp and into the ring. Cena stands in the ring as he awaits his opponent.


The sound of Drew McIntyre’s music is greeted by some boos from the crowd.
McIntyre walks to the ring. McIntyre gets in the ring and taunts Cena.


Match #3 – John Cena vs Drew McIntyre


Drew and Cena circle the ring as the match begins. The two lock horns as they go back and forth in a strength battle. McIntyre grabs Cena in a headlock but Cena throws him off the ropes. McIntyre comes back and Cena knocks him down with a shoulder block. The crowd boos. McIntyre gets to his feet and Cena hits a flurry of clotheslines. Cena covers McIntyre but gets a 2 count.

Cena whips McIntyre but the Scotsman counters, whipping Cena into the corner. McIntyre follows up with a corner clothesline. Cena staggers back and McIntyre hits a big snap suplex. McIntyre stomps away at the grounded Cena. McIntyre steps away and taunts the crowd, proclaiming that he is the chosen one. Cena gets back to his feet and takes the unsuspecting McIntyre down with a big clothesline. McIntyre gets to his feet and runs at Cena. The former WWE Champ lifts McIntyre up and drops him over the ropes. McIntyre is double over as he stumbles back into the middle of the ring. Cena gains some momentum as he comes off the ropes and flips over McIntyre, and plants his face into the mat with a high-impact bulldog.

Cena gets up and looks around at the crowd. A huge amount of boo’s ring through the arena as Cena looks annoyed. He nods his head and then scales the top rope. Cena flies off the top rope, attempting a leg drop but McIntyre moves out of the way. Drew gathers himself as Cena gets to his feet clutching his lower back. McIntyre runs at Cena and clobbers him with a Big Boot! The crowd gasps at the sound of McIntyre’s boot clocking Cena’s skull.

McIntyre covers Cena but Cena powers out at 2 and ½ . McIntyre begins to get frustrated. He kicks Cena in the gut and sets up for the Future Shock DDT. Cena has it scouted as he flips McIntyre up and over with a back body drop. McIntyre gets up clutching his back as Cena lifts him into position for the Attitude Adjustment. The crowd begin to boo. McIntyre squirms as he grabs onto the top rope. Cena tries to pull McIntyre back into the ring but instead throws McIntyre over the rope and to the outside. McIntyre hits the floor with a thud.

Cena shakes himself off as he looks up and around at the Philadelphia crowd. The crowd boos Cena as he looks on upset. Cena gets out of the ring and grabs McIntyre. Cena throws him back into the ring. John turns around to see a group of fans that heckle and boo him. They scream that Cena sucks. Cena looks at them and gets distracted. Cena gets annoyed and turns his back and returns to the ring. Cena gets in the ring but McIntyre is ready. Cena swings a wild punch and McIntyre ducks. Drew all of a sudden rolls up Cena from behind, 1…2...3! McIntyre wins.

Winner – Drew McIntyre (9:03)

McIntyre quickly squirms out of the ring and celebrates as he retreats up the ramp. Cena is left in the ring on his own. Cena has his hands on his knees as he looks on annoyed and upset. Cena gets jeered by the crowd as we cut backstage.


We see Josh Matthews Backstage, he is ready to interview someone.

**Josh Matthews: “Ladies and gentleman please welcome my guest at this time, The Miz!”**

The Miz cockily enters frame as the crowd boos.

**Josh Matthews: “Now Miz, you were interviewed last night and you told everyone that there was no way you were going to lose last night. What do you have to say for yourself and what are your plans heading into the match tonight?**

The Miz looks disgusted at Josh’s comments.

**The Miz: “Really Josh? How dare you disrespect me like that!”**

**Josh Matthews: “I just asked a question.”**

**The Miz:
“Josh I am the most must see WWE Champion in the history of this business. I am better then CM Punk and everyone knows that he was lucky last night at TLC. I will beat him one-on-one in a wrestling match because I am the best.”**

The Miz turns and faces the camera.

**The Miz:
“I will beat CM Punk tonight and next week I will beat him again and reclaim my WWE Championship and then I will go on to mainevent Wrestlemania again, because I’m The Miz and I’m…..AWESOME!”**


We stay backstage as Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston are shown walking in the back, ready for a match. The three are talking to each other when Evan Bourne accidently bumps into Curt Hawkins.

**Curt: “What the hell’s your problem?”**

**Evan: “Excuse me?”**

Curt is dressed in badass street-wear and is backed up by Tyler Reks. Curt looks at Evan and Kofi.

**Curt: “You better watch where you’re going, Evan!’**

Kofi steps in.

**Kofi: “Oh really?”**

**Curt: “Yes really, and if you don’t like it, Tyler and I will have no issues crushing the 2 of you.”**

Mason Ryan walks up behind Kofi and Evan.

**Mason: “Really Curt? Well while you and this…..freak stay back here, we’ve got a match to compete in.”**

Curt and Kofi continue to stare down as we go to commercial.

**Michael Cole: “Six man tag team match is next!”**





Air Boom’s music hits to a huge cheer as the tag team champions. They are accompanied by big Mason Ryan.


**Justin Roberts: “This is a 6-Man tag team match set for one fall. Approaching the ring, the team of Mason Ryan and the WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne, Air Boom!!!”**

The trio come down the ramp and slap hands with fans at ringside.


The tag team of Epico and Primo come out from the back, accompanied by the gorgeous Rosa Mendes.

**Justin Roberts: "And their opponents first, accompanied to the ring by Rosa Mendes, at a combined weight of 432 lbs, Primo and Epico !!!"**

The 3 parades down the ramp and wait at the edge of the ring.


The crowd reacts in shock as the former tag team champion Joe Hennig waltzes out from the back to the theme of his Hall of Fame father.

**Justin Roberts: “And their tag team partner, from Champlin, Minnesota, weighing 227 lbs, Joe Hennig!!!!

The crowd is in shock as Hennig struts to the ring and joins his tag team partners.

Match #4 – Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne and Mason Ryan vs. Epico, Primo and Joe Hennig


Primo begins the match with Evan Bourne as the bell sounds. Primo and Evan start off with some high-flying offense. Bourne takes down Epico with a flying kick. Primo gets tagged in and still can’t stop the zippy offense of Bourne. Evan walks over and tags in Kofi. Kofi continues to potent offense with flying forearms, kicks and a big springboard cross-body.

Kofi gets up and tags in Bourne. Epico is able to scrape his way to the ropes but Bourne grabs him. Hennig makes a blind tag and Bourne doesn’t know. Evan hits a Hurricanrunna on Epico. Bourne doesn’t see Hennig who plants his boot in the skull of Evan. Hennig grabs Bourne and locks in a hard headlock.

Bourne fades as Hennig applies more pressure. Evan tries to fight out but Hennig clocks him with a fist to the back. Hennig bounces off the ropes and hits a perfect Rolling Neck Snap. Hennig makes the cover, 1…2…Kofi breaks the count. Epico runs into the ring but Kofi sees him and helps him on his way over the top rope. Primo comes running in and Kofi flips him over the top rope and into Epico. Hennig takes advantage as Kofi turns around, Hennig hits a perfect Belly-to-Belly. Hennig turns around to see Evan Bourne desperately diving towards his corner. Bourne makes the tag and Mason Ryan explodes in.

Mason Ryan goes on the attack as he hits clotheslines and kicks, grounding Hennig. Mason uses his strength to lift Hennig up but Joe counters out and pushes Ryan off the ropes but Mason flies back and hits a big clothesline. Mason makes the cover but Joe kicks out. Ryan tags in Bourne. Hennig is able to quickly shove Ryan into the corner and clobber him with an elbow to the back. Hennig forgets about Bourne who comes flying off the top rope with a double knee into Hennig.

The crowd becomes excited as Bourne climbs the top rope looking for Air Bourne. All of a sudden Rosa Mendes climbs on the apron to cause the distraction and the ref runs straight to her. Out of nowhere Curt Hawkins rips Bourne’s legs and Evan crashes hard into the mat. Rosa blinded the ref. Hennig crawls to the cover on the motionless Bourne. 1…2…3!

Hennig celebrates as he slips out of the ring.

Winners – Epico, Primo and Joe Hennig (6:54)

Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks jump into the ring and start attacking Evan Bourne. The duo beat him up until Kofi makes the save! But here come Epico and Primo, as it’s now 2 on 4. Kofi and Bourne get clobbered when all of a sudden, The Usos come running out from the back. Reks, Hawkins, Epico and Primo scamper out of the ring as The Usos save Air Boom.


We cut backstage where we see The Miz preparing for his match. Drew McIntyre walks in. The Miz and McIntyre look at each other.

**Miz: “Can I help you?”**

**McIntyre: “Miz, you and me may not know each other very well but I think we have few things in common. I don’t want to see idiots like CM Punk and John Cena on top of this company, so I’m letting you know that I’ll be in your corner tonight.”**

Miz looks at McIntyre and takes in what he has just heard. Miz nods his head and shakes hands with the Scot.


Back in the arena, the crowd is silent.


The crowd explodes as the WWE Champion’s music hits.

Punk comes running out from the back and soaks up the atmosphere. Punk does his usual theatrics, saying that “It’s clobbering time” before intensely striding to the ring. Punk gets in the ring and raises his WWE Championship high in the air.


The Miz receives a reaction of boos as he confidently walks out, accompanied by Drew McIntyre.

The Miz walks down the ramp and looks concentrated as he stares at CM Punk.

The Miz gets in the ring as the bell sounds and the two men get ready to go.

Match #5 – CM Punk vs The Miz


The crowd chants for CM Punk as the match gets underway. Punk and Miz circle the ring and Punk swings kicks and fists but The Miz backs away and slips out of the ring. The Miz takes a break as Punk smiles.

Miz gets back into the ring as Punk nails him with a boot to the skull. The Miz gets angry as he gets back out of the ring and walks around to Drew McIntyre. CM Punk as seen enough as he comes sprinting across the ring and flies through the ropes with a beautiful suicide dive, taking out McIntyre and Miz.

The crowd cheers as Punk rolls Miz back into the ring. Punk jumps in the ring but Miz is there and drop kicks Punk in the knees, taking him down. Miz jumps on Punk and begins to pound away at CM Punk. The ref removes Miz but Miz goes straight back and knees the WWE Champ.

The Miz intensely taunts the crowd. The Miz whips CM Punk into the corner and Punk slams, sternum first into the turnbuckle. Punk stumbles back and Miz grabs him, drops him neck first onto his knee and then crunches Punk with a neck breaker. The crowd oohs and ahhs as The Miz makes the cover. 1…2...kickout by Punk.

The Miz gets a little angry as he thought it should’ve been a 3. The Miz gets to his feet and sets up for the Skull Crushing Finale. The Miz grabs Punk as he gets to his feet but the champ is ready and flips Miz over his back. Miz gets up and Punk hits a flurry of kicks, backhands and punches.

Punk grabs Miz on his shoulders for the GTS as the crowd stand. Miz slips out the back and pushes Punk off the ropes. Punk bounces back and runs into a clothesline from Miz. Punk kicks out of Miz’s cover.

**Michael Cole: “Punk kicks out at 2 and a half. Ladies and Gentleman, what’s will happen when we return?!”**




**Michael Cole: “We are back live on Monday Night RAW in this re-match of last nights WWE Championship Match at TLC!!"**

Back from commercial, The Miz has Punk grounded with a viscous headlock. McIntyre is willing Miz to continue the hold. The crowd is willing Punk on as he tries desperately to get to the rope. The crowd claps and cheers as Punk powers to the corner. McIntyre screams at Miz but it makes no difference. Punk grabs the rope and the crowd applauds. The referee makes Miz break his hold.

The Miz gets back to his feet quickly as Punk stumbles into the corner. The Miz sets up for the corner clothesline. Miz runs at Punk and screams but Punk moves out of the way. Miz crashes and burns in the corner. Punk gets to his feet as Miz stays in the corner, unknowing of what’s to come. Punk runs at Miz and steps up the ropes, planting his knee into the face of Miz. Punk follows up with a huge bulldog.

Punk makes the cover, 1…2…kickout by Miz. The crowd boos. Punk now gets to his feet, looking exasperated. Punk climbs to the top rope. He looks dazed and confused but by sheer will power is able to pull himself up. Punk stands up and the crowd rises. Punk flies from the top rope and drops his elbow right into the heart of The Miz.

Punk again pulls himself up as Miz staggers to his feet. Punk grabs Miz in position for the GTS but out of nowhere Drew McIntyre jumps onto the apron. Punk drops Miz and runs at McIntyre, who quickly jumps down. All of a sudden from behind Miz rolls up Punk!! Miz looks for the sneaky win but Punk rolls through and is now on top! 1,2,3!!! Punk wins!!

Winner – CM Punk (11:05)

The crowd pops!!! Miz is furious and gets out of the ring, kicking and punching everything in his way. Punk is still in the ring and smiles, holding his WWE Championship. Punk holds up his Championship and screams that he is the ‘Best in the World’.

Wait a second, John Cena. John Cena from nowhere jumps in the ring behind Punk.
The crowd boos as Cena grabs Punk, ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!!!

The energy gets sapped out of the arena as the Philadelphia crowd boos John Cena.

Cena stands over Punk as RAW ends.


Next PPV

WWE Royal Rumble 2012


January 29 2012

St.Louis, Missouri

Scottrade Center

*No confirmed Matches*

IHW Review

For Newest Raw

Johnny Ace Opening w/ Punk and Miz- You hit John right on the spot, but I wasn’t really feeling CM Punk. Miz was okay. The segment itself was well done.

Ryder promo and match- Ryder had the right feeling. A well written match and a nice win for Ryder.

Cena and Johnny- Not much to say here, short transition segment.

Show and Bryan- A heel promo from Show, but I want a heel Bryan. Guess that’s just me, and I may have to wait for that.

Show vs. Orton- After the match is what I liked the most. All of the dominant SD forces are fighting, except the Champion. At first I though Kane was going to be helping Big Show time and time again, but then he choke slams him. I guess Kane just wants to be that dominant big man vying for the World Title. I wish we could off seen Henry in some way here.

AJ, Horny, Santino, Otunga- AJ would not use the word damn. I just don’t see it. That’s the only problem with her that stuck out. Other than that, it was a nice funny segment.

Cena vs. McIntyre- Longer match and I enjoyed it. McIntyre winning definitely surprised me.

Miz Interview- Not much here. Just a short segment going into the next where Miz puts himself over as next WWE champ.

6 man tag match- Shortest match of he night thus far. But, it still focuses on your Tag Team division, which I liked. 4 nice Tag Teams are featured here.

Main Event- Longest match, and should be. Miz looked good in the ring. He lost, which opens up the door for a new challenger who seems to be Cena. I do not like it. A possible Cena and Punk feud going into The Road to WrestleMania is not a good idea. Cena’s match is already booked. If Cena vs. Punk at RR is what you do, I hope you stop it at that. Punk needs a great deal of time to work with someone leading into ‘Mania.

OVERALL- This is my first review for your show, and I liked it. It seems to be a lot of the same though. I think there should be something different that sticks out from the real WWE in your show.
Cheers for the words IHW

It's still only my third show and I am trying to move away from what the WWE had going (as I picked up where they left off) so it may take a few more shows for the show to be a lot different to WWE.

I'll return you a review soon.


***WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results***

December 23, 2011
Richmond Coliseum
Richmond, Virginia

Mark Henry opens the show by cutting a promo about how he is the most dominant World Heavyweight Champion is history. He says that he is done with Big Show because he has beaten him 3 times. Mark says that no one can challenge him. All of a sudden pyro explodes at the top of the stage and the arena goes red. The sadistic sound of Kane’s laughter can be heard throughout the arena but Kane is nowhere to be seen. Henry is left in the ring, confused.

Match #1 – Wade Barrett vs. Justin Gabriel
Two former Nexus members square off here. Wade Barrett is fresh of his big win at TLC and comes out hot with dominant offense. He keeps the high-flying Gabriel down with clubbing kicks and punches as well as vice-like submissions. Gabriel is able to fight out and hits a flurry of high-intensity offense. Gabriel looks for a spring-board cross-body but is caught by Barrett. Barrett lifts Gabriel up on his shoulders and hits Wasteland for the win.

Winner – Wade Barrett

Match #2 – Joe Hennig vs. JTG
Joe Hennig makes his Smackdown debut as he squares of with JTG. Hennig is all offense on this night. In a quick match, Hennig dominates JTG and ends the match with a perfect ‘Hennig-Plex’

Winner – Joe Hennig

Daniel Bryan comes out before his match with Cody Rhodes and cuts a promo talking about Big Show. Bryan says Big Show thinks he’s a hero but really nobody backstage likes him. Bryan says he will still become World Champion at Wrestlemania. Cody Rhodes comes out and says the while Bryan thinks he will win at Wrestlemania, he is wrong, because Cody will win. Cody says he will win the Royal Rumble and become the World Champion and Intercontinental Champion.

Match #3 – Cody Rhodes vs Daniel Bryan
The bell rings and they go at it. Cody slams Bryan on his shoulder and stomps. Cody throws Bryan by his shoulder into the corner and covers for a 2 count. Cody continues working on Bryan's arm and keeps him on the mat. Bryan blocks a shot in the corner fights back with right hands. Bryan ducks a clothesline and drops Cody with a forearm. Bryan with kicks now. Bryan tosses Cody to the floor. Bryan leaps off the apron and barely connects. Bryan rolls Cody in the ring and climbs up top. Cody moves but Bryan lands on his feet. Cody drops Bryan's face on the turnbuckle and hits Beautiful Disaster for a 2 count. Rhodes looks for Cross Rhodes but Bryan counters into a Labelle Lock. Rhodes is about to tap when Big Show attacks Bryan.

Winner by disqualification – Daniel Bryan

After the match Big Show flattens Rhodes with a Chokeslam as Rhodes watches on.

Backstage, Sheamus celebrates the holidays with Santino Marella and Air Boom. Sheamus guarantees all 3 men that he will win the Royal Rumble. Sheamus runs into Cody Rhodes who tells him that he will mainevent WrestleMania.

Match #4 – Kaitlyn (w/Beth Phoenix and Natalya) vs AJ
The Divas of Doom train steamrolls through Richmond as Kaitlyn picks up a decisive win over the smaller AJ. After the match the D.O.D send a message to the other divas.

Winner – Kaitlyn

Match #5 – Mark Henry vs Randy Orton
2 of Smackdown’s biggest stars face off as the World Champ dominates early. Randy Orton comes back and the two fight to the outside. Henry slams Orton into the barricade wall and regains the ascendancy. Again, Orton recovers from Henry’s offence and gets himself back into the match. Orton hits a monster DDT off the second rope but Henry kicks out. Orton sets up for the RKO but Henry counters and throws Orton away. Henry picks Orton up and nails the Worlds Strongest Slam. Henry is about to make the cover when Kane’s pyro explodes again. Out of nowhere Randy Orton nails Henry with an RKO. Orton covers him, 1…2…3!

Winner – Randy Orton

After the match, Kane’s music hits and he comes out to the stage. Kane cuts a promo talking about how he will extract his revenge on Henry for putting him on the sideline. Kane says that he has reborn the pure monster inside of him and that Henry better watch his back because Kane will take his World Heavyweight Championship and he’ll put Henry away, forever.


WWE Monday Night RAW Preview (December 26th)

The Monday Night RAW train to the Royal Rumble stops in the Windy City, at the All State Arena. 2 weeks after the TLC PPV, this show is set to be jam-packed with great in-ring action from the superstars of RAW and Smackdown, as well as exciting entertainment backstage.

How will John Cena explain his actions last week?
Perhaps the most controversial superstar in the history of the WWE is in seemingly unknown territory. Something is upsetting the former 12 time world champion and having hit an all-time low, losing in convincing fashion to Drew McIntyre, Cena reacted by hitting WWE Champion CM Punk with an Attitude Adjustment. Cena will head to Chicago, the home of the WWE Champ, to justify his actions. Despite being in a personal battle, Cena is adamant that he can win the WWE Championship again and head to Wrestlemania to face The Rock as the WWE Champion. Obviously the WWE Champion CM Punk will have something to say about that. As will the former #1 Contender, The Miz, who continually claims that he deserves another shot at the WWE Championship.

Ziggler gets his re-match

Having lost the United States Championship at TLC, the cocky Dolph Ziggler will invoke his compulsory re-match clause on the internet sensation and new United States Champion, Zack Ryder. Ryder’s unbelievable ride of form will look to continue as he defends his title for the first time. Ziggler will have to be weary of the champ, who is fresh off a win against Ziggler’s partner, Jack Swagger. Ziggler is sure to have Swagger as well as Vickie Guerrero in his corner so this match is sure to be a cracker.

The Tag Team Division heats, Divas, plus more!

After last weeks surprising appearance, Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks will take on The Uso brothers in this weeks Tag Team action. The tag team champs will be sure to be watching as these 2 tag teams look to strengthen their credentials in search of a WWE Tag Team Championships Match. The Divas of Doom are on a roll and with Kaitlyn having the best period of her career, will these strong, intimidating women be able to be stopped.

WWE Monday Night RAW

December 26th, 2011

All State Arena, Chicago, Illinois

^WWE RAW Intro Video^


The opening pyros explode throughout the All State Arena. The camera pans throughout the arena showing the rapid Chicago natives.


**Justin Roberts: “This opening bout is for the WWE United States Championship!!”**

The crowd roars for the announcement.


Zack Ryder’s music hits to a fantastic ovation. The United States Champ bursts out from the back and comes down to the ring. Ryder interacts with the great Chicago fans as he gets into the ring.


Dolph Ziggler’s theme hits and he gets a reasonably warm reception. Ziggler comes out accompanied by Vickie Guerrero and Jack Swagger.

**Vickie: “Excuse MEEEE!!!”**

The hot crowd immediately explodes with boos directed at Vickie Guerrero.

**Vickie: “Zack Ryder, I hope you’re ready for tonight.”**


**Vickie: “That United States Championship deserves to be here! And tonight Dolph Ziggler will reclaim it, and end your ‘fairytale’ of a championship run!”**

Ziggler’s music re-hits as the trio walk down the ramp. Ziggler pumps himself up in the ring as Swagger and Vickie look on from ringside.

**Michael Cole: “As you’ve just heard Ladies and Gentleman this is a WWE United States Championship Match.”**

The camera cuts to Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler

**Michael Cole: “Welcome everybody to Monday Night RAW live from Chicago, Illinois I’m Michael Cole alongside Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler.”**

**Jerry Lawler: “You’re right Cole and if this match is anything like their match at TLC then we are in for something special!”**

Referee Jack Doan lifts the coveted United States Championship and the match begins.


Match #1 – United States Championship – Zack Ryder © vs. Dolph Ziggler

Dolph shoves Zack to the mat much to the displeasure of the crowd but Zack comes back with a duo of hiptosses. Dolph is able to take down Ryder and elbows him in the head. Dolph misses a clothesline and Zack slingshots him into the corner. Zack clotheslines him out of the ring then hits a somersault dive. The crowd roars for Ryder, chanting his name.

Ryder climbs to the outside but gets distracted by Jack Swagger. The distraction allows Dolph to DDT him on the outside. Ziggler rolls back in as the ref starts his ten count. Zack makes it back in the ring at the count of eight. Dolph makes the cover, 1…2…kickout by Ryder.

Dolph connects with a neckbreaker then hits a quick elbow drop and taunts the fans. He picks up Zack and throws a punch then whips him off the ropes and hits a forearm smash then puts Zack in a headlock. Zack tries to get out of it so Dolph slams his head on the mat and puts him in a chinlock, but Zack makes it back to his feet and punches his way out of the hold. Ryder whips Ziggler and connects with a dropkick. Ryder covers Ziggler, 1...2…kickout.

Dolph counters Zack and drops him with an inverted fireman's carry slam, then goes to the corner but Zack knocks him down and hits a dropkick off the middle turnbuckle. The crowd goes nuts as Ryder makes the cover, 1…2…kickout again! Zack hits a clotheslines and a facebuster, then hits a flying discus punch. Dolph is perched in the corner perfectly and Ryder nails the Broski Boot. Ryder makes another cover, 1…2….Swagger lifts Dolph’s foot onto the rope.

Ryder sees this and goes out after Swagger. Ryder chases Swagger around the ring and then jumps back into the ring. Ryder runs into a magnificent dropkick from Ziggler. Ziggler makes the cover, 1…2…kickout by Ryder! Ziggler sets up for the Zig Zag but Ryder grabs onto the ropes and Ziggler crashes and burns. Ryder looks for the Rough Ryder but Swagger jumps up on the apron. Ryder runs over and punches Swagger in the face. The distraction allows Ziggler to roll up Ryder!! Ryder rolls through though! Both men bounce to their feet. Ziggler turns around, ROUGH RYDER!!!
Zack makes the cover, 1…..2…..3!!!!!!!!!

Winner and STILL United States Champion – Zack Ryder (10:19)

The crowd explode as Ryder celebrates his successful championship defence.

Vickie Guerrero screams on the outside as she looks at Jack Swagger, who is also angry.

Ryder celebrates on the ramp, defiantly clutching his United States Championship above his head.

The camera cuts back into the ring where an upset Dolph Ziggler sits in the ring. Ziggler can’t believe he lost to Zack Ryder again. Swagger and Vickie join him in the ring.

The crowd chants, jeering Vickie, Ziggler and Swagger.

Vickie is disappointed and angry. Swagger offers his hand to Ziggler and Ziggler accepts. Swagger pulls him to his feet. Wait a second!! Swagger kicks Ziggler in the gut then follows up with a vicious GUT-WRENCH POWERBOMB!!!!

**Michael Cole: “What the hell!!”**

**Jerry Lawler: “Oh come on! What is this?”**

The crowd are in complete shock as Ziggler lays motionless in the ring. The crowd begin to boo Vickie and Swagger as they leave Dolph alone, in the ring.




Back from commercial we see Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler at the announce table.

**Michael Cole: “Welcome back ladies and gentleman and King, what a start to RAW we’ve had!”**

**Jerry Lawler: “Your not wrong Cole, Jack Swagger attack Dolph Ziggler after he lost to Zack Ryder! What’s up with that?”**

**Michael Cole: “Clearly Vickie and Swagger are sick of Dolph Ziggler Jerry. Now onto a very important issue ladies and gentleman, John Cena, who many believe is cracking under the pressure of his match with The Rock in 4 months time at Wrestlemania, is coming out to talk to the WWE Universe, right now!!”**

*****MY TIME IS NOW*****

Cena’s music hits to a barrage of boos from the Chicago crowd. Cena walks out to the ramp. He salutes, and then walks to the ring, mic in hand.

Cena’s music stops as he stands in the middle of the ring. The boos as well as some muffled cheers are the loudest of the night.

**John Cena: “The last time I was in this arena was back in June at Money in the Bank, when CM Punk beat me for the WWE Championship.”**

The crowd cheers the name of their favourite son CM Punk.

**John Cena: “That night I got one of the worst reactions from a crowd in my career. But I understood that, because it was CM Punk’s hometown and everyone wanted to see CM Punk leave with the WWE Championship.”**
The crowd cheers again.

**John Cena: “What I don’t understand is why, after everything I do, week in week out, giving my all, working my teeth to the bone and risking my life for the WWE Universe, I still get booed.”**


**John Cena: “Now in the past I have said that it doesn’t matter who the fans boo and cheer because that’s their right and it’s still their right. But the fact that I pour my life into you people and now you treat me like this?”**

Cena looks around at the fans as they taunt him with 'CENA SUCKS' chants!

**John Cena: “So I vow to you people, I am going to do everything in my power to be the best I can be. Nobody and nothing is an obstacle for me and I will prove that I am the best and if that means beating CM Punk for the WWE Championship and then beating The Rock for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania, than I’ll by god do it!!!”**

Cena is animated as he still receives boos and some slight cheers.


Miz’s music hits to a surprisingly mixed reaction.

The Miz cockily walks out from the back with a mic in his hands.

**The Miz: “Oh John, that’s, that's so very cute.”**

Miz sarcastically laughs at Cena.

**The Miz: “We all know why you’re so upset, don’t we?”**

The Miz gives Cena a sadistic grin as he walks down the ramp.

**The Miz: “In fact John we all know it’s more then just ‘the fans booing you’. The fans have booed you for a while now John and it never seems to bother you. But for some reason now it does?”**

The Miz is now in the ring and stands face to face with Cena.

**The Miz: “John, you’ve got the biggest match of your career at WrestleMania on April 1st. You know, deep down, that there is no way you can beat The Rock and that eats you up, so you take out your frustrations and blame these idiots when really it’s just you.”**

The fans boo The Miz as he taunts them and John Cena.

**The Miz: “So John, don’t you come out here, into my ring and claim that you will become WWE Champion and defend it against The Rock because that’s a whole other story. I will become WWE Champion. Even if that means beating CM Punk at the Royal Rumble or winning the Royal Rumble, I will do it.”**

Miz and Cena stand face to face as Miz glares at Cena.

**The Miz: “And there is nothing…”**


Drew McIntyre’s music cuts off Miz’s speech as ‘The Chosen One’ struts out from the back and down to the ring. Cena and Miz look on, not sure if McIntyre is serious.

**McIntyre: “Sorry if I’m interrupting anything fellas but I couldn’t help over hearing both of you claiming that you’re going to be WWE Champion.”**

Miz and Cena look at each other and then back at Drew.

**McIntyre: “Miz, if I recall, CM Punk beat you at TLC and then again last week. I tried to help you but clearly that’s a lost cause. And Cena, I beat you last week so if you even think that you’re next in line for a WWE Championship match then you’ve got something else coming my friend.”**

McIntyre chuckles as he looks at Miz and Cena.

**John Cena: “Drew McIntyre!!! ‘The Chosen One’! I bet you wouldn’t even know what the WWE Championship looks like!”**

**Miz: “Shut up Cena! McIntyre, the only reason I lost last week was because of you. I new I shouldn’t trust a nobody like yourself!”**


The Chicago crowd erupt as their local, the WWE Champion CM Punk, comes out from the back. Punk is grinning as he soaks in the crowd’s admiration. Punk walks to the ring with a mic and joins the other three.

Punk looks at all three men and chuckles to himself.

**CM Punk: “I’m sorry guys, I was having such laugh as I watched this in the back and I wasn’t going to come out here but it just got too embarrassing. I mean seriously, John Cena, your out here claiming again how much you work your ass off, well I know another ass that gets worked and that’s Vince McMahon’s while your kissing it!”**

Cena gives Punk a death stare as the crowd erupt in cheers.

**CM Punk: “Miz, I beat you again last week, so I think you need to go away, fix your make-up and then come back to me when you’re a proper Pro-Wrestler because right now, you’re a pretender and it’s a joke that your event his close to a WWE Championship.”**

The crowd roars as Punk smiles and continues his hot rant by looking at Drew McIntyre.

**CM Punk: “And finally………this guy.”**

**McIntyre: “My names Drew McIntyre. And I am the chosen one!”**

**CM Punk: “Chosen One right, I’ll be sure to remember that one. Well whoever you are, good luck getting a shot at my title because lets face it a pony-tail alone should be enough for a guy like you to get your ass fired. Well, ‘guy’ isn’t quite the right word.”**

Punk smiles at a furious Drew McIntyre.

“Alright everybody hold up!”

The familiar sound of John Laurinaitis’ voice rings through the All-State Arena as the Interim General Manager of Monday Night RAW makes his way out from the back. The Chicago fans boo mercilessly at Johnny Ace as he smiles and waves from the top of the stage.

**John Laurinaitis: “Now it’s clear to me that Miz, John Cena and Drew McIntyre all have a case to be made for a WWE Championship shot. So let’s settle this tonight!”**

The crowd cheers Johnny’s announcement.

**John Laurinaitis: “But instead of having a boring old triple-threat match, I, Mr. Excitement, have come up with a better idea. Seeing as this is the final Monday Night RAW for 2011, and seeing as though CM Punk has no match tonight, it will be a Fatal-4-Way Match! Miz, John Cena and Drew McIntyre, if one of you is to win, you will face CM Punk for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble. But if CM Punk is to win, he will not defend the title at the Royal Rumble.”**

The crowd cheers and chants C-M-PUNK!!

**John Laurinaitis: “So you can all thank me for being the greatest Interim General Manager of Monday Night RAW in history!”**

Johnny leaves with a bang as the crowd boo his exit to the back.

Back in the ring, the four men stare each other down. All of a sudden Cena grabs McIntyre, ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!! Punk grabs The Miz, GTS!!
The crowd roars as Punk and Cena stare each other down in the middle of the ring. The picture begins to go fuzzy.






Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks burst out from the back. Hawkins is cocky and arrogant as he struts down the ramp; he is followed by the monstrous Tyler Reks.

All of a sudden the loud war cry of Jey Uso is heard as the camera cuts to the two brothers performing their Polynesian War Dance.

*****SO CLOSE NOW*****

The Uso Brothers jubilantly come running down the stage, slapping hands with the WWE Universe as they receive a warm ovation.

The Usos get in the ring as they prepare for Tag Team action.


Match #2 – Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins vs Jimmy and Jey Uso

Jimmy Uso starts of with Curt Hawkins. Hawkins grabs Uso in a headlock. Jimmy pushes Curt off the ropes but Hawkins comes back with a shoulder block. Hawkins taunts the crowd. Jimmy gets up and tries for a kick but Hawkins backs away into the corner cowardly trying to protect himself. Hawkins tags in the monster – Tyler Reks.

Reks kicks Jimmy who gets doubled over and Reks follows up with a vicious knee the sternum. Reks tries for a clothesline but Jimmy ducks and hits a big right hand followed by a knife edge chop. Jimmy pushes Reks into the corner and tags in Jey. Jey bounces into the ring. Jimmy whips Reks straight into a big clothesline from Jey. Jey makes the quick cover, 1…kickout by Tyler Reks. Reks is left sitting on the mat as Jey Uso bounces off the ropes and clocks Reks in the head and grabs him in a headlock. Jey keeps applying pressure but the powerful Reks gets to his feet.

Reks is able to push Jey off the ropes and follows up with a big hip toss. Reks bounces again off the ropes but Jey grounds him with a drop-toe-hold and then follows up with a diving head butt. Jey tags in Jimmy. They whip Reks off the rope and hit double backhands in unison. Reks is grounded as the brothers grab each other’s hands and drop an elbow each right in the heart of Reks. Hawkins jumps in the ring and tries to attack Jey but he ducks a clothesline. Reks and Hawkins both end up at the ropes and they get taken out by Jimmy and Jey by clotheslines over the rope.

Jimmy goes out to retrieve Reks and throws him back in the ring. As Jimmy goes to get in the ring Hawkins grabs his leg. Tyler Reks hits him with a big boot. Reks picks up Jimmy and crushes Jimmy’s back over his knee. Reks holds Jimmy in place as Hawkins jumps off the top rope and clocks Jimmy with an elbow. Reks tags in Hawkins who applies a face lock on Jimmy. Jey Uso as well as the crowd try to will on Jimmy as he punches Curt. Hawkins tries to grab him in a headlock but Jimmy pushes him into the corner.

Jimmy makes the hot tag to Jey as Curt tags in Reks. Jey hits a flurry of elbows, forearms and kicks as he takes down Reks. Reks swings wildly at Jey who ducks and hits a Super kick! Jey climbs up top looking for the Superfly Splash. He launches himself in the air but Hawkins rolls Reks out of harm’s way. Reks gets to his feet; he lifts Jey up for the KILLJOY!! Reks makes the cover, 1…2…3!

Winners – Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins (7:41)


Backstage we see Josh Matthews waiting with Jack Swagger and Vickie Guerrero.

**Matthews: “Ladies and Gentleman please welcome my guest at this time, Jack Swagger!”**

Boos ring out for Swagger.

**Matthews: “Now Swagger how can you justify turning on Dolph Ziggler?”**

**Jack Swagger: “It’s very simple Josh, Vickie and I do not want to be associated with Dolph Ziggler anymore. He has proven that he is a loser and always will be.”**

**Vickie: “Dolph Ziggler had his chance and he blew it. Jack and I made the right decision leaving Dolph because now Jack Swagger finally has the chance to elevate himself as a World Champion contender.”**

**Jack Swagger: “What I did to Dolph Ziggler was just the start. It was just me taking out the trash. I will…”**

All of a sudden Dolph Ziggler flies in and takes down Swagger. Ziggler buries Swagger into the interview set and begins pounding away with punches the two get to their feet and Ziggler whips Swagger right into the metal polls of the backstage set. Referees and security guards rush in to break up the two as Ziggler leaves, exasperated and exhausted, to cheers from the crowd.




Back from commercial we see Justin Roberts in the ring.


**Justin Roberts: “This next bout is a 6-man tag team match!”**

*****I’VE HAD ENOUGH*****

Wade Barrett’s music hits as the cocky Englishman struts to the ring

**Wade Barrett: “Ladies and Gentleman, two weeks ago at TLC, I beat Randy Or-on in a tables match. Now that I have finally got him out of my way, I can focus on my next accomplishment. That is winning the Royal Rumble. I am the most talked about WWE Superstar in the business because I am the best. I’ve beaten Randy Or-on on numerous occasions in fact I think I’ve lost count. It is my destiny to win the Royal Rumble in 4 weeks time in St. Louis and it is destiny to become World ‘eavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania 28!”**


The Intercontinental Champion strides out from the back in his signature leather vest. He and Barrett exchange nods in the ring.


The dominant World Heavyweight Champion walks out from the back. Henry has his expressionless face on as he slowly walks to the ring, World Heavyweight Championship draped over his shoulder.


The crowd pops for the Celtic Warrior Sheamus. The hot-headed Irishman comes out from the back and screams as he holds his hands out in familiar fashion. Sheamus walks down the ramp and slaps hands with the Chicago fans.

*****I HEAR VOICES*****

Randy Orton’s music hits to the loudest pop. The Viper sadistically walks down the ramp and joins Sheamus.


*****VEIL OF FIRE*****

The crowd again goes off as the Big Red Machine walks out following the massive pyro on the stage. Kane walks to the ring with his frightening steel mask on. Kane gets in the ring as his opponents clear out. Kane throws his hands down as his pyro explodes out of the corners of the ring.

He takes off his face cover as Randy Orton and Sheamus join him in the ring for the 3rd match of the night.


Match #3 – Randy Orton, Sheamus and Kane vs. Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes and Mark Henry

Cody Rhodes starts off the match with Kane. Cody lunges at Kane but the big red machine is there with a boot to Cody’s skull. Cody is quick to his feet but he runs into a big uppercut from Kane. Kane makes the cover but Wade Barrett runs in and kicks Kane off. Kane gets up and stares at Barrett. This allows Cody to take advantage. Rhodes hits a dropkick that sends Kane into the ropes. Rhodes is able to tag in Barrett while Kane manages to tag in Orton.

Orton hits Barrett with a flurry of clotheslines followed by a scoop slam. Henry tries to sneak on Orton but Randy catches him and clotheslines Henry. Wade gets back up and hits a big boot on Orton. Wade whips Orton into the corner hard. Randy stumbles back and Barrett whips him off the ropes and into a spinning side slam! Wade makes the cover, 1…2…kickout by Orton. Wade pulls Orton into the corner and tags Cody back in.

Cody is in control as he keeps Orton grounded with kicks and then a face lock. But Orton comes back with a backbody drop and tries to make a tag but Cody tags Wade and he runs across the ring and knocks Sheamus off the apron. Wade covers Orton, 1…2…kickout. Wade then applies a headlock but Orton gets to his feet and punches his way out and hits a backbreaker.

Randy manages to tag in Sheamus who burst into the ring with a clothesline on Cody, and then one on Wade. Sheamus gets Cody under the ropes and hammers away at his chest with ten vicious blows. Cody stumbles back in the ring and Sheamus lifts him up for the backbreaker across his knee. Sheamus looks to get Cody up for the Celtic Cross but Rhodes rams him back into the corner. Kane makes a blind tag and Cody scampers away and tags in Henry. Henry gets in the ring and so does Kane. The two monsters stare down. Henry retreats and tags in an unsuspecting Wade Barrett.

Kane walks over and flips Barrett up and over the rope. Kane grabs Cody around the neck. CHOKESLAM on Cody! Barrett is next as Kane locks his hand around the throat of Barrett. Kane stares at Henry, who is retreating up the ramp, as he delivers a brutal Chokeslam on Barrett! Kane makes the cover, 1…2….3!

Winners – Randy Orton, Sheamus and Kane (10:30)

The arena goes red as Kane continues to stare at Henry, who is at the top of the stage clutching his World Heavyweight Championship. We cut backstage.

Eve is shown walking into John Laurinaitis’ office. She receives a nice ovation.

**Eve: “Excuse me, Mr. Laurinaitis.”**

**Laurinaitis: “How can I help you Eve?”**

**Eve: “Well John, you know that I would’ve won the Divas Championship at TLC had it not been for Kaitlyn right?”**

**Laurinaitis: “I wouldn’t put it like that but go on…”**

**Eve: “Okay, well, I came in here to ask for a match with Kaitlyn, tonight?”**

Laurinaitis looks around and then at Eve and nods his head.

**Laurinaitis: “Alright Eve, you’ve got your match. However, it’s not going to be just any match, it will be a No Disqualifications Match. Now you get to vent all of your frustration out on Kaitlyn!”**

Laurinaitis continues his goofy grin as Eve looks on. Eve looks uneasy and a little confused.

**Eve: “A No DQ match, okay, um thank you.”**

Eve leaves Johnny who stands there waving, like a goof.

**Laurinaitis: “Happy New Year, Eve!”**

David Otunga walks in to Johnny’s office clutching his coffee.

**Otunga: “John I need to talk to you about something”**

Out of no where Alex Riley comes walking in and accidentally bumps into Otunga, causing him to spill his coffee.

**Otunga: “What the hell?”**

**Riley: “Oh man, I’m sorry David.”**

**Otunga: “Oh really! You sorry! Well this sweater doesn’t pay for itself.”**

**Riley: “I said I’m sorry I didn’t mean it.”**

**Otunga: “Yeah well you will be sorry, because I’m putting you in a match.”**

Otunga whispers into Johnny’s ear and Johnny smirks and nods his head.

**Otunga: “Oh and your match is next!”**

Riley looks on in disbelief and anger as Otunga and Laurinaitis leave.




Back from commercial we see Alex Riley in the ring waiting for his mystery opponent.


**Justin Roberts: “This next bout is set for one fall. In the ring, from Washington, DC, weighing 236 lbs, Alex Riley!”**

*****RIP IT UP*****

A collective groan is let out throughout the All State Arena as Big Brodus Clay’s music hits. Riley can’t believe his luck.

**Justin Roberts: “And his opponent, from Pasadena, California, weighing 375 lbs, Brodus Clay!”**

The mean Brodus Clay steps into the ring with Riley.


Match #4 – Brodus Clay vs. Alex Riley

The bell sounds as Brodus and Riley square off. Riley tries to use his pace but Brodus grabs him and slams him to the mat. Brodus picks up Riley and shoves him into the corner. Brodus runs at Alex but he moves out of the way. Riley tries to mount some offence by punching Brodus in the sternum but its all to no avail. Brodus shoves Riley back to the mat. Riley gets up and Brodus clobbers him with a head butt in the chest. Riley struggles to breathe as Brodus grabs him in the Tongan Death Grip. CHOKESLAM!! Brodus covers the lifeless Riley, 1…2…3!

Winner – Brodus Clay (2:47)

Brodus looks around intensely having just demolished Alex Riley. We cut to a video




Back from the video we see Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler at ringside.

**Michael Cole: “As you just saw ladies and gentleman, the Royal Rumble PPV is 5 weeks away!”**

**Jerry Lawler: “You’re right Cole and as we know, the Road to Wrestlemania begins at the Royal Rumble!”**


**Justin Roberts: “This next bout is a No Disqualifications Match! Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, Eeevvveee!!

The crowd cheer as Eve makes her way out to the back. Eve waves to the fans as she walks to the ring and gets ready for her match with Kaitlyn.


**Justin Roberts: “And her opponent, accompanied to the ring by Natalya and the WWE Divas Champion Beth Phoenix, from Houston, Texas, Kaitlyn!!

The three Divas of Doom strut confidently down the ramp as Kaitlyn prepares for her match with Eve.


Match #5 – No Disqualifications Match – Eve vs. Kaitlyn

The bell sounds as Eve cautiously looks at Beth and Natalya, who stand at ringside. This allows Kaitlyn to take advantage. Kaitlyn takes down Eve and pounds her head into the canvas. Eve fights out and crawls back into the corner. Kaitlyn comes running over and hits Eve with a knee, followed by repeated stomps, right in the sternum. The referee can do nothing to stop her.

Eve gets pummeled in the corner as Kaitlyn calls for Natalya. Natalya looks under the ring and throws a chair in for Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn grabs the chair. She runs at Eve and swings but Eve ducks. Kaitlyn holds the chair as she turns around and Eve nails a dropkick, with the chair, to the face of Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is doubled over as Eve hits a big bicycle kick, much to the delight of the fans. Eve makes the first cover of the match-up, 1….2….Beth Phoenix pulls Eve out of the ring. Phoenix throws Eve into the barricade wall and steps away.

Natalya throws Eve back in the as Kaitlyn makes the cover, 1…2…kickout by Eve! Kaitlyn kicks away at Eve who holds onto the ropes but it means nothing as Kaitlyn continues to pound away. Kaitlyn waits for Eve to get to her feet. Kaitlyn runs at Eve but the former Divas Champ is ready and flips Kaitlyn up and over the ropes. Kaitlyn crashes and burns into Natalya as Beth Phoenix watches on. Kaitlyn and Natalya are down as Eve steps out of the ring, chair in hand. Eve looks straight at Beth Phoenix, who starts retreating. Eve is furious and swings wildly at Beth who ducks but Eve comes back with a kick to the ribs. Beth is doubled over, BANG!! Steel Chair Shot to the back of the Divas Champion by Eve!

The crowd roars as Eve rolls Kaitlyn back in the ring. Natalya is standing there but she does nothing. Natalya and Eve look at each other before Eve gets in the ring. Eve shouldn’t have taken so long as Kaitlyn is waiting. Kaitlyn rakes the eyes of Eve! Eve is disorientated and hurt and Kaitlyn takes advantage. Kaitlyn hits a kick to guts of Eve. She sets up for the Reverse STO and…..BOOM! Reverse STO by Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn makes the cover, 1…2…3!

Winner – Kaitlyn (5:02)

Kaitlyn picks herself up gingerly as a concerned Natalya gets in the ring to help her up. Eve is still laid out as a furious Beth Phoenix gets in the ring. Phoenix screams at Eve and kicks her. Phoenix picks Eve up ferociously. Beth lifts Eve up for GLAM SLAM!

The crowd groan as Eve lay motionless in the ring. Kaitlyn puts her hand on Beth’s shoulder as Natalya watches on. Beth turns to Natalya.

**Beth: “Put her in the sharpshooter!”**

**Natalya: “Why, we’ve done enough?”**

**Beth Phoenix: “I said, put her in the sharpshooter!”**

Beth begins to get very animated as Natalya stares back at her, not replying.

**Beth Phoenix: “DO IT!”**

The crowd OOHH’s as Natalya reluctantly turns Eve around, grabs her legs and applies the Sharpshooter.

**Beth Phoenix: “Do you like that Eve? Huh!!!”**

Natalya releases the hold as the Divas of Doom stand over Eve. Kaitlyn and Beth exit the ring as Natalya follows. Natalya keeps turning and looking at the motionless Eve as the Divas of Doom walk up the ramp.





The Chicago faithful erupt again as the music of their homegrown son CM Punk hits. The WWE champion intensely fires himself up as he makes his way to the ring.

CM Punk gets to the second rope and holds up his title as the crowd roar.


The arrogant Miz cockily walks out from the back and down to the ring, fixating his eyes on CM Punk the whole time.


The big Scot, Drew McIntyre comes out to the back. He points to the heavens on the way down, perhaps signalling that it is his destiny to win the match.

*****MY TIME IS NOW*****

Cena receives the largest boos from the Chicago crowd. Cena salutes and follows up by running down the ramp and into the ring.
Cena takes off his shirt and hat and then straight away hits McIntyre with a clothesline to start the match.


Match #6 – CM Punk vs The Miz vs John Cena vs Drew McIntyre

John Cena starts going at McIntyre with a flurry of punches. On the other side of the ring, Punk and Miz go at it. Cena lifts McIntyre up for the AA. McIntyre grabs onto the ropes so Cena tosses him over and out of the ring. Punk ducks a clothesline from Miz and sends him over the ropes. Cena and Punk turn around and face each other as the crowd stands and cheers. C-M-PUNK chants ring through the All State Arena as Punk and Cena trash talk each other.

Punk tells Cena to come at him and Cena obliges. Punk evades a lunge by Cena and kicks him the side. Cena comes back with a vicious clothesline to take down the WWE Champ. Punk gets up and Cena hits him with a big shoulder block. The crowd boo as Cena looks for a clothesline but Punk ducks and hits a flurry of kicks. CM Punk lifts Cena up for the GTS but Cena kicks his way out. Cena lifts Punk up for the AA but Punk slips down the back and rolls Cena up, 1…2...kickout. Both men jump to their feet but Cena flattens Punk, near taking his head off, with a clothesline.

Cena can’t rest because The Miz comes back into the ring from behind and knocks down Cena. Miz taunts Cena and stomps away at him. The Miz whips Cena off the ropes, Cena ducks Miz’s clothesline, then Miz leapfrogs Cena the as Cena comes back he runs into a big boot from Drew McIntyre.

McIntyre and Miz work together, both dropping elbows onto Cena’s chest. They lift Cena up and hit a double-team suplex. McIntyre whips Cena into the corner. The Miz runs at Cena looking for the corner clothesline but Cena moves and Miz crashes and burns, hanging himself up on the ropes. Cena runs at McIntyre and takes him down with a clothesline. McIntyre is doubled over as Cena runs off the ropes and hits a flipping bulldog on McIntyre.

Drew is out as Cena looks around. He walks over to the corner and climbs the ropes. Cena is on the top rope as he waits for McIntyre. But here comes Punk. Punk punches Cena and climbs to the top rope. The crowd rises as Punk gets Cena in position for a Superplex! But wait! The Miz lifts himself up and grabs onto Punk. The crowd cheers as the 3 men fly off the top rope, crashing into Drew McIntyre and the mat.

HO-LY-SHIT chant the crowd. The Miz is the least wounded as he crawls into a cover on Cena,1....2…Punk breaks the count. Punk and Miz get to their feet and go back and forth with punches. Miz swings wildly at Punk and the champ clobbers him with a boot to the side off the head. Miz stumbles back into the corner and Punk nails a high running knee lift. Punk grabs Miz in position for the bulldog and drops Miz as he hits a clothesline on Cena at the same time.

Punk pumps himself up but as he turns around Drew McIntyre is there and kicks him in the gut, Future Shock DDT!! Punk is out as he rolls out of the ring. McIntyre turns around as John Cena gets to his feet. McIntyre swings but Cena ducks. Cena grabs McIntyre, lifts him up and drops him with the sit-out powerbomb. Cena raises his hand in a salute to the crowd who boo him profusely. Cena leans over McIntyre and signals that ‘you cant’ see me’. Cena bounces off the ropes and nails the 5-knuckle shuffle!

The crowd boos Cena as he waits for McIntyre to slowly gets to his feet.

Cena lifts McIntyre up, ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!! Cena makes the cover, 1…2…The Miz breaks up the count! Cena grabs his back as he gets to his feet. The Miz stalks him from behind and grabs him, Skull Crushing Finale, NO! Cena counters by backing back into the corner and sandwiching Miz. Miz falls to the floor and to the outside off the ropes onto the apron.

Cena takes time to regain his composure and then turns his attention The Miz. Cena lifts Miz to his feet and tries to suplex him over the ropes. The Miz is ready and drops Cena’s neck across the ropes, hanging him up. Cena stumbles back into the middle of the ring and walks straight into a flying clothesline from CM Punk, who springboarded from the other side of the ring.

Punk looks around as he sees Cena and Drew McIntyre out in the ring. Punk runs over to the ropes and climbs to the top. The crowd rises and cheers as Punk stands tall on the top turnbuckle. Punk launches himself and flies across the ring, dropping his elbow right into the heart of Drew McIntyre. The scot rolls out of the ring as Punk hounds Cena. Punk is looking to put Cena away with the GTS. But here comes Miz! From behind, Miz grabs Punk, SKULL CRUSHING FINALE! Miz makes the cover, 1….2….kickout by PUNK!!

The crowd roars Miz grabs his head, amazed that the WWE Champion was able to kick out of his finishing move

Miz furiously punches the canvas as he gets back to his feet and waits for Punk to stagger to his feet again. Miz grabs Punk from behind, but the champ is ready and whips Miz around and lifts him onto his shoulders, GTS!! From nowhere!!! The crowd explode as Punk falls onto Miz for the cover, 1….2….BANG!! The crowd is shocked as John Cena smashes CM Punk in the back with a steel chair. The crowd ferociously boos Cena as he drops the chair, rolls Punk out of the way and covers Miz. 1….2….3!!!


Winner – John Cena (14:23)

The crowd are shocked and angered by Cena’s actions as they boo him. Cena defiantly raises his hands in victory. Cena looks shaken but pleased as he his now the #1 contender for the WWE Championship. Cena’s music continues to be muffled by the boos of the Chicago crowd as Cena looks down over CM Punk as RAW ends.


*Next PPV*


WWE Royal Rumble

January 29th

Scottrade Center

St.Louis, Missouri

*Confirmed Matches*

WWE Championship - CM Punk (c) vs John Cena


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