I dont think that Mr. Kennedy will win this match. I think that he is certainly deserving of a title shot, but since he has beaten like 6 or 7 world champions, doesnt need this match to put him over. I think that either Jeff Hardy or CM Punk have the best chances of winning this match. Mainly because I think Jeff Hardy has been getting pushed since his return, and the fan reaction to him has been huge. I'm not sure CM Punk is ready for this kind of push, especially if he had heat on in the lockerroom recently.
So I think this match is going to be used to put someone into the main event slot at some point in the near future, but Mr. Kennedy is already well on his way there, if he isnt already
TRUE! Mr.Kennedy doesn't need to win this match to get a title shot or put him over. He is already the best talker in the WWE if not all of wrestling right now, and had great charisma and talent. He already had a title shot, so he doesn't need this. The person who should win is the one who needs it the most to get over.
Lets see. Edge, Mr Kennedy and Booker are NOT going to win, mostly because 2 of them have already won a title and Edge did win this once before and the fact Kennedy doesn't need this. I don't back Finaly, mainly because of his age, they would be better giving it to a younger man. This leaves Orton, Punk, M Hardy and J Hardy.
Jeff Hardy - Good support from the fans, but is not main event calibur. He is a midcarder with not enough charisma to get over this way, Cena, HBK or Taker would just bury him.
Matt Hardy - Popular, nice charisma...Not really supported by McMahon. I am sure VKM is still seething he was forced to hire him back after the fans threw a fit.
CM Punk - Most over wrestler in ECW! Talent and charisma loads of potential. Not ready for a huge push and he has heat on him. Not to mention he is ECW and VKM ignores them now.
Randy Orton - He will win! He has great charisma, in ring skills and a great overall gimmick. That and he is very popular and was on deal or no deal. The E has wanted to make up for his short run and the fact he needs a boost over edge who is #3 behind Michaels and Cena. This would do it and I think he is a great fit and a future HOF. Orton if he is indeed in will win it and I would guess cash it in quick most likely against Cena and win it. If Cena beats HBK I would not be shocked to see Orton cash it in then and come out Mania the champ and hold it for 5 months plus!
Don't think it will happen? It could. Edge did that after New Years Revolution and Hogan did it during Wrestlemania IX. Hart lost to Yokozuna after he threw salt in his eyes, Fuji then challenged Hogan and Hart gave Hogan the go, Hogan was the surprise winner for the title. So yes it can happen. Austin also did something similar at Judgement Day in 1998 when he was ref between taker and kane, he attacked both men and named himself the champ, he later was fired then hired again by shane. So anything can happen and lets hope anything does...Minus taker losing.