WWE Championship Match: The Game Triple H vs. The Legend Killer Randy Orton


WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

I thought I put this thread up in terms of the situations we've seen prior to this Wrestlemania build up between the Legend Killer and the Cerebral Assassin.

Currently in World Title matches, Orton has won two over Trips, one being a Triple Threat match, the other a Last Man Standing, he's never beaten Triple H in a true one-on-one match to win the title, much even retain, but otherwise Triple H has dominanted over Orton in at least 5 matches. We've never had a true one-on-one match with Orton and Triple H (the only two was Unforgiven 2004 and No Mercy 2007 and we saw how they went!), Wrestlemania 25 can be the time for it.

Now going into Royal Rumble 2009, when Randy eliminated Trips to win the Rumble, I felt the day he was over Triple H had finally come, he can go on to Wrestlemania and reach the top, his time has finally come to be the true pinnacle of sports entertainment. Now Triple H is involved with the McMahon storyline, which has messed up Orton's momentum going into Houston, I really feel Triple H will finally let Orton cement himself as the present of the WWE. The only set back for Triple H is if he H loses, he will have lost 4 WM main events back to back.

Can you see it happening? Can it be the time where Orton finally gets over Triple H, or is this another chance for Triple H to get over Orton?
Orton should win at Wrestlemania. If your ever gunna be truly reckonised as a current great in the WWE, you need to win a world title at Wrestlemania. Triple H has done it, Cena has done it, Batista has done it, Stone Cold has done it twice, Undertakers done it, Shawn has done it, the list goes on and on. For Orton to get into the list of true greats, he needs to win the title at Wrestlemania. And what better way to do it than by beating Triple H who is argueablly one of the best of all time.
orton is the one of the few people ever to retian a the title at wrestlemania and also only the 2nd or 3rd heel to win a main event at wrestlemania...think that shud already confrim him as a great.
Triple H would probably give his right leg away before that happened. You actually think the pilitical king backstage is going to loose to Orton after just capturing the World title February and after loosing for the last 5 wrestlemania's in a row? No way!!
Agreed that Orton should win at Mania. He's been the best heel on the show for far too long to not let him have the title again. It's always more fun having the face go after a title than a heel, so why should this be an exception to the rule? Legacy getting their hands on the gold would be a great move for them as that's been their goal the entire time. What does that make them do next? Who challenges Orton after that? Do more members come in? See all the questions that come from Orton winning? He certainly should win as it easily opens more doors for Raw.
Oh noes, Triple H. is the top guy in the business, he'd never let someone else go over him on a Grand-Stage like WrestleMania. His dick is perminately attached to Stephanie's crotch. He's the ruler of the free world. {/end smirk reply}

In truth, it could seriously go either way, but if it's going to go the way I think it might, Randy Orton is going to be a puppet and a secondary tool anyways.

In my opinion, I think come WrestleMania, Vince McMahon will make his return, and side with Orton. He'll screw over Triple H., and thus turn (again) on his Family. This will bring forth the realm of possible Tag Team matches in which we'll get Vince & Orton against Triple H. and Shane.

But regardless, yes, Randy Orton should go over Triple H. However, the only way that'll likely happen without it hurting Triple H., would be for a McMahon Family member to screw him over. Stephanie would be a great option, but after Raw I doubt that'll happen. Vince is my prime choice, also because he's in line to be a Legacy type member.
Of course Orton will win. It will make Orton look terrible if he went through all that just to get pinned cleanly by HHH!

Orton has built up so much momentum between beating Batista at Survivor series, Winning the rumble, punting Vince, Beating and then punting Shane, and the gorgeous.
Sure, he'll probably get his ass handed to him constantly over the next 6 weeks. But surely, surely Trips isn't stupid enough to destroy all Orton's momentum by stopping from being the biggest guy in the business. Orton more than deserves it.
MannersF1 said:
Triple H has done it, Cena has done it, Batista has done it, Stone Cold has done it twice, Undertakers done it, Shawn has done it, the list goes on and on.

Austin and Taker share the record for most World title wins at Mania with 3 a piece dude.

ultimate123 said:
You actually think the pilitical king backstage is going to loose to Orton after just capturing the World title February and after loosing for the last 5 wrestlemania's in a row? No way!!

One more effortless title reign, bringing him one step closer to beating Flair's record, and then dropping it quickly in order to avoid being in another long drawn out fued with Orton over the title? Sounds like the sort of thing the 'pilitical king' would do to me.

Remember in 2001 when Rock won the title at NWO just to drop it to Austin the next month? It led into Austin's heel turn, but he didn't NEED to face Rock, he could've easily fought Angle (the previous champ), and had the same impact when he shook Vince's hand.

Of course, they ARE going to fued again, but it's more about Legacy and their attacks on the McMahons right now than it is about the WWE title.

I see this more than just being, Orton is finally going to beat HHH for the title. It's more like the student surpassing the teacher. HHH creates a faction to help him keep the title and gives them all the tricks of the trade they need to one day get to his level. Orton's faced the Game several times since that faction split, and never beaten him without outside factors coming into play. Now Orton's coming with his own faction, ripping a hole through the foundation of the WWE (much like HHH did when he married Steph), and there's the danger that not only will Orton beat HHH at WM and establish himself as being on the Game's level in the ring, but if Orton some how gets a McMahon on his side, he'll prove he's just as Cerebral as HHH as well.

When the ref's hand hits the mat for 3 on April 5th, with me in the 9th row begging Orton to punt HHH's head into the rafters, THAT will truly be the beginning of Randy Orton's Legacy, and the Age of Orton shall be back in full swing.

.... Thank God!

Outside of storylines however, obviously they think HHH v Orton and Edge v Cena will draw better than Orton v Cena and HHH v Edge. With the way they're developing the story, it probably will now too.
One more effortless title reign, bringing him one step closer to beating Flair's record, and then dropping it quickly in order to avoid being in another long drawn out fued with Orton over the title? Sounds like the sort of thing the 'pilitical king' would do to me.

..With trips as the champ this continues the orton mcmahon storyline, that is why they put the strap on him, this title reign isn't for HHH to be one step closer to ric flair its for orton to continue his destructive path in which he destroys every mcmahon and everyone who is associated with the mcmahons aka HHH..
..With trips as the champ this continues the orton mcmahon storyline, that is why they put the strap on him, this title reign isn't for HHH to be one step closer to ric flair its for orton to continue his destructive path in which he destroys every mcmahon and everyone who is associated with the mcmahons aka HHH
orton is the one of the few people ever to retian a the title at wrestlemania and also only the 2nd or 3rd heel to win a main event at wrestlemania...think that shud already confrim him as a great.

I agree but winning the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania is something you need to do to be classed in that league. Orton is great but he's not a great yet. Retaining the title is all good but winning the title at Wrestlemania is a whole new kettle of fish.
orton wins!!! if you guys havent noticed yet orton is a heel whos the face of the company! winning this year's rumble, last years mania victory isnt usually the type of things a heel gets. he also is consistently raws main event! he does more on raw than anyone well maybe except for jericho. but vince clearly recognises that Orton is his top gun and is the most taleneted guy in the company. the game will drop the belt to Orton no doubt! i hope its do to Stephanie turning on him, but as previously stated most likely vince. even though i think Orton is big enough to beat anybdy clean it won't happen that way. besides Hunter can get the belt as many times as he wants too! so why not let Orton get over?
Now i heard some people say that Trips would never let Orton get over at Wrestlemania. Now, Triple H has not won a single match at wrestle Mania since Wrestlemania 19.
20 lost to Benoit
21 lost to Batista
22 lost to Cena
23 injured
24 lost to Orton (w/Cena)
Now, out of all those matches, Batista's match helped him get over more than anything. It proved that he was on the same level as Trips.

Now back to Orton, he has never beaten Trips in a important singles match, and now is the greatest time to try it out. But Trips can't win, because it will make Randy look really bad and his bad ass routine would subsequently decrease. Randy has all to gain with another win over the Game at Mania.

The Game vs. HBK with Stone Cold as Ref, For Wrestlemania 26 lol
The final thing you should see at Wrestlemania is Orton holding the WWE Championship high above his head as loads of pyro goes off. It's one of those images where it states that 'you've made it'. To get to the point where you are considered important enough to win the main event at Wrestlemania (espescially the 25th Wrestlemania) is what every wrestler aims for.
..With trips as the champ this continues the orton mcmahon storyline, that is why they put the strap on him, this title reign isn't for HHH to be one step closer to ric flair its for orton to continue his destructive path in which he destroys every mcmahon and everyone who is associated with the mcmahons aka HHH.

They didn't HAVE to put the strap on him for that though did they? Orton could have easily RKO'd Steph at Mania or after and HHH and Orton could have fueded after the draft. Yet more hot potatoing of the WWE title wasn't needed at all. Why couldn't Taker have won the belt and dropped it on SD to someone else?

My point was that HHH doesn't need a legit reason to win the belt and drop it 7 weeks later.

Besides, before yesterday they've hidden the HHH/Steph marriage from the public eye. To suddenly re-introduce him as Steph's husband is typical of current WWE booking. "Fuck what we've done before now, this is what we're doing now." is WWE's current stance on writing.
That is pretty much the way the writers work. I mean HBK said to HHH at last years No Way Out that "the reason their friendship has lasted the test of time is because their always on the same page"...

you what? They had one of the greatest rivalrys of all time cause their characters hated each others guts and it even resulted in a Hell in a Cell match. And that wasen't even that long ago. How can their friendship last the test of time when like only 4 years ago their characters wanted to kill each other.
I would really like to believe that Randy Orton is going to win the title from Trips at Wrestlemania 25. If Trips wins then that will prove without a shadow of a doubt that it's all because of his political influence backstage. Then again, if he allows for Randy Orton to win at Wrestlemania 25, I think that shows that Trips is willing to do what's best for the company and pass the torch. Maybe then he'll get the credit he deserves.
trips will put orton over. if trips had won the last 6 wm to be champ, then i will hesitate a little. but there's no way orton is losing at wm25, the wwe has put in way too much work in building up orton. even vince took a nasty punt to put him over. and i think it's a good move by the wwe. i like this angle way better than trips vs edge. and trips needs the title now for orton to win from. the biggest feud now going into wm25 needs to have a title in the picture, regardless whether the mcmahons get involved.

and i like edge/cena as well. the biggest face against the biggest heel. wm25 is shaping up to be an awesome ppv. we get two one-on-one matches, which adds quality to the title match. i can see edge/cena being the austin/rock feud and i hope cena will say something like "i need to beat u, edge, more than anything else."
Should Orton win at Wrestlemania? Yes. Will Triple H ultimately win the feud? Yes.

Orton is a great heel, and it would be great for him to beat Hunter at 'Mania, and move on with the belt. However, Triple H is "the man" in the WWE, let alone Smackdown. He'll end up winning the belt back, and it won't be pretty. If the storyline goes the way it has been, Triple H is going to bring out his sledgehammer, and Orton is going to get acquainted with it rather well. This will bring out the Triple H that we all know and love, and we'd all pay to see him beat the crap out of Orton on any PPV.

Considering the number of title changes recently on Smackdown, I'd be surprised if Triple H wins. I'd also continue to stop watching. The product has been far too predictable, and hasn't given us a reason to watch, outside of a surprise Hardy title win, and an un-surprising Hardy title loss. Orton winning would definitely shake it up, and would make it worth the two hours of time on Friday night.
Orton should win, and Orton will win.

I don't think it'll be a clean victory, which will set up a rematch and keep this feud going post-Wrestlemania. Like i've said before, a McMahon is going to get involved.. it's going to happen and we all know it. The question is who, and I believe it'll be Mr. McMahon, he's been off tv for a while since the punt and Wrestlemania is when he'll come back.

I believe he will help Orton win the belt, which as I stated before will keep this feud going longer. Something will happen where Shane takes out Legacy, Stephanie is out of the equation for some reason maybe Legacy attacks her causing Shane to attack them, I dunno. But it will end up with HHH and Orton both down, the referee out, and Mr. McMahon's music playing as he walks to the ring. He'll wait for both men to stand, with all the fans cheering wildly anticipating he's going to hit Orton, but instead he'll hit HHH and seal Orton's Mania victory.

Orton will be the new Champ, if not then I quit watching WWE.
I surely hope Orton wins he has become my favorite wrestler over the last year and I don't usually like Heel characters. But you never know with Triple H McMahon. Orton has become in essence the new Stone Cold of this era they need Orton to be champion it only makes sense the best guy in the company with belt. But I wouldn't be surprised if Orton loss at Wrestlemania.
He should win. I don't think he will thou. Can anyone acually think Trips will let Orton go over for him at the biggest show he has been on and for the 5th time in 5 years he will loose at Mania? Does anyone actually see that happening at all. I certianly don't. I see him loosing twice then on his last rematch at ONS or Judgement day and finishing another feud they have had. Now lets say if HHH does want to let Orton go over then this gives the WWE title another title change. The 5th in 5 months to be exact, how will this look good for the WWE title. It will look like a hor. Yes i don't like it either either. And lets say Orton does win what happens to the titles and Orton and Edge/Cena? Will Orton go to SD or stay on Raw. Will Cena/Edge go/stay on SD. Will the titles change shows once again? It is all very confusing and I hope Orton wins but I highly doubt it will happen.
I think Triple H has to let Orton win here. He's the champion, but the angle is about more than that..it's about revenge and Trips defending his wife, and consequently, the whole McMahon family. How would Triple H winning in their first ppv match (in this feud) and successfully defending his title accomplish that?
No in my eyes Orton wins this and they finally allow him to prove that he is Trips' equal and that the Legacy as well as the Age of Orton is truly upon us. The main faction in the company will finally have the world title after months of working towards it (Cody & Ted will likely win the tag titles around this time as well)...but that certainly won't end it. I agree, Orton will get his moment in the sun but Triple H will win the feud. I can't see with how personal this thing is already and likely will be following Wrestlemania, this thing ending in any way other than a HIAC at Judgement Day or ONS.
You know. To be completely honest. I think this has a very strong chance of ending in a DQ. I know everyone and their mother and grandmother will be pissed about a title match at WM being ended in a DQ. But think about it. Trips is fucking PISSED about what Orton did to Stephanie. If I was him, I would go full blown crazy when I got my hands on him. Do anything in my power to just beat the shit out of him. It would make sense. But people would also get very pissed with it.

I do think that Orton will go over here. I'm just not quite sure how yet. I think it could possibly end in a DQ though. Unless they make it a NO-DQ match quite similar to Austin/Rock WM17. We shall find out...hopefully.
LOL The political king. OK so the defeaning cheers whenever he wins or his music hits that all his stroke too? He obviously has total control over that aswell.

Get Over Yourself.

Triple H hasn't had a long run in a few yrs. Sure he's always in the main event spot but thats cause he is "That Damn Good" and is a huge drawcard and will be the future of the company outside the ring

If ya think he was that egotistical why he woulda let Orton win it off him the first time? or Edge repeatedly beating him? or Shelton benjamin beating him 3 times in a row or even jeff hardy gettting over on him. or for that matter let anywone beat him ever!!!

And how many times has he won at WrestelMania? very few.

Hell if i was in that boat and was the bosses Son-in-law i'd expect preferential treatment and have to win at the biggest PPV of the yr every time.

Grow a brain, he does what Vince tells him to do just like everyone else. Does he have some say in how the match goes sure, but in the end it's Vince McMahon's/Creatives decision

if ya don't like it don't watch.

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