WWE HIAC 2010 Aftermath & Discussion Thread


Occasional Pre-Show
So we know there's going to be atleast 3 Hell In A Cell Matches like last year. For this year we already know the 3 Hell In A Cell matches featuring Randy & Sheamus for the WWE Title Undertaker vs Kane World heavyweight Title and John Cena vs Wade Barrett with a stipulation that if Cena loses he must join Nexus but if Barrett loses " THE NEXUS IS HISSSSTORY" we also know that there will be other matches like John Morrison vs Miz vs Daniel Bryan for the United States belt and Natalya vs Michelle McCool for the Undisputed Divas Title. Another possible match that could happen is Christian vs Alberto Del Rio plus maybe a unified tag titles match. I can also see Edge and Jericho joining Smackdown on October 1st and revealing who the Gm of raw is at the PPV.

So here is my prediction:

Randy Orton vs Sheamus WWE Hell In a Cell title match = Randy Orton.
I cant see Sheamus winning this as Orton just won the title and if he loses it will be a shame because 1st they gave him a big push over the summer and then if he loses the title it will show he's weak and cannot be a true champion.

Undertaker vs Kane Hell In a Cell World Heavyweight Title Match = Undertaker
Kane has beaten Taker andproved he could go toe to toe with his brother and be more dominant but now since Paul Bearer is back and has possibly given Undertaker the power and energy he needs to defeat Kane from the "Famous" urn Undertaker will beat kane but they will have one more match to end the trilogy.

John Cena vs Wade Barrett at Hell In A Cell Match = Wade Barrett
You can't have a successful team just lose just like that and since Cena is talking about how they keep losing members he will lose and get added. Cena will have to do everything Nexus tells them to eventually becoming heel/face just for a couple of weeks till Bragging Rights when they have another Team WWE vs Team Nexus or Raw and Smackdown vs Nexus this is where Cena will be fed up and will smash wade barrett in the head with a chair costing Team Nexus the match and finally ending Nexus. I still like their T-shirts lol.

Triple Threat Us Title Match = John Morrison.
I cant see Bryan winning as he is not a big factor in WWE yet but he will be, Miz has been there done that many times plus he Money in the Bank so that leaves Morrison who they've been building up with backstage scenes and his matches as of late have been awesome so they'll hand him the belt then this will lead to an actual Morrison Miz fued. The only problem is what will happen to Bryan maybe he'll fued with alex Riley or Sheamus.

Christian vs Alberto Del Rio Not an official match and may not be = Alberto Del Rio
I say del rio because in a fued where the face is really high tempered at the heel the face always has that one mistake and fails to win. If this match does happen I expect it to be a good match as they've been teasing it for weeks.

Divas Title match = Michelle McCool or Disqualification having Natalya win
dont really care too much about this match but if Michelle wins its because of Layla if Michelle gets DQed its because of Layla lol.

The reveal of the GM = Abraham Washington
I dont know how this will work out if they'll show us a video of edge and jericho finding the GM's house and asking him why he's been acting the way he has or if they'll just reveal his name to the audience then having him come out to the ring.Either way it will be Abraham as they've been reportedly trying to get him back on Tv. Plus abraham is entertaining and we haven't had an entertaining GM since Eric bischoff but if there gonna give us a bastard GM might as well give us Michael Cole since he's turned heel and he's as well good on the Mic and I can see him causing lots of contreversy like Eric Bischoff.

Other possible matches (SPOILER ALERT) MVP vs Dolph Ziggler Ic Title match from the SD results it said MVP beat him so I guess that names him # 1 contender.

Tag Team Title match - We could see Dashingly Sinister vs hart Dynasty again orrrrr we could see Dashingly Sinister vs Edge and jericho the team that got disbanned due to injury. Have Edge and Y2J win and put Rhodes & Drew back in singles competition because if Edge and jericho go to Smackdown they wont even be in the main event scene as Taker and Kane are up there right now.

So what you guys have to do is tell me who will win the matches and why they will win. Its very simple.
I agree with what you said about the predictions...I think Orton will win, Taker probably will win, though I think Daniel Bryan will retain the title in the US title match, unfortunately I believe Barrett will win though angles like this have occurred in the past and though it is interesting to see how the superstar reacts that first week or two to being in a heel faction but how you predicted the angle will end always seems to happen, and it just does not seem like it would be that interesting. For the diva's match, since the Hart Dynasty lost the titles, having Natalya win would be nice to give the Harts some momentum and to shut up LayCool due to how annoying I find the two of them. As for the tag titles, not sure and really don't care because the number of great tag teams in the WWE are nonexistant, consistently putting two singles guys together to form tag teams only seems to be a short-term solution to see how the WWE universe reacts to them and eventually they get split apart to go their separate ways. As for the Raw GM, if it is Abraham Washington, this whole storyline would be a huge waste of time. Why would they go the anonymous route for as long as they have if it would be someone like Washington? He has no real connection to anyone on the roster, so screwing people over like Cena, Edge, Jericho, Orton, etc. would not make sense. Plus, he's not a name that anyone would get excited about when the GM is finally revealed. Why would anyone tune in to see that Washington is the GM? I am not trying to make the claim that the GM is going to be a big name from the past (i.e. The Rock, Stone Cold, Vince, Triple H, HBK) but I could see Jim Ross, Shane McMahon, or someone to that extent. I do think the GM will be revealed soon because it seems like everyone is getting tired of hearing Michael Cole make the same announcements. BTW, the computer is ridiculous as Cole is clearly reading from a sheet.
1st of all abraham does have connection with the people in Nexus because in wwe's training facility i forget the name all of them were there together so he could bring that up if its him. 2nd shane mcmahon or j.r. will never be the gm why shane left the wwe and j.r. has a new position with wwe and that is managing rookie stars in like ohio valley wrestling and onviously cole is reading from a sheet WWE is scripted there not just gonna have the annoying bell ring and cole say whatever comes to his mind
I'm sorry but How many of these matches are confirmed? I didn't hear anything about Cena/Wade in HIAC and I personally think it would be a bad idea. Also Christian is hurt and will be out six months. anyways

Orton vs Sheamus HIAC = Orton has to win. No reason to put the belt back on Sheamus yet unless WWE was going for the cheap swerve which I don't think they will yet.

Kane Vs Undertaker = KANE. I'm begging WWE to have Kane win this one. Why you Ask? I ask why it would do any F^#&ing good to put Undertaker over Kane again AND make Undertaker the World Champion? Honestly, as good as the Deadman can be, he's no good as champion. The only promo he can cut is above the darkside and resting in piece and he hardly wrestles or defend the championship and will take time off AGAIN after Mania next year. I love UT too, but c'mon, he's uniteresting as champ and I think Kane still has a lot left in this run as champion. Its time for the younger brother to surpass Him. Plus I still think Paul Bear could screw Taker over since it was taker who buried him in cement at GAB04. Also there shouldn't be a third match. HIAC should ALWAYS be the FINAL match.

Daniel Bryan vs Miz (vs Morrison) when was Morrison put in the match? I know he's on a bit of a streak but damn. either way Daniel Bryan retian, Miz moves on to bigger things.

John Cena VS Wade Barrett = If its in HIAC then there is no way in HELL Wade can beat him. Woulnd't be believeable. Hopefully its not in HIAC, which would make it seem like Wade has a chance. Sorry guys but NExus is over and Cena wins this one. NExus has sucked since they lost at SummerSlam and I think WWE wants to dump these other jobbers so they can focus on Wade Barrett. This is just like Mysterio vs PUnk where if Myhsterio lost he had to join SES. I think they would have given SES more legs if Punk had won, but he didn't and neither will NEXUS.
I think pretty much the same...except Daniel Bryan retains..

and for Undertaker vs. Kane not so sure...Kane has been "on fire" recently but then again it's freakin Hell in a Cell..which makes me think Taker would win...another Undertaker title reign? hmm I don't know

I could see John Cena wearing a Nexus shirt....maybe that's just because of Darren Young..but I could see it.

Now as for the GM.It would be awesome if it was Abraham Washington.I tuned in to ECW every week just to see the Abraham Washington show.He's already interacted with some of the stars on Raw like Sheamus,Morrison,Zack Ryder and Chris Jericho who declined being on his show..which could be a reason why he doesn't like him and he doesn't like Bret Hart because he took his position when he was being considered for Raw GM the last time.Abe seems like a logical choice because he was already GM over FCW and he's been the gm over all the Nexus members.Anyways I hope it's Washington...that should eliminate the whole guest host thing.
WWE Championship: Its written for Orton all over. WWE dont want to throw away the momentum they built for Orton. 2 week champion will tarnish his reputation and Sheamus didnt look great as Champion. :disappointed: I wish Miz dont cash for 2-3 PPV's :banghead: I dont go with short title reigns

WWE Heavyweight Championship: This is the only title I can foresee changing hands. Paul Bearer giving Undertaker the power thru Urn :lol::lmao: Kiddish but it will work out. Kane will get a rematch and lose again. I am afraid where he will be after this feud :confused:

US Belt: Its for Bryan.. If Miz wins, Bryan will go for a rematch and the story goes further like a bubblegum. :disappointed: Morrison winning it will be a joke. He is more of a jobber just to elevate the level of the match with some flying maneuvers. Has Morrison got a submission move? WWE still booking him badly

Tag Team Championship: One title that WWE is not using properly. Hart Dynasty was made to look a bad team because they were booked bad. Both Cody Rhodes and Drew need to concentrate on their Singles career. May be this is an acid test for them to check whether they are ready for main level status :blush: Dudebusters, gatecrashers are awesome in ring. Let CR-DM drop the title to any of them at Bragging Rights. I dont see Hart Dynasty winning it back at HIAC.

Intercontinental Belt: Dolph is looking good. Vickie-Nxt girl rivalry can have an effect in his match. MVP is a bad choice. I wish Jack Swagger get a chance. He is wasted without any major feud. Sleeper vs Angle lock but I dunno how fans will react for two heels going one on one.

And Jericho-Edge, its not gonna happen. Jericho is gonna come at Rumble and win it. Jericho has not won it and he will challenge the WWE Champion at WrestleMania.
This PPV is hard for me to call. I just can't decide whether it is something to look forward to, or to consider it, "Just another shit PPV with shit booking"...

One of the issues that I have with Hell in a Cell is the build-up. Night of Champions barely ended not too long ago, yet after a mere two weeks, WWE decides to make another PPV?---how ridiculous. WWE has done this before; you would think they would have learned their lesson by now considering the profit coming out of last year's PPVs being extremely low compared to previous years. Its common sense really, in order for a PPV to have profit, it has to have a decent amount of build-up and a decent amount of hype for its matches. The problem is that when Pay-per-views are so 'stacked' together like that (only 2-3 weeks gap between PPV's), they end up having shit booking, shit hype, and shit build-up for its matches and the PPV itself. Which ultimately, hurts its profit.

Randy Orton (c) VS Sheamus:
The words been there, done that come to mind. This match just looks really awful and dull. Not only did it have a horrible build for HIAC, this match has been seen before and to a very boring extent. It is fairly obvious who is going to win---Orton. Orton just recently beat Sheamus (along with 4 others) to obtain the championship, he wouldn't just loose it after only 2 weeks have gone by.

Kane VS Undertaker:
The re-introduction of Paul Bearer is truly something to look forward to. Kane vs Undertaker had gotten stale for me as the feud progressed, but when I saw Paul Bearer emerge from the coffin last week, I just completely marked out; I would never have guessed he come back. Unfortunately, this leads me to believe our beloved Undertaker will [obviously] emerge victorious in the match.

Wade vs. Cena:
I have been waiting a long time for this to happen. My views on this feud are rather long so I'll keep them short. On paper, the match is to be desired. However, the fact that it had a farely shit build up really kills any enthusiasm I had for the match. It was hyped rather poorly. Considering the fact that this could be the end of NEXUS and how horribly its been prepared really makes you think "Wow. What a shitty ending for the best thing WWE has had going in a while"...hopefully SD! this friday will beg to differ, though I doubt it will...

Miz vs. Bryan (c) vs. Morrison
Another obvious result. Bryan is going to win without a doubt. He just barely became champion less than 2 weeks ago. Why would he loose it so fast?---It would pretty much just take away all the credibility he established upon himself in winning the title in the first place. Also, the fact that this is a submission really adds to the possibility of Daniel winning.

So what do we have....only four matches...two matches that look very predictable...one match that just screams BORING...and a match that could have had great potential but doesn't because of how poorly its been built-up and hyped. How fascinating. Somehow, I get the feeling we're going to have Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Kofi Kingston, Drew McIntyre & Cody Rhodes (c) vs. The Hart Dynasty, Lay-Cool (c) vs. Natalya added into the PPV as last minute booking...

The matches themselves aren't the problem, however. It's how they are built and hyped that ruins everything. On paper, most of these matches look really good. But the shit build-up/hype and the more than obvious predictability they have obtained really damage the over-all enthusiasm for watching them. Henceforth, my negativity.

WWE needs to reconsider its stories along with what kind of build up they have for them toward a PPV because, quite frankly, the way things stand now, Hell in a Cell won't have a decent enough profit...
My predictions, rants and ramblings:

Natalya v Michelle McCool (Unified Divas Title)
I really want Natalya to win this. REALLY REALLY REALLY want her to win this. But I think its going to go to Michelle via the usual Laycool numbers-game shenanigans. I think they're simply setting up for Beth Phoenix to return and feud with McCool. Personally I think a Beth/Nattie feud would be more interesting to watch (they have similar builds and could put on better matches in my opinion). But that would involve turning one of them heel, and I don't know if they're prepared to do that. Prediction: McCool

Daniel Bryan vs John Morrison vs The Miz (US Title, Submissions Count Anywhere)
WHY IS MORRISON IN THIS MATCH? Unless they are setting up to turn Morrison heel again and realign him with Miz (which might not be a bad idea), it makes no sense.
I dont see either Miz or Morrison pulling this off. Miz doesnt need it. Morrison hasnt done anything to merit it, and just slapping a title on someone will NOT get them over (coughcoughJACKSWAGGERcough). Bryan will take this one clean. Prediction: Bryan

John Cena vs Barrett (End of Nexus or Cena Joins Nexus)
Well, they did it again: WWE took one of the better angles they have had in the past few years and killed it dead. Having Nexus lose at Summerslam destroyed any momentum the Nexus angle had. These guys are supposed to be MONSTERS, the most terrifying force in wrestling since the NWO, and they get beat clean by Super Cena and the Superfriends?
You wanna know why no one is buying Nexus shirts? Because PEOPLE DON'T BUY SHIRTS FROM HEELS THAT SUCK! They buy them from heels that kiick ass! (Which is why CM Punk and Miz merch sells well at every event I have been to).
Ok, rant over...
At this point, the ONLY thing that will save this angle is if Barrett wins, and wins clean. But that would involve an angle where Cena is forced into servitude, then maybe Survivor Series is WWE vs Nexus with the goal being to liberate Cena. The effort fails. Finally Cena wins his freedom at Wrestlemania. Just one problem: this angle would involve EFFORT! So it won't happen. Cena wins clean, Nexus fin. Look for Barrett to break out as a singles star, Slater and Gabriel to form a tag team and eventually turn face, Otunga to chill in the mid card, and the others to get future endeavored. Prediction: Cena

Undertaker vs Kane (Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship)
I think a lot of people are expecting Taker to take this. But I'm gonna think outside the box a bit and go with Kane. This may be a stretch, but I think bringing Bearer back is a ruse and he is going to turn on Taker once again and align with Kane. Here's how I would book it: Taker dominates most of the match, then Kane mounts a comeback. Eventually Kane has Taker down, but then Taker does his Michael Myers thing and starts to come back. He locks eyes with Bearer...who proceeds to SMASH the urn on the ground. Taker is devastated and distracted long enough for Kane to mount his own comeback and finish him off. My thought is that the urn contains the ashes of Taker's mother, and that there's no supernatural power involved, simply Taker's love for the family he lost that inspires him to carry on (I know, this sounds corny, bear with me). Expect this feud to continue to Survivor Series, possibly with a Last Man Standing match that Kane wins, putting Taker out til Royal Rumble, when he returns. The feud culminates with Taker's final WM against Kane, which he wins clean. Prediction: Kane

Randy Orton vs Sheamus (Hell In A Cell for the WWE Title)
This is probably the match I am least excited for, not because these guys aren't good workers (they are), but its probably the most predictable match on the card. Orton is gonna win and win clean. At this point he is poised to surpass Cena as their top face and I dont see them sacrificing that. What would be great is if post HIAC they can begin laying the groundwork for a Cena/Orton feud culminating at Wrestlemania. This will give you a) a marquee match for the event and b) help accomplish a Cena heel turn effectively without it being forced. Simply put, LET THE FANS DECIDE WHO THEY WANT TO CHEER. Either you'll end up with Cena as a monster heel (which will sell tickets) or you will end up with Orton as a monster heel once again (which will sell tickets). Either way, the company wins and the fans win. Prediction: Orton
WWE Hell in a Cell - October 3, 2010

Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz vs. John Morrison -This was a great opening match for HIAC and provided a strong performance by all three wrestlers. As expected, the wrestlers fought all over and it followed the same formula as the Morrison/Sheamus FCA match. They had an actual wrestling match outside rather than the typical outside brawl formula of punch+kick+toss a guy into something then repeat. All three wrestlers impressively used submissions as well. Morrison hit a cool high spot like what he hit with Sheamus. It did look really choreographed, but there’s not really much of a way around that when it comes to a spot like that. Bryan ultimately locks The Miz in the LaBell Lock and gets the win around the 14 minute mark. Great opening match and memorable first title defense for Daniel Bryan. Thumbs Up

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus - I thought this was a damn good match, easily the best they’ve looked in the ring against each other. The Cell didn’t really come into play much when it comes to spots and, of course, there’s no blood. It was kind of cool seeing them all enclosed and all, but the Cell in and of itself doesn’t really inspire the awe it used to. That didn’t stop this from being a strong title match, however. Orton & Sheamus wrestled a very good back and forth match with both guys giving as good as they got. There were some fun near falls on both parts and both sold the frustration of not being able to put the other away quite well. Orton manages to hit a quick RKO out of nowhere on Sheamus about the 23 minute mark for the win. Strong match for Sheamus and Orton. There’s been some talk of Orton’s title win contributing to Raw’s lagging numbers over the past few weeks, but I’m glad the WWE just didn’t turn around and simply slap the title back on Sheamus. Thumbs Up

Alberto Del Rio - Del Rio made a surprise appearance on the show tonight and did his thing. I like this guy, his promos are classic heel but I would have preferred to see him wrestle Rey Mysterio. Edge came out to continue his crusade against all things stupid and all and Swagger came down while Edge was beating on Del Rio. The Raw GM chiming in as Del Rio and Swagger were beating on Edge was kind of expected. Edge having to apologize on Raw tomorrow night could be interesting and I have a feeling that his actions will ultimately lead him to head to SmackDown!. The GM makes a match for Edge & Swagger next. I liked this mostly cuz of Del Rio. It didn’t really add anything to the show but it didn’t take anything away from the show either, and the two matches that’ve taken place were both damn good so this was pretty good filler. Thumbs Up

Edge vs. Jack Swagger - The live crowd wasn’t really into this match, but it was a pretty good match just the same. Swagger and Edge don’t have an established beef and this is a “surprise match” that was just added to the card with little to no build up. Still, it was a good back and forth effort on the part of Edge & Swagger with Edge ultimately getting the win at the 11.5 minute mark. Generally speaking, this match was little more than filler, but I’ve got no problem at all with good quality filler. Thumbs Up

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett - HIAC has been on a roll tonight. This was an excellent match between Cena & Barrett that told a very good story. Both of them looked very strong throughout the match, Barrett has never looked stronger in all the time we’ve seen him thus far. The Nexus members coming out and surrounding the ring only to be beaten up and ran off by WWE guys was a great touch and it just got the crowd popping. Strong back and forth action from Barrett and Cena with both of them hitting their finishers for great near falls. I marked out a little when Barrett kicked out of the Attitude Adjustment. Cena. Michael McGuillicutty’s involvement with distracting Cena & the ref eas unexpected. The other “fan” that entered the ring hits Cena with a pipe and Barrett gets the win about the 18 minute mark. Was the other fan Husky Harris? I didn’t get that good of a look as I spilled water and look like I pissed all over myself. Cena sold his reaction to losing very well and the look of shocked faces on the crowd was sweet. So Cena now joins The Nexus. If the WWE does this right, it could be epic. Thumbs Up

Michelle McCool vs. Natalya - I don’t think this was too bad, but the focus of the match was on Layla and her goofyness rather than on the women actually doing the wrestling. There’s not really all that much to say about the match. Natalya wins via DQ and I’d like to see these two women have an actual match sometime as they’re two legitimately good wrestlers inside the ring. Thumbs Down

Kane vs. The Undertaker -Generally speaking, I thought this was a pretty good match. It wasn’t a fantastic match as I don’t know if Kane and Taker can have a “fantastic” match or not. It was similar to their match at Night of Champions overall. There was some good back and forth action. Paul Bearer turning on The Undertaker was a bit of a surprise, though not totally unexpected. I think it makes a lot of sense. After all, last time Paul Bearer was around, Taker buried him alive in cement and Kane is Bearer’s son. There was definitely some old school Undertaker & Kane moments during the last several minutes of the match. I was surprised to see Kane score the win here to be quite honest. I’m glad that Kane’s title reign didn’t end tonight and I’d like to see this feud go on. I don’t know if the WWE can keep this thing going all the way up until WrestleMania but, if they can, it’d be a great send off if the WWE can make it look as though The Streak is coming to an end. Overall, I thought it was a fun match. I don’t think it was an all time classic, but it was a match that I enjoyed and I admit that I got a little nostalgic during it. Thumbs Up

Overall Show - I can’t guarantee that the HIAC 2010 ppv will draw a strong buyrate, but I thought it was a helluva show and maybe the strongest overall ppv I’ve seen this year. The only bad match on the card was a Divas bout and even it wasn’t outright horrible. It definitely wasn’t what I was hoping for but it could have been worse. A lot of the matches involved a lot of physicality and everyone came off looking strong even if they got their asses kicked in the match. Daniel Bryan’s first defense was a success and he looks like a strong champion, Orton & Sheamus had a great physical and intense match, John Cena & Wade Barrett put on a great match with a few little surprises and twists with Cena losing and Kane & Taker closed out the show with a pretty good match that had an old school Taker/Kane feel about it. Edge vs. Jack Swagger was pretty much filler, but it was still a pretty good match all the same. I think the WWE should scrap the whole HIAC concept as the no blood policy makes the cages little more than window dressing. However, that still didn’t stop it from being a very fun show in my opinion. A
Worst HIAC PPV ever IMO

There is no point in calling a regular cage match a HIAC when we all know what HIAC is supposed to be. If nobody takes a bump off the top of a cage or through a cage or needs a transfusion after the match then it's not a HIAC it's a run of the mill cage match.
yeah im not real sure what jack hammer was watching but it was awful.. first match was good but other than that the matches sucked! cena learned a new move but the ending was dumb.. glad he lost but wow.. whats the point of having the cell in these matches? never saw it used.. horrible!
I was wanting to watch HIAC tonight but the Stream I tried watching it on would not work at all so that pissed me off. Sounded like a Good PPV,John Cena losing and now having to Join the Nexus will be interesting. Paul Bearer turning on Undertaker I did not see coming so soon if it all,should be interesting to see how they will keep it going into WM 27 if that is the plan. Glad Randy Orton Retained and Daniel Bryan as well,I for one am liking Edge's wanting to rid the stupid stuff deal as well.
yeah im not real sure what jack hammer was watching but it was awful.. first match was good but other than that the matches sucked! cena learned a new move but the ending was dumb.. glad he lost but wow.. whats the point of having the cell in these matches? never saw it used.. horrible!

I was watching a great ppv. As for the HIAC itself, I agree that they don't really need them. It didn't stop it from being a great show. Everyone knew that the HIAC matches weren't going to have blood in them, so I can't see why anyone would rag about it. There's been no change to the no blood policy so anyone tuning in wanting to and/or expecting to see blood really needs to be laughed at. That being said, I do think that it could have made them better as a little blood can add a little bit of spice to a match like this but it's not something that can make or break a match.
Worst HIAC PPV ever IMO

There is no point in calling a regular cage match a HIAC when we all know what HIAC is supposed to be. If nobody takes a bump off the top of a cage or through a cage or needs a transfusion after the match then it's not a HIAC it's a run of the mill cage match.

Who deemed that the cell is supposed to be about taking a bump off the cage or through it? That is exactly the problem the first two HIAC's created and you and most of the fans have fallen into the trap. The first two were so great that no other one after it can possibly top it. The PPV was fine. Cena joins Nexus, Orton and Sheamus had a solid match, and there's a whole another layer to the Kane/Taker feud.

If you're going to use the "worst" moniker, at least apply it to something good since this is only the second HIAC PPV. Last year's was much worse.
Del Rio is awesome, and Edge/Swagger was decent filler.

U.S. Title match was GREAT. Kicked the show off to a perfect start. For me it was *** 3/4 maybe even higher. I loved every second of it.

Sheamus and Orton was decent kind of boring but got better in the end

Nattie Vs McCool was good women's match ** 1/2

Barrett and Cena was ***3/4 for me also. Solid back and forth action, lots of close calls, and told a GREAT STORY. That's what wrestling is about, and did you see the facial expressions in the crowd? Quality stuff right there, I must say. Gives us something to seriously look forward to tomorrow night as well.

Kane and Taker pretty much exceeded my expectations with a *** 1/2. I enjoyed the match. The ending was a little weird the flashlight thing but it was still a good match

Overall B-
yeah im not real sure what jack hammer was watching but it was awful.. first match was good but other than that the matches sucked! cena learned a new move but the ending was dumb.. glad he lost but wow.. whats the point of having the cell in these matches? never saw it used.. horrible!

With all due respect, you're out of your mind. If you didn't enjoy this PPV, there's absolutely no pleasing you and you may as well stop watching WWE altogether.

The first match wasn't good, it was excellent. DBD retains his title and looks awesome in the process, while still keeping both of his opponents looking strong as well. Sheamus/Orton was a strong match despite somewhat of a slow start. We got a bonus match of a high quality which furthered the inevitable Edge face turn. An appearance by Del Rio to further his development. An unexpected Cena loss to force him to join the Nexus, which opens up all kinds of possibilities for the future. Two new members of the Nexus. A passable albeit lacklustre divas match. And a classic Kane/Undertaker encounter complete with Paul Bearer swerve.

Not really sure what you were expecting that didn't happen. What exactly would you have wanted to see happen to make this PPV live up to your apparent unrealistically high expectations?
I really thought going into the PPV, Cena vs Barrett would be the main event. The match had the most hype and was the focus of Smackdown. Now, I think it SHOULD have been the main event.

I consider myself a casual viewer because I really don't get all bitchy about wins or loses, but rather if I enjoyed the match. This match everything you want in a pro wrestling match: A story behind it, chemistry between the competitors, the moves actually meaning something, the competitors actually selling the story.. But most of all, the fans ate it up like dinner. Barrett was confident, but in the match showed that he was really worried that Nexus would be done. When those clowns came to the ring, Barrett threaten the other members. What a great character player he is. When Barrett won, that crowd was in complete and utter shock. Barrett didn't need to win the match. I thought the two guys running in wasn't necessary. But I am anxious to see what happens next.

The last time I enjoyed a match this much was AJ vs Abyss as Lockdown 2005.

As far the other matches:

I did not care about the three way submission mess. There were times in the match I really felt like Daniel and the Miz really just wanted to literally remove Morrison from the match. I really wish people would give off that rhinestone encrusted tool's sack and realize that he already hit his ceiling. Especially since you got people like Wade and Sheamus completely surpassing him in every aspect in just a few months compared to Morrison's YEARS on the roster.

I was bitching about Orton the LD thread. Sheamus was bringing the heat, intensity and the action in their match. What did Orton do? Well, it looked like he just didn't care if that is indication of how he did in the match.

Swaggie vs Edge.. Next. That crowd was completely dead for the flat match. It was the typical Edge match.

It is a shame that Layla has so much personality and fire because Michelle NEEDS to be the center of attention. Michelle doesn't know the meaning of charisma, and being with Layla just proves it.

Taker vs Kane was a goofy match to me. It was longer than what I was expecting. I thought it was only going 10 minutes because of Taker's physical status. The ending.. Oh gawd.
I guess i better explain myself.. maybe im just too old school and cant accept the crap they bring now.

first match was good.. not great.. some nice moves but nothing that had me floored.. probably the match of the night though so 3.5/5

2nd match.. basic raw match in a cell.. yeah it had a few perks but really.. sheamus is so watered down now he needs to go do something else.. 2.5/5

3rd match .. very pointless.. not even a good match.. ppv filler time.. i mean heck id rather see another edge vs christian match then that junk.. swagger is allready old and boring. 1.5/5

4th match was surprisingly good i guess.. for who was in it.. cena still boring but barrett helped him.. im glad cena lost, but the way was kinda dumb.. i realize he cant put anyone over but lets get a little more creative than that! what was the point in sending the raw guys down? if nexus interferred he would have lost anyway.. pretty dumb but should make for a decent storyline i hope.. 3/5

5th match.. yeah .5/5

6th match.. boring.. seen it all before.. i understand i cant have blood.. ok.. thats fine.. so lets see something besides a typical match.. lets see athleticism or something shocking.. bearer turning for the 100 time isnt shocking.... 2/5

overall.. not shocking.. some good matches but nothing too ppv worthy.. i wanna see something new.. but like i said, im old school, when ppvs were awesome. 10.5/30
I guess i better explain myself.. maybe im just too old school and cant accept the crap they bring now.

first match was good.. not great.. some nice moves but nothing that had me floored.. probably the match of the night though so 3.5/5

2nd match.. basic raw match in a cell.. yeah it had a few perks but really.. sheamus is so watered down now he needs to go do something else.. 2.5/5

3rd match .. very pointless.. not even a good match.. ppv filler time.. i mean heck id rather see another edge vs christian match then that junk.. swagger is allready old and boring. 1.5/5

4th match was surprisingly good i guess.. for who was in it.. cena still boring but barrett helped him.. im glad cena lost, but the way was kinda gay.. i realize he cant put anyone over but lets get a little more creative than that! what was the point in sending the raw guys down? if nexus interferred he would have lost anyway.. pretty dumb but should make for a decent storyline i hope.. 3/5

5th match.. yeah .5/5

6th match.. boring.. seen it all before.. i understand i cant have blood.. ok.. thats fine.. so lets see something besides a typical match.. lets see athleticism or something shocking.. bearer turning for the 100 time isnt shocking.... 2/5

overall.. not shocking.. some good matches but nothing too ppv worthy.. i wanna see something new.. but like i said, im old school, when ppvs were awesome. 10.5/30

1. Of course the Edge/Swagger match was filler. Matches like these have been occuring at the past few PPV's. Nothing wrong whatsoever. It got two stars on the card.

2. Cena not putting anybody over? Priceless.

3. What was your criticism of the Kane/Taker match? Those two haven't put on great matches since 1998 but this one was good and I liked the Bearer turn. If you're expecting something athletic, go watch Shelton Benjamin. It's laughable that you were expecting something athletic out of Kane and Undertaker.
first match was good.. not great.. some nice moves but nothing that had me floored.. probably the match of the night though so 3.5/5
Not going to argue with this; this is pure opinion.

2nd match.. basic raw match in a cell.. yeah it had a few perks but really.. sheamus is so watered down now he needs to go do something else.. 2.5/5
"Watered down"? Really? What is that even supposed to mean? Sheamus acts the same way he always has during his time in the WWE. Also, Sheamus was the one putting all the work into that second match. Orton was sandbagging it and phoning it in the whole way through. Just unprofessional.

3rd match .. very pointless.. not even a good match.. ppv filler time.. i mean heck id rather see another edge vs christian match then that junk.. swagger is allready old and boring. 1.5/5

It was filler, but it was entertaining filler that furthered Edge's possible face turn. It was a good match and they're building Swagger up. How can he be "old" when he hasn't even hit his stride yet? You seem to be one of those "Instant Gratification" types.

4th match was surprisingly good i guess.. for who was in it..

You mean one of the best wrestlers in the business today and a very good rookie, both of whom work well together?

cena still boring but barrett helped him..

:lmao: Quite the opposite. Cena is fantastic, Barrett is merely good. Deserving of his position, but to say Barrett was carrying Cena is just laughable.

im glad cena lost, but the way was kinda gay..

No, it only would have been that if the people that interfered had started anally violating Cena in the middle of the ring.

i realize he cant put anyone over but lets get a little more creative than that! what was the point in sending the raw guys down? if nexus interferred he would have lost anyway.. pretty dumb but should make for a decent storyline i hope.. 3/5


If Nexus had interfered, they would have been forced to disband. Were you not paying attention? Barrett kayfabe has no business beating with Cena yet, Nexus couldn't interfere...what else were they supposed to do other than have someone who wasn't Nexus interfere?

5th match.. yeah .5/5
Oh, you mean an entertaining divas match featuring the three best women in the division right now? Yeah. This post gets a .5/5.

6th match.. boring.. seen it all before.. i understand i cant have blood.. ok.. thats fine..

Kane was bleeding from the mouth and head. You lose.

so lets see something besides a typical match.. lets see athleticism or something shocking..

Kane kicking out of the Last Ride and actually winning, when everyone thought he was done for? That's not shocking to you?

bearer turning for the 100 time isnt shocking.... 2/5
That doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. Shockers are not always good. Sometimes it's nice to have a little, oh, I don't know, LOGIC in pro wrestling!

overall.. not shocking.. some good matches but nothing too ppv worthy.. i wanna see something new.. but like i said, im old school, when ppvs were awesome. 10.5/30

This PPV was awesome. Try thinking less hard about things and just sitting back and enjoying the show.
doctor, that was my point. about the nexus interferring.. so why even bring em down.. made no sense.. and why bring down the raw locker room knowing nexus couldnt do anything anyway?
Why bring Nexus down? Well, it is possible that they didn't have faith in Wade considering he hasn't really gotten the best of Cena without their help? If you actually watch the shows leading up to the PPV, the whole match made perfect sense.
I thought the show tonight was great. WWE's writers are making themselves look good with the match results from tonight.

DB winning over the Miz again solidifies him as a strong champion. This should end the rivalry between Bryan and the Miz so the Miz will be free to go to the main event. Morrison was filler in this match and there for the big spot.

Surprised this match was so early on the card. Frees Orton to move on and hopefully fued with Nexus.

Speaking of the Nexus, I thought there was no way Cena won this match. Cena winning would end the biggest storyline WWE has had in quite some time. They would then have to find something else for all of these guys to do.

Like I said earlier I'd love for the events from these matches to lead to Orton feuding with the Nexus. Cena could heel turn to lead Barrett to the title or Cena win the title and try to overthrow Wade as the group's leader. Either way I think one of the two should face Orton at Bragging Rights while the other leads team Raw.

Edge/Swagger was filler, but a decent match. I think this was supposed to be Christian/Del Rio but Christian got hurt. Swagger was good to throw into the match as you wouldn't want Del Rio going over Edge at this time or Edge beating Del Rio either, too soon on both counts.

Divas match wasn't horrible. That's the nicest thing I've had to say about that division in a long time. Did look like they botched the ending dq a bit though.

Kane/UT was a much better match than I thought it would be. Did think Kane would win as him losing would bury his character. Also, Paul Bearer getting buried in cement by the Undertaker a few years back left me wondering why Bearer would help Taker. Glad Bearer turned that makes a lot more sense than him staying with Taker.

Overall very good show with logical conclusions and some very good wrestling.
I watched the PPV tonight. Mostly cause I had nothing better to do and also because I didn't have to pay for it. I did not enjoy it that much but to be fair I have not watched any WWE programing in at least a month so I am not familiar with the storylines.

I loved the first match. It was great, the crowd seemed really hot too. JoMo impressed me, and every time I see him wrestle I feel like an idiot for having disliked him at one point in time.

The Orton/Sheamus match was OK. But nothing I would remember. And why did they insist on making us watch Orton stand there with his title for 15 minutes at the end? To kill time? I did laugh though when Orton climbed the cage with the title belt on backwards.

I didn't really pay attention to the Cena match because I was eating a sandwhich. Yeah. What I did see of it wasn't bad or anything though.

The Alberto Del Rio segment = waste of time. I have never seen this guy before (I haven't watched a full episode of smackdown in two years) so maybe that's why I wasn't impressed. It seemed like they were just killing time again. The Edge/Swagger match went on too long IMO and it just sucked the life out of the crowd. To be fair it did come right after Cena losing his match though, which must have tired out the crowd. I still found this entire portion of the show boring and seemed like it should have been on SmackDown insead of a PPV

I didn't watch the divas match.

The main event was good until the finish. It looked ridiculous. I liked the match though, and I'm glad Kane kept the title.

So the only parts I really enjoyed were the first match and the last match (until the ending). It didn't entertain me enough to convince me to start watching RAW again but it was a nice way to waste some time at my friend's house.
Like alot of people on here sid. If this ppv didnt entertain you then your setting the bar way to high and you really need to stop watching wrestling cause there is no pleasing you guys.I saw some "Smarty" say that because some didnt pull a "mick foley" off the top of the cell it wasnt good cell match.okay do you live under a rock? WWE as been PG for like what two years now..whens the last time you remember them doing that with the cell?? and that doesnt make a good cell match.two bumps do not make a cell match perfect.i saw the ppv and was pleasntly entertained.i love the twists and turns.from Morrison jump off the tron to Miz tapping to the labelle on the ramo.loved it. to Cena losing a match (btw Cena loses a big high profile match and ou guys still cant give him credit typical) and having to join Nexus. Orton Sheamus was awesome and unless your HElen KEller you must not have seenthe crowd going apeshit the whole night.for it being the pg era WWE has put on two back to back ppvs that have delivered imo..i give both a B plus but it def wasnt a fail IMO

BTW this is for all you dummys complaining about WWE dong back to back ppvs in two weeks..ummmm remember In your house..they were two weeks before a big ppv werent they? uh huh seriously some of you guys need to chill theres no pleasing you and unless theres blood people falling off the cage and "blood transfusions" like some smart person said earlier then youll never be happy.i said it once ill say it agin if you dont like it..change the channel no one forced you to watch

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