WWE Clash of Champions 2016 LD


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Too early to start? I thought I'd whip up a preview while we're all waiting.


Alicia Fox vs Nia Jax

Seems like nothing on paper - maybe there's something special planned? Nia will obviously crush Alicia, but maybe something interesting will be done with Nia afterward - perhaps Paige will return to involve herself?


Cesaro vs Sheamus - Match Seven in the Best of Seven Series

The winner gets an unspecified "guaranteed title opportunity". Cesaro/Owens or Cesaro/Rollins makes a lot more sense than Sheamus in that spot, but Sheamus could theoretically challenge for the US title if Reigns wins, or find a partner to challenge for the tag titles if New Day retains. The odds still seem to favor Cesaro.


Sami Zayn vs Chris Jericho

Great matchup on paper, but one that seems prime to have a rematch down the road. The next Raw PPV is Hell in a Cell and it's possible they could spin this rivalry into a match inside the Cell. I see Jericho cheating to win here and this one going on for a while.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship - TJ Perkins (c) vs Brian Kendrick

Our first look at TJP on the main roster, and it's difficult to imagine him losing. High potential for an excellent match here.


WWE Raw Tag Team Championship - The New Day (c) vs Gallows and Anderson

Gallows and Anderson MUST come away with a win to be looked at as any kind of serious threat. Hard to imagine them losing yet another big match.


WWE Raw Women's Championship - Charlotte (c) vs Bayley vs Sasha Banks

Potential for another amazing match here, and a wildly unpredictable result. It seems too early to crown Bayley; Charlotte is still a bit stale as the champion; Banks has already had her crowning moment and then the course was reversed. I'm putting my money on Sasha here but this is maybe the most unpredictable match on the card.


WWE United States Championship - Rusev (c) vs Roman Reigns

I think the WWE is still invested in the Reigns project and will want to rebuild him with a secondary title. I think he's coming away with the win here.


WWE Universal Championship - Kevin Owens(c) vs Seth Rollins

High hopes for an excellent match here between two of the best workers in the world. I can't imagine the WWE reversing course on Owens this quickly; I think we might also see another bout of Triple H interference. Hard to imagine Owens not walking away with the win.
Darn, WWE could have trolled fans big time by saving Cesaro v Sheamus VII for Wrestlemania 33.

I look forward to KO summoning Triple H like a Marvel vs Capcom assist to help pick up the win again.
Nice preview Harth.

Funny enough, the guys in Vegas, last I heard, had Sheamus as a comfortable favorite over Cesaro.

My man crush on Kofi and The New Day aside, I don't wanna see Gallows and Anderson win. They have done nothing for me since joining the WWE ranks. Part of me thinks they are going to have TND break Punk's 434 day reign as champion just to stick it to Punk a little more.
Just like the SD PPV this is a glorified episode of RAW. However I do hope that the WWE doesn't make it as predictable as they usually do.

Would love to see Rusev retain, he needs to be the unstoppable beast, that's the only gimmick he has. Don't know where Zayn and Jericho will end up, but should be entertaining as Jericho is gold these days. More than anyone Gallows and Anderson need this win. Figure it with either be Sasha or Bailey to take the title from Charlotte, even though Charlotte has come into her own lately.

Don't care about Fox and Jax at all. And thank the lord that Sheamus and Cesaro will end it tonight, have they said which title the winner will get a shot at yet? Looking forward to Owens and Rollins the most. Will hold my opinion on the cruiserweights until after the match.
Nice preview Harth.

Funny enough, the guys in Vegas, last I heard, had Sheamus as a comfortable favorite over Cesaro.

My man crush on Kofi and The New Day aside, I don't wanna see Gallows and Anderson win. They have done nothing for me since joining the WWE ranks. Part of me thinks they are going to have TND break Punk's 434 day reign as champion just to stick it to Punk a little more.

A Sheamus win would make me think Reigns will beat Rusev, wrap up that feud, and that Reigns/Sheamus will move on to feud the rest of the year. Cesaro could sustain the loss and use it as fuel to become a dark horse for the Rumble, perhaps.
I'm excited for all the matches except Sheamus vs Cesaro 220.

I just can't get invested in a match I've seen a dozen times between 2 men that absolutely suck when they're put together.
I'm excited for all the matches except Sheamus vs Cesaro 220.

I just can't get invested in a match I've seen a dozen times between 2 men that absolutely suck when they're put together.

Have we watched the same series? I've found them delightful. They stole the show together at the house show I was at last night.
I am just interested in Zayn vs. Jericho really. The other matches had weak and quite frankly uninteresting buildups.

Giving the win to Sheamus would be a mistake and have a dusty finish for the US Title, as been rumoured, would kill any momentum both guys could have. Just give Reigns the Title and let him roll with it. Also, Triple H needs to make an appearence as I feel extending the feud to WrestleMania is a big mistake.

HHH vs. Seth Rollins ar Hell In A Cell or Survivor Series should be the road to go.
Have we watched the same series?/ I've found them delightful. They stole the show together at the house show I was at last night.
To each their own. I enjoyed it to the first few times we saw them wrestle each other but after months of them facing each other exclusively it just lost its luster for me.
Very solid card. I want Sasha to win tonight and who knows, maybe we'll head into match #3 for Sasha vs Charlotte, Hell In A Cell.

New Day should retain IMO. Gallows and Anderson are not the red hot heels they should be, but they will most likely win.

Zayn vs Jericho will be great. I really don't mind whoever wins this.

Rusev will probably go down to Reigns. New US Champ.

Cesaro should beat Sheamus and go on to feud with Owens next. Cesaro deserves a small stint at the main event. Let's see what he can do.

Owens of course, will retain.
Sheamus is coming off like there will be a face turn in the future. He isn't heeling it up nearly as well as he is capable of.

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