Wrestlezone is now named Ferguson. MR Ferguson

Ofcourse the alpha nerd has to show his pimply face in my domain. He does to show everybody that he is still around and that he needs to be the center of attention. The alpha nerd already feels threatened by me and therefore already decides to make me his enemy. He quotes other nerds to make them feel as though he is on their side. Therefore mustering false support.

I'm going to tell you now. Your time here is limited. Your getting in my way. You're a social cockblock. Guys like me. Confident rich guys like me are great at getting rid of cockblocks.

You see, my path to dominating this forum is a long straight road. There are a few obstacles in my way like you. I can either drive over you or you can move out of my way.

Kind regards, MR Ferguson.

.....:shrug: Who are you, again?

take the motherfucker, the fuck do I care? Its a fucking internet wrestling forum :lmao:

Its fairly clear you take this a bit more seriously than I do, Mr.Cool stuff.
Don't ever use the word seem again. It's a sign of weakness. Insecurity. Next time you wish to challenge me use have instead of seem

Best wishes, MR Ferguson.

Grammar lessons from Mr.Sentence fragment, himself. As soon as you fix that, like Salv fucking told you to, then maybe you can tell others how they should address you.

A pity you spent none of that opulent fortune on a shred of education. Clearly.
Ofcourse the alpha nerd has to show his pimply face in my domain. He does to show everybody that he is still around and that he needs to be the center of attention. The alpha nerd already feels threatened by me and therefore already decides to make me his enemy. He quotes other nerds to make them feel as though he is on their side. Therefore mustering false support.

I'm going to tell you now. Your time here is limited. Your getting in my way. You're a social cockblock. Guys like me. Confident rich guys like me are great at getting rid of cockblocks.

You see, my path to dominating this forum is a long straight road. There are a few obstacles in my way like you. I can either drive over you or you can move out of my way.

Kind regards, MR Ferguson.

Out of respect I should probably tell you Norcal's not an "alpha nerd," he's in the military and could probably bench press your mother plus any 2 of her fat friends

The rest of them though? Nerds.
thank god norcal's been defended.

he was practially the princess peach to ferguson's bowser.

If he tried to deem Norcal a nerd any further it would have probably just become [more] depressing, unless KB randomly popped in and posted the picture of norcal holding that puppy that KB plasters everywhere
If he tried to deem Norcal a nerd any further it would have probably just become [more] depressing, unless KB randomly popped in and posted the picture of norcal holding that puppy that KB plasters everywhere

Which was created about 30 pounds, two tours, and 12 hours of tattooing ago.

Your attempts at getting heat aren't working.

Nerd one: Needs improving.
Nerd rating: 4/10. Follower Nerd

.....:shrug: Who are you, again?

take the motherfucker, the fuck do I care? Its a fucking internet wrestling forum :lmao:

Its fairly clear you take this a bit more seriously than I do, Mr.Cool stuff.

Nerd Two: Need major improving. Perhaps beyond repair. Wait noone is beyond my repair.
Nerd rating: 9.2/10 - Alpha Nerd. Leader of Nerds. Delusional.

I'm impressed by your first year college level of Psychology, Mr. Ferguson.

Nerd Three: Needs improving.
Nerd rating: 5/10 - science nerd. Brainy nerd.

Out of respect I should probably tell you Norcal's not an "alpha nerd," he's in the military and could probably bench press your mother plus any 2 of her fat friends

The rest of them though? Nerds.

Nerd Four: Needs Improving
Nerd rating: 5/10. Just there Nerd

thank god norcal's been defended.

he was practially the princess peach to ferguson's bowser.

Nerd Five: Needs Improving.
Nerd rating: 7.8/10. Moaning Nerd. The difficult nerd.

I'd hardly say plasters.

Nerd Six: Can't improve. Too late
Nerd rating: 7/10. Old Nerd. The wise nerd.

It's because he's cuddling with exactly 605 puppies.

Nerd Seven: Need Improving
Nerd rating: 6/10. I have no idea who this guy is. Therefore the shy nerd.

The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;3803472][B]This is true. [/B] [B][COLOR="Red said:
This is also True[/COLOR][/B]

This is quite evident, since you have yet to make a point of any kind...

Nerd Eight: Needs Improving.
Nerd rating: 8.1/10. The dumb nerd. The big nerd with zero education.

I wonder where Fergie is right now.

Nerd Nine: Needs Improving.
Nerd Rating: 8/10. The annoying 14 year old kid nerd.

9 nerds. 9 nerds that need be cured.

By your's truly, FERGUSON. MR Ferguson.
In the shortened form of Mister, it should be "Mr.", not "MR". You sound like a ****** playing funny bunny with George Steele's Barbers' nutsack.
I thought you were only doing one word posting Fergie. Kinda contradicting yourself there.

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