WWE Money In The Bank - RAW Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Here are my predictions for who has a chance of winning the match (listed from least chances to most) :

Mark Henry- Filler for R-Truth and would defiantly be the biggest shock, but I see him having the same chances as Hornswaggle, as both can't climb a ladder.

Ted Dibiase- I don't think he has a chance of winning this match as he already has a gimmick that would be ruined with the MITB briefcase. He is currently has two objects always with him, the Million Dollar Belt and Maryse, and it would look a bit much if he had all 3 with him at once. I also find him boring and hasn't caught fire since leaving legacy.

Chris Jericho- I don't see Jericho winning this match as he is already a main-event talent that has been working well with mid-card fueds as of late. He has also had backstage heat with WWE so I don't think they would give him the push.

John Morrison- If you had asked me before Raw this week, I would have said he has a chance, but the segment he had was absolutly brutal. he isn't over with fans as a face and the promo was pretty bad. I only way I see him winning is if WWE pulled a Jack Swagger on us, having him constantly lose before the match with crappy segments, then pull of a shocking upset.

Edge- 2 time MITB winner and would have a great fued with Cena, but I don't see Cena winning at MITB, and I don't see Edge being a 3 time champion, as that would put him over more than he needds to be. I wouldn't be shocked seeing him win, but I think they need to put other talent over.

Evan Bourne- I'm a huge Bourne fan and I definantly see him as the Dark Horse of the match. When it comes to storylines, he has the best chance of winning as he is a face, who has been featured in the Main Event as of late and is an up and coming wrestler. the only problem is he doesn't look like a WWE Champion because of his size and because of the current champions. There is no way that they would have him pin Sheamus or Cena. The only way he would win the Championship is if Jericho, Edge or The Miz were holding it, as they are average size compared to Cena and Sheamus. If Bourne were to win, i would see him as the very first person to unsuccessfully cash in the MITB breifcase

Randy Orton- He has been promoted as teh top dog in this match as for the past 3 weeks during MITB segments, he is always the one stading strong at the end. At the end of the 8 man tag match, he posed at the top of the latter. The next week he RKO'd Bourne after the tag match and was the last man standing. This week he was teh last man standing after the Shooting StarKO. so WWE is defianantly giving us a sign. I would also like to see him win as the Viper with a MITB briefcase would be deadly as his gimmick is that he can strike at anytime,

The Miz- Like the majority of the people have said, he is the definant favorite to win the match. MITB is a match to push mid carders into the main event, and he is definantly ready for the main event. He has been given a huge push as teh US Champion and can cut a promo like no one else. He is my pick to win MITB, and the only way i don't see him as the winner is if WWE is going to pull a shocker by having someone like Bourne or Morrison win it.

I am really excited for this match as it is full of main event talent (Edge, Orton, Y2J) as well as up and coming talent, (The Miz, Dibiase, Bourne) with some great highfliers with Bourne and Morrison. I can't wait to see who wins.
This one could be the most obvious or the most WTF match of the night. Because I only see it going one of those ways. I'm gonna start by eliminating obvious not winners.

Chris Jericho; obviously the guy can main event, he is one of the most over people in the entire business but how many times has he been in this match? And how many times has he won? Plus I'm sure the rumors going around about him leaving again aren't gonna do much for that. I would love to see him win but I'm come to realize that he never will.

Mark Henry; really wwe....really? You have a ton of amazing talent back there and you chose Mark Henry? Ladder + Mark Henry = fail. This match isn't for the big guys and I swear if he wins I will never watch raw again.

John Morrison; This I could be wrong on, but I doubt it. Morrison is a good performer inside the ring but his mic skills need help...like a lot of help. We all know that the WWE doesn't care about that when it comes to handing guys titles but I don't feel like Morrison is ready to get to that top level just yet. He did do great as the ECW champ when it was around and he steps up to the plate when he needs to but I don't think that they'll cut his feud with DiBiase short for this just yet.

Those are the only two that I KNOW aren't going to win so lets get to the good part.

Evan Bourne; I know that this is a long shot, but I have too much faith in the WWE sometimes. The way that he has been pushed lately is amazing in itself considering how much WWE looks down on the smaller/indy guys. But Sydal is so over with the crowd it isn't even funny. I don't think he'll win this match in all honesty, but the way he's been involved lately makes me wonder if he'll come close.

Ted DiBiase; I personally feel like DiBiase is ready for the chance to take on top guys. His thing with Maryse is gold and he has shown a lot lately that he's got what it takes. The only thing holding him back is the thing that's going good for him, Maryse. Everyone thinks that him and Maryse are going to feud with Morrison and Melina when she returns and how would winning MITB fit into that? It wouldn't. I think that the next step for DiBiase is winning a top title, but I don't know if the WWE is ready for him to do so.

Edge; I'm on the fence with Edge. They have been hyping him a ton for this match and for a good reason, but if he wins again people will just roll their eyes and not because of who it is but how much he's gotten over the last few years. I love Edge soooo much and he is great both in and out of the ring. But, giving him this win would be the worst idea ever. He's already way over and he's already won it twice, why become so predictable?

The Miz; Okay, time for me to be real with you all...I love the Miz. I've loved him since he first exposed himself on the real world and I've loved him his whole time with the WWE. He has improved so much in such a little amount of time both in the ring and on the mic. There is no doubt that the Miz can handle being a main eventer. And personally I think he's been stuck in the middle for far too long. He is being pushed really hard right now and I think that out of all the rest of these guys he deserves this win the most. He needs his real time in the spotlight and honestly what could make people hate him more? Winning this match. I don't think anyone is expecting it or wanting it to happen. After seeing his match with Low-Ki though I became a believer and then his promos in recent weeks!? Okay, sorry marked out for a second there. Anyways point is Miz = awesome and you all know it.

And last but not least,

Randy Orton; When I was talking about obvious I was talking about him. He is probably one of the most over people in the WWE right now and for a good reason. Orton is a great character, he has this thing about him where you just always want to root for him even if you're supposed to hate him. The problem with him is that it's all a been there done that situation. The fans have seen him be a top guy they have seen him win titles and I wouldn't say that people are bored with him but personally I think I've seen enough of it for a little while. I do think that Orton will win this match although it wouldn't be the smartest idea (considering he's injured?). But I could see him winning and this factoring into the feud between him and Edge even more. Maybe seeing the briefcase change hands a couple of times between the two during the year.

I really want The Miz to win, but I know that it'll be Orton.
Surprisingly - I only see this one going 2 ways and think this match will be easy to predict. As much as I love Miz and how he deserves this MITB, it just doesn't make sense w/ Sheamus or Cena as champ. It will either go -

1) One of the participants gets hurt back stage and they start off w/ 7 guys. Nexus comes out and causes chaos, while Barrett takes the contract. Wade gets the victory when he isn't supposed to be in the match.

The reason for that happening is because Nexus is the hottest group and I think it will be Cena winning the title tonight, Wade steals the title during a raw, and Cena gets his match one-on-one against Wade at the second biggest PPV of the year. You take the leader of the hottest group in the WWE (heel) vs the top guy in the WWE (face). Barrett vs. Cena at SS. The whole build has started over a month ago and it'll come hit it's breaking point at SS. THAT is a main event people will want to see.

2) Orton wins -

They save Cena/Barrett for SummerSlam w/o a title. Orton is the first bad ass to not want to steal a title but just to challenge Sheamus by cashing in his MITB. That gives us a face/heel in the main event at SS and two guys worthy of headlining the 2nd best PPV of the year.

I think the Raw MITB will set up SummerSlam - so the winner of that match will actually tell the story of how the main event will play out. Hopefully I'm wrong and The Miz takes the MITB and holds it til around the Rumble. I'd love to see him on the mic each week w/ briefcase in hand.
I personally would love to see The Miz win, but at this point I wouldn't count out anyone. If you remember, Jack Swagger seemed all but squashed and was competing on Superstars right before he went on to cash in. And now that they are having two MITB matches, I could see someone like Morrison or R-Truth winning and then failing to win the title.
Wow, all I have to say is that this is one stacked match! While I believe Edge or Orton have the most chance of winning this, the one I'm really pulling for is The Miz. He has earned his main event spot in my opinion, with his fantastic promos and the way he's improved himself in the ring. I hope that Miz and Orton have a confrontation in this match, maybe even with Miz stealing the victory out from Orton's nose. That way we could get a feud between the two, which I'd love to see.

Who do you think is going to win?

Doc, you should sue WWE creative. Lol way to call it EXACTLY how it happened. This for me was the best moment of the whole ppv. Bravo WWE creative. Good booking.

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