Money in the Bank

Oh thats right CM Punk.I thought it was Randy Orton.I really enjoyed this match.Especially the little footstep ladder they threw around.
for whoever saw it, how crazy was jeffs legdrop off the 20ft ladder that snapped the ladder edge was on. it was a shame kennedy won though, seeing orton or cm punk win would have been good

I was watching it and I went nuts!!It was amazing.I thought seeing Mr.Kennedy win would have been better than Orton in my opinion.
This match in my opinion stole the show along with Taker and Batista, i don't ever remember them doing a ladder spot like that ever. I thought that was a "Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit" moment for sure!
Yeah, the match was amazing, only problem I got with it is....why the hell was it the first one? You would think you would have had kane v. khali first, then benoit v. MVP so the MITB looked a hell of a lot was amazing anyway, I thought Edge was dead :P
Ken Kennedy was the right choice to win this match, and the match itself was done well, some excellent spots and everyone got put over to look strong I agree that putting it first was a mistake but other than that a very good match
Yeah i think Kennedy was the best choice to win.... only problem i ahd is that a few weeks ago Kennedy Orton teamd up and still couldnt beat Lashley.. and t me that made them look weak....

I was thinking that Orton and Edge would take each other out... but who can argue with what Jeff did!!
Jeffs stunt was amazing and im glad edge was the victom. Matt took some brutal spots aswell. Kennedy was the perfect choice because he is the next top heel in the business and he is pretty original. I believe the star of the match wasn't Jeff Hardy even though he had a huge dangerous spot but The little B****** really entertained me and all my guests. He took a huge green bay plunge for a tiny guy.

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