Wrestlezone is now named Ferguson. MR Ferguson

Hey Mr. Ferguson, I need advice. I've taken this rich guy hostage but his relatives won't pay the ransom and now all he wants to do is small talk and I hate small talk. Should I cut off a limb or something?
Hey Mr. Ferguson, I need advice. I've taken this rich guy hostage but his relatives won't pay the ransom and now all he wants to do is small talk and I hate small talk. Should I cut off a limb or something?

I may not be Ferguson, but if I may suggest, perhaps your ransom request isn't hefty enough. If you're low-balling them on the dollar amount, they likely think you're a joke, and won't work with you. Try doubling, or even tripling, the request.
As you are all aware, i have recently started posting here. A few things about myself.

- I consider myself to be extremely good looking. I am with a lot of beautiful women and have been many beautiful women. I consider women a hobby. My view of them is lets say quite historic. I am filthy rich. I won't disclose my occupation but i will say i earn more than all of you combined. That's right each and everyone of you. I love fast cars. I love travelling. I love being the best. I am the best. I love being better than everyone at everything. It makes me feel special. I love beating my friends at sports and stealing their girls. I love sport. I am great at sport. People flock to me. They are amazed at how good i am at every single sport. I am amazed as well. I love watching sport. Overall i have a high opinion of myself. For a reason. I am a rich social god. People desire me. They want to be me. Oh and did i see i have cash coming out of my ears? I have an ability to always be right. I have gift of the gob. I can talk my way through anything. My dad is jealous of me and we don't get along.

= My intentions for this site should be quite clear. I plan on taking over this site. I plan on being this site. I plan on making this forum my own.

= I am the best poster here bar none. No one comes close. No one is on my level. To me you are all just a bunch of wrestling nerds. People who are scared of sunlight. People who are sacred in the face of women. People who are intimated by their own kind. Saddos. I had a look at the 'post my pictures thread' and the fashion is just down right awful. You are all ugly. That's a given but at least have a sense of style. Over-sized suits, unshaped hair and graphic t shirts. Not cool. I plan on improving this by creating a thread criticizing members of this forum on their appearance.

= I plan on creating a whole new posting style in the spam zones. I call it "one word posting". One word posts are cool. They are hip and they help you to take control of any situation. It is an adequate yet less revealing way of showing your wrestling thoughts.

Now, this is where the MR Ferguson era starts.

Kind regards MR Ferguson.

I think the highlighted part speaks for itself.

Too bad you can't buy away stupid...
Thank You. You have potential and really you shouldn't be here. People love positiveness. If you want to make the connections that i have, get off this nerd convention and keep being positive.

Did he just suggest a convention worth of nerdy hand-jobs?

I KNEW there was something off about this ******...

Also, capitalize your I's. As if your fake arrogance wasn't off-putting enough, your ignorance of proper grammar is slightly annoying.
I'm busy tonight.

I'm Busy Tonight. I know you all want me to post, but you can all wait. I'm in the power position.

Kind Regards, MR Ferguson

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