Wrestlemania XXX: Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar

Heh, interesting.

Okay, I gotta say though: As much as people say that the Undertaker should've never lost at WrestleMania, was there something truly to be gained by him continuing the streak? I think you can argue for the law of diminishing returns after he hit 20-0.

I figured he wouldn't lose it to Lesnar, but to someone like Reigns or Wyatt on the grounds that they could stand to gain from the win. What's Lesnar really got to gain from this? It's not like he's going to be putting on very many matches/feuds for the WWE, unless they are looking at giving Lesnar the UT's spot in WrestleMania from here on out.
I'm not angry about the match ending the streak. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I'm angry about the match not living up to the quality of the matches that came before it. Undertaker deserved a much better match to go out on.
I think it's crap that Lesnar broke the streak. It should have gone to a full time guy that will actually work the schedule and carry the torch not a guy that is here then leaves for a while and comes back again. That is what I hate about it.
This rules out the possibility of a Lesnar face turn. He will forever be the top, monster heel he was supposed to be. If they can get him to work full-time we are in for some amazing feuds in the near future. He could feud with the likes of Bryan, Orton, Batista, Sheamus and possibly even Reigns and Cesaro. Just think of the possibilities.

I'm still shocked (in a good way) that Taker kicked out of Sweet Chin Music+Pedigree but couldn't kick out of the F5 and that Brock broke Hell's Gate and kicked out of Last Ride+Tombstone.
A truly tremendous send off for the greatest professional wrestler that ever lived. Brock Lesnar may be a questionable man to end it all, but it's obvious that Undertaker has reached the end of the road. WWE penciled Lesnar as 'Taker's opponent and Undertaker could've probably made the decision himself.

The way I see it, it's better to give that rub to someone even if it's the part-timer Brock Lesnar, then let it go to waste. Undertaker did what many legends do at the end of the road. Put someone else over. No matter who would end it, be it Punk, Cena, anyone, the reaction would've been the same. Mad respects to the legendary Deadman. The next step is obvious. Headlining the 2015 Hall Of Fame.
Wasn't there an article or something a few years ago where Undertaker had wanted to lose to Lesnar, but Lesnar walked out before it could happen? Maybe Undertaker doesn't hate Lesnar as much as we think he does?
WOW. As a guy who grew up watching Taker, and Taker still being my favorite wrestler of all time, I'm in utter shock.

To be honest, I'm actually ok with the streak being ended, even though I would've preferred Taker to retire with the Streak intact. But I suppose being the old school guy that he is, that's just the way he rolls.

And I was really surprised by the reaction of the crowd to the ending and especially to Brock Lesnar. I guess everyone expected nuclear heat on the guy who ended the streak, but when it finally happened... there was just dead silence, and it was like Brock Lesnar didn't even EXIST; it was like he had just vanished right into thin air, and all that was left was the greatest living legend in this business, lying on the mat in dead silence of 75.000 people, who in all likelihood has just hung up his boots for good.

I'm a bit bother with it being Brock Lesnar though, as he is not "one of the boys" and just a part-timer... but maybe the choice is not that bad, as ending the streak would've forever stigmatized any full-timer's career and turned that guy eternal heel.

But as a huge Taker fan, I just would've wished Taker's "Last Ride" to be a bit more special. The buildup this year was just average, the match wasn't his best either... and you could tell by the crowd's reaction that the people were in no way ready or prepared to let Taker go already, especially not in this fashion.

I'm also not sure if this was the plan all along - I could also imagine that the plan originally was for Taker to go over, but Taker just decided in the last few days before the event that he couldn't or didn't want to do it anymore, called Vince and said: "That's it". And that was it.

Well, then that's the last of my childhood heroes from the wrestling scene most likely gone... guess I too gotta grow up sometime.

Sic transit gloria mundi.
Well that was shocking...it needed to end though. Taker clearly couldn't do much of anything tonite. To the people saying that it should have been someone else, I agree BUT you have to consider the possibility that Taker didn't know it would be his last match until half way through the build of his match with Lesnar. If the WWE was faced with the decision to either have Lesnar end it or taker retire undefeated, than I say the WWE made the right decision here. A lesnar rub is better than no rub.

RIP the streak. And Taker I hope you relax and enjoy the rest of your life. You are truly one of the greatest of all time.

btw this pretty much let us know that DB is 100% winning the belts.
I'm good with this. Taker didn't look like he had the fire anymore. I know that was probably all a work, but still...he's 49...let him retire. I love the undertaker. But he doesn't look like the dead man from my memories.
I don't understand the logic of having him lose this close to retirement. The Streak was his biggest accomplishment, now it looks like he'll be going into the Hall of Fame 21-1?!! It makes no sense to me.
That was just shocking. It took me a good 20 minutes before it sunk in. You know the feeling, after the third F5, I was simply sipping in my tea when suddenly the referee's hand slaps the mat for the third count. It was a shocker.

I am still not sure what to make of this. But hats off to one of the best performers ever. The send off was pretty much perfect. I don't know if Brock's the right guy, but well, streak is over.
People need to calm down. When you cut out the backstage political bullshit and look at this character-wise, it makes perfect sense. Brock standing there at the top of the ramp having achieved the greatest feat of all time, staring back as the ultimate victor was powerful. Brock is the ultimate heel, he took your dreams and your hopes away. You cast him aside and he destroyed that which could not be slain. There's a new greatest villain in town.

His name is Brock Lesnar.
BS... Brock Lesnar did not deserve to be the guy. They should have put a full timer over. And definitely someone they thought would be around for a while. Now Brock probably disappears until Summer Slam. Stupid!
Am I the only one who thought this could happen and it was a brilliant move and a good sign they signed Sting?

Taker tries to Retire saying there's nothing left for him and out comes Sting - NOW either man can win and if Sting does win he's not breaking the streak... It can be a year of Sting trying to get Taker back into the ring after he lost the fire..

That said I wonder how much money Vince McMahon, Lesnar, Taker or Paul won betting on the outcome since I believe the odds were insane in takers favor.
old school wise, the only way to go out, is on your back. austin knew it. the rock knows it, and taker, the oldest old schooler of them all, knows it. shocking, yes. but that is how wresling is supposed to be.
I can't believe people actually left the stadium in digust. Fucking marks, the lot of them.

The Streak did no one any good by going unbroken.

Lesnar is the only man who gives zero fucks about legacy, and the only mother bad enough to handle the heat.

And let's be real, do people honestly believe Vince forced Taker to job?

Undertaker is old school and wants to go out on his back. It was undoubtedly his call, and he just forged the new final boss of the WWE, who should have Hitler levels of heat tomorrow night.
Well, it was Vince's call. The Streak was ended by arguably one of the most talented pro wrestlers there's ever been; whether it means shit to Lesnar is his own business, I guess. I would've been fine if Taker retired undefeated at Mania, but this works too.

And 3...2...1... I'm over it. What's next?
I can't believe people actually left the stadium in digust. Fucking marks, the lot of them.

The Streak did no one any good by going unbroken.

Lesnar is the only man who gives zero fucks about legacy, and the only mother bad enough to handle the heat.

And let's be real, do people honestly believe Vince forced Taker to job?

Undertaker is old school and wants to go out on his back. It was undoubtedly his call, and he just forged the new final boss of the WWE, who should have Hitler levels of heat tomorrow night.

Completely agree. I think Brock was the perfect candidate. You now have an unprecedented level of heel with one of the best mouthpieces in the business. WWE is onto the ultimate winner here.

Keep in mind that somebody you think is more "deserving" might have been too much of a risk. Besides, no matter who it was, you all would have been pissed.
At first I was confused and angry. I think it was undertakers call. He looked done in the ring. The match was slow. Not an awful match, kinda wish someone else had gone over though. Maybe it's to put lesnar vs Bryan. Who knows.
At first I was confused and angry. I think it was undertakers call. He looked done in the ring. The match was slow. Not an awful match, kinda wish someone else had gone over though. Maybe it's to put lesnar vs Bryan. Who knows.

Exactly my thoughts. It was that slow, I actually fell asleep after about 5 minutes, and then woke up about a minute before the final F-5. I am now very disappointed in myself for doing so..
It was a moment of disbelief. I did not expect Lesnar to be the one. I did notice, though, that there at the end, Undertaker said something to him as he went to pick him up for that last Tombstone. Maybe it wasn't the plan all along? Heyman seemed pretty shocked, too. That, plus the fact that it took awhile for the music to hit and stuff. Maybe it's just me...
While I have wanted the streak to end for a few years now, I was content with the idea of never seeing it end. I am so happy WWE gave me that jump out of my seat moment with Brock beating the streak. I can't remember the last time I was that excited over a result. I'm sure Taker was fully on board with this as with how huge the streak is I can't imagine Taker having no say over it. This just tells me that this is the way Taker wanted to go out. With his love for mma I'm sure he respects the hell out of Brock and saw him as a worthy guy to end the streak. That is also why we probably got all those submission exchanges as Taker is really into that stuff.

And if..... if this victory is the thing that spearheads Brock into fulfilling more dates than this is a really good thing as there is nothing wrong with more Brock. He is in his mid 30's, a bonafied main eventer that can absolutely go in the ring. WWE needs as many of those guys as they can get.
if I should give them credit for delivering the most unexpected ending to any match in any event since Hogan's heel turn back in '96.

You shouldn't because the irony of you mentioning Hogan is that Taker's Streak was the only way to properly turn Cena heel. The only situation that it would have been mutually important enough.
You shouldn't because the irony of you mentioning Hogan is that Taker's Streak was the only way to properly turn Cena heel. The only situation that it would have been mutually important enough.

Don't impose your lack of imagination on everyone else.

I don't really for care Lesnar being the guy who ended it and I was certainly shocked when it happened, but I'm cool with it being done. His best matches are behind him now and if this one was any indication of what we could expect from him in the future, the time to pull the plug was now.

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